
Full Moon

Chapter One

I pull back my blonde hair into a tight perfect ponytail. Tilting my head, I brush on the new blackest black waterproof mascara, and, finally, smear on the bubble gum pink lip gloss I’d received for making honor roll; again.

The powder blue and white cheer uniform hugs my body, and the shirt stops right below my rib cage. Unfortunately, the short skirt starts low on my hips. I almost tossed the whole idea of wearing our cheer uniforms on Mondays, and put on some stretchy shorts. But Anna would kill me.

Practicing my large, fake smile in the mirror before I head down the staircase, I hear my older sister knock on my door. “Gwen! I’m leaving early, so you better hurry.”

I roll my eyes, “Thanks for letting me know early,” I mutter sarcastically. The joys of being sixteen were ripped away when I found out I wouldn’t be getting a car until I was eighteen.

My older sister, Anna, just turned eighteen last month, and had received her bright red Ferrari. Anna was head cheerleader, and used that to her full advantage when it came to me.

Anna was dating a senior who she’d gone to school with since kindergarten (the second time around; they held her back the first time) and had never taken an interest in him until he joined the football team sophomore year. Chad, her boyfriend, was always hanging around, and winked at her all the time. But, he also winked at a few other girls all the time too.

Like always, Anna refused to notice the obvious, even when we told her flat out; Chad was a slime ball.

Anna could have any guy she wanted really, she was the prettiest girl in the entire school, and she knew it.

My younger sister, Alice, was the sweetest of us three. She always told the truth and showed true compassion. She was fourteen, and a goody-two-shoes

Alice was Freshman, me a Junior, and Anna a Senior. We are all very alike in looks. Our similarities are our blue eyes, long blonde hair, tan bodies, tall frames, thin, and athletic. When we enter a room people know it.

Mom is exactly like us, but my father is the opposite with his mop of floppy brown hair and dark green eyes. He is tall too, but paler compared to us.

My father’s family, who hates my mother, tried to convince my father once upon a time that we were the ‘milk mans kids’.

As to be expected, Dad ignored them.

Anna leans toward Mom’s personality: flirty, fun, outgoing athletic, and a gossip.

Alice is my dad all the way: funny, sweet, caring, giving, and always self-sacrificing. She also has the urge to leave the room when anything unpleasant comes up.

Me on the other hand, I follow no one. I am athletic and nice, but I also have a mean streak that comes through at the most awkward times. But, when I notice it I try to keep it from surfacing. What I really am is sarcastic. No one in my family understands where I get it from because they are all very polite.

But I am quiet and shy when I don’t know you, I never step forward to make a difference. I am me, I am not a copy of my parents.

I check my reflection once more in the mirror before picking up my light blue backpack, and shoving my feet in the white flip flops I love so much.

Finally, heading down the steps, I hear the door slam shut and my mother pour a cup of coffee.

“Did Anna just leave with Alice?” Mom continues humming and drinking coffee.

“No, she wouldn’t!” my mother gasps. “That’s complete and utter nonsense! This will be fixed, let me get a hold of her. Boy, when she hears from me!”

“Mom?” I wait and she pushes her hair behind her ear, revealing a bluetooth.

“Just a moment, my daughter is trying to get my attention,” she laughs a little too hard at what the other woman says and answers back. “Yea, yea! I know kids!

“Okay, okay! Bye bye, now. I’ll see you at the Food Drive on Saturday.” Her long, thick, black eyelashes cast shadows on her cheeks as she finishes up whatever gossip she was relating to the person on the other end of the phone line.

She rolls her eyes dramatically and mouths ‘Oh my God’, “Caroline! Yes, it’s this Saturday. How could you forget? We’ve been planning…” Caroline must have cut Mom off.

She nods, “I don’t care if your daughter has a recital, you have to be there!”

I hear Caroline apologize over and over again, “Mom?!” I whisper yell at her.

“You better be there, Caroline,” my mother scolds.

“Bye, bye. See you this Saturday.”

“Mom, I’ve been trying to get your attention…,” I slam my foot down and she just quiets me by putting her pointer finger to her red lips.

“Really!” Mom gasps. “I would have never ever guessed that she would have cheated on George. Francis Milton has such a sweet heart. I just can’t see her having an affair?” Mom listens and nods, “Really? Three years, it’s been going on that long?”

I scream under my breath and grab and apple from the fruit bowl.

Opening the door and seeing the car gone, I figure I might as well walk. Besides my only other choice is waiting out Mom’s incredibly long phone conversations that sometimes seem to go on for days.

Our street is full of other fancy homes, and fancy families. Almost all the time, I feel like an imposter in this clean, pristine neighborhood. I frown and the For Sale sign in the front yard of a neighboring house, wondering who could possibly be moving. A bead of sweat drips down into my face and I swipe it away.

It’s only three weeks into the school year, the heat is awful, but I trudge on anyways; fanning myself with my World History folder.

On my way toward the school, a black Harley Davidson flies past. The rider’s helmet covers his whole head and blocks his face. He wears a leather jacket and jeans.

I watch motorcycle passes over the top of the hill, toward the horizon, and out of sight.

Who owns a motorcycle in town? It could be anyone! People buy new trinkets everyday around here. The thought leaves my mine as the horrible heat fills my brain.

When the high school is in sight and my armpits are sweating, I’ve already made up my mind to kill Anna and Alice for leaving me behind.

The large brick school looks like it’s built to hold thousands of kids, but really we only have seven hundred students or so. A banner runs across the main entrance of the school and right underneath it is Anna.

Once I make my way up the front steps, I see Anna making out with Chad. Alice is ten feet away flirting with a sophomore.

Anger boils inside of me, and I can’t help but shout, “This is what you had to be here early for, loser?!” I yell at her. “You couldn’t have waited five minutes for me to finish? I had to walk all the way here!” She looks me up and down with her nose crinkled, and merely shrugs her shoulders.

“You weren’t ready. I warned you,” Chad laughs and mumbles something under his breath that I don’t hear.

“God! Why can’t you just be a decent sister for once in your life?! I know it sucks that you’re jealous of me…” Her eyes widen, she absolutely hates when I say she’s jealous of me, probably because it’s true, and she puts her hands on her hips.

She swallows hard, and runs her tongue over her front teeth before speaking, “Trust me, Gwen, there’s nothing to be jealous of. No boyfriend, no car, no friends, no life. How could you have one after what you said last summer?” Her tone is sickeningly sweet, but her eyes speak hate.

I cringe and close my eyes for two seconds before opening them again, “I seriously cannot believe you said that just now.” I suck in a deep breath, “No wonder the whole squad hates you, and says things behind your back.”

Anna had started kissing Chad right in the middle of my speech, but pulls away. “Go away you little stalker! Do you want to watch us make out?” Anna’s lips pull back into a sneer. She won’t tolerate me insulting her baby, the squad.

Before I realize what I’m doing, my hands are out, palms facing Anna, and slamming into her chest.

I glare, “Now I’m good now, loser, I’ll leave.” I growl and stalk away into the school.

Entering the bathroom, I rest my hands on the counter and stare into the mirror.

Boy, am I glad I wore waterproof mascara today. The sweat would have ruined it! Not that anyone cares about me anymore. Not after what happened during the summer. Not after, well, everything.

The bathroom is empty in the final minutes before first bell and I let the A/C bring down my body temperature and cool my anger.

God! Anna makes me so mad, why can’t Anna be like Alice; sweet and innocent. Why does she have to say the most awful, hurtful things?! I push a strand of stringy blonde hair out of my eyes, and just chill in the bathroom until the bell rings.

When the bell does finally ring, I head to my locker look ahead, ignoring everyone. Even the thought of making eye contact with one of my so called friends from last year, well, it makes me want to vomit.

The nasty comments and rude remarks haven’t been that bad yet, everyone was still so enthralled with seeing all their friends. But something deep inside of me warns me that today things are different. Today people are remember, and people are talking.

Taking a nervous, shaking breath, I click in the combination, 8-25-8. The lock pops open and I retrieve my Spanish book from my bright yellow locker and my 2-inch Spanish binder.

Staring at the worn down binder that I had bought freshman year, I smile.

The white binder has drawings all over it; hearts and flowers, names and numbers. Each piece sign and heart representing a memory or a lecture. When I stubble across one specific number I shiver. That was from last year. That was the year he asked me out. It is his number. I may have deleted it from my phone, but I can’t just scribble it off of this binder.

I need a new binder.

Instead of tossing the binder then and there, which is what I feel like doing, I flip it over so I can’t see the cover, and continue on to first hour.

The powder blue skirt feels like it becoming shorter and shorter as I walk down the hallways and I feel more stares on my back. My face and neck get hot, and I begin to feel like I’m suffocating.

Gosh, I wish no one remembered what happened over the summer. I wish it didn’t happen. It shouldn’t have happened, I know that much. It feels so long ago to me, but to these people, my classmates, it was only yesterday.

Emily Watson slides past me, ramming her shoulder into mine, “Oops, sorry! I’m too much of an idiot hick. I ain’t smart enough to walk straight,” she mocks, and frowns at me. Instead of running up to tell me about her and Tommy Neal, her on-again off-again boyfriend, she’s running into me to hurt me.

I cringe at the thought of all my friends hating me. Of having absolutely no one. “People won’t ever forget,” I mutter.

Taking a seat in Spanish only warrants me more stares. I’m forever thankful when Jordan Hamilton takes the seat next to me.

“Hey,” he says.


I’ve known Jordan since forever, but I only stated talking to him when I dated him. Since they played on football together I saw a lot of him, and he saw a lot of me. Jordan and I happened to get along with are extreme sarcasm and twisted sense of humor. I’m glad he still talks to me since I’m not with him anymore, and I never will be with him ever again.

The thought makes me grin, but I quickly frown again when two girls to my left snicker and whisper my name loud enough where I can hear,

He sighs, “You aren’t thinking about what people are saying, are you?”

“It hard not to,” I laugh under my breath, “when everyone just talks about it right in front of you. I don’t know what to do about it, Jordan!” I lay my head on my desk. I want to tell him the truth about what really happened, but I can’t say it. It’s to scary to retell what happened that night and what torments me till this day.

“Don’t lose all your dignity in front of these people, Gwen,” Jordan chews on his nail. “They’re not worth it. Besides, I heard what they’re saying, and if all you did was say a few things, which happen to be true, that are kind of hurtful, big deal. It wasn’t the smartest move, but at least you weren’t lying. Even though I’d rather you not have said I smell like smoke all the time because you know I can’t help that my stepdad can’t break the habit.”

I rub my eyes, the only thing I can do is mutter an apology, and continue to apologize for things I never said. “I know, the only thing I have left to my name here is cheerleading. But, since I shoved my sister, that’s going to be utterly miserable.”

“When is your first practice? I’ll come and cheer you on!” Jordan takes the bait and changes the subject. I raise my eyebrows and smile.

“I highly doubt you’d come to cheer me on. Maybe to look under girls skirts, but….”

He chuckles, “Seriously, when?”

“Tomorrow after school! It’ll be great fun!” I throw my arms in the air sarcastically.

“You’re too bitter,” he complains. “I can’t make it to your practice, but I’ll plan something with you, okay?”

I nod. The bell rings and we quiet down. Two girls in the corner of the classroom are whispering about something, and I can’t help but think it’s me.

“Hola! Cómo estás? Muy bien o muy mal?” Sra. smiles and laugh aloud.

A few of the universal dorks answer, but most of us just smile, nod, and mumble.

“Okay, so we’ve already hopped back into the swing of things and I gave you guys your first vocabulary quiz a week ago, so you need to make sure that…,” Sra. is cut off by the classroom phone ringing.

She sighs and picks it up, her long talons reaching for the receiver. She adjusts her stance so she has one hand on her right hip. Her awful blue, eighties outfit would make anyone cover there eyes and claim blindness.

“I understand, when do you want her to go to the office? As soon as possible?” she yawns, but quickly laughs, “Okay, I’ll send her down.”

“Gwen, run down to the office real fast. Come back as soon as you can.” She goes back to teaching and I share a look with Jordan.

“What is it?” he whispers.

I shrug, “Heck if I know, I’ll tell you later.”

When I open the door, the announcements click on and I hear Sra. scream under her breath, “Can I not be interrupted?!”

I shake my head and head out into the hallway. On my way to the office, I take my time. I get a drink and stare at the bulletin board, and like always, Anna lines the school news.

Chad has a football scholarship to Texas, I have no idea how her got that, he’s not even that good at football!

“ARE YOU GOING TO THE DANCE!” is written in bubbly letters across the board.

I roll my eyes and answer, “No.”

The school hallways are lines with school colors, powder blue, pale yellow, and white. Possibly the three ugliest school colors in history and whoever picked them should be forced to wear them on a cheerleading uniform.

The fluorescent lights in the hallway flicker, and the air conditioning kicks on with a loud roar.

Slowly but surly, I make it to the office and see the secretary’s bulldog face staring ip from behind the too-tall countertop, “What?!”

“I don’t know? I’m Gwen, you called me down.” I give her a ‘duh’ look when she’s not paying attention, and tap my toe impatiently, not like I have a desire to get back to class anyway.

When she turns back around, she sneers, “Oh, have a seat. I’ll get Mr. Heartford,” she waddles to the back of the room.

Sitting next to me is a kid. A big kid, but I guess that’s better than my mother, a police officer, or the creepy guy who swears the world is ending.

By big, I mean, tall and broad, not fat. His leather jacket and jeans inform me that he is also the boy I saw riding the motorcycle.

Waiting there uncomfortably, I begin to shake my legs up and down. The jittering must make the bench twitch because the kid next to me gives me a glare that could kill. I stop the jittering and wait for the principal to call me back quietly.

The secretary shuffles back in, “He’ll see you both now.”

“Both? Me?” I point to myself and I my voice raises an octave higher.

“Let’s go princess,” he mutters rudely.

I stand up and follow right at his heels, “Excuse me?! What did you just call me?”

“No time for fights, princess,” he smirks.

I stand up straight and tall, which five foot nine inches is apparently nothing compared to how tall this guy is, “My name is Gwen, and I’d like to be called that.”

“Okay, princess.”

I fume inside and anger builds up in me again, “How would you like it if I called you by a name you didn’t like?”

“Like what?” he asks simply.

I stutter, searching for anything, “How about…no…uh…I’ll come up with something and when I do…”

“Have a seat,” the principal tells us.

Shutting my mouth, I plop down into the chair and the kid sits down right beside me. “So here’s the deal,” Mr. Heartford starts, “Finn is new here, obviously, and I need you to watch him.”

“Why me?” I cry.

“Because you’re the only one who can deal with watching another person and keep up with your assignments and activities,” he sighs and starts to stand, thinking he’s finished.

In my head I panic. No I can’t! It can’t be me! I can barely control my own life, how am I supposed to help him with his? I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.

“I don’t have to do anything outside of school, right?” I finally manage to blurt out.

“That depends if he asks, if Finn needs anything, he’s supposed to ask you,” the principal opens the door, “That’s all. You can take Finn to his locker and show him to his class. Most of the classes on your schedule are the same, but there are a few that aren’t.”

Walking out the door like a zombie, I make sure to frown at Mr. Hearford, “Thank you very much, Sir.” Behind me, Finn laughs and the principal directs us back toward the old, worn counter.

“Ms. Jones will help you get his schedule. Have a great day!” he says stupidly.

Ms. Jones starts handing me stuff, “This is awful!”

Finn raises an eyebrow, “I’m sure I could figure this out on my own if you don’t want to help.”

“No, and get blamed when something goes wrong. I don’t think so. It’s just,” I pause, “all in one crappy day.” Instead of shutting up, I continue to talk, “Well, really, it’s been a crappy three months, but it wouldn’t sound as good to say ‘all in three crappy months’.” I pause, and look at the kid. “What? I tend to talk to myself. Deal with it.”

He shrugs, and shakes his head. “Hey, not judging. I promise.”

“Yea right, everyone judges,” I says as I take the schedule and pull Finn out the door, “Where’s my locker?”

“Where do you think I’m taking you, dipstick?” he chuckles.

“Please tell me that not the best you can do!”

“Huh? What are you talking about,” I’m utterly confused, and tug at the bottom of my skirt as we walk toward junior hallway.

He half smiles, “The nickname?”

“Oh, dipstick? That’s what I call everyone. Well, either that or loser. But most of the time I reserve that one for my sisters,” I halt in front of a locker only twenty or so down from mine.

“Where’s your locker?” he asks looking like there’s going to be a name tag.

I sigh, “Just down there. Now let’s see, you have,” I click my tongue, “English II right now and Art second hour. Which is the same, art, I mean. Right now I have Spanish, so I’ll walk you to English because I really don’t want to have to go back to Spanish. It’s awful,” I exclaim.

“Okay, that’s fine,” he shoves his hands in his pockets. “I don’t have anything to bring though.”

I shake my head, “Huh? You didn’t bring any notebooks or binders?”

“No, didn’t think I’d need them right away.”

“Okay, here,” we walk to my locker and I open it. Out of my locker I grab an empty binder and one notebook, “use these until you can get to the store. These aren’t anything fancy, so no warranty,” I joke.

“Thanks, I appreciate it.” We head to his English II class in silence.

When we come to a stop outside the door, I turn to him, “So here’s the thing. After this class, do you think you can get back to you locker?”

“Duh,” he counters.

I crinkle my nose and sigh as I realize I should probably take him to art. “Okay, wait at your locker, I’ll be there as soon as I can, and we’ll go to Art together,” I wait for an answer.

“Okay, that’s fine.”

I pull open the door, “There’s fifteen minutes left, see you then.”

Finn enters the English room without a look back. I automatically hear giggles and chairs scooting. “He can sit next to me, Ms. Henry!” a girl calls from the back.

“Now, now…” Ms. Henry’s voice is gone when the door clicks shut.

Once again, I head to Spanish. Slowly, dragging my feet all the way back.

When I open the door, Jordan looks ay me, “What was that about?”

“Wait till you hear this,” I mutter under my breath as Sra. smiles and continues teaching.







Chapter Two

“Really? You have to babysit a Junior? That sounds like great fun, Gwen,” he laugh at his sarcastic joke.

“That’s the thing, Jordan. He doesn’t even call me Gwen. He decided that he’s going to call me princess. I’m assuming it’s because I’m a cheerleader,” I pull my books tighter to my body as I catch the glares from other students. “I already can’t stand him, and I’ve known him for barely thirty minutes. Is that bad? Is that judging?”

“You’re not judging. You met him, right?” Jordan runs his fingers through his hair, and leans against the lockers as he waits for me.

“Besides, I’m sure he nicknamed you that because you complain, a lot. It has absolutely nothing to do with being a cheerleader. Is that comforting?” Jordan scoffs.

I gape at him, “Na uh! I barely complained.”

“Which means you complained, though,” I hold my hand up, almost dropping my books in the process.

“I told him I’d come up with a really cruel nickname for him,” Jordan laughs.

“Yea, that sounds about right.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I cry.

He laughs, “It just means, that’s exactly what you would do.”

Opening my locker, I pull out my sketch pad. Jordan blocks my view of Finn, and I stare at Jordan.

“Do you have to walk him to art too?” Jordan asks.

I frown, “Yea, will you move so I can wave him down? Why do you think I’ve been staring at you for, like, twenty seconds?”

“Oh, sorry,” Jordan moves aside and Finn isn’t at his locker. I search down both ends of the hallway.

“Where is he?” Jordan shrugs and bites his nails. “That’s a nasty habbit, you should really kick it.” Jordan shrugs. “You go ahead and get to class, I’ll wait for, dipstick.”

“That’s what you’re going with?” I shove Jordan and he looks over his shoulder and smiles at me. “See you later, Gwen!”

“Bye, dork!” I slide over to Finn’s locker and wait. “Come on,” I mutter, “I’ve got thirty seconds until the bell.”

I stand there, looking like an idiot, and the bell rings. I stalk down, without Finn, to the art room. I fling open the door and go straight up to Finn, who is laughing hysterically with the Devil, Jessica Dahm.

“You could have at least told me you were gonna ditch, idiot!” I glare at him, and he turns to look up at me.

“Whatever,” I glower at him.

I slam my books down, “Whatever!? Okay, never mind,” I turn around with my books and take a seat by myself at the back of the classroom.

I hear Jessica murmur to Finn, “Don’t worry, apparently we’re not good enough for her anyway. At the beginning of the summer…,” Jessica, thank God, is cut off my Ms. Jay who starts teaching.

“Ms. Gwen Greene? You were late, correct?” Ms. Jay stares you down, you cannot lie.

“Sorry, Ms. Jay,” she nods and looks at me pointedly.

Finn speaks up, “Wait! It was my fault. I’m new here, and I told her I dropped my notebook back at the lockers. Gwen said it would be quicker for her to go grab it sense she knew the school better. It is my fault, Ms. Jay,” she glares at Finn.

“Okay, I guess you can both have a tardy, since you want one,” she hands us both slips; warning slips.

I shove it in my binder, and open my agenda. That’s my second tardy, one more and I get a detention, which would be just lovely.

Ms. Jay begins explaining the day, “You all know what to do, we started on our new wildlife projects. Finn, find someone to explain.” Ms. Jay turns and continues grading the Senior’s sculpture projects.

I start shading in the picture of the full moon that I decided to draw. It’s extremely cheesy, but I have a huge lacking in the creativity department, and since I just read a werewolf book it was the first thing that come to my mind.

Suddenly, behind me a voice speaks up, “Will you explain this to me, princess.”

I glare, “Yea, right! Ask somebody else, dipstick. Next time you want my help, it might be in your best interest to be kind to me.” I wait for him to leave.

“Will you, please, explain the project to me, princess?” he smirks and I frown.

Sighing, I answer him, “Draw wildlife, there you go.”

“Aren’t you going to say thanks before I walk away to get paper?” Confused, I stare at him.

“Thank you, for what?”
“I told Ms. Jay that I did it,” he looks at me like ‘duh!’.

I watch him blankly, “You do know you just got yourself a tardy, loser. It didn’t really help me any, but nice try,” he frowns and stalks away to get paper.

For the rest of class, I keep shading my full moon, and when I’m done with the moon I add in the trees and the shrubs.

Suddenly, I feel a presence behind me, too close, “What-are-you-doing?” I ask angrily.

Finn slides into the seat next to me, “Looking at you drawing, of course. It’s very good.”

“It’s alright. I only draw at school, my mother would not be happy with that time waster.”

Finn huffs, “Yea, that sounds oddly familiar.”

I raise an eyebrow, “Really?”

He waves me off, and cracks his neck instead of answering my question.

“Are you actually going to draw something?” I ask as I gesture toward his blank paper.

“Maybe. Probably. I did the whole ‘bad kid’ thing at the last two schools, it’s probably time for a change. Don’t you think?”

“Uh, yea! I’d say so, dipstick.”

Finn chuckles, “It seems to me, you are sticking with dipstick, princess.”

“Until you call me Gwen, I’ll call you dipstick, even if it embarrasses you.”

“I’ll have you know, princess,” he whispers in my ear as the bell rings, “I don’t get embarrassed easy.”

The corners of my mouth pull up, “Challenge accepted, dipstick.”


Third and fourth period flew by, leaving me with lunch, and the lovely choice of who to sit by. My choices: Anna, Alice, Jordan, or Finn.

Anna was a no, Alice was a maybe, Jordan would be sitting next to him, and Finn was… Finn.

That left myself and Alice. I stood in line and picked up an apple, apple juice, and a cheese stick.

Searching the cafeteria for my younger sister was very embarrassing.

When I spotted Alice, I headed toward her table, stopping short when I saw her making out with the sophomore she was talking to earlier this morning.

Alice! What was she thinking? What was she doing? Oh, God, this is terrible! She’s fourteen she’s not supposed to have a boyfriend!

My mouth was gaping and my jaw was on the floor. The thought that my little sister was dating another one of those idiotic boys made my heart stop and made my throat close up.

“Pretty gross seeing freshman like that, huh?” the voice said from behind me.

I turned around, “Excuse me?” I had absolutely no clue who this shrimp of a kid was.

“Sorry. I just saw you staring at her like that and figured you were thinking the same thing I was,” I raised my eyebrows, urging him to explain. “That he’s a total idiot and she way to great to date him. That’s Alice Greene, you know.”

I nod, “I know, I’m her sister.”

The whip of a kid stares at me and doesn’t speak for a moment, “Huh, that explains a lot.”

“What does that explain,…” I don’t know his name.

“It explain why you look very similar, why you’re both very pretty, and that she always talks about how amazing her older sister is and I could never understand what she saw in Anna.” I laugh at the last part because I could see the confusion.

“She never mentioned you before, what’s your name?” he grins.

“The name’s Greg,” I hold back laughter.

“Greg? Well, you’re very sweet, Greg, and it was a pleasure to meet you.” In my head I add and totally random and a little creepy.

As I look for a new seat, I catch a glimpse out the large glass doors that show the courtyard.

The heat would give anybody a stroke, but sitting right in the middle is Finn, of course, and he’s lying on his back taking a nap.

Maybe I can just sit a good five feet away from him, and he won’t notice. That way it’ll look like I’m sitting with somebody, but I’m really not.

No. Gwen, that is a bad idea. Bad Gwen!

I stand in the center of the cafeteria, and spot Emily Watson again. She doesn’t notice me, which is a surprise since everyone seems to be noticing me today. I wish she would notice me, I wish she would call me over and pat the seat next to her like old times, but she doesn’t.

I feel a pair of eyes on my back, and I glance over by shoulder.

He is watching me with a smile on his face that offsets his features, and scares me half to death. He winks at me, and I can’t breathe, my breath caught in my throat.

He doesn’t break eye contact, I do. I whip around and throw open the heavy glass doors, and move out in the school courtyard. A wave of hot air is sent into the cafeteria, and I automatically begin to sweat when I step outside.

My heart pounds in my chest, and I can’t get a grip. I take deep breaths, and head toward the stretched boy on the lawn.

I head over toward Finn, and he doesn’t even notice me. I debate with myself about whether I should make my presence known.

I decide to give myself a minute to calm down before clearing my throat.

“Oh,” he looks up at me, “what are you doing out here?” Finn squints, and pushes himself up into a sitting position.

I shrug, “Shove off! I was trying to be nice!” he rubs his forehead, and rests his chin of his fist.

“That doesn’t sound like something a cheerleader would say, princess,” he yawns, and stretches his arms up toward the sky.

Ignoring his comment, I try and avoid looking at him. “So…why’d you move here? To America’s crappiest town ever.”

“Sorry, princess. This is not a good day for twenty questions, unless I’m the one asking them.” He murmurs this last part harshly, “Since I’m always interrogated my idiotic brother.”

I leap at the chance of a conversation, “You have siblings?!”

Finn jerks back at my sudden outburst, and scratches his head before deciding that it’s a safe question to answer, “Yeah, two brothers and a sister.”

“That’s cool. Older or younger?” out of the corner of my eye I see kids staring at us from inside the cafeteria.

“Cal is the oldest, Lydia is next, then me, and finally Aaron,” the conversation ends.

I attempt to start it again, “Do you get along with any of them?”



“Why not?”

“This could go all day, princess. I’m not really a fan of talking about my family.”

“Last question, why aren’t they at school?”

He shrugs, “Aaron will probably start coming, but the others are old enough to get out of school.”

End of the conversation.

I slouch a little and sip my apple juice. After what seems like forever I turn to him, “Do you want this,” I hand the apple and cheese over to him, “I’m not really that hungry.”

Finn stares at me and the sun glows through his hair. It’s the first time I realize how attractive he is. His black hair and forest green eyes along with his super tan make him mysterious. His nose is a little crooked, but in a cute kind of way.

His grin is lopsided and his teeth are white.

Finn has a little bit of a five o’ clock shadow and shorter hair.

He was at least six foot three and had muscles bigger than the quarterback. Which, I hadn’t seen before because he hadn’t taken his very cool leather jacket off. ‘Stop thinking about him, Gwen!’ I tell myself.

“Hello, Gwen? I said sure, if you’re not hungry,” I shook my head and handed him the food.

In two blinks, the food was devoured. He smiles at me and my stomach knots up.

‘No’ I chastise myself ‘you are riding solo this year. No boys because they’re all idiots!’.

A group of guys slowly meander over toward us. “Watch out boys!” one of them shouts. “We don’t want to get it her path!”

The other one smiles and gets on his knees, bowing down, “We’re not worthy!” All three follow suit, and my cheeks instantly go red because I know the whole school is watching from the cafeteria windows.

“Leave her alone,” Finn growls. The boys stand up and make faces at him. But, they back away out of fear because they know they’d be beat even though it’d be three to one.

I cross my fingers hoping he won’t say a thing, “What was that?” I look up at him through my eyelashes.

“Nothing.” I’m quick to answer, “It was just something that happened over the summer. Really it was just embarrassing. I was kind of mad at,” I pause, “everyone.”

“Ooo,” he says with a wince, “what did everyone do to you?” I roll my eyes.

“Ah, shut it, dipstick.”

“Come one, princess, the bell’s going to ring any minute now,” Finn stands up and reaches his hand out to me.

He pulls me up a little too hard and I slam into his shoulder, “Ouch!”

“Sorry!” he looks at my shoulder, worried.

I take a step back, “I’m good.”

As we walked back to the school, I wonder if he didn’t do it accidently on purpose.




Chapter Three

After the last half of school is over, in which I have two classes with Finn, I leave to go to my locker and grab my books.

I don’t have cheer practice today, but they always make us wear our uniforms on Mondays. After my books are shoved into my backpack, I step into the parking lot searching for Anna’s car.

After five minutes of searching I find that her car is not here, “She wouldn’t,” I snarl.

It’s the hottest part of the day, how in the world is she going to make me walk!

We are a seven minute drive from home, and a twenty minute walk!

I pull my phone out of my purse, and call Mom. The message goes to voice mail, and I try again and again until I’ve called nine times.

On the tenth try, she picks up. “For goodness sake, Gwen! What?! You’ll be home in two minutes, why can’t it wait?!” she’s mad, and I can hear it in her voice.

“I’m at school!” I throw my one free arm into the air, and continue. “Will you come pick me up?”

“Well, I’m leaving to get a manicure with Caroline. It’ll have to wait!” Mom almost hangs up.

“No! Anna left me here without a ride, what am I supposed to do?” I kick some rocks across the parking lot.

“Walk. Your sister already called me this morning and told me what you did! How could you push your sister?! Walking is exactly what you’ll do this week! Walk! Walk! Walk!” Mom started yelling a bunch of nonsense, so I pulled the phone away from me ear.

When I put I back on she was still talking, “You are being a disgrace! I am very disappointed in you, Gwen,” she sighed like she had the most troubled kids.

“Mom, I have to walk?!” I slammed my foot down, “It is the hottest part of the year, and you want me to die of heat stroke?”

“I got to go! By honey, kisses!” she hung up the phone.

“What, princess, throwing a tantrum?” Finn was behind me on his motorcycle, the shield of his helmet pulled up, revealing his eyes.

“Shut up, I am, so, not it the mood for this right now, dipstick,” I cross my arms over my chest and start walking toward home.

He rides his bike along side of me, “Want a ride,” I raise my eyebrow and laugh.

“On that death trap?! I don’t think so, I’d probably fall off and break my neck or crack a rib!” I keep walking.

“I wouldn’t let you fall,” he says. But before I turn to make another comment he’s riding off at top speed.

I grimace at the twenty minute walk ahead.


When I make it to my sidewalk, I trudge to the door and try to open it. Locked.

I scream, and go around to the back, also locked,

Windows, locked. I take my backpack off and fall down on my back to the grass.

I stare up at out home. The pale brick and the beautiful siding makes look exactly the same as everyone else on the block. A small balcony sits centered at the front of the house on the second story.

The only thing that sets our house apart from the rest is the large wrap around porch Dad had to have. He told Mom when we were house hunting that there was no way she was talking him out of a wrap around porch. Therefore, we have one.

My and my sister’s rooms are upstairs, and my parent’s master bedroom is downstairs. I have the best room of the three because I have a balcony.

There’s a story to that, when we bought this house I was in seventh grade. I’d been going to this school, but we’d just moved across town.

In seventh grade we were learning Greek Mythology and I was obsessed with the three gods Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. I thought it was so interesting how they did a coin toss to see who got which kingdom.

Anyway, I, somehow, got my sisters to agree, and I won the coin toss; resulting in the balcony bedroom. Alice got the next best room which was directly connected to the bathroom. And Anna received the worst of the three, which was the biggest room; which really isn’t that bad.

On my little balcony that I had won fair and square, I set a table and chairs along with a welcome mat.

I used to play up there for hours. I remember clearly bringing my dolls out, and eating ‘dinner’ when I was mad at Mom and Dad.

Eventually, Dad would come up and participate in my tea party, and he was instantly forgiven.

One time, Dad had come up and eaten hotdogs with me, I left my nicest doll outside, and, my luck, it rained; ruining the doll forever.

I’m not sure why that memory is always the first to come to mind. I do know that was the last time I ever played out on the little white balcony. Sometimes I wish I could go back when it all seemed so easy. When he didn’t even talk to me.

After a few more moments of relaxing on the grass with my eyes closed, I push myself up and wipe the dirt and grass from the back of my pants.

A cool breeze starts to blow, but it only brings hot, muggy air.

Walking up to the door, I try the handle once more. The door opens, and I figure Alice must have finally opened it, since Anna would never help me out.

I pick up the large pitcher of home made lemonade that Mom must have made just this morning; otherwise I would have drunk it by now. The ice in the glass jingles as I push it aside to lay out my homework..

I fly through my Spanish, English, and Trig H. But I make slow progress on my Physics paper. Besides, who writes a paper in physics anyways?

In physics class today I couldn’t even pay attention to what Mr. Reynolds was saying because Jordan kept distracting me, all class period, with his comments about Mr. Reynolds hair, nose, glasses, shoes, suit, you name it.

My efforts to finish my physics paper failed when my head rested on the cool countertop. I pulled the pony tail out of my hair to relieve the stress and tension by massaging my scalp.

Upstairs I hear a radio turn on, and Anna screaming that it was hot in this house.

It takes me awhile, but finally I get the motivation to move myself away from the cool counter. I tiredly bring each foot up to the next step and so on. Once I turn down the hall to the bathroom, I walk in and shut the door behind me; locking it.

Even though I start the shower, I can still hear Alice talking to someone.

I rest my ear against the door, and listen to Alice talk. Technically, this is something I’m not supposed to be doing, but I’m still a little angry that I was locked out of the house and it wouldn’t hurt to have something over Alice’s head. I cross my fingers she talking to the mangy sophomore from the lunch table.

“Yea, I’ll see you tonight. Just park out front and be quiet,” she warns. “No remember, I have to be home by 1:30 am because that’s when my dad usually gets up to get a glass of water.”

“Duh, of course, he checks on us! Why would I tell you that if he didn’t?” Alice laughs and I grin.

“Busted,” I whisper into the steamy air.

Still smiling from my great feat, I undress, and step into the shower. The hot water rushes down on me and I wash my hair.

It’s gotten long, my hair, and it goes down to the center of my back. My hair is not straight, but wavy and poufy.

But, of course, the waves also come with frizz.

The cold water rushes over my and sends all the dirt and sweat down the drain. As usual, my thoughts go to the events that occurred over the summer. My stomach knots up, and I try to take deep soothing breaths. Unfortunately, the deep breaths don’t help much, and I feel the panic crawl up into my chest.

The sense of dread makes me sick, and the thoughts of him make me sicker.

After I get worked up, I can’t settle down. The shower water turns colder, and I finally shut it off.

I feel I’ve made some progress since tears didn’t fall this time. But is it really progress if I can’t think of him withoutgoing into a full blown panic attack?

I step out of the shower and dry off, heading to my room, I hear the phone downstairs ring downstairs, and I run to the kitchen still wrapped in a ratty towel.

The phone is on its last ring as I yank it off the receiver and answer it, “Hello, the Greene residents,” is say thinking it’s one of Mom’s gossiping friends.

“Hello, Greene residents.” Jordan says into the receiver.

I furrow my eyebrows, “Why didn’t you call my cell?”

“I did, you didn’t pick up, so I figured you were at home still, and that you’d hear this!” his excitement has me questioning him, and it’s hard to get excited with him after what just happened to my nerves in the shower.

“What’d you need?” I say after a moment and a deep breath.

“Get ready, I’ll be there in seven minutes exactly! We are going to have so much fun! Woooo-hoooooo!” he cries into the phone before slamming it down and hanging up.

“Seven minutes?” I murmur as I race upstairs, not really in the mood to go out on the town with Jordan. But at least I know if anyone is going to cheer me up it will be Jordan.

I walk into my walk-in closet and stare at the racks of clothes for a good four minutes before I decide on the jean shorts with my fitted lavender T-shirt. I slip on a pair of black flip flops and jump into the chair behind my vanity.

Running a brush through my hair takes forever and I start to blow it dry. Outside, a car horn is honked, and I look at the alarm clock next to my bed realizing that the seven minutes has already passed.

I curse under my breath and take off into the hallway with wavy hair and no makeup. “I’ll see you guys later! Tell Mom and Dad to call me when they get home.”

I tell Alice this again to her face because I know, or at least I hope, she will remind Mom and Dad.

Quickly, I race down the steps taking two at a time, and grab a water bottle from the fridgerator before running out to Jordan’s brand new, shiny, black Corvette.

When I step back into the heat, I almost run back in. “Come on!” Jordan revs the engine as he shouts at me from the rolled down tinted window.

“Yea! Yea!” I call back. “Shut your mouth, Jordan!” I jump down off the curb, and race around to the other side of the car. I yank open the car door and instantly smell the fresh pine air freshener Jordan placed in here last week. “Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise!” Jordan wiggles in his seat, and I swear he whispers under his breath that this is going to be awesome.

I swear Mom was right when she told me boys never grow up. Shortly after, she pointed at my dad playing with a remote control helicopter she had bought for my little cousin Ryan.

I wiggle my phone out of my back pocket, and put the seat belt on, since Jordan is notorious for his horrendous driving skills.

“Alright! Let’s go!” I demand. Jordan’s excitement is spilling over onto me.

Jordan drives for an hour, we listen to the radio and sing out loud.

”You should go to school like that,” he says out of the blue.

I’m surprised and confused, “Huh?”

“I mean, your hair and face natural like that. It makes you even more beautiful.” The silence that follows after is completely my fault.

“Thank you,” I say, but it’s too late and he knows it.

The rest of the drive is silence.

When we finally take an exit off the highway, I see where we’re going as the Ferris Wheel takes shape over the hill.

“Oh my God!” I cry, “How did you know this was here?”

Jordan smiles, “I was reading the newspaper, and,” I give him the ‘oh, really?’ look, and he shakes his head no. “Really, my mom’s work put it on for a fundraiser sort of thing.”

“That’s so cool! This is awesome. But I didn’t bring any money, and you’re not paying for me! You already pay too much,” but the real reason is that it would be too much like a date.

“Naw, it’ll be fun, let’s go.” Before I had known it, Jordan and parked the car and we were walking into the fair.

“I’m so excited,” I screech.

He rolls his eyes, “Come on, then,” he grabs my hand, and I almost let go, but before I can we’re running through the throng of people to the ticket counter.

“How many,” the voice of the fat man says.

“Two, please.”

Handing us the tickets, “Have a great time.”

I make a face at Jordan, but he just laughs and I find myself laughing. “What do you want to do first?” he looks to me.

“Cotton candy, of course. And then the spinning one! The Octopus, that’s what it’s called. And I want to go to the Scrambler. And…” he cuts me off.

“Let’s start with Cotton Candy,” I nod.

We wait in line for what seems forever, we chatter about anything and everything. When we come up to the counter we’re talking about how funny it would be to see Jessica ugly!

“Hello, what can I get for you,” the cotton candy girl is our age. She has black hair in a pixie cut, and tight jeans. When she asks the question, she’s staring at Jordan.

But Jordan doesn’t even notice because he’s looking at all the flavors. After a couple minutes he speaks, “The purple kind and the pink kind,” I look to him, mouth open.

“It took you ten minutes to order ‘the purple kind and the pink kind’? That’s crazy!” I shake my head at him, but the girl interrupts our banter by handing Jordan the cotton candy, and shoving her cleavage in our faces.

“See ya,” he pays and tosses an empty thank you over his shoulder.

I laugh at him, “Did you not notice that the counter girl was hitting on you?”

Jordan smiles, “Oh, I noticed. But I’m here with you, so what’s the point of leading her on.”

For the first time I really look at Jordan, I mean, not like a friend, but like something more. His dirty blonde hair is short, and his eyes a deep brown.

He’s tall, maybe six foot two, and tan. He’s the wide receiver on our school football team. But he’s not a jerk like the rest of them are.

My ex, Robert, would have flirted with that girl right in front of me. I pop some cotton candy in my mouth.

Jordan is sweet, funny, nice, smart, athletic, and definitely not selfish.

“Wanna sit?” Jordan interrupts my thoughts of him.

‘Single lady this year!’, I repeat in my head, “Yea, and than we can ride our first ride!” I smile wide at him.

“Okay, first, a serious question,” I lick my lips, worried, “Who’s going to sit on the inside on the Scrambler.”

A breath escapes my lips, what a relief! “ “Whoever get’s there last,” I joke.

“Whoever get’s there last,” he repeat almost with a dreamy tone to his voice. Jordan continues to stare at me.

I stand up and toss my cotton candy into the trash, “Let’s go!”

Taking off from Jordan, I have him chase after me until we get to the Scramble. Instead of making a joke about it when we get there, he picks me up and twirls me around.

I scream, “Come on, Jordan! Put me down!” he laugh as I pathetically punch his arm.

The guy lets us on the ride and we find the seat. “You get the inside,” I tell him.


“Because,” I take the outside, “you got here last.”

“Oh, sorry, silly me!” he takes the inside and swings the safety bar across our laps. “Woooooo hooooooo!” he calls.

I crack up, “Wooooo hooooo,” I shout as the ride starts to move.

When the ride picks up speed, my body slams into Jordan’s. He wraps his arm around me.

Oh no. I smile up at him and scoot away, “Let’s have a contest! Bet you, I can Woo hoo louder than you can!”

“We’ll see about that?” from there, the contest starts.

In the end Jordan wins because my turn is cut off, the ride ends.

Although, that doesn’t stop him from rubbing it in my face.


The rest of the night was so fun! “Want to ride one last ride?”

I nod, “Ferris wheel, saving the best for last.”
“Deal, let’s go!” The man asks us if we’re together and Jordan nods.

“Okay, there’s no inside here!” I say.

Jordan smiles a tight lipped smile, and rubs his hands together nervously.

“What?” I ask, “afraid of heights?”

“Naw, not really,” he still looks nervous. We sit in the seat together, and the open air Ferris wheel starts turning.

We go around twice before the Ferris wheel stops at the top. I smile at Jordan, “Wooooooooooo hooooooooooo!” I scream across the whole park. People from the pavement look up at the Ferris Wheel. “I win!”

Jordan doesn’t say anything, he just smiles and puts his arm around my shoulders. I tense up, oh god, please to not put a move on me.

“Gwen, you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met. You make me smile, laugh, cry. You make me happy,” oh no. “You’re the only one who’s been there through thick and thin, and,” he licks his lips, “I don’t think I can be just friends anymore. Gwen, I think I’m in love with you.” He stares at me and I’m a statue.

Which apparently mean, sure kiss me! Jordan leans in, and before I realize what I’m doing I close me eyes, and wait for the kiss because, great, maybe I do want that.

But, Mom, who else, breaks it up. My phone rings, and stops the moment. “I got to answer this,” I mutter.

“Hey, Mom!”

“How become you didn’t tell us you were going out tonight?” I sigh.

“Jordan call after I finished my homework, so he took me to the fair. I’ll be home in and hour to and hour and half,” I hear pots banging in the kitchen.

“So you’ve already eaten dinner?” Mom asks.

I roll my eyes, “No, but we’ll probably just grab something.”

“Okay, see you when you get back. But I’ll have you know, your father is not very happy that you just left. Neither one of the girls knew where you were, Gwen!”

I sigh, “I told Alice twice, and shouted at Anna. Anna’s just mad at me,” my mom interjected.

“As she should be.”

“Okay, and Alice is doing whatever Anna does so she can be popular,” Mom sighs.

“You need to stop being jealous and look at the big picture,” I pull the phone away from my ear.

“Bye, Mom, love you!” I shout and hang up.

Our seat on the Ferris Wheel is almost to the bottom by the time I’m done with my phone call.

Jordan is looking out the other side of the Ferris Wheel. I’m thankful that I didn’t kiss him, I only would have hurt him more.

“Get off,” the man tells us as the bar lifts.

Jordan holds out his hand, but I don’t take it. I don’t need to lead him on anymore than I have now that I know how he feels.

He smiles sadly, and shoves his hands in his pockets, “We can head out, we’ll grab something like you said.”

Jordan and I walk out of the fair together and head for his car. Once we’re in he takes off, and stops at a fast food restaurant.

Jordan orders and I stare out the window. I eat what I can and stare at the moon. Almost full, I think, pretty soon it should look just like my picture.

“How far do you think we are?” I ask after a while.

He sighs, “We’ve got about fifteen minutes left until we get to your house.”

“Okay, thanks, for taking me, it was a lot of fun,” he doesn’t say anything back.

When I turn my attention back to the window, I watch as four Harleys drive past. All the riders wear full helmets so you can’t see their faces. One is a girl, I can tell by the tight clothing she’s wearing. The rest are boys.

One in particular, I notice, he’s wearing jeans and a leather jacket.

I smile, how easy would it be to embarrass him right now? All I’d have to do is roll down my window and call his name all girl like.

Timidly, I move my finger over the button that rolls the window down.

But my stomach twists in knots, and the riders ride on.





















Chapter Four

Jordan dropped me off and I thanked him again. He smiled and asked me the question I’d been dreading.

“Where does this put us, Gwen,” but surprisingly, the answer came right out.


It wasn’t what he wanted, but he took it and drove off.

I walked into the house and Mom was cleaning up dinner and talking on the phone. “Carloine said, this Saturday? Can you believe it Jan? After all this planning!” Mom throws her arms in the air and suds fly over the kitchen.

Seeing my chance, I try to sneak up the staircase. “Hey, Dad, look who’s home.”

Anna and Dad are sitting in front of the television watching History Chanel. Anna’s texting, most likely, Chad.

“Gwen! Why didn’t you tell us that you were going anywhere?!” Dad is turned around in his chair looking at me.

He’s not really mad, he’s just doing what’s best in the situation. And that would be to ground me, “Jordan call after school and asked if I wanted to go to the fair. We had fun,” I end lamely.

“You had fun? Well, that makes it better! Besides, why were you going out with this boy alone? No one knew where you were!” Dad starting to get frazzled and Mom’s watching from the kitchen.

I look to Anna, “Anna and Alice did, I told them before I left. They just choose not to tell you that they know.”

“I’m sure the girls are more mature than that, Gwen. Why would they do that to you anyway? It sounds petty.”

“It is, but Anna is mad at me,” Anna smiles realizing, now, that he’s going to ask why.

He looks at both of us, “Why is Anna mad at you?”

I can end this conversation in two seconds, “She’s on her period!” I say before Anna can say the real reason. “She’s mad at everyone, except Chad, since the two of you were making out like dogs this morning.”

Anna’s jaw drops and hits the floor, all attention from Dad is now directed at Anna. “What?! Like dogs?!”

Anna stammers, “She pushed me!”

“Like dogs?!” Dad’s face is turning red.

In this moment I slip us the stairs and into my room, where I can still hear the faint yelling.

He hasn’t been this mad in a long, long time. I brush through my hair, undoing all the tangles from the rides.

I change into my pajamas, and grab the nail polish remover and some bright blue polish, I decide to also grab the neon green.

Diligently, I remove all the polish from my fingers and toes.

I paint my ring fingers greens and all my other fingers blue. I smear the blue polish on each toe. I take a look at my finished look and smile.

The yelling has ceased downstairs.

As I wait for them to dry, I flip through a magazine. The magazine only keeps my interest for a short period of time before I stand up and look at the book I’m assigned to read for English.

The Great Gatsby. I frown, I’ve already read this three times. I guess I won’t have to read it now.

I turn back around to sit on my bed, and my cell phone rings.

I pick it up on the second ring, the call ID is unknown, “Hello?”

“Hey, princess.”

“Finn? How’d you get my number?” I flick the switch on my flat iron to turn it on.

I hear him mess with something at the end of his line, “The principal gave it to me, in case I needed to get a hold of you.”

“Oh, is he even allowed to do that?!” my voice was high and squeaky.

“I don’t know, princess, but the important thing is that I need your help,” he waits.

“With what?” my voice is kind of snarky.

“Uh, Spanish,” he mumbles.

I sigh, “Whatever, what don’t you understand? You’re in Spanish III, like me?”

“No,” he clears his throat.

“Then, you’re in Spanish II?”

Again, he clears his throat, “No.”

“Okay, Spanish I it is! What’s the problem?” I kick the side of my bed rhythmically.

“The problem,” he growls, “is, I don’t know Spanish!”

I jerk back, “Okay? Sorry? I need some sort of basic idea on what the worksheet says.”

“Fine,” he snaps. After a minute, he comes back, “Isn’t there a website I can look all the answers up on? That would be way easier.”

“No,” I suddenly say. “I mean, no, you’ll fail all of your quizzes. What you need is a tutor. And let me guess, Sra. didn’t offer any services?”

“Well, uh, she offered some services, but they weren’t for Spanish,” I make a gurgling sound.

“Oh, God, that is so nasty! Awwww!” Finn starts laughing at me.

“Calm down, princess. She offered me English services?” I blush, feeling very childish that my mind went there automatically.

I wait a moment, “Sorry, that was very,” I pause and take a deep breath childish, “childish.”

“I guess I was being childish too then,” he sighs into the phone and I hear him relax back on some sort of chair.

I roll my eyes, “How were you being childish?” I ask embarrassed.

“Because I wanted to see if you were goody two shoes all the time.”

We’re both silent for a second, “And your conclusion is….”

“Naw, I think you’re all right,” I close my eyes and lay down on my bed.

“Anyways, back to Spanish right?!” I change the subject back to the original reason.

He chuckles, “Yea, yea.”

Before I get a chance to start talking, on his end, I hear a door fling open and hit the wall. “Who you talking to, idiot!” says an obnoxious male voice.

“Hello? Hello?” the boy says into the phone.

“Hey?” I say back awkwardly.

The boy laughs, “It’s your girlfriend, Finnipoo!”

I laugh to myself as Finn shouts, “Give the phone back, Aaron! Come on!” I hear some shouts and Aaron distinguishable laugh.

“Hey baby, want to come over,” Aaron yells.

Once again, the door opens, “What are the two of you doing,” the voice growls.

“Cal, hey, we were just, nothing,” says Aaron.

Cal talks to Finn this time, “Who’s on the phone?”

“No one,” there’s not waver in his voice.

“Hang up!” I’m about to hang up myself, but before I can I here the beep, and his line is silent.

Oh God! My thoughts go to the worst, he’s going to kill them!

I set my cell down on my bed, and step over to my vanity. I sit down, and flat iron my long blonde hair.

Before I go to bed, I put moisturizer on my face and neck. Flicking the lights off, I climb into bed.

But, weirdly, I dream of neither boy I talked to today. Instead, I have my nightmare of Robert, and where he went so wrong.


I’d shown up to the party with Robert. He had his arm around my waist, and was slurring his words. He’d been drunk before he came to the party.

All of the girls crowd around us when we enter. I’d been dating Robert, the quarterback, for a month.

I was in love. Ha ha!
The dream is filled with beer, just like that night. I’d gone and gotten myself drunk.

When someone asked me to dance, I danced. When someone asked for a kiss, I gave them a kiss.

Robert was past out on the couch already. But when he woke up, he hand two more beers and decided he want to dance with me.

I laughed and flirted, slurring my words undesirably.

Robert pressed his blubbery lips to mine, and he tasted like beer and tequila.

The more we drank, the more we kissed.

By the end of the night, I wasn’t sure who I was kissing. I wasn’t sure until Robert let me know.


I wake up right before the damage happens. I rub the sleep from my eyes, and look at my alarm clock; 3:34.

I flop back down onto my pillow. I’ve had that dream over and over again, it won’t go out of my head!

Pulling at my hair, I cry. Not racking sobs like I did that night, but little tears that flow out no matter how hard I try to keep them in.

But like I’ve done so many nights before this; I fall asleep to the lullaby of my tears.






Chapter Five

“Anna, Gwen, Alice! Get up! Come one! Breakfast is on the table!” Mom calls as she goes back down the steps.

I finish by smearing on some lip gloss, and putting hair spray in my hair.

Picking up the perfume bottle I got from my grandma, I spray it and walk through. It smells like vanilla.

I head down the staircase, and eat my bacon and eggs for breakfast. Anna and Alice come down ten minutes later.

Mom shoves the plate at Anna, “I’m not hungry.”

Then Mom looks to Alice, “I’m not hungry,” she copies.

“Suit yourselves!” Mom’s mad, she probably won’t even make breakfast tomorrow.

“So, Alice,” I start, “how was the party last night?” Mom will never hear a word until you say boys, party, beer, or sex.

“What? Alice, baby, you went to a party, last night?”

Alice’s expression is mortified, she glares at me, “I went out with some friends, I don’t know if I’d call it a party though.”

Mom is glowering at Alice, “Was there beer?”

“Mom?!” Alice scoffs, but looks away.

The thought of beer makes me want to throw breakfast up, especially after the dream last night.

“Alice Henrietta Greene! You get up to your room! We need to talk before you go to school, I’ll drive you!” Alice moans, and stomps up the staircase.

“I’m not a baby!” she cries.

Anna laughs, “Thank God, Mom! You got rid of my stalker for this morning!” Anna walks out to the car, and I follow closely behind.

“What do you want, creeper? I have to go!” I smile sweetly.

“Can I have a ride? It’s a million degrees out, it’s hotter than yesterday!”

“You just sold your own sister out,” she says, “plus, you made a fool of me last night. So you’ll be walking!” She gets in the car, locks the doors, and drives off.

“I hate you!” I scream after her car.

Starting the long trek without a water bottle was stupid. The tight jean shorts are suffocating my thighs, and the tank top is like a corset.

‘Why didn’t I buy more comfortable clothes over the summer?!’ I remind myself, ‘Oh yea, that was before’.

Five minutes into my walk two Harleys drive by they both stop about a hundred yards down.

I walk my usual pace, and they both wait. “Hey, do you want a ride today,” the voice asks.

I look down at my sweat soaked body, “I

don’t think you want a ride with this,” he looks me up and down.

“I’ve seen worse.”

I roll my eyes, and step forward, “Okay.”

Finn takes off his helmet, and his hair is sticking up everywhere. “Put this on, okay?”

I nod, sliding the helmet on, he helps me onto the bike. “Where do I put my hands?” I look around for handles.

Finn looks away awkwardly, Aaron pipes up from the other bike, “Chick, you put your hands on his waist. Why do you think he asked you if you wanted to ride?” I glare at him, ready to tell him my name, but Finn beats me too it, “Her name is Gwen, but you can call her princess.”

Aaron laughs, “You ready princess?”

I glower at him, but he just shrugs his shoulders. The boys take off, and my hands, which were in my lap, fly around Finn’s waist and squeeze.

“Hold on!” he yells.

What would have taken me twenty minutes, now took us five as we pulled into the school parking lot. People stared at the two guys on the Harley, and did a double take at the girl with the huge helmet on her head.

Finn and Aaron park right next to each other, “You’re a sophomore, Aaron?” I ask once the helmets off.

“No, I’m a junior,” my facial expression must read confused because Finn explains.

“My parents started me in kindergarten a year late, along with buttwipe over here,” he points to Aaron over his shoulder as he straps the helmet to the bike.

“Class should be fun, today!” Aaron rubs his palms together in anticipation.

“Hey about the Spanish,” I start. They both go silent at the awkwardness of last night. “It’s not biggie! I’ll just tutor you for half an hour after school, okay? Today I have cheer practice, so you can wait here or you can come to my house or I can go to yours.” On the inside, I was hoping he said no to the last one.

He glances at Aaron who’s raising his eyebrows, “I guess I’ll wait for you and we can study at your house. If that’s all right?!” Aaron’s laughing to himself.

“Yea, that’s fine! Just, one rule,” he nods.


“You can’t tell my mom or dad that you’re seventeen, and therefore, actually, a senior. You must be my age. Got it?” I wait for a reply.

“Sounds doable, princess,” he says with a smirk.

We walk into school together, and we are definitely stared at. “Do people always look at you like this?” Aaron asked.

I almost said no, “Actually, it a new thing this year.”

“It’s kind of weird,” he shrugs it off and keeps walking.

“You should probably go to the office and get your schedule. The lady in there will assign you a buddy,” he looks confused.

“What’s a buddy?”

Finn points to me, “Your babysitter idiot!”

I look to Finn, “Shut up, dipstick! It’s not like I wanted to babysit.”

“Dipstick? Really? There are so many other nicknames that you don’t even know you can use!”

Finn growls, “Aaron, shut up.”

“I know, I know! Keep it on the down low,” he smiles. “That rhymes!”

“You’re a genius, Einstein,” I mutter.

“Is that my nickname?” Aaron actually looks excited.

“Uh, sure, it’s kind of offensive.”

“And dipstick isn’t?” Aaron watches me.

“True, now no more talking go to the office and get your stuff!”

Aaron looks off into the distance, “Stuff. Such a vague word.”

“Get out of here, Einstein!” He smiles and head off to the office. This time I turn to Finn, “First bell’s going to ring in two minutes. I’m sure you can get to all your classes today?”

“Uh huh,” I says not making eye contact.

“Oh,” I turn back around before I walk away, “just so you know I could have embarrassed you last night.”

Finn looks at me now, “Huh? Last night?” his expression is instantly worried. “Where did you see me last night,” the seriousness in his tone takes all the fun out of the situation.

“On the road, dipstick, riding with you siblings. I almost rolled down my window and shouted something embarrassing,” his lips twitch.

“Like what, princess?” again, I’ve dug myself in a hole.

“I don’t know, maybe, ‘run like the wind Bulls-eye!’ or a countdown maybe. What ever came out of my mouth. You know,” I look away my cheeks flushing, again, embarrassing myself.

“I’m glad you didn’t,” he says.


“I’m glad you didn’t shout anything, I would have never lived down from the embarrassment. But that would have been after Aaron got over the idea that you were talking to him.” I laugh out loud and snort once.

“Oh crap!” I cover my mouth and his lips pull back into a smile.

The bell rings. “See you in second out, princess.”

“See you later, dipstick!” I say. He walks the opposite way of our lockers toward the office, to find his brother.

I grab my books and head to first hour, Spanish, with Jordan. Oh goodness gracious, please help me someone!

Walking into Spanish was okay, finding a seat was okay, having Jordan choose the seat next to me was awkward.

“Hey,” he says.

“Hi,” I look at my hands uncomfortably.

“How’ve you been?” he asks me.

I laugh, “You mean since last night? Good. How about you?”

Jordan shrugs, “Okay, could’ve been better,” he looks me in the eyes and I know he’s referring to the kiss. He’s openly saying I should have kissed him.

“Jordan, I want to be friends still, so neither one of us is going to bring any of that up. Got it? That is no-no territory. We’ve decided together that we’re going to be friends.”

He shakes his head no, “Remember, on the Ferris Wheel when I told you, you were beautiful and that I couldn’t be just friends anymore. I can’t be just friends with you, Gwen, I need more. I told you that I,” he lowers his voice so he doesn’t embarrass either of us, “love you. You can’t be just friends with someone that you love.”

I hang my head, “You can’t ask that from, Jordan. If I don’t love you what am I supposed to do? Just click delete? I like you a lot, and maybe over time,” I take a shaky breath, “It’s just to soon for me to be with another football player okay. I can’t stand the persona of football player and cheerleader,” he frowns.

“I don’t have to be a football player anymore,” I smile sweetly at him. I put my hand on his cheek.

“I can’t ask you to throw away your scholarship for a sill girl, Jordan. I just can’t do that to my true best friend,” I sigh, “I understand if you can’t, but I’d really like for us to be friends.”

He looks away and swallows back what looks like a start of a cry, “Okay, we can try the friend thing. Although,” he smiles a broken smile, “I think it will be a little awkward.”

I kiss his cheek as the bell rings, “We’ve done it before.”


Before I know it the class I have with Jordan is over, and I’m headed to art class. This time, when I get to my locker, Finn is there along with Aaron waiting for me.

“Hey,” my voice is kind of sad after everything that happened.

Finn grabs my wrist and looks me in the eyes, “What’s happened?”

My eyes are huge and Aaron patting his brother’s shoulder, pulling him back a bit, “It’s Jordan.”

“Did he hurt you, Gwen,” my eyebrows furrow at the use of my real name.

“No, actually, I wish he would’ve hurt me. It’d be better than this,” I close my locker and lock it.

Finn is clenching and unclenching his hands, “Spit it out all ready,” he snaps.

“Wow! It’s not really your business in the first place, but Jordan,” I rub my temple, “Jordan told me he loved me. Loved me,” Aaron smiles, but Finn frown slightly.

“That’s cool,” Einstein shouts.

“Shush, Einstein! It is not cool. I had to tell him I don’t feel the same way, I felt so cruel!” Finn opens the door to the art room, Aaron and I walk in.

We take the three seats in the back, and I start talking, “I told him he was my best friend, and that’s how I want it to stay. End of story.”

Finn has stopped listening, and has pulled out his drawing. “Let me see?” I ask.

He looks at me and Aaron laughs, “Finn and girlie hobby! Come on Finny, show her!”

Finn growls at Aaron, but hands me the drawing.

My breath hitches in my throat when I look at the drawing. At the very top of the page is the sky full of stars, and underneath is a girl.

Not any specific girl, just a girl, and standing next to her is a wolf. The shading makes the picture look like night and day at the same time.

I turn to Finn, “It really is amazing,” I whisper.

“It’s also very subtle,” Aaron rambles beside me.

“Thanks,” is all he says.

“Mine sucks compared to yours, though!” I make the mood more peppy.

“Bet it beats mine,” Aaron jokes.

“Why’d you take this class?” Finn asks Aaron.

Aaron smiles, “Because you’re in it, dipstick,” he flutters his eyelashes. “Did I do a good imitation of princess?”

Finn laughs, “No she’s much much prettier, Aaron!”

My heart beats faster, but I remind myself, ‘Single girl this year, Gwen!’. I am not having another Robert.


Lunch rolls around, and I meet Finn and Aaron. “Please tell me we aren’t sitting outside?!” Finn shrugs.

“No, outside it much better. If I have to be in here all day, I’m going outside for lunch,” Aaron informs us.

“Are you guys getting anything?” Finn shakes his head no, but Aaron pipes up.

“We don’t have any money fort the account thingy!” Aaron his hyper.

I look to Finn, “You could have told me, I’d have gotten you something to munch on!”

“Well, we’re starved now!” They each get a full lunch, whereas I get a cheese stick, an apple, and apple juice.

Like yesterday, we sit outside. “It’s too hot,” I complain. “It’s a million degrees!” After we sit, I still complain, “It’s torture!”

“It’s because you’re in clothing that doesn’t breathe,” Finn informed me.

Aaron smiles, “Let the girl wear what she wants, those clothes are nice!”

“Stop it!” Finn warns.

“Einstein, stop messing with dipstick,” I warn.

“Okay, boss,” he takes a huge bite into the sandwich. “Yummy!”

“Yea, I know you’re lying. Why do you think I only get an apple and cheese stick? The lunches here are nasty,” I make a gagging notion.

“So you’re saying you eat more at home?” I roll my eyes.

“Are you kidding! I eat us out of house. The ones who don’t eat are my sisters.”

Aaron’s eyebrows go up, “You have sister?”

“Yeah, I have am eighteen year old, spoiled rotten, brat. Or a fourteen year old, freshman, who’s copying the spoiled rotten brat,” I take a bite of the apple.

“Huh, how would they describe you?” Finn asks.

“That’s a good one. This week they’d call me a stalker tattle tail.”

“That sure is a combo!” Finn says after he finishes his last bite of lunch.

“Yea, well last night, after I got home, to direct the attention away from me, I told them my sister, Anna, was making out with Chad, at school, like a dog.

“And then this morning, I told on Alice for going to a party,” I sigh. “I am a terrible person.”

Right before either of them can say anything, Jordan walks up and sits down next to me, “Hey, buddy!”

I make a tight smile, “What are you doing over here, Jordan?”

“Came to sit with my best friend, in a million degree heat, apparently,” he smiles at me.

“Hey, tell them. They don’t want to sit inside.”

“Hi, I don’t really think we’ve been introduced yet, I’m Jordan,” he puts his hand out to Aaron.

Aaron shakes it, “Aaron, nice to meet you.”

And to Finn, “Finn.”

“Anyways, you guys could totally sit with us inside. We’re right next to the windows,” Jordan points to there table through the glass.

Aaron speaks up, “Yeah, that sounds nice, we’ll…”

“Sorry, I don’t think I really like that table,” I smile nervously. God, Jordan doesn’t even know.

“Okay, then. Not that table. Gwen, I know it’s awkward around Robert, but it’s totally okay. Robert’s over it, since you broke up with him and all. Plus, he’s not going to beat you up for it or anything,” everyone laughs a little bit, but I feel like I have to throw up.

“I have to go,” I leave all of my books by the tree and run into the bathroom. I can’t even help myself from throwing up.

I cried a little bit before I heard someone come into the bathroom, “Gwen?” It was Finn.

Stopping myself from crying was hard, but I somehow managed to pull myself together, and put on that fake smile.

“Hey!” I say my nosed clogged. I see that the bathroom door is locked.

When I turn to the mirror I realize that I’m not fooling anyone. My eyes are red and puffy, my hair is coming out of the pony tail, and my nosed sounds stuffy.

“You don’t have to tell me what happened,” is all Finn says. I step forward and cry, he wraps his arms around me to comfort me, and I shake as I sob.

I hear the bell go off, but quickly lose track of when. “We should probably get to class,” I murmur.

“If you want, but I could take you home if you need to go?” I look up at Finn with tears hanging on my eyelashes.

I try to smile, “Thank you, but I better stay. My parents will a call, and it all goes down from there.”

Stepping out of his embrace awkwardly, I walk over to the counter and fix my hair. I wipe away any of the mascara and tears before I feel well enough to leave the bathroom.

“Ready?” he asks tentatively.

I nod slowly, “I think so,” Finn nods.

There, in the bathroom, I know something happened between us. But I didn’t know what to say, so I just grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

Where we split at the hallway, I swivel over my shoulder as say, “Wait for me in the gym, I get a ride back to my house!”
He smiles, and I can’t wait for that ride to my house.















Chapter Six

“Ready? Okay!” Anna shouts across the gym as me a back flip and handspring and roundoff.

Most of the girls are showing off since Finn is sitting in the bleachers. Somehow it feels like his eyes are on me at all times, but when I look he’s staring at Anna, Jane, Courtney, or any other girl.

When I fly across the gym do my quadruple back handspring flip, all the girls clap except for Anna.

“Come on, Gwen! That was pathetic! What am I supposed to do with that, it takes way to long,” she sighs, like she has the hardest job, “Okay, everyone, we have a game this Saturday! You all better be there, got it?”

We all nod in unison, and a couple girls cheer.

“Okay,” God I swear my sister says ‘okay’ at least three times in every sentence, “Let’s practice!”

“Ready? Okay!” Anna shouts again.

I, along with three other girls, do front handsprings to the front of the squad. We come together in a square, and put our hand together. Amanda Wilkins, our main flyer, runs and jumps into our net of arms.

We toss her in the air three times before she comes to a stop at the top with her leg extended and her toes in her hand.

The next group of girls revolve around us, doing handsprings, flips, and cartwheels.

When they all come together in our wildest move, we throw Amanda over our heads.

She flies backwards and hits the other girls, they lower her to the ground.

As our final move approaches we all pyramid. From the back no one would notice that Amanda is climbing up to the top.

All of a sudden when she’s up there, we roll out from underneath, and catch her.

Amanda is breathing heavy, it must be terrifying to fly up that high, and then have it all roll right out from under you.

“Okay! Good job, ladies,” she smiles and claps her hands. “Let’s do it again! Ready? Okay!”

We do the routine at least three more times before practice is over. Anna instructs us all to practice because we can all guarantee that she will practice ten times more than they will; but she won’t.

I grab my water bottle and sports bag, “Hey, Finn,” he comes down the bleachers.

“Yea,” he says very blasé.

I sigh, “Ready to go? Sorry I had to bore you with all this crap, it’s,” I frown; stupid, a lot, boring, lame, stupid, “cheerleading.”

He smiles, “Yes it is.”

“Let’s go!” Finn and I walk outside and talk about cheerleading. He agrees it’s a sport!
“Anna must have said ‘okay’ a hundred times,” he jokes.

I gasp, “Oh my God, every practice, okay? Okay, you ready? Okay, let’s go!”

I put the helmet on hop on the back of the bike after he’s gotten on. “Ready?”

“Okay!” I shout.

He takes off, and the speed makes me smile. My stomach gets into a knot, and I wrap my arms around his solid waist.

The leather is soft and warm against my skin. When w come to a spot light I release my grip a little, and turn to the left.

There, to my left, are my parents. Are they on their way home?! I remember that I have my helmet, cheerleading uniform, and cheer shoes on. I could be any cheerleader, right?

“That’s my parents to our left, keep driving when we get to my house!” Finn rolls his eyes, but nods.

When we pass my house, I see my parents turn into our drive way.

“God, that was close!”

My arms tighten around him again. His leather jacket has flow back and his T-shirt is riding up.

My bare arms touch his bare stomach. ‘My God!’ I say to myself. This guy has some serious abs. But besides that fact, he’s burning up! He’s got to me running a fever.

“You can stop here!” I shout, almost forgetting that we have to turn around. Finn pulls into the parking lot, and stops the bike.

“Now what? We can’t really ditch my bike?” I frown.

“I guess not, but do you think we can pull off the ‘I promise, Daddy, I didn’t ride the bike’,” Finn laughs.

“We’ll see, but first, I want a shake,” I look up and see that we’re parked in the parking lot of a run down ice cream parlor.

“Huh, how is it that I never knew this was here?” he smiles at me.

“I’ve seen it before, but I forgot about it.”

I bite my lip, “It looks kind of shady, I’m not sure, Finn. It sounds like a bad idea.”

“Do you honestly think I would let anyone hurt you. I mean look at me, I’m kind of scary,” I giggle.

“Maybe a little, but what if,” before I know it, he’s turned the bike off, taken out the key, and pulled the helmet off my head.

“Looks like we’re going,” I sigh.

Finn helps me off the bike, and leads me over to the ice cream parlor. When he opens the door, the A/C hits us like a wave. “That is amazing,” I say.

“Ya think, princess,” he grins wickedly. “Look at that scary guy over there,” he points to a scrappy man in a US Truckers hat.

“Ha ha! Very funny,” I punch his arm, but I don’t think he notices.

“What can I do you for?” an older man says behind the counter.

“Hi, Sir,” I start, “I’d like a strawberry shake, and…”

Finn picks up where I left off, “Two more strawberries, please.”

“Two more?” I raise an eyebrow, “You really that hungry?”

He looks away, slightly embarrasses, “I don’t need two I guess,” he says it like he’s sad.

“No, no! Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that, I meant, I, uh…” he puts his hand on my shoulder and looks me in the eyes.

“It’s okay, I know what you’re doing,” I furrow my eyebrows.

“And what exactly is that, dipstick?” the corner of my lips pull up into a smile.

“Well, princess, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re trying,” the old man at the counter speaks up.

“Order up!” he hands us the three shakes, and Finn grabs them all.

“You find us a seat.”

“Okay,” I come up behind him, and jab him in the sides with my pointer fingers, “Don’t drop them!” I yell.

Finn almost dropped the one, but quickly caught it with his other hand. He glares at me, “That would’ve been your, princess.”

“I’m sure it would have,” I say as I pull out two chairs.

The old man behind the counter laughs heartily, “The two of you remind me of my wife and I when we were a young couple. So hopeful and full of love,” he smiles at the memory.

“Oh, Sir, we aren’t together, together,” I smile sweetly at him.

“Oh, well, call me when you are,” and with that he turns and leaves the counter.

The little rinky-dink ice cream parlor is decked out it faded red and dirty white. The tables are card tables and the chairs don’t match each other.

The cups are huge glasses that say Coca-Cola. “This place is cute,” I say. “So is the old man.”

Finn wrinkles his nose, “If you go for that, I guess.”

I laugh hysterically, and confusion sits on his face, “Oh goodness,” I say taking deep breaths. “I can’t believe you thought I meant,” I can’t stop laughing, and the US Trucker man stares at me, “that he was cute, cute as in,” I wipe the tear away from my eye, “attractive.”

I lay my hand on his arm, “You just made my day, Finn...” I pause, “You know what Finn, I don’t even know your last name.”

“It’s Finn Sherwood.”

“Huh, Sherwood? I would have never guessed.” He looks at me kind of funny.

“Guessed? You were going to try and guess my name? I would have never guessed Greene, you know,” he sucks the last bit of Strawberry shake out of the bottom of the glass.

“Really? See that surprises me because when I think about it, I sound like a Greene. You just don’t sound like a Sherwood.”

“I think I sound like a Sherwood,” Finn says.

I chuckle, “I’m sure you do.”

After we both finish, we return our glasses, and head to the bike. “Ready?”

“Okay!” I answer.

“So you didn’t ride my bike over, and I’m an Honor Role student?” he asks.

“Yeah, except Spanish, since I’m tutoring you,” he points at me.


I grumble, “It’s so bulky! I don’t like it. I wish I had a cute little pink helmet with 2COOL4U on the back. How awesome would that be?”

“Pretty awesome, but for now, all I have is the black bulky one,” he makes sure the helmet is snug on my head than get on, I follow him on.

Finn starts the bike and I feel it rumble beneath me, my arms wrap around him again. “I feel like I should be wearing a leather jacket!” I shout at him.

“That’s be pretty cool,” I smile.

“IKR,” I say.

The confusion is obvious, “I know, right!”

“Gotcha!” Finn takes off, and I feel my self whip around.

When we’re thirty feet from my house, he stops the bike and lets me off. “See you soon,” I say.

I walk up the driveway and see Mom looking out the window. “Hey, Mom!” I say as I walk in.

“Hi, honey. I was starting to get worries about you Anna got home thirty minutes ago.”

“Oh, I had to talk to Finn for a few minutes, he’ll be here soon. I’m tutoring in Spanish,” Mom looks a little nervous.

“Okay, but in the kitchen. You may not go into you room, or anywhere where I can’t see you, got it?”

“Yes, kitchen at all times,” Mom turns to leave. “Wait, am I allowed to use the restroom?”

“Quit being a smart aleck!” outside I hear the Harley come up. Gosh, it’s loud! “What is that?” my mother looks at me.

I smile a little, “That’s Finn, Mom.”

Mom peeks out the blinds at the motorcycle and the boy, “Oh no, you are not dating a Stoner!”

“Mom!” I yell, “He is not a Stoner, he’s very sweet. He’s got good grades in every class except Spanish; he didn’t have to learn it at his old school. Plus, he’s an artist. He’s not a Stoner.”

“Okay, but one slip up and,” Mom points at the door and whistles.

Finn knocks on the door, but by the way my mother acts, he’s going to knock down the door. I open the door, “Hey, Finn. Come on in, this is my mother, Henrietta.”

“Call me Mrs. Greene,” she says very stiffly.

“Thank you very much, Ms. Greene, for having me over on such short notice. I won’t waste any of your daughter’s time.” Mom purses her lips and nods.

“Very well, study,” she walks away.

I smile apologetically at him, “Come on, we’ll be in the kitchen, so my mom can keep an eye on us.” I set my backpack on the table, “If you’re really lucky you’ll get to meet my dad.”

He swallows hard, “Calm down, dipstick, my dad’s easier to handle than my mom.”

“That’s good to know,” he says barely above a whisper.

I put my hand on his forehead and he jerks back, “Stop moving!”

“What are you doing,” he asks.

“Feeling you temperature, you felt really hot on the bike. Plus, you’re not acting like yourself. And yeah, you feel really hot, Finn. Didn’t you feel sick all day, you’re a trooper!”

“I’m always this hot, don’t worry about it. My whole family has wacky body temperature, bell except for my mother,” this is the first time I’ve heard of his mother.

“Okay, I’ll take your word for it,” taking out my Spanish I things from my freshman year, I lay them out.

“Where do we start?” I laugh.

“Good question, this is going to take us a while.” We study and study and study until I hear someone coming down the steps.

“Hey, Gwen, I thought I heard somebody else down here,” Dad’s voice is light, but his stare is heavy.

Finn stands up, and sticks his hand out, “Hello, Mr. Greene, my name is Finn. I’m here because your daughter is tutoring me in Spanish,” my dad’s lips twitch into a smile.

“Sit down, son, you’re all right,” Finn sits down, and rubs his palms on his jeans.

“Thank you, Daddy. We’re trying to study,” I kiss his cheek and get him the glass of water I know he came down here for.

My dad looks out the window of the kitchen sink, “Woah!” he looks to Finn, “Is that your Harley?”

Finn clears his throat, “Yes, Sir.”

“Huh?” he looks right at me, in the eyes, “Have you ridden on it, Gwen?”

When I stare into Dad’s honest eyes, I have a hard time lying, “Yes, Daddy,” I look away.

“Does it ride nice?”

“What?” my head snaps up.

“I asked, does it ride nice?” my dad waits for an answer.

I smile, “Yes! Oh it’s the best bike ever, and Finn is a really good safe driver,” my smile is too big to hide.

“I’m sure he is,” Dad mumbles. “But it’s a pretty awesome bike, do you think you have enough time to stop studying and show me the bike?” Finn grins and nods.








Chapter Seven

Now that Dad and Finn are bike buddies, my dad can pretty much convince my mom to let me do whatever I want with Finn. As long as we’re safe.

The next two weeks pretty much go by at this pace exactly. He drives me home, we study for whatever, and then we go for a ride.

I’ve only met Aaron so far, but I want to meet the rest of his family.

I think about the past two weeks as I wait on the steps of my house on Thursday morning. I stand up when I hear the Harley coming down our street.

I’m almost positive the whole block has called my mom, asking her id she knows I get a ride from a, I quote, ‘useless punk’. Finn got a kick out of that one.

When he drives us he stops the motorcycle, and turns it off. “Sorry to ask, but does your mom have any of the scone thingies? I didn’t get breakfast,” I roll my eyes dramatically.

“I swear you don’t eat breakfast, just, so you can have my mother’s scones!” he shrugs.

“I can’t lie, they’re really good,” after I run inside, and grab him a scone, I put on the bulky black helmet.

“Let’s ride!” I shout.

He takes off down the street, and like every other time, people stare as I get off the back of his bike. “You’d think they’d get used to it,” he mutters.

I strap the helmet to the back like he showed me, and we walk into the school talking about his Spanish test.

“You’ll be fine! I’ve gone over everything I could possibly go over, dipstick!”

“Sorry, did I offend your skills, princess?” I punch him in the arm, and he’s silence for a moment.

“So, thank you for helping me and all,” he says.

I comment back, “No problem, it was easy!”

“Well, my mom’s really, uh, happy that you helped me out, so she was wondering if you wanted to come to our movie night,” he speeds up, “there all scary, so all just tell her you said no, and yada, yada, yada.”

“Hey, wait, what if I want to go?” he looks at me.


“Duh!” I throw in there.

“You like scary movies? They’re not terrible, I guess, but I, just, didn’t expect,”

“You talk too much,” I tell him, “of course I’ll go! It’ll be fun scary movies and popcorn! I’ll just stop by and tell my mom. What time should I have her drive me over?”
“Oh, I always forget you can’t drive. Um, how about I just pick you up around 5:30; you can have dinner and movie at my house then. But beware, we all kind of eat like animals.”

“That’s okay, where’s Aaron?” I look around not seeing the tall dark headed boy.

“He had to stop by someplace, and check something out. He’ll be here after first period.”

“Okay, see you second hour!” Finn nodded and waved good-bye as he headed to English II.

I sat down next to Jordan when I got to Spanish, he just stared at me, “Are you going out with Finn?” he said his name like a disease.

“No, why would you think that?” he rolls his big green eyes.

“Hmm, I don’t know, Gwen, maybe because the two of you are attached at the hip!”

“Are not! We’re just friends,” I inform him.

He scoffs, “I’m sure that’s exactly what he thinks, Gwen. Be smart. You don’t even hang out with me anymore. I knew it was too good to be true when you said we could still be friends.”

“No! I could hang out with you any time!” he smiles.

“Fine, tonight. My parents are doing another Fair before people get bored of it. Do you want to come?” I cringe.

I stutter, “I’m sorry, Jordan. But I made plans with, um, uh,” he puts his hands up.

“I get it, Finn. No biggie. See you when you have time then,” Jordan doesn’t talk to me for the rest of class.

As I make my way to art class, I feel guilty and terrible. How on Earth could I do that to him? I just pushed him aside like it wasn’t a thing! Gosh, it makes me mad at myself.

I sit down and wait until the bell, where are they? Aaron and Finn aren’t showing up for second hour?

Believe it or not, Finn and Aaron don’t show up the rest of the day. When the bell rings, I beg my sister for a ride, telling her my punishment is over.

Instead, she laughs, and peels out of the parking lot.

I’m stuck walking all the way home in the heat, the blistering heat!

Anna and Alice are home, along with Mom and Dad. “Guys?” I shout once I’m inside the house.

“What took you so long? Is Finn out there I have a question about which Harley is better?” Dad comes down the stair, and see that I’m sweating and fuming.

“Uh, I should go, sweetheart,” slowly he back us the staircase.

“Yes, Dad, Finn ditched me, and I’m supposed to be going over to his house tonight for movies with his family. But, we’ll see how that goes!” I follow Dad up the staircase, except I turn and take a cold shower before I do my homework.































Chapter Eight

At 5:45 I’ve decided that Finn is not coming. After throwing a temper tantrum, I go to the receiver and call Jordan.

He picks up, “Hello, this is Jordan.”

“I know it’s Jordan, I called!” he clicks his tongue.

“Woah there, a little testy? I think so, what the issue? Does it have to do with Finn?”

“Do you want to go to the fair still? I mean if you’re not going with somebody else?” On his end I hear him hop off his bed and drop the phone so he can put a shirt on. “Yea, that’s great! I’ll see you in ten minutes, Gwen.”

When I hang up, I know that I’ve made at least one person happy.

“Mom, Dad! I’m going out with Jordan! Remember the fair, we’re going there again!” both my parents come down the stairs.

“Okay, but we’re going to be gone until midnight or one o’ clock, though. Alice is going to a friend’s house, and Anna should be here.” Yeah right, I think. When would Anna ever stay here?

“Okay, I’ll be back around ninish or tenish. It won’t be too late, anyways.”

“That’s good, we’ll see you in the morning then!” Mom has on her fancy dancing dress and Dad his best suit.

“Have fun guys!” I kiss them both on the cheek, and wait by the window.

When Jordan pulls up, I head out to his car. “Ready?” he asks.

“Okay!” I say without thinking about it. He’s confused, but doesn’t ask.

“Let’s go ride the Scrambler and get some cotton candy. I’ll bet it’s the same girl,” he wiggles his eyebrows.

“Yea, except this time, you’re going to flirt back. I’m not saying shove your cleavage in her face, but…” Jordan laughs and turns the radio on.

We listen to one song from every station, even if we don’t like it, in order, starting with the ~Top 40!!!~.

Jordan sings to every song and I’m the beat. When we get to classical music we always boo. It’s totally obnoxious, but somehow, I miss it.

I miss Jordan, and his playfulness. When we take the familiar exit to the fair, we’re both laughing so hard that I’m afraid he’ll wreck us.

We enter the fair, planning on having an amazing time!

At 9:45, Jordan decides that you can only ride each ride three times before it get boring, so we head back to the car.

We decide to play the music game again, we play for the longest time, and before I know it, we’re right outside city limits.

I turn the radio down to thank Jordan, “I had so much fun, I needed that. Thank you, Jordan!” I smile big and cheesy.

“No problem, chika. Anything for you,” he looks to me and smiles sincerely.

I turn, shaking my head, and look at the road. I see a wolf limping across the road, “Watch out,” I scream.

Readying myself for impact, I hear our braked squeal, and I feel Jordan’s hand brace me.

The impact of hitting the wolf was amazing, our airbags ejected into our faces, and the minute they deflated Jordan ran to look at the injured animal.

After I caught my breath, and stepped out of the car. I looked at the wolf and as it struggled for each breath, I had more and more motivation to save it.

“Jordan, it’s shot,” I say as I examine the bulled wound in it’s shoulder. “Can we get it into the back of your trunk?”

He shakes his head, “I don’t know, Gwen. This is a wild animal it might bite us.”

“Come on! We have to try to save it,” without the help of Jordan, I lean down and wrap my arms around its upper body. “Come on,” I whisper to it, “you can walk. One step at a time, I’ll help you.” The wolf started to stand, but quickly toppled back over.

“Oh, Gwen!” Jordan groaned, “For goodness sake, you’re too stubborn!” Jordan wrapped his huge arms around the wolf and laid it in the truck. The wolf snarled at Jordan.

“Close it and get in!”

After I gently close the trunk, I walk around to the passenger side, “You do realize this is illegal, right?” Jordan says.

“I know. We’ll bring it to my house, and then you can go home. I promise!” Jordan mumbles to himself the rest of the drive.

When we pull into the driveway, I see all the lights are off. “Yes! Anna left,” I hop out of the car and open the trunk. “Come on puppy,” I whisper to it. “Shhh, we’re going to fix you all up, I promise.”

“You’re making a lot of promise’s, Gwen,” I glare at Jordan.

“Just help me get him inside, and then, you can go.” Jordan nods reluctantly, but helps me lift him inside and into the tub, so blood doesn’t get everywhere.

“Leave, okay? I’ll call you later tonight. I’ll let you know how he is.”

“No, I’m not leaving you alone with a wild animal!” he sighed, “I’m not stupid. If you want, I’ll sit in the kitchen and you can take car of him, but that’s as far as I’m going.”

“That’s fine, I guess. If someone saw us and sent the police, you could say the only thing you did was life him. You’ll tell them I drove, and all that stuff.”

“Whatever,” Jordan mutters and starts eating the cookies Mom left out.

I grab all the towels out of the closet; my dad’s hunting knife, alcohol, and my father’s pistol (just in case). “Shhh, you have to be still while I do this, okay.”

Just as I’m about to pour the alcohol on the wound the phone rings. “Don’t answer it!” I yell to Jordan.

I stand up, and grab the receiver myself, “Hello, Greene residents.”

“Hi,” says the woman on the other end, “I’m Mrs. Sherwood,” he voice is shaking, “is Finn there?”

My breath hitches in my throat, “God, no! Is he alright?” I feel like an idiot for not thinking about this.

“I’m not sure, we’re looking for him now, but,” her voice wavers.

“I’ll be there in ten minutes to help you out, okay?”

“No! You can’t come, just let us know if you hear from him okay? It’s very important, thank you,” with that, she hangs up the phone.

I’m sick to my stomach, I feel so guilty. “I need to fix this wolf, Jordan.”

“Okay, go fix him. I’ll hold down the fort,” I nod and walk back to the bathroom.

Steam from the tub has filled that bathroom, and made it a little steamy. I brush some away, and there, in my bathroom, is a guy.

I scream bloody murder, but the guy covers my mouth with his hand, and pushes his finger to his lips, “Finn?” I ask.

“Stay quiet, and get Jordan out of here, now,” I nod like a zombie, and look into the kitchen.

“Are you alright? I have 911 dialed I just have to press call.”

“I’m fine, he died though,” I fake a tear. “Can you please leave?”

“I’ll help you burry him, and then I’ll leave, I promise,” he stands up.

I growl meanly this time, “Jordan, I can do it by myself, okay? I’ll see you tomorrow,” Jordan glares at me.

“God! Gwen, are you bipolar?” he grabs his jacket and stalks out of the house.

I return to the bathroom, where the steam has receded. “Gwen, I need you to be calm, okay? Listen to me, you’re alright.”

My mind is going a mile a minute, until, it just stops, “You were shot.”

“Yea, I know, but listen,” I cut him off.

“You were shot.” I say raising my voice a little.

He sighs, “I know, Gwen, but listen,” again, I stop him.

“You were shot!” I’m breathing fast and heavy now. “Oh my God! What if I didn’t pick you up, would you have died? Your mom called asking if you were here. I said no?”

“It’s alright, come here,” Finn is sitting on the side of the tub in only a towel.

I’m still grasping for anything, “No, you need clothes,” I tell him.

“You’re right,” he laughs, “I do need clothes.”

Again, I leave the bathroom and enter my parent’s room. I pull out my dad’s old plaid shirt and sweatpants; he can live without underwear.

“Here!” I shove them into the bathroom. “Change!” I walk into the living room, somehow, and I turn on the TV. “Why did I turn the TV on?” I say aloud.

Finn walks out of the bathroom, dressed in clothes not his own. He looks out of place.

“Gwen, will you talk to me now?” I shake my head yes, “say it,” he warns.

“Yes,” I whisper.

He nods, “Are you going to be okay?”

“I think so,” I tell him.

“Good, that’s good. I’m sorry I stood you up tonight,” I look at him like what the heck are you talking about.

“You were shot and you’re apologizing to me? You’re an idiot!” I yell at him, it makes me feel better.

Finn grabs my hand and holds it, “Listen, I’m alright. You’re alright. We are good, okay? Can I use your phone to call my mom?”

I nod, “Sure,” he walks away, gets the phone, and again taking the seat beside me.

“Mom? Hey, listen, calm down, I’m at Gwen’s. I was here the whole time, she just didn’t know it.”

His mother talks, “Yes, she knows. How am I supposed to help that, Mom?! Besides, she won’t tell anyone. She’s smart and,” he listen to his mother again. “I know, I know. I have to get my bike and then we’re both coming. Okay?”

He hangs up the phone, and looks at me, “Gwen? Will you come to my house so we can explain some things to you? It will only take a second, and then I’ll bring you back. Promise,” I stand up, and really look at him.

“I’m coming out of it, you don’t need to talk to me like I’m a baby, got it?”


“Okay, so here’s what you’re going to do,” he smiles when I say this, “you’re going het your bike, drive me to your house as fast as that bike will go, and then you’re going to explain this to me in every detail.

“Now, of course, I won’t tell. I’m not an idiot, I don’t want to get mixed up in this whole thing, okay? Also, if you eat me, scratch me, bite me I will personal tear your nose or snout or whatever off your face. Get it, got it, good,” I give him a thumbs up. “Go, get your bike.”

He laughs, and walks out our back door. When I hear the bike come around front, I exit the house. Grabbing the helmet, I set it on my head.

“We’ll talk about why you’re okay, when we get to your house.” Finn nods and starts driving.

When we pass the ice cream parlor he speaks, “Want a shake?”

I glare, “Drive.”

When we get outside of city limits, I wonder when we are going to stop. “Are we almost…” I stop talking when he takes a turn, and a cute little house is nestles back in the woods.

He parks the bike, and helps me out of the helmet. He takes my hand, and surprisingly, I don’t object.
Finn flings open the door, in the living room sits Aaron, his older brother and sister, father, and mother. They all have a worried expression on their face.

I look around like a kid in a candy store, Aaron smiles when he sees us, and smiles more when he sees that Finn is holding my hand.

“Son,” Finn’s father says as he stands up.

Mrs. Sherwood runs forward and flings her arms around her son, “Oh thank God!” she cries on his shoulder.

I drop his hand, I feel like I’m invading their personal privacy. “We’re glad you didn’t die,” Cal says (he’s the only boy left-he must be Cal).

“You must be Gwen?” Mrs. Sherwood asks.

“Yes, it’s nice to meet you,” I shake her hand.

“You’ve met Aaron, but this is Cal,” she points to the boy I figured was Cal, “this is Lydia,” the gives me a look of disgust, “and my husband Mr. Sherwood.”

“Well, it’s nice to meet all of you,” what else am I supposed to say in a house full of, what ever they are!

They all laugh at me, but in my head they’re a bunch of angry growls. I smile, Finn leans over and whispers into my ear, “They won’t hurt you. I promise,” he jokes, “my dad is easier than my mom.”

I laugh out loud, and everyone looks at me, “Something funny?” Ms. Sherwood asks.

“Nothing much, maam,” I say.

“Are you mocking me?”

Finn interjects, “Mom, stop, Be nice, come on.” He sighs “We need to explain because she’ll have to know what’s going on now that she knows.”

His father is making a Bloody Mary, “Well, I guess I’ll start. After I married Ms. Sherwood we were very happy. But before Mrs. Sherwood, I was in some very shady business with a lab I was working at. The scientist there wanted to make fantasy reality. But life doesn’t work like that.

“Anyways, once I had been married, and Jennifer had Cal and Lydia, we were happy. But, soon, the lab started threatening me, and sending me scary messages.

“Jennifer had Finn nine months later, and three weeks into his birth the lab came. During the night they injected all three of our children with the serum we’d been working on. The serum, obviously, was designed to latch onto our children’s DNA. It was wolf DNA that was the basis for this new enzyme.

“When the children woke up and started crying, nothing was different. I went into Finn’s room and held him up. I couldn’t get him to stop crying. I started burping him and,” Finn looks down, “Finn bit my shoulder, hard enough to draw blood.”

Jennifer, Mrs. Sherwood, picked up the story, “When I walked into the room, he told me not to touch any of our children until he got back.

“Right before my eyes, I watched my husband shift into a wolf. He crashed through the door, and I didn’t see him for three hours. Cal and Lydia has already done the same thing by the time he got back, and they came back shortly after.

“Finn hadn’t changed yet, and that worried Paul. He waited with me, and told me he would handle the children until they could control themselves,” her voice is lowered to a whisper.

“Two weeks later Lydia and Cal were normal enough to hug me and love me, but Finn wouldn’t change. Paul worried that it was because the stress of his bones breaking,” she hiccups, “would kill him, since he was a baby.

“During this time, I became pregnant again, and we considered abortion because he might be born with the gene, he might be a ‘werewolf’, in your terms. But I decided against it.

“We had him when Finn turned one, Aaron was normal, and we were ecstatic, as you can imagine.” At this time I sit next to Mrs. Sherwood and hold her hand as little tears roll down her cheeks.

“Two days later, Finn changed for the first time; he ran off for nine days, we thought he was dead.

“Aaron continued to grow, and Paul continued to help Finn with the changed. In three weeks, Finn could hug and love me again.

“But every full moon I lost two-thirds of my family. I would cry until they came back.

“They would change other times too, but not regularly,” she sighs, and Finn takes over for his distraught mother.

“Three years ago, when Aaron was thirteen, Cal changed in the middle of the night. He changed before the rest of us for no reason, and he,” Finn swallow, “he bit Aaron.

“Aaron changed twenty minutes later, and we saw him two nights later, when he came home.

“My father has ultimate control of his ability, he remember everything from being human when he’s wolf. Cal, Lydia, Aaron, and I are working on it. Some of us are closer than others.

“My parents deadbolt their door at night that way none of us can get to Mom.

“Dad will just jump out the window if he needs to get out,” Finn finishes and his father once again speaks.

“Now, the lab I worked for was founded by the government. The government can’t prove any of the suspicious activity they were into, so if they find us, the living proof, the can put them in jail forever.

“Ever since they’ve been chasing us because if they find us first, and kill us there is no proof.

“But, unfortunately, we also have the government searching for us also,” Paul takes a sip of his Bloody Mary.

“Why don’t you jut turn yourselves into the government, they’ll put the lab rats in jail, and you’ll be free to go,” I realize how stupid I sound after I finish speaking.

“Well, that doesn’t really work since they want to cage us up, and test us even more,” he laughs. “It’s okay as long as the government knows!”

I look around, “Well, thank you for sharing that with me,” what else am I supposed to say?

Cal speaks up, “Well, we didn’t really have a choice, did we?”

I don’t think I like Cal.





























Chapter Nine

After the long talk, Finn drives me home, “Are you okay?” he asks.

“I’m fine, I’m actually glad that I found out now. It’s not so much a burden, but I feel like I know you better.”

He smiles and laughs, “Yea, I guess so, but I hope you understand that you can’t tell anybody.”

Once again, I nod, “I know. Only Paul, Jennifer, Lydia, Cal, and Aaron told me; now you! I think I’ve got that part down!”

“Okay, do you still want me to pick you up tomorrow? Or should I let you walk?” as he drives I punch him in the gut.

“What do you think?” he takes one hand of the bars and covers mine with his.

“I’m guessing you want to walk?” Ha ha, very funny.

We ride the rest of the way in silence until we get to my house, “Here we are,” he says.

“Yea, here we are.” I get of the bike, and take the helmet off.

“So, see you bright and early?” he checks.

“Yup,” I look away avoiding his lips.

He chuckles, “Gwen?”

I look up, “Yea?”

“Come here,” he stretches out his arm, and offers me his hand.

“Okay,” I say simply, stepping forward.

Finn pulls me closer, and I lean in. He presses his lips to mine, and kisses me.

At first, I melt into the kiss, pulling him closer. But then, my brain says ‘STOP!’. But, I listen to my heart, which says kiss him.

So I do, I kiss Finn, and I kiss Finn some more. I pull away, and he has a goofy grin, “Your hair’s a little messy,” I joke, trying to fix his hair is pointless.

“Sorry, I might just embarrass you in front of your siblings!” I say teasing him. But no matter what I say, I don’t think the goofy grin is going anywhere.

“Thank you,” I raise my eyebrows and laugh.

“Your welcome,” I kiss him one last time, messing up his hair and wrinkling his shirt, before going in.

Once I open the door, and turn the light on, I hear the bike speed away. Sighing a slide down against the door, “God,” I mutter, “what have I gotten myself into.”

I climb the stair, and see that Anna is back. I climb into bed, still smiling, and turn out my light.

But of course, my happy night would be ruined by part two of my horrible nightmare.


I was dancing with Kurt Laurence. He’s kissed me a few times before Robert noticed.

But when he did, boy, Robert was over there. Before I could do anything, Kurt was on the ground with a broken nose.

I was screaming blood murder. Robert quieted me down, and quietly told me to follow him. Like a stupid girl I did.

He drove us about a mile away from the party before he pulled the car over, “Get out!” he shouted at me.

I giggled, “Here, Robert? Really?”

He yelled at me still, “If you want to kiss other guys, I’ll show you what happens!”

I try to flirt with Robert, but her shoves me to the ground and kicks me in the side. “Robert!” I cry.

But again and again he kicks me in the side. “You stupid idiot!” he continues to scream.

I cry as Robert punch me, blow after blow. The tears sting my eyes, filled with blood.

“Robert!” I cry out. “Please stop, why are you doing this?!” he frowns at me and kicks me once more.

“So you know your place!” before he stops kicking me he spits in my face and hauls me up, “Get in the car!”

I crawl into the backseat, and curl up into a ball.

Next thing I know, I’m away on my driveway before dawn, and I’m dragging my but to bed.

I remember staying there all day, and half of the next. Until I could cover my bruises with makeup, I told my self.

That summer I changed, ‘Single girl this year, Gwen! You’re going to be a single girl!’ that was the chant that got me through the rest of the summer.


I wake up sweating and crying, with a scream. Mom dashes into the room, “Honey, what’s wrong?!” he face is alarmed.

“Nothing, Mom, it was just a really bad nightmare,” she nods her head and lets me go back to bed.

With tears drying on my face, I fall back into my dream.


People started sending me e-mails. More like hate mail. It took me two weeks to find out what had happened.

It came from Jordan, apparently Robert told the whole school that I called the idiot, hay brains, hill billy broncos, and I’d bashed the school and all the people in it.

I received the hate mail for weeks on end, until I couldn’t take it any more and deleted my account.

The weeks leading up to school I had crossed my fingers that everyone would forget, that I would still have friends.

But it didn’t matter to me anymore, I hated them all. I hated Robert; and I wanted him dead.


Again I awoke, except instead of tears, I had a burning anger in my heart.






















Chapter Ten

When I did, officially, wake up for school the anger hadn’t subsided.

I think about my kiss with Finn, and it helps some. I realize that I look like a complete mess; therefore I must take a shower.

Turning the shower on, I step into it. A sigh of relief escapes my lips, the tension from last night slowly melting away.

When I step out of the shower Anna is standing on the rug, “Oh my God, what the heck are you doing?!” I immediately cover up, she just smirks.

“Where were you last night?” she asks skeptically.

I shrug, “No where important enough for you to interrupt my shower,” I mutter.

“Give it up, I know you went out with that Sherwood kid! Chad said he saw you making out last night!”

My jaw hits the floor, “Why was Chad watching?” I say sarcastically. “Is he a stalker?”

“No he saw you through my window!” I raise my eyebrows. “Yea, he’s definitely not a stalker,” I tell her.

She snarls at me, “Why are you going out with him anyways? He’s a total airhead! Chad swears he’s on drugs.”
I throw my arms in the air, “Because Chad says it must be true!” I shout.

She looks fiercely at me, “I hope you’re happy, pothead!” with that she swivels on her high healed flip flops and marches out the door.

With my towel, I wipe away the fog on the mirror, and look at myself.

All the sun I’ve been getting has caused freckles to come up on my cheeks and nose. My eyes are a really intense blue next to my tan skin.

My hair had gotten even longer and wavier. I looked like a beach hippi! After running the comb through my hair, I put the curly moose, that mother bought for me so many years ago, into my hair.

I smile at my reflection, no time for makeup. That’s not a problem, I’m actually okay not wearing makeup.

Heading downstairs Mom and Dad do a double take, “Wow, Gwen, you look really nice today,” Dad says.

“Thank you, Daddy! I wanted to try something different.”

Mom’s eyes are huge, “Oh God, Anna was right! Sweety, please tell me you are not turning into a Stoner!”

“Mom, if I was turning into a Stoner, I’d have on black, heavy makeup, not any at all,” I roll my eyes at Mom’s over reacting personality. “Besides, I sort of like it.”

“I do too!” Dad exclaims. “It’s more natural that way,” he says with a smile.

I grab two scones and exit the front door. Anna and Alice are leaning against the car. “Are you guys waiting for something,” Alice smiles shyly at me.

“You look real pretty, Gwen,” I smile at her.

“Thanks, Alice,” although Alice’s makeup scares me, it’s dark eyeliner all the way around her eyes and heavy mascara. When I look from Anna to Alice, they’re carbon copies.

“See you guys later,” I wave good-bye as Finn drives up.

He’s got that goofy grin again, the dream flashes into my brain, but I push it away. “Hey! I got something for you!”

“Okay!” he says back, and I laugh. “What have you got?!”

Finn turns the bike off, and points to the saddlebag. “Open it up.”

I look at him, “Should I be worried?”

“Probably not, just open it,” he’s wearing a white T-shirt with loose fitting jeans. His hair is a wreck from riding without his helmet.

I step forward and open up the saddlebag, “You helmet and leather jacket?”

A confused expression runs across his face, “Oops, sorry, other bag!”

I laugh at him, as he bounces on his toes, obviously excited. I open up the correct saddlebag this time and stare at the lather jacket and pink helmet. “Oh my God! You did not?!” I scream with joy.

He smiles real proud like, “Take out the helmet, look at the back.”

I pull it out, eyeing him. I stare at the 2COOL4U printed on the back. “Oh my goodness gracious, Finn! You shouldn’t have,” I run up to him and hug him.

I scream a little before putting the helmet on. Mom and Dad run out the front door, “What’s wrong, Gwen?!”

Finn steps out of the way, “Look what Finn got me! Isn’t it awesome, Dad!” I turn around and show him the back.

“Why doesn’t it surprise me that your helmet would say that?”

Mom wringing the already dry dish towel, “Be careful!”

I nod and slip on the leather jacket, “Thank you so much, Finn.” I think about giving him a kiss, but my parents are still standing right behind us.

“Ready?” he asks.


Anna ‘mutters’, but of course we hear her, “God, I don’t even get that, okay?” she says to Alice.

I wave goodbye to my parents, and Finn takes off at a slower speed than usual, since they’re watching.

“Thank you,” I say into his ear as I squeeze him.

“No problem,” he smiles.

When we’re halfway there, Aaron pulls up along side us. I run my hand up Finn’s stomach and chest until I reach his shoulder.

It reminds me of the shot. “Finn?”

“Yea!?” he says quickly.

“How’d you fix your shoulder so quickly?” he takes a deep breath.

“I can heal faster than normal people, I’m actually the quickest healer in my family. I’m also the fastest runner. I’m pretty strong too.”

“Now you’re just bragging,” I tell him.

He shrugs, “Probably.”

As we pull into the school parking lot I see a lot of girls glare at me, but when they catch me they laugh. Oh well.

On our way to their parking spot, we pass Robert. My body goes ridged, and I have to sudden urge to pounce on him with a knife.

I want to ‘put him in his place’! Gosh, I hate him so much!

But what really makes my blood run cold, is when he turns and smiles at me. And then, he does the worst, he winks at me.

The minute Finn parks the bike, I toss my helmet off, and stalk up to Robert.

All the images from last night are popping up in my brain; there flashing by faster and faster. Anger is boiling over top.

I five feet away, four feet, three feet, two feet, one, “I hate you, did you know that?!” I spit at him. “I wish you were dead, I wish you were gone! I wish we’d never dated! For God’s sake, I hate your slimy guts! You drunken idiot!” I spit in his face, literally, and step forward to punch him.

Before I can beat the crap out of him, as much as I can anyways, arms wrap around me and hold me back.

I don’t cry though, I’m too angry for that. As the arms drag me back, I throw one last insult, “I hope you die alone, you evil man!” When Finn and Aaron drag me away I’m shaking, I look over my shoulder and Robert is pointing at his head making a crazy notion.

“Crazy idiot!” I yell.

“Calm down, Gwen,” Finn snaps at me.

The sudden burst of seriousness from him snaps me back to reality, “Oh no, what did I just do?” They drop my arms and I drop my head in my hands. “I’m such an idiot!”

Now that I’m away from Robert tears threaten to fall, “I need to use the restroom.”

“You’re not going to throw up again, are you?” Finn asks.

“I need to go to the restroom.” I say again, this time, and Finn listens.

We go together, and like he did before, he locks the door. “Gwen, I’m going to ask what happened now. After everything, I think it’s time to talk.”

I stare at him, tears threatening to fall, “Gosh I hate him!” I yell. I slide down the wall, and pull my long wavy hair, probably looking like a crazy person.

Finn squats in front of me, “I understand. I know, but you have me so worried when you talk like this. I’ve never seen you flip like that,” his expression is full of worry.

“You’re right, I’ve never flipped like that! It’s all because of those stupid nightmares! Gosh!” I’m talking to myself before Finn interjects.

“You know you can tell me anything, right?” I nod slowly.

I sigh, “A story for another time,” I say quietly. He smiles sadly.

“When ever you need to tell me.”

I give him a shy smile, “Thank you,” I mouth.

“Are you sure you want to go back out there? You seem to like this place, princess,” he smirks at me.

“Shut it,” I mutter. He extends his hand, and helps me up.


I nod my head, not feeling up to shouting ‘okay!’.

Finn unlocks the bathroom door, and grabs my hand. He squeezes it tight.

As we walk into the hallway people stare at me, I let my hair fall to cover my face. I guess it’s a good thing I wore it down today.

“You could look up, people are going to be bored with this by second hour.”

“I don’t know, Finn? I made a huge fool of myself earlier, it’s not going to go away,” I look up at him.

Smiling, “Bet you money know one says anything second hour?” I try to smile back.

“I guess,” I lean into him, “deal.”

“That’s a good Gwen,” he pats me on the head. “Now I’ll see you second hour to collect my money?”

Finn kisses me on the forehead, and I jerk back slightly; I don’t think he notices.

Heading to Spanish, is torture. Jordan is already sitting down. “Hey! You didn’t call me last night, I was worried. I ended up calling your cell three times, and you never answered.” I think back to last night.

“My phone was dead, I forgot to charge it, sorry,” I say real monotone, obviously not sorry.

“I don’t know what your problem is, Gwen, or if it has something to do with what happened this morning,” my stomach is in knots. Looking back I remember that Jordan was two people over from Robert, “but it’s got to stop. You’re just messing with me, and I’m done!”
“Of course, Jordan,” my voice snarky, “it has to do with what happened this morning. How could it not? This is not about you, it’s not about you and me together. This is about me right now,” it sounds awful, but the seriousness in my tone is obvious.

We don’t talk for the rest of class, in English at least (we were required to talk in Spanish for five minutes).

I stop at my locker where Aaron waits for me, “Hey,” I say somberly.

“Are you okay?” I shake my head.

“More or less, where’s Finn.”

He acts offended, “What? Am I not good enough for you?”

“No, it’s just, never mind.” He laughs at me.

“It’s okay, Finn is in the principal’s office,” my jaw drops.

“And how is that okay?!” I ask, flustered.

He shrugs, “I’m not sure what happened, really. You’ll have to ask him.” Aaron avoids eye contact.

“You do to know something!” I accuse him.

He glares at me, “Just let Finn tell you okay, I am not getting yelled at or beat up.”

“By Finn?”

“No, by you,” he teases.

“Come on, let’s get to art class we’ll meet him there,” Aaron and I talk aimlessly. Our conversation drifts everywhere, but neither of us mentions last night.

Now that I think about it, neither did Finn. Are we avoiding the subject all together? “Aaron, is there a time where I can ask you guys questions?”

He looks at me, “What else do you need to know,” I shrug.

“I just have a few questions,” I look away, avoiding his eyes.

“We can meet at that little ice cream parlor after school, but we can’t tell you everything, Gwen. It’s a very complicated matter,” his voice is oddly serious.

“I know,” I say like a child being scolded. We enter the art room, and Jessica looks at me.

She giggles with her friends, “Nice hair,” she mocks me, “but don’t yell at me for it, I wouldn’t want you to hate me or anything!” her voice grates on my brain.

“That wasn’t that good,” Aaron informs me.

I stare at the floor, “God, that was really stupid what I did this morning, wasn’t it?”

“Well, I admit, it didn’t help you reputation, but what you did is nothing,” he voice trails off, and I don’t hear what he says.

But before I have time to ask, Ms. Jay begins class, “You all turned in your artwork from yesterday, I’m returning it to you now with your grades!” Ms. Jay passes back our drawing.

“I got a 94%,” I mutter.

Aaron smiles, “I was excluded from the project because I was here for one day of it,” he does a little happy dance.

“Okay,” I say. Ms. Jay hands Aaron Finn’s art piece.

“Give that to your brother,” she says quickly.

Aaron nods, “Will do.”

Ms. Jay let’s us talk for a while before she gives us an assignment, “You have until Tuesday of next week to complete this assignment. This Saturday and Sunday the art park has free entry. You must go get three photographs, but they have to be artistic! Not just a picture of an art piece! Got it!” We all nod, “Good, it’s due Tuesday!”

Once she’s done speaking I turn back to Aaron, “Where is he? He’s been gone for a while.”

“No idea, I figured he’d be back by now,” Aaron just bites his nail.

I sigh dramatically, “Can’t you just tell me where he is? It won’t kill you!”

“Ahh,” he tells me, “but it’ll spoil the fun!”

Grumbling, I stand up. “Bells ringing in two seconds.”

“How do you….?” Aaron is interrupted by the bell. “You have that memorized, don’t you?”

“Everyone except you has those memorized, Einstein!”

We walk out of the classroom, and up to our locker. Finn is still missing. “I’ll see you at lunch. Did you bring money?”

Aaron shakes his head, “I forgot again, sorry.”

“No problem,” I comment.

“See you at lunch,” he yells at me from the other end of the hallway.

I laugh at the hyper, younger brother.


When lunch rolled around, I decided to stop at my locker first before heading to the cafeteria. Jordan was a few lockers down. I try to avoid the awkward eye contact.

When he said he couldn’t do it anymore I took that as we weren’t friends.

Which is fine by me because he never really understood me, I tell myself. But even I know I’m lying. Jordan was the easy one to talk to. He did usually ask difficult or confusing question; or at least up until a few weeks ago.

Jordan was my best friend, but I guess he felt I was leading him on. And in a way, I kind of was.

Heading to the cafeteria, I open the doors and enter. Twenty people, at least, are swarmed around Robert. I assume they’re talking about what happened this morning.

But instead, to my surprise, I’m stuck looking at Robert with a black eye. A black eye? Robert’s black eye was purple and blue, swollen. Yet he still had on his cocky smile.

I glare at him and walk into line. “Hey!” Aaron says from behind me.

“Hey, did you see Robert’s eye. That’s pretty bad. But something inside of me wants him to have to black eyes,” Aaron smiles.

“You haven’t put two and two together yet, have you?” confusion crosses my face and is quickly replaced by understanding.

“No he didn’t!” I yell. Aaron just nods with a smirk playing on his lips, “God we’re all idiots,” I murmur.

Aaron laughs at me, “Not me, princess!” he’s not helping.

“I’ll bet you he’s suspended,” I tell Aaron.

He shakes his head, “I talked to my mother, she had to come to see the principal, he’s not. She somehow got him out of this one. I think it was because Robert through a punch first, my mom declared it self defense, and said if he suspended Finn they’d have to suspend Robert.”

“Which they didn’t want to do because he’s the quarterback,” it all makes sense. “Why on Earth, would Robert throw the first punch? Finn is, like, a hundres pounds heavier and three inches taller!”

“I have no idea, I don’t think it did much though, besides make Finn angry,” I mull it over in my head.

“Was he talking to Robert because of me?” Aaron shook his head no.

“I’m pretty sure his plan was to punch Robert first, but Finn called him a name, and Robert threw the punch. It all worked out very nicely, at school at least. He still has to deal with my mom.”

I chuckle, but quickly stop when I see Finn stroll into the cafeteria; he has a huge grin on his face, all the while people glare.

“He’s smiling,” I say sharply.

Aaron sniggers, “Yes he is.”

Finn walks up, and I go for the kill, “You can’t just punch a guy!” I say loudly, but not loud enough for others to hear.

His smile deflates a little bit, “He punch me first,” a wide grin flashes across Aaron’s face.

“And I’m sure that was a real threat,” no matter what I say, Finn still smiles.

“How can you smile?” he just shakes his head and grabs a tray.

I grab the usual, and pay for the three lunches. A breeze blows through the courtyard and I don’t complain as we sit. I munch on the apple, and sip my orange juice. We’re all eerily quiet.

The doors to the courtyard from the cafeteria open, and Robert, along with his two buddies, comes toward us.

“I don’t think you helped the situation,” I whisper to Finn. He shrugs and takes a bite of his sandwich, and he slightly moves to sit in front of me.

“What are you doing, Robert?” Finn asks as he stops in front of us.

Robert sneers at us, he looks me directly in the eyes as he speaks, “I came to put you in your place.”

Flashes fill my vision, but I take deep breaths and calm myself. He remembers, Robert remembers.

My hands shake, but I shove them under my thighs so no one sees. “Just leave us alone, Robert,” Aaron mutters.

“You,” he points to me, and I turn away. I can’t look him in the eyes. “You and your weird boyfriends better watch it. You’re all psycho, just stay away. Or next time you get in my path, I’ll sick my boys on you.”

His speech sounds utterly ridiculous, and Aaron notices because he starts laughing, my teeth chatter even though it is funny.

“Aaron, shut up!” I snap, his laughter getting to me after a while. Finn slides his right hand behind him, and holds it open; he’s letting me know I can take his hand.

And I do, take his hand, he closes his around mine. He can feel me shaking because he squeezes my hand tight. “If you’re real men,” Robert starts, “you’d fight us here, right now.”

Finn speaks up, “No, that’s what we would do if we were idiots.”
Robert gives us a fierce look, “You better sleep with your eyes open,” the three of the turn and walk away, back to the cafeteria. I swear you can hear the school as a whole sigh with disappointment.

But I let out a sigh of relief.























Chapter Eleven

When school ends I do something I’ve never done before, I skip cheer practice. Finn doesn’t say a word about it, thank God.

“Aaron your meeting us at the ice cream parlor,” I tell him, I don’t ask.

He nods, I put on the pink helmet that I had gotten this morning. It seemed so long ago that I got it, Finn starts the bike.

I climb on, and put my arms around Finn. “Hold on!” he shouts over the roar of the bike.

We fly down all the roads that lead to the parlor. Aaron beats up because Finn drives slower when I’m on, which is still way too fast.

“Took you long enough,” I slip of the helmet and put it on the back. I don’t say anything to Aaron.

“You don’t have to answer all my questions, I get that. But try to answer as many as possible. For most of the day,” I wince, “I’ve been thinking about other things, but I do have a few questions.”

Finn nods and Aaron agrees, “Deal.”

We walk into the shop, the old man smiles at us. “Still no call yet!” he jokes, but it makes me panic. What are Finn and I? Why is everything so complicated?
Aaron order five Strawberry shakes and two Chocolate. The old man shakes his head, “I’m surprised I still have ice cream by the time you two leave!”

He sit back down, I sit across from Finn and next to Aaron. “Okay, I guess I’ll start with my questions now,” I fidget in my seat. “So you don’t have to be in your wolf form to change somebody?” my voice is timid.

“Not necessarily,” Finn starts, “We can change in both forms, I changed my father when I was still ‘human’.”

Aaron adds more, “But it has to be a bite, our saliva is extremely potent when we’re in our wolf form, but way less potent when we’re human.

“A lot has to enter your blood stream at one time.”

“Okay, next question. Do you age weirdly?” they both raise they’re eyebrows. “I mean you age, right?”

“Yea, I’m actually seventeen and he’s actually sixteen,” Finn assures.

I sigh, “Are there other’s like you?”

Finn shakes his head no, “Not likely, but it’s always a possibility I guess. The more they make, the larger the chance of being caught and put in prison.”

“Oh,” is my simple answer. “Sherwood is not your real last name, is it?”

Aaron and Finn laugh, “No, it’s not, but we can’t tell you what it is, sorry,” Aaron tells me.

“I know!” before I can ask my next question, the old man calls out.

“Order up!” Finn stands up and I follow.

He smiles, “Lot to take in?”

“Yea, but I’m getting there,” he picks up six of the seven drinks.

“I can carry more than one, you know!” he rolls his eyes.

“Maybe next time.”

I take a sip of the shake, “Thanks.”

Aaron grabs his three shakes from Finn, “Yum!”

“Next question, why do you eat so much?!” Aaron is halfway done with his first shake.

“Because we burn,” take a huge gulp, “calories a lot faster since our body temperatures are higher. Plus, we love food.”

“Are your guys’ names really Finn and Aaron?” this just pops into my head and out of my mouth.

“Yea, that’s real. But there are a ton of kids with those names,” Finn finishes his second shake.

Aaron pipes up, “We move roughly ever year!”

My eyes are as wide as saucers, “You what?” Aaron realizes his mistake, Finn glares at him.

“Well,” Finn tries to reason, “if we have to.”

I have a look of disbelief resting on my face, “You are,” my voice trails off. I don’t care, I tell myself.

“Gwen?” he asks.

“Yea,” I take a sip of my Strawberry shake innocently.

He sighs, “Never mind.”

We finish our shakes and walk out to the motorcycles. Aaron says his good byes and takes off for the house.

I look to Finn, really needing the answer to a question, “What are we?”

He looks perplexed, “What do you mean?”

I swallow my pride, “Are we together or are we…?” he smiles.

“Well, I was hoping we were the first one, but I’ve been wondering the same thing all day.”

“Well, uh, so you want to be a couple?”

He nods, “Yea, I’d like nothing more,” he tuck my frizzy waves behind my ear.

I step forward, “Are you going to leave me in a year and a half?”

“Not if I can help it.”

Without my usual thought process, I step forward and lock lips with Finn. He kisses me, and wraps me in his arms.






























Chapter Twelve

When I get home, Anna and Alice have music blaring through the hallways. “Anna, Alice! What are you doing?”

I stomp up the stair case and I look in Anna’s room, she’s not there. I move down the hallway, and Alice’s door is close shut.

“Alice, Alice!” I knock hard on her door, “Open up! Why are you playing that so loud,” I have to scream in hopes that she’ll hear me.

No answer, I go to my room and get the key our of my jewelry box. Walking back to her door, I finagle the key so the door opens. “Alice?!” I open the door, and on the bed lay Alice.

“Alice!” I scream. She’s past out, I run up to her and shake her body, hard.

No response, “Alice, oh, Alice!” I’m crying, my finger shake as I dial 911.

“Hello, this 911. What’s you emergency?”

I’m crying hard, shaking Alice, “Hello? This Gwen Greene from 877 Palmwood Drive! My sister, Alice Greene,” I cry wildly, “she’s unconscious. I can’t get her to wake up!”

“Ms, calm down! I need you to look for something.”

I take a shaky breath, “Okay.”

“Is there a gun, pill bottle, or any other method of suicide?”

“My sister did not commit suicide!” I sob into the phone.

She shushes me, “It’s okay, please, anything?”

I look down at my sister, Alice, and all of a sudden she sits up and screams bloody murder, the shrill cry piercing the air.

“Wait! Wait! She’s away,” Alice back away, and falls off the bed.

I drop the phone and run over to her, “Alice? Alice? What are you doing?”

Before my eyes Alice’s flesh tears, and her smooth fourteen year old skin turns into rough, scratchy wolf hair, her eyes flash from blue to yellow, this time I scream.

I try to stand up, and run away, but her large canine teeth sink into my shoulder.

I cry out in pain, and my vision crosses over. Alice runs out of the bedroom, I hear her crash through the back window.

My knees buckle, and I crash to the ground. “Alice?” I whisper.

I pass out, the wolf DNA already latching onto the last bit of human.

My flesh tears and my eyes go yellow. I dash through the already broken window



Chapter Thirteen

I stare at my house. I’ve changes back. I’m naked, cold, and scared. I haven’t seen Alice yet.

Two ambulances, three police cars, and my parents sit outside my house.

My mom screams and cries, “What do they mean?! Tell us where they are? My babies, my babies!”

Anna’s car flies into the driveway, screeching to a stop, “Mom?” he voice is panicked, “Mom? What’s happening? Where’s Alice and Gwen?”

My father looks to Anna and slowly nods his head no. Tears burst out of her eyes.
What does that mean, ‘Tell us where they are!’

I cry at the scene of my parents. God, I love them so much! I can’t put them in harms way by exposing myself or Alice.

I must wait for Alice before, she can’t tell them, she can’t.

Police are in and out all night, and into the morning. It’s Friday, probably around seven o’clock.

I hear the two motorcycles race down our road, “What in God’s name?!” Aaron shouts.

No, no, no! Finn staggers up our driveway, “Mr. and Mrs. Greene?” he shouts loud, his voice panicked.

My father is the only one inside, my mother went to the police station for a report. I hear the door open, “Who’s there!” Dad’s voice is stuffy, like he’s been crying.

“Sir, it’s Finn. What happened?” Aaron staggers up behind Finn.

Dad starts crying a little, “There gone! Alice and Gwen are gone!” Dad slides down the side of the door jam.

‘Oh Daddy, please don’t cry’ my heart breaks, and I weep for my mourning family.

“What’d the police say?” Aaron asks since Finn is speechless.

Dad’s voice is shaky, “Apparently Gwen got home, and Alice was unconscious. Gwen called the police. They got here too late, Finn. They’re gone,” he sniffles.

Something snaps across Aaron’s face while my dad and Finn are staring off into space, Aaron steps forward, and says something into Finn’s ear.

Suddenly, Finn becomes aware of the world around them. “Did they check the woods?”

“Yea, they didn’t find anything. That was first thing when they got here, after they checked the house,” Dad rubs his head.

I hear something behind me, it’s making the leaves crunch and twigs snap. “Alice? Alice?”

I wait, but no response. Five minutes later, “Gwen?”

Standing up, I see Alice in the same state I’m in; cold, scared, and naked.

“Oh God, Gwen, what happened to us?” she cries. We huddle in the wet leaves.

“I can explain it to you, Alice. I’m so sorry. You have to promise me one thing,” I tell her.

She stops crying shortly to answer me, “Anything.”

“We can’t tell Mom or Dad, it’ll endanger them. We can’t tell anyone. The only people you can trust,” I sigh, she’ll think I’m a lunatic, “is the Sherwoods. They know what’s happening to us.”

“What exactly did happen to us? All I remember is two men, they shot me with something. Some sort of drug I guess. Before I passed out the handed me a slip of paper.” She stops talking, she’s thinking, “They told me to make sure it got to,” Alice looks at me scared, “you.”

I cry, and pull her close, “I’m so sorry, Alice. I never… I never… never thought it would,” we cry together for a long time.

Shortly after, maybe ten to twenty minutes, we compose ourselves, and Alice’s head shoots up. “I heard something.”

I listen closely and hear twigs breaking, “Stay low,” I whisper.

We start to move, but I stop us, “Gwen?” Finn’s voice calls quietly.

“Alice?” Aaron calls after.

Alice tries to cover herself, I put my finger to my lips, “Stop. Either give us your shirts or go get us some.”

I hear Finn, “Oh thank the Lord!”

Aaron let’s out a quiet whoo-hooo. I turn to Alice, “We’re alright now.”

Suddenly, I’m hit with a two T-shirts. I was hoping they’d go get us some clothes. “Should I put this on?” Alice asks.

“Yea, we’ll have them run to the store in a second,” she nods and pulls it over her head. It’s Aaron’s T-shirt; it hangs down to the top of her thigh.

I have on Finn’s, it barely cover’s my butt. We stand, a little skimpy, but not buck naked.

Even though I have limited clothing on, Finn hugs me and kisses me, “I’m so glad they didn’t take you!”

I don’t smile at this because I’m part wolf now, that’s not much better.

Alice stands awkwardly, covering herself. “Will you guys run to the store and get us three things: underwear, pants, and T-shirts so you can have your back. Don’t skimp on anything!” I snap.

“We’ll be back in seven minutes,” we nod. Alice’s stomach rumbles, and she blushes.

I talk quieter to Finn and Aaron, “She has absolutely no idea about what’s going on. This is way to confusing for her, at least I knew about it before hand. I’m going to have your parents explain it to her because they know more.” They both nod and take off.

I stay and just hug Alice. She hugs me back for, I think, the first time in her life.

True to their word, they return with two shirts, a pack of underwear, pants, and Aaron’s carrying four hamburgers.

“You didn’t need to get us anything,” my stomach rumbles.

He laughs lightly, “Are you kidding, two for each of you.”

Alice changes first, I make sure the boys stay turned around for her sake. She comes back in a Black Hanes T-shirt and leggings a size too big. No shoes, but who really cares at this point.

She watches as I change, I’m wearing a black Hanes T-shirt with magenta leggings a size too small. Of course, no shoes.

Once we’re done getting dressed, Alice finally talks to Aaron and Finn, “I don’t remember anything after passing out,” Aaron put his hand on her shoulder.

“It’s alright, it’s like that for everybody,” he lies.

I come up behind her, “Alice? Do you think you can ride with Aaron?” she nods and looks at him like he might crash the bike.


“How are we going to get out of here with out anyone seeing?” I ask.

Finn winces, “We’ll take all the back roads we can, but we still have to drive out of the subdivision. You’ll have helmets on. You can wear my black one that way they don’t know it’s you with the pink.”

“Okay, but this is a huge risk, the two guys I’ve been hanging out with for three weeks, with two tall, tan girls on their bikes. Barefoot?” Alice speaks up.

“What if you and Aaron drove out and around, these woods wrap around. We should be able to cross to the other side,” I sigh at her idea.

“It’ll take us an hour, and with no shoes?” she shrugs.

“Never mind.”

“No that might work,” Finn says, “you can walk across, it’s better than being caught. We’ll meet you over there in twenty minutes,” he looks at me. “Remember, everything is increased; sight, feeling, hearing, smelling, and you’re faster and stronger too.”

I nod, “Alice we can do this,” she nod tentatively, “we’ll see you in twenty minutes?”

The walk off together, the bikes roar down the road. “Come on, just run as fast as you can.”

We start out at a normal pace, but, quickly, we feel ourselves speed up. At once point we are hitting at leas fifty to sixty miles per hour. I we skid to a halt at the other end of the woods, she’s breathing heavy, “That wasn’t twenty minutes.”

“No,” I say, “it was maximum five.” Alice nods and we see Finn and Aaron round the corner.

They pull in front of us, “How in the world did you get here so quickly?” Aaron exclaims.

“We ran, it took us like five minutes, maybe?” Finn shakes his head no.

“It took you three minutes because it took us four, you were here a minute before,” Alice and I stare at each other.

She looks nervous and excited at the same time, “Let’s go!”

Aaron helps Alice onto his back, and slams the helmet on her head. I slip on behind Finn, and put the bulky black helmet on.

He starts driving, “I thought you could only run that fast when you were a wolf.” I state.

“No,” he says clearly, “you can usually run double what you run as a human. I imagine you hit fifty or sixty out there, maybe even seventy.”

“No, we couldn’t have! How become,” I stop talking when I’m jerked back from the force of Finn taking off.

I’ll ask when we get to the house. The drive is longer since we wind through all the back ways, and I rest my bulky helmet against Finn’s back. I swear I almost fall asleep.















Chapter Fourteen

When we pulled up to their house, I was jerked to wakened state. I tore the helmet off my head, and stalked after Finn. “Wait up! I have a question!”

He doesn’t listen, just keeps going. He pushes open the door and it flies off it’s hinges. I’ve never seen him use all his strength at the same time. I’ve never seen him this angry.

“When were you going to tell me they were this close!” he screams through the house. It seems to be empty, but four pairs of feet thwack down the steps. “When? Because soon would have been a good time!”

He knocks a lamp onto the floor, he must have been brewing on this the whole ride. Alice and Aaron stand in the doorway.

I grab his upper arm, but he’s still stronger than me. “Finn calm down, it’s all right!” His parents, Cal, and Lydia stare at him like he’s an alien. “Finn, I’m alright!” I plead.

“You are not alright!” he screams, “They changed your sister, and she bit you! This is not alright!” he pushes me off of him, rather roughly, and he sits on the couch with his head in his hands.

His mother starts over to him, but I get there first. She glares fiercely, the look of death. I’m next to him on the couch, balancing on my knees. I wrap my arms around his hulking frame, I try to talk to him, but he pushes me away again.

“I’m going for a walk!” he yells and runs off into the woods surrounding his house.

I turn to the family, and like I usually do, I start giving instructions, “Okay, they left a note after they injected my sister. It said, ‘tell us where they are!’ now my sister’s wrapped up in this mess, and it’s personal.

We are going to pack up, and get out of here because they must be on our trail. They have to be close. They weren’t planning on me becoming,” I skip over what they essentially are for the sake of my sister, “what I am now. This is something they weren’t expecting.”

I attempt to keep going, but Cal interjects, “Who are you to day what we do,” he growls. “I say you’re the reason we’re in this mess in the first place!” Cal turns to his mother, “This is why I said we should home school him! Who cares about if he want to have as normal life as possible, he obviously just wanted to get closer to petty, slutty girls! Aaron too!” he points at my sister.

I growl and stalk up to him, slapping him across the face. The impact must hurt because he lunges at me, I duck and dive, sending him over my back. “Don’t insult a werewolf,” he snarls.

“Right back at you,” I sneer.

He slowly stands up, and cast a glare at my sister. “Come on, Alice,” I grab her arm.

“Where are we going,” she asks worried.

I sigh, “We’re leaving this nut house! We’ll figure this out on our own. We’ll run until we’re far enough away from town, so we can get shoes!” I shouting, anger still boils in my blood, “and then we’ll figure it out from there.”

“You can have some of mine, shoes I mean!” Lydia shouts.

Alice and I whip back around, Finn’s older sister staring at us. It’s not mocking in her tone, it’s respect. I nod.

Alice and I follow her up the creaky stairs, we enter her room. From her closet she tosses us a pair of tennis shoes, “Do either of you were nines?”

Alice nods, “Yea.” Lydia points to the tennis shoes she just threw out.

“That was pretty brave, Jen,” she tells me, butchering my name. “Cal’s a real idiot, that’s for sure. The only other person that stands up to him anymore is Finn,” she mutters this next part, “even I don’t anymore.”

“Thanks,” I take the other pair of tennis shoes from her.

“They’re nines, but you’ll get used to them being big. It’s better than tight,” what she gives me is a smirk, but I think it’s an attempt at a smile.

“Here,” she looks from side to side, “Listen, are the two of you really leaving?”

I shrug, “I don’t know. It’s definitely a possibility. I’m not dating a whiny baby who feels like this thing is entirely his fault, so what’s the point of staying here?”

Lydia shrugs, “Same reasons I stay here: food, water, shelter, protection.”

“Those are the only reasons you’re here right now? No family ties?” I baffled.

She looks at me, “You’re the one to talk. You haven’t even mentioned your parents yet.”

Behind me Alice cries, I glare, “That’s why I haven’t mentioned them!” I snap. “I’ve already decided,” I swallow hard, “that it’s best if we just move on, letting them think what they think. Being what we are only endangers them more.

“I just don’t know how they found out, so quickly that I knew!”

She shakes her head somberly, “It’s tricky like that. Right now, they won’t be here until tomorrow. You know that right?”

“Huh?!” I’m confused.

“They won’t just raid, they have to wait for back up if it’s the government; which it’s not this time. It’s The Lab because they harmed an innocent person, plus they injected her,” she points at Alice. “The Lab won’t attack until tomorrow either because they don’t carry enough weapons on them to take all of us on.”

“So we wait for them to get here?”

Lydia shakes her head, “You said they had your house rigged right?”

“Well, probably,” I say.

“They didn’t because the government can tap into any live feed. It’s really complicated, but the cameras that they have run off of this certain feed. They’re easy to find and track.”

I smile, “Therefore they don’t know where we’re at?!” excitement creeps into my voice.

She frowns, “Well, they know we’re here, in this town. So we’re moving out of here tomorrow still. But we aren’t in as big of a rush,” Lydia stands with her hands on her hips.

“Okay,” Alice yawns and passes it to me.

Lydia laughs, kind of, “You two need to rest, you haven’t slept since yesterday morning. We’ll wake you up in two hours, and we’ll explain it to your sister.”

“Alice,” she informs Lydia.

“In Finn and Aaron’s room there are two beds so you two can see each other. Down the hall and to the left,” she points, and heads back down the staircase.

Once she’s gone Alice and I head over there, “I take the bed closer to the door incase I need to defend Alice. There is no difference between, blue sheets and blanket. No picture, nothing.

We both lay down, “Gwen?”


“You don’t think they’ll leave while we’re sleeping, you you?”

I laugh, “I sure hope not because that would suck.”

She smiles at me, but it turns into a frown, “I’m scared, Gwen. I still don’t understand what’s going on. Are we…we werewolves?”

I sigh heavily, “Well, Alice, if it’s any help to you, it doesn’t get any better. I know what’s happening, and I’m still confused. And ‘werewolves’ one word for it, I guess.”

“Why explain it better?” she asks innocently.

“Because I only found out a few days ago, it’s better if Paul and Jennifer tell you,” she nods.

“Good nap, Gwen. And just so you know, I’m glad it was you who got stuck with me,” she flashes me her smile that makes everyone want to pinch her cheeks.

“Me too, Alice. Me too.”

The second I close my eyes, I’m asleep.


Robert laughs at me, but this time things are different. I’m a werewolf. I snarl and growl, warning him- he only laughs.

“Pretty little Gwen,” he sings.

I lunge, I feel his blood run over my muzzle, soaking my fur. It’s warm, red, and delicious.

Next thing I know, I’m myself with a knife. And instead of teeth marks on Robert’s neck, it’s my knife marks.

I drop the blood stained knife, “What have I done!” I start crying. Tear pour all over the body.

Trying to put the flesh back together, I cry.


I wake up, “Shhhhhh, it’s okay. It’s okay,” the whispered works sound so sweet in my ear. “It’s just a dream,” on the last part Finn chokes. I know he’s thinking that the werewolf thing is definitely not a dream.

“I’m so sorry,” I whisper.

I feel his chest rumble, “You’re sorry? Are you apologizing to me?”

Shaking my head no confuses him, but when I speak he’s beyond words, “I’m so sorry, Robert.” Heavy sobs rack my body, once I realize that killing Robert is just a dream, my sobs slow down, but still exist.

“Why are you apologizing to Robert?” Finn asks me.

I wipe the tears away, and check to make sure Alice is still sleeping. “Finn, I have something to tell you.”

And so, I tell Finn my story.














Chapter Fifteen

Finn stares at me as I finish. “I should have wrung his neck,” is all he says.

I sigh, “It’s,” he cuts me off.

“He said, in the courtyard that day, he repeated what he said, didn’t he? God, I hate him. He should be thankful we aren’t going to that school anymore!”

“Shhh, Alice is sleeping.” I warn him. I look lovingly at the only piece of my family I have left.

“Sorry, I’m sorry, Gwen,” he’s not apologizing for talking loudly. “I shouldn’t have acted like that when we got back here. It’s not anybody’s fault. It’s The Lab’s. We have to get away from here.”

“Finn, you don’t think they’re going to change anymore people, do you?” he shakes his head, uncertain.

I sigh, and curl up into his chest. “We’re leaving tomorrow. The last full moon was seventeen days ago. That means we have roughly twelve or so days before the next one. We’ll be forced to change.”

“Why don’t you just move out of the country?” I ask.

“Because the United States and the country we move to will be on our butts. We can’t afford to have three groups looking for us. It’s an idea though, but we’ve already thought it through.”

“Why did The Lab change us if they don’t want anymore werewolves?”
“Because,” he closes his eyes, and breathes deeply into my hair, “Alice was a warning, you were the accident. The worst accident that’s ever happened,” he mutters the last part.

“Finn, we can’t rewind time,” I put my hand on his cheek, “we’ll get through this together. We’ll be alright.” I close my eyes and Mom and Dad’s faces flash behind my closed eyes.

“You’re going to miss them, I know it will be hard,” he tells me like he’s reading my thoughts.

I nod my head somberly, “I’m worried about Alice.”

“Just rest.” He orders me, and I do.


When I wake up I’m in the room alone. Alice isn’t in here and neither is Finn. I creep out of bed, light outside.

I must have slept all day and through the night?! I tiptoe down the stair. Sitting on the couch is Paul, Jennifer, Alice, and Lydia. Finn, Aaron, and Cal stand off to the side.

“So that’s the story,” Alice whispers.

Jennifer rubs her back, “Sweetie, I’m so sorry we drug you into this!” Jennifer embraces my sister, and a low growl tears through my throat.

Everyone looks at the staircase where I stand, “Why didn’t you wake me up? I wanted to be here with Alice!” anger sits in my heart, but I don’t know why. Why am I so angry?!

“Finn, get her out of here,” Paul says calmly, so as not to disturb me.

My whole body shakes, “What’s happening to her?” Alice’s voice is panicked.

Finn takes my hand, but I tear it from his grasp. “Don’t touch me,” I snap.

“Then, let’s go for a jog. We’re going to have to leave in an hour. Come on,” he puts his hand on my back, and I growl at Jennifer.

“Savage,” she murmurs as I walk by.

Alice stands, “You do not talk to my sister like that!” Thank you!

Her body convulses, she’s shaking harder than I am. Anger boils beneath her skin.

Her eyes blaze a bright yellow. “Get your mother upstairs!” Paul shouts this time.

“Alice!” I scream. I run toward her, hands shaking. Her flesh tears in a line down her spine, it seems to fold in on itself.

The smooth, tan skin is replaces once again by the fur. Alice’s fur is golden. The fur around her eyes is white and the tips of her ears chocolate brown.

“Alice, calm down, please?” I try talking to my wolf-sister, but she’s not here anymore.

Or at least that’s what Finn’s family told me. Instead, she doesn’t move. She stands still, and licks her chops. The anger that we saw in her human face is gone, and is replaced by a feeling of content.

“Alice?” Finn grabs my arm.

“It’s not her, Gwen,” I rip my arm from his hold again.

I shake my head, “That’s the thing, I think it is her.” I step forward with my hand out.

Wolf-Alice stares at it, I touch her nose. I swear I almost see the wolf roll its eyes.

Cal, Paul, Lydia, and Aaron stare at me and Alice. Finn speaks, “What’s going on?”

“She’s Alice, she’s not a wild beast,” Paul rubs his temple. “This is different. This must be a different serum.”

Aaron nods, “They’re faster too. But I don’t think they’re stronger.”

I think all of the variables through in my head, “Finn? Are you, Cal, and Lydia stronger than Aaron and your father?”

He nods, “Yea.”

“Yes,” he looks at me worriedly.

I speak, “That’s the thing, you,” I point to Cal, Lydia, and Finn, “are the direct carriers, you are the elite. The parent generation,” Cal nods.

“We already knew that, girl!” he spits at me.

“I know, when you bit Paul and Aaron they got the weaker form of the virus or the DNA. It’s not the elite form anymore.

“Whatever they injected Alice with, she gave it to me. I have the weaker strand of the new strand. She’s built to run faster, she’s built not for strength or brutality, but speed, agility, decision making, but all while a wolf,” Alice’s body racks.

“She’s turning back!” Cal shouts.

“She’s not going to harm us, but I suggest the men leave,” Paul, Cal, Finn, and Aaron leave.

Lydia walks up to me, “You don’t have them, convinced yet, Jen. We need Alice to tell us what see was thinking and seeing.”

I nod, “I know, let’s hope I’m right. It will at least give us a lead.”

Alice comes back to herself shortly, and Lydia and I hand her clothes. “Thanks.” She says, her voice light and airy.

“Alice?” I start, “What do you remember from

just then?”

She looks at me and smiles, “Everything.”





End of Book One









Texte: Elaina
Lektorat: Elaina
Übersetzung: none
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.09.2013

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Dedicated to my younger sister Lia. I love you!

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