
Moving Out

My life sucks. My pack has just been given a house. A huge massive ass house. With a pool, a tennis court, and maids! This would be great and all if I didn't have to live with my twin brother Jeremy and our other pack mates who are ALL GUYS.
"Stop stalling Jordan, lets go already!" Jeremy calls to me from the pack van, all the guys are already piled inside. I walk over to the blue metal vehical and hop in next to Jeremy's right hand man Beck.
I sat silently for the 35 minutes it had taken for Kaleb to drive to our new home on the mountain side. When we parked, instead of helping unpack, I walked inside the house and up the stairs to the bedrooms. The doors stretched along the hall way. I went to the end of the hall to find my name scralled in a messy writing on a plain black door, standing out against all the white ones. I walk inside and take in the decor of terquize and brown, it was a beautiful room, and I could see myself being happy here. I sit gingerly on the almost floor level bed, placing my Channel satchel beside me, I grab some raspberry chapstick from my pocket and rub it on my lips. I sit quietly, my hands clapsed together in my lap. I hear someone come up the stairs grunting loudly. I watch as Jeremy places one of my clothes boxes in my bedroom, then sits beside me, a hand on my back.
"This is home now Jordan. Might as well make the best of it. I mean is it really that bad?" he stands up quickly, and walks out of the room, leaving me thinking if I should take his advice.


It had been a month since we had all moved into the new house when Dr. CarMicheal came to check on us. The boys got to go first. When my turn came I got some suprising news.
"How old are you now Jordan?" the docor asked.
"17." I replied simply.
"How long ago was this?"
"3 months?" I watched him write this down, he put his hand into his pocket and suprisingly pulled out a bunch of condoms. "Um...I...Um..."
"In a few days you will go into heat. Instead of getting a period every month you will be very sencitive in that..area. I want you to be safe."
"Just say no. Thats my motto." this is so awkward.
"Well the men in the house will be able to smell it on you. All of you will have...urges, and it is very likly you will have sexual intercourse with one of them. Or more then one."
"Im not...I dont sleep...Um..."
"That is not what I am implying. It will change when you eventually find your mate, dont worry."
he stands up to leave, shaking my hand and dropping the rubbers onto the office desk.
"Bye Dr. CarMicheal!" I yell. This is going to be so weird.

******************* Next Week******************

"Beck!" I yell chasing him up the stairs.
"Beg for it woman!" He continues climbing, reaches the top, goes to my room and opens the door, just to sit on my bed.
"You're weird!" I say coming to a stop infront of him. I pause a minute taking him in. He was very good looking. Very reserved at times. He had light blue eyes, thick lashes, dark brown hair and a chiseled face and body.
For the past week I havn't had any crazy sexual urges, only the swelling of my breasts at night and a few wet dreams. But right here, right now, I wanted him.
I closed my bedroom door quietly and turned on some music. I crossed the room again standing between Beck's legs, my hands on his shoulders. "Beck." I murmered quetly, my voice filled with desire. I inched my hands up his neck, playing with the soft tuffs of his hair. I hear him sigh contently. "Look at me Beck." he listens. "Do you want to kiss me Beck? Do you want to feel me?"
"God yes." He says, backing up on the bed, taking me with him. I straddel his waist and bend down, crushing my lips to his. A moan escapes me, I kiss him harder. His hands do wonders, one gently squeezing my ass, the other tracing the outlines of my breasts. "Beck..." I moan. I grind against his hips, feeling the bulge in his pants. I slip my hands down his body down to his zipper and undo it, pushing his pants down gently, I quickly get rid of his boxers to. "Beck god I want you." I take off the rest of my clothing and lay back on top of him. He flips me over, I feel his shaft rest against my theigh, needless to say it was pretty big. His fingers probe me slow then fast, spreading my juices across my theighs. He put in one finger, then two, he continues bringing them in and out. His mouth lightly sucks nipples. I moan again.
"What the fuck?!" I hear, I turn to look at the source of the noise.
It was my brother.

Awkward Moments

"Shit!" Beck exclaims crawling off of me, putting his boxers back on. I simply get under my blankets.
"Ever heard of knocking jackass?"
My brother walks over to Beck and pushes him into the wall. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Thats my sister!" Beck raises his hands in surrender.
"Im sorry man! I just-I-she...Im sorry!" He actually looks terrified. I slip on my undies and bra and walk over to the two boys, placing a hand on Jeremys shoulder.
"Jeremy, stop." he doesnt listen. "Jeremy quit it! Its my body, I can do what I want. If I wanna fuck Beck I will damn well do it!" He turns to look at me and astonished look on his face.
"So your a slut now?" Jeremy pushes Beck again, but releases him.
"What the fuck? No! Im just saying you cant jump on every guy I mess around with, I dont do it to you! Besides, right now I cant really help it."
"What do you mean?"
"Im in heat!" The boys look a little quisey.
Beck is the one to talk. "Like on your.." he lowers is voice "Period?" I slap him on his muscled chest.
"No shithead! Im just really fucking horny!" The boys blush.
"Oh, um, alright.." they mutter, gazes fixed on the floor.
"Now get outta my room Jeremy!" he listens, but as he walks away I hear him say "That was so awkward."
I turn back to Beck "Now." I say, slowly undoing my bra, heat rising between my legs. "Where were we?"

The Gathering

*two weeks later*

Today was the day of The Gathering, it was a big deal. It is when all the quarterly packs come together for the entire week and have fun, party and possibly find their mates if they have come of age. The Alphas do the same thing except they also discuss important matters and all that enjoyable stuff with the United Alpha. His name was Macintosh. Seriously....Macintosh. But I have yet to meet him, he usually stays up in his room that over looks the main ballroom, but it is rumored that TODAY will be the day when he finally comes down.
We have been running all week from Arkensas to California and we had finally made it to the California Pack House. I could smell pasta being made, garlic bread and wine. Ignoring my watering mouth I dash inside and into my assigned room that I have always stayed in when I came here. I cover my naked body parts as I run by all the other wolves. Finally making it into my room, I go into the attatched bathroom and turn the shower on hot. Hoping in I let the water run all over me, tingling my skin. It had been a week since I had been in human form and I badly needed a shower. Especialy considering that we would all oficially meet the United Alpha tonight, so I had to look my best.
While I scrubbed my skin raw I couldnt help thinking: "I hope I meet my mate!"

After getting out of the shower I go over to my suitcases, that were dropped off earlier, and got out my new dress that I had bought for this evening. It was so cute, but sexy at the same time. It was a dark purple colour, thin straps and fell mid thigh. The material was thin and silky, it clung to my slim curves without looking trampy. I laid the dress on the bed, grabbing my make up and hair appliances I went back into the bathroom and set my things on the vanity.
I got out my hair brush and quickly brushed my long, thick, black hair. I applied some de-frizzing product to keep it slick and shiny, it fell down to my mid back in luscious waves. Then I grabbed by tooth brush and gave my mouth a quick scrub. After wiping my mouth off I applied my eyeliner in a cat like fashion and put on some mascara. Before I go back into the bedroom I put on some deodorant. Hey! A girl has to smell good!
Back in the bed room I put on a lacy black strapless bra, and matching panties. I glance over at the clock on the wall. Shit! Its almost time to head downstairs! I quickly blow dry my lightly damp hair and slip the dress over my head, I run out the door after grabbing my black heels and head down stairs.
Half way down there stairs I see my brother. "Hey," he says "I was just coming to get you!"
"Well Im ready! So Im going to head to the ballroom. Where are the guys?" I ask looking over his shoulder. Because we are a pack they usually stick together.
"Already in the ballroom, lets go!"
"Hang on a sec!" I reply. I sit down on the stair and put on my heels. "'Kay! Ready!"
We walk down the stairs together talking about The Gathering and hoping we will meet our mates. Jeremy says the mansion smells like flowers. I think it smells like candy, but whatever.
"Wow." I say entering the ballroom. "Its beautiful." I admire the beauty and architecture of the room. High, arched door way, rounded ceiling, golden wallpaper and silk table cloths.
"We strive for perfection!" Someone says beside me. I look over and see the Alpha female from Pack RayDawn (the Pack hosting The Gathering)
"Rashelle!" I say, hugging her tightly. We always got along very well, even when I was a baby she would carry me on her hip, over looking her duties while my mother was sick. My mother has a rare illness that leaves her bedridden one day, but perfectly fine the next.
"How are you, you beautiful girl! If I am correct you just had your 17th birthday, just in time for The Gathering!" brushing hair away from my face she looks over my body, taking me in. I do the same to her. She is on the short side 5'5, pale skin and very light blue eyes, she naturally had dark brown hair,but it seems lighter this year.
"Im great! Did you dye your hair?"
"No no, I got higlights!" I touch a strand gently.
"It looks wonderful!" Just then her mate, Alpha Ron RayDawn, takes her away to start the official opening of The Gathering, sparing me a small smile.
I walk farther into the room, heading towards the stage, the anticipation of seeing the United Alpha urging myself closer. When I hear the music they use to open the Gathering with I pick up my pace. Just as Rashelle and Ron step on stage I break through the last person standing in my way, ignoring their annoyed grunts I grip the gold bar that lines the end of the stage. The song ends and the Alpha couple smile at the crowd and Ron speaks up, clearing is voice.
"Hello! And welcome to the annual Gathering! We have many activities planned for those who wish to participate, a wonderful chef to prepare our food, and we have also purchased some very exotic animals this year for The Hunt in honor of the United Alpha." He pauses when everyone claps and cheers, someone even howls. I glance to the side of the stage and see the deep blue satin curtains ruffling. The United Aplha! I exclaim to myself. I barely hear the rest of Rons speech, my eyes trained on the curtain. "So allow me, the great pleasure, of introducing-for the first time in his seven years of raining- The United Alpha!" The applause is deafening.
I watch as he leisurely walks out on stage. I take him in, starting at his shiny black dress shoes, then is dark grey, knitted looking dress pants, a black belt, crisp black collared shirt, and a matching blazer to his pants. I can tell, even thought he wears clothes, that he is very well muscled, his pecs slightly strained in the fabric of his shirt. I glance up a little further and admire his unblemished tan neck. Taking a deep breath I moved to his plumed pink lips and chiseled jaw, then his strong nose, his beautifully arched eyebrows, and his think shiny black hair. I leave his eyes for last. They are a deep royal blue, wonder, pride, and confidence shone inside them as he scanned the crowed.
And suddenly, those eyes were on me.

The United Alpha

Time froze. Everything around me stood still, my gaze fixed on the United Alpha. It seemed like only seconds had passed but I realized it had been longer when Ron called for the Alphas attention.
"Alpha? Sir? What do you think of The Gathering so far?" He waited a few more seconds, waiting for him to answer, quickly glancing at me, back to the Alpha.
"Hmm?" He replied his eyes still trained on me. Even that little sound made my knees weak. Ron repeats himself. "Oh. I, um..." He keeps starring at me, making me shiver. "Beautiful..." He says drifting off. I blush deeply.
Ron turns back to the crowd a smile plastered on his face. "It seems that the United Alpha Macintosh has found his mate!" The crowd gasps, but I barely recognize the sound, all my attention was on Macintosh. I move to the stairs that lead backstage, he follows my foot steps, I am hardly aware of the audience surrounding us. I walk a little faster, making it behind the curtain before he does. And then he is infront of me, breathing my air, smelling my sent.
"What is your name?" he ask, his voice just above a whisper.
We collide. My hands in his hair, his enveloping me in an embrace, our lips molding together. In that heated moment, I never felt so right. We release each others lips, our bodys still touching. I press my lips to his cheek, glide them along his jawline. I hear his intake of breath and smile. "Mate." I mumble as I enclose his mouth with mine once more.
"Yes." He says. "Mine."

A few minutes later my mate had to go back on stage to give his speach, but his eyes constantly stayed on me. My heart was like a humming bird. 'Wow...' I thought to myself, 'The United Alpha is my mate...' this is unbelievable! I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn around to find my very own father. "Dad!" I exclaim, huging him tightly.
"Jordan." He says in a loving voice. "Congratulations on finding your mate, and so early to!" I smile happily at him "I know! Im in shock still, look I'm shaking!" I say pointing to my lightly trembeling arm. I take a second to look over my father, who I haven't seen in a few months. He and I look very much alike. we both had creamy complections, bright green cat like eyes and thin muscled bodies. He looked better then ever today, his face glowing with pride.
"Thank you! That is all for now, I am sure I will see most of you later on, have a great evening!" I glance back over to the stage, seeing Macintosh coming towards me and my father. When he reaches us, he comes up from behind and wraps his arms around my waist, resting his chin on top of my head. My father reaches out a hand to him.
"Hello, Im Jordans father, Greig NewDay, Alpha of the NewDay pack. Its a honor to meet you." When they shake hands my father bows his head slightly in respect.
"Macintosh StarLight. United Alpha of America and Alpha of the StarLight pack. But I am sure you already knew that." He responded with a chuckle. They talk a little more but I tune them out for it is all business. But Macintosh's arms never leave my waist, I run my finger tips lightly over his arms astonished by how even they are beautiful.and I am not saying this because he is my mate, because being mates with someone does not make them beautiful all of a sudden, I say this because he truely is the most beautiful man I have ever seen. Shit, I wonder what this will mean for me verses all the other she-wolfs he has slept with for I am sure some of them will not go quietly just because he found his mate. Was he dating someone? Was she beautiful? It was all worrying and confusing. Sensing my emotions he whispers in my ear, "Do not worry mate, I am yours." his lips brush softly over my neck, then back up to talk once more to my father.
Damn I cant wait to get him alone...

Age Difference

After what seemed like decades but was really only hours, I was finally alone with Macintosh, in his room to be exact. It was exquisite. I wont go into detail but lets just say that my room was like getting the short end of the stick.
I sat on the edge of his bed, running my finger over the black velvet designs on his gold, silk comforter. He was pouring himself a glass of scotch at the bar across the room.
"Would you like anything?" He asks, not looking away from the bar.
"Rum and coke with lime." I said. I placed my hands in my lap and fiddled with them nervously. I shouldn't be so nervous, this is my mate! But it is also the United Alpha and that was extremely intimidating.
I thought about that night with Beck when I almost lost my virginity. After my brother interupted us I had tried to get back in the mood, but Beck and I both agreed it was to awkward after what had just happened. It was a good thing too, I want my mate to be my one and only, I was just so caught up in the moment.
"Here." I look up startled and take the glass from Macintosh. He sits down next to me. With him so close my skin is literally tingling, my body sensitve. After a few moments of silence he finally spoke.
"How old are you exactly?" I take a large sip of my dirnk.
"That young?" He takes large gulp.
"What do you mean by that?" I raise and eyebrow and finish off my drink.
"Well I am 23...You arent even considered an adult yet." His drink is now done, he grabs my glass and places it on a side table along with his.
I look at him sharply and snap; "Well if that is a problem for you I can leave." I stand up quickly and he follows, grabbling my elbow.
"Do not misunderstand me. I do not care about your age, you are my mate! But it is not just me in this relationship, but every other werewolf in America. I have to think of what is best for them."
"So you would reject your mate for your people?" He pulled on my arm and sat me back down.
"I never said that! Can we just drop it?" I keep my head down, not wanting to look at his eyes. He was so intimidating, not just his status but his size to. His fingertips lift up my chin and his eyes meet mine. "What is your favorite movie?" I giggle at his question.
"The Ugly Truth. Yours?" his hand grasps mine and holds it in his lap.
"Iron Man."
And like that our argument is forgotten.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.04.2012

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