
Happiness isnt always the outcome

“Now, Darlin,” said Theresa’s mother, Geneva, as she tugged a small brown jacket around Theresa’s neck,“ Be careful going down to the lake alright?”

Theresa smiled at him momma standing above her. “Momma nothings going to happen. I’m just going down to the dock.” Assuered Theresa.

“You never know.” Warned her mother. “Stop worrien mama.” Said Theresa as she backed away from her scared ma. Before she went out the door her father appeared. Little Theresa knew she said the wrong thing as he approached her and picked her up as if she weighed nothing. Which she did. “Theresa Marie. You better listen to you ma.” Said her pa in his stern voice. With a knowingly nod he set her down by the door. “Yes, Sir” said Theresa. Her father opened the door to see three white British soilders fully armed. The gasping mother pulled her daughter back away from the door. Theresa’s pa slammed the door in their faces and nearly dragged his wife down the hall, Theresa in his arms. He looked out the back door to find yet two more men outside the door armed as well. With nowhere to go he pulled his wife into the room along with Theresa. Carrying Theresa to the closet he set her down. The sound of the front door bursting open made Theresa jump. She didn’t understand what was going on.”Stay here and don’t move! You hear?” ordered her pa. She nodded slightly. “Pa whats……” “No Theresa! No time for questions!” he said. He then grabbed his wifes arm and pulled her in the closet as well. She stepped forward but was halted by his huge hands. He pushed her back. “No Geneva. Stay here!” he demanded. Genevea gave her husband a worried look. “No! I’m going with you!” Geneva said as she stepped forward again. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back into the closest. Hard. “I said no! And no means no!” he said. She gave him a worried look before he closed the door. Geneva glanced down at her worried daughter. She knelt down and toke her in her arms. “It’s ok darling. It’s ok.” She said as she pulled her daughter under the clothes. “Mama what’s happening?” said Theresa in a scared voice. “Shh. It will be ok.” She said as she picked Theresa up and put her behind her away from the door. Rumbling sounded outside of the room. Three gun shots flared and something large fell to the ground. The whole time Geneva had her hands over her daughters ears as she sobbed quietly. The door burst open causing Theresa to think the worst. Hard footsteps moved around the room. Pulling things off of shelves and dressers. There was a low mumble from the people outside. The footsteps grew louder as it reached the closet. Geneva pushed Theresa against the wall. She let out a small whimper. Without warning the closet doors where flung open. The tall man in black and blue yanked Geneva to her feet. She struggled as she tried to get away from him. She dug her elbow into the mans stomach. She fell to the ground and crawled to the closet. He was going to kill her and the only thing she can think of was her beloved Theresa

The once a family. Now a orphan

Two men were still searching the house and one standing by the door. The man reached put and caught Geneva by her hair and pulled her up. She let out a scream as the put the gun to her neck. Unable to hold back Theresa jumped from the closet and jumped on the mans back. Geneva was roughly pushed to the wall as the man struggled to get the girl off of him. The man by the door ran into the room and pulled the girl off of him. Geneva tried to come to her daughters aid as the man slapped her across the face and pulled her over his shoulder but she was stopped when a gun was in front of her face. Blood streamed down the mans face. “what do you want?” stuttered Geneva in a shaky voice. He answered by grabbin
g her by her upper arm and pulling her against him. “Let me and my daughter go!!!” struggled Geneva. Theresa struggled as the man carried her out
of the room and down the hall. “Move!” ordered the man. She jumped then did what he commanded. Geneva didn’t have to turn around to know the
gun was behind her back. Staring at her. Theresa screamed and kicked at the man holding her. The man gripped Theresa’s leg painfully. Wide eyed,
Geneva stepped to help her when she heard the gun click. She gasped as the man behind her grabbed her and pulled her back toward him. “Do you
want me to kill you?” he snarled in her ear. She began to shake as he half pulled, half pushed her out the door. Theresa was still fighting the man
holding her when he set her down and hit her with the butt of his gun. She fell to the ground with a cry. “Theresa!” Yelled Geneva she jerked out of
his grip and ran to Theresa. She knelt next Theresa crying. Theresa moaned as she gripped her mothers arms. The two men had a enough of it.
One of the two men grabbed Geneva by the hair and hauled her to her feet. He then positioned his gun under her neck. Geneva’s eyes widened in
pain as he pushed in further into her neck preventing her to breathe. Theresa scrambled to her feet and went for her mother. But she was stopped
when a large hand went around her waist. She wiggled in his grip but was unable to go any further. Closing her eyes she fought the man as he tried
to grab her wrist, and succeeded. The sound of a gun shot made her eyes burst open as she watched her mother crumble to the ground. “No!!!”
yelled Theresa, as she wiggled even more. She managed to free herself from the man's grip. She sobbed as she laid over her mothers body. Still a
pulse. She can save her. But before she could do anything two strong hands were placed on her upper arms hauling her to her feet. Theresa
screamed and kicked at the man. The man had had enough. He set her down and slapped her across the face so hard that she fainted. The man
picked her up and threw her over his shoulder while she dangled over his shoulder. "Thank God!" mumbled the man holding her. The other man
chuckled. "Yeah." said the other man as the approched the stolen horses. Lifting the sleeping girl on the horse he got on behind her. Heading beck
to camp.


Theresa moaned as she woke. The cold breeze woke her fully. Opening her eyes she looked around to see that she was in a dark cold cave. Up on her hands and knees she began to crawl when her head hit something hard. *Dink!*
She reached up to feel hard, cold, metal. A cage. *Great!* She groaned as pain came into her side. Hearing footsteps she looked up to see a tall man walking toward her. "Ahh. So the little angel is up. Perfect." His deep voice boomed through out the cave. He opened the cage door and pulled her out. She yelped in pain as he pulled her by her little arm to the front of the cave. The brightness of the light blinded Theresa, for a few seconds. The man forced her to the cold ground. "Stay." Her ordered, treating her like a dog. Ugh. She stayed while he and two other men rounded up camp. All Theresa did was cry silently about her parents. "Girl," Theresa looked up just as a peice of bread and a apple was thrown in her direction, catching it easily,"Eat. We'll be leave soon." He ordered and walked to a pure white gelding. Boy, was he beautiful. His long white legs, curved jaw line, and his beautiful blue eyes. Theresa cocked her head. Most horses dont have blue eyes only paints. But it made him even more beautiful. Theresa's eyes fell heavy and she fell asleep, apple in hand.


Theresa woke to someone shaking her roughly. Gasping she look up to see the man stareing at her. "Get up!" he ordered. She jumped to her feet and was pulled towards the white horse. She felt hands on her waist as she was lfted intio the saddle. The man mounted behind her. He pulled something from his pocket. Revialing a knife. He put it up to her neck, gasping she leaned up against the man not knowing it. "Talk and get punished. Understood?" She stared from him to the knife before nodding.
<Ok Im switching to first person. Which is Theresa>
I, Theresa, began to get sleepy as the sound
of hoof beats made me drift.


I moaned when I woke the next morning. I peared around. great. Another cave. I pain came to my head which made wince. A man appeared infront
of me. His heavy foot steps made my head throb. "Get up!" he ordered. I just stared at him in horror and confusment. "I said get up!" he said
grabbing a bunch of my hair and pulling me to the front of the cave. I tried to hold back my scream and failed. He haulted me infront of the cave. It
was alomst day. "Stay!" he commanded. I didnt budge. He went to his white horse and rumadged thorugh the bag. I looked around. The ocean was
near by. Where was I? I was by the sea. I couldn't be far from home. Maybe if I just...... "Don't even think about it! Your not going to get away." said
the man carrying a bundle of clothes. he grabbed my arm and ripped my dress from my body. I yelped and fell to the ground. "Get up!" he ordered. I whimpered and stood up. He quickly and roughly pulled a blue riding dress over my head. He dropped a pair of black shoes on the ground. "Put them on." was all he said. I slipped my feet into the shoes without protest. He came up behind me and pulled something through my hair. I gasped in surprise. I tried to move away but he grabbed my arm and held me in place. "Be a good little girl. You want to look good for your owner." he purred in my ear. My eyes widen at the word "Owner". " Owner?" I choked out. Something made contact with the back of my head. I whimpered. "What did I tell you about talking!" he scolded. He waited for a response. A tear slid down my faceand i wiped it away. "Yes, Sir." I whispered. I stood still as he yanked the brush through my hair. Where was I going!! What is he talking about Owner!? My questions screamed through my head. All I wanted was answers. Finally He was done and had threw the brush in a bag on the ground. A white man came into the cave entrence. "He'll be here in half an hour." he said. I stared at him. "Perfect. She's ready." Said the man behind me. The man walked up to me. "Well don't you look pretty." he said. He reached out to touch my cheek. I knocked it away. "Fiesty little thing arnt yah!" he said grabbing my wrist and pulling me toward him. I whimpered. I squeezed my eyes shut as his hand went across my face. "She'll be perfect for Johnathon." Said the man who touched my cheek. "Yea,"said the man behind me, "we better get going." he pushes me forward and made me sit on the ground. "Stay." he ordered. I sighed and watched as he picked up the things in the cave. The sun was shining as I was lifted in the saddle.

The Captian and his wife

After a few more hours of riding He stopped the horses.

The tantrum, the misunderstanding

"Come with me child. Lets go up to the decks to see when we will take off." Said Angela. I just stared. " mean I am never going to see my family again?" I nearly choked out the words. She gave me a worried look. "I heard from my husband that your parents are dead. Im sorry dear." She repilied. I lost it. I couldn't hold it in anynmore. "No! No!! My parents died cause your stupid men killed them!! Killed them!! I hate you! I hate your stupid husband aswell!! I hate you all!!!" i yelled. I then reached over and threw the brush at her and fell to the floor and cryed. The door then burst opened. "What the hell!!" Yelled Jonathon. "What happened!!!" He demanded. "She....uh....I....uh" Angela stuttered. I continued to cry. "Huegs pick her up!" he demanded. Hand came under my arms and gently picked me up and put me on my feet. Through my blurry eyes I could see Johnathon gripping Angelas arms. "What happened!!" He demanded again. "I gave her the dress and got her ready for.....dinner. Then I told her to follow me up to the deck to see when we would take off....," She stuttered. The furious man toke no time off. "Then!?" he yelled. "She then started screaming about her parents being dead, yelling that she hated me and everyone in the ship. She then threw the brush at me." She managed to get out. "She hit you!" He yelled. He picked up the brush and came at me. "No," Yelled Angela," Oh Jonathon! Please dont!!!" she gripped his arm tryng to pull him back. "She got over worked! She didnt mean it!! Please!! She didnt even touch me! She missed!!!!" She said. He stopped and stared at his wife, who was still clutched to his arm. I hiccupped and stared. Johnathon's gaze fell to me. His. Face. Was. RED! "Is that true!?" he demanded of me. I nodded. He continued to stare at me. Angela toke his face in her hands and pulled his face away."She didnt mean it, Jonathon." she whispered. He toke both of Angelas wrist in one hand and turned back to me. Angela yanked in Johnathos grip. He didnt budge. "Yes,Sir." I whispered. Johnathon let go of Angelas wrist and she rubbed them as he motioned her to sit. Angela did as he said. Wow. She acted like a obedient puppy to him. Johnathon walked towards me. Angela made a small noise. Johnathon stopped and looked at Angela. His look silenced her. Angela bent her head and kept quiet. She snuck looks as he approached me. he got down on one knee and forced my chin up to look at him. "Your hit my wife and I'll sell you to the South. Is that clear?" He demanded. I nodded quickly. I knew what the south ment. Even though I had never been a slave. He let go of my chin and walked to the door. He turned and stared at Angela. "Are you sure she didnt get you?" he demanded. Angela looked up and nodded. "Yes." She said. "Fine. Theresa!,"He yelled. I looked up," Come with me." he said. I toke a step forward before Angela let out a cry. "No!" She yelled running to Johnatho and clutching his arm once again. "Please dont take her to the lower decks. Please!!" she begged. Johnathon gently removed Angelas Deathly grip. "I wasn't. She is staying with me. I am going to watch her untill she behaves enough to stay with you." He said. Angela sighed loudly She began to turn away when johnathon grabbed her arm and pulled her close to him whispering something in her ear. She stared at him "But
I didn't mean...." he cut her off "No excuses." he said sternly. "Theresa. Lets go." He said. I nodded and followed him out. I am sooo stupid!!

The Captain, Owner and, *Master*

From up close johnathon was *very* tall. His pace as he walked along the ship deck was hard to catch up with. He soon stopped by some men and started talking. I looked around the ship. Boy was it big! "Hurry up!" he demanded. I looked up to see him plus five other men staring at me. "Come here!" He demanded. Hesitating I walked toward him. "Say hello." he said in a sweet but disgusting voice. "Hello...." I said in a small voice. "Finn, James, Sine, Fallin, Duckett. Ths is my new servant. Theresa." He said stareing hard at me. "If you hear,see, or is she disrespects anyone, Come find me immediantly. And spred the word around would you?" he said. The all said "yes sir" with a smile before walking past me. I kept me gaze down, knowing he was staring at me. He jerked his head to the side before spinning on his heel and walking away. I stood where I was, too afraid to move. He sinced it. "Come on!" he said roughly as he turned and stared at me. I bowed my head and followed him. He went to a door and opened it. "Get in here!" he roared. I jumped and went into the room. I heard the door slam behind me. i was about to turn around when two strong arms
grabbed my little arms and turned me around. Johnathon picked me up, walking a few feet and sitting me roughly ontop of a desk. He pulled the hem of my dress up slightly reviling my knees. I gasped and looked at him as he went around the desk and rumaged through the desk. I didn't dare look at him. I glanced around the room to see two chairs in one corner of the room along with a wooden table, just like the one in the bedroom. My mind snapped back to life when I heard something snap. I jumped at the sound. Johnathon came around and snapped what looked like a thin wooden stick across my legs. I squealed in pain and tried to move away when he roughly grabbed my arm and kept me in place. "Look at me!" he demanded. I ignored him and thought of the egging pain on my knees and upper legs. The stick snapped against my legs again. I hissed and turned and looked up at the man. He face was filled with anger. "If I ever. EVER!!! Hear that you have yelled at my wife I will whip your hind so hard you won't be able to stand! IS THAT CLEAR!" He demanded. I nodded quickly. He snapped it again. I winced. "With your voice!" he demanded. I nodded again. "Yes." I whispered. He snapped it again and I actually cried out in pain. "Yes Sir! You are to answer to me with that!!" He commanded. I
nodded again, tears coming to my eyes. "Yessir." I said, almost out of breath. He glared at me again before yanking the hem of my dress back down. He stroed away from me and put this stick back. "Get off my desk." He mumbled. I slid off the desk and fell to the floor. The drop was farther then I thought. I quickly got up. I turned and kept my head down as he worked. After a few seconds he sighed. "Go sit over there and be quiet. I will be done momentarilly." he said. I nodded and was walking toward the chair when he sighed loudly. I turned to find him glareing at me. "Do you need to have that lesson again?" He asked? I shoke my head. "I think you might just need that." he said getting up and taking out the stick. I panicked. "No sir." I said. He stopped and put the stick away, still glareing at me. I sat down and kept my mouth shut the whole time.


I sat for what felt like hours when I heard a faint knock on the door. I looked over at Johnathon to see he hadn't reacted. The sound continued. Still he didn't budge. I looked at him and got enough courage. "Ummm sir..?" I said. "What?" he growled, Looking up at me. I pointed to the door. Someone knocked on it again. He sighed and got up and went and opened the door. Angela appeared. "Hello darling I was just coming to...." SHe peared at me to see my eyes red and the same as my knees. She gasped and slipped past him into the room. "What did you do?" she said gaping at my legs. "It doesn't concern you, Angela." He said. She looked up at her husband. "I higly doubt that!" she scowled. She turned back to examin my knees. I winced when she touched them. The swolen pain on my knees returned. "Sorry." she said. I nodded a ok. "You'll be ok." She said. She patted my shoulder and helped me up. She turned and stared at her about to explode husband. "This was about me wasn't it?" She demanded. You punished her because she yelled at me for being a scared little ten year old who had just lost the only people who really cared about her." She went from half yelling to almost crying. Johnathon toke Angela in his arms. Seeing the door half open he glanced at me then outside the door. "Alexandra." He said. I heard a slight noise coming from out the room before a girl about in her teens appeared. Her hair was fair and long light
brown colored. She looked up at Johnathon. "Yes Sir?" she said. With a now muffling Angela in his arms he looked at me. I bowed my head. Taking small peeks up. "Take Theresa and show her around." he said softly. She cocked her head slightly, but obeyed him. She looked over to me. Beckoning me. I hesitated before folowing her out the door but not before looking back to see Johnathon pull Angela away slightly and giving her a serous look. I felt a tug on my hand and looked up to see Aleandria stareing at me. I followed her. She closed the door firmly before yanking me away. She pulled me down a flight of stares and through several doors. "Where are we...." "Shh! Not yet!" she whispered and pulled me along. I sighed and allowed her to pull me along. She pulled me through a door and closed it firmly. She tossed me on the bed. "What did you do!" she whispered sharply. I stared at him. "*I* didn't do anything!!" I tried to stand but she pushed me down. "You cant upset the mistress liek that!" She whispered sitting on the small bed. "I didn't." I said. She stared at me. "Then what happened?" She asked. "I freaked when I came on the boat." I stareted. "Oh." She said. "Did he whip you?" She asked opening the door. "No." I said with my eyes widening "Ok. Come on. I don't want Captian Johnathon to catch use down here. Then he'll whip both of us." she said going out of the door, when I didn't move She yanked my hand and pulled me out. "Ok." I said. She moved up to stare sand through the doors back to the deck. "Ok so this is the deck. Most of the men......" She countinued on and on from almost two hours.


Alexandria spent the next hour showing me what she was suppose to do on the ship. Her job was simple. She had to sweep the floors and clean the dishes. It was different for me she said. "I don't know whats gunna happen to ya. I came on me own free will." She said as she brushed her hand over a dapple like cats back. I stared at her in horror. Who would ever want to spend their life on a ship! It was ridiculus! She looked back at me. "Is somethin the matter?" she asked as she carried on down the deck of the huge ship. "Yes!" i practicly yelled. I peaked a look and saw three grudgy men working on some contraption. "Keep it quiet!" Scolded the taller man. I was about to say something when Alexandria grabbed my hand and pulled to the front of the ship. "You can't do that!" she scolded softly. I put my hands on my hips "And why not! They have no right to tell me what to do!" I stomped my foot hard on the wooden ground. "Stop!" she said grabbing my arm. "You can't do that cause they will probably tell Master Johnathon now! Then your gunna get it!" She said quietly. I glared hard at her. "I don't care what he does! He isn't the boss of me!"
I parcticly yelled at her. She just stared at me. I heard footsteps and Alexandria ran and hid behind a curtain. One of the Three men had come up to me. "What did I tell yah!" he growled. "Nothin! Now leave me alone!" I said pushing him out of the way from the door. Before I could get fully out the door the man spun me around and pulled me over his shoulder. "Let me go!!!!" i yelled. I beat my hands on his back. He ignored it and continued walking up the deck. I screamed and yelled for him to put me down. He refused. I knew where he was going, I struggled more and more. I screamed again then went silent when i heard a familiar voice. "Enough!" yelled the male voice. The grudgy man yanked me off his shoulder and onto the ground. "Ow!" I said silently. I looked up to see Johnathon standing above me. Glaring. He stared above me. "What happened Dan." his voice was firm. The man shifted behind me. I just stared down. "Little missy here wouldn't stop yellin. tryed to get her to stop. She didn't listin. She got a little mouthy with me and tried to get away. Thought it was best you'd deal with her." He said. I felt everyones eyes on me. I heard small feet rushing to the door. I looked up to see Angela. Hurt and confusion in her eyes. "Johnathon whats......" she couldn't finish because he held up a hand
to silence her. I toke the dare and looked at Johnathon. He was staring right at me. "Men. Dismissed be back in 2 hours to ready to sea", all the men left on his command, "Angela go visit your mother. You have two hours to be back here. If your not, I will come look for you and you wont like it." He said in his firm voice. She shoke her head. "No. No. I'm staying here. Please Johnathon. Let me talk to her. Please!" She begged, clinging to his arm. He pulled her hand away. "No. She's had her chance. Now go." he said in a soft but firm voice. "Oh please Johnathon! Please!!!!" She didn't back down. Hs face went rigid, grabbing her by the arm he unlatched her to his shirt. He whispered something in her ear and she stared hard at Johnathon then me. Johnathon got impatiant and wacked her on the butt and she jumped and walked away with out looking again. I stared after her, but not before someone gripped my arm and pulled me into the room. "Owch!" I yelled. "Let me go!!" I jerked in his grip. It was hard as steal. He slammed the door closed and dropped me to the floor with a small barely unheard thud. I didn't look at him.He moved across the room and opened a cabniet. I toke that moment to crawl over to the door. I yanked at it. Locked. Dangit! I spun back around to see Johnathon right infront of me. I gasped as he grapped me and pulled me over to his chair. He sat down and threw me over his knees. My eyes widened. I knew from experience with my father what he was going to do."No!" I said struggling under his grip. "No! Please don't!!" I begged trying to wiggle away. "Be still! You had this coming! it will only get worse if you struggle!" He said in a calm but commanding voice. I threw my hands back and tried to hit him. "Stop that this instant!" He damanded grabbing my wrist and pinning them against my lower back. "Keep them there or I will beat you harder." He said
realeasing my hands, I didn't dare move them. He pulled the hem of my dress up to my waist. I couldn't take it, I moved my hands infront of me and tried to push away from me. He sighed. "I warned you!" He said grabbing something off the table, it sounded like wood sliding against wood. I struggled again. He wacked me hard on my bottom. i gave out a small whimper. "Be still!" He ordered again. I gripped his calf as the spanks came. I didn't scream, but whimper. The spanks went from low to high then to the sesitive spot where my thighs connected to my bottom which made me squeal. My grip tightened on his calf. Tears fell from my face as it continued. After about 10 more minutes of spnaks he stopped and I slumped over his knees. I shoke and sniffled. He pulled me off of his knees and on to the ground. I stayed where I was, kneeling infront of him. He toke my chin and lifted it to face him, I looked away, ashamed to look at him. "Look at me girl, before you get punished again." he warned. I jerked my eyes around and looked into his deep brown eyes. "If you ever do that again I will beat you senseless! Is that clear?" He ordered. I nodded. "Yessir." I mumbled. He reliased my chin, stood, and put the paddle away. I stared at the ground, to afraid to move. He strode across the room doing several things before walking up to me. I thought he was going to hit me again. I crawled away from the chair. He turned it and sat down. I pulled my knees up and tucked my chin in, ust staring at him. After a few mnutes he turned to me. I jumped. "Go sit in that chair over there until I am finished with my work." He ordered. I hesitated then walked off towards the chair. I began to sit down but jumped back up when the pain returned to my bottom. he just stared and turned back around.
he was just too strange.

Sailing out....Or not..

After what felt like forever my bottom stopped hurting and Johnathon stood from his chair. It stood infront of me. I pulled my legs up to my chest. He placed his hands on his hips. "can I trust you to behave?" he asked me with a firm voice. I just stared and after a few seconds I blinked. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to behave.. I wanted to go home! I just nodded. "With your voice." was all he said. I hesitated. "Yessir." I mumbled. He glared at me before going to the door and unlocking it. "Get up. And if you say anything out of tone you will reseve another punishment. Is that clear?" He said waiting. I nodded. "Yessir." He glared again and walked out of the room. I followed him around the deck passing Alexandra. "You ok?" she mouthed. I shook my head and ran up to Johnathon, catching up. "Robert!" yelled Johnathon to a skinny man tieing a rope. He stopped and stared up. "Yes Captian!" He said. "Where is Angela?! She should have been back by now." he barked over the noise. I somehow had wondered to looking over the side of the boat, almost falling. Johnathon grabbed my arm and pulled me back."Stay still!" He growled. I stayed where I was while he talked to the man and gripped my arm painfully. The man dropped the rope to someone on the ground ner the boat, wipeing his brow. "I don't know sir. Shde went off an hour ago and didn't come back yet." He said glanceing at me. I shrank behind Johnathon, not wanting to be realised. "Oh alright. Dont port off yet. I've got to go do somethings." He said giving him a look. robert nodded and went back to his work. "Come on." he growched. "Your coming with me to find my wife. And if you even try to act up or run away you will not live to see the next day." he growled as he manovered to the exit of the boat. He climbed the side as I watched. "Come here." he said gesturing me forward. I stepped closer to the edge and he grabbed me around the waist and carried me over the side of the boat. I followed him down the steps. He jerked me around to look at him. "Behave." he growled. I nodded and followed him.

Uh oh.....

Johnathon kept pearing to his side to make sure I was still there. I didn't dare leave from the spot next to him. I was to afraid to.
He came up to the long wooden post and toke the reins of a bay gelding that was tied there. He flicked a gold coin to a young boy about in his teens. He caught it eagerly and hugged it to himself. "I'll be back soon. You'll get the rest later." he said lifting me up into the saddle. The boy nodded and looked at me. I just looked away. My bottom burned and stung. He was in the saddle in seconds. Johnathon yanked the reins around and took off towards the town. "Don't get any ideas." He purred in my ear. I shivered. "Yes, Sir." I whispered. The horse was going so fast that I began to slip out of the saddle. I squealed and tried to ajust in the saddle. Johnathos stared down when I yelped. He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me up close and against him. I felt uncomfortable and tried to pull away, gripping his arm, but he jerked me backward. "What did I tell you." He growled at me. I whimpered softly and stayed put. His deathly grip never left my waist. I kept my head down as we rode through the town. I blushed as people
stared. I wish i knew where we were. I felt his gaze move from left to right then down to me and back again. With out clear thougth or reason of some sort Johnathon yanked the horse to a halt. I gasped at the action. He quickly dismounted and pulled me off. He tied the reins very tight around a pole and yanked me around to stare at him. "If you *dare* move, you will wish you didn't. Is that clear!" He growled. I nodded. "Yes, Sir." I said stareing at him. He toke one last glare before he toke off into a old looking place. What was he doing? I gasped without knowing. He was goign into a bar. Oh god... I felt sick to my stomach. People stared at me as the past. Some even tried to pick and prode at me. When a drunken man came out of the saloon he eyed me and walked toward me.The horse reared in defense almost hitting a drucken man. I grabbed the reins and pulled the horse down. He refused. He reared again, snapping the reins off the post, brakeing them. "Easy stop that!" I yelled. He toke off after the man who had hit me. "Come back!" I yelled and ran after the horse without thought.

Johnathon's POV

I searched the room till my eyes landed on her. "Angela..." I whispered. I walked over to her. "Angela!" I growled in her ear. She stiffened. She turned and stared at me.
"W-what are you doing h-here?" she stuttered. I snatched the drink from her hand and pulled her to her feet. "I'll be asking the questions!" I growled. I pulled her out of the bar but not before I made her drink some water from a cup, getting the alcohol out of her system. "You are so done when I...." My voice trailed off when I opened the front door of the bar to see the both the horse and Theresa were gone. "Dammit!" I yelled. Angela flinched in my grip, bowing her head. She had known she had done wrong. "Where did she go! I am going to..." "She went that way." Said a voice behind me. I
stared at the man before nodding and pulling Angela with me.

Theresa's POV

I am sooo dead! I gripped the horses broken reins and pulled him back in the direction of the town. We were so far. I had chased him a long way. Ugh! We are never goign to get back! I stopped and hopped on the horses back. I dug my heals in and just as we reached town i slid from the horses back. I rounded the corner and saw Johnathon... with Angela dragging behind him. His face was pitch red. "Get over here now!" he ordered. I didnt hesitate. I walked up to him. He yanked me toward him. "What did I tell you!" He growled slappign me hard on my bottom. I winced. "I-I it wasn't my fault! A man hit me and the horse was defending me and toke off after him. I swear!" I stuttered out.
He growled and pulled me and Angela over to the near spooked horse. He lifted me then Anglea then finally himself up. Angela never said one word. We. Were. Dead.

Being sure

Johnathon's POV

"How could you do something like this Angela!" I scolded Angela as I lowered her out of the saddle. She didn't speak at all. "And you!" I growled yanking Theresa down. "Are going to wish you were dead by the time I get done with you!" I growled.

Theresa's POV

"I didn't run off, Sir! well I did but it was only because the horse ran off!" I said loosing my temper. He back handed me across the face making me fall to the ground. Angela came to the rescue. "Johnathon! She is just a child! Leave her alone!" She said pulling Johnathon away. I looked up and watched as he gripped her arm and pulled her into their room. "I'll deal with you later." He growled. "Alexandria!" yelled Johnathon. she came with in seconds Y-yes sir?" She said. "Get her out of my sight!" He growled closeing the door.

Life's defections

Angelas POV

"Johnathon." I said as my husband walked from one side of the room. He slammed his hand down on the desk causeing me to jump. "How could you do something like that! Do you know how embarrassed I was walking in there!" he yelled. I bowed my head, unable to look him in the eye. "I-I'm sorry.. I just have been so stressed out lately. I needed a drink.." I mumbled. "No reason!!And If you were sorry you wouldn't have done it! You know you will not go unpunished." he said softly. I knew this was coming. I closed my eyes and nodded. He went to the dresser, but not before the ship toke off out to sea, and pulled out a dark leather strap. He pulled the wooden chair out and stood staring at me. "Come here and bend over the chair. "Oh Johnathon please! Cant you just... s-s-spank me like you usally do? Please?" I begged. "No. This is way different from you just sassying me." he said pulling me toward him. "Johnathon! No!" I squealed trying to get away from him. He landed a hard slap to my bottom. "Owwwie!" I said
whimpering. He toke this moment the push me over the back of the chair. I tried to get away but he put his hand on the small of my back, holding
me down. "Be still!" he growled. I knew better then to try to fight him. I slumped in the chair as he pulled the hem of my dress up. My eyes widened
and I spun around. "Please Johnathon! You've never whipped me bare!" I whined. "Things change, I will whip you bare or not bare when you diserve
it. right now you do! And you have just tripled it! Now stay still!" he said turning me once more and bending me over the chair. He pulled the hem of
my dress up over my hips, pulling down my undergarments. My face reddened even before he started. By the 30th swat I was crying. I just wanted it to be over. He finally finished the next what felt like 20 and gently pulled me up straight. I was crying hard by that time. And like usual he told me to
go to my corner for 10 minutes. Which was plain agony because I wasn't aloud to rub my brusies.

Johnathons POV

I hated punishing her, but she needed to learn specailly after what she did. I also hated seeing her cry. Seeing Teresa crying only reminded me of Angela crying when we first married a year ago. Sighing I watched Angela as she muffled cries. She gasped when someone knocked on the door. She threw down her dress and sat down. Getting up I rounded the table and went to the door. Outside the door was one of the workers, Dan with the stable boy behind him. "What is it, Dan?" I said iretatedly. "Uh sir this boy says he needs to tell you sometin bout Teresa." he said pushing the boy up in front of him. Dan automatically walked off. "What is it. I paid you." I growled. The boy shook his head. "Its not that, Sir. Bout Teresa. I dint think it's my place but sir, Teresa was telling the truth when she said that Bathium, ma horse, chased that man. He's really protective you see...." "Alright get to the point?" I asked interrupting him. "The man Teresa said hit he was George Nade. He did hit her and Bathium was just defending her." I didn't say anything for a few minutes just stared. Anna keats silence broke out. "umm that's it's, sir. Bye.." he said turning away. "Wait." I said." I'd like to buy that horse of yours. All pay for him and for youto get a new horse and tack." I said walkingto my desk. "oh sir I couldn't. I have done nothing in return to you..." he stuttered. I shook my head. "Doesn't matter, That horse is protective, I've been looking fr a good horse for my wife anyway." I said not missing the sound of Angelas gasp.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.11.2010

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