

My name is Elizabeth, and I'm pissed. I used to have everything. Two loving parents, and my baby brother. My best friend, who was also my boyfriend, and a lot of money. But most of all, I was loved and happy. Oh, did I mention I'm a werewolf to? My parents and I always moved to a different place. I've been to 8 different countries, 29 states in those countries, 40 towns in those states, and 45 different houses in those towns. When I was 14 my mom had my baby brother Noel, and we decided to settle down for a while.

Now living in Oregon things seemed to go alright. Until my life got fucked up and I lost everything. Here's what happened=

It was my 18th birthday and I was driving home on the last day of school. Then I got a call. I reached over to pick up my phone when I saw a man in a dark cloak with his hood up cross the street, holding a phone to his ear. I swore and swerved out of the way. Luckily I missed him, but I didn't miss the huge pole I drove into, whis then fell on top of my car. "Well fuck!" I got out of the car and grabbed all of my stuff. My house was only down the street so it wasn't far to walk. 

I was wearing my dark blue ish black dress and matching choker, and my red hair was let loose and curled. I put on a little eye liner, but I never had to wear makeup before, natural beauty. I checked my reflection in my mirror before leaving my car. Once I ot to my house I noticed the door was open and the handle was broken. Quickly I put my stuff in the grass and took off my heels. I grabbed my phone, and headed inside. 

It was already getting dark out and the lights were off, along with the blinds closed. I tried to turn on the light switch but the power was off. I sighed, "why did they have to chose fucking Oregon? Mom, Dad! Where are you guys?" I walked over to the kitchen and saw smoke. I ran over and turnd off the oven, then I opened the door and pulled out a burnt cake. Where was everybody. I turned aroung and headed to the living room. I still couldn't see so I turned on the flashlight on my phone. Then I dropt it immediatley and screamed. 

On the couch was Jason, covered in blood, and his stomach was cut open with all of his organs and intestinse spilling out. A few days ago I decided I would try and spend a week completely without my wolf. I blocked out what she said and turned off my senses. Suddenly I was greatful I had done that, otherwise, I don't think I could stand the smell. In fact I could barley stand it now without my wolf. I started to cry as I bent down and picked up my phone. I kept walking, scared of what else I would find. I went into the bathroom and saw my dad. He must have been shaving.

His razor was in the sink covered in his facial hair and blood. His neck was slit open and his forhead was bloodied and bruised. I let out a quiet sob as I made my way up the stairs. I went to my parents room and saw two dresses layed out on the bed. Mom was hanging from the ceiling fan. One of her heels was still on her feet, the other was broken on the floor. Her hands were red and her face was purple. I started shake violently. I walked to my brother Noels room but stopped. I sat on the floor in front of his door and wept. 

I couldn't bare to see Noel dead. He was my little brother, and I loved him more than anything in the entire world. He was all that mattered to me. I would die a hundred times just to know that he would have a good life. After fighting with myself I got up and opened his door. I walked in and saw blood all over the bed. I kept walking and saw his shoes, then his ankle, then his legs. There was blood all over his legs and I couldn't bear to see his face. 

I ran into my room and started to pack all of my nessecities. I got accepted into a very pretigious school across the country. I got in with a scholorship, so I didn't have to pay a dime. But if my grades got below a 3.5 gpa average then I would have to start paying them. I was looking for my suit case and rememberd it was under my bed. I got out of my closet and that's when I saw it. Above my bed on the wall was a message written in blood. I read it out loud. "Elizabeth, lucky for you you weren't home. Unluckily for you family, I was. I intend to find you, and when I do, you won't be as lucky as your family." I gasped and started to cry. 

Who was this person and why would they do this? If they knew where I lived then they must know more to. Where would I go? I ddin't know who this person was. They could be a student, or a cop for all I know. No where was safe. Except for my college. No body knew I applied there, accept for the people in this house, not even my school. My mom was the only one who knew I got accepted. She had set everything up for me. I would be living on campuss, but I would have to make my own food, which meant I would have to get a job. The school didn't start for a month or two but people were allowed to show up early. 

I grabbed my suit case and packed only the essentials. Clothes, shoes, money, etc. I changed out of my dress and pulled on a pair of skinny jeans, and a tank top. I pulled my curled hair up into a pony tail and slipped on my sneakers. Once I had everything I left the room. I decided now would be the best time to turn on my wolf, so I did. I was greeted with my senses and and ove rbearing smell. The blood. 

How dare you block me out! my wolf said to me.


What's that smell? Wait where is everyone?

Then I told her everything that hapened, and she howled in pain with me. I walked passed my brothers room, but stopped when I thought I heard something. Did you hear that? Yes. I left my suit case and tip toed toward the door. Then I heard it, a light breath was being taken in and out. Noel! I ran in and saw Noels face, that I tried so hard not to see before. I bent down and grimaced at the smell of all his blood. "Noel? Are you okay?" Of course not! How could he be okay? Yeah yeah I get it, dumb question. I bent closer and heard his shallow breaths. "Noel!" I picked him up and brought him to my seperate bathroom. 

I put him on the counters and opened the cabinets. Pulling out a few wash cloths and some first aid equipmet. I poored liquid pain numbing into his mouth and rubbed his neck, forcing him to swallow. I filled up the tub with luke warm water. Once it was full I took Noel's shirt and pants off leaving on his boxers. I picked him up and set him in the bath. He was still asleep, but he didn't make any sudden moevements or noises. Good the pain numbing worked then. I nodded to what my wolf said and gently rubbed his skin. I got all the blood off, careful of his injuries. Thankfully he's a wolf like my parents and I, so he should heal much faster than the normal person. 

After he was all rinsed off, I pulled him out and set him back on the counter. I dried him off and ran into his room. I grabbed a pair of sweat pants and a sweat shirt. I addressed his wounds and bandaged him up. Then I put on his clothes, careful of the bandages. Once he was all set I pulled out some sleepy time liquid and made him drink that as well. Hopefull he should be able to sleep withut any pain for a while. I grabbed a blanket from my room and wrapped it around him. I brought him out to the hall and set him on a chair, away from the smell and sight of blood.

I ran into his room and pulled out his suit case as well. I packed his stuff up and put it next to mine in the hall way. Then I grabbed a backpack from my room. In it I put a blanket, jacket, pillow, two water bottles, my wallet, my phone, and a picture of our family. There was still some room left so I went to my emergency stash in my room and grabbed four sandwhiches, a bag of cheezits, two apples, and a bag of carrots. I quickly pulled on the backpack and brought the two suit cases downstairs and out onto the front lawn. Then I ran back to Noel, I picked him up and carried him outside. Then I called a taxi, telling him our address. Where could we go? I can't go to the police or a hopstial, what if the man who did this is there. He might expect me to go there. Even though it's not allowed I'm going to have to sneak my brother into my dorm room. Thankfully because of the scholorship I get a room for two, but no room mate. 

The taxi arrived and I threw the suit cases in the back. Then I gently sat Noel in the back with the backpack and buckled him up. Then I sat in the front next to the male driver and pulled on my seat belt. "Where to?" "The bus station please." "Alrighty." 30 minutes later of awkward silence and some Drake, we stopped and the bus station. "Thanks." I gave him a 100 and told him to keep the change. I got out and garbbed the suit cases. I pulled on my backback and then held Noel with one arm to my front. He was pretty small for a four year old so I could hold him no problem. 

The taxi drove off and I walked into the building. Somehow I managed to get through the door with my backpack, Noel, and two suit cases without a problem. There were about 30 people including the people at the desk. I thought about setting Noel down so I could pull on a jacket, so I wan't wearing just a tanktop which showed off my large breasts and slim waist, but thought better of it. I waited in line with our stuff. When it was our turn I walked up and gave and award winning smile. "Hey, I'd look two tickets one way leaving Oregon." "Alright, and where are you off to?" "Tennessee." "That's a 35 hour bus ride, 40 counting the stops. You sure?" "Yep." "Alright that'll be 200 for you and 50 for the little one." She smiled and I pulled out $250 in cash and handed it to her. She handed me the tickets and I went over to a seat while I wated for them to call our bus.

A few minutes later and a man walked in. He immediatley looked right at me and Noel and held his breath. I watched him closely as he went up to the counter. He spoke to the woman fora few moments, handed her some cash, and sat in a chair three down from Noel and I. Normally I wouldn't worry except for two things. One, there were dozens of empty seats left over anf he decided to sit close to us. Two, when he walked in he looked directly at Noel and I, like he knew we where here. I took in a deep breath and could hear him doing the same thing. He was a vampire. I heard him whisper, "bloody dogs." In an English accent. 

I ignored the remark and hoped the bus would be called soon. When our bus was called I got up and pulled the suit cases as I walked past the vampire. I briefly looked at him and saw his eyes turn red. He could smell Noel bleeding, this was not good. I stuffed the suit cases in the under carrage of the bus and started to walk on. I handed the bus driver the tickets and he looked at them and asked for some Id. I showed it to him and he nodded. I went to walk when a hand grabbed my arm and tugged. I turned and saw the vampire. I glared but looked back at the bus driver and smiled. "Sorry can you wait here for a moment? I just have to talk to my friend for a quick moment." "Sure, I'll fill up the gas." The bus driver left the bus, and then the vampire pulled me toward the back of the building.

As soon as we were out of sight I set Noel down and punched the man. He staggered back a step before lunging at me. I ducked and kicked him in the back. "I've never had dog before, but that kid just smells so good, it's worth it." I growled and shifted into my wolf, not even caring if someone saw. I lunged at him so fast he couldn't move in time. I grabbed him and tore his head off, then I threw it into the near by woods. I tore off his limbs and threw them into the woods. I licked my fur to get rid of the fur before shifting back.

I pulled on the change of clothes and jacket I had in my backpack. I pulled on the backpack and then picked up Noel. Since the suit cases were already on the bus I could hold Noel with both arms. I gave him a piggy back ride, but on the front and let his sleeping head sit on my shoulder. I heard every intake and exhale of breath, knowing he wasn't going to die as long as I was near.

I walked back on the bus and sat in a window seat. I put the backpack on the seat to my right and leaned my head against the window. I reajusted Noel so he was sleeping in a bawl on my lap. He slept silently for the next five hours before I also dosed off. I woke up and checked my phone. It's been 34 hours. I slept for a whole day?! I sighed seeing the bus coming to a stop and stood up with my bag and Noel. I got off and went to the bathroom while the bus driver did the same and filled up the gas. Only 6 ish more hours to go. 

I left the bathroom and walked back on the bus with Noel. I set my bag dwon and readjusted Noel, just as he began to open his eyes. He let out a groan and I hushed him. I used the mind link to tell him what was going on. Once I finished he looked up into my eyes, tears lining his. I nodded silently and he began to cry. I soothed him and told him to let it all out. Once he finished eating I kept him on my lap and pulled out my phone to let him play a few games. Then we each ate our apple and a sandwhich. I put the other two sandwhiches, cheezits, and carrots back in the bag and he drifted to sleep. 

Once we arrrived in Tennesse I got off the bus, holding the backpack and a once again sleeping Noel. The driver grabbed my two suit cases and handed them to me. "You be safe now miss. It's not safe for a lady like you to travel alone with a kid." "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind." I grabbed the two suit cases, shifting Noel, and walked into the airport. Almost there.

"Hi, I'd like two tickets to the next flight out to Miami Florida." "Alright can I get names?" "Yeah, Elizabeth Shontay and Noel Shontay. I'm 18, he's 4." "Alright, $120 total." "Thanks." I grabbed our tickets and put them in my bag next to our passports. I went to the bag check in. Once our suit cases were taken care of I made my way to the food court. Noel woke up while I was still carying him and yawned. "Hey there Noel, how ya feel?" "Uhm, a little sore, and my body hurts really bad. I'm hungry." "Alright lets go get some food, huh?" He nodded and I laughed. I went up to the bar and felt several mens stares on me, but whne they saw Noel on my lap some of them looked away. I had my hair out and the curls were still light. I took my jacket off earlier, so I was wearing a tight but comfy shirt and black jeans. All in all I looked smokin hot for a girl who just got off a 40 hour bus ride with a 4 year old, after finding out my family and only friend was dead, and that we were being looked for by a crazy murderer. 

The guy in the bar looked pretty young. Noel looked identical to me, so most people thought he was my son. For a 18 year old girl I looked around 22. My lushes red hair made my lights freckles and blue eyes pop, and my face looked mature. My legs arms and waist were muscular but slim, while my breast were rather large my butt matching. Honestly I had thought about getting a breast reduction before, but chose against it. The bartender came up to me. "Hey, anything I can get for your son?" "Heh, he's my little brother. Uh what do you want Noel?" The mans smile brightened when I told him Noel wasn't my son. "Uhm.." He looked at the bartender shyly and whispered into my ear. Noel's always been very shy. "Alright sure. Uh can I get a basket of fries, an apple and some orange juice? Oh and a sharp knife." "Sure. Anything for you beautiful?" I smiled at the compliment, but not enough to give him any ideas. "Yeah. Can I have a roll of bread and some beer?" I flashed a smile at him blinking my eyelashed seductivlye. Falling for it he walked away not asking for any ID. 

He came back five minutes later with our food and drinks. I grabbed the knife and cut Noels apple in half. He looked at me pleadingly and I sighed. Even at a time like this, Noel still wants his apple slices extra thin. I cut the apple over and over into impossibly thin pieces. He started to chomp on them when the bartender came back. "Wow you're pretty good with that knife you know?" I could tell there were people listening in and watching, some even staring with no shame, most of them were men. I decided to show them some tricks. I flipped the knife up and caught it at the tip of the blade. "Wow, that's crazy. How'd you learn to do that?" "Youtube, anything to entertain this kiddo." Noel spoke loud enough for others to hear him besided me, for the first time in days. "Ellie, show him the other one!" "Ellie, is that your name?" I didn't like the idea of the bartender knowing my name, let alone anyone who was within earshot. "Uh yea, well it's Elizabeth." "Cool, so what's this trick the kid's talking about?" "You sure you can hanlde it?" I challeneged him. "Yeah, I mean it can't be that crazy." "Alright."

I balanced the tip of the knife on my pointer finger. I could feel the sharpness of the knife, but held it in a way so it wouldn't cut me. Then I flipped it up into the air. The handle landed on my nose, the tip pointing towars the cieling. I heard clapping around me but I wasn't done yet. I whipped my head up and the knife flew back up. It landed right into an apple slice. Standing perfectly straight. The bartender gaped while a few men around my clapped and whistled. Noel and I finished our food so I handed the bartender money. "Hey uhm, Elizabeth?" "Hmm?" "Can I get your number?" I was about to say no when the speakers announced our flight number. I got out of the chair, holding Noel and my backback. "Sorry, but I've gotta go, that's our flight." With that I walked away and onto the plane. It was only a 3 hour flight so I didn't bother putting the backpack overhead and just put it under my feat. I set Noel in the seat next to me and put on his seat belt and mine. 

The plane arrived around 10 pm on Saturday. We got off and headed to get our bags. Noel had the backpack on his back so he could go on my back. I grabbed our suit cases and headed out. Once we were out side I could see the bright lights of the city. This city was always alive, and never slept. I had been to plenty of citys like this and plenty of hotter places. But Noel spent his whole life in a tiny town in Oregon, so this was a huge change for him. I called out to a taxi and we got in. I gave the man the college address and we went off. We arrived a few moments later and I walked to the restraunt across the street. I sat Noel down at the bar and walked up to a female waitress. "Hey, I'm Elizabeth. I was wondering if you could watch my little brother for me for a little? I'll only be gone for not even 10 minutes, and I can pay you." "Sure hun, no need to charge me, I've got a son so I understand." "Thank you so much. I brought her over to Noel. "Noel this nice lady here is gonna watch you for a little bit while I go take care of our stuff alright? If you want or need anything just ask her, and don't go anywhere." I hugged him and kissd his forhead. I turend to the waitress. "If he asks for anything I'll pay for it when I come back for him. Thank you again so so much!" I grabbed our suit cases and headed to the college across the street. 

I signed in and got all my info and room key. I ran to the dorm and dropped off our stuff. Then I went back to Noel, payed the waitress and brought him to our dorm room. I put him to bed and started to unpack. 


This college has multiple of everything. The first floor has a lot of glass everywhere. There are a bunch of plants and lights etc. It's what you'd ecpect  the outside of a hotel in Hawaii to look like. I was sitting in the food court on the first floor with my pack. We're a small pack of 7. Sam and Rhiley were mates. Janessa and Nick were mates. Nicole and Dustin were mates. Then there was me. The alpha, without a mate. It was strange, because in a way I was the forever 7th wheel, if there's even such a thing. 

Dustin and Nicole were making out, and Nicole kept giggling, they were the cute ones for sure. Janessa, Rhiley, and Nick were in the middle of a conversation. Sam would jump in every once in a while telling jokes. I was watching and laughing, occasionally checking my phone. I was laughing at something Sam said when I smelt something. I had an overwhelming smell of pine needles, rain, and vanilla. I looked to the front entrance of the building and saw a beautiful red head walk in. She had on skinny jeans and a tight fitting shirt and sneakers, pulling along two suit cases. I just stared in amazement at this beautiful woman she walked up to the woman and grabbed a pile of papers and a key, which I assumed led to a dorm. 

I turned back to the group and saw Sam staring at me. "What's up Alpha Miles?" He always did catch when something was off. "I think I may have just seen my mate..?" It came out more as a question. Everyone in our pack stopped talking and looked at me, even Dustin and Nicole were looking. "I just saw her come in with two suit cases, grab some stuff and go to the elevators." I could see their excitment visibly, everyones been waiting for me to find my mate, and I think I finally have.

"What does she look like?" Janessa asked me. "She was average height, red hair, blue eyes, frekcles, and pale skin."

"What was she wearing?" I looked at Rhiley and responded, "uhm, skinny jeans, and tighter shirt, and sneakers and her hair was let out and slightly curled."

"What did she smell like?" Nicole had asked. Why were the girls asking me so many questions. "Uhm like pineneedles, vanilla, and the rain." As soon as I finished I could smell her faintly. I looked to the elevators and she was walking out with her phone and wallet. "Guys that's her there!" I whisper shouted. They all looked. We watched her as she lightly jogged out of the building. I wonder where she was going?

Nick looked to Dustin, "what do you think?" Dustin said, "well she didn't have a tan. So she's not from Florida. So I also assume she was somewhere with little sunlight." Nicole looked to me and said, "you said she smelt like the rain?" I nodded. "Then she's probably closer to Washington area." Rhiley spoke up now. "Well if she also smelt like pine needles then she's near lots of forest. So maybe Nevada or Idaho?" I nodded along with them. Janessa's eyes lit up. "Oh and vanilla on a red head. I bet she's in Utah. Remember there was a pack down there that had a lot of gingers!" She was right. Sam was the only one who hadn't said anything yet. "What do you think Sam?" "Hmm, well I think somewhere near Idaho is pretty close. But she has this sort of loner look to her. Maybe she's from a smaller pack? If that's the case the I would most likely guess Oregon." "Hmm, interesting." 

We kept talking for about 5 mintues before I smelt her again. I could tell the othes sensed her as well because we were all staring at her. This time was a little different though. I felt myself get red with anger. She was carying a little kid with her this time. He was on her back and she was smiling, while he laughed at something she said. He looked like he was 3, and was identical to her. The lady at the front desk got up to go to the bathroom. Then my mate quickly snuck past into the elivators with the kid.

Why would she need to sneak him in if he was only visiting? He looked identical to her as well, where they related? He looked young, so he would have his parents with him if she was his sister. So does that mean he's her son? She looked a little young to have a kid, but it was very possible. How did it happen? Did she fall in love? Was it just a boyfriend? A one night stand? What if she was raped? I can't believe my mate already had a kid, and without me! I was getting angrier by the second. I turned around fuming and the others seemed to sense my anger. The yasked me what was wrong and I rattled on and on about my suspisions. They all seemed to consider each possiblity seriously. Providing theories and possible answers. 

Sam stood up and went to the front desk/check in when the woman came back. When he returned t the table he had a piece of paper. "Here's what I got from the woman. She said she would write down everything I was aloud to know on here." He unfolded it and read it out loud to us. "Name, Elizabeth Shontay. Family, unknown. Dorm room 103 floor 7. Uh it says she got in on a full paid scholorship, so even though it's a doubles room she has no roomate, so that means extra space and two beds. Uhm she wouldn't tell me any of the classsess she's taking, but she is a first year. Judging by that I'd say she's 19, which would mean she had that kid around 16." I growled and everyone jumped, but sam read on. "It also says here that she moved from... Oregon! I was right! Alright uhm Dustin now that you have her full name and where she came from can you find out anything else?" 

Everyone in the pack had there own little "talents". Sam was very good with words, he could solve pussles and figure out when people are lying and that sorta thing. Dustin is super tech involved and can hack into anything anywhere. 

(Authors Note: You'll find out what Nick, Rhiley, Janessa, Nicole, and Miles little "talents" are later. Also Elizabeth and her family didn't get little talents but they did get something, which will be mentioned later on. Hope you like it so far!) 

Dustin pulled out his computer and started typing. About Five minutes later he smiled. "Alright so she just got off a 3 hour flight 30 minutes ago. She landed at the nearby airport. She flew in from Tennessee. Lets see. I have her address, uhm. Oh that's weird. She flew in from Tennessee but lives in Oregon. She may have taken a bus since they don't keep records. But I'm not sure. Okay so she doesn't have any social media, but she has a boyfriend who does. He's apparantly kinda a famous model tenn dude there. He posts stuff everyday and most of it has photos with her in it. She got multiple offers from many different modeling agencies but she turned them all down. Oh thats strange." "What?" We all asked him at once.

"Well her boyfriend Justin stopped posting a few days ago, the same day Elizabeth left on the bus. Uhm oh his last post was of Elizabeth in a black dress and it read, 'Heppy Birthday Baby together forever!' And there's a big number 18 underneath, huh. So she's very young to have a kid." He showed us the photo and my jaw dropped when I saw her. She was beautiful and sexy in that dress, and I'm ont just saying that because she's my mate. 

"Let's she, she lives in a three bedroom house, her mother is blonde and is a model from XXQ Models. Her father was a very succeful doctor. Oh! She has a little 4 year old brother named Noel. Oh ok, so the kid is her brother. Uhm they lived in Oregon from 4 years, but before that they moved around a lot. Wow, they've lived in 45 different places since Elizabeth was born. Most of them were due to her mothers modeling. Uhm in every school she's been in she's always been the top student in her class and she graduated as valid victorian. But I don't see anything on her leaving." 

"Thats strange, why was she here with her brother but no parents? Why did she leave on her birthday? Why did she sneake her brother in here? Why did that Jason dude stop posting on her birthday? Did something happen?" I wondered out loud. We all spent the next 5 minutes speculating while Dustin tried to find out more on the topic. We all stopped talking immediatley when Dustin whispered, "holyshit." "What!?!" We all shouted. Earning some glares from the other couple dozen people here.

"Okay, so I couldn't find anything anywhere. Until I hacked the police record and cases files. So apparently the day she left some crazy shit went down. I dont know if she left before or after this happened, but I think it might have been after. Here are the photos." He turned around the laptop as we ll stared in horror at what we saw. The pictures were blurry but we could ruffly get and idea of what was going on. "Oh wait there's a video of a walk through with much clearer footage and it has audio." 

Dustin turned on the video and we watched.


A police officer walked up to the front steps, the door was broken. Near it on the grass was a pair of black heels and a bunch of random. The officer filming started to speak with the video. "Alright so the door is broken so there's definetly a forced entry. Theres a pair of womens heels and some stuff you would put in your car. An officer just reported a red convertable that was crashed into a pule just down the street, the liscnese belongs to Elizabeth Shontay." The camera went into the house and the man tried to flip the switch but it stayed dark. "It seems the power went out." He turned on a very bright flashlight and went to the kitchen. There was a cloud of black stuff on the ceiling above the oven, which was off and open. "On the counter is what looks like a very burnt cake." The camera went in a bunch of other rooms. A pantry, study, library, and game room, but they were all fine.

Then the camera walked into the living room and we all gasped at the same time as the cop. "There's a dead body in here on the couch. The tv is all static and the remote looks broken. The man on the couch is covered in blood and his stomach if open. Well there goes all his organs and intestins." I shivered at the sight. "Last room down here is the bathroom." He went in and there was a dead man. There was a razor in the sink with hair and blood. The mans throat was slit and his forehead was bruised and bloody, half of his face was shaved. "It seems that whatever happend here was personal." A different cop behind the one with the camera said.

They moved out and started walking up the stairs. They checked a bunch of rooms and then got to the master bedroom. He bushed open the door and there was a woman hanging from the ceiling fan. "I can't tell if thats rope or a scarf..." The left that room and went into another room. In this room the bed was drenched in blood and there was a spot on the floor where it looks like a body used to be. "The drawers are open and there isn't a suit case in here liek the other rooms. Also there isn't a body in here when there should be." Then they made there way out of the room and into the last room. 

The pan pushed open the door and immediatley made a gaging noise. He shone the light on the wall and one of the other cops practically screamed. We all watched absolutely horrified. "Uhm- uh ok. There's a message written in blood on the wall above the bed. It says 'Elizabeth, lucky for you you weren't home. Unluckily for you family, I was. I intend to find you, and when I do, you won't be as lucky as your family.' Uhm wow. There usn't any blood in here, but there isn't a suit case and the closet is open and mustly empty." They walked into the bathroom and I squinted trying to figure out what I was seeing.

"Alright so theres a first aid kit and some medical supplys on the counter along with some blood. The cabinets are open and there is water in the tub still. It looks like there's blood in the water as well. Uhm there is a shirt and pants on the floor covered in blood." They walked out of the rooms and looked at everyting one more time before leaving and getting in a cop car.

"Alright so the next video will be what the head detective thinks what happens. The chief doesn't want us to do anything about this for now while they analyze everything in the crime scene." 


The video stopped and Dustin played the next one for us. It was a man in a trench coat sitting at a table with a cup of coffee and a file two inches thick with paper. He began to speak. "Alright so after looking at everything for a few hours here's what I think happened. The girl Elizabeth is driving home and crashes on her birthday. She walks the rest of the way and sees the house open. She takes off her shoes and leaves her stuff, walking into the house. She turns on a flashlike and sees the smoke coming from the oven, so she takes out the cake. The she goes to the living room to find her dead boyfriend. She then finds her father, dead. Then she finds her mother, dead. Then she goes into her brothers room and sees him. But he's still alive. So she takes him to her bathroom and cleans him up real good and puts him in new clothes. Then she goes in her room to change, and fins the message. Clearly she would be terrified, so she packs her stuff and her brothers stuff. 

"Since the person who did this know where she lives and knew how to spell her name, that would indicate that they either know her personally and or they had lots of connections and power. Since no one knows who did this she clearly thought she wasn't safe and couldn't go anywhere. So she takes her brother and leaves. Now the question is how does she leave and where does she go? I think she took the bus. They dont keep any online records there, just video survailence and witnesses. So I went down and asked arounf. They reported a red head girl carrying a sleeping little boy and two suit cases, she got a ticket for Tennessee, where she then got on an airplane to Florida. Unfortunetly the records at the airport doon't tell us where in florida. 

"So she's somewhere in florida, with little money and food, trying to take care of her four year old brother, after losing everyone important to her, and staying on the run from a serial killer." 


The video ended and we were all silent while Dustin put his stuff away. We all took the elevator up to the 7th floor, out floor. We shared one room all together. It has 8 beds. We pushed them all up against eachother so that we just had four really big beds. The couples slept together and I got one really large bed to myself. We all got into bed completely silent. All I could think of was my poor mate and everything she's been through. I had to see her. I spent an hour debating whether I should go to her when my emotions won. I got up and made my way to her room. 


I lightly knocked on the door but got no answer. I knocked again harder and still nothing. Maybed she was asleep. I went to turn when I heard locks twisting and the door opened to reveal a very small red haired blue eyed freckled boy staring up at me. "Uhm hi. I was wondering if I could talk to your sister?" He looked at me nervously before nodding and opening the door widder for me. I walked in and saw my beautiful mate, asleep. On.. the floor?!? The boy walked over to her and whispered into her ear. She sighed lightly and the boy groaned. He jumped onto her stomach and started to tickle her. She screamed and shot up, now very awake. "Noel! Don't ever do that again, you'll give me a heart attack. Wait, was I asleep?" The boy Noel nodded. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Well at least I finished unpacking." She stood up, and then saw me. Her face paled and she pulled Noel behind her. "Noel, who's this?" 

I smiled as kindly as I could and stuck out my hand. "Hi, I'm Miles, your-" "Mate. I know, I sensed you earlier in the food court." "Then why didn't you say anything?" "Well did you?" She had a point. I sighed. "Elizabeth, I know what happened to your family, and Jason at the house." She stiffined the minute I said her name. "How do you know that?" "My friend hacked around, did a little digging." "So you tried to do an illegal backround check on me?" I nodded. "Well how's that fair, I know nothing about you?" I shrugged.

"Okay well come on in, all the way. And close the door behind you. That's if you want to stay. You can leave if you want." "I've got no reason to, so I'll stay here." She smiled at me and blinked a few times before turning around to Noel. "Hey Noel, how are you feeling?" He replied in a little voice, "a little tired." "No sweety, I mean the other feeling." "Oh, my armd still hurt but my head and legs are better." "Can I see? I have to make sure they don't get infected, okay?" He nodded and she took off his shirt and shorts. I gasped slightly at this poor kids body. He was covered in bruises and bandages. One arm was completely wrapped in gauze. She examined him quickly before setting him on top of a desk. She opened a droor and pulled out a first aid kit and a black box. 

"Here I'm going to give you some medicine so it doesn't hurt to much, but it's going to tast yucky. But I need you to swallow it, it's very important that you do that." He nodded and she opened the black box. Inside were dozens of medications. Things you could really only get if your were a high up doctor, right her father. She pulled out a tiny red pill and a slightly bigger white one. She walked over to a mini fridge and pulled out a box of orange juice. She handed him the pills and orange juice and he grimaced before swllowing them. He took small sips of the orange juice the rest of the time. 

She slowly unrapped the gauze and inspected his bloody arm. "Hey Noel, how do you feel about getting some stitches? You'll have a really cool scar." He shrugged and she smiled. She pulled out a needle and thread and quikly stitched together his arm, he only winced once. Then she undid the rest of his bandages and clean him up. Then she reaplied the bandages and put everything away. 

She threw out Noels empty orange juice and picked him up, hugging him. She hugged him tightly for a while before setting him down on her bed and kissing his forhead. "I love you," she whispered to him. He smiled back at her as his eyelids closed and he fell stright to sleep. 

She turned to me and smiled.


 I whispered to Noel, and could tell the sleep pill I gave him started to work. I put my blankets over him and turned to my mate, Miles. I smiled at him and walked to him. As I hugged him I breathed in his scent. He smelt like the ocean and lime. I breathed in deeply throug my nose, immediatley turned on and both relaxed at the same time. I felt Miles do the same in the nook of my neck. I felt him let out a shaky breath onto my collar bone and I shivered involuntarily. 

Jason and I were close, sometimes a little to close. He was both my boyfriend and my best friend. The problem with this was that sometimes he felt more my frind than my boyfriend. It was hard for him to be both to me, and I sturggled immensly to be both for him. We could be on or the other for eachother, but we couldn't do both, not really.

I was still getting over his death, it was my fault. I felt the loss of him and my parents with every breath I took and move I made. But Jason felt more like loosing my best friend, not my boyfriend. That told me something about out relationship. So being with another guy didn't bother me as much as it woul dfor someone else. But also Miles is my mate. So half of me, my wolf half, is already 100% on his side and ruting for him. Plus he was litterally my dream guy.

We pulled away from eachother and he stared into my eyes. I blushed lightly, and turned to keep unpacking our things. Miles stood for a moment, just watching. "Can I help?" "Sure, can you put all the clothes from Noels suit case into the dresser?" "Yeah." We unpacked everything that we brought in a comfortable silence. Once we were done the clock read 2:34 am. "It's really early in the morning, so you can go now. I don't mind." He got and thought about it for a little before turning back to me. "Do you mind if I ijust stay here?" Hesitant I nodded. He took off his shirt and got into my bed. 

Aware of Miles eyes on me, I turned to face the closet. I took off my shirt and shorts and slipped on an oversized t shirt. It cut off at my mid thigh, exposing my long muscular slim legs. Miles growled from behind me and I blused a light red. I walked towards the bed and   got unde the covers with him. My skin shot tingles of warmth and sparks along my skin at the slight contact of my arms to Miles. We both drifted off to sleep, breathing in the other onse breath. 

I heard whimpering and crying and shot up, opening my eyes wide. Miles lifted his arm off of me and rubbed at his eyes, "what's wrong?" I simply said "Noel." I jumped out of bed and ran to the other one to a shaking Noel. I puled the covers off and picked him up, then sat him on my lap. I roked him back and forth conforting him whimpering form. His eyes shot open and I hugged him tightly. "It's okay, don't worry. You're here safe with me." "I-I- I saw them, and and the man. He was there again and he." Noel broke down and started shaking and crying. I haven't asked him about what he saw happen yet because I knew it was haunting him.

In my family we done have normal 'talents' or 'special skils' like other wolves. Instead certain things about us are just maximised. For instense my mother was always beautiful, so her wolf enhanced her beauty to the point where she can say absolutely anything and people believe her, even if it's a total lie and the other person knows it. 

My brother, has an amazing memory. He can remember anything. He reads a book one time and he can resight it back like it was his lifes work. So when certain traumatic things happen to him, they will often times replay in perfect clarity through his head during a dream. Honestly I've always felt bad for him, his is a gift and a curse. 

I comfoted him and rocked him back and forth while Miles stared wide eyed and worried. "Hey Noel, this is Miles. You wanna say hi?" Normally Noel would just smile shyly and wave. But he surprissed me. "Are you Ellie's mate?" "Haha, yes I am." 

"Don't hurt her, or I'll have to eat you." Noel put on a serious face and I burst out laughing. "Hey Noel, do you like the beach?" Noel nodded, and I tried to figrue out what Miles was planning. "Well how about I take you and Elizabeth out to breakfast, so you can meet my pack. Then we can all go to the beach together. How does that sound?" "I've never been to the beach, can we go Ellie? Please?" "Sure." "Yay! Oh and you!" Miles pointed to himself and Noel nodded. "You can call her Ellie." I looked at Noel surprised. "Really Noel? I thought only you were aloud to call me that?" I remember the day dad called me that and Noel screamed at him for hours. "Yep, I like him." Miles eyes brightened and I smiled.

Noel talked with Miles for a little while I packed a bag. Two towels, two water bottles. Sunscreen and a hat. Floaties and swim suites. 


Texte: R.E.C. Wrote this, so please do not copy it. Thanks
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.07.2020

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What can I possibly say? You're big fluffy and soft. I sit on you while I write, and sometimes even fall asleep on you. Peanut, you are the biggest fluffiest bear ever, thanks for fixing my back sprain. Lots of love

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