
Famous Last Words

...Famous Last Words-My Chemical Romance

So many bright lights to cast a shadow but can I speak? well is it hard understanding Im incomplete. a life thats so demanding I get so weak, a love thats so demanding, I can't speak I am not a fraid to keep on lving, I am not afriad to walk this world alone, honey if you stay I ll be forgiving, nothing you can say can stop me from going home...

Chapter 1

I leaned against the wall of the shower. My tears hitting against the wall as the water went down her body. Everything hurt..Everything ached. I hoped the warm water would just make all the pain go away...even the pain on the inside. I cried harder as he went through my mind. I couldn’t take anymore. Was I really that bad? Was everything I thought about myself not true..? All I knew was the love of my life knew nothing on what I went through to be with him..What I was willing to go through to be with him. I slid down the wall of the tub and onto the floor, holding my knees to my chest. I put my forehead against them. Nothing but my sobs and the water hitting against the floor from the shower able to be heard.

“What did I ever do that was so bad to make them do this to me.?” I sobbed aloud. No one was home. No one would question anything. Good. I thought to myself. I never felt so horrible in my life. I never felt so useless. I felt like nothing..Just like he supposedly said. I was nothing. And I hope ‘he’ was happy I was confronting it now. I breathed hard. My chest aching. I know I’m being ridiculous. I know Im being dumb. I know i’m being sappy. But getting this criticism from the one you care most about can break you. Even more then any guy has before. I leaned to the side, turning the shower off, and standing up to grab a towel. I wrapped it around my body and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a hair tye and throwing it up in a bun. I walked in front of the foggy mirror, gliding my fingers across it. Now seeing my face. My chunky cheeks, my sad blue eyes,my light freckles on my nose. My dark brown hair that fell to my shoulders. I leaned forward towards the mirror.

“Nothing.” I mumbled to it. Pulling back as the tears rolled down my cheeks. I gripped the white counter top of the bathroom. I never really thought about dying till now. When you’ve been taunted this badly..I finally know why so many kids think about this almost everyday of there lives. Where they just can’t take anymore and know theres got to be some place that is better then this. Anything could be better then this. When they’ve lost all hope and faith in themselves and just let it all go...

(1 day earlier)

“Rawrrr!” I yelled as I pulled off yet another shirt. What the hell? Does anything look good on me anymore? I asked in my head. I leaned over pulling shirt after shirt out of my drewer. I then spotted one in particular. I smiled.

“Wonder if you still fit me.” I rubbed my fingers agains the black material in my hands. The words Tink in fuzzy pink at the bottom of it. I pulled it over my black tanktop. I closed my eyes then turned to the mirror in my room. I screamed.

“YEAH BUDDY!” I yelled. My door then creaked open. I turned to see Bryce. His eyes cracked just a little open,his black hair all over the place. I chuckled at the pink boxers he had on. He glared at me.

“Do you know what time it is?” He asked. I grabbed my phone. It was 6:30.

“6:30.” I said and shrugged. He nodded.

“You have got to be kidding me. School starts at eight I don’t get up till 7:30 now. Do me a favor and shut the hell up.” He said grumpily. A grin rose across my lips.

“Were you talking to your girrrlfriend all night?” I asked teasingly. Bryce hated that word. Ever since his last girlfriend moved and never spoke to him again. He glared and ran up to me. He picked me up in the air and put me over his shoulder. I screamed and hit his back.

“Bryce Joshua Grant you put me down!” I screamed as I hit my fists harder and harder against his back. He then threw me onto my bed and pinned me down. My eyes widened.

“You do know that incest is looked down upon right?” I asked. He scoffed.

“You wish.” He then tickled my sides. I laughed uncontrollably. I couldn’t stop and it was starting to hurt. I pushed my hands against his chest.

“Bryceeeeee... Please..Stop..It hurtsss.” I said through laughs and winces of pain. He nodded.

“Good you deserve it.” He said tickeling my sides harder. I groaned.

“Bryce.I’m.Sorry.” I pleaded as the tears went down my cheeks from laughing so hard. He sighed and pulled away.

“Don’t ever say that word again. Got it?” He asked. I nodded, wiping my eyes. He walked to the door then turned to me.

“Keep that shirt on.” He said and walked to his room. I smiled. Well thanks for the apology. Bryce never said sorry. Well he did but you had to understand what his sorry was. Instead of sorry he came out with a compliment. Which I honestly didn’t mind. My phone then started to vibrate. I ran over to it and slid my finger across the screen of my iPhone and clicked on my messages.

Babe<3: Morning Baby.

I smiled. I don’t think anyone could really make me blush or smile as much as this boy right here.
Me:Morning :) <3

I then put my phone in my front pocket and grabbed my laptop and put it in its case. I heard the shower turn on so it must be 7 already. My phone vibrated again.

Babe<3: How’d you sleep?

Me:Okay I guess hbu?

I put my phone back in my pocket and walked out of my room to the kitchen. I sat in a chair at the table. Seeing the “breakfast” my mom laid out for me. Residing of chocolate milk and toast. My parents left the house at about 7 and came home around 8pm. So my “guardian” was my brother. I drank the chocolate milk and set the cup down. My phone vibrating again. I sighed.

Babe<3: okay and Why you guess?

Me:Eh I had really bad dreams but it doesn’t matter. I love you

I set my phone back on the table and ate the rest of my toast. I chuckled as Bryce walked out. His hair wet and a pink lip ring in his lip. I did like his shirt though. It was a my chemical romance band shirt.

“Nice shirt. But..What’s with the lip ring?” I asked as I pulled on my neon pink converse. He shrugged pulling on his black fuzzy hoodie.

“I like it.” He mumbled and sat down and pulled on his black and neon green stripped vans. I nodded and stood u, yawning as I grabbed my computer bag.

“You driving me?” I asked. He looked up at me.

“Do I have to?” He whined. I glared and nodded. He pushed his lip out.

“Aww...” He said. I rolled my eyes.

“I already missed the fricken bus but fine tomorrow I’ll ride the bus instead of dealing with you.” I said angrily. Bryce chuckled pulling me into his chest and hugging me tight.

“I was joking calm down.” He said kissing my head. I groaned.

“Let.Me.Go.” I said angrily. I hated it when he always pissed me off right in the morning. He chuckled.

“What would I do without you?” He asked, releasing me and walking out the door to his car. I rolled my eyes.

“Probably run out of people to piss of in the morning.” I grumbled. I walked out of the house to Bryce’s black volvo and opened the passenger door and got in. Bryce pushed the gas pedal down and pulled out of the driveway. The tired squeeling. I winced.

“Do you really have to do that?” He chuckled and nodded and turned the cd player on. I grinned as Helena by My Chemical Romance came through the speakers. My medicine was music and My Chemical Romance deffonintly was my doctors prescription.

“So are you boy toy’s friends still up your ass?” Bryce asked. I sighed and nodded.

“Yeah.. He doesn’t even know anything about the subject of them being complete asses to me.I mean I don’t talk to them and they still...I hate our school so much.” I mumbled. Bryce nodded.

“Do you want me to do something about it?” He asked. I shook my head. Bryce would kill anyone who hurt me. I hated Zack’s friends well not all of them. Just a select two. But it wasn’t always that way. I use to be really good friends with them but everyone seems to change. I didn’t want to hurt Zack. I know it may seem like a chick flick by what I’m going to say but its true...the kid was my everything. He came from my best friend to my boyfriend. The kid knew everything there was to know about me and he still found more things to know and notice about me. But his friends...they were nothing like him. If they didn’t like you they made it known. They wouldn’t stop until you broke and I did my best to avoid that.

“No..Your not always going to be here Bryce. I have to learn to take care of these things on my own.” Bryce nodded. I then heard these fake snivels.

“My baby sister is growing up.” He mumbled, holding one hand to his chest. I smacked his arm. The car swurved. I screamed,gripping the sides of the car. Bryce laughed hysterically, his low laughs filling the car. I glared at him.

“You are such an ass.” I grumbled and pulled my hands back to my lap. Bryce laughed.

“I do my best sis..I do my best.” I nodded. You sure did. I thought.

“Are you and the Deuche doing okay though?” He asked. I shrugged.

“I guess.. I don’t know.” Bryce nodded and pulled into the parking lot of the school. I went to open my door but Bryce locked it before I had the chance. I sighed.

“You stay with me this morning alright? I have a surprise for you. I don’t want you going over there if there going to be complete dicks to you. You deserve way better then that. If they say anything with me there they know I will kick there asses. Your boyfriend may be stupid enough to not notice it or do anything about it but I sure as hell aint.” He said. I nodded.

“Fine just let me out of the car before I scream rape.” I whined. He nodded and unlocked the doors. I stepped out of the car holding my bag on my shoulder. I looked up at Sherfield Springs. Here goes nothing. I thought and walked beside my big brother. It was like I was in his protective bubble and I knew better to not step out of it. We walked across the sidewalk and up to the glass doors. He opened the door and I lifted my head slightly. My ex best friends to the left side and my friends to the right and then Zack and his friends in the way front. I looked to see the people he called friends glaring at me. People I never talked to hated me and I still couldn’t hate them. It took to much of my energy to hate them.

“Bitch..” I heard from the right. I looked back down. Bryce smirked.

“Whore.” He said turned to that side and looking my use to be best friend right in the face. She glared at him. I said nothing and kept my head tilted to the side, biting my lip nervously.

“Fuck you Bryce.” She said angrily. I sighed. Wrong thing to say. I said in my head. Macy was my best friend. She knew things about me and I knew a lot about her too but she uses most of the things I told her against me. But I still loved her with everything I had. She changed a lot in the past month. Everything I knew about her and her emotions I questioned. The girl I knew and loved was somewheres but not here. I sighed as Bryce chuckled.

“No I’m good I like being STD free.” He said and grinned at her. Macy laughed.

“Oh so aids doesn’t run in your family? I just thought it did since Casey has it.” She said. I sighed. Wrong again Macey. Everything she said I just shrugged off. Which I was capable of doing but Bryce not so much.

“One she doesn’t have aids. Two stop being so jealous. Three talk to my sister or talk about her and I will have someone give you aids.” He said. I was stunned at his words. It sounded like he was saying she was beautiful thats how nice and easy the words rolled off his tongue. I groaned.

“Bryce leave her alone. She’s mad at me and your not having someone hurt her got it? Lets just go.” I said. He rolled his eyes.

“Why are you so nice to them?” He spat at me as we walked down the hallway to his friends. I shrugged.

“I still see the Macy I knew. And she has enough going on she doesn’t need me or my brother up her ass.” I said. He rolled his eyes.

“One of these days being nice is going to bite you right in the ass.” I sighed. I know.. I thought and followed behind him. I then spotted someone. A smile rose across my lips. His dark red hair still the same color as it was when we were kids. I smiled at the ivy green eyes and wide playful smile that still was there. He was still slim and slightly muscular and the freckles on his face just as many as there were as before. He then spotted me. His smile widened.

“Well look who it is Murman Murry.” I rolled my eyes at the pet name Bryce had for the guy. Poor dude he will never live off holding his breath under water for a minuet. He chuckled.

“And look who it is bright eyed Casey.” Mason said. I couldn’t help the heat that came up to my cheeks. He walked up to me and hugged me tight to his chest. I smiled. First guy that wasn’t scared to actually hug me in public. I thought to myself as I hugged him back. He let me go and then hugged Bryce. I turned to see if Zach was here. He was in the front with his friends laughing and smiling with them. I smiled lightly. As long as he’s happy. I thought and then the bell rang.

Never Give In

"The damage, inflicted,The pain and lust they leave behind.Never give in,Never back down,
Never give in!We're soldiers, in season,We can bring change before we die.The tails of the beatings,To feel what lies beneath our eyes.Never give in,Never back down,Never give in,Never back down,When your life feels lost,(FIGHT AGAINST ALL ODDS!)Never give in,(NEVER BACK DOWN!)."

Never Give In-Black Veil Brides....

Chpt. 2

I walked into my third period class. I held my bag to my side and walked over to my desk. The girls in front light whispers became silent as I walked past them. I sighed uneasily and slid into my seat. My friends sitting in there asigned seats as well in the far front. I was all alone. Which wasn’t entirely bad...I guess. Having the girls that hate you the most sitting on each side wasn’t exactly comforting. I pulled my laptop out seeing the substitute in the back. Whenever our spanish teacher was out we had work online. Residing between new vocabulary and or writing a paragraph about it. Which meant for me, music time. I pulled my headphones out of my bag and plugged them into my laptop. The teacher walking up to the front of the room writing what I guessed was her name in cursive on the white board in front.

“She deserves better...” I heard briefly from the front. I chuckled. When you know nothing about me there shouldn’t be anything coming out of your mouth including me. I cracked my neck and then laid my fingers on the keyboard. The portly woman pacing back and fourth as she read the directions on the white paper. I smirked. All of our teachers directions were in crappy english. He always expected us to know what he meant by now and explain it to the sub. But all of us hoping the sub would give up and let us do whatever we wanted was one of the big goals in our second period. I listened to the music flooding out of the speakers of my headphones.

“I am not afraid to keep on living, I am not afraid to walk this world alone. Honey if you stay I’ll be forgiving nothing you can say can stop me from going home...” I mumbled under my breath as Famous Last words came through the speakers by My Chemical Romance. In 2006 Gerard Way predicted my life and the music I would need. Everyday I thank him. Maybe a tad obsessive but the man made music that explained my life in atleast 3 to 4 minuets. I sighed and read over the directions of the email in my inbox about doing the vocabulary and how Mr.Martinez had the flu and was sick. I rolled my eyes. I can just do that at home. I thought and started blasting my music. Everyone turned to me and glared. I rolled my eyes.

“I am so sorry for you hearing my music.” I said with the light sarcasm masking my voice. They scoffed.

“Your crappy and pointless music.” I heard from a brunnette in front. I chuckled like most pop music can save lives? The only one that really means anything other then getting laid and using drugs are songs by Demi Lovato and well she has an excuse for her genre. I glared at the brunnette.

“Sure you think that.” I said, she turned and glared. I chuckled and smiled wide at her. Fight.Argue with me. I have anger to get out might as well be here.

“Are you kidding me? Your music is all screaming and or has drums that are hitting so hard that you can’t hear the lyrics. As if they matter. I laughed.

“Is it bad that they actually have meaning? Does being laid and smoking pot actually mean something? Well I guess thats to be suspected from a girl of your...stature.” I said a smirk rising over my lips. The girl scoffed.

“Are you kidding me? Coming from you a girl that prolly slits her wrists thats a compliment.” She spat. I chuckled and moved my bracelates for her to see my wrists. No sign of a cut or anything on them. I walked up to her and laid them on her desk.

“You wanna check ‘em? Think before you speak bitch.” I mumbled. I heard an ahem from a corner of the room. I turned to the sub and smiled uneasily and then turned back for my seat. I sighed lightly as sat back in my seat. I looked down to see a white and blue lined piece of paper. I unfolded it slowly and then imediately knew who it was. I looked up at Mallory in the front of the room, who had been staring at me with a wide smirk on her face. I read over the note that was decorated with smiley faces on each side of it.

Dear Casey,

Are you okay?


I chuckled and crumpled up the paper and put it in my bag and continued listening to my music. Ofcourse Im not okay, but i’m not stupid enough to tell her whats in my head. But she knew all to well what I was going through. Mallory was really the friend that you fight with but knows everything about you and is always right when you have to make a decision. I loved her to death. I sighed and waited a little as I saw the bell was going to ring in 2 or more minuets. I closed my laptop and put it in my bag, along with my head phones. Zipping it tight. I looked up to see the sub standing over my desk. She glared down at me. When if I was standing she would be a head atleast shorter. Her dark green eyes looked as if she was ready to kill me. I tilted my head.

“Yes miss...Shidowks?” I asked glancing quickly at the board to catch her name. She scoffed, laying her hands on my desk.

“ It’s Shidowski.” She spat. I bit my lip nervously and looked up at her.

“I’m sorry for misreading what you wrote but is there a problem?” I asked as polite as I could as I saw the disgust on her face as I began to speak. I wasn’t being rude. I was being polite what was her deal?

“Why are you packed up? There is atleast 4 more minuets.” She said. I nodded.

“Yes but I’m done and actually 2 now since we’ve been talking. It’s fine that I am packed up okay? I’m not trying to be rude but it’s true.” I stood up and walked towards the door. The whispers starting up behind me. Mallory and Ally ran to my side as I laid my hand on the door and leaned on my hip as I looked up at the clock.

“When did you turn into such a bad ass?” Mallory asked. I shook my head,biting my lip cracking my fingers at my sides.

“I’m done taking people’s shit. I never did anything to her I have enough going on. I didn’t mean to be rude but still.” I said and the bell rang. I opened the door quickly and stepped out onto the tiled floors of the school hallway. I kept my head on the floor as my friends came to my sides. Meghan and the others walking ahead of us. I tilted my head to the side and focused on my feet patting against the floor. I didn’t care to think about anything right now. I then saw Bryce and Mason. Mason smiled wide as he saw me and ran to me and hugged me. My friends standing to the side dumbfounded at the encounter. I couldn’t help but giggle and hug him back. I waited for him to let go but he didn’t.

“Mason you can let go now.” I said laughing. He chuckled and picked me up in the air. I squeled.

“Is she smiling?” He asked my friends. They smirked and nodded. I then was put gently back down onto the hallway floor. I sighed, looking down trying to hide the smile that creeped over my lips.

“She smiled!” I heard Mason cheer. I rolled my eyes and turned and walked down the hallway. Leaving my friends behind, but I heard the scoffs of there feet. Oh no.. I thought.

“Well..He certainly has a distinct care to make you smile huh?” I heard Mallory sneer at Ally’s remark and facial expression. Most likely being that her eyebrows were wagging. I chuckled. I then saw Zach and his friends. I looked at him and smiled which he returned then turned back and looked at his friend Macy. I rolled my eyes. She had him under her thumb. Everything he did was controlled by her practically. She didn’t like me and I hated her so it didn’t go to well ecspecially when she was using all her might to break us up. I sighed. I then stopped in the middle of the hallway.

“I’m not going to Biology.” I said. I really was never the one to skip classes or do anything bad for that matter but teachers expected it due to my wardrobe. I wore skinnies and bandshirts. I didn’t know that made a flashing light saying crackhead. Which I wasn’t and never thought of being one. I honestly didn’t see the point. I turned and went down the stairs towards the glass doors that led out to the playground. Ally and Mallory stared after me.

“Your joking right?” They asked from behind me. I laid my hand on the metal lever to open the door. I looked up the flight of stairs at them. I wasn’t joking, I was far from it. I turned and looked outside the glass doors. We were in chairs sitting from 8 to 3. That’s not healthy. I thought smirking as I was actually reasoning through my decision.

“I’m not.” I said and pushed through the door and stepped out onto the sidewalk I felt a little more bad ass. I chuckled at my thoughts. I never did anything bad and it kinda felt good that I was. I looked over at the playground and walked over to the swings. I hadn’t been on a swing in years. I ran my fingers down the chain that hooked it to the metal top. I then sat down on it and grabbed my iPod from my black bag. I plugged my headphones in and then put them in my ears and started to pump my legs to get moving. I smiled as the air went against my face.

“Never give in, Never Back Down, Never Give in, Never Back down, When your life feels lost, Fight against all odds, Never Give in, Never Back down.” I sang along with my iPod. I kept swinging. The bad thoughts actually washing away.

“No wonder little people aren’t depressed they have fun things to do to make it all better.” I said aloud. I laughed at my statement. I then noticed the gym class that was starting. A baseball/softball field was next to the playground. Which the swings were directed right in front of. How convinient. I said in my head. My eyes then widened in horror. It was Bryces and Mason’s gym class...

“Shit.” I mumbled under my breath and grabbed my bag and started tiptoeing past the playground and field. I pulled a headphone out so I could focus on my steps.

“Casey?” I heard behind me. My eyes widened and I started to run as fast as I could. I heard fast steps behind me. I ran faster for the glass door. I smiled as I met them and tried the handled. I groaned as the door wouldn’t open. I tried it again and again. Locked.

“GOD DAMMIT!” I yelled. I couldn’t catch a break. I then felt a tap on my shoulder. I sighed.

“Hey there sexy.” I rolled my eyes at my brothers voice. I’m so screwed. I thought.

“Hey I called her first.” I heard from Mason I was guessing. I sighed. I put my arms up.

“Pick me up. Its coming up I know it. Just do it all ready.” I said. Both of them chuckled. Bryce took my bag and Mason picked me up over his shoulder. I put my hand on my left side pocket, holding my iPod in place. A hand then smacked my butt.

“Nice ass.” I heard from Mason. My jaw dropped. I hit my fist against his back. I heard him and Bryce giggle.

“I’m only messing with you Casey.” He said. I then eyed the smile on Bryce’s face.

“Or am I?..No I’m not..Yes I am I was jus kidding.” Mason joked. I rolled my eyes. I then groaned as we walked passed all the guys in there gym class. All of them laughing and smirking at me in there black or red shorts and t-shirts.

“Hey coach could Casey join our gym class?” Bryce asked. I rolled my eyes. The coach or gym teacher either or loved my brother. He’s like the son he never had and me being Bryces little sister I was the package that came along to. The coach was my dad to. Since our dad was so crappy anyway. The coach walked around Mason and to me. He looked up at me. He smirked.

“Why is my girl not in class?” He asked. I sighed, pouting a little.

“I wanted to join..your gym class..?” I said smiling. I was hoping he’d just let me stay and just sit on the sidelines. I then saw the smirk rise across his lips. I smiled sheepishly back. He chuckled.

“Let her down Mason. She’ll be the first one up.” He said. My jaw dropped. Once my converse hit the gravel of the diamond I launched forward to coach.

“Please no you know I can’t play softball let alone baseball. Which I really don’t see the difference in the two.” I rambled, I then shook my head coming back to the point I was trying to get across.

“You know I can’t.” I pleaded. My brother and Mason came to my sides, laying there arms on my shoulders. The sun shining right in my eyes.

“Don’t lie Casey get up to bat you probably better then half the guys in this class. Now go on.” I groaned and turned. One of the guys throwing a bat to me as half of them walked out to the outfield. Bryce dropped my bag and laid it against the metal cage like thing behind us. Mason patted my shoulder.
“We’ll be laughing with you remember that.” I glared. Mason was a dick to me at times but its whatever. I heard Bryce chuckle as he held the ball in his hands as he stood on the pitchers mound.

“Dude she may surprise you.” He mumbled. I held the bat in my hands, holding my elbow up. Keeping my eyes forward. Bryce looked at me and grinned. I already knew what he was thinking and I intended to follow his instructions. Bryce then pitched the ball. I nodded at Bryce and stepped back as it passed by my body.

“As you were saying?” Mason sneered, throwing the ball back to Bryce. Bryce shrugged and held the ball,rolling it in his hands and looked at me and winked as he smiled. I sighed, acting like the hopeless little girl all these guys thought I was.

“I wasn’t ready. Now I am now pitch the damn ball.” I said acting angry and little. Mason laughed along with the others. Bryce then pitched the ball. I kept my eyes on it then swung, putting all my strength in it. I heard the ping against the bat and dropped it and ran. I watched as the ball went far all the guys just watching it with surprise as it kept going. I ran faster passing second base, when they finally came to and ran back to get the ball. I ran across third. I heard the ball hitting the mitt of a boy close boy. I ran as hard and fast as I could.

“Get her dumb ass!” I heard a guy scream. A boy standing on home plate his mitt out. I then slid into home a second before the ball hit his mitt.

“Safe!” I heard coach say from the sideline.

“What the fuck coach she’s out!” A guy from the outfield yelled. Coach chuckled.

“Percy calm yourself and get over loosing to a girl, but to make you happy. Jackson was she home before you got the ball?” I laid on the base and looked up at Jackson. If you lie I’ll kill you. I said in my head. He put his hand out and helped me up.

“She was safe.” He mumbled I grinned and dusted off my jeans and walked up to Mason, looking up to him.

“As you were saying?” I asked and walked to the back of the line. Mason rolled his eyes. By the end of the game it was my team that was winning due to me and Mason getting home. I heard the bell ring. I grabbed my stuff and ran up to the front doors where the boys were going. I smiled as they were unlocked and made a mad dash up to my locker. I breathed heavy and put my bag in my locker. I heard Zach’s scuffs walking up behind me. I shut my locker and controlled my breathing before turning. I looked at him and smiled. His black hair covering his eyes.

“Hey.” I said, unable to say anything else. Knowing I’d say something stupid.He smiled back, his dimples now visible.I couldn’t help but blush.

“Heyy.” He said playfully. I started walking,sliding my hand down his arm to his hand. My fingers intwining with his. We walked down the hallway towards the stairs. He held me tight to his side.

“I heard this little missy skipped class today.” He said. I laughed, the heat rising back up to my cheeks as we descended each step. I then was pushed into Zach as his friend skipped down the stairs.

“She’s fake.” Is what I heard leave his mouth. I shrugged it off. He wouldn’t.. I thought.

“No.” Zach said. His friend chuckled and looked up at him from the bottom of the stairs.

“Yes.” Then walked away. I cocked an eyebrow and looked at Zach. He shook his head.

“It’s nothing.” He said. I nodded and squeezed his hand and walked down to the cafeteria. 

Brompton Cocktail

I'm not running away been fighting this so long such a price that we pay we gotta be so strong and I take my life tonight 'cause I have the right to die how I wanna, and leave how I arrived, so alive.

Brompton Cocktail-Avenged Sevenfold....

Chpt. 3

I walked into my global class. I yawned slightly then walked to the back room to my desk and sat down in my seat. Colin slid into his seat on my right and Crystal in her seat on my left. I laid my bag on my desk and eyed the door. I then looked down as Zach walked in, making his way over to his seat beside Macy. I then eyed his facial expression. He looked upset. I sighed and turned back forward. What was wrong now..? I asked in my head. I then waited to get his attention.

“Whats wrong?” I mouthed when I finally got the boys attention. He shrugged. The teacher then went to the front of the room.

“Your test is online. No talking or using notes.” She mumbled and then sat back down at her desk, watching all of us as we pulled out our laptops. I quickly opened the test and read over the 30 questions on it about the Roman Empire. After a good 20 minuets of typing, I finally finished with a 90 on my test. I looked over to see Zach scribbling on a piece of paper,doing his corrections. I shut my laptop and put it in my bag and walked over to his desk, pulling out a chair and sitting beside him. He looked up briefly then back down at his paper,scribbling across the paper.

“You gonna tell me what’s wrong now?” I asked. He shook his head and laid his hand on the key pad of his laptop scrolling down the questions of his test. I laid my hand on his gently. He didn’t even look at me. I sighed and pushed his hand aside lightly as he went back to his corrections. I pulled up his stickies and glided my fingers across the keyboard.

You wanna tell me now?
I typed. He kept his head down on the paper. His hand gliding across it. I hit the space bar. He didn’t even flinch. I then tapped it a couple times. Him looking up at me with a smirk. I smiled and tilted my head. He chuckled and looked up at the screen. He sighed,pulling his hands to his lap. He kept his eyes on his lap.

“I was informed that your fake.” I slumped back in my chair. What?! I screamed in my head. I looked at the floor. I could hear as if Macy was laughing behind me.

“You out of all people know I’m not.” I said. He nodded.

“I know that’s why I just shrugged it off.” He said. Just shrugged it off? Are you kidding me right now? I said in my head.

“You didn’t even try to defend me?” I whispered. He shook his head, laying his hand on my knee leaning towards me.

“No I defended you in the hallway remember.” My jaw dropped. What I heard was right. What his friend said was I was a fake. All he said was no. I pushed his hand away and stood up.

“Okay.” I mumbled and pushed my chair in and walked back over to my seat. The teacher then walked to the front of the room.

“Now everyone in each row will be a group we’re reviewing the last 3 chapters today.” She mumbled and returned to her desk. Everyone in my row then turned back to me and surrounded my desk. Crystal ditching her group and joining ours. I focused on the grey desk in front of me. Blocking all of there conversations and voices out. What did I ever do that was so terrible to deserve any of this? I never lied to anyone unless I didn’t want them to get hurt or for anyone to start drama. But even when I say nothing people still have to do this to me. I felt the tears creeping up to my eyes. My hand shot up.

“Yes Casey?” Mrs. Glown asked. I stood up.

“May I go get a drink please?” I asked. She nodded and pulled out a pass writing the time and where I was going. Zach eyed me as I walked up to her desk.


I mouthed to him. He chuckled and smiled. I nodded.

Love you Baby.

He mouthed back. I blushed.

Love you too.

I mouthed and grabbed my pass off of the desk and turned out of the global room. The fountain was down the stairs and by the bathrooms by the cafeteria. Our school was small. I walked down the stairs. I smiled at who I saw outside the glass doors that were in front of the cafeteria that led outside. I walked over to the fountain and grabbed a couple gulps of water then walked over to the doors. I knocked on the glass. I giggled as Mason almost jumped out of his skin. I opened the glass doors a bit. Bryce just leaned agains the wall of the school a cigarette in his mouth and the smoke coming off of his lips.

“Look whose skipping now.” I said, a childish grin rising over my lips. Bryce chuckled as we both watched Mason pick up the cigarette and put it back in his mouth.

“Is there any place I can go that you won’t see me? I have a free period though sis and you better get to class before the cigg smoke gets on your clothes.” He said. My brother wasn’t stupid he knew the school always was against teen smoking. If you smelt like smoke you were imediatly sent to guidance. I shrugged.

“Not like I care. I got written up in Spanish might as well go for a record and get written up in Global too.” I said. Bryce nodded and blew smoke from his lips, holding the cigarette in his fingers.

“I heard about that from Aiden. Its alright I heard the sub was up your ass its alright. You meant well.” He said, pulling the cigarette back up to his lips. I looked over at Mason. He was quiet. The cigarette between his lips and his foot up agains the brick walling of the school.

“Hey you look sexy with lung cancer.” I said to him. He looked over at me and then stood up properly and dropped the cigarette onto the sidewalk, stepping on it. He then turned to me, stepping through the door and wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into him.

“You look sexy with anything I’m guessing.” He said against my neck. I shivered as his warm breath hit my neck. I practically melted into his arms. He then kissed my neck, nibbling on it. I shuddered putting my head against his shoulder. He held me tighter to his chest. I then looked over at Bryce. His jaw almost hitting the floor. I then blinked, my mind coming back to earth. I did everything I could to move muscles..To make them respond. But no.. I then felt his tongue against my skin. I bit my lip and then finally pushed him back.

“I..Have to go..” I said and turned and ran to the stairwell. I put all my energy to getting up them. Why..? How?!?. I screamed in my head. I walked into my Global class. My eyes wide and breathing shaking. I then threw my pass back into the garbage. Zach looked at me confused. I forced a smile on my face and rushed back to my seat. I folded my hands on my lap and read over my notes. I felt like I wasn’t in my skin. I felt like my heart would beat out of my chest. I shuddered and then shoved my books back into my bag as the bell rang. God help me. I pleaded looking up briefly then back down and started out the door.


Chpt. 4

I kept my eyes on the clock. Only a couple minuets to go. Why did this period always take forever? I asked as our Math teacher continued to write more to the math notes on the board. I smiled as he finally finished. I then saw Jamie throw her hand up. If anyone had a question we had to stay after. No matter what. I pulled her hand back down.

“Put your hand up and I’ll legit hurt you.” I said playfully. She chuckled and held her hand back to her side. I sighed in relief and pulled my bag to my side. I heard the ding from the bell and walked out of the room to my locker. I ran my fingers over the dial and pulled my hoodie off the hook and slammed the locker door shut. Ally ran to my side,her boyfriend on the other. They both stared me down as we just made it down the stairs...All three of us. I groaned.

“Can I help you?” I asked aloud. David shrugged, while Ally nodded. Her arm intwining with mine as we met the hallway towards the glass doors that met the parking lot and buses.

“Where’s your boy toy?” She asked. I sighed and shrugged. He was always gone and out of school right before the bell since his classes were usually right by the doors. Never even cared to wait for me. I sighed. No big deal. I shrugged.

“Not.Here.” I mumbled and pushed through the doors. I glanced over to see if he was there with his friends. Nothing. I scoffed. Silly me for actually thinking he cared. I said to myself and walked between two buses and to Bryces car. I looked to see Mason and Bryce both standing there, sitting on the hood of the car. Bryce spotted me and smiled. I kept my head down as Mason smiled at me. My neck tingled. I shivered and went to the passenger side and slid into my seat, while Mason sat in the back and Bryce took his place in the drivers side. He started up the car and pulled out of the school parking lot,cutting in front of one of the buses. I groaned as the bus behind us beeped.

“You do know it isn’t legal to do this right?” I asked. Bryce chuckled and shrugged.

“You act as if I care.” He said and turned the radio on. I looked at him in disgust when I heard Bruno Mars singing through the speakers. Don’t get me wrong Bruno Mars has a good voice but when your use to rock it kinda isn’t the best for you to listen to.

“Dude turn that shit off.” Mason muttered from the back. Bryce turned the radio off.

“Look through my Cd’s Case. Pick something.” He mumbled. I nodded and grabbed his big black binder that was filled with cd’s. I opened it up. I skimmed through it,my fingers tracing over each cd. It going from ACDC and Kiss to Black Veil Brides and Marilyn Manson. I then stopped at one cd in particular and pulled out the cd case and set the binder back under my seat. I opened the cd case and pushed the cd in. I turned the volume up and sat back in my seat. The Devil Wears Prada then bursted through the speakers. I smiled in relief. My medicine right here.

“Hey there’s your boy friend want me to stop so you can hug and some shit?” Bryce asked. I know it sounds like he was being rude but he really wasn’t. Bryce was okay with me dating. He didn’t like the guy but he was okay with it...somewhat. I looked at Zach. Macy and all the others at his side. The people that said more then enough lies about me that were willing to say that I was the fake in this mix. I sighed and shook my head.

“No..” I mumbled and leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes,while pulling my hood up. I then felt a hand on my shoulder.

“If he isn’t making you happy then you shouldn’t be with him.” I heard Bryce mumble. I shook my head.

“There’s many things he could and can do that can and could make me happy. He just never does it. He just needs a little time..” I mumbled and set my head back agains the glass of the window. I sighed, closing my eyes. The kid had his own little bitch squad behind him. I could never compete with that. Even when I knew half of the drama in his life was there faults. But that’s okay. The guy that he becomes may be way better then the deuch he is now. I laughed at the thoughts going through my head. I then felt my phone vibrate in my left pocket.

Macy: Zach said Your a fat dirty whore!!!

My jaw dropped. I then couldn’t breathe. I waited a minuet for a text saying it was to the wrong number but it never came.

Me:Uhm..Zach did?

I questioned. Maybe she was just playing with me like always. I then thought. It wasn’t like they would tell me if they were lying or not. My phone then vibrated again.

Macy: Yes.

Me: Mhm

I texted. I felt my stomach launch forward as another text came to my phone.

Macy: hey its Zach and your a skank teeheee :)
Zach used Macy’s phone a lot to text me.I felt the tears go down my cheeks. I breathed out shakily. I couldn’t take anymore. I was done. I can’t take much more. If this is what they wanted they could have it.

Me:I’m done we’re over.

I texted and turned my phone off. I held my chest as it began to ache. I felt my heart drop to my feet as it broke into pieces. I cried lightly. I then felt the car stop. I looked up at our house. I sniveled.

“Wait.” I heard Bryce mumble as his hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. He looked at me and he bit his lip as heat went up to his cheeks.

“It was him wasn’t it. He made you cry.” He said angrily. I gulped and opened the door and ran into the house and into my room. I slammed the door behind me and dropped onto my bed. The tears coming out harder against my pillow. I couldn’t stop crying.

“I want you to stay here with her. Make her stuff just give her or do anything she needs or wants. I have to go get some stuff. Make sure she’s alright.” I heard Bryce say as my door creaked open. I felt a hand go through my hair and then lips on my head.

“I’ll be right back Case..I love you.” Bryce mumbled against my head. I then heard his footsteps as he walked away. I held my hands under my pillow as I gripped the sheets underneath.

“If she wants chocolate or I think I have monsters in my fridge in my room if she wants any of that give her it. You make her feel worse I kick your ass bro.” He said threateningly to Mason.

“I know dude. Now just go do what you gotta do.” Mason mumbled. I pulled the pillow over my head and just laid there on my bed. Already feeling my under eyelids starting to get all puffy. I heard the front door slam shut and then the starting of Bryces car. I breathed out shakily and turned over, placing my hands over my face. I massaged my forehead.

“Hey...Move over a little.” I pulled my hands away from my face and looked up at Mason. I gulped and sat up and moved over. I leaned against the wall and laid my arms on my knees. The bed creaked as Mason sat beside me. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his chest. He kissed my head lightly. I sniveled. He then put his fingertips under my chin,lifting my head up.

“It’ll get better. You can do better.” He mumbled. I shook my head. Zach was the best there was.I knew that. I then looked at Mason in shock as he leaned in to me and pressed his lips to mine. I shivered as his fingers traced up and down my cheek. I pulled away.The tears still going down my cheeks. I gulped and looked at him. He kissed my forehead. I laid my head on his shoulder. He then turned me around. My back against his chest. I tilted my head.

“What are you doing?” I asked as he laid his hands on my shoulders. He chuckled.

“I use to give you massages when we were little when you cried. It always made it all better.” He said and started massaging my shoulders. I tilted my head and smiled a little. My shoulders relaxing.

“Exactly.” He said as he stopped and kissed my shoulder. I smirked and cuddled up to his chest. He then grabbed the tv remote on my stand and turned on my dvd player. American dad played across the screen. Mason looked down at me and cocked an eyebrow.

“I have the seasons on dvd.” I said shyly. He chuckled and hugged me to his chest, pulling the covers over my body. I smiled and looked up at Mason. His eyes glued to the tv. He was so gorgeous. He then looked back at me, a smirk going across his lips. I blushed and looked away. He then pulled me back up and kissed my forehead.

“I’m always going to be here for you.” He mumbled against my head. I nodded. I laid my head back against his chest. Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad..

Picture Me Broken

"A little less innocence,His morals aren’t so well defined,You’re here again, the rush beings
A line of joy and suicide,I can’t find the words to say this,I’m running out of patience,Dearest I'm so sorry you're disturbed,You know I'd hang on every word,With each breath you take I think I’ve learned,Careful you might get burned,Tears tug at the corners of my eyes,But I won’t let them go this time,You’re here again, the rush begins,A line of joy and suicide."

Picture Me Broken-Dearest (I'm so sorry)

Chapter 5

I opened my eyes lazily, yawning slightly as I moved and stretched my legs. I smiled a little as I saw American Dad still playing on the tv. I looked up from the chest I had been using as a pillow to see Mason. His eyes shut and his light breathing. I sat up. I admired every aspect of him. He was beautiful..but he was like my brother. He was Bryce's brother and I didn't want to make him lose another person. He's already lost enough. Mason was my brother..Nothing more. Those feelings would have to wait. I said to myself. I then slowly slid down the bed to the floor. Trying my hardest to not wake up Mason.

I then walked over to my door, it creaking silently as I pushed it open. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I didn't hear the usual snores from my parents' bedroom. I tilted sideways a little to look at the clock on the radio above the tv in the living room. It was 11pm. They should have been home by now. I shook my head. I then walked down the hall and looked through the little crack of Bryce's bedroom.

His blue lava lamp on, the walls covered with the blue light. He sat on his bed leaning against the wall. A comic book in his lap,a cigarette between his lips. I pushed the door open slowly. It creaking as it opened. Bryce's head turned to the door. I stood in the doorway, looking over at him. He tried his hardest on putting up the smile on his lips. I could do nothing but try and return it. He then put his comic book on his bed stand and patted beside him.

"Come here." He said warmly and skooched over a little. I nodded and crawled onto his bed. He exhaled, a grey puff of smoke leaving his lips. The blue light gleaming against it.

"You okay?" He asked, putting the cigarette back in between his lips. I shrugged. The end of his cigarette glowing as he breathed in,smoke leaving his nose as he exhaled. He then reached his arm behind me, dropping his cigarette in the ash tray. He then pulled me into a hug. I felt the tears rising back up to my eyes. All the times I had been holding back every emotion..All the times I had been with holding every tear. It all came out now. He held me against his chest. My head against his shoulder. My light crying turning into heavy sobs. He pulled his fingers through my hair and kissed my head.

"It'll be okay sis..You can find someone so much better...You deserve so much better. You'll get through this." He mumbled. I shook my head.

"He was everything to me. You don't understand that." I sobbed against his shoulder. He said nothing. I cried for I don't know how long,but my body had no more water to use for tears. I pulled away from him, sniveling every five seconds. He then got up from the bed and walked over to the mini fridge in the corner of his room against the wall underneath the window. It opened, the white light gleaming. He grabbed one of the many monsters from his fridge and tossed it over to me. I caught it and smiled.

"Thanks." I said. He nodded and grabbed one for himself. The sppzzz sound filling the room as we both opened our drinks. I pulled mine to my lips. The fizzing liquid hitting my tongue and running down my throat. I heard the fridge close. I pulled the drink away from my lips then looked over at Bryce. He stood beside his fridge and in front of his dresser. His drink in hand and his eyes on the floor. I cocked an eyebrow.

"What is it?" I asked curiosly and looked at the floor where he was observing so intensly.Nothing there.. I waited till he breathed out slowly and actually showed movement. He laid his can on the top of the fridge and turned to his dresser, pulling out the first drewer. He pulled up some boxers and socks and then pulled out a green tin. I cocked an eyebrow.

"What's that?" I asked. He shook his head and pulled his finger to his lips in a shush movement. I nodded and did as he said. He plopped back onto the bed and laid the tin in between us as he sat across from me. He then reached his arm behind me towards the dresser and grabbed his chain with all his keys on it. He picked through them then pulled out a tiny key. I cocked an eyebrow in amusement as he turned the key in the lock. Click is all that you could hear. He then opened it and pushed the tin over to me.

"If I can get through that..You can deffinantly get through this.."He mumbled.

I peaked into the tin. A pile of photos and at the bottom a printed off newspaper clipping I was guessing. I pulled the photos out into my hands. They were all of Bryce and..Clarice. Clarice was so beautiful. She was tall and slim. Her strawberry red hair going down to her hips,her light green eyes,pale face, and perfect looks in general. I smiled as I looked through them. In every picture Bryce and Clarice looked so happy..So in love. They were so perfect for each other. I looked through each picture then stopped at one.

In the picture it was raining. Clarice had her dark purple plaid sweatshirt with the hood up, Bryce with his black hoodie on and the hood up as well. Clarice was smiling wide and Bryce was kissing her cheek. You could feel the warmth and happiness from the photo. You could feel the love from them. It was just so perfect. I could do nothing but envy them in this picture. I then laid the photos back down in the tin gently. I tilted my head then slid my fingers over the photos to the newspaper clipping on the bottom of the tin. I then pulled it up out of the tin. I froze. It was the headline of Clarice's death.

Clarice Amelia Rosse died yesterday. Her parents finding her body the morning before. Clarice was known for her talents. Her being first in All County Competitions and even leading rolls in numbers of plays since 5. Her grades even showed her importance in this world. All straight A's. She was beautiful and young dying at the age of 17 in the eleventh grade. She was new to our town and would have left an amazing impact on all of us by the end of the year. She was beautiful and talented a true role model to others. She will be greatly missed.

I looked at the picture they had chosen for her. It was when she was at our school and she had been Cinderella. She was in a blue gown with her leg kicked up and a glass slipper on her foot. What was so ironic about the picture was that Bryce was in it. He had his arms around her waist and kissing her cheek. A prince outfit on his body. I remembered that play it was from when they were in 9th grade. It was the most perfect picture. It showed how happy and perfect Clarice really was. And it showed the one person that completed her...My brother. They had been dating forever. I really couldn't think of a time when they weren't together. They were soul mates. They had started dating in kindergarten. It really couldn't be called dating but they were always together. They started really dating in 7th and it went on from there. My brother was right for once.

He had lost the girl of his dreams and more. She made his life. She kept him to the ground. She was his everything and the amount of love that he had for her wasn't even enough to keep her in this world. I pulled the picture I had been eying forever. I hadn't seen Bryce happy like this in forever. And Clarice's death didn't only effect him. It effected me too. She was like the sister I never had and Bryce had all the pictures of me and her but I didn't want them. They were Bryce's memories that he needed to keep her alive in his heart and mind. I held the photo in my fingers and looked over at Bryce. A new cigarette in his mouth, his arms on his knees. His eyes and mind out in space. I shut the tin and slid it over to him.

"Can I keep this one..?" I asked lightly. If he said no it would most likely make me mad but I wasn't going to steal something from him. He blinked coming back to earth. His eyes looked over at the picture in my hands and a smile rose across his lips.

"I remember when we took that.. It was pouring and you and me were going over to her house after school because mom and dad were on vacation again. But you were in soccer practice and we weren't about to leave you so we waited and she pulled out her camera and took a bunch of pictures..That ones my favorite to.." He mumbled, the smile still on his lips. My mouth opened a little.

"Oh I'm sorry." I said defensively and went to grab the tin again to return the picture. When Bryce's hand met mine. I looked up at him. He chuckled.

"You can have it..Just why do you want it?" He asked as he took the tin back and locked it and got off the bed returning it to its place in his drawer. I sighed and ran my fingers over the faces in the picture.

"I just...I haven't seen you happy like this in a long time..And I'm not blaming you I'm just saying..I just miss it and this will remind me of it until your ready to be that happy again." I said. My brother had been through so much and I was dying inside just from this. He got all the strength and I got nothing. Bryce nodded and pulled me up off of the bed and into his arms. He hugged me tightly.

"I'm always going to be here for you..Because I've been through a lot and the happiness is still here. It's just not at the full level and it will someday and it will be the same for you. I don't want you getting all upset over some dick that is insecure,and has no respect for a beautiful and kind girl like you." He said kissing my head. I felt the tears rising back up. I scrunched my eyes,closing them hard as I refused to cry again in front of him.

"I love you.." I mumbled against his chest. Bryce chuckled.

"You should get to bed. I haven't heard you say that since you were five." Bryce joked messing with my hair. I giggled lightly, pulling away.

"Bull shit." I said laughing. Bryce chuckled.

"I love you to sis. Now go get some sleep so you'll get up tomorrow." I sighed and nodded.

"Wait, where's mom and dad?" I questioned. Bryce rolled his eyes angrily.

"Vacation." He said simply. I crossed my eyes and groaned.

"What asses. God there the worst. There never here. Ugh...but I'm going to bed. Night." I said simply and walked out to the hall and down to my room. I quietly walked into my room. I then noticed the light on the stand beside my bed was on and the tv was off. Mason was awake and reading my Umbrella Academy comic book. I smirked and shut my door and walked over to my bed. Mason put the book down and cuddled me, turning off the light.

"You going to be okay?" He asked. I groaned internally. I don't know why but when someone asks you that and hugs you it just makes you want to cry even more. I felt the tears creep back up to my eyes.

"No..." I said, my voice cracking. He sighed and kissed my head.

"I'll fix it..I promise." I scoffed.

"You can't fix it. No one can.." I said sadly. He sighed and hugged me tighter. My eyes starting to droop.

"You never know when that no one can turn into someone.." He said against my head. Then everything went black

Catch Me..

"Before I Fall Too Fast,Kiss Me Quick,But Make It Last,So I Can See How Badly This Will Hurt Me,When You Say Good Bye,Keep It Sweet,Keep It Slow,Let The Future Pass,And Don't Let Go,But Tonight I Could Fall To Soon Under This Beautiful Moonlight,But You're So Hypnotizing,You Got Me Laughing While I Sing,You Got Me Smiling In My Sleep,And I Can See This Unraveling,And Your Love Is Where Im Falling,But Please Don't Catch Me"

Catch Me- Demi Lovato

Chapter 6-Catch Me

I tied the laces of my converse. I didn't want to go to school. I didn't want to face all the people that were most likely going to laugh in my face. And then there's the others that are going to complicate my life by hugging me and smothering me. When a person is sad it's not always the greatest thing to hug them. It only makes them cry and the girls in my grade hadn't yet figured that out. I walked out of the house and towards Bryce's car. Both Mason and Bryce already in it. I opened the door and slid in. Bryce starting the car up. I then reached down for my phone. Its screen black from when I turned it off. I never wanted to turn it on. I never wanted to see any of the messages again. But my curiousity was strong and I knew it would get the best of me in the long run. I pushed the power button and the apple then glowed in the middle of the screen. I felt the butterflies in my stomach as nervousness washed over me.

My phone then vibrated and rang. My eyes widened as it spazzed. There was a reason to me waiting this long to open all these messages. I knew that if I got mad enough and or sad enough on the way to school Bryce would have no choice but to turn the car around and go home. I knew my brother and once I started crying and or swearing I had my way. A red block went over my SMS app. It had the number 22. I clicked it and the latest one was from Zach.

Babe:): I'm really sorry.

I read. I then looked down the rest were from Macy and it said Are you okay. I scoffed. Macy and I both knew she could care less she hated me. She wanted me anywhere but here and frankly the feeling was mutual. I slid my finger across her messages and clicked delete. I then clicked on Zach's messages. I closed my eyes then went up to the top where his messages from yesterday started which were from 4:00.

Babe:):I never called you a whore but I did want us over. Macy just dragged it out and I'm sorry for that..

-10 minuets later-

Babe:): I still want you in my life Casey. I love you but I just don't see this working out.

-5minuets later-

Babe:):Please talk to me.. I want you as my friend like it was before we dated. I love you I really do.

-3 minuets later-

Babe:): I tried being nice about this. Answer your damn phone. We need to talk about this.

-this morning-

Babe:): Hope you die bitch.

I felt the heat rise up my body. The car turning into the school parking lot. I then chucked my phone back at the floor of the car. My phone the basis of all my anger. Surprisingly it never broke.

"You fucking piece of shit! I do everything for you and you do this shit?! What the fuck?! I cared and did all this fucking stuff for you. Only You and this is what I get?! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO DESERVE THIS?! Fuck my life!" I screamed and punched the dashboard.

"Oh shit." I heard from Mason in the back seat. I turned to him.

"What is it now?" I asked angrily. He gulped, his eyes still pointed out the window.

"Your boyfriend has the black hair right..Well he's over there.." Mason said, pointing out the window. I groaned.

"My ex boyfriend and yes he doe-...." I lost my words..I lost the ability to speak as I looked out the window to see Zach with a girl from the grade below us holding his hand. I felt the tears rise up to my eyes. I cried and pulled my hands to my face.

"Mason..I'll be right back." Bryce mumbled. It was like by instinct that I did this but my hand latched on to Bryce's arm.

"No. I just want you to take me to the hair dresser,then to the mall,then to the piercing place,5th Avenue." I said simply. The tears stopping. I gulped and sat back in my seat.

"Sis you know mom doesn't allow you to dye your hair and or get any other piercings other then your ears." Bryce said warningly. I shrugged.

"Does it really look like I give a shit. Drive me there. I can pay for it. I'm Bryce's sister and I might as well look the part." I said and kept my eyes on Zach as he held the girl closer to him.

"Bryce I meant now." I said, the anger in my voice. Bryce nodded and the car then pulled out of the parking lot. I was done following the rules. I was done being the girl everyone thought I was. I was going to be happy,whether it meant getting grounded or not.

Lips Of An Angel

"It's funny that you're calling me tonight,And, yes, I've dreamt of you too,And does he know you're talking to me,Will it start a fight,No I don't think she has a clue,Well my girl's in the next room,Sometimes I wish she was you,I guess we never really moved on,It's really good to hear your voice say my name,It sounds so sweet,Coming from the lips of an angel,Hearing those words it makes me weak,And I never wanna say goodbye,But girl you make it hard to be faithful,With the lips of an angel"

Lips of An Angel-Hinder.

Chapter 7-Lips Of An Angel

I gulped as the car turned into the parking lot of the hair dresser. I felt my whole body just shiver. This was out of my bounds. I was the girl that never really did what my parents said not to. I never got grounded because I honestly couldn’t live without my iPod. Sure I was rude and sarcastic but I never did things that were that drastic.

I grabbed the ends of my dark brown hair and looked at it. I had really bad split ends. But I wanted a change. This girl right now was Zachs. It was like he owned me. I wanted people to not see that anymore. I didn’t want people to just see me as the sad little girl that got dumped. I wanted them to see me as the girl that got pushed down and got back up. The girl that proved to everyone that she was stronger then they thought she was. I sighed and got out of the car. Bryce got out too and followed behind me. Then Mason right behind him as well. We walked one after the other. One by one into the parlor.

“Well hello there. How may we help you today?” A girl at a dark brown desk said. She stood behind it,dark brown hair went down to her shoulders with brushed blue through her bangs. I nodded.

“I need to get my hair cut,styled,and colored.” I said. I wasn’t going to carry on a conversation. I wanted to get this done and then get to shopping. The girl looked behind me at my brother. I smirked as I saw her eyes sparkle. My brother was hot. And he knew it and usually made fun of the girls that liked him. Not so nice but he had a good reason for it. The girl was pretty though. She had a pale face and bright blue eyes. It was like they weren’t even human because of there brightness.
She then looked at Mason. I felt the heat go up my cheeks. Was I seriously getting jealous?I looked down. He was my brother. Nothing more. He didn’t even see me as more. Or did he?... I shook my head and went back to my plan.

“What style would you like?” The girl asked as her eyes redirected at me. I looked around the room. Then one picture caught my eye. The girl had black hair with blue tips and blue brushed through her bangs. Her bangs were at an edge. Her hair down to right below her chest. I tilted my head. My hair wasn’t that long but nothing extensions couldn’t do.

“I want that one.” I mumbled. The girl nodded.

“And your friends?” She asked. Mason shook his head. Bryce then grinned.

“I need black re-dyed and then put bright blue through it.” The girl nodded.

“Follow me.” Mason followed to. It was only this hair dresser and one other, who looked like a barbie. But she did have a cool gauges. Mason sat in a chair and watched as the girls pushed us into there stylist chairs and started in.

-3hours later-

“Dude it’s going for 11:30 already. We’ve been here for like 5 hourss.” Mason whined again. I groaned. Bryce sat beside him and looked at me with a grin. The tin foil still in my hair. We had little under 10 minuets before my whole head would be revealed. I wasn’t trying to be anything. I always wanted to do this but my parents kept me back along with Bryce who actually cared if I got grounded. But right now I knew he would pull the line. The line was “I did that when I was her age. If anything punish me.” and then he’d do the puppy dog eyes and mom would give in and just scowl and walk away. Worked every time.

“Do you guys do piercings too?” My brother asked. I was going to just get gauges and I would not get them here. The girls nodded.

“You do lip piercings? Like snake bites and crap like that right?” He asked. The girls both nodded and one winked at him. I chuckled.

“Bryce you already have a lip ring. And you always said you hated snake bites since you got rid of ‘em. Now you gonna get them re-done?” I asked. Bryce shook his head and grinned. My eyes widened.

“Time to remove the foils.” I cocked an eyebrow at Bryce as the grin never left his face. The girl then removed all the foils and turned the chair towards the mirror. I kept my eyes shut. What if it went wrong? What if my hair was pink and not its color that I wanted. I heard Bryce gasp and Mason go wow. I then felt my heart beat faster. She messed it up! I screamed in my head and opened my eyes wide as the panic rose over my body. I then stopped. It was exactly what I wanted. It was like she took the girls hair off of her head and put it on mine. A smile then rose over my lips.

“Yes!” I screamed and jumped out of my seat and jumped up and down. Mason grinned and looked at me. The girl then handed my brother a bag.

“These are her special shampoos and conditioners for the dye.” She mumbled. Bryce nodded.

“Now she’s getting her snakebites.” Bryce mumbled. My eyes widened. I looked over at Bryce in horror. Needles in my ears were fine. I can deal with that but in my lips. God no. I was always afraid that they’d become infected or just the girl would poke to far in and hit my gums. Or or..just bad stuff would happen. I’m already gonna have people saying I’m just trying to be a fake emo now. I don’t need any more.

“No.” I said. Bryce chuckled.

“No.” I said again. Bryce then became agitated.

“Yes you are.” He said angrily. I shook my head.

“Hell no!” I yelled the girls just sat back and watched us. It was like we were a movie and they needed the popcorn in order to watch.

“Hell yes.” He said glaring at me. I looked up at him.

“No.” I looked over at Mason for help. He had the same fear as I did hence why he had no piercings. He shook his head with a grin. An idea then popped into my head.

“I will...If Mason will.” I said looking over at Mason. Mason’s eyes widened. Bryce looked over at him pleadingly. Mason shook his head.

“No.No.NO.NOOO!No. No.”He said. Bryce groaned.

“Please...For me bro?” He questioned. Mason groaned.

“Fine.But she goes first.” He grumbled. I sighed.

“You were suppose to not give in and just say no.” I whined. He rolled his eyes.

“Just get it over with.” He grumbled. The girls grinned.

“We can do you both at the same time.” The blonde said happily. Bryce started laughing. Me and Mason both turned to him and glared.

“And what is so fricken funny?” Mason asked angrily. Bryce couldn’t stop laughing. He then breathed in deeply then looked at us with a wide grin.

“Your in kindergarten again you too. Don’t forget to hold hands when it starts to hurt yo wittle lips.” He said. I glared and grabbed Mason’s hand and pulled him along skipping to the back room of the salon where the girls were. They had clean piercing guns in there hands. They patted to folding chairs and we sat side by side.I couldn’t help but squeeze Mason’s hand as the girl came over to me with the piercing gun. I heard Mason gulp. Bryce waited outside of the room.

“Now don’t move.” The blonde girl said. The brunette nodded and leaned in towards Mason and I’s faces.

“My names Ashlyn by the way.” The brunette muttered to Mason. Mason chuckled a grin going across his lips. I rolled my eyes. Really? You find this necessary right now? The blonde beside Ashlyn giggled. Pouring a liquid onto a cotton ball and pulling my bottom lip out. She ran the cotton ball across my inner lip then the outside.

“My names Grace by the way.” The blonde muttered. I crossed my eyes and sighed. Ashlyn brought her gun up to Masons lip. Grace doing the same to me.

“Now breathe out.” They said in unison. I looked over at Mason. Mason looked at me and winked reassuringly. We both turned back and breathed out. I closed my eyes tight. I then felt a sharp pain go through my lip then go away the second it came. I gulped. The girls pulled away for a couple seconds then pulled back. I opened my eyes. My bottom lip tingled. I looked over at Mason. I couldn’t help but gasp at the silver spiked dud in his lip. This kid just went from a 9 on my scale to a complete ten. Mason looked back and looked at my lip.

“Nicee...Didn’t think you could get any sexier.” He said playfully. I turned away as the heat went up to my cheeks and I blushed. I then turned back to Grace. The gun right against the other side of my lip. I cringed a little as the liquid she put on my lips taste went through my mouth.

“Breath out.” She said. I did as she said. I closed my eyes. I didn’t feel anything. I opened my eyes.

“Are b-you guy-b gobba do b-it yet?” I asked. My eyes widened.

“Why-b do I-b sound weir-b?” I questioned. Everyone around us laughed, even Mason. I cocked an eyebrow.

“Sweety the numbness goes away after a little bit your not suppose to talk right after. I heard chuckling from outside the door. Bryce then slowly walked in.

“Couldn’t wait till that happened. Lookin good sis.” I chuckled and looked over at Mason. Mason winked at me. The girls then gave my brother two bags. Probably the antibiotics for the piercing. Bryce rolled his eyes.

“You guys are starting to make me feel like I’m your dad jeez.” Bryce said to us. We laughed and stood up from the chair and walked over to the door. I looked at him The girls didn’t even have the smarts to actually hand me a mirror. I stood up and ran out to the front of the parlor in front of the mirror. I felt the tears come up to my eyes and trace down my cheeks.

Is this what you wanted Zac? For me to look like the girls you flirted with right in front of my face. Like the girls that were to depressed to really care that you were taken. That smiled when they saw I was hurting and breaking as you talked with them more then me. When you hugged them instead of me. I started to cry harder. Was I just a rebound or something? Or was I really anything to you? I laid my hand on the mirror. I looked at my tear streaked face. My eye liner running down my cheeks. I wasn’t anything like any of the girls he liked. I was me and that wasn’t perfect like them. I wasn’t skinny. I actually had split ends. I actually worried on if my boyfriend was going to leave me or not. I didn’t do any drugs. I didn’t cuss out my teachers. I never got a detention.

“Casey? What’s wrong?” Bryce ran up from behind me and looked at me. I looked up at his face in the mirror. I shook my head and wiped my nose and turned to the girls. They looked at me questioningly.

“How much is it? I’ll pay for this kid too.” I said sniveling. Bryce pushed me aside.

“No your just going out to the car.” He said. I didn’t argue. I was going to make a complete fool of myself in front of girls I didn’t even know. And a complete idiot in front of Mason. I didn’t even know why I even cared what he would think of me. But frankly that wasn’t the top subject going through my mind. I ran out of the salon and into the car. He didn’t even act like he was upset. He got with a girl right after we broke up. The little ass probably was cheating on me the whole time.

“I knew it!” I screamed and punched the car. I screamed in pain and turned and slid down the side of the car. A raindrop hitting the top of my head. I cried harder,holding my hand as my knuckles started to bleed. I pulled my knees up and hugged them. He never loved me. I was just the girl that was there. And everyone knew. I saw what he did to so many others and yet I never really thought it would happen to me. Why did I think I was going to mean anything more to him?
I was fat I was ugly. Nothing more then any of the girls he had been with before. I was less. When we started dating he made me feel like I was the only girl in the world. Like I was better. When I was lesser then any of them. Watching him flirt with them. Watching him smile at them the way he used to at me. And he knew it was breaking me. I was breaking right before his eyes. It was like he just tore my heart right out of my chest and it didn’t even matter.

“Casey? Aww what’d you do? Come on get in the car and out of the rain. It’s not good for the dye.” I heard from Mason. I shook my head.

“I just want to sit here for a little bit.” I said as I sniveled over and over. The tears tracing down my cheeks. Mason groaned and grabbed my other hand.

“No you’ll get wet and cold and then you’ll get sick now get into the car.” He said. I shook my head,pulling my hand away briskly.

“Just stop being difficult and get in the car.”He said pleadingly. I rolled my eyes and looked up at him. His hair matted down against his face from the rain.

“Just stop being a dick and leave me be. Those girls in there are in to you. Go screw one of them and maybe when your back I’ll be in the car.” I said angrily and the tears started running down my cheeks along with the raindrops.

“What? I don’t even like them now just get into the fucking car.” His jaw clenched as he was starting to loose his patience.I groaned.

“Stop trying to tell me what to do. I just want to sit here for right now.I don’t give a crap if I get a cold. Now just go back into the fucking salon and be smart like Bryce.” I said looking up at him sadly. Mason breathed out shakily.

“Get.In.The.Car.” He said angrily. I rolled my eyes and looked away. He then grabbed my arm and launched me forward. I screamed.

“Your bleeding and I really don’t have the patience to fight with your stubborn ass.” He said angrily and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I heard the car door creak open and Mason practically threw me inside,shutting the car door. i banged on the door.

“You fucking tard! You could have hurt me!” I yelled. I looked over at Bryce who was at the door of the salon.

“Gimme a couple minuets,I’ll text you when to come out. Just give me a little with her.” Mason said to him. Bryce nodded throwing the car keys to Mason, turning back into the salon. Mason then opened the door and pushed me over. I grunted.

“I hate you.” I grumbled. I wasn’t exactly in the mood for this. I just had an epiphany on my whole life and how the love life part was a total lie. How the guy I would die for wouldn’t do anything for me. I would fight to the end of the world for him..While he was just fighting to the end of the street. Mason pulled me over to him. I struggled.

“Mason stop it! I’m not in the mood.” I said angrily and pulled away from him. I know he didn’t do anything wrong. But..when I cry he knows what happens when I’m interrupted. I need to just let it all out then it’s okay. But’s leave Casey alone.

“What the hell is wrong? Is it the snake bites? I mean I think mine and yours both look pretty damn good.” He said, bright eyed. I shook my head.

“It’s not about the damn snakebites. There fine.” I said simply.

“Then is it the ha-”

“No it’s not the hair either.” I grumbled. Mason sighed and turned towards me on the seat,crossing his legs.

“Then what is it?” He asked, he laid his hand on top of mine. The bleeding starting to stop. I winced a little. I then sighed.

“I have came to the conclusion that..Zac had been cheating on me the whole time we had been dating and that I’m never going to be able to trust anyone again.” I said as the tears started coming back up to my eyes. I then felt Mason’s tender finger tips on the side of my face. I closed my eyes, the tears slipping from under my eyelids and down my cheeks. He traced his fingers up and down my cheek.

“Why would anyone cheat on you?” He mumbled softly. I felt the tears running down my cheeks faster and faster. I scoffed lightly.

“Do you see me? I’m freakishly taller then practically everyone. I’m fat. I’m ugly let alone the most retarded person there is. Then I’m fucking clumsy. I don’t amount to much. Then there’s fucking Macy. She’s fucking beautiful. She’s skinny. She has perfect boobs and perfect everything! I don’t have anything compared to her. She was supposed to be my fucking best friend. But no she hates it when I’m happy. She didn’t even know she was breaking me in half by flirting with him right in front of me. She’s done it with freaking every fucking guy I want and or love. I can’t be happy if she’s not. I have to be depressed like she is. She’s torn my fucking insides out. And I’m done competing with her.” I finished breathing heavily,tears trailing down my cheeks and chin down onto my soaked sweatshirt. Mason shook his head and turned my face to him.

“Your none of those things. Your not fat. Your not ugly. Your perfect. Your exactly right. Nothing could be picked out from you. Sure your clumsy, but if you didn’t have that you wouldn’t be you and thats everything. Your the most amazing girl. Your beautiful. Macy is pretty yes. But not as pretty as you ever are and can be.” I couldn’t speak all I could do was listen to Mason. His face so serious.

“ Sure she is the best at flirting. But if you were perfect at everything you wouldn’t be the interesting and life changing girl you are. You blush uncontrollably. You get so when you talk so fast you get a lisp. Sometimes you laugh so hard that you snort. Sometimes you can’t even stop laughing at all.” My eyes widened. I never really had anyone know any specifics about me. No one knew about my lisp when I talked fast. Not even my best friends. I looked at him as he kept talking.

“ You read comic books and actually don’t mind playing and or watching people play video games. You can actually be trusted and are the most faithful girl I know. Don’t down yourself. Because for all I know that dick head is missing out on this beautiful creature.” I gulped. I never really noticed how much pain and hurt I had gone through till now. I mean I never had been spoken to right out front like this. I’ve never actually had someone tell me I’m beautiful when it wasn’t in text message form. I had never been called perfect for all the right reasons. I felt my lip quiver. I couldn’t help but feel the want boiling in the back of my throat to tell Mason that I wanted to be perfect for him. For him to be the one for me but aren’t all brother like figures suppose to be like this..? I gulped and nodded.

“But your suppose to say that..Your practically my brother. It’s what your there for. For protection and reassurance whenever I need it.” Mason sighed shaking his head. He pulled my hand up and pointed at the blood that was dried over the cuts on my knuckles.

“Blood brothers are there for that. Blood makes it your job. The blood that runs through you is the same running through them. It’s like yourself but younger and your brother or sister can be the you but ten times more exagerated and or totally boring in every way possible. But when it’s not blood..” He said tracing my skin. I shivered and nodded.

“Its just like your the skin on every part of you. We’re here when you need us. We protect you from the bad stuff and love you. As a sister...sometimes even more..” He mumbled silently. My eyes widened.

“Is that you..?” I asked. Mason gulped and looked at me.

“What do you mean?” He asked. I inched closer to him.

“The skin that loves you more then a sister. I don’t see how skin goes into the loving you part but still.” I said. Mason chuckled.

“It was just there. I thought it was pretty good to think of right on the spot. But yeah...That’s me..” He said looking into my eyes. The other gestures. I thought it was just him being him. He kissed girls without meaning it before. It wasn’t a big deal. He kissed me before and it was just as a friendly gesture. Mason put his finger tips under my chin.

“I use to kiss you because we were just like family and it didn’t matter...I want to kiss you because your mine and it does matter..” He mumbled. I tilted my head a little. My breath shaky. I nodded. Mason leaned in all the way. Closing the gap in between us. His warm lips touching mine. I know how every girl waits for the sparks but that isn’t it. Its your heart that tells you. Your heart skips a beat, then beats ten times faster. Your mind clouds and you can’t think straight. You can only think of the lips touching yours. Your skin gets covered in goosebumps and all you have is just wanting for more kisses. Mason pulled away slowly.

“No..” I mumbled and pulled him back in gently,pressing my lips against his. His hand tracing from my cheek to my neck. I kissed him a little harder this time. His tongue tracing my bottom lip. I opened my mouth slightly. His tongue pushing into my mouth. My arms wrapped around his neck, his arms wrapped around my waist as he pulled me into his lap. My legs on each side of him. I couldn’t stop kissing him. I didn’t want to stop kissing him. I never really had the need to kiss someone till now.
We kept kissing for I don’t know how long before I pulled away slowly. We both breathed heavily. Our eyes catching each others.

“So this means your mine right?” Mason asked. We both laughed. I nodded.

“Yes I’m all yours.” I mumbled against his lips as I kissed him once more.

“Finally..” Mason muttered as he pulled me back in for a kiss. He then pushed me back lightly into my seat.
“Better text your brother. He’s probably being tortured in there.” He said, pulling out his phone. His thumbs glided across the keys of his phone and then he pressed the green button and his phone read SENT. I chuckled. The heat still in my cheeks. I then watched as Bryce walked out of the salon and into the car. He put his hands on the steering wheel.

“To the mall we go.”

If You Only Knew.

"If you only knew,I'm hanging by a thread,The web I spin for you,If you only knew,I'd sacrifice my beating,Heart before I lose you,I still hold onto the letters,You returned,I swear I've lived and learned,It's 4:03 and I can't sleep,Without you next to me I,Toss and turn like the sea,If I drown tonight, bring me,Back to life,Breathe your breath in me,The only thing that I still believe,In is you, if you only knew"

Shinedown- If You Only Knew

Chapter 8-If You Only Knew

The mall was really bare. There were practically only old people there. No kids. There were a few highschool drop outs and then the skippers but practically zero people. We walked over to hottopic the usual cash register people greeting you as you walked into the door. I ran my fingers across the band shirts on there top shelves. I then pulled out a large of all the bands I liked. As I lay Dying,Black Veil Brides,Asking Alexandria,My Chemical Romance,Our Last Night and Skyscrapers Walk Among Us. Then two more of the MCR ones just cause there cool I walked up to the counter and put the wad of clothes on the counter. I pulled my hot topics friends with benefits card out and put it on the counter. I had a 50% thing anyway so that'd help me a little. I then walked over grabbing bracelates and rubber band ones too and added it to it. I shifted onto my hip as the girl and guy went through cashing in all of my stuff.

"You can afford this right?You aren't just making us do this for a joke correct?" The boy asked. My brother chuckled.

"She has like 700 dollars in the bank and if that's not enough I'm here to back her up. Don't worry man." Bryce said and pulled lip rings off racks then grabbed me some skinny jeans and dudded belts adding it to the wad. It took them basically ten minuets to go through all the stuff and put it into atleast ten bags.

"That comes out to 278 dollars." The guy muttered. I pulled out my credit card and handed it to him. He swiped it and handed it back to me. He then stuffed the mile long receipt into one of the 6 bags and handed it to me.

"Guys make yourselves useful." I mumbled lifting up three bags and stumbling out of hottopic. We walked out of the mall and to the car. The bags in the trunk of the car. Bryce groaned.

"What?" I asked. Me and Mason's attention fixated on my brother. He rolled his eyes.

"I have to go get a new graphing calculator. I broke my other one. Dammit..I'll be back don't do anything stupid you too." He grumbled and ran back into the mall. Me and Mason had been rather quiet since this whole thing began. I know it just happened and legit what was I suppose to suspect?Him to be all over me and act like we've been together for weeks? No I had to just let it roll until he was comfterble and hopefully that would be soon. I slid onto the top of the trunk. The sun now out and going down onto my skin. I closed my eyes and leaned back.

"That comfy?" I heard Mason ask. I nodded and inched back. My back hitting the glass of the back window shield. Mason then cuddled up beside me. I smirked as his arm went around my shoulders. I turned into his chest and laid my head there.

"Now this is ten times more comfier." I said playfully. I heard Mason chuckle as he pulled me closer to his body and kissed my head. I couldn't help but think of how it started with Zach..It wasn't anything like this...

-7 months earlier-

I sat in my seat at lunch. My feet kicked up on the seat in front of me. My friends in line getting there food. While I waited for them with my headphones blasting in my ears. I closed my eyes and pulled my hood up and put my head down. I was so tired from the night before. I had so many people all over me on how I hugged that Zac kid. I didn't see the big deal. He was the only one that was truly caring. I tripped down the stairs and hit my head on the bar. I started crying then stood up but Zac actually made sure I was okay and hugged me. It was really nice. I smiled. I then felt some papery like thing touch my cheek. I smirked. They probably got a napkin and did it to make sure I was awake. I sat up and then looked to see none of my friends there. Mallory and Ally started over for my table. Sliding into there seats in front of me.

"Whats that paper for?" Ally asked. I cocked an eyebrow,confused.

"Uhm..I don't know." I mumbled and pulled the paper into my palms and opened it slowly. As I unfolded it it kept saying things like. Look here and smile. I couldn't help but laugh as I opened it. I then opened it all the way. The white lined paper in my hands. I read over it.

Hey so your pretty. Haha I sound like a dork already don't I? Anyway so I was informed that your single. And I was wondering if you may not want to be anymore? Like have me there beside you instead of just air? haha makes me sound kinda cheesy but I think its a good metaphor. -Zac.

I smirked and folded the paper back up. Mallory taunted me by pretending she was pulling it out of my fingers. I glared at her and put the paper in the pocket of my jeans. I barely knew the kid. But I did hate being single. But the kid was funny and practically had hottie written across his forehead. I then slowed myself down as the thoughts raced through my head. One in particular flashed rather brightly. He hung out with them..Macy was my friend kinda but not really. They all were the not judged but the judgers. They critisized you on whatever you did slash or do. They wore awesome stuff and had pretty hair but still. They were pretty intimidating. I then tilted my head. But it would be nice to date him and if I don't like it I can just say its over and move on. I then tilted out of my seat.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ally questioned as she cocked an eyebrow. I waved my hand at her telling her to shush and looked for Zacs table. He sat there with macy and all the others. He looked at me and smiled. He then mouthed something.

"Write." He mouthed I shook my head. He looked at me confused.

"I say yes." I said. He looked at me ten times more confused. I then pointed at my eye, then made my hand look like it was talking then put a thumbs up. Zac smiled wide and nodded and did a fist pump. I giggled and sat back in my seat. It was then that I noticed my friends were both staring at me. They looked at me as if I was utterly insane. I chuckled. I then walked out of the booth and out to the hallway. No one was out there they were all still eating. I walked to the end of the hall in front of the door and slid down the wall and sat. I closed my eyes. I then felt someone poke my cheek. I groaned and opened my eyes. I almost screamed as I saw kyle.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked angrily. I was tired and needed a nap. I then noticed Zac standing beside him. I smiled lightly then turned my attention back to Kyle.

"Poking shit." Kyle muttered sitting beside me. Zac then sat beside him. The whole time me and Kyle fighted but Zac didn't even try talking to me. I felt a little confused. When you dated someone you were suppose to talk to them. Wasn't that a given. I then went to walk up the stairs as the bell rang. I then felt Zac's hand slide down my arm and intwine with mine. I could already feel the heat rising up to my cheeks as we walked up to our lockers. Everyone looking at us with questioning looks. I then stopped at my locker. Zac pulled his hand from mine and went to his one over. I pulled my books out and turned for my class. A smile still on my lips...

"Earth to Casey" Bryce muttered running a Hersheys bar in front of my face. I launched for it pulling it back to my chest. Bryce nearly jumped ten feet in the air from my instant movement. Mason laughed. I then started to open the chocolate. I honestly wondered if Mason knew what he was getting in to. I looked up at him as he smiled wide. If you only knew how much this heart has gone through. If you only knew..

Rebel Yell

Rebel Yell-Black Veil Brides
"I walk the world with you babe,10, 000 miles with you,I dried your tears of pain,A million times, with you,I'd sell my soul for you babe,For money to burn with you,I'd give you all,And have none, babe,Just a Just a Just a Just a to have you here by me..."

Chapter 9

"Casey come on wake up." I heard from beside me. I opened my eyes lazily. I then sat up and looked around at my surroundings. What the?

"Why am I in your room?" I questioned Bryce. Bryce chuckled.

"You and Mason fell asleep in the car and me being the awesome guy I was carried you to here. And Masons to fat to carry so I walked him here." Bryce said looking down at the floor beside his bed. I cocked an eyebrow as I stretched then looked over. I looked at mason. His head half under the bed and his legs spread out. A blanket covering up to his chin and one leg of his body. I couldn't help but laugh. Bryce nodded.

"Yeah that's what I'm sayin. I mean I stepped on him this morning. He was pissed but he just fell right back to sleep. Lazy butt." He muttered and kicked Mason's sighed. Mason's one eye flashed open and his head went forward and hit the edge of the bed. I had already screamed from his eye opening so quickly but after I heard the thump of his head against the bed I couldn't help but laugh.

"Mother fuckin A!" He yelled. Bryce laughed and turned and walked out his door.

"Be ready in half and hour." He said. I nodded. I leaned over the bed and looked down at Mason. His head now on the pillow on the floor. He rubbed his forehead.

"Aww you okay?" I asked in the best mommy voice I could do. Mason glared at me.

"No I'm not Miss Smart Ass." He grumbled. I laughed and leaned down and kissed his head. Mason smirked and pulled my face back down to kiss his lips. We kissed over and over. I couldn't stop and I didn't know why. I then felt my body sliding off the bed.

"Mason..I'm gonna fall off." I mumbled against his lips. He then put his hands on my hips and tugged me off the bed slightly. He steadied me and slowed me on top of him as we kept kissing. A moan then escaped my lips.

"You got 20 minuets!" I heard Bryce yell from the kitchen. I groaned lightly and pulled away from Mason slowly. He smirked.

"We should probably get ready." I said a ,smirk playing at the corners of my lips. Mason nodded and traced his finger up and down my cheeks.

"Atleast we have later." He said grinning. I smirked and licked his nose and jumped up and ran to my room. I pulled off my clothes after shutting my door. I cocked an eyebrow at the clothes that were set out for me. What was I? 5? I questioned in my head. I then shrugged and pulled on the skinny jeans. I jumped up and down and fidgeted to get them on and over my butt. I then pulled on the Pierce The Veil shirt. I smiled.

"Comfiness!!" I yelled happily. I brushed my hair and turned towards the mirror. I tilted my head. I then walked towards the mirror and looked at myself. I put on my makeup and looked at my face..My body. Everything. I laid my hand on the glass of the mirror.

"I said how I was nothing without you...Well...I got back up..Look at me." I said, tears climbing up to the edges of my eyes. I shook my head.

"No tears..Your stronger. You got better. What you always deserved." I mumbled to myself. I smiled lightly then turned out of my room and walked out to the kitchen. The guys turned to me and smiled.

"Well I think you look ten times happier." Bryce said. I nodded. Mason walked up to me and kissed my lips.

"You were always beautiful." He mumbled. I smiled and looked down as the heat went up to my cheeks.

“Your lucky I adapt easily.” I lifted my head up slowly and looked at Bryce.

“And why is that?” I asked confused. He chuckled and walked over to us. He waved his hands around us.

“I get use to things like this easily.” He said. I rolled my eyes. I then felt a hand around my waist. I screeched as I was then lifted up into the air. I groaned as Bryce carried me over his shoulder out to the car.

“What use are my legs? You carry me half the time.” I grumbled. Mason walked behind us and smirked. I then was dropped on to the ground. Bryce kissed my head.

“Because your a wittle girl and wittle girls need assistance.” Bryce said grinning. I glared at him.

“Oh really?” I said. Bryce grinned and nodded. I then pulled Mason into me and pressed my lips against his. I heard Bryce scoff.

“I forgot my keys I’ll be back...Disgusting.” He grumbled. I went to pull away as I had proved my point but Mason held me tight against him and kissed down to my neck. I bit my lip. Really? Right now really? I thought. His tongue traced up and down my skin. I shivered and whimpered lightly against his shoulder. Please don’t turn me on right before school. I thought weakly. Mason then chuckled and pulled away.

“Later.” He said, a wide and bright smirk across his lips. I glared.

“You are such a tease.” I scolded and punched his arm and slid into the back seat. Mason sitting beside me. He slid his arm around me then glided his hand down my arm to my hand. He held it tightly. I smiled and looked up as Bryce got into the car. He started up the car and pulled out of the driveway. We were off...
I could feel my body literally shaking from the nervousness. I bit my lip as the car got closer and closer to school.

“Breathe babe.” Mason whispered into my ear. I didn’t breathe when I was nervous or mad. It was just something I didn’t do. I don’t know why but I guess my focus is all in my mind that I just don’t need it. I sighed and breathed in some air. He then put his hand on my leg. I cocked an eyebrow and looked up at him.

“Stop shaking your leg. Hun you’ll be fine. I promise.” Mason said tilting my head up. I nodded. I then looked at the clock. I never really checked the time. Bryce was the only clock I ever needed. I then noticed that we weren’t late for school at all. I kicked Bryce’s seat.

“You son of a bitch!” I yelled. The car swirved.

“What the hell are you doing?” Bryce scolded me. I glared at him.

“We have half an hour till school starts you idiot!” I yelled. Bryce rolled his eyes and didn’t respond. Mason just sat beside me. I then cocked an eyebrow as Mason started to chuckle.

“Well? Explain why we are going this early?” I said angrily from the backseat. Bryce pulled into the school. My eyes widened at how many cars were here this early. I mean school started at 8 and his clock said 7:30.

“Your such a tard at times Casey. My clock is off now get your dumb ass out of my car.” Bryce said and opened his car door. I followed.

“Sorry Bryce. I totally forgot. It won’t happen again.” I said. Bryce rolled his eyes.

“You seem to forget a lot of things Casey.” He grumbled. I cocked an eyebrow. What was his problem? I then walked up to him and hugged him tight.

“What is wrong?” I asked. Bryce sighed and hugged me back.
“Today was going to be our anniversary.” Bryce mumbled. I pouted and kissed Bryce’s chest.

“You and I both know that she wouldn’t want you to be sad.” I said. Bryce nodded. The fact that Bryce had fell so hard for this girl and she was gone really did get to me. He never looked at any other girls. Not one. And it really made me think if there was ever going to be that true happiness for my brother. Bryce walked towards the school.

“Got a couple minuets before 8. Mason you want a cig?” Bryce offered and leaned against his car and pulled out the packet of cigarettes. Mason nodded and kissed me lightly on the lips then joined him. They put them in there mouths and breathed in after lighting them. Smoke leaving there noses.

“You better get inside they’ll be up your ass if they even think you have been smoking.” Bryce mumbled I shrugged and stood by Mason. I slid my hand down his arm and intwined my fingers with his and laid my head on his shoulder. Mason groaned and threw his cigarette on the ground and stomped his foot on it.

“Why’d you do that?” I asked. He chuckled and kissed my head, pulling me away from Bryce.

“I don’t want you getting in trouble.” He mumbled. I sighed. Mason wrapped his arms around my waist. I laughed as he kissed my cheek and picked me up. I heard the bell ring. I pulled away from Mason lightly.

“I’ll see you later.” I mumbled and kissed him lightly. Mason chuckled.

“I’m pretty capable of walking you to class.” He said and held my hand and walked with me across the pavement to the front door of the school. I gulped and went up to my locker. He held me tightly to his side as we pushed through people. People watching our every move. I stopped at my locker. Zach two over with Macy waiting beside him. She looked over at me. I looked straight down and opened my locker quickly. Mason leaned against the locker beside it.

“I think the cow is looking at you.”Mason muttered. I laughed and pulled my bag out.

“Be nice.” I said. Mason chuckled and pulled me in.

“Never to anyone that put a frown on this beautiful face.” He mumbled and kissed me. I kissed him over and over before he pulled away.

“I’ll see you at lunch baby. Love you.” He said with a smile and walked to his next class. I looked over at Macy and Mason. Both of there jaws wide open as they studied me. I smirked. Maybe this wasn’t going to be so hard after all.

Seize Day

Chapter 10!

Seize The Day- Avenged Sevenfold

So what if I never hold you, or kiss your lips again?,So I never want to leave you and the memories OF us to see,I beg don't leave me,Seize the day or die regretting the time You lost,It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over,Trials in life, questions of us existing here,Don't wanna die alone without you here,Please tell me what we have is real...

I slid into my seat of my 6th period class. I kept my eyes away from where Zach would be. His friends surrounding him. Our teacher then walked into the room.

“Can you guys ever come in here quietly? Seriously every day you are loud and I’m sick of this. You guys give me no choice but a seating chart. Everyone up to the front of the room.” She grumbled. I sighed. We’ve went through three seating charts already. Does she really think we are going to listen this time? I held my bag on my shoulder and shifted on to my hip.

“Your going boy girl boy girl. Charlie and Becca front seats, John and Ayla, Kathy and Bryan,Kali and Andrew,..” She went on. I then started to get a little scared. There were only two girls and two boys left. And among those boys was Zach. I crossed my fingers. God I know we don’t talk much but if you could help me out I would really apreciate it. I thought. I then heard it.

“Zach and Casey your in the back row far corner.”I held my fists to my sides and walked to the back of the room. People around us laughed silently. The light whispers of them going around the room. I laid my stuff on the desk and plopped into my seat. Zach doing the same. The teacher then began with the lesson about the Columbian Exchange. I sighed and pulled my drawing pad out. I was good at listening. I had a 90 in this class and not once did I take a single page of notes. I didn’t need to. I had a photographic mind I guess. I only forgot things when I was nervous or just acting stupid. I doodled on my notepad. I then came face to face with a piece of paper. I hadn’t even glanced at Zach in the time we had gotten our new seats. I turned to him and looked at him. He nodded. I sighed and opened the note.

You look really good you always looked good but you improved a lott :) soo...whose your boyfriend?

I rolled my eyes. Really? I thought.

Ohh like Macy? and why do you care?

I scribbled onto the paper and pushed it back over to him. I then felt him poke my side. I sighed and turned to him.

“Macy has never been any more beautiful then you. I just kinda fell into it with her. I didn’t have any choice. And you broke up with me remember?” He said. I nodded.

“I did for good reason. Now just leave me alone. I’m done with your drama.” I grumbled.

“All I ever wanted was a second chance Casey baby.” He mumbled. I felt like my chest had been hit by a bat. I gulped and shut my notebook and put it in my bag.

“Well maybe if you didn’t mess up the first time you wouldn’t have to go to second chances.” I put my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the classroom and then bolted down the stairs. I hooped to see Mason and Bryce outside the doors. But no sign of them. I then started to cry. I felt the eyeliner under my eyes leak down my cheeks. I pushed out the doors and out to the car. I threw my bag on to the floor and sat against the car.

“Stupid.” I said angrily. He said all this to me now? He wanted a second chance. I screamed in my head. I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks. I would have done anything for him. I’d do anything...Be anything..Just for that idiot. I pulled my knees up and wrapped my arms around them. I cried and cried. Just everything that wanted to come out but couldn’t did now. I mean Mason is an amazing guy. I couldn’t ask for anything more but when you loose your first love..It hurts more then words could ever explain. More then any tear or emotion could show you. More then any person could make you feel. There’s nothing to explain true heartbreak. The pain of feeling your heart in your chest feeling as if someone’s been punching you over and over. And that doesn’t even show it.

“What the?...Casey?” I looked up from my knees to see Mason. I groaned. Perfect. Just freaking perfect timing for him to see me like this. I pushed off from the ground and stood up. I laughed and quickly wiped underneath my eyes and put them behind my back. Trying to make it look as unnoticable as possible that I was cleaning my now covered in black eyeliner’d fingers on my jeans.

“Hey.” I said, putting the most fake smile of my life on my face. Mason looked at me. I already could tell that my smile and expression weren’t working.

“Hi...What are you doing out here?” He asked stepping towards me. I shrugged.

“Just decided to come outside..” I mumbled. I felt like a 5 year old. He was even giving me the look. It’s like I was 5 and had taken a cookie out of the cookie jar and he knew I did. When your 5 your too innocent to lie well so your parents just let you go. I wasn’t 5 anymore and he knew I was lying. He walked up to me and traced his fingers down my cheek. He then pulled me into him and kissed me.

“Baby..Why have you been crying?” He mumbled against my lips. I felt the wanting in the pit of my stomach. The wanting to just kiss him over and over. I don’t know what it really was...but whenever I kissed him it was like I could forget the world. He traced his fingers down my back. I went to kiss him again but he moved his head backwards and looked at me with a grin.

“Tell me what’s wrong.” He mumbled. I bit my lip and looked down. I didn’t want him to think I wasn’t fully in this relationship because I was. I wasn’t going to lie and say I was totally over Zach because I wasn’t. But with Mason it was getting better. I sighed.

“My teacher made a seating chart and made me sit next to Zach.. He kept talking to me and just the things that he was saying got in my head so I just couldn’t take it..I just walked out. I don’t want you thinking i’m not going to be all in this relationship because I am I just.. I don’t know..I know that when I’m with you though...All the bad stuff goes away. You make me feel better then I’ve felt in a while...” I said drowning off as I thought of the stupidity of my words. He’s going to dump me. Mason chuckled and lifted my head up.

“You make me feel better then anyone ever could. You always have and always will because your always going to be perfect to me. I know that he’d made those promises. And I know that he broke them. But baby one thing I would never ever do is hurt or break you.” He mumbled. I felt my jaw drop. Oh my god...He chuckled and pulled me in and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. His tongue tracing my lip. I bit his lip lightly and tugged on it. I grinned as he breathed in and pulled back a little.

“Gr.” He grumbled to me. I smirked. I was practically dating this kid since I was 6 come on. I mean he liked me and I sorta liked him we just didn’t know it yet. When I thought back on all of it..Why didn’t we date? We held hands and he was my first kiss. I think my original color should have been blonde. I then felt my phone in my pocket vibrate. I groaned.

“One sec.” I said to Mason. He chuckled and nodded. I pulled out my phone.

Bryce:I got your homework ya little skipper. You better be getting your ass to school tomorrow and being there for the whole day....Love you hahahahahahahahahaha k bye.

I smiled. You gotta love big brothers. I mean who doesn’t love there brother? Well it may be just me because I have a kick ass brother. I giggled and put my phone back. I cocked an eyebrow. What the hell am I going to do? Bryce has the keys and he’s going to be in school for another period. I then smirked as I saw him walking out of the school. Mason cocked an eyebrow.

“What you lookin at?” He asked. I shook my head and kissed him once more. He wouldn’t let me pull away. I laughed against his lips.

“Oh baby...Moreeeeah! Mmm...Yes..Yess..Yes!” I laughed and pulled away as Bryce continued to moan as he hugged Mason from the back. I laughed as Bryce picked Mason up in the air.

“Bryce if you don’t knock that off right now and put me down I swear to god.” Mason threatened angrily. Bryce chuckled.

“I think I moan better then her.” Bryce said. I laughed. Mason shrugged.

“Her moans sexier.” Bryce then turned to Mason. I cocked an eyebrow. What the? I asked myself as Bryce just glared at him.

“Let me make this very clear. I love that girl more then anything bro. And I don’t give a shit if you and I are bros but I will kick your ass if you ever hurt her.” Bryce said. Mason grinned and kissed Bryce on the cheek.

“Your so cute.” He said and opened the door to the back seat of the car and closed it as he got in. I cocked an eyebrow.

“What the hell?” I said. Bryce chuckled.

“It’s a guy thing you wouldn’t get it.” Bryce mumbled and got in the car I climbed into the back with Mason. The car ride back home was silent and all of us just walked into the house as if we owned it. We basically did. Mom and dad didn’t care enough to come home. I slipped off my shoes and dropped my bag onto the floor and walking to my room. I shut my door. I looked around my messy room. How I found anything I would never know. I yawned and climbed onto my bed. My arms reaching underneath the pillows residing under my head.

“What do you think your doing?” I chuckled as I heard Mason behind me. I then heard my door shut and the creak of my bed as he climbed on to it. He laid beside me. I didn’t move. I was extremelly tired and there was to much effort involved in moving. I then smiled as his finger tips traced up and down my back. I breathed out slowly. I then felt his fingers trace up under my shirt. I smirked as he traced across my waist line. I then sat up quickly and pulled my shirt off and laid back down in my cammy. I heard him chuckle. I then felt the warmth of his lips on my shoulder and upper back. He kissed my skin over and over.

“Mason...” I whined as he nibbled on my skin. I then sat up and crawled onto his lap. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed up and down his neck lightly. I felt his shoulders tense as I nibbled lightly on his neck. I giggled lightly and pulled back. He smirked at me.

“Well look at you being all mean.” He said playfully. I bit my lip. He was so beautiful. I know it isn’t manly to call guys that but when its handsome or beautiful they both mean the same thing. Which is that they are absolutely breath taking. I pulled my fingers through his red hair and traced my finger tips across his lips. I looked right into his blue eyes. He breathed out shakily and leaned into my neck.His tongue traced across my skin as he kissed my neck. I tilted my head back and pulled my hair over to the side. He then pushed my back a little. I cocked an eyebrow as he tugged on the front of my cammy.

“What-” He cut my off instantly.

“Shh..” He mumbled and kissed across my chest.” I closed my eyes. As he continued I couldn’t help it as a moan escaped my lips. As he pulled back, pulling me along with him a wide smile crossed my lips. Mason giggled and kissed my forehead.

“Look at you all smiley.” He said. I laughed and looked back down as I started to blush. I then heard the door open. I looked up to see Bryce. He looked back and fourth between me and Mason. He then grabbed Mason by the ear and pulled him out of my room.

“Ow.. Ow. Ow. Ow. OWW! You mother...Oh....” Is all I could here before my door was pulled shut. I shrugged. I pulled my phone out from my bag. I hadn’t really been on anything in a long long time. My facebook would probably be filled with notifications that didn’t even include me. I clicked on my facebook. I froze. I looked at my notifications and saw Kali commented on the post you were tagged in. I clicked on it. I looked at the status itself and almost started crying right then and there.

Macy IsTheShit: Now there’s people and then there’s bitches like you. Your such an ugly skank and I think everyone would be happier if you would die. LMS if you agree that Casey is a waste of space!!

Likes:5 Comments:16

Bryce: You filthy whore. Coming from you it’s more of a compliment. Leave my sister alone. Just because your jelous of her being STD free doesn’t mean you need to bash her.

Macy:Wow I don’t have any of those! and look at the likes it’s already going up. Your just to stupid to see what she really is.

Bryce: More like your to stupid to know you pea on the pregnancy tests not lick them

Macy: Wtf?

Bryce: Your a fat ugly whore that’s the only reason for you to be the way you are. Tell your baby daddy before it’s too late.

Kali: You are such a rude ass hole.

Macy: Ikr!
Bryce: Your just jealous that me and my sister are better then you. Say another word about her and you’ll be sorry.

Macy: Oh really? What are you going to do? Your over 16 I can put your ass in jail for harrassment.

Kali: Exactly. So she can say whatever she wants.

Bryce: haha sure. Just keep your legs and mouths shut for the time being I have a surprise for you both.

Macy: Your sisters a lying cunt. Why your siding with that ugly bitch I don’t know.


I felt the tears run down my cheeks. I through my phone at the wall. I heard the shattering of the glass of the screen as it hit back to the floor. I pulled my knee’s up to my chest and cried into my hands. I then pushed out of my room. Mason and Bryce were both gone. I cried even harder. I walked out into the kitchen then froze as I saw a figure at my door. A faint knock hit against the glass. I turned to see Zach. I walked over to the door timidly and pulled it open slowly. He looked at me and smiled reassuringly.

“What is it?” I said trying my best not to snivel. He sighed.

“I saw the post on Facebook..I want you to know that I never dated Macy it was just her little thing. She wanted to piss you off and I was stupid enough to go along with it. I’m sorry that she did this to you...Wanna hug..?” He asked. I opened my door all the way. He had no idea how many times that I wanted him to say that. How much I did miss him.. I started to cry again.

“Come here.” He said and pulled me into his chest. I cried against his shoulder. He rubbed my back lightly and kissed my head. He smelt just the same. He felt just the same..So warm. I pulled back.

“Thanks..uh..I’m sorry for being so bitchy to you.” I said as I wiped away my tears. Zach shook his head.

“I deserved it.” He hugged me again. I then heard Bryce’s car pull up.

“Bryce is home..You better go. Thanks for being so supportive.” I said. Mason and Bryce walking up the steps. They both eyed Zach. I looked at them and nodded reassuringly. There facial expressions then loosened. Zach nodded he then looked at Mason then back at me. Zach then pulled me into him,pressing his lips against mine. I grunted and pushed him back. I wiped my lips.

“What the hell?!” I screamed. I looked over at Mason. His face starting to turn red.
“I deserve you not him. And I don’t care if they kick my ass right now. I know what I want and that’s you.”


"And I'm staring down the barrel of a 45,I'm swimming through the ashes of another life,There's no real reason to accept the way things have changed,Staring down the barrel of a 45,Send a message to the unborn child,Keep your eyes open for a while,In a box high up on the shelf, left for you, no one else,There's a piece of a puzzle known as life,Wrapped in guilt, sealed up tight,What ever happened to the young man's heart,Swallowed by pain, as he slowly fell apart"

"Step away from my girlfriend. It isn't my fault you lost your chance. You had the best and treated her like shit. Now before I punch you I'll give you one last fucking warning. You ever touch her again you'll regret it." Mason said angrily stepping closer and closer to Zach. He then raised his arm and swung. His fist hitting Zach's jaw. I screamed. I watched as Zach didn't even fight back. He knew I hated fighting and all he did was just take it and fall to the floor of the deck. I then launched myself at Mason. My arms wrapped around his waist as he went to punch again.

"Mason Stop!" I yelled as I held him against me. He pushed me off. I felt the tears coming up to my eyes as he kept punching Zach. What bothered me was that Zach was actually doing something I told him. I always told him no fighting. I hated it. And he just laid there. I went to jump on them when Bryce held me.

"Just let them go.." He mumbled. I started to sob.

"Get off of him..Stop!" I yelled. Mason kept punching Zach's stomach. Zach started to cough. You could see the tears teasing his eyes. He just looked up. Bryce turned.

"Zach fight back!Zach fight back! Stop it Mason!" I screamed. Zach chuckled and shook his head as I continued to scream. We then all heard a crack. And this time it wasn't Zach's bones. It was Masons knuckles. Mason had punched the floor of the deck and stood up and walked inside. Bryce let me go. I cried and slid onto my knees beside Zach.

"Why didn't you fight back?.." I asked. Zach winced and turned to me.

"I broke so many other promises to you. I wasn't going to break any others." He mumbled. He did break almost every promise. He knew he did and at times I wondered if it ever really mattered to him that he did this to me. What he was saying now made me question everything. My face then went cold. I didn't need any guy anymore. No matter who they were no matter what they had done. They all had the same motive..All of them were the same. Even Mason. His perfect exterior and actions through out the beginning. He knew I hated fighting and yet he was hurting Zach,himself and me all at the same time. I loved him but if you truly love someone you'd try your best to protect them from the pains of life.

"Bryce pick Zach up and put him on the couch. I'll get him ice." I said and walked into the house,leaving the door open for Bryce with Zach in his arms. I watched as he laid Zach on the couch and put a pillow under his head. I pulled the lever to the freezer on the bottom of the fridge and then grabbed an icepack. I walked back out and put it on Zach's ribs. I gulped and sat at the edge of the couch. I tensed as Zach moved lightly and winced in pain.

"Here." I turned to see Bryce behind me. He had a cup of some liquid and two pills.

"What is it?" Zach questioned and took them both. The glass in one hand and the pills in the other.

"The drink is vodka to help with the pain and to knock you out and the pills are for the pain and to knock you out as well." Bryce said. Zach cocked an eyebrow.

"If they both give the same effect why do I need both?" He questioned. Bryce smirked.

"If there both pretty powerful with regular pains. Together they should kick ass at the pain your gonna be going through. Now drink up." Bryce said. Zach nodded and did as he was told. Putting the pills on his tongue and then swallowing them with the drink. Bryce took the glass. I then heard pounding from Bryces room. I went to get up but Bryce put me back down.

"I think you should stay out here until I say it's okay..He needs to calm down first." Bryce said. I nodded. Bryce knew me all to well. He knew what my intentions would be if I were to talk to Mason right now.I would scold him and make probably everything ten times worse. But I don't think anyone could blame me. Watching the two people you love fight. I wasn't even sure anymore on if I loved Mason. I went with him right after I lost my first love. I couldn't be sure what was going on with every emotion and or feeling in my body right now. I looked at the injured boy in front of me.

I remembered how much I wished and wanted him to be like this. To be in the riving pain that I had been feeling on the inside for months and days on end. And now I got my wish and I wasn't even satisfied. This boy had taken and hidden me from the world. I was so involved with keeping him and myself happy. Every thought everything I did I did with him. I never noticed how many weekends I had dedicated to him till now. How many things I did that involved him. It was like my whole existance for the time being was all dedicated to his. And I didn't even notice everything around me that was totally falling apart..

"Wow that stuff really works.." I jumped a little as my whole zoning out mode and think mode were interupted. I turned to Zach. His eyes drooped and you could see how hard he was trying to keep them open.

"You need sleep." I said. He nodded. I went to stand up when he laid his hand on mine.

"I'm so sorry for ever hurting you. It was stupid. Because you were the best I could ever have and I know its too late to say sorry now but I need it to be said.. I made all of those promises because I did and do love you. I wouldn't have made them if I didn't.. I just at times questioned my love because of what I was going through and I know you were going through harder things and anything I was couldn't compare but it still hurts me at times...And it hurts me that I ruined something that could have turned into something as beautiful as you.." He said and his eyes just dropped. I pulled away and walked out of the house. I walked and walked down the road. I didn't stop. I didn't want to.

"Why does everything have to be so complicated.." I thought. A crack of thunder then was heard. I groaned as the rain then poured down. I pulled my hood up and ran to the side of the road. On each side was all woods. I hid underneath a tree and watched as the rain poured down and hit the road.

"I'd do anything for you..You knew that...You took advantage..What should I even think of doing now..?" I said and held my knees against my chest and leaned against the tree..


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.02.2012

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