
Chapter One-The beginning of time

In a parrel dimension, there was a kingdom that ruled over all the land, from as far as the eye can see. Where great peace and prosperity rained over the land, as if the cold winter had laid a thick, white blanket of snow.

In this kingdom there was a king, a queen, and two princes.

The two bothers faught as brothers do, but Jaho would always win, leaving Waka defeated. Jaho was the older stronger brother, Waka was the younger weaker brother. Jaho could throw a dozen axes at once and lift an ox with one hand, but Waka could not. Jaho was noticed as the best looking prince of all the land with his blue eyes and gold flowing locks. Waka was known as the dimmer less atractive brother, with his Brown eyes and black hair. No one notice Waka as a prince, he was teased and beaten by all the kids when he walk through the alley ways playing. Jaho would save his little brother from most kids but Waka still despised Jaho.

What most did not know is that Waka had a unigue talent witch made him stand out from ever one else.

As the years grew on,  less, and less people even notice Waka as a prince. He grew angery with the land and all on it. He seeked revenge and power over all in his father's kingdom. So one cold dark night he devised a plan to kill his father. He waited a few years, training his unique talent giving to him by his mothers womb. The womb that also gave his brother the strength of 100 men and the good looks of his father as well.

As the years ticked by the brothers grew father and father apart. As Waka's powers grew stronger with every waking moment. He soon would be able to fufill his despicable plan, but Waka's powers were great but not great enough. After many more years of their father's rule Waka's powers grew stronger than even he himself could dream of.

One dark, dreadful night, while the king was sleeping in his bed.

Waka called out to his powers,"Come forth my fellow minions and make quick work of my pitiful father.", as he spoke the clouds in the sky begain to turn a dreadful black, and serpents began to form from his arms and slowly inched towards the ground.

The hellish serpents moved ever so gracfuly with the wind as thunder crackled above the kingdom. Rain began to pour down on to the ground forming large puddles of muddy water. The serpents slithered down the hall of the castle and towards thier fathers room.

A gaurd happened to see Waka summon those beast from within himself. The guard bravley ran towards the serpants striking one in the head, stoping it in its tracks.

When Waka realized what had happened he commanded the serpents to devour the guard before continuing their first command.

The serpants began to slowly but painly wrap them selfs around the guard as he panicked and began to strugle with the beasts. They began to crush his suit of armor, sealing him with in. The guard was amazed as though the one he thought he had killed was back alive crushing him within his suit of protection, which was becoming his coffin. As the serpants crushed the suit of armor to were it could not move they stoped and continued with the first command.

Waka ever so slowly walked over to the guard who was beging for mercy and pleding he would never tell any one about what he had saw. When Waka reached the man he looked down and laughed.

"You think I would let a peasant like you free from my grip, Ha how foolish are you!"

He stompted on the mans arm breaking it.

"I will show you no mercy for I was shown none as a child. I was floged and made a joke of. My whole life i was just a steping stool for my brother to reach his goals. But!!! Not tonight, I will have my revenge on that fool you call a king!" He yelled as the man pleded for mercy.

"Please oh please kill me Waka, oh please!" Waka mocked as the man layed in his cold iron coffin beging for mercy.

The guard began to soil himself as he weeped.

"Oh god, you disgust you pathetic pest!" He yelled as he kicked the man.

"Well, Well. Might as well show you mercy now as i would show a child."

Waka's eyes started to glow with a dark ember as his hand began to morph in to a bumpy hole filled hive. He laughed as tiny little incests began to drop from the holes and into to the small opening of the guard's amor.

He walked away as the screams of the guard faded. The iron coffin began to shake rapidly, as the insects devoured the body from within.

Waka walked ever so steadly down through the castle, crushing and killing every guard in sight.

As he aprouched his father's chambers, the fire of revenge burned as bright as the summer sun. As he commanded the serpents to go under the chamber's door and unlock it from within.

He felt a sudden hold in his movments. He was frozzen as he thought to himself, "What is this feeling. This strange unknown feeling runing through my body makeing me tense up and stop all my movements. This gut renching feeling that makes me want to stop all that i am doing, and bow to my father, beging for his forgivness for i have fallen from the path of the light." Waka shook of this feeling as the serpents pried open the door to his fathers chambers. 

He looked over his father and mother laying in there bed sleeping.

He burned with anger as the serpents slowly moved up the sides of the bed post and up on his father. One serpent slithered along side the king and up to his neck locking it in tight. The other serpent silthered not to far from the other and locked in the kings hands.

Waka's father woke up gasping for air as the serpents constricted his air ways. The king cried from the pain of being  slowly murdered by his own flesh and blood, as the surpents began to drain every last drop of life from him.

He managed to squize out the words very faintly, "I forgive you.".

Waka heard the faint words caussing him to drop to his knees releaseing the serpents hold just enough for his father to catch his breath.

Waka weeped as he yelled, "Why! Why couldn't you just had let me kill you! Why couldn't you have just died and been gone!"

Waka weeped into his hands as his father caught his breath, still to weak to break free but just strong enough to speack.

"My son i love you and your brother the same, you both were born from my seed, my flesh, my blood." He let out a slight cough

"You both were born from your mother's womb which was blessed by the gods to give every born child a gift." He coughed again.

"Son I..."

Waka contricted the serpents around his throat again even tighter.

"Shut up, just shut up! I dont want a pity story from you!" Waka clinched his fist as he arched his back and screamed to the heavens.

"Be gone with you!". Waka sat there weeping.

 Then all a sudden Jaho busts down the door throwing an axe which stricts and kills the serpent contricting their father's throat.

He grabed his brother picking him up and flinging him to the wall. Jaho yells at his brother, "What kind of evil are you trying to curse the land with!"

Jaho grabs his brother by his long blackened robe."Why was you trying to kill our father!"

Jaho yells as he pulls a small axe from off his back. He raises it into the air as he speaks to his brother,"May the Gods has mercy on your soul."

He swings the axe down with great fury, but just before the axe strikes apon Waka's neck. Waka begins to laugh. Jaho stops and stares puzzled at his brother."Why are you laughing when you're so close to death?!"

He hisses at his brother impatiently. Waka continues to laugh even louder.

"Speak!". Jaho yells with a mighty roar.

Waka slowly looks at his brother with a big grin across his face as he points towards there dad,"Haha! I didnt kill him, you did. Haha!"

Jaho roars with anger. "No i did not!".

He slams his fist into the wall behind Waka barely missing his face."No!"

Waka chuckles,"Go on, take a look.".

With anger in his movments Jaho glances over and sees that the axe he had threw cliped his dads throat, leaving him in the bed unable to speak, bleeding to death.

Jaho hits his knees as he relizes that his mother had woken up and saw her husband killed by her own son's axe.

"How could you!" there mother yells from the dark coner with anger in her eyes.

"How could!". she yells one more time.

Jaho realizes that his mother is angry and pleds to her.

"Mother it wasn't me i sware it was Waka!".

She slowly starts walking towards him.

"Mother i sware!".

"Enough!". Shouts his mother, "Waka is no were to be found, all i see is you!".

Jaho pans around the room realizeing that Waka is gone. "But he was right here mother! He was strangling father with serpents!". Jaho exsplained as his mother stares into his soul.

His mother pauses as if she is thinking about what he just said. "My son i believe you, where is your..." 

Jaho pans back as he sees a slight image of his brother swinging down a large object hiting him in the back of his head. The sudden tramma sent Jaho to the ground with a ringing in his ears as he sees his brother drop the large object infront of him.

He watches as Waka steps over him and grabs his mother by the throat. He can only hear the slight whisper of the sounds of them argueing back and forth.

With the last bit of air in his lungs he whispers, "Mother", as he watches Waka stab their mother with a small dagger that he had conceled away in his robe.

"Noooo!". He whispers as he becomes unconscious.

Chapter Two-Freak boy

 "Burr, Its cold out here." Andrew says to chris as he covers himself with his coat.

"Oh yeah, it is cold out.". Chris giggles as he pushes Andrew out the door.

"Hey! Watch it!", Andrew hisses.

"It's very icy out here!" Andrew states as he almost slips and falls.

"Oh stop being a little baby and come on.", Chris says with laughter as he teases Andrew.

"I'm not a baby.". Andrew mumbles under his breath, as he stands up.

Chris glances back at andrew as he starts to run. He turns back and yells out to Andrew, "I'll see you after school little brother!".

Andrew waves at Chris as he sighs.

He begins to walk down the icy road sliping ever so often. He pauses and thinks to him self as he stares down into a puddle of frozen water, "I wish I didn't have to go to school. I wish could just stay in my room and plays my video games all day.".

He hears a buzzing noise coming from his poket, he pulls out his cell phone as he realizes that it is his alarm for 8:25am.

. "Oh crap!". He whispers to him self as he takes off towards his school.

As he arives at his school he gets stoped by a gang of bullies.

"Hey midget!", Kevin yells out teasing Andrew.

"Let me go to my class Kevin.", Andrew states as he trys to push through the pile of boys.

Kevin laughs as he pushes Andrew to the gorund,

"No you freak! I'll do what i want when i want to, you're just the freak boy who likes to stay in his room all day.", Kevins says with his arms crossed and his head held high.

"Leave me alone!", Andrew yells out.

Kevin smirks as he looks back to his friends and then back to Andrew.

"Freak boy!", Kevin yells at Andrew while geting the rest of the kids to yell freak boy as Andrew runs inside, he covers his ears with his hands.

Andrew makes it to his class late, the teachers stares at Andrew, "Why are you late.", the teacher demands as she gestures him to take a seat.

"Sorry Mrs.Pidawall, I was just not paying atention to the time. It will not happen again.", Andrew says as he lows his head and moves quickly to his seat. He sits down and pulls out his books.

The teacher starts talking as Andrew drifts of into space. He starts thinking about what level of his game he wants to get to when he gets home when suddenly he hears a faint voice call to him.

"My lord..."

"Andrew!" the teachers yells at him. He quickly shoots his head towards her.

"What are you doing?" The teachers points out as she becomes angry.

"Oh I was..." The teacher interrupts Andrew, "I don't care what you were doing, just start writeing your five parragraph essay on why students should do there classwork!".

"But I..." The teacher interrutps again,"I don't care!"

Andrew sighs as he pulls out a piece of paper and begins to write. 

Andrew starts to quickly write some reason down as the lunch bell rings.

The teacher calls Andrew to her desk as the rest of the kids rush out the door. He slowly walks up to her desk with his head held down. "Ye..Yes" he says as he hands her his paper.

"Andrew you're a bright kid and i didn't mean to be so harsh with you."

"It's okay Mrs.Pidawall, it was all on my end any ways." he states as he rubs the back of his neck.

"No, I didn't want the kids to think i take it easy on you or think that i favor you. Besides i can't let them know you're my favorite student after all." She says with sarcasim in her voice as she throws her feet up on her desk.

"Thanks, may i go now" He asks impatiently.

"I might as well let you go now sence you did the essay." 

She gets up and shows him to the door.

"Well have a good day Andrew and make sure you study for tomorrows big test." she states as she giggles and walks back to her desk.

"Thats tomorrow!?" he questions her.


"Shit!" he whispers to himself as he runs off to lunch. On his way to lunch Kevin stops him Infront of the lunch room. "So freak boy, you wanna come chill with us after school or what." Kevin asks as he smirks.

"No!" Andrew yells as he grabs his books tightly.

"What ever, we dont want to hang out with a freak any ways!" 

Kevins walks past Andrew hiting his shoulder and knocking him to the floor scattering his books every where.

"Dick" Andrew mumbles as the gang of boys enter the lunch room. He gathers his books and rushes into the lunch room barley with enough time left to get his food.

Andrew pays for his food and begins to walk to his lunch table as he passes Kevin. Kevin sticks out his foot and trips Andrew. "Opps!" Kevin yells as every one begins to laugh.

Andrew gathers whats left of his lunch and he rushes to the bathroom throwing away his spilt lunch in the trash can.

He busts into the bathroom and starts cleaning of his shirt as the anger builds up in him. He punches the mirroir breaking it. Suddenly a sharp pain rushes through his body as he hears a distant voice call out to him.

"My lord, calm down."

Suddenly He shoots up stareing at him self in the broken mirroir. "Am I going crazzy or did i hear a voice?" He thinks to himself as he is starlted by the flushing of a toliet. Froozen he stands still holding his hand keeping the blood from driping every where as a large boy comes out the stall. The boy stares at him as he rushes out the bathroom.

"Fat ass" He says to himself as he starts to wash off his hand.

Andrew walks out the bathroom and glaces past his shoulder seeing a young girl crying while two girls kick at her. "Yeah you slut!" one girl yells out as she dumps out the little girls bags onto the floor. 

"Hey!" Andrew yells at the two girls as he runs over to save the little one. "Oh, its freak boy!" the two girls yell as they run off in fear of his freakieness.

"Are you okay." Andrew states as he helps clean up the girls penicals and papers spread across the floor.

"Yeah, I'm fine." the little girl whispers as she helps clean up the mess. They both stand as Andrew wipes off his pants legs. "So why was those girls beating you up?" Andrew questions as he hands her a handfull of pencils. "I don't." the girl whispers as she grabs pencils and put them in her bag.

"So what's your name?" he questions as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Oh, it's ..." she pauses as she stares at the ground blushing.

"Well?" Andrew questions impatiently.

 "Alice!" she yells as she runs off.

"I'm sorry!" Andrew yells as he stands in the hallway puzzled.

He slowly turns around and starts walking back to the lunch room as the class bell rings.

"Damn, looks like im going home hungary." he thinks to himself as his stomach growls.

All the kids rush out of the lunch room yelling and jumping around. He slowly turns and fallows them to his next class.

He reaches his next class barley as the late bell rings. "Ugh, science." he says while he slowly walks through the door. He walks over to his desk and slings himself into his desk.

"Now class." the teach says as he grabs a ruler. "I am your teacher. I might be new but I can be ruthless." he exsplains as he smacks the ruler on the board.

"Cut that out!" Kevin yells out as he stands up. Andrew shoots his over staring at Kevin, "Oh fuck!" Andrew whispers under his breath as he begins to hide his face. Unknowingly Andrew happens to push is bag off the desk. The bag makes a loud sound as it smacks the ground. The whole class turns around surpirsed as they stare at him. Kevin sees Andrew and smiles. "So, guess we are gonna study the life of freaks now." Kevin says as every one laughs, including the teacher.

Andrew quickly grabs his bag flinging in on to his table. He stares at kevin as he smirks and says, "This must be biology because you're one small organism!".

"Fuck you!" Kevin screams as he trys to move towards Andrew but one of his friends stops him.

"Hey now." Mr.Que states as he walks over to his desk.

"Do i need to send both of u to the office?" he smirks as he grabs his walkie-talkie.

"No. Im sorry Mr.Que." Andrew apologizes as he turns torwards the window staring off into space.

"Kevin?" Mr.Que questions as he stares at him. Kevin sits down angrly stareing at his papers clinching his fist.

The school bell rings as one kid yells out "Thank god!"

All the kids empty out of the class room and into the hallways in a great rush. Andrew remains in his seat as Mr.Que grabs his bag. Mr.Que walks over to Kevin's seat taping on it. "Hey Kevin." Mr.Que says as Kevin startles awake. Kevin shoots his head up, looking around furiously. He sees Andrew still siting there staring out the window, he gets up and starts walking towards him. 

"Kevin!" Mr.Que yells towards him as he points at him. Kevins stops and stares at Andrew, clintching his fist he begins to walk towards him again. "Now Kevin!" Mr.Que raises his voice as he steps towards Kevin. 

Andrew gets startled as he shoots his head towards Mr.Que. Kevin stops and whispers to Andrew "Just wait freak boy, just wait.". Kevin rushes out the class room knocking into Mr.Que. "You're in big trouble mister!" Mr.Que yells down the hallway as Kevin makes his way out of the school.

"Watch your back Andrew." Mr.Que says as he walks out of the classroom. 

Puzzled Andrew grabs his bag and walks out the class room. He reaches the school door as a sharp pain rushes through his body. Hunched over he hears a voice say to him "Run." the pain stops and he glaces over as he sees Kevin and his gang of followers talking over at the edge of the fence on the far side of the school. 

Andrew ducks his head and begins to walk the opposite way of the of kids. He glances back as he sees Kevin spot him. "Get him!" Andrew hears as the boys begin to run towards him. He shoots off running across the skreet. He rounds the corner as he hears the foot step of the boys follow behind him. His mind races as he runs down the block looking for a way out.

He spots a dumpster and quickly hides behind it. Andrew pears around the dumpster seeing the boys run past him as one of the boys stops and yells "In here!". Suddenly Andrew takes off further down the alley as the boys follow in. He reachs a dead end as he shoots around riasing his fist shaking.

Chapter Three-The unkown prince

The gang of kids crowd the entrance of the alley way. Kevin walks past them laughing "Oh poor little freak boy." He says sarcasticly as he walks slowly towards Andrew with his hands in his pockets.

"Go Away!" Andrew yells as he backs up further hiting the alley wall.  Kevin stops and laughs

"You messed up this time."

"Well boys we got a game to play." he pans back and looks at boys motioning them closer.

"Whats the game?" one boy questions as he hits his fist onto his open hand.

"How many punches can the freak boy take before he pukes." Kevin says with excitment in his voice. 

"Fuck off!" Andrew yells as he clinches his fist. He throws his bag down onto a old newspaper rustling it.

"Beter watch that mouth before I break it in!" Kevin taunts as he raises his fist.

"Okay boys, lets get him!" He says as all the boys charge towards Andrew.

Andrew holds his ground with his fist raised, he swing as one of the boys get closer. He hits the kid square in the jaw knocking him out.

The rest of the boys continue to charge, Andrew swings and misses one the boys but hiting anouther. The boy that missed Andrew's attack ducks down and picks him up, slaming him to the ground and kicking him in the face.

The rest of the boys join in beating Andrew as Kevin watches laughing.

Andrew lays on the ground feeling every hit as he hears a whisper "Awaken my lord.".

Andrew begins to glow as he feels a surge of power rush through his body exsploding out of him and knocking back all the kids. 

Kevin is puzzled by the cloud of smoke and all the kids laying of the ground. He squints as the smoke clears and sees somthing walking from it. He stands frozen as  a large glowing figure walks towards him. 

One of the boys on the ground gets up and  trys run away, the figure lifts his arm shooting a pulse of engery that slams the kid to the ground knocking him out. 

Kevin turns to run away as the figure shoots infront of him. He can feel the flames burning his hair, he quickly jumps back triping and falling on the ground. 

"Oh, whats the matter Kevin?" the figure sarcasticly questions as he walks towards him. 

"Who are you!?" Kevin questions with fear in his voice as he trys to get up.

The figure raises his hand shooting anouther pulse wave towards Kevin causing him to fly back and hit the alley wall. Before Kevin can hit the ground the figure catches him and slaming him to the wall. 

With one hand on Kevin's shirt the figure sarcasticly questions "What you don't reconize me." 

The figure laughs as the fire surounding him buns even brighter.

"It's me freak boy." the figure raises his hand as a ball of energy begins to form.

"Looks like i realy am a freak now!" the figure yells as the ball of energy goes bigger.

"Stop!" a voice sreams.

Puzzled the figure turns his head looking down the alley way. The figure sees a shadowy outline of a man standing at the entrance of the alley.

"Stop!" the man yells again. 

The figure shoots the built up ball of engery towards the shadowy man. The ball of engery races down the alley way destroying every thing in sight, as the ball reachs the man he slashes it away as if it was an old newspaper blowing in the wind. 

"How dare you!" the figure says as he drops Kevin. Kevin and all of the boys run past the man at the entrance and down the street screaming in fear.

The figure turns towards the man and roars. It charges towards the man, as it reaches him it raises it's hands in the air, and bringing them down missing the man. 

"You don't want to this!" the man yells as he reveals a large sword and shield.

"I will crush you!" the figure roars as he slashes again. 

The man jumps barely missing the large claws.

"My lord, i don't want to have to do this. Calm down please." the man says as he stops the figure's other claw coming in from the other side.

The figure roars again as the fire of it's anger increases singeing the alley way. 

The man jumps up in the air striking the figure in the shoulder knocking it back. It stumbles and catches it self. 

The figure looks back as the sun shines a beam of light through the alley way and reflect off a window and hiting the man in the face.

"Brother?!" the figure says as its fire deems to a low ember.

"Not quite, now calm down." Chris says as he stands his ground to brace for anouther attack.

The figure's fire goes out like a candle and from within the small cloud of smoke laid Andrew. He laid passed out from the intence power he had just unleashed.

"Get some rest my lord." Chris says with pastion in his voice as he picks up Andrew and carries him out of the dark alley. 

Chris arives at there house still carrying Andrew, he shifts Andrew to his shoulder as he walks up the stairs and into there house. He softly lays Andrew down on the couch and props a pillow behind his head. 

A few hours go by and Andrew wakes up in a flash, gasping for air he looks around furiously to see where he is. "Calm down my lord." Chris says as he brings him a cup of warm tea, "Here, drink this."

Quickly Andrew grabs the cup and begins to chug it. "Oh, that was the worste tea i ever had." Andrew says as he wipes his mouth with and hands Chris the half dranken glass of tea. 

"No my lord drink it all." Chris says as he hands Andrew back the glass and moves to sit down beside him. "My lord?" Andrew questions as he down the rest of the horrible tea. "Why are you calling me your lord big brother?" he questions Chris. Chris slowly sits down and stares at the coffe table. 

"Well you see my lord..." Chris tries to exsplain as Andrew interupts.

"Stop calling me that!" Andrew hisses as Chris.

"So sorry my lord." Chris opologizes

"Cut it out!" Andrew demands as he tries to get up but falls back down on the couch out of breath.

"Just sit down and I'll exsplain every thing my lord." Chris exsplains as he motions Andrew to stay seated.

"Just call me baby brother like you always have!" Andrew demands as he catches his breath.

"Well Andrew I'm not your real brother..." Chris exsplains as Andrew interupts.

"What do you mean?" Andrew questions as he scratches his head.

"Please let me exsplain." Chris says impatiently.

"Go on." Andrew states as he motions Chris to continue talking.

"Well I am not your brother Andrew..." Chris says onces again as Andrew interupts.

"Yeah, Yeah. You said that already but why." Andrew Questions. Chris shoots him a fowl stare.

"Like i was saying, I am not kin to you but I am your gaurdian. When you was just a baby I was sunt with you from a parrel dimension to be your protector..." Chris exsplains as Andrew interrupts 

"Okay? So why are you calling me lord?" Andrew questions as chris shoots him anouther look.

"Sorry." Andrew says as he motions to chris that he will not speack any more.

" Well Andrew you are the son of Jaho, the great and noble warrior. He is one of the two princes that was born from a god like womb." Chris exsplains as he pauses. 

"Well besides you and all of your brothers, sisters, and cusins. You are the first born and the rightful air of your grandfather's throne." Chris states as he pauses trying to hold back the change in his voice.

"Well if i am the rightful air of the throne, that means..." Andrew pauses as if he doesnt want to hurt any one's feelings. 

"That means... my father died?" Andrew questions as he looks towards Chris.

"I'm afraid that is uncertain, we do not know if he is dead. Well i do not know but the awaking of your power is a sigh that he might be." Chris says as he gets up and moves towards the kitchen. 

"What powers?" Andrew questions hastely as he moves his head to see what Chris is doing.

"Yes powers!" Chris says with excitement in his voice as he poors anouther cup of tea.

"Oh no more tea for me please, that stuff taste like moldy chicken-noodle soup with blue cheese." Andrew states as his face cringes with disgust. Chris walks back over to Andrew giving him the cup of tea. Andrew pushes the cup of tea away and hisses at Chris. 

"No drink it!" 

"I wasn't the one who wasted all my mana on a worthless gang of playground bullies." Chris states and he puts the glass of the tea to Andrew's mouth. Andrew sips it and then grabs the glass.

"Hey this anit so bad!" he says as he slurps the rest of it down.

"Yeah, the less mana you have the worse it taste." Chris exsplains as he sits down beside Andrew.

"Mana? Powers? Lord? Throne? Brothers? Sisters? Cusins? What are you talking about i'm so confused." 

"Well if you would have let me exsplain and not run your mouth all the time then u would know." Chris hisses as he squints at Andrew. 

"Any ways, you are a prince that was born from a father who was born from a womb that was blessed by the gods them self. Your father was a great and powerful man who had the strenght of 1,000 men, and the heart of a saint." Chris says trying to make a wonderis story by motioning his hands in the air. 

"So what happened?" Andrew questions as he hands the empty glass to Chris. Chris grabs the glass and gets up. Moving towards the kitchen he looks back and says "Well Jaho, your father had a younger brother who was very evil and jealous of your fathers gifts. So one day he decided to kill their father and become air to the throne." Chris says trying once more to make a dramtic scene with his hands.

"What?!" Andrew gasps. "Why would he want to do that to his own father over a stupid throne." Andrew debeats as he motions for more tea. Chris walks over to the tea and poor anouther glass. He brings it to 

Andrew and then sits down.

"Well the younger brother Waka, he wanted to rule over those who treated him wrong. So he decided he would use the gift that was given to him by his mother's womb to kill his own father." Chris stops and stares at the window. 

"What wass that?" Andrew questions as he stares at the window too. 

"Sh!" Chris hisses.

Chris stops and looks back at Andrew. "Any ways, like i was saying. Well one dark night he used his gift to summon two serpents to do his biding. He killed innocent guards that had familys. He killed every guard but one, that one guard ran to Jaho who was helping an old ladie kill a Diersnatch, and told him about Waka killing guards and that he was heading to their dad's chambers." Chris says. 

"What's a Diersnatch?" Andrew questions."

"Well its like what they call a rat over here but much larger and with more heads." Chris says as he gets up and moves towards the kitchen. Andrew begins to laugh. "What's so funny?" Chris questions as he turns around. 

"Look at your butt!" Andrew demands loudly as he rolls around on the couch laughing. Chris pans back to see what was so funny. While exsamining his butt he realizes that there is a sock sticking out of his butt crack making it look like he has a tail. "Ah, Diersnatch!" Andrew yells sarcasticly as he grabs his belly. Chris joins with Andrew.

The laughing calms down and chris goes and gets a pound cake from the fridge. He stops and pans over to Andrew to see him siting there growling at the sight of the cake. Chris gets a knife and walks back to Andrew. Chris places the pound cake on the coffe table and then takes a seat.

"Hey, are you gonna cut me a piece or not?" Andrew questions as he stares at the pound cake growling. 

"Yes." Chris states and he cuts off a large piece for Andrew and then a large piece for him. Andrew scarfs the cake down.

"Okay, so the guard came and told Jaho what Waka was doing. So on, and so on. So what happens next?" Andrew questions impatiently. Chris takes a bit of his cake and then sips on his tea.

"Well before Jaho could reach their father's chambers Waka already had kill him by strangling him with one of the serpents." Chris states and then takes a bit of his cakes. "Well what happened next was tragic. Jaho busted down the door and threw an axe at one of the serpents killing it. But what Jaho didn't know is that the axe didn't just hit the serpent but it hit theirs father's neck causeing him to look like as if he died by the axe." Chris says and he takes anouther bit of his cake and a chug of his tea.

"Well Jaho feel to his knee and beged for forgiveness from their mother who had woken up to the tragic scene. Well as he was pleding Waka came up behind him and hit him in the head with a large candle holder, the blow to Jaho's head caused his to be dazzed as he watch his mother be stabed by Waka." Chris says trying to keep his temper level. 

"Well after that, Waka framed his brother and mother for their father's death. The kingdom grew mad as they tried to kill Jaho for the death of there beloved king. So Waka told them to calm and just banish his brother to the farest coner of the world and keep him there to rot. Well the people needed a king and Waka was the only air to the throne left, so he took the throne and ruled it for years. He gave the people what they wanted until, he the evil in his heart began to corupt him and turn his soul black. After his tansformation he became a ruthless king and those who would not listen was put to death." Chris states as he eats the last bite of his cake, then slurps down the last bit of his tea. 

"What the hell would he do that for?!" Andrew questions with anger in his eyes.

"Calm down my lord. There is no need to get mad." Chris exsplains as he puts his hands on both of Andrew's shoulders.

To worried about the evil king to catch that chris called him lord he replied, "Well what happened next!" he demanded to know.

Chris moves his arms off of Andrew and motions them to the air, "Well Jaho, your father meet a young ladie on his way to the farest coner of the world. It was love at first site and she demanded to come along so she did. Well when they meet there destination, they built them a house and then they made them some tools for farming. Then they made sweet love and then had you." Chris stops to see Andrew's exspretion.

"Well?" Andrew demands as he waits impatiently.

"Well, they had you and then Waka sunt out creatures to kill yall so you would not be the next air to the throne. Your father fought of the creatures long enough for your mother to reach me and give me you. Well when she gave me you i ran to an old witch that lived in the mountains, beging her i demanded her to send us away to a new world until the time you was needed to rule the kingdom." Chris says while motioning his hands in the air once more.

"Well what happened next?" Andrew questions trying to get Chris to tell him.

"Well I had to make a deal with her. I had to give away my hieght for our jorney." Chris says with his head bowed

"What you mean you had to give your hieght away?" Andrew questions as he looks at chris thinking "He realy isn't that short.". 

"I'll just show you." Chris says as he stands up removing an amulet from his neck. A bright light shines from all over his body.. Andrew covers his eyes from the bright intense light coming off of Chris.

"Okay, now you can open your eyes." Chris says as he stand there still waiting for Andrew's exspretion. Andrew uncovers his eyes and looks were Chris's eyes use to stand. 

"Um, where are you?" Andrew question as he looks around the room puzzled.

"Right here!" Chris says with a attitude in his voice. Andrew stops and pans down to see this short stuby little man with his little baby like fingers and rough scrufy beard. The man which was not Chris as he know but Chris's true form.

Andrew busted out laughing. "You're a freaking dwarf!" He said rolling around on the couch holding his stomach. 

"You don't have to be an ass about it!" Chris hisses as he puts the amulet back on. 

"So you're a freaking dwarf and I'm your king." Andrew states as he rolls around still laughing. 

Chris sighs, "I believe so my lord. But i wasnt always short, i was once 7'2''." Chris exsplains as he frowns from knowing he isnt his old hiegth. Andrew finaly stops and sits up. 

"What happened?" Andrew questioned as he waited for a quick responce

 "Well do you remember when i told you that I had to pay in order for us to come here." Chris questions as he sits back down.

"Yeah" Andrew ansers quickly.

"Well thats what i mean by the price being my hieght. I became a dwarft in order to bring u to safty." Chris says as he qucikly grabs the empty tea cup and rushes it to the sink.

"Oh, well I'm sorry you had to do that for me." Andrew states as he slumps down into the couch leaning his head on to the arm rest. Drifting off into slumber he can faintly hear Chris start yelling at him but he can not make out what he is trying to say. 

Andrew almost slips into complete slumber when he sees a slight image of a creature bust through the window tackling Chris. 

Andrew slips off into complete slumber, becoming one with the darkness that lies behind his eyes.


Chapter Four-The journey begins

 Andrew wakes in a frieght, he jumps up, looking around the room franticly. He sees the window broken and the walls and room is all messed up with holes every were. He runs around the house looking for Chris and screaming out his name.

"Chris!" Andrew screams as he franticly starts to pick up and move a bunch of things around. He happens to run past the laundry room and hears a slight noise. He turns to look to see what it is and he realizes that it is Chris siting there laying in the floor all cold, alone, and just about to pass over to the spirt world.

"Brother!" Andrew yells as he runs towards Chris picking up his little body. Andrew carries him to the couch and lays him down.

"T...tea." Chris manages to say before he drew his last breath.

"Noooo!" Andrew yells as he falls to the ground on his knees wheeping. Andrew realizes what his brother said and about how they have powers, so he ran over to the tea. He shuffled through the trash and dry wall on the conter. 

"Where is it!" he said to him self throwing stuff around out of fustration. He lifts up a large piece of dry wall and sees the tea cup that he had drank from, he grabed the tea and poured a tall glass. He rushed over to Chris laying on the couch lifless.

"Come on don't you die on me!" he screamed while holding up Chris's head, trying to pour the tea in Chris's mouth. He began to wheep again, managing to get most of the tea down Chris's throat he held the cold little body crying.

"Why!" he yelled into Chris's chest.

"" Chris managed to get out. Andrew paused as he felt Chris's body become warm and tight again.

"Brother?" Chris spoke clearly. "Why are you crying?" He stared at Andrew puzzled.

"Because you died and i thought i lost you for ever." Andrew exsplained as he wiped his tears.

Chris laughed as he regained all his strength "I wasn't gonna die, i was only  taking a short nap." he chuckled as he drank the last of the tea that was siting on the coffe table.

"What?!" Andrew questions with a shocked exspretion comeing over his face.

"Yeah, my mana went realy low and I just needed some sleep to regain it." He exsplained as he threw the tea cup at the wall. "Thank God you gave me that tea or I would have been sleeping for days." he chuckled as he stood up. He stumbled and then caught him self. 

"Man this place is a mess." he chukled as he looked around the room. He stoped and ran to the window, almost flinging him self through the window as he looked out of it. 

"I wonder where he came from?" Chris questioned him self.

"What was that thing!?" Andrew questioned as he stood up and joined Chris.

"Well that was a beast that Waka can, and will summon to kill who ever he feels the need to." Chris says as he exsamins the alley way. 

"Strange." Chris says to himself as he rubs his chin.

"What?" Andrew questions. Chris pauses as if he is in a deep thought and then looks back out the window again.

"What's strange!?" Andrew questions impatiently.

"Well..." Chris pauses as he looks back out the window. Andrew taps his foot and stares at him waiting for an anser.

"Well, those beast normaly attack in packs. That one that i had to slay was biger than normal but there should be several more. hmm.'" Chris exsplains to Andrew, then he turns to look out the window again and then turns his head to look on the roof.

"Well maybe this was a stray or something." Andrew states trying to convince Chris that there is nothing wrong. 

"We need to clean this place up before mom gets home or we are dead." Andrew exsplains making Chris shoot his head towards him. "My amulet?" Chris questions with his eyes wide open grabing his neck. Chris runs over to were he was at.

"I think i saw it over there in the laundry room." Andrew sugest as he points to the room where he found Chris. Chris rushes over to the room and starts throwing stuff around. 

"Ah-ha, found it!" he celebrates as he puts it on. The room fills with a bright light again as he morphs into Chris.

"By the way, what is ur real name?" Andrew questions Chris as he starts cleaning.

"You're gonna laugh." Chris says as he shly walks around looking for a broom.

"I promise that i wont." Andrew says as he walks around looking for his book bag.

"Well, it's ... Jenny." Chris says as he blushes and waves like a girl towards Andrew.

"Realy!?" Andrew questions with his mouth wide open from shock.

"No. I was just kiding." Chris says as he starts to laugh.

"Oh. Then what is it?" Andrew questions impatiently. 

"Well, i don't realy know. My memory was affected when i traveled to this world, well besides what i told u and what im going to tell you." Chris says as he starts speaking a forien language.

"Oh." Andrew replays as he stares at Chris puzzled by what he is speaking. "What are you doing?" Andrew questions as a wind picks up in the room. Chris starts to speak louder as his eyes begin to glow. 

"What the..." Andrew trys to say as a bright light flashes in his face causing him to cover his eyes. 

The wind settles and the light vanishes, Andrew uncovers his eyes and sees the whole house back to normal. "How the hell?!" Andrew yells as he stares at Chris puzzled.

"Magic!" Chris says as he motions a rainbow. Andrew giggles. 

"So what now?" Andrew questions as he stretches. Andrew moves to the door unlocking it. "Mom will be home soon." he states as he looks at Chris. 

"Well Andrew..." Chris says then he pauses. "What now?" Andrew questions giving Chris a puzzled stare. 

"Well our mom is my wife." Chris says as he blushes. 

"What!?" Andrew question as he gives Chris a nasty stare. 

"Well you see I brought my wife with me, I don't remember much about our wedding and past relationship but when i arived here she was there and she told me she was my wife." Chris says and he sits down on the couch. 

"Ew. You're wife is our mom." Andrew says and he motions that he is throwing up.

"Stop it!" Chris yells as he biulds with anger. 

"I'm sorry." Andrew shoots back and then he stops and smirks. "I am your lord after all." he says with his head held high. 

"I don't care!" Chris shoots at him with a stare. Andrew laughs and begins to march around the room. 

"Oh come on, losen up." Andrew says and he pushes on Chris.

"There is no time to losen up, run up stairs and grab a bag." Chris says as he motions Andrew to his room.

"Fine." he stomps up the stairs to his room.

"Make sure you pack everything that you're going to need." Chris says as he moves around the kitchen looking for a bag. He finds a bag and starts to stuff dry food in it.

"Hurry up!" Chris yells up the stairs as he stuffs a loaf of bread into the bag. He contiunes to look for things to eat and drink. He finishes with the bag and throws it at the door as he hears a loud noise coming from outside the window.

Andrew comes down from his room with every thing in his bag. "Okay im ready." Andrew says as he stumbles down the stairs. 

"That bag is as big as a mountain, what do you have in there a mini-van!?" Chris  Questions and his mouth drops. 

"You said get everything that I am going to need." he states as he starts to laugh.

"Yeah, I know what I said, and I said to get every thing you needed. I didn't say bring your whole room." Chris exsplains as he begins to laugh too. Andrew walks back upsairs and begins to unload his bag, only keeping what is needed the most. 

"Okay, I have only what i need." Andrew sprits down the stairs with his bag not as full. 

"Good!" Chris says as he sits on the couch and pulls out a long pipe.

"Why did you need me to pack my bag up with what i would need the most?" Andrew questions as he joins Chris. 

"Well we have to go and meet your family. My wife will be home soon, then we will go." Chris says as he puts the pipe to the end of his mouth. 

"Eww! I didn't know you smoked." Andrew says while disgust takes over his face. Chris laughs and grabs a lighter from his pocket. He flicks the light on and then aplies it to the end of the pipe.

"Don't smoke in here!" Andrew demands as he covers his mouth. Chris laughs again.

"Well I'll do what i want and i don't care what you have to say!" Chris agrues as he blows on the pipe, Bubbles spread out of the end of the pipe. The bubbles cascade down from the pipe and on to the floor, some bubbles fly in the air, but most just flow over the sides of the pipe like a waterfall, and down onto the floor.

"You're so mean!" Andrew says as he bust out laughing. "Bubbles!" He says as he starts to play with them.

"I figured  I would mess with you just a little bit, but i think we need to get every thing we need before we head off." Chris says as he jumps up and begins to pack every thing that they need, Andrew follows short behind him. 

They gather every thing they need for there big journey ahead of them. "She'll be home soon." Chris says as he holds his head. 

"Whats the matter?" Andrew questions as he walks to Chris concerned about him holding his head. 

"I'm fine just a little head ache." Chris says as he shakes it off. Andrew turns his attention twords the window as he hears a large roar. 

"Run!" Chris yells as he grabs his sword and shield. Removing his amulet he begins to glow as he strikes the thin air. 

"What as gotten into you?" Andrew questions as he stands there puzzled. Andrew grabs the bags and rushes them down and onto the street.

Chris comes tumbling down as he shoots up and starts to hover. "What is it?" Andrew questions as he starts to look for what is attacking Chris. Their mom arives and she jumps out, helping with the bags she throws Andrew in the car.

"Mom!" Andrew yells as she slams the door on his shoe string. Andrew opens the door back up and pulls in his shoe string. Their mom slams on the gas, as the tire screeches the car shoots off and begins to voom down the street.

"What about Chris?!" Andrew questions with conserne for Chris's safty.

"He'll be just fine." Their mom says as she takes a sharp left.

Andrew looks out the back window to see Chris fighting mid air, geting slamed back and forth, from left to right. He stares puzzled as what Chris was fighting and why he could not see it. He sees the buildings crumbles as if something big was runing into them but tere was nothing just Chris flying around sliceing the smog.

"What is he fighting?" Andrew questions his mom as he turns to look at her waiting for a responce.

"Well... It's hard to exsplain." she says as she takes anouther sharp turn, but htis time right.

"Trust me I learned alot today, I doubt it's that hard to tell me." he says as he turns back and stares back at chris only to see him being flung into the ground.

"It's a Monterrone." She syas she slams on the gas some more, barley scraping a car she continues, "It's like a giant snake slash dragon but invisable in this world."

 Chirs fight off anouther attack. He turns back to look at Andrew as he gets speared by somthing, blood squirting every were like a fountain from a horror movie. The creatures swallows him whole as he becomes visible to Andrew. 

"Oh no!" Andrew wheeps as he turns back in his seat looking at his mother.

"What?!" She questions as she trys to stay on the road. 

"It got Chris!" he yells as the wheeping becomes louder. His mom stops the car and jump out. She summons a large sword, she jumps in the air slashing the large creature in the head. The creature roars as it bleeds out on to near by cars, the blood starts to melt the cars as the people inside of them scream from the pain of the acitic blood.

"Mom!" Andrew yells out as the big beast swings it's tail slinging his mom into a near by building.

"No!" Andrew screams as the beast stabs her through the chest with its tung. Swallowing her whole the beast turns towards Andrew.

"You will die!" Andrew yells as tears roll from his eyes and down his cheeks. The beast lunges twords Andrew with it's mouth wide open, the blackness from within its mouth nears closer.

Andrew wakes up in a flash startling every one around him.

Chapter Five-What the...

Andrew pans around the room in a haste trying to see where he is at, dazed and light headed he gets comfronted by the teacher. "You finaly awake Andrew?!" the teacher ask as he stares hard at Andrew. 

"Where am I?" Andrew questions as he begins to focus on the black board. 

"The world of dreams." the teacher says as he waves his hands over his head and down to his sides. 

"Realy?!" Andrew questions as if he believes in what the teacher just told him.

"No! Your in my class sleeping all day, now get back to work or im sending you to the office!" the teacher hisses at the response he got from Andrew.

"Oh, can i go to the bathroom real quick?" Andrew questions as he stands up in a rush.

"Yes, and stop by the office and tell them you have been sleeping all day!" the teacher says as he waves Andrew away. Andrew runs out the classroom slaming the door behind him, he hastly rushes down the hallways and into the bathroom. Slaming the door behind him and closing his eyes he places his head on the closed door.

"Umm... Hey?" a light voice calls out from behind Andrew. Andrew slowly turns his head puzzled by what he is hearing.

"Ahh!" he screams as he sees a girl half naked washing somthing in the sink.

"What are you doing in here!" he demands as he stares at her breast.

"What do you mean? Why are you in here." She questions as she trys to cover up.

"This is the boys bathroom I am allowed in here!" he scoffs as he continues to stare at her body.

"This is the girls bathroom!" she states pointing at the wall. Andrew stares at her with a puzzled look as he turns to see what she is pointing at. He pans up and sees a like figure of a girl.

"Oh shit." He says as he turns back to the girl. "I'm so sorry." he says as he trys to leave.

She reaches out and grabs his shirt stoping him from leaving.

"No wait!" she says blushing with her head held down. "Wait why?" Questions as he stares at her puzzled egered to leave.

"Can you help me get this dye out of my shirt? The girls that you saved me from early poured drink all over my shirt." she asks as she continues to blush. Andrew removes her hand from his shirt and holds it. 

"Why yes my lady." he says sarcasticly as he kisses her hand. She giggles as the blush on her face begins to glow brighter. 

He walks over to the sink where he had saw her washing somthing, he looks down and sees a tiny white t-shirt in the sink soaked with red dye and water.

"Well I don't think that will wash out." he states as he picks it up. "Get your mom to wash it when you get home." he says as he offers her the shirt.

"Well..." she says as she pauses.

"Well what?" he questions as he drops the t-shirt back into the sink.

"Well, my family is pour and we can't afford to wash our cloths if they are to badly stained. We can't afford to spend money on clearers like that." she says as she looks away from being poor.

"I'm sorry, my mom would be happy to wash it." he says as the dream hits him. Andrew runs out the bathroom with the t-shirt in his hand, he shoots down the hallways passing his teacher. "Hey get back here!" the teacher yells out as he raises his fist into the air.

Andrew ignores the teacher and runs out the school. Andrew runs across the street and past the alley way where the gang of kids was fighting him. He slows down and looks down the alley way spoting burns on ghe side of the walls. He gains back his focus and speeds up again.

Andrew nears his house as he runs out of breath, stop Andrew sees his mom arive from work.

"Mom!" he screams out as he runs twords her jumping into her arms. Andrew begins to wheep as he hugs the breath out of her.

"Whats the matter?" she questions as she wipes away his tears.

"I thought you died!" he screams out as he begins to wheep even harder.

"Well that's silly, I'm right here. Why would you think that I had died?" she stares at him puzzled.

"Well I had a dream that felt so weird and you and Chris was eaten by a creature and..." he stops to wheep again. She puts her finger under his chin and pulls it up so where he is looking at her.

"That was just a bad dream that all my love." she states in a sweet loving voice. Andrew wheeping stops as he smiles. He hugs her tight and then pans back up to her and sees a scratch on her face. "Where is that from?" he questions as he points to the cut.

"Oh, that must have happened to me when I feel in the office today." she replys hastly as she motions him to go up to the house. 

"What i wanna know is why you have a girls t-shirt in your hands." she says as she unlocks the door. She turns and starts to laugh as Andrew's face begins to glow a bright red.

"Oh Shoot." he says as he lowers his head.

"Well?" His mother questions as she throws her purse onto the coffe table.

"Well since I have it can you wash out the stain on her shirt?" he questions as he hands her the shirt.

"Why doesn't she get her parents to?" she questions as she takes the shirt. She walks over and begins to rub some cleaner on it. 

"Her parents are to poor to wash cloths good and some girls at school poured some drink on her." he says as he clinches his fist.

"That's momy's little sweetheart." she says as she smiles. Andrew blushes as he walks to the kitchen.

"So whats for dinner?" he questions as he opens the fridge.

"Well maybe some porkchops and mac-and-cheese" she says as she walks over to him.

"Yum!" he says as he rubs his belly. "By the way, where is Chirs?" Andrew questions as he steps away from the kitchen and into the living room. He sits down and turns on the tv. 

"I believe he is still at school." Andrew's mom says as she pulls out some porkchops from the freezer. 

"Oh, well I must have came home realy early then." Andrew says as he smirks, he promps up his feet and begins to watch some tv. 

"Get your feet off that table!" Andrew's mom scolds him. Andrew shoots his legs off and starts to giggle. 

"What's so funny?" Andrew mom questions as she pulls out a box of mac and chesse. She gets a pot and fills it up with water, and then puts it on the stove. 

"Nothing mom." Andrew stats as he goes up to his room.

"Okay? Well ill call you when food is done." Andrew mom says as grabs a pan for the porkchops. 

"Okay mom, I love you." He shouts back at his mom as he runs up to his room. Closing the door behind him he hears his mom yell up the stairs. "I love you too sweety." 

Andrew jumps on his bed and stares at the cieling 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.08.2015

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Hey I'm trying my best to write a little book about a little boy who becomes a warrior. ill write a few chapters and see how y'all like it before i write any more.

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