
Is This Ordinary?

Flower’s Stalker

She was petite, standing around 5’4, looking rather shallow. She had a feeling of dread. A feeling she yearned to get rid of. She had always felt dread in the house she was living at. Everybody was sketchy. Her name was Flower, a 21-year-old female with reddish-brown hair. She was always cautious around her roommates. She didn’t know why, but they gave her an offish feeling.

Flower was sitting there in a wooden chair when suddenly a burst of energy was blown through the door. It was her roommate Sandy. Sandy was a little bit eccentric, bursting with energy half of the time, but brought around strange men which made Flower standoffish.

Flower looked at Sandy, and then picked up a book in hopes to avoid a confrontation.

“Oh, hey Flower,” Sandy sang. It didn’t work. It never worked with her.

“Hi,” said Flower, peering at Sandy over her book. Manhattan was the city they were staying in. Originally, Flower was from the South. She knew she would never be happy there, however, and moved to Manhattan when she accumulated enough money.

“Cid is coming over tonight. Can you stay out of our way?” Sandy asked. Whoever Cid was, Flower never intended to meet him.


Sandy skipped to the kitchen and grabbed an apple while Flower continued to read her book. Flower delved deeply into ‘Midnight Dancing’ and before she knew it, it was nighttime. She suddenly heard the door slam open and a drunken Sandy with this fairly cute, fairly scary-looking guy came through the door and to the living room.

Flower looked rather scared at the sight of them, not expecting to forget to go to her room where she would gladly prefer to be. The guy looked at Flower and Flower looked at the guy.

“Ohhhhhhh! H-hey Fllloowwwer,” Sandy obnoxiously slurred. She was too drunk. Flower sighed, got up, and went to her room.

There, she read ‘Midnight Dancing’ and tried to forget her horrid experience with Cid and Sandy. She always knew that there was more to come, and it was only going to get worse.




Flower woke up the next morning in a flush of contentment. A pleasant dream, she had. She met a nice man, and they had fallen in love. It was a pleasant feeling in her gut when she awoke.

Flower hummed a tune as she pranced to the living room. There was no sign of Sandy, and Flower just assumed she was still sleeping, which she was. She saw Cid in there, looking through the stack of books on the table where Flower usually sat. Those were Flower’s books. She turned back around at the sight of Cid, before he could utter a word, and went straight back to her room. She didn’t even remotely want to know him. Hell, he might have been an okay-type-of guy, but Flower wasn’t taking her chances.

She pondered around in her room, reading some of the book she was reading the night before, and studied for exams. When she heard Sandy’s door creak open, she peeked through a crack in her door to see a hungover Sandy slouch her way into the living room. Flower followed quickly behind. Cid was gone, leaving Sandy and Flower alone in the house. The rest of their roommates, the more shady ones (let in by Sandy, of course) were gone for a week. Flower couldn’t feel anymore at ease.

“How was your night?” Flower asked Sandy.

Sandy groaned. She had on a yellow jacket and yellow shorts. A green tank top that Flower recognized underneath.

“I take that as it could have went better.”

Sandy fell right back asleep on the sofa. Flower went to go get ready for the day. She took a shower, and washed her hair in pure elegance.

There was something off, however, and she felt a tinge of paranoia. She shrugged it off. It had always felt like that there.

After her pleasant shower, Flower got dressed in an outfit that fit her nicely. I sort of plain outfit. It was just some blue jeans, and a blue tank top.

“Off to school,” she said to herself before grabbing her backpack, and leaping out onto the sidewalk. She walked with a passion. Everyday at school was passionate for her. She thrived to learn.

She made it to the school in about an hour before class. She heard about a guy named Sebastian. When Sebastian first saw Flower, he instantly fell in love. He called it love at first sight. What Flower called it was pure insanity. Flower apparently didn’t believe in love at first sight, but she befriended him anyways. She sat a bench, Sebastian looked at her and smiled a friendly smile.

“I know it will take some time for you,” he said, “but you will love me eventually.”

She looked at him, dumbfound by what he just said.

“I don’t think I’ll ever love you like that.”

He chuckled and said, “You will see.”

Flower thought about those words, but not too extremely hard. She had more, important things to do, like study for her exams, and make sure she had rent money. She worked at a local bakery as a cashier; ‘Dan’s Bakery’.

Her boss, Dan, was a nice guy. She felt he was the only person she could trust completely, and the two of them had long talks about life frequently. At least when there was time.

She walked to class, and intently listened to the lecture while taking notes. She was a biology major.

She turned in her homework, which she completed everyday the minute she got home, unless she had to go to work. Most of the time, she had to work after school; however, the day before she didn’t and she took the opportunity to finish it early.

After class was over, she walked to her locker, put in her combination code, and opened the door. She immediately saw a letter folded up in her locker. It was on notebook paper, and neatly placed.

She opened it, and saw it was someone declaring their love to her. She sighed. Sebastian was trying so hard.

But something at the end of the note made her cringe.

It was signed:

 Your dear stalker.


Do you want to confront Sebastian about it, or don’t confront Sebastian about it?


If you choose to confront Sebastian about it go,go to chapter named: 02

 or if you don’t confront Sebastian about it, go to chapter named: 03



02: If you chose to confront Sebastian about it

She started to feel extremely paranoid. She had to summon up the courage to ask Sebastian about it. She wanted to make sure. She just had to know.

Flower walked, feeling stressed out. She had to wait until she could find him again after classes.

Her worst fear came true. He found her first.

“Hey, Flower,” he amusingly smiled at her. She showed distress.

He frowned. “What’s wrong?”

“I found this note in my locker,” she said.

She handed him the note, feeling as if she was going to burst into tears at any second.

“This… This is strange,” he said, a confused look on his face.

She started to cry.

“Hey, it’s okay,” he said, trying to comfort her.

“I think you did it,” she said. “I mean, I just met you today, and then this showed up in my locker. Did you do it?”

His face went shocked. “I would never stalk you. I just want you to like me. I would never do this,” he defended.

She wasn’t convinced. He would have to prove it some way or another. She was so frightened. He could tell it was taking a toll on her.

She walked away. She had to go to work.




Dan noticed something was up with Flower. He asked, “Flower. You ok?”

He asked while they weren’t busy.

She shook her head no and said, “I found a note in my locker from a stalker.”

They were silent for some time. Then Dan said, “Maybe it was a joke. I don’t know. Kids can be cruel.”

Flower looked thoughtful. “I hope it is only a joke.”

Work went by with ease, getting Flower’s mind off the letter, and in better places. She left work in the dark. She took a cab, for it was far too dark to walk. What if he or she was watching? She didn’t want to take her chances.

When she returned home finally, she was exhausted. However, exhaust didn’t stop her from doing her homework.

Afterwards, she studied for a test coming up. She studied for both to maintain grades, and to get her mind out of the gutter about this stalker.

She did it for her future, and her well being.

She contemplated for a moment what to do next. She guessed she would talk to Sandy.

Flower walked out of her room in even more dread than before. Sandy was sitting in the living room on the couch. She looked at Flower and smiled. She said, “Hey, Flower. You alright? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

Flower sighed. “I found a note in my locker from a stalker,” she said, looking rather dreary.

Sandy instantly looked apologetically at Flower. “I’m sorry, Love. Maybe you should call the police.”

“They probably won’t do anything about it, unless whoever it is breaks in or something,” Flower said, looking helpless.

She would have to do it herself. But at least she had friends like Sandy to help her in her time of need. She would always love Sandy for that.


Do you want to thank Sandy or not say anything to Sandy

If you want to thank Sandy go to chapter named: 04

If you don't say anything to Sandy go to chapter named: 05



03: If you chose not to confront Sebastian about it

Flower didn’t want to confront Sebastian about the stalker situation because she wasn’t quite sure if he was the one who did it. She contemplated. She did not want to point fingers because he didn’t seem like a bad guy. She was ever so discrete in her actions after that incident. She made sure to not meet strangers. But she did find it kind of odd that she had just met Sebastian, and all of a sudden there was a strange note in her locker.

She wanted to find out everything she could about Sebastian.

She confronted him casually that day.

“You love me yet?” he joked, chuckling.

“I’d have to think about that,” she joked back, trying to make the situation lighter. She didn’t want him to know how scared she was.

“I’d have to get to know you better,” she smiled. She figured she would take that opportunity to find out more about him.

“What would you like to know? I have no secrets to hide from you.” He looked her in the eye. She looked away and chuckled.

“What’s your major?” She asked.

“Art,” he said.

“Beautiful. What’s your passion?”

“Love,” he blushed.

“Say you loved me. How would you express it?” She asked.

“I would be scared you would break my heart, but that wouldn’t stop me. I would leave hints, and then do something romantic, like leave roses at your doorstep in my name. Then I would ask how you feel about me. I would kiss you if you felt the same, and announce my undying love for you.”

Or leave a note, Flower thought.

“That’s all for now,” she said, thinking about what he said.

He didn’t seem to be a bad person. He seemed very romantic. But maybe he was trying to hide it.

She left and went to work.

There she made an honest living.

Dan asked Flower how her day went.


Do you tell Dan about the letter? Or keep quiet?

If you choose to tell Dan about the letter go to chapter named: 06

If you choose not to tell Dan about the letter go to chapter named: 07



04: If you chose to thank Sandy

“Thank you, Sandy, for being there for me. I know you really would help me through a lot of things. I hope you do at least,” Flower’s words submerged and flowed with love.

Sandy looked at Flower with love. “You’re very welcome.”

Flower suddenly got the urge to give Sandy a hug. At least she didn’t feel alone in the situation. It was a great thing to have loving friends. Friends that would be there for you through anything. Flower was extremely grateful for that. From that point on, when she was feeling down, she had always thought of Sandy to get her through it.

Flower got up from where she was sitting, and within the next few minutes, she was feeling like she was being watched. She went to her room, and laid out on the bed.

He’s watching, she thought to herself. She didn’t know what to do. She was exhausted, but she didn’t want to sleep. Then she heard a scratch on her bedroom window. She suddenly felt terror.

She got up to go find Sandy, noticing the door was wide open with only the screen door separating her from the outside world. Her stomach dropped, and she felt the horror ravenously seize her gut.

Do you choose to call out for Sandy or be as quiet as you can?

It’s your choice ;) 

If you choose to call out for Sandy go to chapter named: 08

If you choose to be as quiet as you can go to chapter named 09


05: If you chose not to say anything to Sandy

Flower got up from her spot on the couch, which she was sitting next to Sandy, and went to her room. Sandy lollygagged along in the living room before getting up to go to bed. There, she put in her headphones, and blasted the music. What she didn’t know, was that someone had snuck through her bedroom window, and out through her bedroom door into the rest of the house.

Flower sat on her bed, reading, when she heard the noise of footsteps. She figured Sandy was just dragging her feet like she usually did. They were ever-so slight, but loud enough to hear.

She continued reading.

The intruder stopped at Flower’s bedroom door, contemplating on what to do next. His heart was beating out of his chest. He was nervous to confront her.

He placed his hand on the door knob…

Flower was still reading, not knowing that there was an intruder in the house, and that he was right outside her bedroom door about to come in any second.

She suddenly felt a tinge of paranoia. She called out for Sandy. There was no answer.

She got up and grabbed a pocket knife from her box. She always kept them just in case, considering that Sandy brought in strange men all the time. But this was a different situation.

She stood there, the eerie silence killing her.

She heard the door creak open slowly.

Then, standing there was a tall, well built male, wearing a ski-mask, and in dark clothes. He stared at Flower for the longest time, just standing there.

Do you jump through the bedroom window or try to stab him?

If you choose to jump through the bedroom window go to chapter named: 16

If you choose to try to stab him go to chapter named: 17




06: If you chose to tell Dan about the letter

Flower immediately had the look of horror on her face, looking as if something awful might happen. She sighed a sigh filled with paranoia. Her eyes filled with tears that no one’s comfort could contain. Then she said, “I found a letter in my locker. It was signed ‘your dear stalker’.” She had fallen into uncontrollable tears at that point.

Dan looked at Flower with worry, then he said, “It’ll be okay, hun. It’s just someone trying to scare you is all.” He was comforting in what he said, but to no avail. Flower was still in tears.

“I want you to go home today, and try to clear your thoughts. Come back in tomorrow and work. For now, I don’t think you can handle it.”

Flower shook her head yes in dismay, agreeing that working wouldn’t be her best option right now. She had to think of her next steps through this stalker situation. Her life might or might not have depended on it. She walked out of the store in broad daylight. At least it was still light outside. She would have been filled with so much terror at the sight of darkness, knowing he or she was lurking out there somewhere. Day time helped the situation. It lightened her up.

She lit up a cigarette before doing anything else. She didn’t smoke as often as she used to, but she felt it was necessary.

She took a drag, feeling contentment in her lungs as they approved. She did it mainly for the stress.

After a few more puffs, Flower sighed, and put it out. No need to smoke a full one quite yet, she still had to get home.

She decided it was best not to walk. She called a cab.

She waited patiently, looking at the sky. She felt tranquility while looking at it. It made her heart at ease. Flower would forever be in debt to the sky if it saved her from this stalker, if there was even a stalker. It still upset her, and if it was a joke, it was cruel.

Flower got in the taxi when it pulled up, and forced a smile at the driver. He was middle-aged and was balding. After making idle chit-chat, they reached her destination. He smiled at her as she got out. He was a very friendly man. Flower liked it when people were friendly to her.

She walked into the house, and sighed. She went straight to her room, shut the door, and laid out on her bed. She closed her eyes, and began to try to figure everything out. Maybe, she thought, she was overreacting. However, something was telling her she wasn’t. She sighed. It was too much for her to handle. Maybe she should just sleep it off.


Do you go to sleep or try to speak to Sandy about it?

If you choose to go to sleep go to chapter named: 10

If you choose to try to speak to Sandy about it go to chapter named: 11



07: If you chose not to tell Dan about the letter

Flower had to hold back the horror she was feeling in the pit her stomach, and it ate her up inside. However, she held it back, and smiled at Dan, playing it off cool. She hated hiding from Dan because she felt so safe around him.

“I had a decent day. You know how I love studying,” she said. He looked at her with a smile, a smile she loved to see on his face.

“That’s good to hear,” he replied.

“Thank you.”

She worked hard just to get the thoughts that were lingering in her head out, but she couldn’t help but to feel this eerie feeling in the shop. It made her cringe. It especially got worse as the night settled in, and it was close to closing time.

She wished it all away. The spacious shop was closing, and Flower went outside, and lit up a cigarette. She hadn’t had one in awhile, but she had always kept them on her when she wanted one. She inhaled greatly, hoping to relieve some stress that had been building up all day. She watched as a car with tented windows drove by more than once. Her eyebrow raised at the sight. She flung her cigarette out, tossing it into the trash before she could finish it, and went in to try to release tension. Dan asked why she hadn’t left yet.

“I need to call a cab, and use the restroom,” Flower told him truthfully. He smiled and said, “Be quick, my darling.”

The night sky was a beautiful scene. Flower realized she should have treasured it more when she was in the country. She started to miss it.

After going to collect her thoughts, and using the restroom, Flower summoned the courage to walk outside. She quickly called a cab, and it was swift to come and pick her up. Flower went home, not seeing anyone in a tented-window car drive by. She did her homework.


Do you go to sleep or study? 

If you go to sleep go to chapter named: 18

If you study go to chapter named: 19



08: If you chose to call out for Sandy

Flower immediately went into a panic. Not knowing what to do, she called out for Sandy, for sure she was still in the living room where she left her. There was no response.

Flower didn’t take her eyes off the door, she looked intensely at it. She couldn’t shake the feeling she was being watched. She heard a noise coming from Sandy’s bedroom after that, and she took off running to the living room. Sandy wasn’t in the living room. But where had she gone?

Then there was a scream. She knew Sandy was in her bedroom with the stalker. She very quickly ran to aid Sandy. What Flower saw was a scarred Sandy with a pocket knife drawn in defense. She looked at her, she held a note in her hand.

“H-he laid this down on the bed,” Sandy said.

Flower took the note. It read:

Flower. My love. I have long watched you. I know you must be immensely stunned by how I chose to confront you, but I fear you wouldn’t like me for who I am. I know you are scared of me. I can see that you are very frightened when I watch you. At first, you seemed like the most gorgeous girl to me. Not knowing I was watching you from afar. I find it romantic. I could go on and on about how much of an impact you have on my life by doing nothing at all. I crave you, Flower.

One day, I will get you. You will never see it coming.


Your dear stalker.


Flower was taken aback from the contents in the letter. She had no words. Sandy was terrified. She didn’t even speak for the rest of the night, until the police questioned her. She was petrified. Then there was hope. Flower took Sandy to the living room, and called the cops.

When the police arrived, there was a big scene that Flower didn’t even remotely want. She just wanted the break-in justified.

Sandy told the officers that the intruder was tall, and wearing a ski-mask. He was dressed in all dark clothes. Sandy had just went to lay down, the lights were out, and at first, she didn’t notice him because she had her headphones in and her music blasting. Then she got a gut feeling. She turned around, and that’s when she saw him standing there in the light of her window, just staring at her. She said once she saw he was there, she reached underneath her pillow to grab the pocket knife. Before he could see it, he just gently placed a single letter addressed to Flower at the end of her bed. After her statement, Sandy remained quiet the entire time the police were there. They promised to do their best to catch the culprit. They said to call them if it happened again.

Sandy went straight back to her room, looking shocked and scared out of her mind. She said she needed to think.

Flower was also shocked. He had broken in and frightened the shit out of Sandy. Yet, Flower couldn’t quite put her finger on who it was. Sandy had said the person was tall. She was trying to think of everyone who was tall that she knew... Sebastian was tall, but maybe she just thought that because he was taller than her. She wondered if he was built as well. Sandy had never said anything about that. She would have to ask her later.

If the person was built, that would rule out Sebastian. Sebastian was slim, but not built.

Flower walked to her bedroom, and sat there on her bed. What she couldn’t do was fall asleep.


Do you want to study or call Sebastian? 

If you choose to study go to chapter named: 14

If you choose to call Sebastian go to chapter named: 15



09: If you chose to be as quiet as you can

Flower had decided that panicking wasn’t the best option, and crouched down low, moving her way to the living room. Before she got completely there, however, she heard a faint sound coming from Sandy’s bedroom. It was the faintest of sounds. Then she heard the sound of the window shutting. She decided that if Sandy was in there, she would have to go check it out. She grabbed a knife from the kitchen, and held onto it for dear life. She had the intent to kill. She snuck into the room; it was dark. However, the dark didn’t scare her as she wandered into her gloomy fate. She saw him, standing there, just staring at Sandy with something in his hand. He was wearing a ski-mask, was tall, and well built.

Flower tried to sneak up on him, but as she got close, his head snapped to her. She looked him in the eyes, and she saw lust. He grabbed her arm that was holding the knife, and another one, he put around her her mouth so she couldn’t scream. He twisted the knife out of her hand, and it fell to the floor with a thud. Flower struggled, but she was quickly knocked unconscious…


Sandy had her headphones in, with music turned all the way up the whole time Flower had struggled. She was laying in the other direction from them both, and had no idea. She lived her days wishing she could have helped Flower.


Flower was never heard of again, and to this day, no one knows what happened to her.


You got a bad ending. Try again?



10: If you go to sleep

Flower sighed and decided she would try to sleep. She felt like it would help. She didn’t know how long this would last, this feeling in her gut. Maybe if she went to sleep it would all be okay. She laid down, and pressed her eyes shut. Thoughts raced as she thought about what the letter contained. There was no name in the letter. Which meant she was stuck in a rut. She sighed and tried to clear her thoughts so that she could sleep. She forced her thoughts out of her head, and drifted off into a seemingly peaceful slumber, at first.

Her dream felt so real. She dreamed about Sebastian. In her dream, he followed her throughout the school without her knowing. Until an acquaintance of hers stopped her in the girls bathroom.

“I saw this strange boy following you around all day. And I mean all day, Flower,” the girl said.

Flower’s heart dropped at the words. Tension rose within her as it was clear to see on her face, that she was terrified.

“Who was it?” Asked Flower.

“I’ll point him out to you.”

They walked out of the bathroom. Flower tried to act as normal as possible when she was possibly in the sights of her stalker. She smiled at the girl when she spotted Sebastian talking to one of his friends in the hallway, seemingly unaware of her being there. The girl described him to her. She described exactly what Sebastian was wearing to Flower. Flower was staring at Sebastian the whole time.

“Oh my God,” Flower gasped. “I know him.”

She thanked the girl, and dwindled out of the view of Sebastian.

She got to her next class. There was no one in the classroom, not even the teacher. She thought she would have been safe there. However, she felt him behind her, breathing on her neck, pulling her in an embrace. She tried to let out a blood-curdling scream, but he covered her mouth with his right hand.

“Don’t worry. Pleasure awaits you,” he seductively whispered into her ear. Then he stabbed her.

Flower awoke, sitting up in bed without a scream. It felt so real. She gulped down air as she tried to calm herself down. The question lingered in her head. Was Sebastian the stalker? 

It was completely dark. Flower let her eyes adjust to the darkness. She felt safer in it. It hid her. She got up to go pour a cup of milk.

“Hello there,” she heard from the darkness. It was a malicious voice. Startled, Flower jumped.

It was her roommate Lefty. Lefty was home early from his trip to visit his parents. Something in his voice had changed. But she could still tell it was Lefty.

Lefty looked spectacular, standing about 6ft. His black hair was about shoulder-length, and even though he was a bit shady, Flower had always had a sort of a crush on him.

“Lefty, you startled the shit out of me,” Flower let out a laugh.

Lefty said nothing, but emerged from the darkness into Flower’s view.

“That’s what I do best,” she heard the wickedness of his voice say. “That’s what I do best, my dear,” he repeated, but in a whisper Flower could barely hear.

It was odd. She wondered if Lefty knew anything about her stalker. She felt oddly safe around him for some reason now. She didn’t know why. Usually, he was coming off as shady.

Flower poured her glass of milk, and sat at the table to drink it. She took a big gulp, and felt as if she wanted to die.

“Is something wrong, my dearest?” Lefty asked. He was obviously studying her. She hung her head.

“There’s just one problem,” she said. He looked at her with the look of suspicion. He looked at her, keeping an open mind to what she had to say.

“I may or may not have a stalker,” she finally finished, giving it much thought. There was no telling what he would blurt out of his mouth.

“Oh, no. That’s a shame,” he said, sitting across from her at the table. “But I would understand why he or she would stalk you. You’re a gorgeous gal.”

Flower blushed. He was hitting on her. “Oh, well.. I never thought of it that way,” she said. She finished up her milk, and said goodbyes to Lefty. Then she heard a noise in the far back bedroom. She gulped.


Do you go find Lefty or go find Sandy? ;) choose wisely 

If you choose to go find Lefty go to chapter named: 12

If you choose to go find Sandy go to chapter named: 13



11: If you chose to speak to Sandy


Sandy was sitting in the living room, and Flower realized she was. Flower walked up to Sandy, looking at her with unease. Sandy frowned.

“Whatever is the matter, Dear?” Sandy asked.

Flower thought for a moment. Sandy was the only one she felt safe around in the house she was living at. She should take advantage of it in the times Flower needed her the most. Sandy looked confused.

“I got a letter in my locker, and it was signed ‘your dear stalker’. I’m scared, Sandy.” Flower started to cry.

“It’s okay, honey-bun. I’m here for you.” Sandy got up and hugged Flower. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Flower wiped her tears after Sandy released her from her hold.

“Thank you, Sandy,” Flower said. “It really means a lot. I know I may come off as rude sometimes, but you really are a good friend.”

Sandy smiled. “I try to be. And I don’t take it to heart at all. I know you prefer to be alone.”

“I can’t even imagine being alone now,” Flower said. “This startled me.”

“Maybe it’s someone pulling a prank?” Sandy asked.

“I don’t know. But it’s cruel if it was,” Flower said; thoughtful of it.Flower and Sandy laid entwined together on the couch. They talked for hours about how when Flower first met her. Flower was staying in a hotel in Manhattan, and she met Sandy at the mall. Flower and Sandy got along so perfectly. Then Sandy offered Flower to come stay at her house. Flower accepted and here they were now. Flower smiled as they talked about it, and Sandy stroked her hair.

“You were always so eccentric,” Flower told Sandy. “I admire you for it.”

“And you were always so quiet and so pretty. Sometimes I wish I could have been like that.”

Flower blushed. “Thank you.”

“No, thank you, Flower. Thank you for always being there for me.”

Flower looked at Sandy seriously. “I will always be there for you.” Flower took Sandy’s hand. “As long as I live.”

After spending some time with Sandy, Flower went to sleep. What awoke her were footsteps passing in the hallway, to the kitchen. Her heart pounded in her chest. Her face rendered to horror, and she had never felt so scared in her life.

She climbed up from her bed, and opened the door slightly. She was sure to not make any noise. She looked out into the hallway. The door was slightly ajar, making the kitchen not visible. Then suddenly the door swung open. Whoever it was knew she was in there.

She saw a person in a ski-mask, she screamed.


Do you run for the pocket knife or run for the window? 

If you choose to run for the pocket knife go to chapter named: 20

If you choose to run for the window go to chapter named: 21



12: If you chose to go find Lefty

Flower went directly back the way she came to go find Lefty; however, he wasn’t there anymore.

“Lefty?” Flower whispered.

All of a sudden, hands were wrapped around Flower’s mouth from behind, so she couldn’t scream. She struggled within the arms of the intruder, feeling panic as she tried to break free. He was too strong, and Flower couldn’t break free. Flower’s vision soon became blurry, for the killer had some chloroform in his hand that he had around Flower’s mouth.

When Flower went limp in his arms, he deeply and darkly chuckled, dragging Flower into the darkness of the night, and into the trunk of his car.

Officials could never find Flower, and the her dark disappearance haunts everyone in Manhattan to this day.


You got a bad ending :( Try again?


13: If you decide to go find Sandy

Flower snuck all the way to Sandy’s room, which was right beside the room where she heard the noise. Luckily, Sandy didn’t lock her door. Inside the room was dark, and Flower could barely see a thing. Her eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness, and Flower woke Sandy up.

Sandy asked, “What the hell, Flower?”

“There’s someone in the house,” Flower whispered with the look of horror plastered all over her face.

Sandy jumped up, looking around for a weapon to defend them with. Then the slightly ajar door flew open. There, the intruder stood, wearing a ski-mask, and holding a knife.

Sandy screamed, grabbing her phone to call 911 quickly. Flower grabbed Sandy, and noticed the window was open where the intruder must have came in at. They quickly jumped out, while Sandy was on the phone with the cops. The intruder got away, unfortunately, and planned to attack again soon.

Flower couldn’t sleep at all that night, and missed school the following day.

Sandy offered to take Flower out that next day.


Do you go out with Sandy or decline the offer?

If you choose to go out with Sandy go to chapter named: 22

If you choose to decline the offer go to chapter named: 23


14: If you chose to study


Flower pondered for a moment before she decided to study. Delving deeply into her studies, she got lost, enjoying the peaceful time after the turmoil. What had just happened took a sort of toll on Flower’s psych, but she tried to look at the good in her life. This included Sandy, her studies, and life in general. She smiled as she studied, being a bright young girl with a future ahead of her.

If…. She frowned. If… she survived this stalker situation, she would have a future ahead of her.

Biology was a passion. With each step she took in her work and studies, she knew she was that much closer to obtaining what she wanted. She undoubtedly needed to get through this stalker situation to get where she wanted in life. She didn’t want to live her life in fear. However, her fears were too strong to overcome.

She studied all night long like she was cramming for a huge test, but that was just because she didn’t want to sleep. Especially after that whole ordeal.

When the sun came up, she finally dozed off into a slumber. She wouldn’t be attending school that day.

She had a dream that reenacted the following night, but this time, she died. She lashed out in her sleep.

When she woke up, it was time for work.

Do you stay home or go to work?  

If you stay home go to chapter named: 24

If you go to work go to chapter named: 25




15: If you decide to call Sebastian

Flower decided she was going to do something she never thought that she would do. She decided to call Sebastian. She wasn’t sure if it was such a good idea, but maybe if he was up, she could determine whether or not he was actually the intruder that was just in the house.

She picked up the phone and dialed his number. He answered almost right away.

“How did you know I was awake?” He asked.

She felt unease while she spoke with him.

“I have no idea. I figured I would try to call you. There was an intruder in my house tonight.”

“Oh, that stalker that you have that you think I am?” He asked. He didn’t seem happy about it.

“I think so,” Flower replied, looking at her free hand.

“I really want you to know that I’m not your stalker. I want to prove to you that I would never do anything to harm you. You’re my one. I noticed that when I first saw you walking.”

Flower blushed radiantly. When she spoke she stuttered. “Well, you’ll just have to figure that out.”

“I’ll do anything.”

She smirked and glanced at her watch. It was 2:30am. There was no way that she would be going to sleep.

“He scared the shit out of Sandy,” Flower said.


There was a long pause before Flower said her goodbyes, and they hung up. She sat there on her bed for the longest before deciding to get a late night snack. She looked in the fridge, and got some cold, fresh celery. She had always had a healthy diet.

She munched on that, and drank water from the faucet. Afterwards, she laid down in bed with the light on, pondering what she would do about the situation. Hopefully, the police could catch the person and put them behind bars. Otherwise, Flower would have to deal with it on her own.

At least she had Sandy and Dan. They were the only ones she could feel comfortable around. Flower wouldn’t know what to do if she didn’t have them.

She dozed off into a sleep without realizing it, and woke up in a sort of a frenzy. She didn’t feel comfortable at all with sleeping at all, but she had been so tired. Luckily, she figured the stalker was too startled to come back in the same night.

She sighed when she flipped her feet out of bed, and sat there rubbing her eyes. She looked at the time, and it was 6am. She didn’t sleep for very long. Her classes at her school were at 9:00am.

Do you want to go to school or stay home today?

The choice is yours

If you choose to go to school go to chapter named: 28

If you choose to stay home today go to chapter named: 29



16: If you decided to jump through the bedroom window


Instantly, Flower panicked, rushing to the window. She quickly opened the window, and jumped out, screaming for help.

She ran to the neighbor’s house, banging on the door for them to let her in.

“This better be good!” The neighbor screamed, before opening the door to see a startled Flower.

What Flower didn’t know was that the intruder was frantically getting in his car, and planned to drive away unnoticed.

“Please call 911, there’s an intruder in my house!” Flower yelled.

“Okay, okay. Quit yelling,” the neighbor who’s name was Lile said.

He called the cops for poor Flower, and Flower told them what happened.

“We’ll do our best to get to the bottom of it,” was all they said.

Flower thanked them, even though they weren’t much help. Sandy looked at Flower with worry, and they stayed up all night together, talking about it.

When it was time for Flower to go to school, she was running on 4 hours of sleep, but she felt fine.

She confronted Sebastian, just to make some conversation.

“Sorry, I know you’re not my stalker,” she said, looking away from him.

“And how would you know that?” Sebastian asked, and he was obviously hurt by her outcome yesterday.

“Because he broke into our house last night, and I saw that he wasn’t you.”

Sebastian smugly snorted. “Well, I still love you.”

The stalker had been far too built to be Sebastian. Sebastian was too frail and skinny. She would have to find a different lead.

But she did find it a little odd that he had fallen in love with her when he barely knew her. She contemplated for a moment.

“How do you love me? You barely know me,” she said, a questioning look on her face.

“I believe in love at first sight. And you’re my one.”

Flower couldn’t help but to giggle and blush, which made Sebastian shrug.

He was quite romantic, and she couldn’t help but to feel joy with his remarks.

“I’m glad we can still be friends,” Flower said.

“I want to be more than your friend. Will you please let me take you on a date?” he asked so suddenly. Flower didn’t know how to respond at first.


Do you let Sebastian take you on a date or decline Sebastian?

If you choose to let Sebastian take you on a date go to chapter named: 26

If you choose to decline Sebastian go to chapter named: 27



17: If you chose to try to stab him


Flower already had the pocket knife in her hand, and she just stared at him with it. He took a step toward her, and she backed up putting the pocket knife out in front of her in defense.

The killer chuckled, knowing well that he could overpower the girl. Before she could even try to stab him, he grabbed her arm, and twisted the knife out of her hand.

She cried out for help, but nobody came. The stalker then proceeded to knock Flower out for an easier kidnapping.

He used chloroform to knock her out, and carried her to his car that he parked down the road, out of sight.

He chuckled as he drove away with Flower, and Flower was never heard of again.

She ultimately met her doom.


You got a bad ending… Try again?


18: If you chose to go to sleep

Flower wearily completed her homework, and felt there was no need for any additional studying. That wouldn’t be necessary. She figured she knew plenty of information about her schooling, and didn’t need to.

Looking at the time read 10pm. She sighed. She would be going straight to sleep after she went to get a good late night snack. She fumbled her pencils away, and stood up from her desk. She walked over to her door, and opened it to reveal a long hallway with a light on. Sandy was still up; she was sitting in the living room. Flower didn’t feel like withholding a conversation with Sandy, so she grabbed a yogurt and a spoon. She walked her way back to her room.

She sat at her desk while eating her yogurt, and when she was done, she trashed the yogurt container, and put the spoon where it belonged.

Flower then decided to lay down in her bed. It was dark. She forced her eyes closed, and she tossed and turned for about 30 minutes before she could drift into a slumber.

Her dream was evil. Someone had drugged her with an injection which they injected into her right arm. It made her feel extremely loopy, and her vision blurred. She couldn’t move. Whoever it was proceeded to drag her outside, and loaded her up in the backseat of their car. As they were driving away, Flower made the realization that this wasn’t a dream. She tried her best to panic, but she was far too drugged up from whatever the person had her on. All she could do was watch through blurry vision as the person in the front seat drive away to God knows where. Flower was dreadfully devastated. She knew she would never be heard from again, and nobody would ever find her. Her assumption was correct, and Flower’s fate forever remained a mystery.

You got a bad ending. Try again?




19: If you chose to study after not telling Dan

Flower felt sleep wasn’t an option, or at least the right option. Something felt off about this night, and she felt that sleeping wouldn’t be good. She decided to wait it out and study. Picking up her textbooks out of her bag, she studied on Biology. Her bedroom light started flickering, but she didn’t notice it because she was deep into studying. She crammed knowledge in her head.

There was soon a knock on her bedroom door. It was Sandy. She had cooked supper. It was spaghetti and meatballs. Flower’s diet consisted of fruits and vegetables, but Flower decided it was okay to take a cheat day. She grabbed her textbook, and went out there to socialize while eating.

Sandy’s jokes were cracking up Flower. She thought for sure she was going to choke on her food. Plenty of nights Sandy had told her jokes, which lightened the mood. If she ever died from this stalker situation, she would surely miss Sandy.

Sandy went to bed, and Flower was left alone in the living room. She was determined not to go to sleep, however, and she was left there restless.

She studied some more, and then she heard a noise coming from Sandy’s room. She took in a deep breath. Thinking maybe it was just Sandy, she continued studying. Then there was a blood curdling scream. Oh no! It was Sandy!

Flower jumped up from her seat at her desk, and went to go grab a knife. She took another deep breath at Sandy’s bedroom door, before opening it, and turning on the light. There Sandy sat rocking back and forth with a note in her hands, and her window open. She looked at Flower and ran into her arms. Flower hugged Sandy closely.

“Sandy, what happened?” Flower asked.

Sandy pulled away from Flower, and stuttered, “He told me to give you this.”

Flower took the note from Sandy’s hands, and looked at it.

It was in an envelope that said ‘To Flower’.

As Flower skimmed over it, she realized it was from the person who left the note in her locker. She nearly puked.

“I’m sorry, Sandy.”

Sandy was non-responsive for the rest of the night, and Flower didn’t want to sleep at all after that. She led Sandy to the living room, and together they sat in silence for the rest of the night.




Flower was exhausted come morning, and she had both school and work that day. She made a pot of coffee, hoping it would do her some good. She didn’t exactly feel comfortable leaving Sandy here alone, but Flower didn’t have a choice.

She contemplated for a moment.


Do you choose to stay home with Sandy or leave for school?


If you choose to stay home with Sandy go to chapter named: 30

If you choose to leave for school go to chapter named: 31


20: If you run for the pocket knife

At first glance, Flower had to hold back a scream. It had freaked her out to the fullest. The person in the ski-mask was sure to kill. Flower killed no time. She got up and grabbed the pocket knife. The killer laughed, underestimating Flower. He was sure he could over power the girl. Flower flipped open the blade, and held it out in front of her defensively.

“Don’t make me use this,” said Flower, glaring at the man with a grim look on her face. The man stood there for a minute, chuckled, and sat a note down on Flower’s bed. Flower didn’t recognize the voice in the chuckle; it was too deep. But Flower knew it wasn’t Sebastian now. Maybe she could trust him in the future if she got out of this alive.

Then the intruder did something that surprised Flower, he turned around and left. Flower was left in the darkness, bewildered. However, she was thankful that she was left alive.

Flower switched on the light of her bedroom, and looked at the note.


All it said was ‘Don’t trust anyone’.

Flower wondered what that meant. She sighed. Almost getting killed that night had taken a toll on her. She didn’t know what to expect next which left Flower ultimately dreadful and fearful. She wanted this all to end. She was just so scared. She curled up in a ball and laid on her bed, shaking. What if she died eventually from this stalker? That’s not how Flower wanted to go out.

She walked to the kitchen, and tried to get some water. She was still shaking, and found it difficult. Why did she have to live in fear? She hated it. She was suppose to feel safe.

She considered moving back to her hometown. There, she would be safe. She decided against it; she felt she needed to stand her ground.

Flower waited for school to start, and took a cab to school. There, she saw Sebastian.

He flirted, “Well, hey there, good looking.”

“Not today. There was an intruder in my house last night, and I’m still pretty shaken up,” Flower muttered.

“Don’t worry, I’ll always protect you Flower,” Sebastian said, looking at Flower with the look of contentment.

Flower couldn’t help but to chuckle.

“Why don’t you move in with me until things settle down? I’ll sleep next to you and everything, and make sure you’re safe.”

Flower’s eyes widened and she blushed. “N-No!”

“Why not?” Sebastian asked.

“Because I barely know you!” Flower exclaimed.

He laughed, and she laughed along with him.

“Well, if you ever feel you’re in danger, just call me. I’ll be there to help,” he said, being serious now. Flower started to think he wasn’t such a bad guy after all.




After school, Flower went to work. Dan smiled at Flower when he saw her. He asked, “Is everything okay today Flower?” He asked.

Flower mustered up a smile, then said, “Someone broke in last night.”

“You think it was your stalker?” He asked.

“Yeah, I think it was. He left a note saying ‘Don’t trust anyone’. I don’t know what that meant,” Flower stated.

“I have no idea either, Flower.”

Work went by smoothly, and Flower saw a bunch of friendly faces. There was nothing out of the ordinary. While Dan baked, Flower attended the cash register and the front. When it started to get dark, Dan asked Flower if she could stay later and clean the store. She said yes, and got to work. It was already passed closing time, and when she was in the bathroom cleaning, she heard someone come through the door with a “ding”.

“Shit,” Flower said. She had forgotten to lock the door. She washed her hands, and walked to greet the person. The person was dressed in all plain black. He had dark hair, and was pretty tall and muscular.

“I’m sorry, sir, but we’re closed,” Flower smiled at him.

“Oh,” he said, and smiled. “I’ll come back tomorrow, then.”

Flower nodded while smiling. After he left, Flower closed up the shop. She went home later than usual, and finished her homework.

Afterwards, she thought about what to do.

Do you want to watch a movie with Sandy or call Sebastian?

If you watch a movie with Sandy go to chapter named: 32

If you call Sebastian go to chapter named: 33




21: If you chose to run for the window

Flower’s face had a look of horror and shock as she watched the man at her bedroom door. She fought back a scream. He was wearing a ski-mask, and was in all black. She felt like throwing up right on the spot, but her adrenaline kicked in, and she ran straight for the window. She didn’t have time to waste. Her window wasn’t locked fortunately, and was relatively easy to open. She thrust herself out, and planned to run off into the night. The intruder wanted to grab her, which he easily could, but fearing for making too much noise, decided it was best not to. He waited till she was out of the window, and he was right behind her. He let Flower think she was going to get away, but grabbed her when she was halfway out of her yard. He put his hands around her mouth, and had his chloroform ready. She was soon unconscious.

No one knew anything. Days went by. Weeks. Flower’s whereabouts never were mentioned. The missing person’s case was eventually closed, and it was unsolved. If only they had any leads, and it would have led to a better life for Flower.


You got a bad ending :(  


22: If you chose to go out with Sandy

Flower decided why not go out with Sandy. She needed some type of way to clear her head, and Sandy was trying to help. She figured that this was the case. Sandy was trying to be nice, and after what happened, there was a great impact on both Flower and Sandy. It had scared the daylight out of them both.

Flower was sitting in her room contemplating on what to wear on her outing. She decided a nice flower dress would do. She wasn’t a dress type of gal, but she figured she would dress up for Sandy. She put on some make-up also; something she never did. Sandy wore a dress as well, a black one with spaghetti straps. Flower proceeded to put on some shoes. White flats with her flower dress was what she decided on. She felt spiffy. She wore her hair curled with it put up to the right side. Looking in the mirror, she figured it would do.

They went out to an ice cream shop together after the both of them were dressed and ready. Flower got chocolate, for it was her favourite. Sandy ordered strawberry. As they ate, Flower felt eyes on her. She looked around frantically before she noticed a strange man who glanced away from her when she spotted him. She had never seen him before. He was muscular, wearing all black. Brown hair draped over his eyes. Sandy noticed, and whispered, “Do you think that’s him?”

“I don’t know,” Flower said, looking at her ice cream. She lost her appetite, and she just wanted to leave.

“We’ll just go,” Sandy said. They threw their ice cream away, and walked out the door. Flower didn’t look back at the man. She just walked on out.

When they got back home, they chatted like nothing even happened. Maybe that was for the best. Flower just wanted to forget.

Afterwards, Flower took a long bath to relax, and decided to take a nap while people were still up. She knew that she wouldn’t be able to sleep that night.

She slept actually peacefully, and dreamed she and Sebastian were a couple. They had two kids, and lived happily. She woke up hungry. It was nightfall. While Flower was getting herself a late night snack, she felt eyes on her. She turned around to see an intruder trying to sneak up on her.

Do you throw your food at him or run?

If you choose to throw your food at him go to chapter named: 34

If you choose to run go to chapter named: 35



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.07.2020

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I would like to dedicate this book to my mother, Lisa Wright. Thank you for always believing in me.

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