
My childhood memories:


Let me tell you a bit about myself:

Most of the girls want to describe themselves as positively as they can (even if it is not the truth, but I don't lie)I don't have a lot of good things about myself, honestly, but my sibling and mother always tell me that I’m so pretty and that they always want to look like me. I will just tell you what I look like and my personality though, I guess. My name is Samantha Pitts.I have thin, shoulder length ginger strands of hair and big, green eyes. I'm quite tall(like the other girls) and I have thin arms, thin legs – my mum says I'm all just skin and bones – I must admit that I feel hideous and I keep a tiny secret that I have not told anyone yet (I wear baggy clothes to make me look like a normal, average girl). I hate reading, science and maths, it all just stresses me out too much. Although I do like writing and I love P.E , especially running, and the best thing is when your hair tosses and you can finally breathe fresh air. I'm hyper most of the time, and I'm not proud or anything. Another fact is that I live in the countryside, in a small comfortable cottage. Well, I think that's enough of me.


And now my memories...

























When A Day Becomes A Nightmare: A time in summer...

When this happened I was about 10 years old and my friend was 8. We lived near each other and loved to play together – we felt like true sisters. Our homes were so close it seemed as if we were actually living together. Anyway, I remember this memory it like it was yesterday. It was a hot summer day and my two best friends were by my side, Mia was grasping my thin, stick like arms. Mia was on my left arm and she was an average sized girl with thick hazelnut locks of hair to match her big, gazing, brown eyes. I desired her spectacular smile the most as it glistened in the golden sunshine. She was more of a girly girl and every time I saw her, she was wearing beautiful clothes and glittery hair clips. She wasn’t as poor as me, but I could tell she loved spending time with me anyway. Nestling into my right arm was a huge tub of vanilla flavoured ice cream and a silver spoon covered in the sticky desert, but I still enjoyed the experience as the delicious treat oozed into my mouth. It was quite a surprise to me when the ice cream had vanished in seconds. Mia could tell I was nervous about something from the way I was eating. We circled the empty field, trying to find anything to entertain ourselves with. So we made nicknames for each other -I was salt and Mia was mint - but soon we felt like in an oven so we decided to head to the forest which was close enough, to get some shade under the trees. I suggested we could go pick some berries of the bushes. It seemed like hours were passing by and the both of us were full by now, but there was no way I was going back to my little cottage and Mia begged me not to go back too, there is always a trap full of boredom inside there. And if you have never had a really boring time at your house then try to stare at a bare wall or ceiling all day, at least now you know what I and Mia normally do. We normally go outside because there are no toys or games to play at home, unless we want to play with the farm animals that is. We played some simple games like leap frog and tag. Then all of a sudden, Mia said she wanted to play hide and seek even if it was very dangerous. But before I could even say a word she ran off in a flash, I didn't even know which direction she ran off to. I started to call. I started to call louder. Louder. Where was she? I wondered with pain. It was getting dark, how could she have been so ridiculous? All I could see now was the greenery surrounding me. It was all a maze made of identical looking trees. I always used to come to this place, whether it was winter or autumn or spring or summer, I walked here alone through the long days, admiring the beautiful birds above my head that sung a melody, which I hummed again and again when I got back home. Sometimes in the summer I even dipped my feet into the dazzling, clear stream. Of course I knew the way back, but I didn't want Mia to be all alone. I dreamt many nightmares that night when I cried myself to sleep, they were horrific, to this day those awful nightmares haunt me and my thoughts.

Fortunately in the morning I found her sleeping on a tree branch and I was relieved.


My treasure: On my 13th birthday

Could my mother forget? As soon as the golden light hit my window I hopped out of bed and raced into the kitchen. I was confused when nothing was sitting on the smooth, polished table like it does every year. I bowed my head down, I walked solemnly through our corn field and stopped at the barn. I pulled the wooden doors open as they creaked. There was mother in her dirty boots, shorts and jacket in the crowd of animals. She was covered in mud from head to toe. In the barn there were three pigs that were fattened up so mum told me to go to the market to sell them and come straight back once they were gone. I was quite attached to them by now but we needed some money fast to keep us living. Anyway they had about twenty or thirty piglets and the barn was practically full. I dragged the pigs to go faster as we walked up the stone path, I pulled the rope ever so hard, I was annoyed with everyone and everything. Every time I go to the market, I get handed some chalk and cardboard or paper to write down the price, but that time I yelled too - 'come buy your pig, a large pig at an amazing price!'. All the pigs were gone in seconds and I trailed back home. It came a surprise to me when I saw that mother had transformed. She now had two beautiful brown plaits with drooping, red ribbons and she also wore her prettiest summer dress with blue and pink flowers. She looked so beautiful with her knee-length dress and mud-free body.


She was nervously clinging onto a small, shiny parcel. Mother gently handed it to me as she shook. I wanted to keep it that way- nicely wrapped in glitter wrapping paper- but I was eager to open it. I unwrapped the layers and revealed a black leather pouch, inside was a silver necklace with tiny elements of gold. I saw mother biting her bottom lip and sweat trickling down her forehead. I told her I loved it and kissed her cold cheek. It was the best birthday present I had ever had, I wear it every day, admiring each bit of it. Although I didn’t quite know how mother could pay for this, we were poor and could never afford anything lovely…


It’s not the end though, after I revealed my gift we celebrated with a huge cake that my mother specially made for me, it must have taken ages to bake and decorate! It was a chocolate cake, my favourite, covered in light pink frosting with edible glitter sprinkled on top and two candles with the numbers 1 and 4 poked out. I had the most fun ever. And I couldn’t believe it when Mia showed up too! She had her hair wavy with a crimson hair clip and a glittery, grey blouse. I’m always jealous of her, but I had more fun when she came so it turned out for the best. I stayed in my filthy t-shirt and tied my hair back, I was worried I would take too long to get dressed, not that I do have anything nice to wear anyway.


Me and Molly: About four years after my little sister was born

For a start, it’s not that easy to find friends, but when something or somebody comes to you, it’s a lot easier. It was a normal sunny day and I wore my pale blue t-shirt ,brown shorts and my silver necklace. I was wandering through the gracious forest, again. Walking made me quite tired. I went out into a large field, carrying my basket – it was scarce of flowers, so I needed to pick some before I got home. It looked just like a huge garden. There were so many to admire: scarlet roses, small pretty daisies ,blooming orchids, amazing yellow sunflowers, twinkling tulips… The list went on. By then I was scared I was on somebody’s property, but there was no trace of a human or

a house in the distance. While I carefully scanned the field, something caught my attention. There was a large, broad horse standing on a patch of grass, eating some along the way. It had a long black mane and was staring straight at me then with it’s large brown eyes. I didn’t know what to do. I was acting crazy and strange plans and thoughts circled inside my mind. I can’t remember why I did this, but I ran up to the horse, stroked it... and rode off with it. After all, there didn’t seem anyone to take care of it. It was an amazing experience, the wind flowed through my hair and I could finally taste the fresh air. At home we used to have loads of horses, small and big, but once my father died shortly after losing his job, we had to sell our horses. I loved all of them, but I have to admit that the pigs were my favourite, so they were the only animals that we got to keep. Chickens, hens, cows, sheep, horses – they ere all gone. I forgot the feeling of riding a horse, and this animal wasn’t the same as the others, there was a feature it had that no other horse did. I did realise I made a horrible mistake when I got home though, mother raised her tone when she looked out the window to see an animal standing in her front garden. My little sister loved the horse though, and decided we’d call her Molly. She never really saw a horse anyway, so this was like a dream come true for her ( Leah always wanted a pony, but she couldn’t really tell the difference yet). Mother was not okay with this, I knew already from her expression when she came outside. I did get to keep Leah when I told her the story though. About two days later, when I travelled to the market for some meat, milk and eggs, I saw a ‘ lost poster ‘ with a picture of an animal which seemed familiar to me. I ignored it at first, but noticed all of Molly’s features were on the poster when I took a second glance. I just couldn’t keep the guilt in and ran as fast as Molly herself to go and get her, I didn’t really care about the food any more. Molly trodded to the given destination and we met a very friendly owner. He had a large, white beard, a croaky voice and was clothed in rather muddy overalls. Once he received his animal , I was rewarded with a handful of coins, before I could explain myself that I took the horse and didn’t actually find it, he rode off merrily. When I did return home with all the food mother was surprised, but delighted at the same time, to see me with extra money – hopefully she didn’t think I stole it.


Anyway, the next morning I allowed myself to go out and buy myself some sort of treat ( mother suggested some sweets or new clothing, but I had something else in mind... ).


I also decided that today would be my happiest day ever, if everything went as planned and nobody complained. First of all though, I did go to a nearby sweetshop, various types of sweets were dazzling through the misty glass window: luscious liquorice, bubblegum, sherbet, there was an endless supply of all kinds. I finally chose to pick a handful of rhubarb and custard boiled sweets. The bad thing was that there were a lot of customers, but I didn’t have to wait that long or pay much either – just a couple of minutes to wait or so and I only spent less than a quarter of the coins I was given. As I skipped outside to the next shop, I packed my delicious treats – they were all packaged in a small paper bag with a sky blue bow at the top, it looked so pretty.


Next, I walked into a clothes shop with adorable designs on display, I had never been in a place like this! There were colourful, creative creations everywhere. I stood there, mesmorised by all, this must have been a dream. I pinched myself and expected to be in my scruffy wooden bed in a few seconds, but when I opened my eyes to check, I was still in the same store. After many moments, which seemed like hours, I noticed I had a shopping bag on my arm. Inside there was a short-sleeved, white dress with a pale pink bow at the front and a pair of matching creamy white shoes with also pale pink bows. I was really surprised when the lady at the desk only made me pay about five of the coins - there was still more than half of the coins still remaining in my hand.


After that, I slowly walked into a barn to look at all the different farm animals, lucky for me that they had some for sale, I knew right where to go! In the far distance I saw many brave and tall figures standing a neat line, munching on hay and looking the best they can to attract their customers. That's when I saw a creature that was nearly identical to Molly, my heart beat faster and faster. Although I knew it wasn't her because the owner was slightly more angry and wanted to get the day over with. When I showed him my coins and asked if it was enough, he replied that I could buy the horse and enough food for at least three weeks - sweet! Even though it was quite hard for me to carry all of my shopping, I was really excited to get back home fast.


When I at last had gotten home, mother had nearly fainted, but Ally ( my younger sister ) squealed at the sight of the horse and was even happier when I gave her the hard boiled candy. My mother wasn't the slightest bit impressed but adored her new fancy dress and pair of shoes. At least I had done something productive...   


And those, my dear Joe and Sophia, were my key memories that I had kept for so long...


Teenager Troubles:


I still thought I was very unattractive and it would be a struggle for me to find friends, taking in mind that Mia would be going to a private school and we would hardly be seeing eachother. I still enjoyed sports , but I somehow hid my secret of being anorexic. I was slowly getting better, but there wasn't any chance of feeding the whole family so I gave most of my portions to my younger sister and mother.  I can only really blame myself though, after spending most of the coins that I got from the very kind man, nobody thought we could survive. Mother had to find a job of taking good care of all the animals on a farm, but the amount the she brought back home each evening still wasn't enough. At least we didn't have to pay for our home - it was father's and when he passed away, we could still live in it. Anyway, I had to work too. Each day after school, I would take Molly and ride to a house that wanted me to babysit their children. I knew how to take care of children because I was the one who cared for my younger sister most of the time. The only thing that I was worried about though was not finding any friends.



School Dangers: When things get complicated... 

It was my very first day at Rosecross secondary school and I wanted to make sure that I made a good impression on everyone, the main reason was because I wanted to make new friends or any friends at all really. The first sight I saw was a tall, melancholy building that towered over me. When I entered I realised that I seemed to be the odd one out, everyone had already found at least one friend, but I was all alone. I quietly put my rucksack down on a crooked bench and sat down, I had nothing better to do than stare at anybody who passed by, hoping they would sit down beside me and start a conversation. Unfortunately for me, that never seemed to happen.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.11.2016

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