
The Meeting

It was a rather dark and rather gloomy night. In the poorer parts of the city, most of the lights were off at this hour. There was the occasional gun shot in the distance, but none close enough to feel alarmed. There was a blonde woman walking alone, at night, in the city, heading back to her expensive car, wearing her expensive clothes, and walking in her expensive shoes. This woman practically had a sign saying I’m beautiful and rich and alone, so do your worst! The blonde woman continued to walk down the street when she felt someone's eyes watching her. Sighing, she turned onto an alley and stopped. She took off her Christian Louboutin So Kate black pumps and set them down. 

Then she turned around and came face to face with her follower. He had raiven brown like hair, but it was dark. His skin was tan and he had a well built form. Without her seven inch heels on, her short 5’2” body was towered over by this man. She stared up into his sharp aqua blue eyes with her honey brown ones. 

“Ma’am, I don’t want to hurt you. But I won't hesitate if I have to. I just want your wallet, and your keys.” The man said this to the woman as he showed her the gun he had in his jacket pocket. She sighed, reaching into her purse and handing her the wallet and keys like he asked. As he walked away she shouted out. “You won’t get much with that I’m afraid sir!” “What are you talking about?” He spun around, facing her. She whispered, “well I don’t keep cash on me. And those credit cards aren’t much use to you without my pin numbers. Which you failed to ask me for. And whilst you may have my keys, you’ll also need a fingerprint to unlock my car. So I’m afraid it won’t be of much use to you. Even if you did manage to get into my car without setting off the alarms, which immediately reports where and when the alarms went off to the manufacturer of the car, it can be tracked with my phone.” The man just stared at her disbelieving. 

The woman put her shoes back on and grabbed her wallet and keys from the man. Pressing her body against him seductively she whispered, “follow me and you’ll get something much more worth your time.” The man followed her willingly, entranced by the beautiful women. When she stopped in front of a shiny gray Lambourghini Sian the women told the man to get in. 

Ten minutes later they stopped in front of a Diner. The man has been there plenty of times before, but it didn’t seem like the kinda place women like this would go to, let alone know of. “Uhm, are you sure you’ve got the right place lady?” The woman nodded and kept walking. 

They went in and ordered a table for two. She ordered a chocolate ice cream oreo milkshake, and he ordered a beer. After the waitress left there was an uncomfortable silence between the two. Then the man spoke up, “listen ma’am, I really don’t know what’s going on here, care to enlighten me? Oh and what’s your name lady?” The woman scoffed, “how old are you? Do I really seem that much older than you, seriously? Is it the clothes and shoes? Should I curl my hair next time, god! Phew, anyway my name is Grace Tuco, so don’t call me ma’am or lady. It makes me feel old.” “Uh, Grace, I’m Salvatore Santos. And for your information I’m 20.” “Ahh well I’m 21, so I’m not much older than you after all then huh?”

The waitress came back to take their order. “Sorry sir I totally forgot to ask you and your girlfriend earlier. But do you mind if I can see some Id?” “Oh he’s not my boyfriend.” She’s not my girlfriend.” They said simultaneously. The waitress just giggled. Grace showed her Id and the waitress nodded approvingly. Then Salvatore pulled out his and the waitress nodded to him as well. Once they ordered food the waitress left them in peace once again. 

“I’m assuming that was a fake Id?” “Yes as a matter of fact it was. By the way, this could be considered a date if you think about it.” “Hmm I guess it could.” 

With that Grace and Savatore enjoyed that wonderful night together. And many many more after. After knowing each other for a month, they started dating. After dating for a month, Salvatore told Grace he was in a gang. After dating for three additional months, they got married. After being married for four months, Grace quit her job and became a stay at home wife, and helper of the gang. After being married for a year, Salvatore became the new leader of his gang, called The Serpents. After being married for two years, The Serpents became the most fearsome and notorious gang in most of the country. After being married for three years Grace got pregnant with a baby girl. Seven months into Grace's pregnancy, her baby started to kick in sharp quick strong movements. One day Grace showed it to Salvatore and he started calling the baby his Black Mamba. Exactly four years and six months after Grace and Salvatore had met for the first time, they had a beautiful baby girl. They named that girl Melany Veratrosa Santos Tuco a.k.a. The Black Mamba. 

After their daughter Melany was born, everyone of any importance in the gang was given a new code name, which they would pick out as a type of serpent. There were on average a total of 25 people in the Serpents, but they had eyes and ears everywhere. They had men stationed everywhere, hospitals, stores, safe houses, the government, politics, and the police force. The Serpents also developed special code words, to keep the police and other gangs from finding out important information.

Yesterday in Jail (Melany)

 I, Melany Verantrosa Santos Tuco, have never been to jail. Lie.


The First time I went to "jail" was actually a complete mistake. I had just finished my last day in 8th grade and was walking home from school. I went into a department store to buy myself some candy. I was choosing between skittles and sour patch kids at the check out when the bell to the door rang and three large men walked into view. The biggest put up a gun to my head and yelled at the cashier in front of me "call the cops and I blew her brains out! Okay, I want you to take all the money out of the cash register and put it in this bag. Don't forget any money you might have in that room back there!" I wasn't moving a muscle. I wasn't scared, but I could feel the gun against my head move as the man shook. 

I could tell he'd never done this before and I was worried he would actually shoot me if I made any sudden movements. The other two men were stuffing bottles of alcohol into bags, along with gum, food, anything that looked expensive. Once the man at the cash register emptied out all the money he held up his hands and said in a shaky voice, "that's the last of it, I swear." The big man just nodded and handed the bag of cash to one of the other guys. Then he grabbed my arm with my free arm and pulled me out the door, still at gunpoint.

He shoved me in the back of a rusty older car. The two smaller men sat on either side of me, while the biggest one sat in the passenger seat, while he told the man in the driver's seat to go. Once they got onto the road they all let out a deep breath. Little me couldn't help it and I started to giggle. They all looked at me, even the driver through his mirror, and snarled. "I can't - help - it." I said between giggles. "That was a shit show you guys pulled in there. I- I haha wow. You guys must be new at this." I managed to control my giggles while the biggest one said, "you've got some balls, kid. What would you have done differently, huh?"  

I smiled, a huge award winning smile and rattled off a list. "First of all, I would have parked on the side of the building, not the front. If someone walking by were to see some guy wearing a mask in a car just sitting, they would have called the cops. Also, did you use a fake license plate? Because you can't just take it off and have nothing there, a cop will pull you over for that. And if you used the real one, well lets just say this car better not belong to any of you. Next time, one of you should go and stand behind the counter and watch the cashier with the money, 9 times out of 10, there is a button on the register they can click that notifies the police."

Once I finished they stared at me for a second before the guy on my left said,'' how do you know all this huh kid?" "My dad is Salvatore Santos, from the Serpents. By the way driver dude, I suggest you step on it, the po-po just pulled onto this road." He looked in the mirror and saw three cop cars, and whispered under his breath, "shit. This fucking kid could have done this better than us." The cops were gaining on us, and I decided to help these guys out a little bit. "Driver dude, turn left after this red building." "Are you a crazy kid? That alleyway has a gate in front of it, and even if it wasn't there, this car can't fit." "Yes it can, just do it. That gate hasn't been cleaned in nine years. It'll break, just go." 

The driver guy swore, and turned onto the alley. All the guys gasped as the car broke through the gates. and fit the alley just perfectly. Good thing it wasn't garbage day I thought. "Where to now kid?" "Keep going straight. You'll be able to go straight through to another road. The turn left on it." Once we turned onto the street I told him, "okay. See Burkin Street? Turn right, and as soon as you turn right, turn left onto a small side road. Careful on that road though, it's a bit bumpy and twisty." Some of the guys actually hit their heads on the top of the car as it bounced down the road. 

I looked behind us and saw only one cop car left, and it was barley in sight. I sighed and said "one to go." "What?" "There's only one cop car left to lose." I replied to the guy on my right. "Okay now you're going to turn into the driveway of the big black brick house." They looked at me like I was crazy. Well I guess maybe I was. I sighed out loud, making sure they all heard me. "Turn into the driveway and keep going. It's always empty during this time of day. The drive through their backyard and you'll see a small forested area of trees. There'll be a little dirt road that goes through it. Pull onto it and go straight. Once you do that, turn right and then immediately left." The driver did as I said, the whole was the biggest dude was clenching his jaw. 

"Now what?" "Keep driving down this road, there'll be a small side road on your right. Take it and then pull into the parking lot of the Auto Repairs shop. They went bankrupt, so it'll be dark there with no cameras or people." Once they stopped, I shouted at them to get out. They didn't so I groaned and climbed over the guy on my right opening the door. He went to stop me and I stared deeply into his eyes to show him he could trust me. He sighed and let go of my wrist, as I got out of the car. "Dude what the hell?!" I knocked on the window in front of the driver and he rolled it down. "Tell the other guys to get out. I'm getting you a new ride." He looked at me with raised eyebrows but complied shortly after. They all got out and grabbed all of their stuff, following behind me as I walked up to a gray parked old 72 chevy c10 truck. 

I pulled off my belt, and grabbed my pocket knife off of it. I put the belt back on and walked up to the drivers side. I stuck the knife into the door and shimmied the lock. Once I got it open I hopped in and hot wired it. As I turned the car on and made sure it had enough gas I could hear the guys talking in hushed voices. Shrugging it off I hopped out and said, "welp here you go. It has enough gas for a couple days. Make sure the other car is emptied to when the cops finally get here they can't link it back to you." Once I finished we could hear the cop sirens blaring in the distance, getting closer with every second. 

I waved bye and started to walk off, before a large hand grabbed my wrist. I turned and saw the biggest guy holding my arm in one hand and rope in the other. My eyes widened. "Sorry darlin, we appreciate the help but we can't let you go off." He pulled me into an unbreakable hold so I could run away as the dude who sat on my right came up to my and tied my wrists together. He looked down into my eyes and I could see that he was sorry. The big guy threw me over his shoulder and I yelped at the sudden movement. He threw me into the back of the truck and threw the tarp over me. 

The other guys began to get into the car, as the sirens got closer. I could tell that the cops would see us pull away. I scoffed, of course. I got held at gunpoint in the middle of a robbery and pulled into a car. So me thinking it was a great idea, helped my kidnappers escape the cops. Then I help them get a new car and dump the old one, thinking they would just let me go. Of course not Melany! God I'm so dumb. Well I could see the cop lights threw the tarp and they were following us. 

I reached down and pulled the pocketknife from my belt again and began to put the ropes. I cut my hands a few times when the truck swerved and sped down streets, trying to escape the cops. Once the rope was off I put the knife back in my belt and made my way to the door of the truck wagon. I tried to open it from the inside and huffed in annoyance. It was stuck on the tarp overhead. I managed to shimy the door down a little, but it was no use. Suddenly the truck flew over a road bump and landed hard. Once it hit the road again the door fell down and opened. Revealing the road below and the cops several yards away, but getting closer. I was planning on standing on the door and tucking and rolling off. But as I went to move, the truck bumped up again and I lost my footing. I tried to grab at the truck but it was too late. I tumbled out onto the road and rolled with great force and speed, almost getting hit by the cops that skidded to a stop. I passed out and woke up a few days later in a jail cell.

"Oh hey, she's awake!" I opened my eyes and saw a boy, about my age. He had dark hair that looked almost blue. With icy blue eyes. He was a little tan, like me. He stood over me and I whipped up in surprise hitting him in the face. "Oww! What was that for!?!" I groaned and rubbed the side of my head, and was surprised to find a bandage. I turned to the boy and apologized. I tried to remember what happened as the boy sat down next to me. I wasn't in jail, but I was in a cell. Was I at a police station? What happened? The boy must have seen my puzzled face because he said, "so I heard you got in here for a robbery or something?" I looked at him and my memory came rushing back. "Uhh, that's not really what happened but yeah I guess. What about you?" "Uh uh, if you want to know why I'm here you have to tell me why you're here first." 

After that I told him everything and then learned that his name was Sam Whents, I asked him how he got here. "I was at my house with my mom and dad, I don't have any siblings. My dad hits my mom a lot and she's had to go to the hospital from it. So one day it was so bad that I was worried he would kill her. I ran to his safe and grabbed his gun. I only met to shoot his arm as a warning shot or something. But I sneezed as I pulled the trigger, so it ended up hitting him square in the head. I killed him. I didn't mean to, it just- happened. Then when I went to court my mom defended my dead abusive father, and said I just shot him for no reason. The court could tell that my mother and I had been abused. But they didn't have any solid evidence that it was my father. So here I am, waiting for the police department's cell to be sent to juvie, till I'm 18 and can go to a proper prison." "Oh Sam, that's terrible. I'm so sorry. Uhm, how old are you anyway? I don't mean to be rude, I was just wondering." "That's fine, I'm 14. You?" "I turn 14 in a few days. Oh my god, my dad's gonna kill me for this." Suddenly I started to laugh. Then when I looked at Sam we both burst out laughing. 

Later that day I talked to a few cops and told them everything that happened. Then they called my mom and she came and spoke to them for a bit. Once everything was sorted out we left. The whole way home I had thoughts of Sam.


The second time I went to "jail", was for grand theft auto. Unfortunately it happened yesterday. I just turned 16 and went out to celebrate passing my drivers test. I went out with my friends Brynn, Sarah, Cameron, and James. We were all in the Serpent gang together. At first my father just accepted them because they go to school with me, that way he could keep an eye on me. But after them being in the gang for a year, my father discovered they each had their own useful little talent. Then we became friends. 

We were out at night, when Cameron said we should try out our fake Ids and get some alcohol from a nearby gas station. We all followed him in and grabbed some Vodka, Tequila, and shot glasses. We showed our fake Ids and the man behind the register nodded and checked out our stuff. After walking through our ghetto side of the city for a few hours, we were all thoroughly drunk. Of course the boys, James and Cameron, just get super horny and romantic when they're drunk. So there was no need to worry about them getting in trouble. And Sarah was a happy drunk, so she was set. But Brynn and I were a little bit of trouble. We were a tag team duo. We would dare eachother to do stupid stuff while the others watched laughed and would sometimes take part. This time, Brynn had an idea. "We ood 'ace eash oooother Mel!" Brynn slurred to me. I gasped, "but we don't have any cars." I tried to say cars, but it came out as a british person saying ass. The others laughed, then I got an idea. I ran down the street the others following close behind. We walked to the parking lot of the closed car sellers and walked around. I hopped the fence and then opened it from the other side. Out of our group, I'm the only one who can still somewhat function when drunk. 

We walked down the rows of cars, looking around. I stopped when I saw a yellow and black Hennessey Venom F5. I loved it! I ran to the door and shimmied the lock. Once it was open I hopped in and hot wired it. Brynn saw what I was doing and gasped. She ran to the silver Bugatti Chiron beside me, and giggled and she broke in. Unfortunately, she set off the alarm on the car. She turned it off. But I could see lights turning on in the distance. Me being the selfless rational drunk I am shouted out, "guys! Get in the silver car with Brynn and drive away. I'll lure the cops away and make them think it was me. Once you get far enough leave the car somewhere and skiddaddle!" They did as I said and left. Once the cops got near I revved the engine and pulled out, making sure they saw me. I pushed on the gas and drove.


I'll admit, when I had the chance to get away and lose the cops through an alley, I didn't do it. Instead, I let my selfish side take over and I pulled onto the empty highway. I could already see the helicopters overhead filming, as the cops drove after me. I laughed out loud wildly, as I turned on the radio. Suddenly the song Bell Bottoms from my favorite movie Baby Driver came on. I laughed and drummed my hands along the wheel singing along. "Yeahh! GO GO GO GO yeah" I kept singing and looked in the mirror. The cops were gaining on me. I smiled wide and took a swig right out of the bottle of Vodka. I switched gears and kept driving. 

I looked up at the helicopter as my favorite part of the song came up. I sang along, driving with my feet. One hand waving out the car as I used the other like a microphone while I blasted the music. It was so loud the cops could probably hear it. "Thank You very much ladies and gentleman right now  I've got to tell you 'bout. The fabulous, most groovy. Bell Bottoms!" I pushed on the clutch. "Bellbottoms!" I swapped to the highest gear. "Bellbottoms!" I let go of the clutch. "Damn!" I pushed on the gas. As the music increased in tempo I pushed the gas harder. I was push 205 and the cops were still right on my tail. I smiled as I pushed harder. 210mph. 220 mph. 235 mph. 260mph. 290mph. I hit 300mph, and looked in my mirrors. The cops were too far now, but the helicopter was still there. 

I squealed in excitement, until I saw a cat walk onto the highway in the distance. As soon as I saw the cat I sobered up real quick. Egyptian Reggae (Live) came on the radio and I whispered in a serious tone, "not today kittie cat. Not today." I swerved as fast as I could around the cat and hit the breaks. I managed to evade the cat, but I was still swerving. I was spinning in circles really fast. I pushed on the break harder and pulled on the emergency brake. Then I tried to turn the wheel the opposite direction I was spinning. Apparently trying to pull the emergency hand brake while spinning in circles at 240mph is a no no. Suddenly the car flipped, but in a weird way. It wasn't flipping side over to side in a roll, but the back flipped over the top over and over. Like a person doing front flips, but as a car. It began to slow down and when the front hit the road again it tilted and fell onto its side. 

I was hanging sideways when I suddenly thought back to the cat. I hope it's okay!! I looked up and saw the helicopter get closer and closer. Then the sound of the cop cars appeared again. I sighed, but then groaned in pain from moving. The thought of the cops running over the cat powered me up like coffee injected into my veins. 

I quickly unbuckled my seat belt and fell to the ground, landing in a pile of glass, increasing my blood loss. I opened the door and crawled out. Standing up slowly, I looked at the car with sadness. It didn't deserve this ending. I kissed my finger and raised them up like they did in the hunger games. "RIP my little Hennessey Venom F5, you shall forever live in my memory." I ran, more like limped on one leg, towards the cop cars. I sat down in the middle of the road, not caring if the cops hit me. I picked up the little cat and pulled it into my lap. 

I was stroking the cat when the cops got to me. They all looked at me, guns raised, as if I was some crazy cat lady. Well I guess right now I am a little crazy, and I'm holding a cat, so... "Put your hands where I can see them!" I saluted the officer. Then I put my hands up into the air, lifting the cat as well, singing the opening song to the Lion King. "That girl is wrecked." I heard someone say. Two cops walked up to me. 

One of the cops grabbed the cat while the other grabbed my hands."You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can, and will be used against you in court." He grabbed my hand roughly and started to cuff me. "Sir! Please take care of Mr. Kiddles! He might have gotten hurt so I'll pay you to take him to the hospital." He just laughed, "lady are you crazy? He's fine, not a scratch on him. You on the other hand look like you just got hit by a truck." "Actually I spun and then flipped a car going 250mph, and then landed sideways. But same difference." 

The cops walked me towards a cop car when I suddenly didn't feel so good. "Officer, I think I might-" Before I could finish I threw up all over the cop holding Mr. Kiddles, the cat. Somehow it got in his hair, on his shoes, and all over his shirt, but completely missed the cat. I smiled sheepishly as the cop looked at me in horror. "Sorry..." The cat jumped out of his arms and fell on the ground. I got an idea. "Actually officer I'm feeling a little-" I thought of the worst thing I could do to pale my face, as I pretended to faint in the other cops arms. 

He caught me just before I hit the ground and looked at the other cops alarmed. As his grip loosened on me I made a break for it. I stood up and ran after Mr. Kiddles, shouting out his name. I could hear the other cops in the distance shouting and running after me. I got Mr. Kiddles and ran back to the cops. "Sorry! I was worried he would get lost!" I climbed right into a cop car with the cat and closed the door before anyone could do anything about it. Someone tried to open the door but it was locked. The windows rolled down as several police officers tried to grab the cat. 

"Get that cat out! Shoo cat shoo!" "Quick he might piss!" "Leave Mr. Kiddles alone!" After a couple of minutes of officers shouting and trying to grab the cat, I bit one of them. He looked at me shocked and said, "dammit it fine! She can keep the cat, but only for now!" I smiled knowing I had won, and the windows closed

Yesterday in Jail (Sam)


I've been in Juvie for 2 years, 5 months, 19 days, and 17 hours. I've made plenty of friends already, although my options are limited. Due to the many physcotic and clearly disturbed people. It has also been 2 years, 5 months, 19 days, and 20 hours since I first met Melany Vantrosa Santos Tuco. Once every two weeks since the day we met, she has been coming in to visit me. Tomorrow she would be coming again, and that was enough to make this day perfect. 

"Hey Sammie boy!! Get over here, they've got a car chase on the tv!" Triston yelled to me. A month ago the guards here replaced the 20 year old tv with a new one. It was the only tv in the whole place, and it was kinda huge. The tv is always left on the 79PM3 Chanel. It always had the best new stories. Most of the time, they were robberies or terrorist attacks. But every once in a while it would be something like a car chase, and those here are like gold.

I ran to sit by Tristan and the hundreds of other inmates. We all watched intently. It had just started, perfect. It was a black and yellow car, the reporters in the helicopter were talking. They said it was a girl, and she seemed to be intoxicated. The news man said, "the girl seems to be around 19, and she's alone in the car. The car was just stolen from a car sales park lot on main blvd. Right now we have a machine telling us her speed." We all looked and saw that there were about 10 cop cars chasing her, and the speed machine said she was going 200mph. Then it went up to 210, 230, 240,280, and then 300 mph. Once it hit 300 mph the girl was blasting music and had her hands out the window.

"It appears she's driving with- her feat. Oh and she's blasting music, it's- oh it's Bell Bottoms! From the Baby Driver movie, how fitting. Oh wait, it seems there's something in the road, what is it?" We all looked when someone in the back yelled, "I think it's a cat!" We all laughed, but then the News man said, "I think it's a cat!" We all laughed harder, knowing the random guy got it right. "Oh, I think the girl is trying to avoid the cat, oh no! She avoided it successfully, but the car is spinning terribly! And- oh-oh, she's flipping! 1, 2, 3... 8 times! She flipped 8 times." There was a silence over all of us as we tried to focus our eyes on the car. 

The door to the car opened and the girl crawled out. We all cheered as she stood up. Damn, she's a badass. The girl was covered in blood and glass. "Oh, it looks like she's moving. Haha! SHe's going over to the cat!" We watched as she sat down and held the cat in her lap. The cops pulled up. The helicopter moved closer so they could hear what was going on. "It seems, she's- hahaha! She's singing the opening song to Lion King while holding the cat! This girl is a hoot." We all chuckled slightly, worried the cops would shoot her if she made any sudden movements. 

There was more talking and walking around with the officers and the girl. Then she threw up on an officer and fainted on the other. We were all bawling our eyes out, dying of laughter. Then she ran into the woods, the cops chased her. "She won't get far, especially like that!" the reporter said. Then the girl ran out of the woods. Once I got a full view of what her face looked like I realized, she looked just like Melany. Shit, that's Mel alright. Holding the cat she jumped into the cop car. The cops tried to pull the cat out but she bit them. I laughed, because she would totally do that. The channel showed the news man as he said, "well. That was interesting. All we know so far, is that the girl is going to Blackford Juvenile Center, tomorrow. She's looking at least 5 years, maybe more. Alright back to you Danny." 

I couldn't believe it, Melany was coming here. She would be here, with me, in Juvie. For 5 years, no that's too long. From what I heard of her father, she'll probably get a few months, a year at most. I was going to see Melany tomorrow. Wait, that means all the perverted guys here would too. I mean I know she's in a gang, and she can handle herself. But out of the 700 people here, ages 10-18, only 50 of them are girls. Half of the girls are the size of a cow, and the other half are either super insane or angry that they get put in specialized areas, in solitude alone. The very few girls that remain just stay in their cell all day everyday and the female guards bring the food to them. 

It was night time now and I could barely contain my emotions. I was mixed with so much excitement to see her in person, face to face, without a slab of glass in front of us. I've loved her for a while now. She's my best friend, and the love of my life. Sure I may be 16, but she's the thing that keeps me going most days. But I was also incredibly worried. What if someone hurt her? The guards don't care about us. They only make sure we don't try to escape or kill each other. If someone raped her, they wouldn't even blink an eye. I don't think I could live with myself, knowing someone hurt her that way and I couldn't do anything about it. 

Putting away my worries, I let the darkness consume me. 

Current Day (Melany)

I woke up in the Police department completely miserable. After the police caught me yesterday they stuck me in here while a group of officers and the chief of police discussed my time in Juvie. Because I would turn 18 in a few years they decided to keep me in Juvie, and then spend three additional years in jail. They said I would get one call, so I decided this morning I would call my dad. 

Apparently I was all over the news yesterday, so basically everyone in the gang knows where I am and why. The only problem with this, is that they said my full name on the news when they announced my jail time. So now all the people in the rival gangs, who are out to kill me, know where I am. And I know damn well that our gang isn't the only one with people in the police. So I was constantly on edge, around anyone and everyone. 

Now I'm sitting in my cell, waiting to be given my phone call. I look over  to my left and see a cop coming my way. He walks up to the bars and unlocks the door. I follow him to the phone. Silently I press the numbers to our cover phone. The police know who my father is and they've been trying to catch him for years. Along with other people I know. Yesterday the chief of police told me he could shorten my time if I gave him the information he wanted. So when he asked a question I answered in code. When he asked what the codes meant , all I would say is "blood is thicker than water". So they've given up asking me things, but I can tell they're trying to decipher the code. 

The phone rings three times when someone picks up. "Hi, is Tracy there?" Code for, can I talk to the leader? The line was quiet when my father answered. "Danny isn't home." Code : are you alright? "The butterfly flew off." Code: I'm fine. "What does Bob think?" Code: Are you sure? "No, a few scratches and blood but it's okay really." We didn't have any code for that so I just spoke freely. "The house is ready." Code: I'm coming for you. "Is the dog asleep?" Code: Do I need to do anything? "No, don't worry about it." "Purple." Code: when? "Fireworks." Hmm that wasn't a code... Fireworks, what could that be. Fourth of July? "The fourth?" "No, sorry I forgot to teach you this one. Uhh." "I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it's... a surprise?" I tried to edge my voice so he would understand better. I was trying to say a surprise as in, I would know it when I saw it kinda thing. "Uhh yeah." I could tell he knew what I meant. "Hey Trace?" I said smiling at the code name. "Yeah?" He said with a chuckle. "Love ya. Open the umbrella and block the sun." Code: Say hi to everyone for me. "See ya soon." With that the line went dead.

A cop came in and pulled me towards the front doors. There are cuffs on my hands, and I was wearing my dress from last night, which was now ripped up and covered in glass and my blood. I honestly don't know how it hasn't fallen off yet. I walked out the doors and into a cop car, ignoring all the starred. I got it. 45 minutes later we pulled up to Blackford Juvenile Center and I grimaced. Today I wasn meant to come and visit Sam, but instead I was joining him. Last time I checked all of the girls here are a little crazy, so they have to stay in complete isolation. So I would be one of if not the only girl there, surrounded by guys.

A woman came out and escorted me to a room made of concrete. She grinned at me and told me to strip. I did, and she pulled out a hose. After spraying me down, I dried out quickly as she threw me clothes. I slipped on the Orange pants and White tank top, then threw the orange long sleeve on and tied it into a knot so it was a crop top, and a bit low cut for my liking. I pulled on the White shoes and socks and tied my hair up with a hair tie. I gotta admit, if I wasn't in Juvie right now I would say I looked pretty hot. The outfit all over accented my big ass and breast and my small waist. The orange somehow complimented my skin and hair. Making my raven hair and big brown eyes beautiful and silky. 

I stepped back as a woman in white approached me. "Hi there, I'm gonna treat your wound real quick and then we can get you outta this rome." I smiled and rolled up my sleeves. Twenty minutes later my arms were covered in gauze and wraps, and I had a few stitches in my left arm, shoulder, collar bone, and right temple. As well as a bruise the size of Texas on the right side of my chin and neck. 

Then the woman left and two men walked in in officer uniforms. Then walked over and grabbed my arms, "time to meet your inmates." They grinned as I felt a sudden dread in the pit of my stomach. I tried to keep up as they dragged me forward. We walked down the hall to the only other door in sight. I sucked in a breath and got ready. I straightened my back, raised my head, and kept my arm in front of me. I was still cuffed, and I cursed the guards for it. My wrists started to get raw, and I wasn't enjoying it one bit. They pushed open the door and all talking and chatter stopped completely, as I saw hundreds of guys look at me. I didn't see a single girl, for that I gulped. I hardened my expression and walked forward with the guards. They stopped and turned me around so I was facing them. The taller one unlocked my cuffs and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. He walked away as the shorter one said to everyone. "Guys this is Melany, she's obviously new. Have fun and don't kill her." He grinned and left, me shooting daggers into the back of his head with my eyes. I turned around and took in all the strange expressions. 

I gave them all a small wave, rolled my eyes, and walked off to a table. Thankfully they were having lunch so I went to get food. I walked to an empty table and started to eat. I wasn't even done with my bread when a guy walked up to me. He was huge. He smirked and grinned wickedly at me. "Well hey there. Mind if I sit?" I didn't know who was who and why they were here, so I didn't feel like getting into any brawls... yet. I looked at the table and shrugged, not bothering to speak. He sat down and. I tensed up when the bench dipped at his weight. He wasn't obese, he was just tall and muscular. 

I put my hand on the table and he went to hold it. I shot him a glare before ripping it away. This repeated several times before I had enough. I could tell everyone was watching but I just didn't care. He went to grab my hand again and I used my other hand to grab my knife. I stabbed it into the table right in between his fingers and said, "obviously you couldn't tell, but I'm not interested." With that I stood up and walked away, leaving the food behind. He wasn't done though. 

I heard him get up and I turned in time to see him try to slap me. I grabbed his wrist and twisted it. Then I pulled it towards me as I swept his feet off the ground. I pushed him onto his stomach and climbed onto his back on the floor. I had my right arm around his neck in a deathly choke hold and my left hand was holding back his arm and twisting it. I was so fast he barely had time to register what happened. As soon as he hit the ground I saw about a dozen guys in the crowd run towards us. But I shot them a look and twisted his arm to call them off. He groaned in pain, "stop stop!" I leaned down and said into his ear. "I told you to stop and you didn't. So the next time you try that, I'll be taking your hand with me." Then I leaned closer and whispered so only he could hear. "To be honest with you, I was a little nervous coming here. One girl, all by herself, surrounded by a bunch of guys. I mean don't get me wrong I can handle myself, but it all seemed so intimidating. But now I'm a bit disappointed." I could feel him clenching his f=jaw, so I went on.

I wanted to make sure he got the message. "I may be a girl, but I'm not defenseless. If you so much as look at me, I will rip your eyes out of their sockets and shove them down your throat, so you can see your insides as I cut you open. Because believe me, this ain't my first rodeo. Now I'm gonna let you go and you're gonna leave me alone. Don't make me regret this." I swiftly got off of him and looked at the crowd of guys. "What! If you got somethign to say to me then fucking say it!" Everyone was silent and I walked away. 

I was walking through the mass of guys when my hand reached out and grabbed me. I went to wack it when my eyes rested on the hands owner. Sam! I squealed and jumped into his arms hugging him so tightly I thought he might break. He hugged me back just as hard. Then we just stayed there inhaling each other's scent. God I missed him, I smiled against his shoulder. "Mel what were you thinking? You could have died in that crash! I mean look at you, you're a mess." Gee thanks Sam. He stood observing my bandages, stitches and bruises. "Nice to see you to Sam." I scoffed. His eyes softened as he looked at me. He smiled a heartwarming smile that I loved and took my hand. He was holding my hand and pulling me through the crowd of guys to a closed off room, that I assumed to be his. There were two sets of bunk beds. A chair and table, and a small bathroom behind a stone wall in the back corner. He pulled me to sit with him. He sat on the bed and I sat next to him. 

We spent the next two hours catching up one everything. Then we sat in a comfortable silence before he asked, "so five years huh? I would have thought your dad could shorten it." Well he didn't bother, he's going to break me out. When I looked at Sam I felt a pain of guilt. I haven't even been here for a whole day and I was already anxious for the break out. While here before me was Sam. He's been here for two years, and isn't getting out anytime soon. The worst part was that he was innocent! Could I help get Sam out with me? 

"Uh yeah, he decided not to bother with it." I could tell the wheels were spinning in Sam's head as he began to figure out my father's plan. Rather than ask more questions he smiled and pulled me into a hug. I sighed in relief that he didn't push the subject further. Too soon for my liking, we pulled apart. I stared into his deep icy blue eyes, as he stared into my honey golden brown ones. My eyes searched his before roaming over his face, ending at his lips. He took in a sharp breath and I looked back into his eyes. I saw love and wanting, no not wanting but a needing. Before I could chicken out I moved in to kiss him as he did the same.

As our lips touched I felt a spark of heat and emotions flow through me. He pulled back and searched my eyes for a moment before we kissed again. This time the kiss was hungry and passionate, unlike the sweet and warm one we had just moments ago. As we continued to kiss, I climbed onto his lap straddling him. He ran his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entrance, and I gladly obliged. His tongue fought me for dominance and I sighed, letting him take it. We explored each other's mouths as I pulled closer to him. One of his hands held my waist as the other slid into my hair deepening the kiss. 

I trailed my hands up his muscled chest and wrapped them around his neck, as my fingers ran through his hair. We both pulled back for a moment to catch our breath. He stared into my eyes as I stared back. He pulled his hand out of my hair and rested it on my check. I leaned into his hand and blushed a scarlet red. "Mel, god I don't even know what to say. Ever since the day we first met, I Knew you would be someone special and important to me. The more I got to know you the more I loved about you. Since the day you snuck cake into a box and sent it to me for my birthday I knew. I knew right then that I loved you. I love you so much Mel. I always will." I looked into his eyes searching for any doubt, and I found none. I leaned in closer so our noses were touching and we were breathing the others air. "I love you Sam. I love you so much." I could feel his smile as he kissed me again. 

As we kissed Sam leant back on the bed. I leaned above him kissing him deeply, with everything I had. He quickly spun and then I was underneath him. He kissed me lovingly as I arched my back to be closer to him. He began to kiss me on the corner of my mouth, planting kisses along my jaw. Careful of my injury he kissed along my jaw and down my neck, nibbling on my earlobe. He went down planting kisses on my collarbone as a moan escaped me. He went back up to me and looked into my eyes before kissing me on the lips again. I wanted him, all of him. I wanted him so badly. All I wanted was to be hi and for him to be mine. 

I pulled back trying to convey what I wanted through my eyes to him. He searched my face four any doubt. When he found none he whispered, "are you sure? This would be my first." I smiled and nodded before whispering, "and this would be my first as well. Sam I want to have a million first with you and then millions more." He looked at me smiling. He undid his pants and slowly entered me. It hurt a bit at first but I held back any whimpers. A few moments later the pain quickly became pleasure. I let out a soft moan as Sam kissed me deeply. 

He began to move in a bit deeper. Then a few minutes later he went faster. He moved in and out quickly and I felt myself begin to shake slightly. I suddenly remembered all of the guys outside the room and thanked the gods Sam locked the door. But they would still hear us if we were any louder. As I reached my climax and looked into Sam's eyes as I knew he was right there with me. We both let out muffled moans as we came together. 

Sam stopped inside of me as we caught our breath, shaking in pleasure. We were so close our noses touched and we were breathing the same air, looking into eachothers eyes. Sam let out a shaky breath as he pulled off me and laid next to me. We pulled our pants up and cuddled close to each other. Sam wrapped his arms around my waist and I pulled closer to him, laying my head on his chest. "I love you Mel." "I love you Sam." With that I took in one last whiff of his honey smell before I fell asleep. 

I woke with a strong arm over me, then I remembered the last 48 hours. I got drunk, and stole a car. I was in a car chase when I crashed to save a cat. I went to juvie. I found Sam, more like he found me. We caught up, and then confessed our feelings. Then we made love. I sighed inwardly to myself, he was my first. I love my V card. He was even my first kiss. The first time I held hands with a guy I wasn't related to was the day we first met. He's always been my #1, the first and only. I kept my eyes close as my ears adjusted and I heard talking. There were four male voices. The only I recognised was Sams. Well if Sam was awake then I knew I was safe. I tried to go back to sleep but failed.

Curiosity got the better of me so I decided to listen in on their conversation. Sam whisper yelled, "you guys don't know her like I do! She would never hurt me. We love each other, okay?" "You've never spent more than a few hours together at a time, how can you be sure?" "Because, when I look at her I see my whole world. There was a period of time around the anniversary of my fathers deaht that I wanted to commit suicide. You guys remember that don't you? No matter what anyone said or did, until she came to visit me. That day I remembered why I kept on going. For months, the only thing that kept me going was knowing she would come to visit me every two weeks." I didn't know that.

Suddenly feeling like I should stop listening I twisted and moaned a little, to announce my waking. Everyone stopped talking and I opened my eyes slightly, looking up into those blue eyes I love. "Hey morning Babe. You didn't wake up after... yesterday so I decided to let you sleep here tonight." I smiled wide and then turned around to come face to face with three guys. They all looked the same as me and Sam, and they were reasonably built. Not a lot, but pretty good for a 16 year old guy. One had brown hair and green eyes, he was the tallest in the middle. On the left had blonde hair and brown eyes, he looked like a guy me. The guy on the right was the shortest, with red hair freckles and brownish eyes.

The middle one spoke, "does anyone else feel like she's sizing us up right now?" He let out a nervous laugh and I smiled. I sat up, glad I put my clothes back on last night, and took off the sheet. Sam sat up with me and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and put his head on my shoulder. I put on my right hand and spoke. "I'm Melany, Sam's girlfriend." I could feel Sam smile against my shoulder.


Last night was by far the best night of my life. The love of my life was here, with me. Not only that but she loved me. I was now the happiest man alive. I mean sure I was still in Juvie for murder. But I was doing it to save my mom. Sure I have to constantly worry about guys hurting Mel, but she can handle herself pretty well. And the guards here don't give a rats ass about us so I can't rely on them, but the plus side is that Mel can sleep with me and the guys instead of with some random other dudes. 

I looked over to my right and there sleeping was Mel. She's beautiful, it's a miracle she even talks to me. I traced her full lips with my finger and I heard the door open. I walked my friends. Carlos was a ginger, so we often called him carrot. George had blonde hair, but we called him Geo. Lastly was Al, he had brown hair. His name isn't really Al, we just call him that. When his mom was pregnant with him, she was hoping he would be a girl. So she named him Alice, when she found out he was a guy she just kept the name anyway. Whenever people call out Alice, he says it's pronounced Al-ick.

Last night I locked the door, and then unlocked it later. But my friends/roommates never showed up. I assumed they were in the games room or hiding in the kitchen. Now here they were in front of me. Bloodshot eyes with dark bags, and messed hair and clothes. Geo spoke first, "woah, who's the hot babe and what is she doing here?" "Yeah, and what happened to the whole 'I already love someone and will only give myself to her' plan? Huh?" Carrot pointed out. I brought my finger to my lips and shushed them, worried Mel would stir from the noise. "Uhm, so you guys remember that awesome car chase? How they said they were bringing her here. Well this is her, she was brought in yesterday." "Really!?! Damn, she's either a fucking badass, or a plain ass idiot!" Al exclaimed. I shushed him again and he apologized.

"Well that's cool and all, but you still didn't answer me about your, i'm in love plan." Carrot brought my attention back to what I knew I had to tell them. "Oh yeah, you told us a lot about the girl you love, she sounded cool," Geo added. "Well guys, this is her, she's the girl I told you guys about. The love of my life. I confessed to her last night, and she feels the same way." Geo nodded, "how lucky, that turned out pretty good." "No way! That's crazy, but uh... Isn't this sorta a bad idea? I mean I know you said you love her, and that she feels the same way. But she might hurt you, we couldn't have that." I looked to Al, shocked. "Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree. We always supported your feelings for her, but we never thought you guys would meet like this. I mean do you really know her? You only know what she chooses to tell you, and she would be lying!" I snarled at Carrot and whisper yelled, "you guys don't know her like I do! She would never hurt me. We love each other, okay?" "You've never spent more than a few hours together at a time, how can you be sure?" Carrot fired back. "Because, when I look at her I see my whole world. There was a period of time around the anniversary of my fathers deaht that I wanted to commit suicide. You guys remember that don't you? No matter what anyone said or did, until she came to visit me. That day I remembered why I kept on going. For months, the only thing that kept me going was knowing she would come to visit me every two weeks." They all looked down at the memory. I could tell Geo supported me, he had little doubt in the first place. Al just needed to talk to her, and after one conversation I know he'll believe me. Carrot though, may not be so convinced. 

Suddenly I felt movement beside me and a light moan. We all stopped talking and looked down at Mel. God she's beautiful, how could I be so lucky? Her eyelids fluttered for a moment and then my blue eyes met her warm brown ones. "Hey morning Babe. You didn't wake up after... yesterday so I decided to let you sleep here tonight." She smiled brightly at me and then saw Geo, AL, and Carrot. After a moment Al, the tale of us spoke up. "Does anyone else feel like she's sizing us up right now?" He let out a nervous laugh and Mel smiled at him. She moved the sheets and sat up. I sat up with her and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into my lap slightly, and set my head onto her shoulder.

"I'm Melany, Sam's girlfriend. And you guys are?" I smiled as they introduced themselves. Once we were done with that the guys climbed into their bunks and we all took a nap. It was still rather early in the morning. I laid down, pulling Mel with me. "Mmmm sleep Mel." She sighed, "I want to. But once I wake up I can't fall back asleep." "Hmmm, then cuddle. Or pretend to sleep." She seemed to think  it over for a second before giving up and laying next to me. She pulled the sheets over us and I pulled her closer. 

Even if she ends up staying her full 5 year sentence, she would still leave much earlier before me. So I have to savor every precious moment I have with her until then. I pulled her into my chest and she snuggled against me.


Texte: Don't publish or copy please. I wrote it, so yeah :)
Lektorat: R.E. Cooper
Übersetzung: R.E. Cooper
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.07.2020

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Dear Bill. Even though I hit you, and smack you, you still find it in yourself to land perfect serves, passes, and hits for me. Thanks for the wins, I needed it Bill. You're the best volleyball a person could ask for.

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