


All my life I was been bullied. Of course from the same person, Kale. Even her boyfriend hadn't understand yet that she is not a cheerleader angel, but a bloody devil. ( Before she start bulling me we were best friends but i don't know why she start act like that.)


I was walking to my first class, Maths. Then Kale start walking towards me, with her blond curly hair in a pony tail, and her brown caramel eyes full of haitress. I saw her and start walking faster. ''Oh little slut come here don't be shy.'' Kale say with her annoying voice. I hate her so much, she is only a pain in the ass.

I turn my face towards her. It was time to make her understand that she can't keep bullie me.'' What do you want bitch?'' I said with an angry and full of confidence voice, that soon turned scared.

Her face was full of shock and even the people that was walking beside us was with wide eyes open in a shock. I could she her face burning from anger. Then she walk with her fake ''princess walk'' in front of me, and make one of her boys to slap me.

He walk in front of me and start slapping me while Kale was yelling at me and laughing to, because she had fun seeing me like that, in pain.

When i had blood,and scars all over me, and tears were running down my cheeks, Kale told the boy to stop. All the people that was there was looking at me with pity. I hated them they always stay there and enjoy the view, they never helped me.

After so much time of pain i fell unconcisious. But that was only the start of my nightmare, my hell, and my ''life''.





I wake up at the sound of my door bell. I get up from my bed and went downstairs to open the door. When I open the door I saw the last person in the world that i would like to see right now, Kale. '' Oh sorry little slut if I wake you , but I came to pick you up for school." Then my mother come beside me in the door to talk with Kale. She didn't know what a devil she is, and she has said to me that if I tell anyone about her she will kill me.


"Oh, good morning my darling" "Good morning Ms. Lan"Kale said to my mother with a fake smile in her face. I wanted to kill her that moment, but I knew that no one can put up with her. She is the richest and most popular girl in school,but I hate her.

I got into Kale's car and then the nightmare start.'' Hey little slut get out of my car, NOW.'' I did as she told me, I was so scared.When I get out of her car two girls catch each hand of me and Kale start slaping me, and then she put out of her jacket a knife. Oh hell no.''Okay,okay let her.'' Then the girl's let me and I fell in the ground kissing the road. ''This will be so fun.'' She said and then caught me by my hair, and started to pulling the knife closer to my neck. She is going to kill me?

She could feel the fear in my eyes and that was what she wanted, what pleasured her.''Please Kale don't do that.'' Kale look at me and laugh. '' No little slut I can't it's my mission, my life.'' What did she mean with that?

Then she pull the knife deep into my stomach and she let me there in a river of blood. This was my last breath my last wish and my last priorite.''Please Kale I forgive you, but I want you to be back, I want back my sweet friend that always support me but before I could finish I had passed out.




What have I done? I kill my best friend. What have gotten into me? ''Don't blame yourself Kale, it wasn't your fault, it was what you should have done for a long time.'' A voice was saying in my head. ''Who are you? What you want? Why you did that to me? I kill my best friend, I bullie her I make her suffer for so many years. ''You didn't kill her, you free her.''

'' What do you mean?'' ''You must wait for time to pass until you meet your inner past.'' And with that the voice in my head dissapear.

I look at San's cold body. I hug her and tears start running down my face.I stand up and start runing in the woods in my wolf form. A black wolf with silver eyes.




Again this pain, my wolf was scraming at me that my mate was dead but i don't believe a shit about all that he told me. ''Come on Rasel you have a little time if you want to save her. Remember is our mate without her we can't live.'' I knew he was right. I let him take control of me and change in my wolf form a black with white fury wolf and green eyes. I start running through the woods looking for her. My life,my mate.

The pain was now dissapiaring. That mean that I was close '' It's okay Rasel calm down.'' ''How can I calm down Rasl? My mate, she is dying.'' Then a girl appear in front of me in a river of blood, and her body white like snow. Her blond hair was now red from the blood.''Go you don't have much time, you know what you have to do.'' ''Yes Rasl.''

I change back in my human form only in pants. I got closer to my mate I catch her in my arms and bite her neck. I sit down beside her, still having her in my arms, and waited but nothing.''Why doesn't she wake up Rasl?'' ''I don't know we have to wait a little more.''

I was ready to stand up when my mate start open her eyes, that was the most beauteful in the world and had the colour of the sea, and her skin was now soft and had colour. Oh my gosh she was so beautiful, like an angel. She look at me and her eyes were wide in a shock.''You perv. get of me.'' She said and start hitting me. I start laughing at her she was so cute like that, then she stop hitting me and look at me with anger.'' Why are you laughing?'' ''Nothing little dog.'' ''You call me a dog?'' She asked, stand up and start walking away with heavy footsteps and i see that she was ready to fall unconcisious. I ran towards her and before she could fall i catch her bridal style.





I open my eyes. I couldn't remember what had happen. The only thing that I could remember was that I was with Kale, and Kale had in my neck a knife.

I look around and then my attension turn to the boy chest that i was laying on. He was hot. He had green eyes and black hair that was all over his face making him look more hot. He also had an eight pack, And what he is only in his pants?

My eyes was wide open in a shock ''Get of me you perv.'' What i'm saying i am the only one that laying in his chest. He saw me stare at him and smirk. Then I get of him and he start laughing.''Why are you laughing?'' Then he stop lauging, and he said .''Nothing little dog.'' He called me dog ? That's it.'' You call me a dog?'' I said now with my blood boil. I start walking away with heavy foot steps but then i felt a killing headache, and fall uncositious.



When i woke up i was in a room with black walls, caremel courtens, a brown wooden desk with a lamp, and also a brown dresser. Then the caramel door open and the mesteryious hot guy come inside.

''Where i am ?'' i asked. He gave me a sweet smile revialing his white tooth and answer.'' In my house.'' Well, he could be a model with that sexy smile and of course body, and that face that makes you melt.

But what i'm saying? I am at his house ? My mum will be worried.''What i am doing here? I was right you are a pervert old man.'' For a second shock was all over his face and then he start laughing his ass of.

''What?'' I said now angry at his reaction.''An old man? Are you serious? I don't think i look like one, and your face when you stare at me tell that to babie.'' He said and come closer to me that if he moved an inch he could taste my lips. ''You see? When i come close to you you can't breath.''

Oh that's it. I stand up from the king size caramel with a little black bed slaped him and say. '' You facking asshole if i ever see you in front of me i will kill you.''

I start running but i didn't know how to get out of that house, and i fell a hand catch me by my waist and turn me over face to face with the hot pervert guy.'' That offend me you know.'' He said with an acting voice. ''I don't care'' I said and turn my face away. Then he catch my face at his hand and turn it to him, revealing my blush. He come closer and spreed a kiss to my lips. I couldn't turn it down his lips was so sweet so soft. '' You see? You can't resist me.'' He said with a smirk and hug me.

Tears start running down my cheeks.''Please let me i will not say anything about you but let me go to my home.'' ''What the f*ck is wrong with you i am not a pervert and i didn't say that i will keep you here with me, i only save your life.'' And with that all the memories came back. Kale kill me but i was alive now how can this be true? Then more tears start running down my cheeks.

I start running. I found a door open it and then i was out of his house. I ran and ran and then i was in my home.



''WHERE WERE YOU?'' My mum scream at me.'' Sorry mum i was with Kale.'' That was true bad i hadn't tell her the hole truth.''Okay sorry bad the next time give me a call. Ok sweetheart?'' ''Yes mum.'' I got upstairs to my room. Then i hear my window open, i turn and she the hot perv. inside my house.''Are you crazy what are you doing and how..''

But before i could finish he put his hand in my mouth.'' Sorry but let me explain.'' I look him with horror in my eyes but i wanted to know what was happening.''Okay tell me but when you finish i want you to stay away from me.''He looked at me with a worried face and then he start.''You know about werewolfs right?''

''Yes i know but it's only a myth.'' ''San is not a myth.'' He told me San how did he know my name? And what is al that he says.''Are you crazy ?'' ''No San i'm not. I am a werewolf and you are to a werewolf and my mate the next luna''

''Mr. pervert i want you out of my house now.'' I said with panic in my voice.''But..'' ''Out of my house now'' He stand up from the bed that he was sitting and and then he open the window he turn his face to me and said.

''Rasel Canel it's my name and if get out of your house i can't do what we promised, i mean i will not stay away from you.'' he said with a smirk in his face." "Oh okay you can stay.'' He smirked at me, close the window and then he come and sit beside me in the bed.''All that i tell you is true and i want you to believe me.'' He said and come closer to me.''Show me.''I told him and shock was all over his face now.'' I can't.''I knew it,all that he told me was shit.''Of course you can't because you are not a werewolf, they doesn't exist.'' ''No you are wrong i am but i don't want to scary you.'' ''Please Rasel'' I said with my puppy face. He looked at my face and laugh.'' Okay.''

He stand up and start pulling of his close.''You perv.'' I said and put my hands at my eyes and closed them.''Sorry but when i am a werewolf i don't wear clothes.''I open my eyes and see him only in pans, and with a smirk in his face. He was so hot. I wanted to go and embrace him.''What you think you see.'' He said still smirking.''Okay if you don't want you still have time to stop me.'' He said now with a serious face.''No it's ok.''Then he walk up to me and put his hand at my chin make me come closer to him and kiss me. His lips was soft and tasty. He lick my botom lip asking for entrance that of course i give him, I had start having some feelings for him. Then he put his hand at my waste closing the distance that we have, then he pull away from the kiss making me blush, from embarassment.

''Are you ready.'' I look up at him with comfidence.''Yes'' Then a wolf appear in front of me a beautiful wolf with brown and white fury and magical green eyes. He looked at me and start walking closer. I did the same. I put my hand at his fury and start pet him. That was amazing.''You are so beautiful.'' Then he turn to his human form with a smirk at his face.''Thank you.'' And then i remember something.''What is a mate?''


What do you thing ? He will tell her the truth or not?

Iove you all. Sorry for my misspelings, and i hope you didn't get angry with me. If you want to ask something feel free.





"A mate is the person that you have to live your rest life with, and th person that you have to love for the rest of your life. Without your mate you can't live.''

In reality is soul mate but werewolfs call them mate. I know that now you will hate me but...''Before I could finish she had put both her hands in each side of my face.''Rasel?''She said with her soft sweet voice make me siver.''What.'' I said now with my breath hitting her face.''It's okay but I need some time alone to think so I would apreceate it if you left me alone for a while.'' What she told me hurt me like she was putting a knife deep into my heart but

I knew she was right she need her time to thing about all this changes in her life.''Sorry I'm going now but if you feel like it you can phone me.'' 

I open the window and jump. I start running in my wolf form.Yes, I was supposed to stay there but for a start that was enough for her. 








Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.11.2015

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