
Take You Down (Chapter 1)

Cassie's POV


I sighed as I fell back on my seat unhappily.

"Hey, hey, hey girlie!" my best friends squealed happily running up to me, throwing their arms around me.

"Hey," I replied glumly.

"Aww, what's going on?" asked Amber pouting, taking the seat next to me as Emma sat next to Amber.

"Nothing, just upset to get back to school," I said then I brightened, "But I couldn't wait to see you guys!"

"So? How was London? Did you get me anything?" asked Emma, her eyes sparkling.

I laughed and opened my shoulder bag, "Yes, of course idiots. Emma, your snow globe and Amber, your candy that you wanted from Switzerland. I stopped on the way, so I decided to get some candy for you lucky ducks."

They squealed, "I love you!"

I smiled, "I'm glad you like them."

Em was shaking her snow globe and Amber was munching on her chocolate. She had a strange obsession with chocolate, she's happy whenever she's around chocolate.

"Class, class, settle down. Amber, please put away the chocolate," said the English teacher, Mrs. Mintouski (min-tow-ski).

Amber looked at her chocolate longingly before putting it away.

"Okay, so we have a new student! Please welcome him, he's just moved from London," said Mrs. Mintouski.

Ohh, a British boy. Does he have an accent?

"His name is Conner Brady and welcome him with open arms," said Mrs. Mintouski and he walked in right on que.

The minute I saw him look up and immediately lock eyes with mine, my heart stopped for a beat. He was gorgeous. He had amazing blue green eyes and the silky brown hair that you just so badly wanted to run your hands through.

My heart started beating fast.

Mate! my wolf screamed at me.

His eyes were full of emotion, love, adoration, and awe, suddenly, it was all wiped away, his eyes cold and emotionless.

"Conner, if you would please, introduce yourself," said Mrs. Mintouski.

"I'm from London," he said and just sat down, next to me, it was the only available.

He. Has. A. Freaking. Accent!

The sluts started to pull down their shirt even more and lifting up their skirts, flashing their thongs. I growled softly in disgust.

"Cassandra? Would you like to tell Conner what this school for junior year learnt during your English class?" asked Mrs. Mintouski.

"It's Cassie," I corrected, "We just learnt extremely hard vocab and learnt how to write ten page essays."

"Yes, and this year, you'll be..." started Mrs. Mintouski and I tuned her out as I crumbled piece of paper landed on my desk.

I glanced at Amber as she made a reading symbol as I uncrumbled the ball of paper.

He has an ACCENT! He's GORGEOUS! Amber wrote.

And he's my mate I wrote back and threw on her desk behind the teacher's back.

Amber's and Emma's jaws dropped.

Then the second period bell rang and Mrs. Mintouski ended the class. The day went by pretty fast until it was time for dismissal.

Amber and Emma were still fussing about Conner.

"Um, Cassie right? Can I talk to you?" I heard a voice ask, that one and only voice that sent shivers down my back.

"Y-Yeah," I said, trying to act as cool a possible.

He took me somewhere private. He just stood there in front of me, not saying anything until he finally broke the ice with his sexy British accent, "Look Cassie, I-I don't know how to do this."

"Just say it," I blurted.

"I reject you," he said and when those three words hit me, my world fell on me.

"W-What do you mean?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Cassie, but I reject you, I can't be with you, I have a girlfriend. I reject you," he said.

Take You Down (Chapter 2)

Conner's POV


Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies. It was all a lie. I didn't have a girlfriend back home. All I wanted to do was comfort the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on and tell her that I didn't reject her and I love her and never want to let her go.

Her eyes were brimmed with tears and guilt washed through me and regret but I quickly wiped that away. "You reject me? That one person that I have been waiting for my whole freaking life rejected me?! That person that I wanted for seventeen years?! The one that I wanted them to be my first?! You were that person that I knew could comfort me when I'm upset! What is wrong me?! What I do to you?! Fine! I, Cassandra Morgans, accept your rejection. I never want to see you again!" she yelled, her tears fall as she backed away from me backwards.

She looked at me as if I was a monster. Then she spun on her heels and started to run. And I felt like my heart bursted, knowing that I made the biggest mistake of my life.

I couldn't get a mate, she would die. I didn't want to meet my mate, she was going to die. Hunters and rogues were doing whatever they could to destroy the pack and having a mate was my weakness so they would hurt her first and that would kill me.

I punched the brick wall angrily, creating a hole. I wanted to run to her and beg for forgiveness and tell her it was all a lie. I wanted to be the one kissing her tears away. I wanted to be the one making her smile. I wanted to be the one holding her in my arms and comforting her whenever something bad happened. I wanted to protect her from everything. I wanted to spoil her and make her my little girl. I wanted to kiss and hug her whenever I wanted to. I wanted to wake up with her in my arms. I wanted to cuddle with her. I wanted to get on one knee and porpose to her in the future. I wanted to be the man waiting for her when she walked down the aisle. I wanted her to hold my pups in her stomach. I wanted to be the man to be the father of her pups. I wanted her to be my wife. I wanted to watch her hold my baby in her arms. I wanted everything with her. I wanted a future with her. I wanted so many things with her but I couldn't get them.

Fuck the world. I punched the brick wall again, making a second hole. I couldn't contain my anger anymore as I shifted into my black wolf and ran into the forest in an inhuman speed as I threw my head back and let out a sad howl.

I laid my head down on my paws and took a walk around the forest until I heard one specific voice and my wolf growled, probably at me and rejecting her as I crept up closer, quietly.

"Mom? Dad? Do you hear me? I miss you," tears were rolling down her face and I wanted nothing more then to wipe the tears away, "Today was the first say of school and it was also the worst day of my life. I found my mate mommy and daddy."

She was drunk.

"I'm not so happy about it. I know you guys would've been happy and...I don't know. I want to see you guys so bad. I wish you guys were still alive. You guys won't be having any grandchildren or see me in my wedding dress. I wish you were here. Mommy, daddy? He rejected me. He rejected me."

She was sobbing so loud. I felt so much regret as I watched her. I wanted to run up to her but I held my wolf back will all the power I had.

"What did I do wrong? What is wrong with me? Why do I never fit in? Am I ugly? Am I fat? What is wrong with me? Mommy? I miss you. I wish you were alive," she sobbed.

Nothing is wrong with you, you're perfect I thought as I watched with guilt. My heart felt like it was being squeezed to death.

Then she started to giggle, "Look mommy, look daddy, I see something coming towards me, it's big and it's furry - "

And it wasn't me. A wolf was coming towards her and it was a rogue. I couldn't hold back my wolf anymore. I hurt her enough and I didn't want her pyshically hurt either.

I growled loudly and lunged at the rogue that was ready to attack my mate. It felt good to call her my mate. It felt natural.

"Don't touch her," I growled lowly.

"Oh, what's wrong? New fling?" he smirked and I recognized him immediately. Kyle. I hated him.

"She is not a fling," I snapped. I wanted to kill him on the spot.

"Oh, then who is she?" asked Kyle.

"She is an innocent girl who doesn't deserve to be killed by you," I growled.

"What's with the sudden protectiveness?" Kyle taunted, "Your mate?"

"Shut the fuck up! She's not my fucking mate!" I growled losing it as I lunged at him, clawing him as I tore his neck off.

I killed him. I heard Cassie's scream as I spun around. She was screaming...with excitement as her eyes sparkled excitedly, clapping her hands. I wanted to see her smile everyday like that. I wanted to make her smile like that. She looked beautiful.

She walked up to me, smiling as she ran her hand through my fur. "You're so adorable," she murmured, "And your eyes remind me of someone I know."

I begged that she wouldn't remember since she was drunk. She shrugged, "You're really beautiful you know."

She wrapped her arms around my neck. I purred, enjoying it, it may be the last time I was going to ever hold her and I was going to savor it when I could. I breathed in her scent. Under the smell of her beer, I could still smell the peach, vanilla and orange scent that I fell in love with. Now I sound like a school girl in love.

"What's your name?" she asked.

"Ace," I said, not wanting to use Conner but Ace was my wolf's name.

"I like you already, we can be best friends for life," she said smiling, "Can I ask you a question?"

I nodded. "Do you have a mate?" she asked.

I froze for a second before saying, "No."

"I have one. Guess what Ace? He rejected me, he threw me up like I was a piece of trash and like he didn't give a care in the world. My world fell down on me after that," then she wiped away her tears and laughed, "I wish I didn't meet him. I wish I didn't follow him so he could tell me those words. Despite that, I wish that one day, in the future, we can have a future together but all I really want to to forget about him and pretended he was never in my life. It hurts you know, it hurts to know that, that one person that is meant to be yours threw you away like you were some piece of shit."

Then she got up adruptedly, "Oh, why do I even bother telling you this, you don't even know this guy and I probably sound like an annoying bitch, talking about all my problems with you."

She had no idea how much I was close to him.

She started to grab her bag but I stopped her, "Don't go. I'm fine with hearing all your problems."

She looked unsure, "Are you sure?"

I nodded. I wanted to hear what I did to her and how I made her felt even though I felt more guilty, I still wanted to hear more.

She sat back down, running her hand through my fur. "I don't want to ever see him again Ace. What if he humiliates me? What if he makes me break down in front of the whole school? I'm gonna move out of town and never come back. I never want to see him again. I just wanted to die and commit suicide when I found out he rejected me. If he's gone the who am I living for? I don't have a family anymore. Everyone in my family died. Why couldn't I die with them? Why did I have to meet my mate?"

She wanted to commit suicide? Because of me? Now I felt like a total jerk. I made her want to die?

"Tell me about your suicide," I urged.

"I had a dull kitchen knife with me and I was about to stab myself but Emma and Amber stopped me. I didn't understand. I remember taking crack and cocaine and maybe having a little overdose. The pain of rejection hurts so much. I wanted to get high and jump off a building. When Emma and Amber grabbed the kitchen knife from me, I remember banging my head against the sink, trying to die but it wasn't working so I ran outside and ran to the local building and climbed to the roof. I remembering jumping but just when I was about to die, Emma and Amber grabbed me and they started crying. I remember me screaming at them to let me go and to let me die but they didn't let go. I also remember cutting myself."

And when she stopped talking, I almost lost control of my wolf. She wanted to die because of me? She took crack and tried to jump off a 103 flight building? She wanted to kill herself with a knife? I felt like a horrible person. If my mate, if she died, it would be my fault.

Then she showed me something I never wanted to see again. She pulled up her sleeves and I saw the long cuts and I flinched, knowing that I am the reason for everything she did.

"I'm sorry," I murmured sincerely.

"I was hoping that I wasn't going to live. I wish I took more pills, I wished I went home earlier and killed myself before Emma and Amber came home. I wish I ran faster so I really had my chance to jump and no one would catch me. I wish I cut myself even more and bled to death. I wish I died and joined my parents," she said.

I couldn't take this anymore. I threw my head back and let back an angry howl. I was shaking with rage at myself as I bolted off into the forest without a word to her.

Right now, I couldn't have hated myself more. She could've died, and I thanked Emma and Amber so much for saving her.

Take You Down (Chapter 3)



I had to resist her. I had to. I can't go running back to her. It'll hurt her more and going back to her and telling the world she was my mate wasn't going to help. She was going to die.

So what bastard?! She could've died already! She could've jumped off a 103 story building! She could've killed herself by stabbing herself! She could've token an overdose and ended up in a hospital and died! She could've died without us marking her and mating with her! my wolf roared angrily at me, staying away from her will just kill her more idiot!

My wolf never spoke to me like that. She's lucky she didn't die yet and you know what's preventing her from dying?! Me! She's not getting chased down by rogues and hunters! I retorted angrily.

That my wolf shut me out afterwards.




I watched the black wolf run off as I laid down on the grass, leaning my head on my bag, closing my eyes. I snorted at myself. Why did I even bother telling all those things to a wolf? It was stupid.

Wait! I can sense that Conner is an Alpha, so if he's an Alpha, the wolf must know him because dad does know the wolf! my wolf cried, what if he tells Connor?!

I growled in frustration. I decided to let everything slip and go to sleep in the forest no matter how dangerous it is.

When I was about to fall asleep, I felt something drape over. I was too tired to move so I didn't open my eyes as sleep consumed me.

Take You Down (Chapter 4)

A/N: Warning! There will be cursing!! I wanted to keep this book curse-free but the character gets really mad!




Bright light hit my face as I growled in annoyance. Why didn't I close the curtains when I fell asleep?!

When I opened my eyes, I took in my surrounding. What?! Why am I in the forest?! Who took me here?!

You idiot, you were here yesterday, said my wolf.

I groaned, ugh, stupid hangover. My head was throbbing painfully and I saw a jacket over me. I took it. It had no scent on it. I sighed as I pushed it aside. 

I wanted to skip school so badly. I couldn't even think straight. I hate hangovers.

"Cassie?" I heard a familiar voice call over.

"Argh! Not so loud!" I hissed, recognizing Emma's voice.

"You didn't do anything stupid, did you?" asked Amber, a bit too loudly for my liking.

"Lower your voice!" I hushed snappily, "My head hurts."

"Did you take care of yourself the whole time?" asked Emma.

"No," I said, "A wolf helped me out."

"Who?" asked Emma and Amber together.

"Shh!" I hissed, my head throbbing like crazy as I laid back down.

Then I shrugged, "His name is Ace."

"Oh," said Amber, "Now that you're sober, can you tell us why you did all that yesterday. We are not going anywhere until you answer us."

"Nothing," I said, I didn't sound convincing.

"Waiting..." Amber said as she and Emma made themselves comfortable.

"What happened Cassie? What's going on?" asked Emma softly, "We're always going to be here for you. Every step of the way."

I looked at them. I could feel the tears welling up, "I met him. I met him guys."

They looked confused for a second then they caught on. "Then why are you doing this?" asked Emma.

"He rejected me. What is wrong with me?! Is something wrong about me?! Am I ugly?! Am I fat?! Be honest," I sobbed.

They wrapped their arms around me, comforting me. "There is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong about you. You are perfect," said Amber as Emma nodded in agreement, "Remember that. You are gorgeouus, beautiful, pretty, smart, funny, have an amazing personality, there are so many good and wonderful things about you. Never let yourself doubt that."

"Who's butt do I need to kick?" asked Emma and Amber together.

I shook my head, "You can't. You can't hurt him."

"Why?" they demanded.

"Because it's Conner," I said.

"Oh, that boy is so dead. Well, before that, let's get you home and let you get some rest. I'll tell the teachers you're sick," said Emma, helping me up.

I smiled at them, "Thank you so much guys. This means a lot."

"What are best friends for?" asked Amber grinning as we headed over to my house.

No one was home, as usual. My parents were always away for work. My dad was one of the world's most powerful lawyers and my mom was one of the world most richest models. Having them so powerful and rich, they gave me loads of money but sometimes, money can't buy happiness and I wasn't always happy with my life. And they past away but all the money in their bank accounts went to mine because of their wills. And now, in my bank account I have over five hundred billion in there. It was an ridiculous amount of money but once in a while, I donate a thousand over to the homeless shelter.

They helped me up my room, I tried to brush them off since I could climb up the stairs by myself, they didn't trust me. They also locked up the kitchen where the knives were and they locked up the medicine cabinet. Gee, they really don't trust me.

"Will you be okay?" asked Emma.

I smiled, reassuringly, "Yes mom."

They laughed, "Alright, you stay in here and if you're hungry just call one of the maids to make you something to eat okay? We some a boy's ass too whip," said Amber, "Be careful."

Then they started to head out my house as I sighed. I took the picture of me, my parents and my brother and stared at it. My brother was gone. I didn't even know where he was. He just disappeared one day without a trace. He was older then me by a year and he was a male version of me. I didn't even know how he looked like now. I'm seventeen and I haven't seen him in thirteen years.

Back then, the family was happy, all together, in one piece. But then the fire came along. I survived with my brother but he was the one that disappeared. He had pretty much the same features as me, people sometimes mistaken us for twins but he was a year older. He had the same dark blue eyes and the dark hair. I didn't realize how much I missed him.

I put the picture down, decided to head to my closet for a change of clothes.




I was furious! How could Conner do such a thing to such an innocent girl?! That was so cruel of him. I stormed out of Cassie's house and headed for my car. I probably looked ready to kill and so did Cassie.

I stabbed my key into the ignition, and headed over to the school. It was time for lunch and I looked for Connor.

When I spot him, I stomped up to him, pushing away the sluts that surrounded him and shoved him against the nearest car, catching in off guard.

He growled at me but he didn't stop me. I raised my hands and slapped him across the face, "How dare you! How fucking dare you do that to my best friend! Who gives you the right to reject her so heartlessly! You are an filthy person who doesn't deserve Cassie! She deserves so much better then you! SHe deserves to be loved not rejected! What kind of sick excuse for a mate are you! How fucking dare you bast - !"

Then I felt a sting on my cheeks as I felt myself fall on the floor. He glowered down at me, "Don't you ever say anything like that to me again! I fucking deserve her. Don't you fucking talk to me like that again understand?"

"Watch your mouth bitch, you don't deserve her," snarled Amber, "Don't you talk to my friends like that. You emotionally hurt one, isn't that enough?!  Why do you need to physically hurt the other?! Who do you think you are?! Cassie commited suicide for you! Is that enough or do you want more?! Are you not satisfied with her?! If I were her mate, I would gladly accept her! What do you not like about her? Cassie is the sweetest girl I've ever met! You know what Mr. Alpha, Cassie really doesn't deserve you. She can do so much better then you!"

The whole place was quiet, you could hear a pin drop in the parking lot. Amber helped me up as I heard a small sob and everyone immediately turned to the sob.

Cassie was standing by the parking lot entrance, her eyes on Conner then it went to me when just got up.

She walked up to Conner, "Don't you dare hurt my friends. If you lay one finger on Emma again..."

Her voice trailed off but it left a dangerous warning at the end.

Take You Down (Chapter 5)



"What are you doing to do, pretty girl?" Conner hissed at me, obviously not liked being threatened.

"You'll regret it," I hissed back.

How dare he! How dare he slap my best friend!

I backed away from Conner, "Maybe I do deserve someone better then you. You can so fuck some whore and someone the same level as you. You can hurt me Connor, you already did, but don't touch my friends."

He flinched as I spun on my heels and stalked out. I was beyond angrily. I was furious.

"Cassie? How are you holding up?" asked Emma quietly, "Why did you come out here?"

I spun around to face them, "I'm glad I did guys. In fact, I'm very glad I did. What if he hurted you too Amber?! What if he slapped both of you without me knowing?! My own fucking mate - oh what the hell, he doesn't deserve to be called a mate - hurt you guys more?! You guys wouldn't tell me, I know it. And look at you Emma, you have a fucking red bruise on your face! Now your parents can't even yell at Conner about that because he's a fucking Alpha! I could care less if he slapped me! Let him! He can't hurt you guys! If you hurt him back you both can get killed! I'm glad I walked out the house to come look for you guys! You guys are the most important thing to me right now! I lost everyone else in my family!"

I started crying after my rant. Amber and Emma hugged me tightly. "It's okay Cassie. We'll be here for you, every day of your life," said Amber.

"I'm sorry," said Emma.

"C'mon, let's get you home and we can company you," said Amber, leading me to her car.

After we got home, we were sitting in my room and we planned a sleepover.

Then Emma and Amber had a michievious glint in their eyes. Uh oh, something is coming up, they must be talking into each other's head.

"Uh oh, what do you guys want? I know that face," I said.

"Well, you know how Conner rejected you?" asked Emma, no matter how mad I was at him, I felt my heart get squeezed as I nodded slightly.

"Well, we want to get revenge," Amber continued.

"I don't like where this is going," I said hestiantly.

"Oh hon, just listen," said Emma excitedly.

"We need you to dress like a slut," asked Amber.

"Excuse me?!" I squeaked, "Why in the world would I do that?!"

"To make him jealous," said Amber in her "duh" tone.

"No, no no," I refused.

"But it'll be fun! You'll be flirting with the whole football team in his face because he is in the football team and flirt with other guys too! C'mon! Show him that girls can take over too!" said Emma, "Please!"

They both used the puppy dog eyes. I sighed, "Fine, you win, but no five pounds of make up."

They grinned, "Yes!" And high fived each other then they rushed over to my closet.

"We need to find your sluttiest clothes," said Amber, she grabbed my short shorts and cut them even shorter into booty shorts that showed 3/4 of my butt as I gasped, "I will not wear that!"

They ignored me as Emma grabbed one of my tank tops and cut half of it off as I jaws dropped. They are seriously into making me a slut mood. They continued messing with my now whorerobe.

They smiled, satisfied, "We did good work."

"We'll be coming back tomorrow to prepare your outfit, no, actually, pick it now and we'll come over early tomorrow to help you with make up," said Amber.

I walked inside my clothes as I pulled out a short, very short Rachel Zoe dress along with some strappy heels. I pulled them on and twirled, "So? How is this?"

"Showing a lot of butt cheeks and breast, perfect," said Emma, giggling, "Oh, his face is gonna be priceless."

I glanced at myself in the mirror and groaned, "I look like a complete whore."

"That's the point hon," said Amber.

"I can't walk out like this," I said. The short dress made my legs look longer and skinnier but I still couldn't walk out like that!

"Yes you can, you're confident and the girl that I know is very confident and stood up to my brother," said Emma.

"Wait, what?" I asked Emma, "Brother?! Conner is your brother?!"

"Um, yeah, I planned on telling you but I didn't want to add more trouble," said Emma, "I'm sorry."

I sighed, "It's okay. I just can't believe your own brother would slap you. Wait, does he usually do this?"

"No, his wolf was coming out," said Emma.

"How come I didn't know about this?" I asked.

"He's always away. Alpha duties. He hates being the most powerful wolf in the world. It has its cons and pros," said Emma, "Let me tell you something, rogues and hunters are after us and it's dangerous. I'm not supposed to tell you this but some times at home, he would just break stuff random. He likes you but he can't accept you because the first thing rogues and hunters are going to aim for is you. A mate is always people's weakness."

"And you're telling me to dress as a whore to make him jealous?" I asked.

She smirked, "For the fun of it and I want to know how he's going to look like. Oh, tomorrow is gonna be funny. Oh! How about you come over!"

"Are you crazy?! Let adults see me like this?!" I squeaked.

"Yes, don't worry, they aren't home!" said Amber suddenly, I realized the whole time, while me and Em were talking she was talking to someone else.

"I don't know, what if Conner is home?" I asked, suddenly nervous.

"He'll see you anyways," said Emma, "Let's go!"

I was unsure but whatever, I was going to have to deal with it, pulling on the poor excuse for shorts and the "cami". I quickly applied some mascara, eye shadow, eye liner and some lip gloss. I let my hair loose.

"Okay, you look beautiful and slutty, perfect," said Emma giddy, "I can't wait to see his face."

Amber stopped me before I walked out my room, she grabbed a perfume bottle and sprayed it all over me. Oh no, Chanel N 0.5, ugh, it's so strong!

We climbed into Emma's car and drove to her pack house. I still couldn't get over it's ebauty, it was gorgeous! It had tall black gates in the entrance as Emma pressed a button and the gates opened and inside was a huge fountain in front of the house and there was healthy green grass and the mansion stood in it's proud glory. It was white with a couple of steps and had these huge double doors and inside was a huge grand staircase. I completely loved this place.

We all headed up the stairs towards Emma's room.

"Let's all sleepover," Emma suggested.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. And let the possibility of seeing Conner bigger," I commented sarcastically.

"Fuck Connor if he sees it, it's gonna be okay," said Amber, "He's going to see you either way."

I sighed, they were right. He was going to see me either way.

"So you're wearing the dress right?" asked Amber.

I thought about it, "You know what? Actually, let's not. Let's go shopping!"

Take You Down (Chapter 6)

Once we got out ther car, men's lustful gazes where on me, checking me out.  The cami was almost at my bra and thank god I was wearing a thong.

"Everyone's staring! It's working!" said Emma excitedly.

"Cassandra Morgans! What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Wearing." I heard Conner's low, dangerous growls. I was supposed to be scared but hell, I was turned on.

I turned on my heels, looking at him as his eyes bored down into mine. His adam apple was bobbing.

"You don't like it?" I purred, pressing my hands against his chest.

He tensed under my touch as he growled lowly. "You have no idea how much that turns me on," I whispered in his ears, my tongue darted out and licked on his earlobe then blowing lightly on it.

I could feel something poking my shorts. I dropped my hand and "accidentially" touching his erection. "Nothing to say?" I asked as I kissed his cheeks, dangerously close to his lips, just millimeters apart.

I smirked as I walked towards the entrance of the mall, Amber and Emma giggling.

"You should've seen Conner's face when you pulled away!" Emma giggled.

I shrugged nonchalantly as I walked into Yumdrop and got a black florence stretch halter dress, a red lace up chemise and thong, a strappy lace bra and tanga shorts, a black lace courtesan babydoll, a white satin chemise, a show stopper strapless dress, a black halter dress, and a hell lot more. Next was Enchanted Dreams. I got this sexy, black lingerie, a couple g string panties, a white side lace panel dress then more...I kept on looking for slutty clothes and I reached Victoria Secrets. I grabbed some lacy bras and thongs and g strings and lingeries.

I grinned at all the "clothes" I got. "Perfect," I said but I also made sure to get some actual clothes, like jeans and tee shirts.

After we all got stuff we headed back to thhe parking lot and decided to go back to Emma's place since it was nine by now.

I got use to the stares and lustful gazes from men and the glares from the women. We all threw our bags into Emma's room and headed back downstairs to the living room.

We decided to watch "The Notebook," all ready to cry our eyes out.

When we ran out of popcorn I headed towards the kitchen and threw the popcorn bag into the mircowave and decided to get more candy.

I accidentally bumped into someone, "Oh, I - uh, I'm sorry," I said.

"Oh, it's fine," he replied, his voice deep and mysterious, kind of like Conner's but Conner's voice was more sexier.

I pushed the thought out of my head.

His eyes practically undressed me as I licked my dry lips. I mean, he was kind of hot. His hair was perfect and his eyes were warm and brown.

Suddenly, he slammed his lips against mine, wrapping his arms around my waist, trapping me.

What is he doing?! I squirmed around, not comfortable. He wouldn't budge even though I tried to push him away as hard as possible. I felt his hands crawl up my shirt as I let out a muffled cry but he took it as an encouragement and just when he was about to touch my bra, he was flung across the room, crashing loudly into the kitchen counter.

Conner was standing there, looking ready to kill, his eyes black as he glared at...whatever the guy's name was. I didn't even know his name and he does't know mine and he just kissed me!?

Conner's glare was so intense and deep that the dude flinched. Conner stalked up to him and punched him square in the face as I heard a bone crack as I winced.

"Don't you fucking. Dare. To touch my mate," Conner growled, ready for another punch and just when he was going to go for it, I rushed up to him.

"Shh, it's okay Conner, relax," I whispered, wrapping my arms around him. He tensed up then relaxed, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Calm down Conner," I said as I placed a kiss on his neck. I couldn't help but notice how right it felt to be in his arms and how perfectly his body fit with mine and how amazing it felt to be near him. I wanted to be like this for as long as possible and I wanted to enjoy it before he started to act distant and angry all over again.

He was in a completely relaxed state and I pulled away. "Conner," I started saying slowly, "Look, you rejected me. I should be able to kiss whoever I want...and so do you. Maybe for once, the Moon Goddess was wrong because we weren't meant to be together. You clearly don't want me and you have no right to do punch...whoever that is. I should be able to like, kiss, date, hug whoever I want and again, so do you. We should move on with our lives. You're you, the new guy that every girl is crushing on and...I' the best friend of Amber and Emma. When you rejected me, I don't know, I felt like I was going to...die. I guess I'm supposed to feel like that since I'm your mate but you know what? You did it already and you said it's not going to work. You can't take words back. Conner, I'm sure you have a second mate out there, ready for you and someone who's more like you and is actually made for you. I'm not Conner, I'm not the right girl for you. I'm sorry."

I reached up and touched his face lightly before grabbing the popcorn and candy, ready to cry my eyes out and glad that I had an excuse to because of "The Notebook."

I started bawling when it was the sad part and it wasn't because of the story, I wasn't even paying attention. My wolf just started weeping. I couldn't stop crying and as stupid as this sounds, I felt so heartbroken as if my heart fell apart.

Take You Down (Chapter 7)


Two years. It has been fucking two years since I've heard of...her. The girl that I fucking rejected, the girl that was my mate, the girl that I fucking rejected because of rogues and hunters that were after my pack.

My life has been a wreck. Nothing was going right and I could never think straight and I couldn't even go a day without thinking about her. Cassandra Morgans. The girl made for me. My wolf was slipping away but everyday, I could hear his quiet yearns for him and I felt like someone was squeezing my heart out. I felt like everyday, I was slipping away. All I could do was drink, and drink, and drink. I couldn't find it in myself to screw some other slut that was desperate. It has been the longest two years of my liife. I haven't touched her, or spoke to her or saw her in two years and never in my life had kissed her.

She disappeared after that day everything spilled out of her. I threw my bottle across the room and reached for another, gulping it down.

"Put that bottle down now mister. I am not asking you. I am demanding you. I don't give a damn if you're alpha or not but I am your sister so I care. It was your fault that you rejected her. Oh, I don't know, maybe you could've told her why you rejected her, or maybe she could've just been your mate and protect her from the rogues and hunters? Maybe if you were smarter, she would've been here, next to you, the pack wouldn't be falling apart and you wouldn't be such a wreck Conner. If you did everything right, maybe Cassie would be here and you would be the perfect Alpha. You're a coward Conner. You should've just stepped up and told her about why you rejected her. Now when I get back, I expect this room clean," Emma said, snatching the bottle out of my hand, "And don't ask the maids to do it for you. Get yourself together, Alpha. Soon this pack will die."

When she closed the door behind her, I sighed. I was a coward. I should've just told her. Maybe she would've understood. Maybe I should've just mated with her and protected her. Maybe my life wouldn't be such a wreck and I would be a good Alpha. For the past two years, I could give a damn about what people did around here. I was too tired to do anything or say anything. I didn't attend pack meetings. Emma took my place for that and it was like Emma was the "Alpha" even though she would've been called the "Luna."

I got up out of my bed and started picking up the bottles and throwing them away. Emma was right, I did need to get myself together and start acting like the Alpha. After I was done, I took a quick shower and pulled on some decent clothes and headed out my room and going downstairs.

I greeted everyone I saw and they were pretty surprised at my behavior considering that I haven't been interacting with anyone in the pack except my sister, not even my friends or Amber or my parents. I felt so depressed all the time.

"Good morning," I said to the cook, Henry.

He looked up surprised, "Um, wow. Good morning Alpha. How are you feeling? Do you want some lunch?"

"Fine and no thank you," I said and walked up, greeting everyone else.

"Hey man," I said to my Beta, also my best friend and Emma's mate, Javier.

"Wow. Um, dude! You're actually out of your room," he grinned, "How are you feeling? It's been two years."

"It's bad but I'm okay," I assured, even though I knew I wasn't.

"Wanna grab a bite?" he asked, "No girls allowed."

"That reminds me, where did Emma go?" I asked.

"Oh, um. I don't know," he said rubbing the back of his neck nervously. He always did that when he lied.

"You're lying. Where did my sister go?" I asked.

"Okay, okay. She went to the airport," he blurted out, "But don't tell her I told you."

"The airport? Why?" I pressed on.

"Okay, man. That, I can't tell. I swore to the moon goddess," said Javier, "And it's also not my job to tell you."

I held my hands up, "Okay. Suit yourself."

We headed out and went to Alice's Diner. I remembered this place. I went here with my parents all the time with Emma when we were younger, every Tuesday. It was family night on Tuesday. We were made to clear out any plans we had on Tuesday nights and have family night.

I ordered my usual ribs burger with fries and a chocolate milkshake. Alice's Diner was known for their milkshakes and it's heaven on earth.

We just talked about guy stuff. (A/N: I'm not a guy so I don't know what they talk about) 

After we got back, Cassie invaded my mind again. I remembered that day when she seduced me in the parking lot of the mall and her half a camisole and those booty shorts that showed off her toned, long legs. I remembered when my pants got painfully tight. I remembered every single detail no matter how much it sucked when she walked away after teasing me. I remembered how she was even standing like. As girly and cheesy as this sounds, but I knew that from that first glance, I fell in love with her. I remembered how broken and hurt she looked when I told her I rejected her. I was so stupid and naïve back then and I didn't give a fuck about the world. I was selfish and I didn't think about how she felt but it hit me hard that last night that I would ever see with her. I learned how life would be like without your mate and I learned it the hard way. I didn't even know if I could survive without her anymore. I missed her so much and my wolf wouldn't stop reminding me and scolding at me. But everyday that she wasn't here, I felt my wolf slip away, more and more. I didn't even know what I wanted to do with my life anymore. It couldn't get any worse.

I decided to step out for a bit and walk around the neighborhood.

Something told me to walk towards the jewelry store as I headed over and my heart stopped at what I saw standing in front of the jewelry store. It was her.

Take You Down (Chapter 8)


Wow. I actually survived two years without him. It was hell but I survived and I'm back. At my hometown, taking a break from college in New York, hoping to be a lawyer, but now, I was back, in Michigan. I could bump into him any time of the day.

My jacket was wrapped tightly around myself, protecting myself from the cold winter air, as I stood in front of the jewelry store, gazing at the necklace. It was beautiful. It was a locket covered in diamonds.

"Hey," I heard the voice that I was hoping to not hear ever again. The voice that rejected me.

I turned towards the voice and I saw him. I saw those gorgeous blue eyes that I haven't seen for two years, the eyes of my mate.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I couldn't find anything to say to him but I could feel my heart beating fast.

He hasn't changed at all, who am I kidding? In fact, he grew hotter. His eyes just got more captivating, his pink full lips, his still perfect body, his masculine jaws, god, he just grew more flawless.

I didn't know what to say to him anymore. After that night, and the next morning I went home, got the letter that I got into Harvard, I left.

I didn't really think that I could face him anymore or any of this rejection crap so I left. I was such a coward. I couldn't even face my own problems. I just had to run away and leave the town using college as an excuse. I just left everything I had behind for two years, too afraid to face it. I didn't want to see him after everything I told him. I felt so embarressed.

"I'm sorry," we both blurted out at the same time.

I glanced up at him, "Should I go or you?"

"I'll go," he said, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I done to you to hurt you. I'm sorry that I rejected you because that was the worst mistake of my life. Rogues and hunters wanted to take down the pack and I didn't need a weakness with you and because you're my mate, they would go for you. I'm sorry that I'm such a coward to not tell you why I rejected you. I'm so sorry for everything. For the past two years, all I could ever think about was you and I broke down. I was a wreck but I never screwed anyone or dated anyone when you were gone. I couldn't find it in myself. I was such a bastard and I was stupid that I didn't realize that the most amazing girl was in front of me. I just had to reject you because I thought all about the pack. I shouldn't have, I know I'm not supposed to say that but I should be caring about you most and Cassandra Morgans, you are the most important thing in my life and I learned that the hard way. Cassie, I love you."

My heart stopped at the last three words. I ran towards him and threw my arms around his neck, catching him by surprise as the sparks flew through me. I started to cry hysterically.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I sobbed, "I'm sorry I left without telling you anything and that I went to New York. I'm sorry I used college as an excuse to get out of here because I couldn't see you after that last night. I'm sorry for teasing you and for everything!"

His arms wrapped around me comfortingly. "I'm more sorry," he said, "My speech beat yours. Mine is longer."

"Shut the hell up Brady," I grumbled.

"But I promise that I'll have you to say I love you," he swore.

I pulled away just a bit and smiled at him, "I'm pretty sure you can," I said as he smirked.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked.

I didn't answer, I just pressed my lips against his. "I," kiss, "Love," kiss, "You," kiss, "So," kiss, "Much," kiss.

He was so sweet!

I pulled away as he asked, "Did you have a boyfriend in college?"

"Nope," I said, "My wolf with stab me."

"Good," he said protectively.

I've never seen this side of him and...I liked it. He was so possessive and it was...a turn on.

"So, have you been a good Alpha?" I asked as I linked my arms through his, just walking having no destination.

"Honestly? Not really," he answered, "I refused to get out the room or to any pack meetings and don't blame yourself, Angel. It was my fault, I chose not to go and be a bad Alpha and role model."

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said.

"It's not your fault Angel, what did I say?" he said, "Would you like to go anywhere?"

" can come shopping with me," I suggested.

"Shopping? With a girl? No thanks," he said.

"Come on!" I pouted, "Please?"

"Okay, okay," he said as I started to drag him towards the mall.

When we were inside Us Trendy as I pulled out a couple of dresses.

"The pack is having a Christmas party, would you like to come?" he asked.

"In fact, I would. Now, I have to go find a dress and look presentable," I said.

I made Conner sit in front of my dressing room as I pulled on a a blue ombre dress as he shook his head. I got so many more dresses until I found the perfect one. It was a white strapless one and...I didn't know how to describe it. But it good really good on me.

"Now the shoes," I said scanning the store and my eyes landed on a strappy white one as I grabbed that as headed to the cashier and paid.

"Let's get you something," I suggested, "We have to make you look hot yet formal and serious."

"Are you saying that I'm not hot?" he teased.

"Trust me, you are," I said pulling him into Brooks Brothers.

I got him a 1818 One-Button Fitzgerald Tuxedo but instead of the bow, I gave him a tie, then black dress pants and some black loafers.

"You're good to go," I said patting his chest as he paid for it...$768.00 plus tax.

"I'm excited for Christmas," I said, "I have to get presents. What would you like?"

"Surprise me," he grinned.

"Conner, I also have something else to confess," I started as he nodded, gesturing for me to continue. I took a deep breath and let out, "I have a kid."




She. Has. A. Fucking. Kid?! Someone else's child?!

"You have a what?!" I snarled.

I felt ready to kill and I could already picture myself killing a man who gave her a child that wasn't me. It had to be me. was her mate, not whoever he was.

"Conner," she said, gripping my biceps, calming me down, just a bit, "It's okay. Calm down. I didn't do it  with someone. He was adopted. I found him on the streets crying. Conner, you can't expect me to not feel bad. He was just a baby. He's two now."

I relaxed, okay. Fine. At least some other man didn't give her a sperm and got her pregnant.

"Princess, at least he adopted. If I found out some other man gave you a sperm," I said nibbling her earlobe as she moaned, that was the sexiest sound ever, "I am going to hunt him down."

She giggled, "C'mon. Help me out. I'm going to get Will his Christmas persent. He's been bugging me about it and he thinks I bought it already. After, do you want to meet him?"

I perked up, "Yes I do."

We headed into Toys R Us and looked around. We ended up buying him a lego set because he loved building stuff.

It felt good to have Cassie back. I missed her so much I didn't even realize it, I mean, I did but I missed her a lot more then I expected.

I didn't know how I survived two years without her because every sceond I was with her, I just fell more in love and I was determined to get her to say I love you.

I felt alive again. It felt really good to have her back.

Now, I was sounding like a whipped dick but if it was for her, I was willing to do it. Now, I'm just sounding plain cheesy, I should probably stop.

"C'mon," she said, "And if you talk about werewolf or any of that supernatural stuff, you wouldn't dare."

"He doesn't know about it?" I asked, surprised.

"Conner, he's two but he might not be able to talk but he understands but I'm gonna tell him when he gets older," she said then added quietly, "Hopefully."

We got into her car as she drove over to an apartment, "My mom is taking care of him."

The apartment building even seemed smalled, I wondered what it would look like inside.

When we walked inside and headed upstairs to the fourth floor and walked into her apartment, I realize this place was extremely squishy.

"This place is small," I commented.

"It's big enough for me, Will and my mom," she retorted, "Plus, I don't really need such a big apartment. I'm just staying here for two weeks."

As she said that, my heart dropped. I remembered she was going back to...where she was after her winter break. She was leaving.

"Will!" Cassie called out, walking into the living room after putting down her stuff.

"Hey mom, how was my baby boy today?" Cassie asked a middle aged women, looking around her late 30s.

"In fact, Willy Billy has been extremely good today, I think he's expecting some candy," said Cassie's mom, handing Will over to Cassie as she sat down, bouncing Will on her lap lightly, kiissing his chubby cheeks. "Who do you have with you?"

Cassie looked up from Will, "Oh, he's..."

She trailed off, not knowing what to say. "A friend," I finished.

Cassie's mom stood up, "No, no. You're not a friend," Cassie's mom said, narrowing her eyes as I rose my eyebrows. "Aren't you the Alpha? My name is Stephanie, by the way."

"Um, mom! Uh, let's go get the Alpha a drink!" Cassie butt in ushering her mom out the living room and into the kitchen.

"Yes! Yes! Where did my manners go! Alpha, what would you like?" she asked and before I could answer, Cassie dragged her into the kitchen.

When Cassie appeared again and smiled sheepishly, "Sorry about that. Mom can get a little weird around guys that she thinks I'm 'dating'."

I smirked, "I can see. Can I hold him?"

First she looked confused then she handed Will over as I craddled him in my arm.

She sat next to me and turned around to face and me cross her legs as I also turned around to face her. We were silent for a while.

"It's been a while," she whispered, her hand hestiantly coming up and press against my left cheek, "I missed you."

For a moment, I forgot Will was in my arm and it felt like it was only me and her in the room.

Suddenly, Will started wailing as Cassie blinked and broke the stare, taking Will in her arms, "Shh, it's okay baby. Would you like to get some sleep? It's late. Let's get you some sleep."

She took him in her room and came out moments later. I couldn't help but think about how good she was with kids the minute she started cooing to him, he stopped crying.

"Cassie?" my voice asked breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" she answered.

"I was wondering if you could move into the pack house with me," I asked.

She bit her lip. Shit, that was a huge turn on. "I don't know. I'm only staying for two weeks and I'll be going back to New York," she replied.

"Then please, at least stay in the pack house for two weeks. You can bring Will and your mom. Please Cassie. If I have to get on my knees and beg, I will. I haven't seen you for two years Cassie, at least stay with me for two weeks," I said wrapping my arms around her as she buried her face in my chest.

"Okay," she replied, giving in, "We'll move in tomorrow. In the meantime, stay over for the night."

"Your water," said Cassie's mom popping up out of nowhere with a glass of water.

"Thank you," I said nodding.

"Mom, how does it sound to move in with Conner?" Cassie asked.

"Cassie, as long as you're okay with it, so am I," said her mom.

"Okay, then we're moving in tomorrow," said Cassie then turned to me, "Take a shower, down the hall to your left."

"Sure, let me get my clothes from the car," I replied as I pecked her cheeks and headed outside towards my car.




As Conner took a shower, mom said, "I heard he's sleeping over. I think it time you wear those lingeries I got for you."

Blood rushed towards my cheeks, "Mom!" I scolded.

"What?! I'm serious! I think it would be a good idea for you to relax and did I mention the Alpha looks pretty handsome," said mom nudging me.

"Mom, no. Just no," I said shaking my head, "Go to sleep mom okay? I'll see you tomorrow morning and we'll move in his place. And do you really think it's a good idea to sleep with the Alpha?"

Though, that idea really appealed to me and my wolf as she purred delightfully.

"Maybe," she shrugged, "Okay, good night darling. I'll leave you two here. Have fun."

After a while Conner came out as I was in the kitchen and he leaned on the wall in front of me.

I looked up, holding a bowl of popcorn, "Movie?"

"Sure," he said, "Which one?"

"Surprise me," I said as he smirked.

I got out a bag of different types of chocolate and a tub of Oreo Cookie n' Cream ice cream and it was the really big tubs.

I turned on the A/C and grabbing a large, thin blanket.

With all the food, I climbed under the blanket as Conner crawled in with me and hestiantly put his arms around me as I rested my head on his shoulders. The way my head fitted with the crook of his neck was perfect. I felt at home, even though I was home, literally. It felt warm as I asked, digging into my ice cream, "What are we watching?"

"You'll see," I could hear the playful tone of his voice as he popped some popcorn in his mouth.

Soon, I was throwing popcorn at the TV, screaming, "Oh my god, you stupid girl! Don't fucking go in there! He's gonna kill you!"

I was squeezing my eyes shut as I buried my face into Conner's chest. He was laughing, freaking laughing at Texas Chainsaw.

"Why are you laughing?!" I cried forgetting my ice cream as I pulled myself closer to Conner.

"You're funny," he said still laughing hysterically, "And babe, you might be throwing popcorn at the TV, that doesn't change anything."

Once the movie ended, I refused to let go of Conner. I was clinging to him like a koala on a tree.

"Okay, Cassie, the movie is over now. Let's get to your room and you can let go," he said chuckling.

"No, no, no. You are crazy. Have you noticed how closets look like coffins?" I asked him, wide eyed.

"Baby, c'mon. Let's get to bed, aren't you tired?" he asked.

"No, let's sleep out here and stay with me. I do not want to be alone," I whispered, tugging his arm, "Please babe?"

He gave in as I pouted at him. I crawled on the sofa bed with him as he took off his shirt. God, he was gorgeous. A perfect build, not too buff and oh god, did I mention those abs?

"Um, Conner?" I asked, "Shirt?"

"I can't sleep with shirts on. It's uncomfortable," he said, "Lights?"

"No! Leave that on!" I said quickly, pulling him back down on the bed.

He wrapped his arms around me as I snuggled up next to him.

He was rubbing my thigh up and down and it felt good but it turned me on. And his hand moved dangerously close to my butt. He pulled one of my legs over him and my head on his chest.

"Good night Conner," I murmured, kissing his bare chest as he shivered.

"Night Cassie, I love you," he whispered, kissing the top of my head.

As I began to drift off to sleep. I think I might love him too.

Take You Down (Chapter 9)



"Cassie, Alpha. Wake up,"  I heard a gentle voice say.

I opened one eye but closed it again as I heard Cassie groan, "Mom, leave me alone."

"We're going shopping!" said Cassie's mom and immediately Cassie bolted up and out of my arms. Darn.

"We are?" she asked.

"Sweetheart, of course we're not. C'mon, go pack darling. Aren't you moving in today?" asked Stephanie.

"Dammit, okay. Gimme a minute," said Cassie.

Stephanie headed into the kitchen, I think. I don't know. My eyes are still closed.

"Conner, wake up," she said.

"No," I grunted.

"C'mon," she urgued, shaking my shoulders slightly.

I pulled her back down on the sofa bed as she gasped in shock.

I spooned her in my arms, "Let me just hold you for five more minutes before I get up."

She relaxed in my arms and turned around, facing me. "Conner?" she asked quietly giggling.

"Hmm?" I asked sleepily.

"Your friend is poking my..." she trialed off giggling and grinded slightly on it, teasingly, making it harder.

Fuck. "Babe, you might want to stop doing that," I growled lowly, my voice deep.

She giggled as she climbed on top of me, wiggling her cute little ass. I groaned, closing my eyes.

She started kissing up my neck, then my jaw and slowly towards my lips and stop, just milimeters away from it and she pulled away.

"Gotta go check on Will," she said climbing off me heading towards her room, swaying that sexy ass of hers.

The blanket was pitched into a tent because of my erection.

When it was gone, Cassie walked out with Will giggling as she walked over to me. "Take care of him. I'll pack," she said, handing Will over.

I took him, "I'll help," I offered.

"No, you'll look for my bras and panties and keep them for yourself," she said.

She was damn right I will.

Soon, we was out with two suitcases. "I'm ready," she announced.

I was cradling Will carefully in my arms. He was so tiny.

"Let's go," said Stephanie with her suitcases.

"I didn't bring my car but I have a car ready downstairs," I said, standing up as Cassie took Will and I took her suitcases.

We put the suitcases in the trunk of the car as Cassie climbed in the backseat with her mom and I started driving.

When we parked outside I noticed Cassie gaping as I smirked at her, "C'mon baby girl, this is just the outside."

A maid took in our suitcases and brought Cassie's up to my room and her mom's to a guest room.

The door brust open and Amber and Emma threw themselves at Cassie, tackling Cassie to the floor.

"I miss you!" they cried together.

"Guys...can't breathe...!" Cassie choked out as they quickly got off her and she stood up. She hugged both of them, "I miss you guys too."

"I'll let you guys talk later but I'm going to take Cassie for a tour around the house," I said as I took her hand. Smalls tingles flew between us.

I lead her around the house, showing her the pool, backyard, the front yeard, the living room, the kitchen, and the rooms.

"Where's your room?" she asked.

"You're about to see," he said smiling.

I opened the door and lead her in as her eyes scanned the room. "Do you like it?" I asked closing the door.

She turned around and started nodding, walking towards me, "It's pretty neat for a guy," she commented.

"Am I supposed to be sloppier?" I asked, resting my chin on her should, wrapped my arms around her waist.

"No, it's a good thing," she said, "And why is my suitcases in your room?"

"You wouldn't mind if we shared a room would you?" I asked, waiting for her answer, hoping she would say no.

"As long as you have room for Will," she said, "Speaking of Will, where is he?"

"Your mom has him and Will has his own room, so does your mother," I answered.

"Okay," she said nodding and turned around.

She pressed her lips against mine. I was surprised at first before responding. Her teeth pullled at my bottom lip as I growled.




I giggled as I wrapped my legs around him as he held me up, guiding us towards the bed.

He straddled me as he kissed down the sweet spot behind my ear as I moaned, he continued kissing down my neck and stayed at the spot where my mark was supposed to me. He nipped that part and I knew he was asking for permission.

He raised his head, his eyes black with lust as I nodded, "It's okay. You can do it."

"Are you sure? I don't want to pressure you," he said, his voice huskily, god that was such a turn on.

"Just do it," I growled softed.

His canines enlongated as he lowered his head and bit me.

Take You Down (Chapter 10)

I heard a knock on the door, waking me up.

The spot next to me was empty as I could hear the shower running in the bathroom.

I groaned tiredly as I rolled over and fell off the bed with a thump.


I got up slowly on my feet and headed to the door and opened it.

It was a maid.

"Hi, miss. I'm sorry, did I wake you?" she asked.

"It's fine," I said, "What's wrong?"

"Dinner is going to be ready in ten minutes. Please come down," she said.

I smiled, "Sure."

I closed the door as Conner came out the steaming bathroom, shirtless, with only a towel wrapped around his lower half of his body.

Holy fuck.

What is he trying to do?

"Who was that?" he asked.

"A maid and put on some clothes. It's very distracting," I said, flopping down on the bed.

He smirked as he grabbed some shorts and his briefs from a drawer as I felt my face heat up.

"What did they want?" he asked.

"Dinner is in ten minutes," I replied.

He walked over to me and pulled me up to a sitting position as he kissed my lips lightly, "How did I get so lucky to end up with such an amazing person?"

I smirked, "Yeah, how did you?"

He rolled his eyes at me as I gasped dramatically, "Mr. Brady, did you just roll your eyes at me?"

He snorted, "C'mon. Dinner."

Take You Down (Chapter 11)

The next day, I managed to wake up before Conner, and that seems impossible because I enjoy my sleep but I somehow woke up earlier.

I headed into the shower and once I was done, I pulled on some denim shorts, a loose, but not really that loose, black and white shirt and some black flats.

I headed out the bathroom and to my desk as I curled my hair but loosened up some of the curls by brushing it out a bit.

Then, I applied some lip gloss, eye liner, mascara and some concealer.

It was nine by the time I was done and Conner still hasn't waken up yet. Hmm.

I walked over to the bed and got on top of Conner, kissing his lips lightly and wrapping my arms around his waist as I felt him stir.

I rested my chin on his chest as he looked down. "Good morning," I said smiling sheepishly.

"Morning," he said in his husky, morning voice.

You know what they say about boy's morning voices are the best voices?

It's true.

"What are you doing to me?" he asked quietly, flipping us over.

I smirked, "Please elaborate."

"I feel...alive when I'm with you and..." he trailed off.

"And?" I encouraged.

"We're not ready for that yet. I don't want you running away," he said.

I pouted, "I won't."

"I don't believe you," he said getting off me.

He disappeared into the bathroom, leaving me wondering.

I headed out the room and into the kitchen.

"Morning mom," I said smiling then kissed Will's forehead, "Morning baby boy."

"Hey, how do you sleep last night?" she asked, while making some pancakes and bacon.

"Good," I replied as she set a plate in front of me, "Thank you."

By the time I finished. Conner still hasn't come out yet as I decided to go check on him.

He was in the room pacing. I might've been spying on him since I was just peeking and listening at the crack of the door.

"I don't fucking care Jennifer. Do. Not. Go. Near. Her. If you do I will come and find you myself," he growled into the phone before hearing the girl on the other end reply.

Were they talking about me?

He pushed the end button and smashed the phone on the floor voilently.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he muttered over and over again.

I pushed open the door as he glanced up.

"Is everything okay?" I asked hestaintly.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Don't worry," he said softly.

His arms went around my back, bringing me closer to him as he pressed our lips together, kissing me passionately.

The kiss was so violent and fierce.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.03.2013

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To everyone who decided to like and read my book! God bless you! I love you all!

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