

Being the first born of the Alpha and Luna of a pack has a few conditions. First of all, when you are ready your parents will hand over being the Alpha to you. Second, you are expected to make your mate the pack Luna, even if you hate each other. Lastly, the first born is the one who becomes the Alpha, and never has the first born ever been a female, it's always been a male. So you can imagine how surprised my pack and parents were when I was born, the first female Alpha in history. 


People had their theories, but the most common was that the moon goddess created me for a "special" reason. Some say it's so that she can inhabit my body in the future, others say I'm meant to end some big war between the packs. But there's no real truth or facts behind any of them. I shifted when I was nine, rather than the expected age of ten. So that was another unexpected surprise. 


But I also had a few "special abilities". I dream strange things, things that happened in the past, or in the future. The dead and the ‘gods’ can speak to me. Sometimes I'll wake up, and I can just do things I couldn't before. For example, there was one time I woke up and I was speaking in Latin. It was like I was fluent in it, as if I'd known it my whole life. I can force people to mind link with me, even when they try to put up their wall or push me out, I can break past it and force them to listen to me.


Not only that, but when I mind linking with other wolves, whether there in my pack or not, I can feel the things they feeI. I can also see their past, and things they have felt or thought before. The first time this happened, it was actually by accident. I had just turned 16 and my parents named me the official pack Alpha. We found a Rogue in our territory and took it in as a prisoner. 


-Start flashack-

I walked down the stairs to the basement with the dungeons. My parents, the packs new Gammas, were a few steps behind me. They wanted to see how I did with my first prisoner interrogation as the new Alpha. As I walked closer to the dungeon, I could hear shouting and screams. I'm the Alpha of the Eclipse Pack, and we're known for quite a few things, one of them being that we are merciless. When we want to know something we will do almost anything for it, even torturing our prisoners.


I turned the corner, and there in front of me was the Rogue, the pack Betas, Enzo and Camila. One of the Zetas, Felix. And two of the Etas, twins Arlo and Leo. Arlo and Leo were holding the rogue up. Felix beat the shit out of the Rogue everytime he didn't answer one of Enzo or Camila's questions. "Come on you guys really? You started without me? How rude." Enzo smirked and said, "don't worry you didn't miss much. This piece of shit won't say anything." "I'll mind link, he might tell me something then." The Rogue looked at me and said, "whoever you are, I won't let you past my wall. You can try but it wont work." I grinned at him. "Well how rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Victoria Liva Channing, Alpha of the Eclipse Pack, the first born of Sylvie and Magnus Channing. You are?" He just stared wide eyed. "Well then no harm in trying to mind link. While I do that, Enzo and Camila, keep going. The pain might make him let down his wall." 


As he continued to ask questions and hurt him, he started screaming. I start trying to mind link with the Rogue. At first he had his wall up, but the more he screams the more it crumbles. It's like I can see it breaking. Suddenly it fell and I began to explore his mind. Asking him questions and getting no answers. He tried to push me out, but I wasn't ready to go. I pushed back. Usually I would have been immediately blocked out, but somehow I could push back. I kept on going. I started to get a headache but ignored it and kept going. Finally I broke through the wall, completely shattering it. Like a boulder through glass. Since when could a wolf do that?


I started asking him questions again and he continued to deny me answers. I growled out loud and I could tell my parents were watching me as the Rogue kept screaming. Suddenly I could see a door in his mind. That's new too. I opened it and suddenly I could see everything. I was seeing him meet his mate, when he became a rogue, why he was in our territory, and I could even hear what he was thinking. Oh god, this is a lot.

My headache began to grow, and I could tell that the Rogue was in his mind with me, seeing what I saw. Suddenly there was another door. I opened it. As I heard the Rogue scream from our torture I smirked a little. But when I stepped through the door I began to scream. Suddenly I could feel what he was feeling. Every broken bone, every bruise and cut. I kept screaming from the pain. When they all looked at me worried, the Rogue caught his breath, as I did at the same time. I could hear the Rogue laugh at me. I couldn't open the door anymore, I was stuck. I could still feel what he felt, and I couldn't stop. I looked down and saw that I was bleeding where the Rogue bled. I was aware that everyone was asking me questions, trying to figure out what was wrong. But it was all background sound. I was still stuck in his mind link. 


Let me out! I screamed through the link

He looked at me and smirked, I don't know how you can do what you did, but you are going to feel what I feel. Everything you've done to me, has now been done to you. Enjoy.

I was so frustrated. I tried to open the door to leave again. It wouldn't budge. I began to get angry. Ignoring the pain in my body and head, I continued to push the door. I slammed into it with all the strength I had in my head. I could hear him growl out. I growled out as I did one last push, the door opened. 

Suddenly I was free of the mind link, and I was back. I could hear my parents now and actually process what they were saying. Before anyone could bombard me with any more questions I said, "kill the Rogue, get rid of him. I don't care, we don't need him. He's done." Enzo spoke next, "what do you mean? He hasn't answered a single question, and more importantly. What happened to you? Are you alright?" Camila looked down and saw I was bleeding. She gasped out, "Victoria! You're bleeding, what happened? Are you okay?" I smiled and said. "I'll tell you guys everything, but first can we go eat some food?" 


I spent the rest of the night telling them and the rest of my pack what happened. At first I saw disbelieving looks, but then when I told them what I saw more people believed me. It wasn't too hard. for them to believe since I could already see weird things. 


One of the Lotus, Nick, didn't believe me and asked me to prove it. So I had him stand on the stage where I sat and told him to bring a chair. He sat down and I said, "no matter what I want you to try to push me out of your mind, don't let me in, ok?" He just nodded and I began. 


He put up quite a fight, but I broke through in the end. Then I opened the door to his memories and I could tell he saw what I was seeing. I went through his memories one by one. I only looked at a few, I didn't want to look at his whole life. Then I got to the door with his feelings and emotions. I opened it. 


He felt surprised that I could do these stenage things. But he also felt... regret, for not believing me at first. He also felt pride. Pride? No, it wasn't pride but more like... lust. I gasped realising that he felt lust and wanting towards me. I quickly left his mind, returning him his privacy. I looked at him and he looked deep into my eyes. He knows that I know. 

-End flashback-

I smile remembering the memory. Later that night Nick and I spoke of his feelings for me. He told me that he wanted to be with me. I told him it couldn't happen, because when I found my mate we couldn't be together. He told me he didn't care and that as long as we were together now he didn't care. 


That night I lost my virginity to him. Although we didn't mark each other. We knew that was meant for our mates and them alone. I sighed in my bed, shutting off my thoughts. I turn to my left and smile at a sleeping Nick. It's been two years. He's 19 and I'm 18, my parents didn't approve of our relationship, but I don’t care. I like him, I really do. 


I trailed my hand through his light brown hair, and I could hear his moan. He always did like it when I played with his hair. He slowly opened his eyes and I was greeted with his honey gold orbs. He smiled at me and I leaned in to kiss him. It started out slow, filled with love. But as he deepened the kiss, it turned into something filled with passion and heat. I moved the sheets as he lifted me up so I was straddling him. His hands ran down my thighs as I began to kiss along his jawline. I moved down his neck and collarbone. Then I ran my hands lightly down his abs as I kissed his bare chest. 


I kissed just above his boxers and then moved back to his lips. He broke the kiss as he pulled my shirt off, leaving me bear to his eyes. We began to kiss again. I smirked against his lips as I pulled down his boxers, our lips never leaving the others. I held both his hands as I slowly trailed kisses down his chest and abs. Then I moved down, I stopped just below his hips. I put my lips above his shaft and lightly blew. I could feel him shiver and breath in deeply. I lowered my lips down. I lowered my head so that I could take all of him in my mouth. I began to pick up pace as he placed one of his hands on the back of my head. I smiled, knowing he was near his climax. I began to use my hand to continue rubbing up and down as I kissed him all over. Just before he came, I put him back in my mouth going all the way down. He let out a grown as he came in my mouth. He growled watching me drink all of him. 


Then he spun us around so he was on top of me. I gave out a little gasp, startled by the sudden movement. He kissed down my chest and in between my breast as he lowered my underwear. He continued to kiss down my abs holding both my hands above my head. He stopped just above my opening. He put both my hands in one of his, as he took the other and slowly slid one finger into me. He moved in and out deeply, picking up the pace. Then he put in two more fingers. He continued as he stared up at me, his eyes blazing with mischief. Then he looked back down and slowly slid his whole fist into me, stretching me out. I let out a groan of pain and he stared up at me. He smiled at me when my groan quickly turned to pleasure and he continued on. 


He moved in and out so fast I thought he would start a fire. I was moaning so loud that I thought I would wake the whole pack up. He grinned at me wickedly and went deeper and faster. As I neared my climax he pulled his hand out and began to suck on me. He plunged his tongue deep into my opening. He pulled away quickly and whispered seductivy "Just hold on a little longer baby, just wait." I nodded quickly as I struggled to hold back my climax. 


He quickly slipped his cock into me and I groaned. I held back waiting for him. Just as I was about to explode he looked into my eyes and said "come for me baby". That did it, and oh did I come. I felt his come shoot into me and that only made me come harder. We both groaned out at the same time. He rolled off of me to the side as we both struggled to catch our breath. 


I looked over at him and saw him already smiling at me. I smiled wide and said, "ready for breakfast?" He laughed and said "I think the whole pack heard us. But yeah, lets go." We quickly jumped into the shower to rinse off. We got dressed and walked down the stairs to get some food. We walked into the kitchen and I sighed, relieved to see that everyone was already outside. I sat down and ate my yogurt with fruit while Nick ate some oatmeal and bacon.


We washed up the dishes and walked out to train with the others. We walked out to meet the two Kappas, Donovon and Fox. The pack was split into four groups overall. The Pups and kids were out training with the Phi, Toni. The beginners who either just joined the pack, kids who just turned 13 and don't train with the kids anymore, or people who just aren't as good are training with Arlo and Leo, two of our Eta's. The people who are average and good were training with Nora and Max, two more Eta's. Then lastly were the people who were super good, like the best of the best, they were trained by Mason and Willow, our other Eta's. 


Nick usually trains with Mason and Willow, but sometimes he trains with Max and Nora if he's feeling lazy. I on the other hand always train with Mason and Willow. I was always the best and first in every form of training. The only person who's ever beaten me at anything is my Father who is no longer the Alpha but a Gamma, and Faust, he's an Epsilon. Epsilon meaning he's basically the "guardian" of the pack, and he's also my best friend. 


Today Nick went to train with Me. So we walked up to Mason and Willow, who had Donovan and Fox next to them. Donovon and Fox are the packs Kappa's, so they're the packs headhunters. Which means today were going to be using our wolf for hunting. Willow spoke first. "Alright today we're splitting into two teams. Tema A is going to be led by Mason and Donovon, and Team B will be led by me and Fox. Guys with A and girls with B. I don't want to hear any complaining alright? Whichever team comes back with better food wins and doesn't have to train tomorrow. The winner will be based off of our two Gamma's decisions. You know the rules, no stealing other teams' prey and staying in our territory only. Lets go!" 


We all shifted and went off. I smirked at Nick's golden brown wolf and ran with my team. So far we weren't doing too great with finding prey, it didn't help that we were near the open field. So anything out there could see us easily. I kept on going forward when I heard a muffle and growl. I perked up my ears and headed towards the noise. I stopped at the edge of our territory and heard that the sound was coming from the Rogues side. I knew I shouldn't go there but I could tell the noise was a trapped wolf. I didn't have time to tell anyone and the mind link only works this far with mates. So I ran towards the noise, careful to stay hidden. 


I was in a bush and saw a few feet away a female wolf trapped in a rope cage lifted into the sky. There were two Rogue wolves underneath her. It looked like they were mind linking. I took the chance that they were distracted and lunged into the smaller black one. He yelped and tried to bite at me. I scratched his face and grabbed his neck. Just as I snapped it with my jaw I was flung into a tree. I quickly got up seeing the other wolf. He was a massive black wolf, probably twice the size of my white wolf.


He stalked towards me as I was cornered by the trees. I heard the wolf in the trap whine and I could tell she saw what was happening. I used my mind link to send her a quick message.

I'm the alpha of the Eclipse Pack. As soon as I get you out of there I need you to run to our pack house, they can help you.

What about you?

Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Just go when you're free!


I stopped the mind link just in time to see the other wolf lunge at me. I quickly ducked and got a scratch to my back leg. I let out a whimper when I saw the deep gash. Werewolves heal faster than humans, but not as fast as a vampire, so something that would take a human months to fully heal would only take us a day or two when it would take a vampire a few minutes.


He started chasing me when I got an idea. I think I learned this from one of my "dreams". Taking action I ran away from the wolf and jumped up against the tree, then I pushed off and launched myself at the wolf. I landed  on his back and jumped up to the female wolf, ripping open the rope cage with my claws and jaw. She jumped out and started to run. Then the wolf grabbed my legs and started to pull me. I let out a howl, knowing that my pack could hear it I cursed myself. I turned onto my back and snapped at the big wolf's head. He moved away, and I got free. I was dripping blood limping bad.


Damn this wolf. I growled loudly at him. I ran at him but he ducked tripping me. Suddenly I smelt the other female wolf. Didn't I tell her to leave? She ran at the big wolf trying to distract him. She was even smaller than me. Taking advantage of her movement and his distraction, I ran at him and grabbed his neck with my mouth. He has a really thick neck. I tried to snap it but he kept moving. I got onto his back, digging my claws into him. In his hurry to get me off of him, he hit the other female wolf and she went flying hitting a tree. I hope she didn't die. 


He slipped back, slamming me into the ground with all of his weight on me. I bit harder and heard him yip. He got up and dropped again, this time I heard a crack and felt sick. With all of my strength I dug my claws into his face and head and bit down. He slumped to the ground and I pushed him off of me. I stood up and ran to the female wolf, she was ok. No broken bones, just a few scratches. I pulled her unconscious body onto my back and howled at the pain in my ribs and side. Once I got her situated I made my way back to our territory. I could tell that the two teams were back at the pack house trying to figure out who was missing, and where the howl came from. I saw the house and with the last of my energy I limped into sight, seeing the hundreds of my packs eyes on me. I lightly set down the female wolf as my pack came running towards me. 

I set her down and shifted back, quickly changing into the clothes I left. I wobbled slightly, my body threatening to fall. I steadied myself and came eye to eye with Nick. He smiled at me then looked at the wolf. Once he did he couldn't stop. I frowned as the rest of the pack surrounded me. "I saved her from two rogues outside our territory. Both rogues are now dead." Faust noticed my frown and then looked at Nick, who was still staring at the female wolf. He spoke to me "what's wrong? Besides being covered in blood and looking like you were hit by a truck." I frowned but then gave a small smile with tears threatening to spill. I knew my pack could hear me, but I didn't care. "The wolf I saved. She's Nicks mate." Nick looked at me, surprised that I said it. I gave him and my pack a sad smile and made my way to our medical center. 


As I walked past my pack members I could see looks of pity, for losing Nick. And looks of worry, for my injuries. But the most common look was pride. They had pride in seeing me save a stranger from rogues in their territory and making it back alive. Pride in knowing that even though I just lost Nick to the woman I almost died saving, I was still standing proud, unfazed, and most of all, despite my feelings for Nick, I was happy for him finding his mate. 


If Faust didn’t ask about Nick then the pack would have made a much bigger fuss about this. Telling me it wasn’t safe and that I should have left the wolf. I got to the medical center and my wounds were immediately addressed. I closed my eyes ignoring my pain, and let the darkness take me.


 It was any other typical day in the Rogue camp when suddenly people began to crowd around whispering to one another. My interests were piqued. I got up from my seat by our fire and went to the crowd. They were all gathered around a younger looking wolf. He was small and brown with lighter brown flecks. He shifted and changed into some clothes while we waited. He was supposed to come back with two other wolves, and hopefully dinner. 


"I-I swear it wasn't my fault! It wasn't me!" He started screaming out frantically as we all started. One of the Rogue generals walked over trying to figure out the problem. "What's going on? What wasn't your fault?" The general waited for a good answer. "Eddy James and I were out looking through the traps like we were told. But we seemed to have no luck. So we went out further to the traps near the border. We were about to give up when we heard a noise and a loud growl. 


"It was a female wolf. Eddy and James were trying to figure out what to do with her while I checked the perimeter to see if we were alone. Once I determined there was no one else I saw a female white wolf run out of the Eclipse Pack territory and into ours, heading straight for Eddy and James. She pounced on James and killed him and then attacked Eddy. In the middle of their fighting she pulled some crazy flip move thing and freed the other wolf. The wolf we caught ran away, but then she came back to help the white wolf. She got knocked out and then the white wolf killed Eddy. I couldn't do anything to save them. So instead of getting myself killed, I ran back here so I could tell you. 


"We need to find her and take her. She came into our territory, killed our pack members, and took our catch. I remember what she looked like. She was pure white and small. She had blue-ish green eyes and a birthmark on the side of her face. It was barely noticeable if you weren't looking for it. We just need a small group of guys. We can take her!" The general looked unsure and said, "one moment." His eyes glazed over as he mind linked someone. "Alright fine, I'll arrange a group of our best fighters and we can try to get her tomorrow. The King said so." I widened my eyes at the thought of the Rogue King. I had never met him, but word is his mate and him grew up together. She died shortly after turning 17. Since then he has been looking for a girl to make his Rogue Queen. He's only around 20, so he has a large variety of options.


Once everyone settled down the general said he would watch everyone train and pick a few to go with him to get the girl. The Rogues are put into groups and categories based on certain skills. I was in the group with the highest skill setted people. Since the wolf was able to take out two of our men by herself, she must be a good fighter. She's probably a pack Eta or maybe even a Zeta. She could also be a Kappa or Iota, but they are hunters so they are not trained to fight things with high intelligence like a wolf. Zeta's are the war generals and trainers, so whilst it's possible, it's not likely. She could be an Epsilon, making her a pack guardian. But she wasn't guarding her pack members, but saving a total stranger. 


She was most likely an Eta, making her a highly skilled fighter, but in a lower position. If her pack tries to save her, it would take them a while to do so. Sighing I take myself over to the training center and begin. 


After an agonizing six hours of training, we all sat down by a fire with food, waiting to hear who the general picked out for tomorrow. "Alright everybody. I'll list some names and explain everything tomorrow. When I'm done go to sleep, you'll need your energy for tomorrow. Alright here we go, the following are with my tomorrow









That's it, now go get some shut eye." I grinned triumphant at being picked out for the mission. It's been awhile since I've been on one, and I was rather looking forward to this one. I walked back to my tent that I shared with Sam Jason and the guy who told us about the girl. 



It’s been a few hours at best and I was already bored of the infirmary. I was already healed up enough to train again, but apparently I’m not allowed to because “my insides aren’t all healed up”. But I felt fine, in fact better than fine. My main concern was that wolf girl I saved, I wanted to go and see her. And that’s exactly what I’ll do, I told myself. I stood up and pulled out all the little wires and tubes. I put my clothes back on and left the infirmary.

Immediately I was greeted with the smell of food. That’s right it’s dinner time. I walked to the kitchen and saw everyone moving around cooking while the kids ran around screaming and laughing. I smiled and walked up to Faust. “So how’s she doing?” “Not good. She won’t let anyone near her and the only thing she says is, ‘let me talk to white’. We’re assuming that’s you.” “Alright I’ll bring her food and see her. Can you prepare Nick’s old room for him? Also the guest room for the girl until we can get her situated. She might not want to share with Nick yet.” “Sure thing, she’s in the meeting room with your parents and Nick as well as the pack head physician.” “Thanks Faust.” He smiled at me and I hugged him. 


I could just eat later. I grabbed a plate of food and some water. I walked up the stairs and made my way into the mini meeting room. I walked in and saw the girl shivering in a ball in the corner growling at the physician and Nick who were reaching for her while my parents stood back and watched. I set the food on my desk making myself known. Everyone turned to me and my mother spoke, “shouldn’t you still be recovering, it’s only been three hours.” “I’m fine.” As soon as Nick heard my voice he looked at the ground avoiding my eyes. When he moved my head the girl saw me. As soon as she did she jumped up over Nick and the physician and with lightning speed ran around my parents hiding behind me, with her hands on both of my arms.


My parents immediately went into a defensive position while the physician just started studying her behavior like an animal. Nick on the other hand looked slightly.. Betrayed? I didn’t want to feel what he felt so I just guessed. I turned around slowly, looking the girl in the eyes. She was crying and looking only at me. “What’s wrong, where are you hurt?” She shook her head and smiled at me warmly.


“Do you mind if I look in your mind?” She looked confused and I smiled. “I did it earlier in the woods, it won't hurt I promise.” She nodded and I sat her down on the couch. I sat next to her and held her hand, I can see the mind of the person better when we touch. I started the mind link.


Are you alright? Can you speak?

Yes I’m fine, and I don’t think I can speak yet, my throat is still very dry. 

“Can you hand her the water?” I said out loud to anyone as I continued the link. Nick handed her the water and she took it hesitantly and drank from it. 

That man’s name is Nick, you know he’s you-

Mate? Yes I know. But well I’m not ready to open up to him quite yet. 

Do you mind me asking why? He’s a good guy

I don’t like to talk about it

Would it be okay if I looked at your memories? 



With that I opened the first door and saw everything.  Her name is Saline. She grew up in some small traveling pack. They were traveling together when she saw her mate. They got along well until he led her entire family to their death. She then discovered that he wasn’t her real mate, but she was tricked by some witch. Ever since then she’s been on her own. She was travelling through the rogues territory to her hometown. She was going to stay with some friends there when she ran into their trap. Then I saved her. That’s why she’s so hesitant to be with Nick, because of that witch and her sick games. 


I left her mind and smiled at her. I quickly mind linked to Nick and dropped him a little info. I didn’t tell him everything that happened, because it’s not mine to tell. But I did tell him that she's gonna need some time to get used to him, because her past is still affecting her now. I nodded at him and stood up. “Alright Saline, you’re going to be staying in the guest room until we can get you one of your own.” “Uh- uhm, is it okay for me to stay with you?” Nick's eyes widened as Saline spoke with the softest most beautiful voice I have ever heard. Almost like an angel. “Sure. I’ll show you where it is.” 


I brought Saline to my room and had her take a bath. I left some clothes and essentials in the bathroom. I walked up to the door and said, “I have some business I need to attend to. I’ll be back as soon as I can, it shouldn't take too long. When you're all done you can sleep on my bed. You really need to get some sleep.” “Thank you.” She replied quietly. I smiled and left. I walked down the stairs to finally get some food when Lidya, one of the wolf mothers, came up to me. “If you’re not too busy do you mind if I borrow you for a moment? I finished making your dress for the banquet, if you don’t mind trying it on now?” I sighed, “sure.” 


I followed her outside to one of the other pack houses and walked in. I usually go into every pack house once a day to see how everyone is doing. But I don’t go this late. I got a few stares and whispers as I walked in. I walked into the mini meeting room in the house and saw a beautiful deep blue. It matched the color blue of my eyes, whilst also bringing attention to my platinum white hair. 


I took off my clothes and pulled on the dress. Once it was all on and zipped up I walked out of the room and stood in front of all of the pack members in this house. They all stared while Lydia made adjustments with pins and pencil markings. Lydia furrowed her eyes, “what’s wrong?” “Well,” she started, “you’re a lot skinnier than I thought because of all your muscle.” She looked at me and smiled while I laughed along with the pack. 


“Alright that’s great thankyou. Before you change back, I also prepared your new mission outfit. All the adjustments were made so you can go take it out for a spin if you want.” “Perfect thanks! I’ll be right back.” I went back into the meeting room and took off the dress, then put it back on the mannequin. Then I walked over to the desk and took the outfit off it. 


Since we’re wolves we don’t need to fight in our human form, but many packs train anyway in human form. Also your wolf performs better if your humans self is fit and in good health. But most packs go on missions in their wolf form, I use both. I usually go in my human form and only use my wolf form if necessary. Lydia planned to make the outfit so that when I change it won’t rip. So all along one side holding the outfit together is buttons. So it won’t get ruined when changed. Lydia said she made it so that when I wear it it doesn’t look like buttons or anything, supposedly it is just super flat. 


I unfolded the outfit and put it on. I pulled on the black stretchy jean pants first along with the black socks and tank top. Then I pulled on the black mid calf heel boots, they would seem ridiculous if it weren’t for the fact that they had a mini ouch on the inside of both of them. Then I pulled on the black multifunction leg bag and belt. Then the matching black chest harness and gun holster. Then I pulled on the black lower face covered with the built in gas mask. Lastly I pulled on the black jean jacket but, I didn’t pull up the hood and pulled my long white hair up into a ponytail. 


All that was left was to put all the weapons in. I put two black handguns in the holster, and wrapped a knife sheath around my other leg and put twelve throwing knives in it. Then I put a pocket knife and some small essential first aid equipment in the leg bag. In the chest bag I put a pair of sunglasses, gum, and a small metal toob. The tube has a button on it, when you click the button the tube extends out into a long metal staff. Lastly in one boot pocket I put a small thin knife and in the other one I put my phone. Once I was all dressed and ready I stepped out of the room. 


It only took me about 50 seconds to put on, but if I just finished changing back that takes too long. “Oh my god!! Alpha you look..” “Awesome!” “She looks so badass.” “I wish I could be her mate.” I smiled at the comments and looked to Lydia. “You really outdid yourself with this one. Thank you.” “It’s my pleasure. Now before you go test it out, I already told everyone that you were going to go out to train in the woods, so everyone should be inside right now. The cameras are up and running so I’m sure most if not everyone will be watching you. Have fun!” I smiled one last time and waved by to everyone as I ran out to the woods.


Once I was somewhat far into the woods I waved as I passed the cameras. I pulled out my phone and played some music. I like to practice with music. It helps me sharpen my senses to listen to the things around me and ignore the music. I took a minute to warm up my joints and muscles. Once I was ready I waved at the cameras one last time and began.


I started with the guns first, Shooting at targets made on the trees. I got it right in the center everytime. Then I practiced shooting with the second gun, but this time I did it while running around and jumping and ucking over bushes, branches and other things. Then I reached into my leg holster and started throwing the knives with my left and right hand at the same time. I practiced throwing while jumping, running, sliding, and ducking. Then I pulled out the metal tube and pressed the button. I took the staff and practiced swinging and blocking with the trees and imaginary people. Then I used just my right hand as I pulled out my pocket knife with the left. I practiced fighting with the knife for a while. Once I had practiced with everything I worked on some of my moves. I ran through the woods and jumped over bushes and slid under branches. I climbed up a tree and started jumping from one tree to another. Once I started to sweat I stopped and went back to my phone. 


I picked up my knives, reloaded the guns and put everything back where it was. I turned off my music and put my phone back. Once I was ready to leave I looked up at the cameras. I was going to wave goodbye when I smelt something. There were people in the woods. Kids, from the pack. What were they doing out here? I could sense other people as well, but their scents were masked. I looked back at the camera and said “Faust, we have a code 320 and 128.” With that I took off at a full sprint towards the kids in the woods.


Not even two minutes later I appeared in front of a group of 6 men. I sniffed the air and knew immediately. “Rogues.” I didn’t see the kids anywhere and that made me nervous. None of them said anything so I took action. I didn't have any ammo left from training so the guns were useless. I took off the chest holster and threw it on the ground, but not before swiftly putting the metal tube in my leg bag. This way I would be lighter and move faster, with less things to get caught on. 


I took three throwing knives in each hand and let them fly. They all ran in separate directions towards me. I smiled and kept throwing, I ducked and spun and I felt them surrounding me. I took two knives and threw them, landing right in the stomach of one of them. Then I spun and did a backflip as I threw another one. It landed in the chest of another one, 2 down 4 to go. I spun and bent back, avoiding the knife someone threw at me. I only had three knives left. I took one and hid it in my right hand. I stood back up and punched the guy in front of me with my right hand. Then I brought my hand back, slicing the guys face along the way. They growled and reached for me. I shoved the knife, threw his hand and then into the tree so he was stuck to it. None of these were kill shots, I just needed to disable them long enough before more pack members got here, and they found the kids. Three guys left. I took another knife and threw it into the thigh of the third guy as he tried to pull a knife out of one of them. He fell to the ground groaning, the knife went right into his femur. One knife and two guys. They both ran at me, one from either side. I ran to one of them and punched him in the face. He fell to the ground and I spun around, throwing the last knife at the last guy coming towards me, it landing in his chest almost piercing his lungs. He fell to the ground and I turned back around. I pulled out the metal tube and pressed the button. I took the metal staff and went to whack the guy on the ground before he could get back up. I could smell the kids getting closer, strange. I went to whack him when suddenly I heard a shout. “Wait!”


I left the staff pushed against the guy on the ground, and turned my head to look at the voice. I saw two more guys, with them they had the two kids I smelt. They each had a knife up to a kids throat. I could feel the fear of the kids through the link and was filled with rage. “Let them go.” I said in a deadly calm voice. The two men looked at me for a moment and the taller one spoke up, and when he did there was a strange scent in the air, I didn’t recognize it and paid attention to the kids. “Are you sure that’s her?” The one who shouted wait nodded, “definitely. She has the same eyes and hair. Same skill to.” I was getting confused and frustrated, if I could just stall for one minute the pack would get here and the kid would be safe. 


The taller one was holding Karly, and pushing the knife closer to her throat. I could tell she was about to cry, she was only 9 for fucks sake. The shorter one followed the taller one's lead and pushed the knife slightly closer to Krash, Karly's 10 year old brother. God they were going to kill these kids. “Stop, what do you want!?” They seemed to smile at this. The shorter one spoke this time. “We want you to come with us. No weapons, and as our… guest. You in exchange for them. If you don't choose in the next thirty second they die, if you say no they die.” “You know if you kill them I’ll kill you, and if you take me my pack will kill you.” “Well if we don’t come back with you, we’re dead anyway. You’re just an Eta anyway, I’m sure it’ll take your pack a little while longer to find you. Long enough anyway.” 


They didn’t know I was alpha, that’s good. I sighed and thought for a quick moment. I won’t have time to stall and I can’t have these kids dieing. I’m gonna have to go with them. I quickly mind linked the kids, and I could see they were surprised by their faces. 


Listen I have to make this quick. I’m gonna give myself for you two. This is important. They don’t know I’m alpha which means they don't know the rumors about my powers. I’m going to go with them and then try to escape once we get far enough away. Tell Faust he’s in charge while I’m gone and that I was taken by the Rogues. If I don’t return or you guys can’t find me, then you all need to leave and go with code 400. Faust will know what it means. I need to go now, but you’ll be okay. No matter what happens, go straight to Faust and tell him everything. And, tell my parents I love them. Thank you two.


I ended the mind link before they could respond and looked at the two men. “Fine, I’ll go with you. Leave them alone and I'll come, with no weapons. You can check if you want.” The shorter man smiled and walked over to me. The taller man let the two Karly and Krash and they ran doing what I told them. The taller man helped get the knives out of all of the men and helped them up. The shorter man took away all my weapons and took off all my bags. I was only wearing the pants, boots, shirt, jacket, and face mask. The jacket's pockets were empty along with my shoes. “Oh come on now doll, take off that mask and let us see the rest of your face, unless it’s something we don't want to see.” 


I was gonna respond with some snarky comment. I was voted the most beautiful in the pack, and not because I’m alpha. But then I got a better look at my situation. I am currently the prisoner with no weapons and back up wasn’t coming. My captors were 6 huge guys who were probably pissed that I beat them. The other two were not as big, the smaller one seemed more like a messenger, the other guy was just as big, but for some reason he was hiding his scent from me unlike the rest of them. So he didn’t seem too bad. Point is it’s better that I play nice for now.


I sighed and did as they asked. I pulled my white hair out of the mask and then out of the pony tail so it was free, and then took off the mask. Exposing my fair features striking blue eyes and long thick white hair. It was pretty dark, but my hair was like a light. I could see their faces change to surprise as they saw my face. One or two of them even gasped. “Alright I get it” The guy said back to me. I smiled with a light chuckle. “Oh you think that’s funny?” “No, I think you’re funny.” “You little bi-” “Let's get going. We should set up camp. It's getting late, we’ll get back in a few days.” The shortest one stepped in and I rolled my eyes. 


We spent an hour walking before we stopped and they set up a few tents and a fire. They had me tied to a tree, and they were setting up for the night. I haven't seen that one guy since we stopped walking, the guy hiding his scent. “Lucas! Come with me, we’re going to get some firewood.” The small one shouted, and then the guy hiding his scent came out of the tent. “Fine, let’s go.” The two of them walked away. Huh, Lucas. Something about him made me want to.. No, I’m not gonna finish that thought. As soon as the two of them were out of sight three of the bigger guys walked up to me with more rope. The “untied” me from the tree and walked me over to a cluster of trees. I didn’t realize what they were doing until they had my arms and legs tied to a tree each. Fuck!


“You know little wolf, we still have three days and tonight before we get to headquarters. That should be plenty of time for you to heal before we get back.” I shivered as I thought of all the things he could do to me. I was taken as a prisoner and there was no way I could get away with all of them awake. Even if I change into my wolf, there’s nothing I can do, best case scenario, I get away barely, worst and most likely case, they decide I’m not worth it and kill me. I need to find time to get away. At least the kids are safe now.


“Alright you two guard to make sure Lucas or Jason don’t stop me. I’ve got her under control, I’m gonna teach this bitch a lesson.” I held back my tears. If I screamed the only one who would hear would be Lucas or Jason, Jason I assume was the smaller one, and I can’t even guarantee they’ll hear me. If I scream he’ll probably hurt me more, and it wouldn't be worth it if they didn’t hear me, and I can’t guarantee they will. The only thing I can do is try to mind link them. My mind link works from farther away than for most, but not but much more. I won’t be able to mind linking one of them until they get close enough. I’ll be able to sense their presence, but I don’t know when or if they'll get close enough. 


The guy punched my in the face three times and I spat out blood. He sat on top of me puting all of his weight on me, squishing me into the earth. He put his hand around my throat and squeezed, but left it loose enough so that I wouldn’t pass out. He took his other hand to scratch up my arms and legs. I counted on scratch after another until he stopped at 100, he must’ve counted as well then. He let go of my throat and I choked as air filled my lungs again. He reached into his pocket and took out a pocket knife. He started carving words into my chest and stomach and I struggled not to scream. I couldn’t hold it and screamed anyway. He stopped immediately and punched me in the face. “Any time you make any noise, I will only hurt you worse.” I let out a small sob and nodded. 


Never have I ever had to submit to anyone before. Not by force like this, only ever by choice. I’m powerless for the first time and I hate it. What was the point of all the training if I can’t even get out of this? He stood up and walked to the side for a moment and bent down. He walked back over holding a huge rock, his arm shook under its weight. “Wait, no no please.” I whispered. “You made a noise tsk tsk.” He smiled and lifted the rock above his head. I shook my head no but he ignored me. He laughed as he threw the huge rock down right onto my stomach. It was heavier than two of him. I could feel myself bleeding and rolled to the side slightly, trying to get it off. The rock wouldn’t budge and I felt like I was gonna throw up. 


After a few more agonizing minutes he bent down and slowly oh so slowly rolled the rock across my stomach onto the ground. He looked at my blood stained shirt and smiled widely. He then pulled my pants down just slightly and I kicked and moved as much as I could despite the pain shooting through me. “Shh shh, wouldn’t want the others to hear would we?” He took his shirt off and tied it around my mouth so I couldn't scream, forcing me to breath in his scent. He pulled down his pants and positioned himself. I started to cry hard now, and searched for the presence of Lucas or Jason. They were so close, I could sense them, but not reach them. I was crying completely now as the man slowly entered me, forcing me to feel him completely. He pushed himself all the way in and I thought my insides were going to explode. He then moved fast and hard. I could feel myself bleeding in more than one place. He started to slap my face again and my tears were quickly mixed with my blood. I was barely conscious but I could tell he was going to climax in me soon. Eyes barely open, I searched my mind, and there suddenly appeared the presence of Jason and Lucas. I widened my eyes and tried to mind link them. They were both trying to push me out, and I almost couldn’t break their walk because of my condition. As soon as I broke their walls I spoke to them before they could push me back out. Pretty soon I would go unconscious, so I didn’t have much time.


HELP! The guys have me tied up and I can’t move, they’re gonna kill me if he doesn’t stop! Please I ca-

The mind link stopped. But they didn’t push me out. It was because I couldn’t do it anymore, I was about to pass out as I felt the man reach his climax, I was about to pass out when I heard shouting and arguing.




Jason and I were out getting more firewood. “So it’s a good thing we grabbed those kids hu?” Jason looked at me and nodded. “When I saw her fighting earlier she was absolutely amazing, I was crazy scared. But she’s just as good as a human too. I seriously thought we were gonna  die.” “Yeah, she's… something else.” “I’m surprised they have such a great Eta. I know the Eclipse Pack is known for their fighting and hunting skills, but still.” “Yeah, hey uhm, why were you hiding your scent? I noticed that as soon as she talked to us you hid it from her. Why?” “I uhm. Well we have to take her as a prisoner to the Rogue king. He’s either gonna kill her or keep her for something, maybe information. Either way she doesn't have a happy ending. And well, she’s my mate.” 


“Oh shit Lucas. I’m sorry man.” “Nah it’s fine, I just don’t want to get too attached, you know?” He nodded and we kept walking in silence. Suddenly the air felt different, like someone could see us or was looking for us. “Hey man let's go back we got enough.” Jason nodded and we headed back. Suddenly my head started to hurt and I put my hand to my face at the same time as Jason. “Someone’s trying to mind link us? At the same time.” “Yeah” We both let out a groan as we tried to push the person out together. Somehow the person broke through our wall though. That’s never happened, is that even possible? 


HELP! The guys have me tied up and I can’t move, they’re gonna kill me if he doesn’t stop! Please I ca-


“Shit, the girl!” Jason and I ran as fast as we could dropping the wood. We ran back to the camp and then followed the scents. Three of the guys were asleep in the tents, which meant we only had to deal with three of them. Suddenly the air smelt strongly of blood and I grew nervous. Jason and I ran until we saw Landers and Josh with their arms crossed. Jason and I yelled at them to let us through. When they wouldn’t I started shouting. “You dumbasses. Let us through. If the rogue king finds out or even a general finds out, we’re all dead! Better just he dies than all of us!” That seemed to get their attention because they both moved to the side and walked back to camp. 


When they moved I could see Titon hunched over. I pulled him to the side and he shouted “what the fuck!?!” He was on top of the girl, my mate, he just raped my mate. Her arms were pulled out and tied to a few trees. Her stomach was a wreck and bleeding uncontrollably. Her face was bruised and bleeding. She was covered in blood. Her eyes were barely open. When I saw her white hair stained red I couldn’t take it anymore. I turned around and grabbed Titon. I was slamming my fists into his face, one after the other. I didn’t stop until Jason pulled me off. “Dude you need to help her, she’s bleeding really bad. Give him to the rogue king, he’ll kill him for os. Otherwise you'll be dead too.” I stopped and took a deep breath. 


I bent down next to Titon and said, “if you go anywhere near her again I WILL kill you. When we get back to base you’re going to the rogue king. Until then don’t come near me or her!” I spat in his face and turned back to the girl. My mate, and I didn’t even know her name. I untied the ropes and lifted her up, her pants were pulled down slightly but they were puddled back up when Titon was pushed off her. I walked back to the tents with her bloody body in my hands. Jason ran ahead to wake up the other guys and have them help me. Titon was walking a foot behind me. When I got back to the tents the guys were all awake, Nathan and Jason were cooking food over the fire for dinner. Tom was setting up the other tents and Sam was getting a first aid kit. He put a blanket on the ground next to the fire and I set the girl down on top of it. Josh and Lander were standing sheepishly next to Titon.

Sam asked what happened and I told him. Tom and Sam brothers, the minute I finished the stori=y they both spat at Titon Josh and Landers. Nathan had tears in his eyes. “Are you alright Nathan?” Jason asked. “Yeah uhm, that’s how my mate died. Someone raped her to death. So I’m just glad she’s okay, even if she tried to kill us. Titon, you’re not getting any food.” 


We all ate after I addressed the girl's wounds. She was still asleep so I put her in my tent with me. The next day she was still sleeping so I carried her while we all made our way back. If we used a car this would only take one day, but then we would be easy to track. 

Three days and two nights since we kidnapped my mate and she still hasn’t woken up. We all eat at the fire together every night. Everytime we’re all eating we can hear the girl talking in her sleep. It doesn’t make sense what she’s saying. But we all listen anyway. After tonight we'll be at the base tomorrow. It’ll only take a few hours to get there. 


Sam and Tom were in the tent and the rest of us were by the fire eating dinner. They came out at the same time and both started talking at once. “She’s talking even louder today,” “I think she’s in pain.” “She won’t stop moving.” “Okay okay what are you saying?” They both looked at Jason. Before they could respond to him we heard an ear piercing scream. I stood up and saw the girl coming out of the tent. She was on her butt pushing herself backwards with her feet while staring at something in the tent. She was breathing heavily.


I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She jumped and rolled out of my touch. Jumping into a defensive stance with lightning speed before grabbing at her stomach and falling back to the ground. She was bent down and panting. The other guys were watching from the fire as I crouched in front of her. “Hey uhm, are you alright? Do you want some food?” She looked up into my eyes like she was searching for something and nodded. 


Once she was seated by the fire and eating we were all staring at her dead silent. She pulled her hair to one side and downed a bottle of water in seconds. “So uhm, you’ve been asleep for a while, but we were wondering what your name is?” Sam asked in a quiet voice. She looked at him and shrugged her shoulders. “What’s the point? I’m here cause I killed two of your guys, so I’ll probably end up dead. It’s gonna be easier for everyone if we don’t grow any attachments or anything.” She was so nonchalant about her death. 


I couldn’t stand it anymore and unmasked my scent. Not even a second after she looked at me, mouth open, just staring. “Uhm, did we miss something here?” Without looking at Nathan she just said, “he’s my mate.” I looked at her and smiled, “so, your name?” “Victoria, but most people call me V.” “I’m Lucas, this is Sam, Tom, Nathan, Jason, Josh, Landers, and.. Titon.” When she saw Titon she stared at him for a few seconds and then Titon let out a groan, she furrowed her brows as the two of them stared straight into each other's eyes. He started to cry slightly and we all watched, unsure of what was going on between these two. Victoria let out a sharp breath and looked away from him. “Mmm that’s why.” I looked at her. “That’s why what? What just happened.” She looked at me for a few moments. “Well I didn’t plan on telling you guys, but I don’t see why not now, seeing as how you’re my mate I guess you should know.”


We all sat and listened to her intently. “I’m not an Eta. My parents are the Gammas of the pack and I’m the Alpha. No, my brother didn’t die. I am the first and only child of theirs, making me the first female alpha in history. I shifted at 9 not 10, I can force people to mind link with me. Think of the mind link like a house. In my head I can see a map of all the houses within a few hundred feet of me. Every house represents the mind of someone near me. Everyone’s door to their house is always locked. A normal wolf can walk up to someone's house and knock. The owner of the house can either open the door or leave it locked. Like if someone denied a mind link with you. I guess you could say that when I knock on someone's door, if they don’t open it, I can kick it down. Some people's doors are thicker than others. When I enter a persons ‘house’ I see three doors. The first allows us to mind link, the second lets me see a person's memories, a;; of them. The third door lets me feel what the house owner is feeling at that moment. 


So if I enter door three and the house owner is really sad, I feel sad, if they’re feeling pleasure I feel pleasure, if they’re being tortured not only will I feel the pain they feel, but the tortue inflicted on them is inflicted on me. If I go in door two the owner of the house can see what I see when I go through their memories. When I enter door one I can mind the link just like anyone else. I can force people to let me do this. I can also do this from farther away than a normal person. So earlier I was going into … Titans memories to see what made him the way he is. That’s also how I forced Jason and Lucas to mind link with me earlier. The thing about this is a person can't stop me from entering their mind, but depending on the thickness of their door depends on how much energy I use. The only downside is that on one hand, if my energy is low or there are… Special circumstances, the person can trap me in their mind, not for long but long enough that it could mean my death. Also if I feel unwell or say in extreme pain it takes a lot more energy for me to do it than normal. That’s why I was sleeping for so long.”


We all stared at her for a moment. “Okay that’s strange. But that doesn't’ explain why you kept talking in your sleep, or why you were screaming when you woke up.” I glared at Josh, “what doesn't make sense?” I groaned. “Well that’s because..” Victoria looked nervous for a moment and then took a deep breath. “That’s because I can, sorta see the dead. Well in my sleep the ‘gods’ talk to me. The moon goddess for example has spoken to me quite a few times. I can’t control when we talk in my sleep, she decides. Just like with the other gods. I can also see the dead though. In my sleep and when I’m awake. They talk to me. They can’t touch me though. But sometimes I can’t tell if they’re reel or dead. When I’m around other people they usually don’t show up, or if they do it’s only the “good ones”. When I’m alone they all show up, the good and bad. Always different situations with different requests. Most of the time they are asking me to help them finish some of their business so they can move on. Sometimes they just want to talk. Other times, they try to get me to do… bad things. Sometimes if I’m upset and alone, there’ll be a dead person trying to make me more sad, they feed off of my emotions and energy like leeches in a way. They can only do it when I’m alone and let them. Well I don’t let them but sometimes I forget to put up my wall against them, or it falls and I don't notice.” 


“So just now?” She looked at Sam and nodded. “How long?” “What?” “How long have you been able to do this?” I asked her. “Well I could do the mind link things since I was 16, and the gods since I was 17, and the dead people thing just after I turned 18.” “How old are you?” “18, 19 in a few weeks. You? Don’t tell me you’re really young or old. That would be just my luck.” I laughed, “ha no, I just turned 20 a month ago.” We all continued to eat in a comfortable silence. Tom put out the fire and we all went back to our tents. “You can take the sleeping bag.” She looked at me and looked at the bag, then back at me. “Nope.” “What?” She got into the sleeping bag and moved to one side. “We can share the sleeping bag.” “Uhm, are sure that won't be too weird for you?” “Eh, it’s fine. You’re my mate after all. I mean sure you’re a stranger, but you did save me. Even though you guys kidnapped me, but still.” I chuckled and shook my head. 


I crawled into the sleeping bag and zipped it up. Once I was all the way I noticed how small Victory is compared to me. I smiled and put my head on my arm. I was facing towards her and she was facing towards me. We stared into each other's eyes for what felt like hours. She let out a soft breath and I could see it in the cold air. She moved closer to me and turned around so I was spooning her. I pushed my chest against her back and put my arm over her waist. She cuddled her head closer into my neck and let out a sigh. I breathed in her scent and smiled. This beautiful woman is my mate. 


Then it hit me. The Rogue king would kill her if he knew what she was. But if we left now he would send his hunters after us. He knows where we are, and when we’ll get there tomorrow. There’s no way out of this. I let go of my breath and fell asleep with Victoria's scent in my nose.




I woke up with Lucas’s arm draped over me. I could leave right now, be free to go home. I want to so badly. If I stay I’ll only get hurt more. But I can’t go, not now that I met him. I sighed and closed my eyes. Better enjoy the moment while it lasts. I closed my eyes and fell back asleep. When I opened my eyes again this time I was alone. I got out of the sleeping bag and opened the tent. I walked out and sat by the others while they ate. Once we finished eating they packed up the tents and we started walking again. We got to their base and walked in through the front entrance. It was a wide opening surrounded by forest. There were tents and small houses everywhere. They had training stations set up and food stations. Everyone moved with purpose. In the center was a small castle or very large mansion. I assume that’s where they were taking me. 


Everyone turned their heads to look at me. I guess my appearance was rather strange. White hair and blue eyes were all black surrounded by 8 huge guys. I wonder what they all think. I could look.. But I should save my energy. We walked up the castle front doors and they opened them. We walked in through a few doors and entered the “throne room”. In there was a huge throne and on it sat a man who looked to be around 20. He was very very attractive. Also the Rogue kind I assumed.


“Bring them in!” We walked in and I stopped where they did. The room was filled with lots of guards. “Is this her?” “Yes your majesty.” Jason answered. A guard came up and pulled me slightly forward and to the left. “Hmmm, she's gorgeous, tell me everything that happened. You know no lies.” I looked at Lucas confused as his mind linked me quickly.


He’s a little like you. He can tell when a person is lying.


Hmm, interesting. Jason told him everything. The ‘king’ seemed surprised by my fighting skills. Well I guess I am quite small considering these guys. When Jason got to the part where I was… raped, the ‘king’ had a few guards take Josh, Titon, and Landers and put them in their execution room. A few moments I heard three screams and then silence, well I guess they’re dead. Jason told him everything except for me and Lucas being mates. The ‘king’ got very excited when they told him about my ‘skills’. 


“Well well well, I am very happy indeed. In that case, I’ve decided. I have been looking for a while and I finally found her. She will be my new wife.” WTF, WIFE!?! Wait no no no, I will not marry this bastard. I growled and he turned toward me, “am I not to your liking? You are to be my wife and that is that.” “I would never.” I growled back. He laughed and turned to Jason. “Hmm I feel you have not told me everything, well spit it out!” 


“Uhm she… they.” Lucas cut in, “she’s my mate.” The ‘king’ smiled. “Well how sad this is. Well since you know too much about her and have an unbreakable.. Connection to her.” He smirked after saying connection and I realized I never wanted to punch someone so bad as I do now. “You five shall be sentenced to death as well, guards take them to the execution room.” My eyes widened and I flew into action. 


I threw my head back hitting the guard on the face and I grabbed his knife as he fell. I cut the rope and ran at the five of them, I jumped up and turned into my white wolf. I’ve definitely gotten a little bigger since the last time. I growled and slashed at anyone who came to close. A few guards tried to get them from behind but I did a backflip over the 5 and grabbed the guards with my mouth. I bit down, tearing their bodies right in half leaving them on the floor bleeding and screaming. I killed 10 humans and 5 wolves, not letting a single one get anywhere near the 5 of them. A huge I mean HUGE grey wolf charged at them but I intercepted. He ran into my side as a result and I fell over. I rolled into a standing position and stood back up. 


I stood at my full height and growled as loud as possible, using my full alpha power. I never liked to use it in human or wolf form because I felt like I was taking away their right to choose. It caught the wolf off guard and he stopped for just a few seconds. In those seconds I jumped on his back and wrapped my mouth and claws around his throat. I bit and tore him as he flung me against the floor. We rolled together, me taking most of the weight and impact, and stopped a few feet from the ‘king’. I bit the wolf's neck once more and pulled up hard until I heard a pop and crack. I stood back up after being sure he was dead and went back to protecting the 5 of them. It was so fast no one else had time to attack them again. 


Using the mind link I forced through the ‘kings’ wall so fast I think it was a new record.


I can do this all day. I won’t stop until you stop your guards. You’ll have to kill me!”

How about this, I want you to play a game for me. If you win, I’ll let them go, if you lose they die. But either way you HAVE to marry me.



I stared at the ‘king’ with blood dripping all over my body and down my mouth and neck, staining my white coat red. “Stop, the wolf and I have come to an… Agreement.” The guards stopped and went back to their places. The 5 of them all looked at me wide eyed, clearly surprised that I protected them and then made a deal with the ‘king’ for them. I didn’t look at them though, I looked right into the ‘kings’ red eyes as he grinned at me. 


The five were put into a jail cell for the night while I was pulled into a ‘guest room’. I was shackled to the bed and there were no windows. Tired I fell asleep in my wolf form. I didn’t have any clothes to change back into. I woke up the next day to screams. The door was open and there was a small woman there. “Damn they should have warned me.” I stared at her as she unshackled my leg and handed me a towel. Confused, I shifted back and wrapped it around me. I followed her out the door down hall and into a huge white room. She closed the door behind me and three other women came in from another door. “Oh good she’s here!” The redhead said. The youngest one pulled me into the door they came out of and I found myself in a bathroom. There was a tub filled with water. The fourth one pulled my towel off and led me to the tub. I got in and relaxed in the water. The four women began. The red head was washing my hair, the young one started on my hands, the older one started on my feet, and the fourth one who took off my towel was washing my body.


“Uhm, I can be myself.” “No no, this is our job, anyway we don’t mind.” Okay then… Once they were done they pulled me out and left me standing in a tiny room. The walls ceiling and floor was made of a fan blowing warm air. It was definitely… a strange feeling. Once I was dry they opened the door and pulled me out to a table. They had me lay down completely naked on my stomach with my butt to the ceiling. I honestly would have laughed if I wasn’t so confused. Suddenly something warm was being put all over me. Then I realized it, they were waxing me! Once I was fully waxed all over they rubbed me down with lotion and put me in a robe. They sat me down in a chair and gave me a facial. Once they were done they moved me to another chair with a mirror. They had me sit facing away from the mirror and the real work began.


The red head worked on my face, the younger one did my feet and the older one did my hands. The fourth one was doing something with my hair. The red head spoke up, “alrighty. So the so-called ‘game’ we don’t know what it is but we have an idea, because we needed to know what to make you wear. So everything we are doing to you is to make you presentable for the King. As it was his request. The game however does not require any of this, so at first it might be a bit hard to play it until you get used to this.” “Uhm… Thanks?” “Haha sure thing.” 


Once they were done they gave me a bowl of yogurt. “Eat this, we can’t have you eat in your clothes, and this is all you’re getting until after the game.” Once I ate the yogurt they stood me up out of the chair. “Can I at least see what you did?” “Not until you’re in the outfit.” “Okay then.” I let out a sigh. The older and younger ones walked to a set of double doors and went through them. They came back out. The older one holding a hanger with clothes, and the younger one holding shoes and weapons. “Alright we’ll help you get into this and then be on our way.”


They pulled me into a black jumpsuit with white lines running along the front and back. It was rather tight with a zipper in the front. Except the zipper wouldn’t move, so I was showing a bit more cleavage than I would have liked. They helped me pull on the matching black heels, why heels really? I then lastly was a tiny little roll of black fabric. I didn’t know what to do with it so they told me to put it in the shoes until the game.


Once that was over they left and the older woman took me to the throne room. There the ‘king’ would take me to the game. Once we got there the ‘king’ looked at me and had me spin for him. Once I did that he had me follow him outside. We got in a car and drove for about 10 minutes. Once the car stopped we got out in the middle of the woods somewhere. We walked forward for a few feet and then one of the guards bent down and opened a hatch in the ground. I followed the ‘king’ and the guards down the stairs until we heard a bunch of cheering. There in front of me was a huge arena filled with rogues cheering loudly. Even children were there cheering. The king walked around to a big throne and sat down. I on the other hand was led down another set of stairs to a room. In the room was a bunch of weapons and armor. The guard next to me turned and looked at me. “Alright so you can pick whatever you want in here to use. We can’t tell you what you’re fighting so good luck with that.” With that all of the guards left and locked the door behind them. I looked around the room for all the stuff. I pulled the roll of fabric out of my shoe and undid it. It was a little bag thing. I walked around and grabbed a brown leather back harness. I clipped two hand guns to the front of it and a third to the back. I grabbed two leg pouches and put one on both legs. Inside them I put six magazines for the handguns in the pouches. I took a knife sheath and clipped it onto a belt, and then put on the belt. I put two more knives on the belt. Then I put one in my right shoe, just in case. After that I took another sheath and put one on both wrists, then filled each with five throwing knives. Then I put a black metal pocket staff in the other shoe. After that I took three grenades and stuck them on the belt, then I put 6 smoke grenades and distributed them amongst the leg bags. I took two super powerful grenades and put one attached to the outside of each shoe. I also tied a dagger to the back of both of my heels. 


Just as I finished a bell rang and a door opened. As I made my way to the door, I took one of the black headbands I saw and tied it on my head to hold up my curled hair. Why did they do my makeup? It was so unnecessary. I walked through the door down the hall until I saw another room. It had benches and the front wall was actually metal bars. On the other side of the bars, was the arena. All over the arena’s sides were more doors like this. Each one a different size. Damn, how long was this going to take?


I sat at the bench and listened to the arena. I tried to use my senses and I managed to find the presence of Nathan, Sam, Tom, Jason, and Lucas as well as the ‘king’. Once I found all of them I listened to what was being said by the ‘king’. “Hello my fellow Rogues! As you know a brave team of men found a woman and brought her to me. After many conversations I began to fall for her. Everyone here knows that the better a fighter you are the more worthy you are. So she’s coming here today before you all to show you her strength! Here she is folks!” The metal bars opened and I stepped out into the arena. I immediately noticed just how large this underground fighting place was. I found Lucas immediately and looked into his eyes as the crowd cheered for me.


Lucas and the others were all in a metal cage seated behind and above the ‘kings’ throne. I smiled up at them and nodded. “Each round she will be faced with an opponent that she must kill. The faster the kill the more points she gets. The less skill she uses or the more time she takes the less points. Her points will be kept track of on the leaderboard! If she can’t beat an opponent, the guards will restrain the opponent and points will be taken away.” I glared and the ‘king’ as music started to play in the arena. Of course they would play fucking music. “Let the game begin!” The first door opened and I turned to look at my first opponent.




The song Run For Your Life by K. Flay turned on and I groaned. The first door opened and V turned to look at her first opponent. She got in a ready stance as a huge lion stepped out of the doorway. She stepped back as it walked towards her. It circled her as she got down into a crouch. She threw two knives at it, hitting it right in the eye and the neck. It let out a growl and ran  towards her. She ran towards the lion, just as it lunged at her she slid under it and stabbed it with a knife dragging it across its stomach. The lion let out a show and slumped to the ground, defeated. 50 points were added to the scoreboard and V pulled her three knives out, whipped them and put them back. Two guards ran in and pulled the lion's body into a room with a huge black door, and then it closed. 


Another door opened and out came hundreds of snakes. Rattlesnakes, black mambas, tiger snakes, king cobras, inland taipans, and even saw-scaled vipers. V ran away from the snakes right up to the arena wall. She then started putting her hands in the cracks of the wall and climbing upwards. She was about 10 feet up the way when the snakes arrived. She took out a grenade and let it drop in the den of snakes. As the grenade went off snake parts flew everywhere. V climbed across the wall and then back to the ground so she was about 12 feet away from the dead snakes. There was still one snake left, a really huge and fast fucking snake. It slithered toward V and lunged with it’s mouth open. V quickly pulled out a knife and threw it at the snake. The knife went into the snake's mouth stabbing its insides and flying out the other end. “Holy shit.” Tom was in awe.


V crouched down to catch her breath while the crowd cheered. The scoreboard went up to 105. The third door opened and V turned toward it. Out came a rhino. The song changed to The Rage by Kid Cudi. The rhino saw her and ran like it was possessed right for her. She started to run away and I started to get confused. The rhino was a foot behind her and about to hit her when she jumped up into a backflip landing on its neck, barely missing its horn. Once she was on top she grabbed on and started to fumble around. She pulled out a gun and shot right down into its head. It let out a whine and kept running. It stopped running and started to jump up and down and shake its neck. V shot it two more times and it was still shaking. It’s skull was thick and she wasn’t making much progress. She sat up and slapped it but it was really hard. As the rhino started to run again she jumped off and rolled across the ground. The rhino was all the way across the arina and turned around facing V, staring right at her. She pulled something out of her shoe and it turned into a metal staff. “Shit shit” Sam started to freak out as the Rhino ran for her. The king was about to call the guards when V shouted, “I’ve got it! I’m not losing any points.” The ing stopped and smiled. I hate that smile so much. The rhino kept running as V took off her head band. She grabbed a big knife, a dagger maybe, and using the head band she tied the knife to the end of the staff. The Rhino ran at her and she stood right there waiting for it. It was a feed away now and she pulled the staff out in front of her, lunging forward pushing it up and into its neck right above its collar bone. It let out a roar of pain and kept running and V ran away toward the wall. The staff was sticking out in front of it. Just as it was about to get her, she jumped out of the way as the rhino ran right into the wall, pushing the staff farther into itself. It dropped to the ground dead and V walked over to it, pulling out the staff. She put the staff and knife back and tied the head band back in her hair despite all the blood. 


The crowd went crazy as the score changed from 105 to 180. The black door opened and a few men pulled the rhino into the black room with the dead lion. Once the arena was closed another door opened and V turned. Out came a pack of 4 spotted hyenas. V started to laugh and pulled out two grenades. She threw them at the hyenas as they headed toward her. Apparently hyenas like to play fetch, because they caught the grenade with their mouths right before they exploded. One of the four was still alive and V took out her gun and shot it in the eye from where she stood. The king seemed a little disappointed, “didn’t want to play with these ones?” She shouted back to him “I’ve fought hyenas, and I don’t particularly like them, I’d have to be stupid to fight them up close. There isn’t just one or two, and they work in a pack. I’d have been dead within minutes.” He seemed to accept that answer and nodded. 


The score went to 220 and the hyenas were taken away. “Now everyone. We move onto the supernatural round!” Everyone got even louder and I started to get scared for her. Another door opened and out came a man. “That’s a vampire.” The four of us turned to Nathan. “How can you tell?” “His skin is pretty light, and you can tell by the way he carries himself.” We all turned back to the arena and watched as V thought out her next plan. The vampire stalked towards her, like an animal playing with it’s food. V watched him carefully and pulled out two knives. She held tightly as the man charged at her. He moved so fast he was like a blur. Somehow V could see all of his moves before he made them and avoided them with ease. She ducked and spun avoiding every punch and kicked him in the balls. He made a face as he punched him on the nose. She went to punch him again but he caught her fist. He quickly stood up and spun her into his arms, with his mouth around her neck he bit her. He was drinking her blood and the king called to his guards. You could see the electricity from the collar on his neck, but he kept biting. “No no no this is not good he’s going to kill her, no no” I heard the king whisper the same thing I was thinking. “Come one V!” I screamed. Please please please don’t die. Shit! I can’t lose her. The vampire was still getting shocked but kept going as V turned a little pale. She tightened her right hand around the knife and reached up, stabbing the vampire right in the neck. He let out a scream as she pushed him off. Before he could pull the knife out she pushed him to the ground and sat on top of him. She took another knife and put it in his neck on the other side. Holding both knives she twisted around and up. After a terrible tearing sound the vampires head fell to the ground with blood going everywhere, while V held onto those two knives like it was all that kept her to her life. I guess in a way it was. I let out a heavy sigh once he was dead. “I really thought I lost her.” I whispered. Jason patted my shoulder, “she’s tougher than all of us, don’t worry.” I nodded and looked at the king. There was a single tear in his eye but he was smiling. The scoreboard bumped up to 300.


The crowd was screaming her name as she smiled and panted heavily. “This is the last round, if you can get 400 points you win. In this round it is suggested that you turn into your wolf form. Good luck!” The king shouted and V nodded. She took off her weapons and headband so she was only wearing the jumpsuit and her heels. She took off her heels and changed into her white wolf as the final door opened. Her wolf seems a bit bigger than before. She turned around as the door opened. The music changed to Play WIth Fire by Sam Tinnesz as we all saw what walked out of the final door.




The song changed and I saw my final opponent, or should I say opponents. I had to earn a perfect score, so my skill and timing needs to be perfect. Suddenly I felt like I had just learned 100 new moves. I looked at the five wolves in front of me and let out a breath. These wolves were from my pack, I knew them. One of them was Nick, another was Saline, the third was Faust, the fourth was my dad, and I couldn't tell who the fifth was because they were hiding in the back. I knew they were changelings the minute I saw them, but they still look like them and sound like them. The thing about changelings is that they can access parts of your mind so they can replicate and then mimic the people you most care about. If you know they are changelings then they are hard to kill, if you don’t know they are changelings then it’s hard to stay alive. 

I took a deep breath and charged at Nick. He died quickly as did Saline. Next came Faust. He stalked toward me in wolf form and I felt all of our memories fly through my head. He lunged at me but I jumped over him. Once I landed I spun around and bit his tail. I kept hold of it as I spun around in circles as fast I could. Once I was spinning fast enough I lifted him off the ground and threw him against the arena wall. Once he died all that was left was dad and the fifth unknown one. Dad looked at me and I got lost in his brown eyes. I didn’t notice him running at me until I felt his jaw start to close around my stomach. As he bit down I bent forward and bit his neck. He bit hard, but I bit harder. This one died with its mouth on me, nasty. Last was the fifth one. I didn’t recognize this wolf at all. It could be someone I’ve met or know, but I’ve never seen their wolf form. In that case it shouldn't be too hard to kill them if I don’t recognize them. I lunged at the fifth one and knocked him down with ease. He snapped and clawed at me, but I scratched him back. I gave him a deep gash on his stomach and watched him bleed out. As he died the changeling shifted out of the wolf form and into the wolf's human. As soon as I saw him I began to cry. I made sure I was blocking the ‘king’ view so he couldn’t see who it was. Even though Lucas was with the four above and behind the ‘king’ and they couldn’t see this, I still cried seeing my mate's dead body in front of me.


I took in a deep breath and wiped my eyes before turning around. I made sure to block the view of the fifth changeling's body so the ‘king’ and the others wouldn’t know it was Lucas. I looked at the scoreboard and smiled at my 415 points. I won, they were free. “And it seems Victoria the mighty wolf has won! Everyone, meet your new Rogue Queen!” Ugh right, I had to marry this guy. Well at least I got the guys out. If I’m lucky they’ll find my pack and they can get me out of here before the marriage. Oh well. I felt Lucas try to mind link and I let him in.


You won

Yeah, and you guys are free

And you have to.. Get married

I have an idea, if he puts you in a white room, which I think he will, and it has no windows, go to the biggest painting and take it off the wall. Behind it is a door, open it and go down the tunnel. It leads to the outside, but the king doesn’t know of it. Once you get out head straight for your pack. We’ll meet you there a day or two later, we have to pack our stuff and travel with it so it’ll take us a little longer. See you soon!


I gave Lucas the best smile I could in my wolf form and nodded my head. I was led out of the arena and back into the weapons room. I stayed there in my wolf form napping while everyone left the arena. After the crowd left the ‘king’ ordered the five to get their stuff and leave. Once everyone was gone, a group of guards came and brought me into the back of a truck. I stayed in my wolf form the whole way back. Once we got to the castle I walked in my wolf form surrounded by guards through the rogue village. 


I was brought to an orange room and left there for around 10 hours. Then two women came in and left a bucket of water and soap along with some clothes. Once they left I changed back and got in the tub. The water was boiling hot and I lowered myself in slowly. Once I was fully submerged and rubbed my body with my hands under the water. I rubbed myself raw and then stepped back out of the water. I covered my body with the soap and rubbed it in like lotion. Once I was completely covered I got back in the tub and rinsed off. I ran my hands through my hair and scrubbed the blood out. Once I felt completely clean I got out of the tub and shifted back to my wolf. In my wolf form I shook out my fur and walked around the room for a couple of minutes. Then I laid down and fell asleep. 


I don’t know how long I was asleep but when I woke up I was very well rested. I ignored all of the dead people I saw and focused on my surroundings. I was still in the orange room and alone. But the tub of water and soap was gone, the clothes were still there. I changed back and started to pull on my clothes. It was pretty bright in the room and I was well rested, so the dead weren’t bothering me too much. I layed back down once I was fully dressed, and tried to reach out to the gods. I ended up in some strange meditation limbo. I don’t know how long I was like that, but when I was back to normal it was dark outside. The windows had bars over it and overlooked the woods. Unfortunately this served no real purpose to me but as a light source. 


I sat in a comfortable silence with my eyes close counting the second that went by. It had been 5400 seconds, 90 minutes when the door opened and in stepped the ‘king’. “Do you have a name? Or should I continue to refer to you as my sadistic holder?” “Heh, feisty. I like that about you.” “You don’t know anything about me!” I snapped. “Yes well, I shall know soon enough. As for my name, that must be earned. Do you have a name?” “Ha, ‘it must be earned’.” “Hmm, how about a trade?”


“Eye for an eye of sorts?” He nodded. “Maxton Witiker, the one and only Rogue King, and you are?” “Victoria Channing, first and only child of Sylvie and Magnus Channing, alpha of the Eclipse Pack.” “Hmm, quite the impressive title you have there. The two of us seem to make history with just our mere existence.” Right, he became a rogue king after whoever his father was died, which I’m sure he caused. 


“Enough with the introductions, follow me.” I stood up and followed him out the orange room down the black and red halls. I didn’t fail to notice the many guards following us and watching me. “Alright, we are to be married in two days, until then you shall be staying in your own room. There you will be taught the rogue ways during the day by my maids. At night I shall have my way with you. I’m afraid I must take my leave now. I shall visit you shortly.” I scowled and walked into the room, unfortunately it wasn’t white but a blood red. Just great.


I sat at the table and took a nap, purposely ignoring the black silk covered bed in the corner. The room wasn’t very large, but it had a black table with two chairs, the queen sized bed with the black silk sheets, and lastly a bathroom with a black sink, toilet, and tub along. The walls were red along with the floor and ceiling. There was only one window which was huge but it also was covered in metal bars. No escaping from this room either. I checked for a painting just in case but the walls were completely bare. 


A few hours later the door opened and Maxton walked in. He had red eyes and black hair along with tan skin. He wore all black with a red tie, matching his eyes. I stood up and backed into a corner immediately trying to get as far away from him as possible. We were alone in the room  together. Normally I would take this as an opportunity to escape or kill him or both, but it hasn't been very long since the guys left and one wrong move could mean all of our deaths. 


I stood in the corner and watched him as he walked closer to me. “I see you aren’t quite comfortable with me yet. Let’s play a game shall we?” “I don’t like your games very much.” “Don’t worry, this won’t be like the last one. I’m glad to see you all healed up.” I looked at the ground trying to avoid his gaze. I didn’t like this at all. I wanted to go see my pack, they needed me. I need them. I used my need to get to my pack as fuel for my courage. I looked back up right into his eyes and would not look away. We stayed like that for a moment before Maxton grabbed my arm. He dragged me across the room and threw me onto the bed. 


“Here’s how the game works. I give you two options and you pick one. If you refuse to pick either, someone will be brought in here and killed in front of you.” I never particularly cared about death. If someone dies or I kill them then so be it. But I’ve always been very protective of my pack and the children in it. I looked up to him waiting for his first order. All I had to do was get him to leave and then I could escape tomorrow. By then the guys should be far enough away that they’re safe. Then I can focus on my escape. 


“Here’s your first choice: Take off your socks, or take off my shoes.” I slowly took off my socks, trying to stall every question as long as possible. “Good, my shoes or my tie.” I stood up and he sat on the bed. I bent down and took off each shoe slowly, glaring at him the whole time. We went on like that for a while until I was wearing nothing but my underwear, bra and a long shirt. He was down to his shirt, and pants. “Your shirt or mine” I took a shaky breath and stood next to him. I slowly unbuttoned his shirt, sending daggers at him with my eyes. “Your shirt or my pants.” I unbuckled his pants and pulled them down, raking my nails across his legs cutting him in the process. Once his pants were completely off he pulled me up to him and held me face inches from his. He went to kiss me and I bit on his lip till I tasted blood.


He pulled back and sucked in a breath, “here’s how this works now, I will undress myself and you as well as kiss you wherever I want, I will do nothing more than that. But you must at least pretend to enjoy it. Otherwise I will bring in someone and it will be their end.” I looked at him and kept all the fear out of my eyes. He pulled off my shirt and pushed me on the bed. He kissed up and down my stomach and I arched my back away from him. He growled and hissed at my neck, which I also tried to pull away. “Perhaps I was not clear. Bring in 12 6 and 10!” He shouted. The door opened and three children walked in. Two girls and a boy. “No no no, they’re just kids.” He shrugged and in walked three guards, they each stood behind a kid with a knife. The kids were shaking and crying but the guards held them still. “No no please.” The guards looked at Maxton and he nodded. The kids screamed as one at a time their throats were slit. The guards dropped their bodys and walked out of the room as the kids lay on the ground drowning in their own blood. When they stopped moving Maxton looked at me.


“Now I hope you understand that I want you to enjoy this.” I looked at him with tears in my eyes and he smiled. Bastard. How could he do that to the innocent kids. They may belong to the enemy but still, what a terrible way for them to go. He continued to kiss up and down my body. I stayed completely still and silent until he siad, “you’ll have to try harder than that.” He continued on and I would arch my body into him. I felt a throw up in my throat as my mind screamed for it to stop. “If you don’t even sound happy, how can I ensure the 5 men won't die?” I looked at him and saw he was completely serious. I held back my tears and bit the inside of my cheek making me bleed as I forced myself to moan and push myself into him. 


This went on for a few more minutes until he just stood up, put on his clothes and left. Once he was gone I got straight in the bathtub and fell asleep in the hot water. I ignored the thought of the dead children who were still on the floor and closed my eyes. 


I awoke and immediately felt freezing. The water in the tub was now icy cold and my skin was purple and blue. I pulled myself out of the water and looked in the mirror. My skin was whiter than my hair and my lips were blue. I raised my shaky purple hands to my face and it was icy to the touch. I heard knocking on the door and quickly got changed. I walked out of the bathroom and saw the dead kids still on the floor. I turned my eyes away and watched my door open. A small elderly woman walked in and gasped. “My dear you look dead! Well it’s a good thing today's lessons are in a warmer room while they clean this mess on your floor. Come now dear we must be off.” 


I followed the woman down the halls and grinded at the guards around me, scaring them with my appearance. I must really look dead. We stopped at a door and the woman opened it, I gasped when I saw it was white and my eyes immediately went to the huge painting on the wall. I followed the woman to the table and sat down. We spent a few hours going over the rogue lifestyle. It was lunchtime and the guards brought us some tea and food. I had an idea! While she was talking about all their secrets I dropped my cup of tea, being sure to get it on her clothes but not her skin. It made little noise so the guards didn’t come in. She immediately stood up.


“Oh I’m so sorry, my hands were still a bit cold and shaky. Are you alright?” “Yes I’m fine, I’ll just go clean up.” She stood up and left the room. Once she was gone I went over to the painting and moved it. Once it was on the ground I tried to pull the door open but it was stuck. I heard someone walking down the hall and grew frantic. The door to the room opened and I pushed harder. Just as the secret door flung open I heard his voice and turned. “How are the lessons?” I looked at Maxton for a mere second and then ran down the tunnel. “Quick the guards! She's escaping!” I heard the door open and dozens of feet running after me. I could smell the guards and Mxton chasing after me and I knew I wouldn’t out run them. Deciding I had no other choice I shifted into my wolf and ran like hell. 


When I finally exerted the tunnels I was running through the woods. I kept bumping into trees and cutting myself on things. I was covered in dirt and leaves but kept running. Even after I lost the guards I ran in the direction of our pack house. I kept running and running and didn’t stop. It felt like weeks but was only a day when I finally reached the pack house. Well at least I thought it was. I was so tired and injured when I saw the huge house and people training in the yard. I passed out before I could figure out who was shouting and where I was.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.07.2020

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Yoo Hoo, Sallie! If it wasn't for you Sallie, I never would have thought of this. I don't know how, but one day I was practicing with you, and this idea appeared. I know I've been a bit preoccupied trying to write this book, but I promise that soon I'll have time for you once again. The I can pull out my music stand and we can practice. I promise that next time I'll use the right flute cleaner to clean you after. (yes Sallie is my flute)

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