
You are a cat walking in the forest alone.The trees tower over you.You suddenly catch a glimpse of fur and turn your head to see nothing.Baffled you keep walking and you see it again.A strong strange scent overwhelms your nose.You urn around to see a shadow.It appeared to be another cat.You inch closer curious.You finally catch a glimpse of its eyes.Its scent smells cold and ashy and very strong.Nothing like anything you smelt before.You know by the fur rising on your back this is not a normal cat.As it gets close enough you realize its eyes are not a normal cat color.They were blood red!.....


The trees rustled in the night, and the moon sat at its highest point in the night sky.The stars shine down on the forest below.An owl hoots in the distance as shadows stretched across the the moonlit clearing of the forest.As if there was a silent signal out of the shrubs appears a shadow.It moves steadily over to a steam that lay nearby.The shadow takes the shape of a cat.She was a ginger she-cat with warm green round eyes. Walking cautiously she pads to the edge of the tall grass and bent her head over to lap at the crisp droplets.A faint breeze stirred with a strong scent.
"Hello there."meowed a rusty voice out of the darkness.The ginger she-cat jumped at the unexpected guest and turned around to see a pretty long-hair brown tabby she-cat standing behind her.
"Oh,hello there i didn't see you there!"the ginger she-cat meowed to the brown tabby she-cat.
"What's your name dear?"meowed the white and light brown she-cat as she sheathed and unsheathed her claws as a grin appeared on her face.
"I'm Ema.Who are you?"meowed Ema curiously to the strange she-cat a cold lump settled in her stomach.
"My name is Victoria."meowed the strange she-cat as she stepped closer to Ema a wicked grin growing in her face.As Victoria got closer Ema's eyes grew wide when the two she-cats eyes met.Victoria had unusual eyes they weren't a normal color for a cat the were blood red!
"So where do you live?"Victoria asked the ginger she-cat as she rubbed up against her flank and sniffed at Ema's pelt as she gave Ema a lick.
Ema widen her eyes Victoria felt very cold and her tongue wasn't pink it was very pale and cold.Ema managed to answer her question"I...I o.. oo..over by that old log over there."
"Would you like to play?"asked Victoria as her lips drew up in a wicked grin revealing sharp white teeth as she sheathed her claws. Ema was confused why did Victoria come to play?Why is she so cold?Her eyes?everything came to one conclusion.She remembered her mother telling stories about these strange cats that live in the forest."They are as hard as stone and as cold as ice.They are very fast,very strong,strange eyes,and they feast on other cats blood.They are not alive and never age."she recalled her mother as she said this praise.They were called Vampirecats!She remembered Victoria's blood red eyes,very cold body,pale nose and tongue and it all made sense.
After a long pause Ema meowed"I know what you are!"
"What would that be?"challenged Victoria amused."Say it!"
"Vampirecat!"meowed Ema hastily as she stared at Victoria with wide bright green eyes as she can't believe what she's seeing is real.
"Are you afraid?"meowed Victoria deeply in a challenging tone.
"No."meowed Ema standing her ground to the Vampire she-cat. Victoria gave a low growl and meowed in a threatening meow,
"Bad answer!" Just then Victoria leaped at Ema knocking her to the ground winded but alive.Ema tried to get up frantically but Victoria was to fast.Victoria picked Ema up by the scruff and threw her to the ground very hard breaking her neck.Ema was dead in seconds.Victoria bent down and sunk her teeth into the limp she-cats neck and began gulping down the thick red liquid.


"Rocky over here look!"meowed a white tom as he dashed over to a limp unmoving body of a ginger she-cat.The white tom bent his head over and sniffed the body and checked for a pulse.
"Is she dead Frost?"meowed Rocky as a massive gray and white tom padded up and stood next to Frost and sniffed the body too.
"Yep she's dead."confirmed Frost as he sat back up and looked into his friends bright blue eyes.
"How did she die?"
"Look she has a bad broken neck."meowed Frost and his eyes grew and he meowed"There's no blood!"
"What!No blood how?"meowed Rocky shocked as he searched for any possible sign of blood but growled as he failed.
"I've heard that there are blood sucker cats out there called Vampirecats.You think that's what got her?"meowed Frost curious.
"I don't believe in that stuff!"snorted Rocky"They're just made up to scare kits!"
"They say they are as hard as stone and as cold as ice.Their eyes change color,their very fast,not alive,never age,suck blood from other cats,and are very strong."
"Myths!"hissed Rocky wrinkling his nose in disgust.
"Then why is there no blood??All her blood's gone!"meowed Frost challenging to the massive tom.
"Ema!Oh no Ema!"cried a distressed voice.The toms turned around to see a black she-cat racing to the body.Frost and Rocky backed away from Ema's body giving the black she-cat some room.
"Is she dead?"choked the black she-cat needing Ema's body as if that would bring her back."What happen?"She meowed looking back and fourth between the two toms.
"We do not know.We were out bumming and we found her body."meowed Frost
"Who are you?"asked Rocky to the distressed she-cat.
"Oh I guess I should have introduced myself my name is Puma."She bowed in greeting and then asked warmly"Then who would you two be?"
"I'm Frost and this is my friend Rocky."meowed Frost warmly as he introduced himself and Rocky.
"Nice too meet you Puma."meowed the massive white and gray tom bowing his head in greeting as well and asked"Were you and Ema close?"
"Yes she was my sister and yes we were very close."she mewed her eyes clouding up at the thought.
"I'm sorry."mewed Frost softly as he rubbed up against her jet black pelt to comfort her.
"We're both sorry Puma."meowed Rocky as he went to do the same thing and gave her a lick on the ear.
"It's ok things like this can happen it's not your fault she's dead."meowed Puma feeling a little better.
"Are you sure your going to be ok?"asked Frost gently to the black she-cat watching Ema's unmoving body with sad eyes.
"Oh yes I should be fine."Puma mewed softly to the white tom.
"Do you need any help with barring her?"asked Rocky
"Thank you for the offer I appreciate it.Yes I would like that"
Rocky went over and gently grabbed Ema by the scruff and the three went off toward Puma's area to help bury her sister.They stopped by the old log and found a spot by it to start digging.After they finished burying Ema they sat and had a vigil for her.
"You will be missed my sister."mewed Puma softly her eyes started to cloud up as she sniffed.Rocky rubbed up against her and licked her ear to comfort her.Just then the sound of rustling from behind made Frost jolt.
"What was that?"he meowed looking with curious blue eyes to the others.Frost thought he saw dark gray fur but turned and saw nothing.
"He he he"
"What's going on!"yowled Puma in shock searching the forest with confused eyes.Then her eyes grew large as a unfamiliar long-legged lean dark gray tom appear out of the shrubs.A smirk on his face.
"Who are you?"meowed Rocky in a challenging voice leaping in front of Puma.
"Wh..who are you!"whimpered the scared black she-cat.The fierce looking tom just moved closer to the three cats growling low in his throat.Frost jumped infront of Puma as well to help protect her .
"Were warning you!"Rocky gave a low growl in his throat.
"I heard you don't believe in Vampirecats.Am I right?"meowed the dark gray tom in a rusty voice to Rocky.
"Yes,I don't believe in them"shouted Rocky annoyed and shocked,"How did you know?"
"Who are you?"asked Frost
"Oh,I am Scourge and you are lets see Rocky yes and he is Frost.Then misses here is Puma am I right?"he meowed and his eyes flickered to Puma and grinned wickedly.He tried to inch closer to her but was blocked by the two toms infront of her.
"How did you know?"asked Frost shocked that the strange tom knew and eyed Scourge curiously.
"Oh,I've been spying on you all,"
"Stalker!"hissed Rocky ticked at how he knew.
"Why don't you believe Vampirecats?"Scourge meowed amused as if this were a game.
"I don't believe in that pill of fox-dung!"Rocky meowed loudly starting to get irritated.
"Why is that?"meowed the dark gray tom a low growl forming in his throat with a smirk on his face.He got closer to Rocky his eyes glaring as there eyes met Rocky stared in shock his deep blue eyes wide as he couldn't believe what he was seeing Scourge's eyes were a deep red!With his long fur starting to bristle Scourge rubbed against the massive gray and white toms flank.Eyes wide Rocky was shocked at how cold the strange cat felt it sent chills down his spin.His mine was spinning as he tried to figure this tom out.Scourge had red eyes and he felt as cold as ice and Rocky looked back on to what Frost said about Vampirecats.He shook his head not wanting to believe it.
"I think I know what you are."meowed Frost bringing Rocky out of his thoughts bringing in what was going on in front of him.
"What am I hmm?"the lean dark gray tom spun his head to the white tom his deep red eyes piercing into Frost's pale blue challenging him,"Go head spit it out!"
"Vampirecat!"meowed Frost firm his eyes locked on his.
"He is not a Vampirecat!He could just be messing with us!"growled Rocky annoyed not wanting to believe Scourge was real.
"No your friend is telling the truth Rocky."meowed Scourge heavliy as a smirk formed on his face pulling back his lips reveling white sharp teeth.Scourge ran and jumped like lighting up a nearby tree like it was nothing and back where he was just as fast a wicked grin on his face.
"A V..vv.Vampirecat?"mewed Puma in shock her eyes widen as she had witness all of this.
"Yes."meowed Scourge amused trying to move closer to Puma but was blocked instantly by Frost.
"I can't believe it!"growled Rocky he shook his head side to side irritated not wanting to believe it.
"Run!"growled Scourge threateningly as spun his head to face Rocky with his deep red eyes glaring piercing into Rocky's eyes.Scourge moved closer growling and jumped into a tree at lighting speed and flew at Rocky just as fast blowing into Rocky knocking him to the ground before Rocky could make a move on it and Rocky's right side got slammed into the ground hard enough breaking his ribs on that side.Scourge loomed over Rocky as he laid on the ground bleeding from his side as one rib broke though his flank and was shaking in shock and tried to get up but Scourge grabbed his scruff with his jaws picking him up with his great strength and shook him and released sending him tumbling down the hill and crashed into a bolder at the bottom his back legs were snapped and more ribs cracked as he lay with a look of complete fear in his widen deep blue eyes his long white and gray fur stained with blood as a small pool of blood trickled out of his mouth.Scourge was looming over him in an instance a gleam in his eyes.Frost raced down the hill shocked with the frighten Puma right behind him.Rocky was shaking in shock as he was losing blood.
"Do you believe in Vampirecats now?"meowed Scourge lowering his head to Rocky's ear in a rusty voice sending chills down his spin.
"Ye..yes!I believe!"whimpered Rocky still shaking his friends Frost and Puma stared in shock there eyes wide with fright.
"Now this is only going to hurt.."meowed Scourge,"A lot!"Scourge bit down on Rocky injecting his venom into his bloodstream as Rocky yowled in pain and twitching and kicking as the venom ran into his bloodstream as it was healing and changing him.Scourge released his grip his eyes gleaming as he watched as the venom was taking over Rocky's body.Rocky finally opened his eyes after minutes of yowling and Puma aghast in shock Rocky's eyes were no longer deep blue.They were blood red!
"What did you do to me?"cried Rocky staring at his friends as there eyes grew wide with shock.
"Don't worry I'll find you someone to drink."meowed Scourge heavy,"welcome to my Clan."
"Wh...what d..did you do to him?"whimpered Puma staring in shock at Rocky's face as he stared at her with complete fear in his blood red eyes that used to be deep blue.
"Rocky?"mewed Frost stammering"We're friends though."
"I'm sorry Frost."whispered Rocky sniffling,"I don't think we can be friends now i'm to dangerous for you."
"No.Rocky no."Frost stepped closer and nagged his paw pad on a root and tore it slightly making it bleed a little.
"He will spend the rest of eternity as a Vampirecat!"roared Scourge loudly as they all flinched,"This is my way of fun for you not believing we are real,Rocky!"the menacing dark gray tom meowed with a rusty purr rumbling in his throats he swung his head to the frighten Newborn Vampirecat Rocky staring with shocked now blood red eyes as Scourge stared intensely as if he were looking right through him.
"What's going to happen to me?"mewed Rocky starting to regain his strength and strangely felt stronger he bent his head over to lick his pelt but something was different.His fur used to be soft and silky but now coarse and rough.
"In the first several moons of the Newborn stage your senses are at there strongest and most uncontrollable and the only thing you will want most from now on is blood from other cats.You will learn eventually how to control it."meowed Scourge grimly casting wicked looks to the other cats."Now come with me Rocky!You belong with my Clan now so come along now!Stay close!"
"Now?Can't I say goodbye to my friends first?"mewed Rocky as a tear ran down his cheek locking eyes with Frost.Him and Frost grew up together and were the best of friends always.
"Fine but make it quick!"roared Scourge annoyed sheathing his claws on the ground giving threatening looks as Rocky moved toward his friends to say his goodbyes.
"I'm sorry."He mewed looking down at his paws"I can't stay Its too dangerous for you if i stayed."
" need you."whimpered Frost as Puma huddled close to Frost still staring at Rocky's eyes.
"She needs you more now.Please take care of her she's very freaked out right now."Meowed Rocky calmly flicking his tail at the frighten black she-cat.The sun was beginning to peak through the trees as it signaled morning coming.
"I promise.."meowed Frost standing up straight glancing down at Puma trying to keep his legs from shaking he felt as if he were standing on stumps and felt a little lightheaded.Puma scented his discomfort and rubbed against his flank and licked his ear.
"Come on!Lets move it!!"roared Scourge impatiently Rocky looked at the menacing tom waiting.
"I guess this is goodbye."mewed Rocky"I will never forget you Frost.We grew up together and you Puma.I know we just met but you are pretty cool and I will never forget you too."
"I enjoyed you too Rocky."the black she-cat gave a small purr."I will never forget you too."
"Me either"meowed Frost.
"Bye."meowed Rocky as he caught up with Scourge and they disappeared into the forest as if they weren't there.The Sun rose higher int the sky and the birds were quiet.
"Bye."mewed Frost.


"Rosalie over here!"purred Tanglefurry playfully as she caught sight of the pretty blond she-cat strolling out of the shrubs of the forest into there camp.She spun her head around to catch sight of the black she-cat acknowledging her with a flick of her tail and padded over to her.
"Hey Tanglefurry what's up?"
"Nothing much you?"purred Tanglefurry warmly with a spark in her purple eyes.The sun felt hot on her icy cold fur as she bent her head down to groom her pelt.There camp was surrounded by large shrubs and four tall oak trees,"The sun feels good don't you think?"
"I'm not really a big fan of hot weather I prefer it colder."meowed Rosalie wrinkling her nose with disgust."
"I think it feels good."agreed a black she-cat with white paws as she stepped into the clearing and was by the two she-cats in a second with amusement in her blood red eyes.Victoria.Victoria was there Clan's leader and was there best friend as well."I love the sun."
"You two are crazy."purred Rosalie rolling her dazzling lavender eyes."I can't wait till leafbare!"
"Lets go wander in the forest."meowed Tanglefurry giving Rosalie a playful swat on the ear.Birds in the trees sang their songs and the leaves rustled slightly in the light breeze.
"Okay sounds like a good idea!"agreed Victoria as she bent her head down to lick her coarse jet black fur.
"I agree too!"purred Rosalie as she stood up padding the ground anxiously.The three she-cats started off into the forest.They walked together taking in the scenery.
"Look a squirrel!"purred Rosalie loudly in amusement as her lavender eyes followed the critter as it ran up a tall maple tree.
"Wow really Rosalie?"Tanglefurry gave a purr and playfully swatted the blond she-cat on the ear amused."A squirrel?"
"What I'm just having fun!You have a problem?"purred Rosalie as she batted playfully at the black she-cats ear.
"Oh look over there look who it is."meowed Victoria in a sigh as she spotted a dark blondish semi-long-hair tom appeared out of the shrubs.It was Diesel.Victoria met Diesel several years ago and fell for him.Only problem he wasn't a Vampirecat at the time he was a Mortalcat.Victoria secretly disappeared one day and went to his territory during the night while he was taking a nap and snuck close and bit him injecting her venom so that she wouldn't loose him.The tom noticed them and turned his head around and was over there in a blink of an eye.
"Hey ladies how what's up?"he meowed his black eyes unreadable as he looked back and forth through the she-cats.
"Hello Diesel.Nothing much."meowed Rosalie coolly to the dark golden tom.
"Anything new,Diesel?"meowed Victoria questioning with a spark in her blood red eyes as she gave a small purr.
"Not much.I think i saw Jamie just awhile ago if you want to catch up with her over by the stream."he meowed flicking his tail to the direction of the stream.
"Oh cool thanks!."purred Tanglefurry warmly as she lifted her paw to lick it and swiped it fast over her face.
"Well i'm going to go see you around"he mewed and was gone in an instant.
"Oh Victoria hes no good for you you deserve better than that."meowed Rosalie as she matched her pace with the tortoiseshell she-cat.
"I just can't help myself."sighed Victoria as they bounded along.
"Don't worry you'll fine the right tom for you someday.I know me and Coilsnary are great.I hop you find the right one for you."purred Tanglefurry trying to help.They continued until they came up to the stream and saw a pretty white she-cat sitting on a rock near the edge and recognized Jamie's scent.
"Hey!Over here!"called Jamie as she spun her head to see the cats several fox-lengths away.Victoria and her friends were over there in a blink of an eye.
"Hey Jamie.Anything new?"meowed Rosalie to the white she-cat .
"Have you heard the news?"Jamie meowed her red pink eyes sparked.
"What?"asked Tanglefurry her purple eyes questioning.
"My brother Atom told me that Scourge has made a Newborn during the night his name is Rocky hes massive and long-hair white tom gray splotches.He's now roaming about in the forest trying to adjust to his new life."the white she-cat finished as she lifted one of her white paws and licked it swiping it over her face.
"Really?Wow cool!"meowed Tanglefurry with a small purr."Really?Wow cool!"meowed Tanglefurry with a small purr.
"That's nice."agreed Victoria amused to the white she-cat.
"Well I'm going to go home now it was nice seeing you all!"she purred loudly as she said goodbye and swiftly ran into the forest.The woods was filled with noise as birds chirped away in the distance.The sun continued to rise up higher in the sky as the rays lit up the forest below.
"Bye Jamie."meowed Victoria after her as the three she-cats continued through the forest.As they continued there was a crunching sound of leaves from behind.Rosalie sensed this and spun her head around to see what was causing it but saw nothing but the usual forest with scattered leaves on the ground.Rosalie looked confused and turned around to see a pretty golden tabby staring at her with playfull topaz eyes.
"Boo!"she meowed.
"Waaaa!Well hello there!"Rosalie flinched"You almost made me fly out of my fur!"she purred half growled.
"Oh Rosalie its just Arissa."purred Victoria casting her warm gaze over to the golden tabby."What's up Arissa?"
"Oh nothing much i just had a snack awhile ago the pour thing"purred Arissa her deep topaz eyes sparkled as she looked at the she-cats.
"What kind of cat?"Tanglefurry gave a small purr as she looked at the golden tabby with her purple eyes.
"Hmm,kittypet tom white with seal points blue eyes as I recall that sucker."purred Arissa licking one of her paws and swiping it over her face.
"Haha"purred Tanglefurry amused as her dazzling purple eyes sparked.
"So what's new with you all?"Arissa meowed searching the faces of her friends.
"Oh we heard from Jamie that there is a Newborn in the forest now his name is Rocky and you can't miss him hes massive and long-hair white tom with gray splotches is what she said"replied Victoria warmly with a spark in her blood red eyes.
"Oh really cool!Who turned him?"purred Arissa.
"Scourge."meowed Rosalie to the golden tabby.
"Oh cool."she purred as she bent her head down to groom herself.A butterfly flew near and landed on her nose as she shook it off it flew to a nearby flower.
"Haha"purred Victoria
A sound of rustling leaves from nearby indicated a visitor and an unfamiliar scent wafted in Rosalie's nose as she wrinkled her nose in disgust.She turned her head to scan the clearing with her sharp lavender eyes to see if she spotted anything.She found nothing."What was that?"asked Arissa as if she read her mind her eyes curious."I don't know."meowed Victoria her blood red eyes sharp.She parted her jaw slightly to let any scent waft her scent glands and traced a scent.It was warm and it smelt good as she recognized the scent her blood red eyes sparked.Mortalcat
"I smell it too its a Mortalcat."meowed Tanglefurry like she was reading her mine.Her mouth watered and she tingled her paws."Want to go hunt I could sure use a snack?"Yeah,sounds like a good idea."purred Victoria a wicked look came in her eyes as she grinned,"Rosalie,Arissa want to come too?"
"Hmm.I could sure use a snack as well I'm starving!"purred Rosalie.
"Hmmm.Well I just ate awhile ago and me and Tasha were going to Crystal Waves and have some fun there.Y'all have fun It was nice running into you all I should be going."meowed Arissa as a look of apology hinted in her eyes."So bye see y'all again"Then the golden tabby she-cat disappeared into the forest.
"Bye.Come on y'all lets go find that Mortalcat!"purred Victoria she got up and groomed her long-hair brown tabby pelt and took the lead into the forest.Her friends followed close by.Every now and then they checked the scent parting their jaws to see if their victim was close.
"I think we passed it."meowed Tanglefurry checking the scent.She shifted her head to try to find it again.
"I think so too."agreed Victoria parting her jaw.She padded slowly back retracing their steps.The brown tabby gave a small purr and meowed"I think i found it this way,quietly."then padded away.


"This sucks."sighed Frost laying down hard putting his head on his white paws.Last night was a rough and sad night.Frost can still see him and Rocky out having some time together.Then running into an unfamiliar dead she-cat limp and unmoving.He knew what must have killed her.Frost remembered running into his new friend Puma as she came running up to face that her sister Ema was dead.
Frost and Rocky were both there when it happened.Then everything tensing and an unfamiliar tom by the name of Scourge.Rocky never wanted to believe in Vampirecats.He never would have thought he would become one.Scourge with his own ways was proof they were real and so he for fun decided to torcher poor Rocky.Frost can still recall his friend being crushed to the ground and battered.Puma was terrified.Then at last Scourge made his move and bit the massive white and gray tom injecting his venom.Now Rocky will spend the rest of eternity as a Vampirecat as he recalled his friends eyes turned red.
"Don't worry everythings going to be ok."meowed a black she-cat as she rubbed up against him and laid down next to him and licked his ear to comfort him,"I know last night was a rough night but we need to move on."She spoke as if she were talking to a kit her voice so calm.
"But,he was my best friend.Now I won't be able to see him again.He's gone!"he sighed in pain and frustration his eyes were unreadable.
"Just remember I lost my sister,Ema and I have to move on too."
"I know,but she didn't get her life taken to spend the rest of eternity as the living dead like Rocky,"a low growl rumbled quietly in his throat.He stretched out one of his paws and licked it furiously swiping it over his face.
"I was there too Frost I know your hurting but we have to move on,"Puma meowed calmly her voice was sweet.She gave him licks on the ear now and then trying to comfort him.He flicked his tail in frustration.
"Yes I know.You were so scared though and now your not."he meowed in a deep huff looking into her eyes with concern like he was looking right through her.
"Come on cheer up Frost.Lets go take a walk maybe some fresh air will make you feel better,"Puma suggested to the white tom.She got up and arched her back in a big stretch and started to groom her jet black pelt.
"Yeah,maybe that sounds like a good idea."agreed Frost stretching his front legs as he stood up arching his back in a big stretch.
"There you go,"encouraged Puma"Come on.She meowed as the black she-cat slid by and went out of the old log.Frost then poked his head out as he came to follow.
"Are you feeling any better?"Puma asked watching the white tom with concerned eyes.Frost felt that he was walking on stumps and felt like he had a lump in his throat.He felt kind of light headed too.
"Yeah I'm ok,"he lied.He sounded like he was more talking to himself than Puma.
"You don't look fine,"meowed Puma as she rubbed up against him.
"I know."
"You may stay with me as long as you like,"she meowed staring into his pale blue eyes with warm bright green.
"Thank you."Frost gave a little purr.He was starting to feel a little better.Puma was right he needs to move on.Rocky was his best friend but how can he also let him go?
"Maybe some hunting can get your mind off things?"suggested Puma,"I think I smell some prey."she finished parting her jaw to take in any scent.
"Yeah.I haven't thought about that."Since Rocky's change he hasn't eaten at all yet so he was starving.He could sure use a fresh mouse or rabbit right now.
"Come on!"purred Puma as she disappeared into the shrubs.Frost hurried after her and almost lost his footing once slipping over a slick spot.
"Careful klutz your going to scare all the prey with all that noise!"purred half hissed the black she-cat.She parted her jaws slightly to take in any scent of possible prey.She scanned for any sign.A warm scent filled her jaw and made her mouth water and smelled a nearby squirrel.Her eyes sparked as she came upon the critter nibbling on an acorn over by a tree.She dropped instinctively into a hunters crouch her bright green eyes locked on her target slowly inching forward.Almost there she accidentally stepped on a twig as it snapped.The squirrel poked its head up hearing the warning and saw her started to make a run for it.Puma instantly sprinted charging after it.
Gaining up on it rapidly closing in a flash of white spurred by and she stopped dead in her tracks.A tom launched himself at the squirrel nagging it with one of his claws flinging it in the air and it fell to the ground dazed but alive.The tome then finished it with a quick bit to the neck cutting off its air.The tom lifted his head up as he groomed himself.He was white with seal brown points and had bright blue eyes.Puma recognized the tom instantly swishing her tail.
"Beatle!I was going to get that!"she hissed her tail lashing.
"Oh sorry I didn't see you there I guess you just have to move quicker next time."he apologized with a smirk added his eyes fell on to Frost standing there curious."Who's that?"
"Oh this is my friend Frost.Frost come over here!"she meowed her bright green eyes on Frost as the white tom moved closer till he was next to Puma."This is Beatle one of my neighbors he can be a hassle but he's alright too."
"Hello,"meowed Frost quietly meeting the toms blue eyes.
"Hello,"meowed Beatle bowing his head and turned to Puma and asked"How's Ema?Where is she?"He watched her eyes cloud and he knew something was wrong."Where is she?"he asked again.She didn't answer looking at her jet black paws.
"She's dead,"Frost answered the white and brown tom.
"Wait!What?"meowed Beatle confused,"Dead?How?"hew watched Puma trying to read her face but her eyes were unreadable.
"She was killed in the forest over by that stream."Frost meowed answering Beatle.His eyes flickered to Puma.
"What killed her?Do you know?"
"You probably won't believe me or think I'm crazy.t know this may be weird."He looked at Puma and mewed."Should I say?"
"Go head."she encouraged him.
"I think a Vampirecat got her.We found no blood and there was this stench on her and it's not from a normal cat."meowed Frost expecting the tom to laugh.He was shocked to see that he didn't.
"Vampirecat?Are you sure?"he asked his eyes unreadable he was looking past him like he was looking at something distant.
"We also ran into a Vampirecat too his name is Scourge."Puma put in suddenly alert her eyes flicked to frost with concern.
"He took my best friend Rocky and now he has been turned into one of them."meowed Frost his eyes clouding at the thought remembering hoe his friend's deep blue eyes turn red right before him.
"Really?Wow when did this happen?"Beatle asked his fur starting to bristle.
"Last night,"answered the black she-cat.
"Dam Vampirecats!At it again!Go burn in hell!"he snarled half to himself.
"Did something happen with you?"asked Frost as he watched the toms unreadable eyes.
"They killed my mom.I was there as a kit.I seen her get her life sucked out of her them filthy demon cats!"Beatle yowled angrily swishing his tail side to side pain filled in his blue eyes.
"Oh well I'm sorry I didn't know."meowed Frost in apology.
"You didn't know its ok."
"So did you see it?Do you remember what it looks like?"asked Frost calmly so he wouldn't upset Beatle.
"I think I remember golden maybe.I couldn't see the face but I think it smelled a little bit like a she-cat i couldn't tell."meowed Beatle looking passed the white tom like he was looking at something distant trying to remember what he had seen."I remember the beast attacking her and torchering her then Mom laid there limp as the beast sunk its teeth into her neck and gulping down her blood.It happened so quickly and sudden and the beast was gone just as fast.Leaving Mom there limp and dead all her blood sucked out of her."he finished and his eyes started to cloud at the memory.
"Sorry Beatle."meowed Puma giving him a lick on the ear.
"Me too.I'm sorry too."meowed Frost as he went up and rubbed up against his flank.Beatle wasn't that bad he thought.After al they both shared something harsh.They both lost someone close to them from those blood sucking demon cats.
"Thanks."mewed Beatle in a small purr relaxing the fur on his back letting it lie flat again.
"You have any kin?"asked Frost.
"Oh yeah there's my brother Brent and my sister Misty."meowed Beatle in a small purr his blue eyes sparked.
"Do they live close in the area or no?"
"Misty lives in the area over by Sun Hill and Brent lives farther out of the area in a small cavern by Crystal Waves."meowed the white and seal point tom flicking his feathery tail in the directions of those places.
"That's pretty cool.Do you ever get to visit them.Do they visit you?"asked Frost curious.He wanted to get to know Beatle better.
"Misty does sometimes and Brent occasionally."answered Beatle pawing at the ground like he was thinking of something.
"You don't seem alright man.What's wrong?"meowed Frost calmly concern in his blue eyes.He couldn't tell what the big tom was thinking for his expression was unreadable but he knew he was not ok.
Beatle was wondering if his sister and brother were ok since the reporting of the Vampirecats in the forest.He hoped they were ok and safe.How can he know for sure.
"Your thinking about if your kin are safe aren't you?"meowed Puma in a calm voice rubbing up against his flank.Her fur felt soft.It was like she read his mind.
"Yeah kind of."he mewed.
"I'm sure they should be ok."meowed Frost putting in.
"I think I may go visit them just to be sure.Anyone want to come with and visit my sister in Sun Hill?"Beatle asked the two cats."You guys can meet her she's very nice."
"That sounds fun I'd like to meet her."Puma purred warmly in agreement.
"I'll come sounds cool."agreed Frost warmth in his blue eyes.After Rocky and the death of Ema he didn't blame Beatle for wanting to see his sister.
"Thanks.Now come on this way."he purred in delight and padded off toward the direction on Sun Hill.


"Victoria wait up!"hissed Rosalie racing after the brown tabby into the shrubs with Tanglefurry hot on her tail.Victoria waited by a rock and groomed her pelt.
"Is it this way?"panted Tanglefurry watching their gangs leader check the scent.
"Hmm.I think a she-cat.She's heading home to Sun Hill."Victoria meowed analyzing the scent of their victim.
"O sounds good."purred Rosalie wickedly her mouth watering at the thought of sinking her teeth into a mortalcat the warm feel of blood running down her throat.She tingled her paws itching to taste it.
"Yes I can't wait."knowing what Rosalie was thinking Tanglefurry's mouth watered venom surging through her body to her teeth.
"Come on."meowed Victoria as she disappeared into the shrubs.Rosalie and Tanglefurry quickly followed close behind.They moved with no sound their bodies moved so smoothly and silent that nothing would hear them and their eyes quickly turned black as they let their vampirecat senses take over.They walked and walked silently into the forest searching for their victim.The birds were silent and the sun started to sink in the sky as it signaled noon.As they walked they each took turns in checking the scent their instincts strong and at full bloom venom surging through them.Just then the scent gets stronger and stronger


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.02.2011

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