

She's turns to look behind her and sees the black shadow running after her. She curses under her breath and continues to run. Her pale bare feet cutting up more against the forrest bottom, mud covering her dark purple nail polish. She trips along a tree root and plummets into a shallow mud puddle. She lays there staring at the stars and the red moon in the sky.

"Brooklyn" she hears her name being called in the distance. She forgot the other hunters were with her, including her father. So many times she hunted in these woods alone and has never seen what she saw tonight. She shudders remembering the dark creature with red eyes.

"Brooklyn there you are!" her father says looking over her in the puddle chuckling "I thought you grew out of this phase years ago". Brooklyn sits up in the puddle looking down at her shirt and groans.

"I fell papa. I wasn't watching where I was going and of course I forgot my shoes in the truck." Her father holds out his hand to her and she gladly takes it pulling herself out of the mud pit. She hears giggling behind her and she closes her eyes knowing what was coming.

"What Brookie did you think you were a pig" a squeaky deep voice says from behind her. Brooklyn's face turns red and she fists her hands at her side as she turns around to face the boy.

"Was that a fat joke Tommy?" Tommy chuckles and then soon get tackled to the ground by none other than  Mr. hotstuff of the clan, Jack Styles. Jack was her history professor and he was also Tommy's big brother. Jack was 6"3 while Johnny was 5"9. Jonny had green eyes, green as the leaves. His eyes were brown before his 13th birthday. Jack was always good looking. she had always had a crush on Jack ever since the first time he had babysit her when she was younger.

She rolled her eyes at the boys who never grow up. Jack was 28 and Johnny 16. Johnny was adopted. Jack's parents found him in the woods along with his real mother. She didn't know the whole story just bits and pieces. Him and his mother were taken to Mr and Mrs. Styles place and his mother Cathlina died in their infirmary.

She was bitten in the neck and ripped apart. Jack took Johnny in as his own brother and the two soon became very close. She smiled at the two and shook her head turning back to her father. He look down at his beautiful only daughter.

"Did you feel anything yet?" Her father's asks taking ahold of her shoulders. She looks down at the ground and shakes her head. Her father sighs knowing full well that she might never gain her senses. The only thing that defines her as a wolf would be her ability to hunt so well.

"I'm sorry Papa! I really tried!" she stomps angry at herself. She turns on her feet and starts running ignoring her name being called behind her. Not knowing where she is going she just runs. She thinks about her father's disappointment. She wishes so much that she make him proud. She trains everyday for hours.

She has read every book in the library about wolfs and still nothing. She sighs loudly her feet hitting the ground harder as her energy starts going down. She stops running looking back not seeing the flashlights and she leans up against a tree closing her eyes. She takes a deep breath and slides down the tree and falls asleep.

Chapter 1


She feels her body being swayed back and forth. Opening her eyes slightly she stars into bright red eyes. She realises that there is a man carrying her. She groans and tries open her eyes more but soon falls back to sleep. She awakes again in a dark room. only a small lantern in the corner of the eliminating the place.

A small kitchen to the right. A small sink and bright wood counters with a wood burning stove. A couch to the left. Brooklyn swings her feet over the bed and lifts up out of the bed she was laying in. The soft dark red silk sheets clung to her small form. She tippie toes across the dark wood floor to the man sleeping spralled out on the black couch.

His dark black hair tossled. His chin hair grown out so prickly. His chest bare and only dark fadded blue jean on. Brooklyn reaches out her small pale hand to poke his cheek but a big hand wrapped around her wrist. She looks down at the man. His grey eyes looking her over.

"Where am I?" she asked her voice shakey. He just looked at her blinking. "I would like you to answer my question please!" she says getting agrivated.

He chuckled and let go of her wrist and sits up on the couch."I found you sleeping against a tree. You know its not safe for a girl like your self to be alone in the woods that time of night. You could be killed!"

She stomps her feet and fists her hands at her sides. "Thats not answering my question! Who are you and where have you taken me?" she says starting to get annoyed with the man.

The man stares at her and just blinks back and then a small smile crosses his lips. "I'm Devin. Your in my home."

Brooklyn's stomach rumbles and she looks down as her cheeks turn a light shade of red. "I'm sorry" she says softly.

Devin chuckles and walks to the small kitchen area in the corner. "Do you like steak?" he asks his back still facing her.

Yum steak! She hasn't had steak since her mother passed away well good steak that is. She loved her father but his cooking wasn't very swell. She chuckles to herself remembering the time she walk in on her father trying to cook for the first time. He had the window of the stove open fanning the smoke with a dish towel. He had tried cooking chicken but has the heat to high and he also didn't flip the chicken. We ended up just ordering pizza. The house smelt like burnt chicken for days after.

"hello! child are you okay?" Devin says waving his hand in front of her face trying to get her attention. She blinks looking at him.

"I am not a child!" she states getting agrivated.

He chuckles again looking her over. "your what 17?" he says turning back to the stove.

"I'm 19" she mumbles looking down.

He chuckles not turning around. "Your still a child. the law may say that your an adult but in my book you still a child. Also why don't you smell like a wolf if your 19? You have the mark of the Silver Oak Pack on your left shoulder."

Brooklyn looks down figuring he must be a rogue considering he is out here by himself. Her father always said to never trust a rogue that they were not trust worthy. Only Devin didnt seem to be this horrible person her father made all rogues out to be.

"you gonna stare at your pretty little feet or you going to answer my question?" he continues making food with his back towards her. She blushes looking up at him with a questioning look at her face.

"I haven't gained my senses yet! Okay are you happy! I'm a disapointment to the whole damn wolf species! I might not ever gain my senses!" She screams out tears gathering in her eyes. She looks down so she wouldn't show him her weakness. She hated feeling week!

He sighs and walks over to her and taking her chin between his finger and thumb looking in to her eyes. "I see soo much hurt in your eyes little one. You strive to be better don't you? You work you hardest but it's never enough."

She just stared at him as if he has been through the same pain. He whipes the tear rolling down her cheek.

"No need to cry love. Your father will be wondering where you are. We should get you back home." He walks over to a dresser grabbing a black shirt and putting it on.

She watched him thinking to herself remembering she was wrapped up in the sheet from the bed. She became very embarrassed and she gasped as her face turn a light shade of red. He turned to see what all the ruckus was.When he finally realised that she was embarrassed from her lack of clothing he laughed.

"well of course you need something to wear don't you?" he asked and she nodded.

He chuckled grabbing some shorts and a tank top throwing them at her. He walks to the front door putting his black and white converse on.

"I will wait out here while you change" he says while closing the door behind him.

She lets go of the sheet putting the clothes on. The white tank top she assumed was an undershirt was a little baggy on her but it served its purpose. The blue shorts way to big. She went to the counters in the kitchen searching the drawers finding a rubber band. She smiles and tied the shorts to where they would at least not fall off. She looked around the small home once again but more closely this time. Not a picture to be seen through the whole place.

"Done enough snooping yet?" She jumped from the voice as she turned to see Devin standing in front of the door with his arms crossed.

"I. Well. I. I. Didn't. I didn't mean to snoop. I'm sorry." she says putting her hands in the air. He chuckled and walked towards her.

"I was joking haha but you should know not to snoop in a stranger's house. It's dangerous. Are you ready to go home now?" he holds out his hand to her and she takes it.

"Hold on tight to my back and don't let go even for a second. close your eyes and take a deep breath okay?" he looks down at her as she nods.

He runs out into the night changing into a beautiful black wolf with green eyes. He motions for her to jump on his back. She smiles and gets on his back holding tightly onto his back.

"Remember hold onto my back and dont let go" she hears him say in her head.

Her jaw drops, she has never been able to hear wolves in there form. Does this mean she is gaining some of her senses? What does this mean? She is brought out of the arguement with her brain as Devin takes off. She closes her eyes feeling the wind on her face. She wonders what brought Devin all the way out here. So far from any pack. She is pulled out of her thought as she feels Devin slowing down. She opens her eyes to see an arrow fly past them and into the tree next to them. 'Hunters' she mumbles under her breath.

"Hold on Brooklyn!" she hears Devin speak in her head.

She closes her eyes again holding onto him tightly. She feels Devin run. She can hear his heart racing as he ran faster and faster. She felt her own heart racing as she smelt the hunters. woah! Wait she smelt the hunters? She could smell the hunters? Then all of a sudden her whole body hurt all over. She let go and fell off of Devin screaming. She rolled back and forth on the forest floor her whole burning.

"it burns! it burns!" she screamed.

Devin changed into his human form picking her up and started running.

"This can't happen here! We have to get you home fast!" Devin says running as fast as he can in his human form.

Trees blur past them as he runs. Sweat gathering on her forehead. Devin makes it to a neighborhood.

"I traced your sent to here. Your house is protected! which one is it brooklyn?" he says franticly.

She slowly sits up in his arms and points at the yellow house on the hill. He swears under his breath and starts running towards the house. He ran right the front door not bothering knocking. Her dad and Jack coming running from the kitchen to the front door.

"Brooklyn!" she heard Jack shout before she was consumed by darkness.

Chapter 2


"She is changing. Slowly. I've never saw anything like it Paul. Her eyes were purple before she blacked out. The only way that could ever happen is if she had ancient blood in her veins. Paul can this mean that she is?"

"No! There is no way my daughter could be one of those monsters!" She heard her father talking to Devin outside the door.

"What if she is paul? It explains everything. why it has taken her so long to." Jack is cut off by her opening the bedroom door.

"Papa" she says groggily.

"Yes sweetheart." He looked up at her looking into her now blue eyes.

He smiled at her knowing full well she was fully changed. From his right he heard Jack choke then run out of the house. He looked at Devin. Devin shrugged and looked at Brooklyn. She looked drained as if the life was taken out of her. Her face was pale and dark circles began to appear around her eyes.

Paul grabbed her hand. It was cold as ice. He sighed to himself. Devin was right she was. He let go of her hand and turned his back toward her and walked to his study slamming the door. How could this happen to his own daughter!

He sat in his chair and bowed his head holding it in his hands he sighs. She had to make a big decision to make. She is about to face the worse pain she has ever felt as the vampire fights with her wolf. The few that this happens to which is 5% of the wolf population. Only 1% survive. She has to have will and courage. He sighs again. He picks up his phone calling the only person he knows that can help.

She jumped as she heard her father slam the door to his office. Tears gather in her eyes. She turns to Devin.

"Whats wrong with me." she whispered.

He grabbed her into a hug. She rested her head on his chest.

"Nothing is wrong Brooklyn. Your father just needs time to think about things." He sighed.

"what things? Devin he just turned his back on me literally! What am I?" She screamed the tears flowing down her face. Devin shook his head.

"i can't tell you hun. It's not my place. Just know i will be here through all of this. Your father offered me a room here." he said rubbing his hand on her back.

She yawned and closed her eyes. "I feel tired" she mumbles.

"It's the change. It takes a big toll on you." He says picking her up bridal style and taking her to her room.

He lays her in her bed pulling the black and purple covers up and over her.

"Sleep tight" he whispers as turns and before he could walk away she reached out and grabbed his wrist.

"lay with me." she mumbles sleeply.

He nodded kicking off his shoes and laying beside her. She rolled over resting her head on his chest. She closes her eyes and soon falls into a deep slumber. Devin watches her. He smiles to himself. All these years he has been searching and he found her.

She or her father could never know who he was to her. They could never know who he is. Every blood moon he turns into some creature that he can't control. He left his brother, father, and the whole pack behind. When he found out that his father's wife was in fact not his birth mother he searched for his real mother. When he found his mother in this small town he waited for the time to be right.

He found the abandoned cabin in the woods and made it into his now home of three years. When he saw Brooklyn's mother Andrea had passed away from an animal attack. He knew full well that it was not some animal attack. Vampires hated their kind. He sneaked into the police station looking at her case. Her throat and her limbs were ripped apart.

Her arms and legs scattered all over the place. He wasn't a man to cry but seeing his own flesh and blood ripped apart like that by the enemy he has hated so much. There were some vampires that he could stand. The ones who fought along side him and the pack he left behind. Those vampire were called nomads. He could trust them.

He sighed looking at his sister in his arms. He was happy he could protect her. She could never find out that her mother had a child with another man before she was ever born. Brooklyn mumbled in her sleep. He brushed her bangs off her head and smiled. She was a sight believe it or not but she had alot of fire in her. Devin's eyes started to drift shut and soon he was consumed in a light sleep.


Chapter 3


"Where is Brooklyn?" a girl says coming up to Jack's desk. He sighed thinking about last night. He stormed out of her house like it was on fire, Brooklyn didn't feel the buzz when she looked at him but when he met her eyes he felt the buzz.

"Mr. Styles?" the girl asked looking at him more closely.

"Yes, sorry! My mind is just wondering. Brooklyn, she is fine just a little ill. I expect her to be here in a few days." He told the short blonde girl.

The girl nodded and walked out of his classroom and into the hall of chaos. Students were running and jumping, slamming lockers and yelling. Some students were starting to get a little heated. Jack had too much on his mind to realise. He ducked his head and rested his head in his hands, closing his eyes. No way in hell could he be the mate to a child! She only nineteen, and one of his student! He used to babysit the girl for crying out loud!

"Brother are you okay?" Jonny asks leaning on the door jam to Jack's classroom. Jack answered with a shrug. Johnny looked at Jack curiously.

"You know you came home from Brooklyn's last night awfully fast. Did something happen? I heard some man found her? Did he hurt her Jack? Is she okay?"

"Hush!" Jack growled not looking up at Johnny.

"Sorry" johnny whispered.

"No i'm sorry! John i'm going to tell you something but you can't tell anyone not even ma and pa okay?" Jack says sitting back in his chair.

Johnny nodded and sat in the chair at the side of Jack's desk.

Jack sighed "Brooklyn is my mate."

Johnny stood up faster than the speed of light and looked into Jack's eyes for any hint of joking. Once Johnny realised that Jack was certainly telling the truth

"She doesn't know does she?" Jack shook his head sighing.

"Brother you have to tell her" Johnny said matter of factly.

Jack just shook his head again "No I want her to feel it. I am not going to force her to be with me. Once her wolf senses come in strong then she'll start to feel it. If her wolf senses come in."

Johnny looked at him his mouth sit in a straight line "what do you mean if? Does Brooklyn have?"

"Yes Brooklyn has ancient blood in her veins." Jack replied.

"Great!" Johnny state's walking out of the classroom.

Johnny and Brooklyn were close. They grew up together. Jack would have ran after Johnny but he knew that Johnny needed to time to think just like him himself did. Brooklyn touched the hearts of many in this school. Hell in this town. If she doesn’t make it though this change he didn't know how he would survive.

Losing a mate is one thing but losing a mate and your best friend is another. Jack sighed then smiled to himself remembering one time when he was watching Brooklyn while her parents had gone out on some business. He was cooking dinner while she played outside in the back yard. His parents decided to take Johnny out for a little bit cause it was close to the anniversary of his mother's death. He was just about to drain the noodles when he heard a scream. He had ran outside his heart racing.

All he could think was she has been with me an hour and she is already hurt. What will ma and pop do if they found out. Ah crap! He smiled when he came to the front door seeing that the scream was not her being hurt but her being muddy. The six year old had found the only mud puddle in the back yard. Jack had cleaned her up and gave her one of his too small t-shirts to wear while her clothes were being washed. They ate and watched movies all night until her parents came to get her.

Giggling brought Jack out of his memory. He looked up to see his class filled with students. He picked up his large history teachers textbook and walked to his podium at the front of the class. A small pale hand raises in the air.

"Yes Ms. Heath?" he asked looking at the blonde hair blue eyes spoiled child.

"Mr.Style you see Daddy says I need to take a break considering I had that scare last week. Can we not do anything today?"

The rest of the class chipped in pleading him not to give a lesson. He held his hand up palm out to silence the students.

"Fine no lesson but you do have to write me a page essay front and back of what the word war means to you."

He walked back to his seat smiling when everyone groaned. He let the kids think that they could get a day off. He had these little essay questions set aside for times like these. He let his gaze wander to where Brooklyn always sat the seat right in front of him. He giggled recalling she would always disrupt his class just to be told to move to the seat. He had finally changed the sitting arrangements and had moved her permanently to the seat. A brunette girl with glasses turned her paper in first.

"Emily can you do me a favor?" he asked pulling her to the side

She nodded very shyly."Yes sir." she whispered

"Could you round up Brooklyn Lawson's homework for me?" He asked holding out a piece of paper with Brooklyn's classes written on it.

Emily just nodded and took the piece of paper turning on her heel and out the door to her destination.

    Soon after Emily's departure more of the students started turning in their papers and when he had everyone's paper he let them talk quietly among themselves. Emily came through the door her arms full of book just as the bell rang. She sat the books on his desk and walked to her desk gathering her things. She turned to walk out of the classroom but then walked to his desk.

"Brooklyn, is she okay?" Emily asks in a whisper.

He just nods wondering how she knew Brooklyn. They never talked to each other. He hated to say it but Emily wasn't very social. Brooklyn did make it to where she would talk to every no matter what but she never knew Emily on a personal level, or so he thought. Emily noded then turned and walked out. Jack sighed leaning back into his chair closing his eyes for a moment.

"Hey there handsome!" Jack heard. He opened his eyes to find Brooklyn sitting on his desk.

"What are you doing here? You need to be in bed!" He said softly

"That's just like you ain't it Jack! To worry about me. Well you don't have to worry about me any longer!" she spit out getting a little upset

He stood from his chair and walked around the desk to her and reached out caressing her cheek.

"I will always worry about you Darling! Now why will I stop?" He looked at her finally getting a good glimpse of her eyes. They were a bright purple. He dropped his hand from her and staggered backwards. She giggled as she walked towards him until he reached a wall. Her fangs grew and she smiled.

"You smell amazing dear ol' Jack. You know I thought about it long and hard. This was the best way. I like it a lot to. Blood just excites me!"she used her strength to pin him to the wall. She licked his neck.

"Jack It's time to go home!" Jack jumped from his chair when he heard his brother yelling at him. Jack looked at his brother, Jack’s heart beating like a race horse, sweat began to appear on his head. Jack looked around the room to only see his brother. It was a dream. Only a dream.

Jack sighs and looks down at his hands that were squeezing the desk. Was it a dream or a flash? He was always able to see bad things that would happen in the future. Did that mean that Brooklyn was going to choose those blood suckers? Jack growled looking at his brother.

"We need go to! We’re going by Brooklyn's first!" He gathered up his things off his desk into his bag. His brother just nodded and started toward Jack's 2014 white corvette convertible with red interior. It was a good car. He loved it! He only wished he had a pretty girl to be able to drive around with. Jack climbing in the car,buckling his seat belt. He started the engine but before he could shift the gear into reverse there was a knock on his window. He turned his head to see the headmaster outside his door. Great! This can’t be good he thought.

"Yes sir?" Jack asked cautiously

"Good job son!" the headmaster replied smiling. His grey hair poking up in places. Wrinkles were forming next to his grey eyes.

Jack just looked at the man, his mouth open. "Good job? What did I do sir? I don’t understand?"

"You my friend are twenty-eight and have the courage to take on high school students, Train to run a pack, and take care of your own. I just thought you needed a good job!" The headmasters smile seemed to become bigger.

Jack smiled and shook his head knowing full well the old man was up to something. He chuckled "What do you need Rick?"

Rick's smile faded and his mouth went into a straight line. "I need you to take care of my granddaughter!"

Jack's smile faded. Gosh dang! He knew he shouldn't have told Johnny. He glared over at Johnny and Johnny just shrugged his shoulders. Jack looked back at Rick. "Who told you I was her mate?"

Rick stumbled back from the car and he sat on the sidewalk. Jack jumped out of the car and leaned near him. "You okay gramps?" Jack asked, worry written all over his face.

Rick looked at Jack

"So it's you! I always knew it was going to be one of you boys! Guess I gotta face the facts. The little girl who used to play in the mud isn't so little anymore."

Jack nodded as a smile spread across his face then soon faded "I'm sorry sir! She doesn't even know yet. I haven't been able to tell her."

Jack walks over to the curb and sits down and rests his head in his hands. "To be honest sir. I don't know how I am going to tell her. Will she accept me that way? We have been close but she is more like a little sister me! And now she is my mate!" Jack nodded then looked up at the old man. "I guess I better get to her then". He stands up, walks to his car, and gets in. He starts the engine and pulls out of the parking lot heading towards Brooklyn's house.

"You know you're going to have to tell her brother." Johnny spoke breaking the silence.

Jack just nodded, keeping his eyes on the road. "I know! I need to her to fall for me first. Once everything passes she will feel it. She will know that I'm here mate. I won't push her. I never thought I could love that little girl more until yesterday night. When I saw her walk out of her room and felt the buzz. My heart aches for her brother!"

Jack let a tear slip down his face. He wasn't one to use such touchy words. He was a hard man, never had let anything get to him.

"I know brother but you need to understand and please don't have hard feelings but if Brooklyn denies you I'm not going to stop going after her. You know my feelings towards her. I love her just like you do probably more. If she does end up not denying you and you hurt her you better know that I won't stop until your dead brother. That girl has been through more than me or you have ever been! She deserves the world!" Johnny didn't look at his brother just looked straight ahead.

When they pulled into Brooklyn's drive way and jack shut the engine off. He looked at his brother closely. He knew his brother's feelings for Brooklyn but not to this extent. Johnny open the door and went to get out but Jack grabbed his elbow.

"Look I know you love her just as much as I do but brother you have to understand that I will do everything in my power to make her happy and if it is her wish to not be with me I will walk away. I will not force her into anything. I will not hurt her. You have my promise little brother!" Jack looks into johnny's eye searching for acceptance.

Johnny nodded and got out of the car walking into Brooklyn's white three story house. Jack let out a breath and leaned his head back against his seat. He was never nervous around her but seeing her for the first time since that night seemed to have his palms sweating. He looked back at the house. The door opened and the man who brought her home last night walked out. Devin looked at Jack in his car and walked towards him, reaching the window that Jack had rolled down.

"She is sleeping. She has been all day. This change is hurting her more than any of us thought. She woke up around three this morning screaming, her legs were red and swollen. Her wolf tried to transform." Devin said leaning over the window

Jack just shakes his head. "That is too early for her wolf to be trying to form. Way to early!"

"It is. We gave her a sedative to calm her down and let her sleep." Devin says

The boys both nodded and stood there in silence. Until Devin spoke up.

"So you're her mate huh?"

Jack nodded still staring at the front door he knew, Devin knew why he ran out last night. Devin looked at the sun sitting in the distance and so did Jack.

"You're her brother huh?" Jack looked back at the house then up to her room.

Devin just looked at him shocked. "How'd you know?"

Jack chuckled "Brooklyn's mom wasn't the perfect mother they paint her out to be. I know she had a son before Brooklyn. Your father is a man with a lot of power. You look like Andrea. You didn't tell her did you?"

"No I didn't tell her, she can't handle it. Don't tell Paul either he really doesn't need to know his wife had another child before him and never told him." David looked up just as the white door opened to reveal Brooklyn.

Jack took a deep breath and got out of the car. He watched Brooklyn as she walked towards him swaying a little like she was intoxicated. She stumbled over her own feet and Jack caught her before she hit the ground. He looked down at her, she was still asleep. She was sleep walking.

"Brooklyn hun can you hear me?" Jack asked looking into her eyes.

She didn't move, just laid there limp in his arms. Jack laid her onto the soft ground. He reached two fingers up to her throat to check her pulse. It was racing like she had ran a marathon. Her wolf was fighting the vamp in her system. Her wolf was overtaking. This was the hard part. If they didn't get this under control quick then she was going to die. She would have a heart attack at the age of 19. Jack picked her up and cradled her in his arms and took her to her room. Devin opening the door for them as Jack walked. Paul walked out of his office when Jack started up the stairs.

"Jack I need to talk to you when you get her settled please" Paul acted as if his only daughter, who was once his whole world, was some monster. He couldn't even look at her.

Jack nodded and climbed the stairs. When getting up to her room, he laid her in her bed. He pulled the covers over her shoulder and bent down next to her bed, petting her head "You have to come through this Brooklyn! It's not the same without you. You're strong enough to fight this! Don't give up on me pretty girl!"

Jack stood wiping a tear that had escaped down his cheek. He turned and walked out shutting the door behind him.

Chapter 4


"You have to complete the mate process! If she has a werewolf mate they won't want her! They will lose interest!" Paul pleaded with Jack.

"I can't complete it! I won't unless she agrees! I won't force her Paul! She deserves better than that and you know it!" Jack tried keeping some of his anger hidden.

"Jack you have to! I'm begging you please! Save my daughter from becoming one of those things! I want that blood out of her veins today! It makes me sick to think she become something so horrid! I might as well shoot her in the head!"

Jack shot straight up from his seat and slammed his fist on Paul's desk "listen here! You touch her and I will kill you! Father or not! I won't hold back!"

Paul shrugs "It would save you the heartache and me the time. I'm not saying it would hurt losing her but I'd rather my daughter be dead than become one of those things! Ask her when she comes to! If she chooses vampire then I'm shooting her in the head right then, I'll pay the price I don't care!"

Jack takes Paul by the collar of his shirt "I swear Paul whether or not she chooses them, if you lay one finger on her or hurt her you will be done! You'll be dead to this pack you hear!"

Paul chuckles "Your parents will never let that happen! I'm too much of a value to this pack!"

Jack lets go of Paul growling. "You see my parents won't be in command for much longer! Meaning you will answer to me not them!"

Devin knocked on the door frame. "There is some girl at the door. Paul, she is looking for Brooklyn."

Jack and Paul both growled and headed to the door. Jack looked out the window beside the door to see a short blonde girl standing waiting patiently. Jack looked back at Paul and nodded answering their worst fear. They came to collect.

Paul opened the door."Yes?"

The girl held out a small pale hand for him to shake. "I'm Courtney! I assume you are Brooklyn's father."

Paul ignored the hand she held out to him and after a minute she dropped it. "Yes I am. What do you need my daughter for?"

Courtney smiled, It was obvious she was one of those creatures, her fangs showed. She must of fed not long before she got there. Meaning she was expecting some sort of fight. She will surely not be disappointed.

"Your daughter is much value to my kind. She is very powerful. Just standing outside your home I can feel her power." She looks into Paul's eyes.

Jack growls "Go back to your people and tell them she isn't interested! She has a werewolf mate and he won't be giving her up!"

She giggles " You must be this so called mate, am I correct? If so you don't scare me hunny! You sure are cute though! Too bad they wasted you on werewolf blood!"

He growls "For one I was born not bitten! Second I'm stronger than your pale blood sucking ass! Third Brooklyn is Silver Oak she has the mark! She was also born not bitten!"

Paul held Jack back as Devin walked out to the now smirking vampire. Devin looked at the girl. "You're no longer welcome here! Leave!"

Courtney took a step towards Devin "I'm not going anywhere, I have orders! You're little whore of a sister is going with me when I do leave. You want it the easy way or the hard way?"

Paul just stared at Devin not blinking. Devin turned towards Paul. Paul looked mad enough to spit bullets. Paul spun on his heel and walked into the house and as he did Devin followed.

"How did you know who he was to her?" Jack spoke up to the girl.

She just shrugged. "It's a gift I can tell the relation of a family. Mostly the ones I am ordered to guard."

"So you knew all along without me telling you I was her mate?"


"Why does she need to be guarded? What is she to your kind?"

Courtney smirked "She is the Emperor's mate!"

Jack cursed under his breath. He should have known she would have two mates! It wasn't the fact she had two mates that was bothering him. More like the fact she was mated to the Emperor. If she chose to go with him she would become the second most powerful vampire in the world and make him more stronger than he already is. Brooklyn has always wanted power. She talked to Jack about it all the time. What she would do with it. Who she would find.

"You tell the Emperor that she is my mate! She is staying here!"

Courtney smiles, her fang showing. "Then we must fight for her! I will not stop unless I am dead or she comes with me!"

Jack smiles and steps towards her "Then today is your last day my friend!"

Courtney launched herself at Jack going for his neck. Jack stepped to the side and spun facing the blonde on the ground. "You're a poor excuse for a fight! This will be easy!"

She lifted up from the ground and with her fast speed she made it to him grabbing him by the throat. "I am not weak! Just had to warm up that's all!"

Jack closed his eyes trying to breath around the hand on his throat. She was strong but not stronger than him. He spun on his heel catching her wrist in his mouth and ripping a chunk from her wrist. Blood splashed up onto his face. Courtney held onto her wrist blood seeping through her hand and onto the ground. Jack turning into his wolf form jumping on the small girl, ripping the artery in her neck out. Jack stood as the blood drained from the blonde girl and she turned a grey color then poofed into ashes. Johnny came walking from behind the house. He must have went to the pond in the back. Johnny looked up at Jack and saw blood covering his face and some of his shirt.

Johnny started running towards Jack "Brother are you hurt? Are you okay? What happened?"

Jack just held a hand up stopping Johnny's panic. "I'm fine! Not my blood!"

Johnny looked at Jack closely and noticed that Jack's pack mark was glowing a bright gold. That could only mean one thing.

"Brother, who did you kill?"

"Some girl wanting to take Brooklyn,why?"

"Brother you're in for it! She must have been a descendant of the Vampire ancients! Your mark is glowing!"

Jack swore under his breath. He knew what that meant. Her family, whoever they were will come to revenge their kin's death. He would have to cover her scent. Shoot he had to get Brooklyn and her dad out of here before they came to collect. They shoot first and ask questions later. He felt a pain in his shoulder where his mark was. The three marks that looks like a wolf clawed him, started glowing brighter and his knees buckled and he fell to the ground in pain. He heard his brother scream his name before everything went black.

Chapter 5


"Where is my son?" Todd panicked, his wife not far behind him, worry in her eyes.

Paul held his hands up "Relax Todd, he is resting. We put him beside Brooklyn, we thought that it would be for the best. He killed an ancient in cold blood and when the power transferred to him, it was too much. He passed out. I'm sure once the transfer completes he will be back to normal. He is awake and he talking to us barely but right now he needs rest."

Todd let out the breath he had been holding and turned to his wife. His wife looked up at him tears threatening to spill out. Todd took his wife in a tight embrace as a tear left her eye and rolled down her cheek.

Devin came around the corner from the kitchen into the living room where everyone stood. They all turned to him at once. Ah crap! The alpha and luna of Silver Oak were in the living room crap, crap! Devin went to turn on his heel.

"This is Brooklyn's big brother Devin" Paul announced proudly, which made Devin stop and turn around.

Devin stuck his hand out to the couple. "Hi, nice to meet you."

Todd and Mary look at each other then back at Devin. After a while devin put his hand down and the couple just stared at him.

Todd was the first to speak. "Your father is very powerful son"

Devin just nodded, he didn't say a word knowing that everyone around these parts knew his father, What they didn't know was he was in line for the alpha position and had ten times the amount of power his father would ever have. That he was the one everyone called the shadow wolf because no one has even seen him up close before or anyone that had ended up dead. He was the one that killed at the darkest hour of the darkest night. His problem is, the full moon.

"Excuse me sir, ma'am." Devin turned on his heel and up the stairs.

He passed Brooklyn's room, seeing that the door was open he walked backwards to peek inside. There laid Brooklyn with her head on Jack's chest and Jack's arms wrapped around her. They both looked so peaceful. Devin sighed to himself. When Brooklyn woke she was going to freak. Suddenly she had a mate and a brother. If that won't kill her, he didn't know what would. Devin leaned against the door jam watching the couple. Jack who had just been paler than a ghost, now had color back into his face and the once glowing mark had returned to normal. Brooklyn who was so close to death hours ago, had the life brought back into her. Her breathing was back to normal and he could hear the pulse which was still racing but not as fast as it was before. Devin turned and closed the door softly behind him. He walked down to his temporary bedroom. He had brought in some clothes and a few other things from his house in the woods to try to make the place feel more like home. A few pictures on the nightstand by the queen sized bed. A dark blue comfort spread out perfectly on the bed. Devin sat on the bed and rested his head in his hands. He almost killed Brooklyn that night, but only he couldn't. It was like she had some kind of protection barrier. No one in the Silver Oak pack is strong enough to hold one, hell he isn't even strong enough to hold one. Something else was out there that night and it's been nagging at him ever since. Something that was stronger than anything. Devin laid back onto his bed, closing his eyes. A loud crash comes from the workout room next to his room. Opening one eye he sighed and got up jogging into the huge room seeing a girl laying on the floor bleeding. He walked over to her cautiously.

The girls blonde hair matted and stained red. Blood started gathering in a large puddle under her body. Her hair was covering her face so he moved the large mass of hair from out of her face and saw her fangs protruding but there was another feeling inside him. Like when your foot's asleep but it's your whole body. She was his mate. This strange vampire.

A note was attached to her leg. He untied it and it read. "This is Charlie. She has a device inside her attached to the main artery in her neck. I know how your pack is to killing innocent and this innocent child will be killed if i do not get Brooklyn in my possession in the matter of 3 days. Have a good day, Emperor Thomas."

Devin crumbled the note in his hand and took the girl into his arms not caring about the blood running onto his body. He took charlie to the bathroom and laid her in the tub. She was beaten he could tell by the rope burns on her wrists and the old scars down her arms and face. The young girl moaned and her blackened eyes slowly opened revealing the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen.

"I'm going to take your clothes off now okay? Don't be alarmed" Devin said being gentle.

Charlie looked alarmed and flinched from his touch. Devin flinched from her as she flinched from him. Tears started to gather in her eyes and one finally escaped. Devin slowly reached up to wipe the tear away. Charlie fliched a little then realised that he was not going to hurt her she leaned into his hand. She closed her eyes scared of what he might do.

"Shh its okay I won't hurt you" he says gently looking at her.

"Devin!" someone knocked on the bathroom door heavily. "There is blood in the weight room! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine just go get Paul and tell him to come in slowly!"

He heard footsteps as the person walked away. He couldn't recognize the voice and he looked down at the fragile girl in his arms. Her big blue eyes looking up at him watching his every move like he was going to hurt her.

"W-w-where am I?" she asks her voice shaking.

"At the Lawson house. Where are you from child?" his eyes never left hers

"I don't remember mister. I was with the Emperor he said that he needed me for something special." her breathing started to come more rapidly.

"Wait y-y-you're my mate?" she started huffing like she couldn't catch her breath.

"Breath Charlie breath hun!" he sit her up and sat behind her and held her rubbing her back.

She shook her head from side to side, closing her eyes shut tight. David put his hands over her nose and mouth like a tent.

"Breath into my hands dear. It's okay just take a deep breath." He said softly.

She looked up at him and took a deep breath.

"That's it! Good girl!" He smiled looking down at her.

Paul opened the door freezing when he saw Devin.

"Who is she?" Paul asked grim.

Devin threw the crumpled up note to Paul. Paul caught it and uncrumpled it and then started to read it. Paul growled and walked out the door slamming it. Charlie let her tears escape from all the commotion Devin didn't realise that he had his thigh pressed up against the large wound on her back sending pain up through he body. Devin got out from behind her and picked her up taking her to his room. He laid her on his bed and turned around going back to the bathroom.

He grabbed a bowl from under the sink and filled it with lukewarm water with some soap. He grabbed a rag from the closet next to the door. He took the bowl and rag with him to his room. Charlie was lying as still as can be trying not to make any sudden movements. He couldn't blame her, it probably hurt. He leaned down next to putting the bowl on the ground next to him. He took off the rest of her torn shirt off.

She flinches away and then tenses from his touch. He sighed knowing she's been through hell. She has a long road ahead of her. He dipped the rag into the water.

"This might sting a little but trust me. It will be worth it in the end." He tried to comfort her.

Her small hands grabbed his pillow, preparing for the pain that he was going to cause. He gently pressed the soaked rag to her back washing the blood away from the cut. He heard he suck in air and knew that it hurt her. He sighed knowing that it was him causing this pain. He knew that it was for her own good but she had been through enough pain. He traced the wounds on her back washing all the blood off her.

He put the rag back into the bowl. He stood and grabbed some bandages from his kit under his bed and wrapped her wound in a bandage. He went to his dresser grabbing a green t-shirt. He walked back to the bed slipping the large shirt over Charlie careful not to touch her back. She had by now falling fast asleep. He began to remove her torn black leggings off seeing more cuts and scars.

He washed and bandages those as well. She has scars around her ankles like they had been binded together for a long period of time. He sighed and stood up once again and pulled back the covers on his bed and put her legs under them. Covering her up he walked to the chair next to the bed and sat closing his eyes. Letting sleep consume him.


Texte: All contient in this book belongs to the author, Whitney K.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.11.2015

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To Justin for keeping me afloat during hard times!

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