

Fictional Account Of

The Adventures Of The Little Rascals.



JUNE 27, 2011


While Their Mommy Is At Work.

One day, you asked the kids this question saying:

“What do you do all day kids when I am at the college?”

“We do different things mom” said Khokhah.

“Mommy, MOMMY! ... can I tell you, please, please mommy?” Baby Kiwi persisted.

“Yes Kiwi, go ahead dear” was your answer.

Kiwi then started by saying:

“When you close the door behind you mommy, I run to the window and see you as you are riding the Van, and as it leaves, I tell the girls ‘let us play, the cat is away’.

Crumbah fixes us breakfast, but Makdoosah hits the refrigerator first.

I run after her and tell her to save me some milk.

Mean while, I finish the milk in my bottle, and give it to Makdoosah, she washes it inside out and refills it for me, and gives me a small glass of milk too.

As for Crumbah, she sometimes shoos Makdoosah away from the refrigerator, before Makdoosah finishes every thing in the refrigerator.

After we had our breakfast, Wardah goes to your room and spends most of the day by the night stand looking in the mirror, combing her hair and fixing her makeup.

As for Khokhah she either goes to the pool, or spends sometimes with one of your colleagues in the complex.

And Crumbah fixes us the breakfast and the lunch.

In between, she watches some TV shows, as her hands are knitting, or doing a canvass piece.”

“And what about you Kiwi, what do you do all day?” you asked her, and she said:

“I eat the breakfast mom, then as Crumbah is washing the dishes, I watch some Cartoons, then I go to sleep.

When Crumbah wakes me up for lunch, I eat and sit in the water in the bathtub and play with my plastic toys.

After that, I take a long nap, and right before you come, Crumbah wakes me up and I sit by the window waiting for your van to show up.

And once it does, I run to the balcony and call Khokhah saying:

‘Khokhah, mommy is home’ and Khokhah drops every thing and runs to the shower, where she takes a quick bath, dries herself fast, put on her clean clothes and sit in the front room waiting for you to come in.”

“Not that bad, at least you all stay out of troubles” you say that, kiss them all and Crumbah helps you prepare the dinner.

After dinner, you asked Khokhah:

“And whom did you visit with so far, young lady?”

Khokhah felt uncomfortable, but she spoke up and said:

“Yesterday I spent some time with Miss Juliana”

“Who is she?” you asked her.

“She is the lady who lives in the third building on the right. She is a really nice lady, mom” Khokhah said.

“And how did you meet her?” you asked her.

“See mom, when I want to be around people, other than my siblings, I walk around the complex.

The other day, as I was doing just that, I saw Miss Juliana on her balcony.

I said to her “Good Morning neighbour”, and she waved me and said:

“Top of the morning to you young lady”, then she invited me to come in.

So I went inside and sat, and we talked and talked.

“What did you talk about Khokhah?” you inquired.

“Oh mom, you know, ladies’ talk” she answered.

“Like what?” you persisted asking her.

“Well, she asked me about my name, who is my mom, where I live, I told her too about my brothers and sisters, and she asked me too about daddy” Khokhah said.

“What did you tell her about Daddy?” you asked.

“That he lives in San Francisco, he is too fat, because he loves to eat a lot, and that he is now retired” Khokhah said.

“So you did not leave out any thing about us that you did not tell her about, is that right young lady?”

“Oh mom, we were just killing time. And she gave me lollipops for everyone, including one for you mom” she said that and reached out to hand you a lollipop.

You thanked her for the lollipop, but here, Kiwi ran and snatched the lollipop from her hand.

Kiwi cried and complained that Khokhah gave her a lollipop which Khokhah was sucking on.

“Okay Kiwi honey, you can have mine” you said that and called Kiwi to come to you, where you picked her up and smothered her with kisses.

She wiped off every kiss you gave her on her cheeks.

“Mom, please, one kiss is enough” she said that and went to play with her toys in the bath tub.

So, that is how the little ones spend their days all alone,
while you are out of the house.



Adventurers in The Big Mall

Dear Daddy:

My brothers, Big Thomas and Chubby Mas3ood, and my sisters Crumbah the calm, Khokhah the shaqiy-yah,

{shaqiy-yah = Trouble Maker}

Wardah the conceited, and Makdoussah the faj-3aa-nah,

{faj-3aa-nah = Always Eating}

as well as myself, the tiny Baby Kiwi,
we all miss you a lot Daddy.

The other day, after Mommy talked with you on the phone, she dressed us all except for Thomas.

Mas3ood has on his only suit, for you never bothered to buy him a second outfit.

Crumbah had on her blue dress.

Khokhah insisted on putting on the Safari outfit, for she wanted to look like Indiana Jones Of The Camels.

But Wardah likes to have her red velvet dress, to match the fancy makeup she put on for the occasion.

And me, I had the only suit I have on me.

Shame on you both: Mommy and You, Daddy, for not buying me another dress.

Mommy put on her chador, and put us all in the new baby stroller she bought for us the other day.

We left the complex, and stood by the curbside, waiting for an empty taxicab to flag down.

Finally, one stopped and Mommy loaded us all in the back seat, and put the stroller in the trunk.

"The Mall please" my mom asked the driver to take us to.

The driver asked mommy:

"To which one? There are tens of malls in Riyadh".

She told the driver:

"Take us to any one will do, I am taking the kids to spend the evening walking around in the mall".

The driver said: "Lucky for them, they must be precious".

"They are very special and precious to me and to their Daddy too".

When we reached the first mall we passed by, the driver let us out.

Mommy paid him the fare, gave him some extra for tips, thanked him, and got us out of the cab, where she made us wait close to each other, on the curbside, while she got the stroller out of the trunk of the cab.

She loaded us all into the stroller, and started walking around the huge mall, as she pushed us in front of her.

When mommy sees something nice, she would bring our attention to it.

Mommy was window shopping.

Suddenly, Khokhah yelled:

"Corn on the cob mom, buy us some, please".

Mommy got embarrassed for people looked at us to see why Khokhah was yelling.

She turned the stroller towards the place where the guy was selling the corn on the cobs.

Mommy asked him for some corn on the cobs.

The guy asked her: "Do you want it boiled or BBQed?".

She turned to us and asked us each by name, which one each wanted.

I was the first to say:

"Boiled one for me mommy, thank you mommy."

The man gave me one, wrapped with its leaves.

I took it, and it was hot, but I was able to hold it.

Makdoosah looked at the man and said:

"I want one of each, one boiled and one BBQed too."

The guy looked at mom, and she nodded her head for him to give her what she wants.

The man gave her two, and told her as he was smiling:

"You have a big tummy kid!."

Makdoosah blushed and said nothing, while Big Mouthed Khokhah shot back:

"Yeah, sure, she is like our Big Daddy, he has a very big belly too, and I want a BBQed one please".

The man gave her what she asked for.

Wardah asked for a boiled one, and the guy gave her one.

Mom asked Crumbah:" What do you want honey?"

And Crumbah answered her:

"I will take whatever you take mommy".

Mommy told the guy to give her two boiled ones, which he did.

"What about you Mas3ood?" Mommy asked Mas3ood.

"Like Khokhah, I want a BBQed one please" he answered.

Mommy paid the man for the purchases, and looked around, and found a place where there were plenty of benches, tables and chairs.

We sat on a long bench. Mom sat in the middle, Mas3ood, Crumbah and Wardah sat on her left side, while Makdoosah, Khokhah and I sat on her right side.

We spent the time looking at people as they walked by, as we were munching on our corn on the cobs.

Some people stopped by us, looked at us and told mom:

"They are so cute, may ALLAH bless them".

Mom thanked them.

When we finished eating the corn on the cobs, Mommy wiped all of our hands with Wet Wipes, which she had in her purse.

Makdoosah complained to mom that she did not have enough, and that she is still hungry.

Mom calmed her down and told us that she is going to buy us other goodies.

Then, she put us again back in the stroller, and we started walking around in the mall.

Once again, Khokhah suddenly jumped out of the stroller and started running away from us, as she was screaming:



Mas3ood jumped off the bench, said to mom:

"I will go with her" and he started running after Khokhah.

Mom put the rest of us in the stroller and hurried towards the man who was selling the Termoss.

Once there, she took Khokhah by her ear, and scolded her saying:

"When are you going to settle down and stop these childish acts of yours? when?"

Khokhah screamed "Ouch, it hurts mom, let me be".

When mom calmed down, she asked the man to give us each a cone of termoss, with little salt on all of the purchases.

Here Makdoosah asked mom:

"Can I have a large cone of termoss mom, please?"

Mom looked at us and asked:

"Any one else want a large cone of Termoss?"

Except for Makdoussah, all said "no mom, one regular size is enough."

Mom paid the man, put us all again in the stroller, and we started walking around.

Mom told Khokhah in a firm voice:

"And YOU Khokhah, dare you jump again, scream or run off!"

Khokhah started to say: "But mom ...", when mom cut her short and said: "No is NO. Period!".

We found another big bench, and we all sat there for some time, as we were eating the Termoss.

Khokhah was throwing the peelings on the floor.

Here, Crumbah looked at her and told her:

"STOP doing that, use the bag which mom has in her lap, just like the rest of us are doing".

Crumbah got off the bench, collected the peelings off the floor, put it in the paper bag, and sat back on the bench.

Khokhah apologized.

After a while, we got up, mom put us all back in the stroller, and we started walking to a different part of the huge mall.

Mom saw a corner where there were electric mini cars for kids to ride.

She headed towards it and asked us:

"And who wants to ride a mini car?"

We all said we want to.

So mom approached the man in charge, gave him the money, and he sat us kids two to a car.

I sat with Crumbah, Mas3ood and Khokhah sat together, Wardah and Makdoussah sat in the third car.

The man put on us all the seat belts, and told us:

"Okay kids, all of you are going to be good kids now, and you are to keep your hands inside the cars."

With that, he made sure all the kids are fastened to the seat belts, and he pushed the button...

Here we go.

The cars drove off automatically.

It went around and around and around.

Mom stood on the side with the other moms and dads.

She had the camera in her hand.

She aimed it and called on us to look towards her.

When we all did, she took many pictures.

The cars stopped, and all the kids were let out, and turned over to their parents.

Khokhah said in a loud voice:

" That was fun mom… we love you".

Mom said to us: " I love you all too".

We passed thru the food corps section.

Makdoussah made her wishes heard out and loud saying:

"Mommy, please buy us KOOSAH Ma7hsee, we all are hungry".

{Koosah Ma7hshe = Stuffed Zucchini}

Wardah who is always on a diet, said to her:

"Talk for you self, ya faj-3aa-nah".

{ya faj-3aa-nah = One who always eats}

The rest of us laughed out loud at her comment.

Mom bought us a sizable amount of Koosah Ma7hshee, a few paper plates and got lots of napkins.

After she paid, we walked away looking for a large table.

A bit later, Crumbah spotted one large table with eight chairs around it.

She pointed to it and said to mom:

"Mommy, shall we sit over there?"

Mom said "a okay", and we all sat around the large table.

Mom put in each plate for us, a koosayah {a single stuffed zucchini}, and put two for Makdoussah.

Makdoussah said to Mom:

"Thank you mom, I wish Daddy was with us now, for he loves Koosah Ma7hshee."

Right away, tears dwelled in mom's eyes, and a few tear drops fell down her cheeks.

Crumbah got up, came around and handed mom a napkin, saying to her:

"Don't cry mom, please, we all miss our Daddy too."

Mom kissed Crumbah on her cheek, took the napkin and wiped off her tears.

After we finished eating the Koosah Ma7hshee, Mom wiped our mouths and hands with the Wet Wipes, dried it off, put the empty container and the used plates in the garbage bin.

Then she put us in the stroller, and started walking again around yet another section of the mall.

We came by an open court, where in the center there was a magician.

We stood on the side in a circle with many other people.

The magician played different tricks, and it was fun.

When he finished playing his games, mom sent Mas3ood with some money to put it in the hat of the guy.

I asked mom: "Why do you give him money mom?"

And mom explained to me saying:

"Honey, that is how the man makes his living, from the money he collects from us the audience."

We walked away and left.

As we were in the far end of the mall, we saw a large round pool, with a tall fountain in its center shooting up water in the air.

Mommy let us stand by the edge of the pool.

We all leaned over the edge, dipped our hands in the water, and started to throw the water over each other.

Mom said nothing for we were so happy and having lots of fun.

Some ten minutes later, mom announced that "it is time we head back home".

Reluctantly and one by one, we filed in line for mommy to dry us from the dripping water all over our clothes.

She put us in the stroller and we started walking towards the exit out of the mall.

Suddenly, Mao3ood calls on Makdoussah and when she looked towards him, he pointed to a place at the far end from where we were.

She could not understand what he was pointing to.

She asked him:

"What?", and he cupped his palms around his mouth and whispered: "Ice Cream".

By now she saw the Ice Cream Parlor, and she jumped in her place and yelled:

"Mommy, mommy, look!".

Mommy looked but at first did not get it.

Here Makdoussah yelled: "Ice Cream every body?", and went on jumping up and down.

Mommy told her to:

"Sit down girl, you are going to break the stroller".

Then mommy took the stroller to the Ice Cream Parlor.

Before mommy had the chance to look at all the available flavours, I said to mommy: " I love Vanilla mommy."

"And I will take Pistachio" Khokhah said, while Wardah said: "Chocolate please Mommy".

Mommy asked Mas3ood and Khokhah and both said in unison:

"Vanilla, Vanilla, we want Vanilla".

Crumbah leaned over to mommy and whispered to her:

"Mommy, can I have Vanilla and Chocolate, please?".

"Of course sweetie, whatever you want."

Mommy said to her, and continued on asking:

"And what about you Makdoussah? Don't you want an Ice Cream Cone?"

"One only? I want three cones" Makdoussah said.

"Wow, what a big eater!" the girl behind the counter said, and we all laughed.

"And what flavours would you like baby?" she asked Makdoosah.

Makdoosah was by now leaning over the window case, looking at all the barrels in the freezer behind the glass, and she said:

" I want the brown one, the green one and the red one."

With that, the girl put for her a Chocolate scoop, a pistachio scoop and a strawberry scoop.

It was very high, so the girl put under it a large paper plate and handed it over to Makdoussah.

Mommy got a Chocolate double scoops, her favourite flavour.

We walked back and sat by the pool, and we went on licking the Ice Cream off our cones and hands.

It was very delicious and messy too.

Once we all were done, we dipped our hands in the pool and washed it.

"Now it is time to head back home kids". Mom declared.

"Not yet mommy." Crumbah said.

Mommy looked at her and asked:

“What now kiddo?"

"Some desert mommy, I am craving for Zalabiyah."

{ Zalabiyah = Donut little balls }

"Fine, any thing else any one want?" mommy asked.

"No mommy" we all said.

"Then let us ask where there is a Zalabiyah store here." Mas3ood announced.

Mommy approached the Ice Cream Parlor cashier and asked him, and he gave mommy the directions to the only store that sells Zalabiyah.

Mommy rolled the stroller all the way to the far side of the mall.

Asking again, finally we found it.

"We are going to take it out home, for it is sticky, okay kids?"

Mommy announced and she bought us a large barrel of Zalabiyah.

After paying for it, we headed back to the main entrance to the Mall.

Once out side, the security guard lead us to a long line of Taxis parked by the curbside.

He stood by the first one in line, opened the door and said to us kids:

"March in young ladies" and he smiled in our faces.

We all stepped in into the back seat, the driver put the stroller on the front seat next to him, and off to our home he drove us.

Once there, except for Crumbah, we all jumped out of the Taxi and started running to our apartment.

Crumbah put the barrel of the Zalabiyah in the stroller, and walked with mommy.

As soon as mommy let us in into the apartment, we all converged on Crumbah and took the Zalabiyah barrel from her, and ran to the kitchen.

By the time mommy and Crumbah caught up with us, our hands were all dipped inside the barrel, snatching two or three each.

"Save us some, please" Crumbah said.

We ate Zalabiyah to our hearts content.

After washing and drying our hands, Mommy marched us all to the bathroom.

There, we all got undressed and jumped inside the bath tub.

Mommy filled it with warm water, and we sat down playing.

We splashed the water all over us and the floor of the bathroom became very wet.

Mommy washed each one of us with soap and rinsed it with clean water.

She dried us, put on us clean clothes, except for poor Mas3ood.

Mommy wrapped him in a clean towel, and tucked him in bed.

Then mommy collected all of our dirty outfits, put it in the washer, and turned it on.

We headed to the bedroom, for we all were tired and happy.

We sat in a circle around Thomas, and there we went on all telling him about all what we ate and did all day.

When we finished talking, Thomas looked at us and asked us:

"And what did you bring me from the mall?"

We all went to bed, saying nothing, for we were so full of shame of ourselves for not remembering Thomas while we were all having fun all day in the large Mall.

We slept very happy and relaxed.

Daddy: Did you like reading about our adventures in the Big Mall the other day?

We all love you Mommy, and we all love you Daddy too!



The Little Adventurers Big Misadventure.

My Dear Lady:

As you walked home one evening, the Security Guard told that "the kids are in trouble, and the Police Officer Taufiq wants you to go down to their precinct right away and bring the four rascals with you."

Asking him "which ones", he answered saying: "the four girls".

You went to your room and there the girls were playing and making lots of noises.

Looking how innocent they looked, you asked them:

"What did you do young ladies?"

"Nothing Mom, nothing at all" they said it in unison.

"Okay then, get dressed, put on your Burqas, let us go to the Police Precinct."

"Police precinct? Again?" they all said it in low voices.

"Seems you were already there today?" you questioned them.

"Oops, we got caught girls" Kiwi said.

You marched them in front of you to the front door, out of the apartment, and on to the main gate, where the Security Guard said to the girls:

"I hope you would not give me hard times from now on".

They said nothing and walked to the curb, where Kiwi raised her hand and flagged a taxi.

Once all got in, the cabbie looked at you, at the kids and asked you:

“Are these your kids?”

“Yes, why are you asking me this question?” you inquired.

“Then you owe me thirty riyals” he answered.

Here, Makdoosah said: “Mommy, please give it to him”.

Upon arriving to the precinct, you paid the cabbie, and walked in and asked to see officer Taufiq.

The clerk took you to his office, and officer Taufiq welcomed you.

The girls hid behind you, and the officer told them to come out and sit on the couch.

Upon seeing Crumbah, he pointed at her and asked you:

“And who is this one?”.

“I am Crumbah sir, the oldest daughter” Crumbah answered.

“This one was not with them, just to let you know” the officer remarked.

“I stayed at home mom, I could not stop them, and I did not want to participate in their plans”.

Crumbah explained to you.

"What happened officer?" you asked, and he said: "Ask them, please".

Looking at them, they were looking at the floor, so you asked them:

"Who is going to speak up now?"

All pointed their fingers at each other.

"Okay. Kiwi, tell me sweetie what happened, mummy" you said.

Kiwi started to tremble and cry.

"Come on honey, just tell me what you know".

Kiwi opened up and said:

"I know every thing, for it was my idea, mummy"

"Okay, speak up Kiwi" the officer said.

Kiwi looked at him, at her sisters and then at you and started saying:

"We were at home, as usual playing after you left to your work at the college.

An idea crossed my mind, and I told the girls about it.

They were all thrilled and enthusiastic, except for Crumbah, who tried to stop us.

So, we left the house, and at the gate, the Security Guard wanted us to go back in, for we were not allowed out alone.

We ran away from him. He could not catch up with us.

We flagged a cab and asked the driver to take us to the Airport.

Once we arrived there, we all jumped out of the Taxi and ran away without paying the cabbie.

Poor guy, he tried to come after us, but we were way faster than him.

Looking at the Departure Electronic Boards, we searched for a flight to San Francisco.

We found one on The Emirates Air Lines.

We asked for the gate where the flight is boarding at, then we ran to catch up with it, for the passengers started boarding it.

As we reached the gate, there was a long line.

Here, we thought of a way to get on board, without having any tickets or passports on us.

Khokhah suggested that "we look for families with children, and individually we stand in line behind them, and walk behind them as if we were part of the family".

One by one, we walked to the plane.

Once inside, we roamed around the plane till it filled up and the doors of the plane were closed and locked.

Here we sat in a row of five empty seats and put on the seat belts.

A hostess came by, saw us, and asked us "where are your parents?"

"we are flying to San Francisco, for Daddy is there" we told her.

"But what about Mom, where is she?" she asked us again.

"Oh, Mom is a teacher at the Univercity, and she is there now" we said.

"Why is she not with you then?" she asked again.

"We are running away from her" I told her as a matter of fact.

"Why are you running away from her, does she beat you up?" she asked.

"No, never, but she HARETNY BAUSS, and she would not quit" I told.

{HARETNY BAUSS = smothered me with wet kisses}

"I see. You wait here, okay?" she said that, called on one of her colleagues, told her to keep an eye on us, and not to allow any of us to stray away.

She left, and in a few minutes later, she came back with the On Board Security Officer.

The hostess looked at us and said:

"Here are the Little Adventurers".

He frowned in our faces and ordered us to:

"Come with me you rascals"

We unfastened the belts and walked behind him, while the hostess walked after us.

He got us off the plane and handed us to the Airport Ground Security Officials.

These asked us about our home address, then an officer brought us to the precinct here."

So that was their story.

The officer Taufiq asked me if I am hard on them, or if I spank them, and I assured him that I do not.

The girls assured him that they were never spanked or hit.

Mom interjected: "it is me their mother who is always KISSING THEM TOO MUCH, and that is why they decided to run away to America and to be with Daddy whom they miss a lot."

“And how did you go into the house” I asked them.

Officer Taufiq said:

“I sent them home accompanied by a lady officer.

The Security Guard at the Complex let them in, and someone opened the door for them.”

“I did open the door for them, mom, after I heard them from behind the door”. Crumbah said and adjusted her seat.

With that, the officer gave the kids lollipops, and let you all go home.

When the Security Guard at the complex saw you together, he said:

"May God bless them and keep them safe from any harm".

You thanked him and walked home, where once inside, they went to their room, and started playing and making lots of noises, as if nothing happened.




So now dear readers:

What do you think of these

Little Rascals and Adventurers,

who for your information, happen to be,

except for Thomas and Mas3ood:

Cabbage Patch Kids?.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.06.2011

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