
Before She Changed Me-Chapter 1

Before She Changed Me.

I stared at the flaming bodies. I slid against the wall. I coughed as the smoke came into my lungs. Sam slid next to me and hugged me.

“What do we do Kyle?” I held her tightly. We both coughed. Our parents left us in the house. They left. They had no hope for us and now we were stuck here. We watched the fireman burn. A tear went down my cheek. I shook my head. Guys don’t cry. We were going to die. It was as simple as that. I looked around the room. Were they going to send anymore people to try and save us? I thought. The smoke clouded the room. I squinted my eyes as they started to burn from the smoke stinging them. I spotted a window. I felt Sam’s body go limp against me. I picked her up and carried her over towards the window. I put her over my shoulder. I tried pulling the window open. It wouldn’t budge. I looked at the top it was locked. I unlocked it. Coughing again. I pulled the window open. I breathed in the fresh air.

“HELP PLEASE!” I screamed. We lived in a two story house. I looked down to see how far. Wouldn’t be the first time I jumped out my window but I never did with my little sister unconcious. I held her tightly and slid down the side of the siding of the house I gripped the window sill. I slid down the ledge onto the bottom one. Then jumped. I held Sam close to my chest. My body hit the ground. I sighed in relief. I saw the fire and gas pushing against the window in front of us. I swiftly put Sam under me putting my body over her. I then heard a loud sound. Then felt hot flames run across my back. I screamed in pain.

“THEIR OVER HERE!” I heard a man scream. I felt the tears escape my eyes. I didn’t care at this point. I felt a cold liquid go against my back. It stung. I flipped over on to my back I screamed in the even worse pain.

“OWW!” I screamed. A man picked me up I saw another pick up Sam.

“No! Sam!” I screamed.

“She’s going to be ok. Now just settle down and lay right back.” The man said. I nodded and settled on the gurny. My back stung. I winced. I looked over to the front of the house where my parents stood. My father glared as my step mother did the same. I hated my parents. Ecspecially my fucking mother. She was a bitch and she had convinced my father on how bad I was. To my parents I was nothing but a delinquet. Which I was but that wasn’t suppose to make them look at me with dissapointment but try and help me and Sam. I felt the doctor in the ambulance put and IV in each of my arms. I gulped. My eyes started to droop.

“What did you give me?” I asked fighting my eyes to stay open.

“Don’t worry about it. Just let the medicine take over. Let your eyes fall.” I listened to his low soothing voice as my eyelids fell as I went into my own world. I blinked and looked around me. I saw Sammy. She was 2 or three and was screaming playfully as my mother pushed her on the swing. I looked at my mother. She had died when I turned 10 and now there she was. I ran to my dad that was sitting on a chair on the deck. He chuckled and picked me up into the air. I screamed happily as he twirled me in the air. I blinked again hearing my sisters voice.

“Kyle? Are you awake?” I brushed off the dream, now coming back to reality. I looked around in the room. We were in a hospital. Great... My sister looked at me as she grabbed my hand and held it. Her red curled hair falling around her face. My sister was 13. She had icy blue eyes. She was pale but beautiful. She was slim and looked like my mother. My mother was beautiful but her horrid personality hid that very well. I looked at my sister and cracked a smile.

“Hey sammy.” I said weakly. She beamed.

“Oh thank god your ok.” She said hugging me. I rested my hand on her back.

“I’m okay. Don’t worry.” She sat up turning away from me. I now saw the tears going down her cheeks.

“Come on now. Everythings okay. I’m all better and we are going to be just fine.” She nodded.

“We aren’t going back to mom and dad.” She said sadly. I looked at her confused.

“Mom is being accused of starting it. Her and dad are in jail. We have to move in with Aunt Janet.” She said.

“What? How did they find that out? And Aunt Janet? Who’s that?” I asked.

“ Mom and dad were outside of the house and calling the police before the fire even started and Aunt Janet is mom’s sister.” Sam said. I nodded

“Have you met her?” I asked looking at the tv. It was playing basketball. I sighed. I had to quit it because of my mom.

“Yeah she’s really nice. She’s really pretty to. We’re going to even have seperate rooms and everything.” I nodded. I watched as Sam jumped up and down happily. She could finally be a girl a teenage girl. I watched as a brunnette walked in. She had blue eyes like me and Sam. She looked bout 25 maybe 26. She smiled at me and sat down in the seat next to the hospital bed.

“Hi I’m Janet.” She said happily. I smiled back.

“I’m kyle and that’s sam.” She nodded.

“i know. Now they said you should be all better so I can take you guys home.” I nodded.

“What about all of our it all..” I didn’t say anything more.

“Their actually was many things that were saved in the fire. You and your sisters clothes were all in tact because of them being in the closet. But we can still buy new ones.” Sam screeched happily. I smiled.

“We’re going to a new school?” I asked ignoring Sam’s happy dance. Janet nodded.

“Yes you are but don’t worry you guys won’t have to go for another week. You guys need to get all settled first.” Janet said. I nodded. I could start all over. I could move on from my record of being a delinquent and just start being a good kid all over again. The doctor came in and talked to Janet and gave her a bottle of pills and a clipboard. SHe took a pen and signed it. The doctor took out the IV’s I stood up slowly. My back stung a little but other then that I felt fine. We were going to start over. And everything was going to be better.

Chapter 2

“Okay so this is your room Kyle. All we need to do is paint it. It looks bare now but after you decorate it. It will be all better.” Janet said. I nodded. I looked around the pale white room with the wooden flooring and two windows on the wall. She opened a door and put the bags from stores that we went to in it. She then left and brought in a big white tarp to put on the floor.

“Now how bout you take this end and I’ll take the other.” I nodded and helped her put it down.

“Now how bout we look at paint while your sister is at her friends house?” She asked smiling.

“Friends?” I eyed her.

“Yeah. Well I introduced her to my one friends daughter. SHe’s in the same grade and so she’s staying over their.” I nodded. We then left and went to Ace Hardware. I picked out a dark blue. Aunt Janet picked out a purple and hot pink for Sams. We got back and I looked at the huge house. Janet was rich. She had just bought this house when she just got us. She had bought everything that we wanted. We even had phones now. I opened the big wooden doors. I looked around the enterance. The ceiling was very high with a chandelier hanign from it with angels painted on it. I looked at the guys moving new stuff into the house. Aunt Janet told them where to put them.

“Uh.. Janet I’m gonna go paint.” She nodded.

“You don’t have to I hired them to do to do it for you.” I nodded.

“Uh ok.” A man took the paint buckets from me and went up the stairs to my room.

“Go out have some fun Kyle.” Janet said. I nodded.

“I’ll be back later. I’ll have my phone on.” She waved her hand. I opened the door. And went down the steps. I eyed the new camaro she bought me. I know I should be grateful but I wasn’t fond of Janet. She acted weird. I felt like she was hiding something from me and Sam. I hopped in the drivers seat and put the keys in the ignition. I looked in my mirror. I had black short hair. It had a bang in front. It was like Bieber hair. I cringed at the name. My sister loved him and now I heard his name 24/7. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had icy blue eyes as well along with high cheek bones and a thin lip line. I was somewhat muscular it was something I needed to work on though. I pulled my jacket up forward. I had a leather jacket on with a black shirt underneath. I thought of places to go. I then saw the beach. I smiled and pulled in to the beach parking lot. I got out of my car and locked it. I saw the blue waves going up onto the sand. I walked towards it and sat down on the sand. I looked out at the waves and the people swimming in it. I was going to school tomorow. I was nervous. I was going to meet new people and probably have to know the difference between the right ones to be with and the wrong ones. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to a girl in a pink striped bikini. She had long blonde hair. Her brown eyes eyed me. She smiled.

“Hi I’m Destiny.” She said. I nodded.

“Kyle.” She sat next to me.

“Are you going to Bronin?” I looked at her confused.

“The highschool.” I hestitated before saying anything.

“Yeah you?” She smiled.

“Yeah. Everyone knows about you and your sister they just didn’t know if you were going to Bronin.” I looked at her confused.

“It’s a small town people talk.” I nodded.

“That’s not creepy.” She giggled.

“It can be a little scary but no big.” I nodded. I heard a guy from behind us yell her name.

“I have to go. Uh.. See you tomorow?” She asked.

“Yup.” She waved then ran. I looked back towards the waves. I looked over to see girls making sand castles and two boys flying kites. Sam and I never could do that. With my parents we were on our own. No one else was their. It was just us. I got up and turned. I turned back towards the waves. Walking backwards. I loved watching them.

“Ow!” I heard a girl voice say. I turned and fell over the girl behind me. I fell on top of her.

“Oh. Sorry. I.. I didn’t see you.” I said. The girl groaned. I stood up looking down at her. I lended her a hand. She took it. She brushed herself off. She was tall and slim. She was wearing black skinnie jeans with black and pink striped converse. She had long black hair. She had ivy green eyes.

“Nobody ever does see me. It’s like i’m invisible.” She said angrily. She plugged the headphone back into her ear. I eyed the iPod in her pocket.

“No I wasn’t paying attention. I’m sorry It was stupid of me.” She shook her head.

“No, Don’t worry about it.” She said flatly and turning to leave. I ran up to her.

“I really am sorry.” I said.

“That’s great now can you leave me alone now?” She said. I chuckled.

“You need a ride?” I asked. She stopped where she was and turned to me. Her hand on her hip.

‘What do you want?” She said anrgily.

“Just to be forgiven and able to repay you by taking you home.” I said smiling.

“How do you know I don’t have a car and that I haven’t forgiven you?” She pulled her bangs out of her face.

“You keep walking away from the parking lot and your being all mean to me.” She scoffed.

“Fine you can take me home but if you stalk me. I swear to god I’ll call the cops.” I chuckled. She walked towards the parking lot. I pulled her over to my car.

“You got to be kidding me. Your rich aren’t you?” She asked eyeing my car.

“Nope but my aunt is now get in.” I got into the drivers side as she opened the door. I pulled out of the parking lot.

“Where we going?” I asked.

“Keep going straight....”

“Now turn right in here.” She said. As I turned to see a small 1 story house with an old blue mustang and a ford truck in the front.

“Thanks.” She said slamming the door. I rolled my window down.

“Nice meeting you to.” I said. She groaned.

“Bye.” She said waving. I chuckled and started on towards my house. I liked this girl. She played hard to get and I liked that. I had a ton of girlfriends but I never really was attracted to them. I stopped in the front of Janet’s house. I got out noticing all of the moving trucks were gone. I walked into the house. Seeing the house filled with furniture and all decorated. I walked up to my room. I opened the door to my room and saw that it was fully painted and all the furniture now in it. My jaw dropped as I saw a flat screen tv on the wall with an X-box below it. I saw the bed now all made. I smiled. I finally had a room. I could call it my room. I plopped on my bed taking of my jacket. I looked at my cieling. I never went to school, I did a little bit so I could pass tests. I always skipped. I wonder how it’s going to be. I thought as my eyes started to droop.

Chapter 3

“Kyle, Sweetie, it’s time to wake up.” I opened my eyes to Janet sitting on the edge of my bed. Her hair in a poneytail and her face now revealing a pale white. I gasped.

“Your...your” I stuttered.

“It’s called make up sweetheart. Now get up or you’ll be late.” I stretched and got up out of the bed. My aunt stayed at the edge of my bed. I cocked an eyebrow. I shrugged and walked into my closet and went through the bags. I pulled out my black jeans and white shirt. I pulled my shirt off. I saw my aunt just sitting their watching me.

“Can I help you?” I asked smugly. She fluttered her eyelashes and shook her head.

“Your very atractive now aren’t you Kyle?” She asked eyeing me.

“Uh.. I guess now can you leave?” She nodded and left the room. What the? I shook my head. Not gonna get in the way. I shut the door and locked it. I pulled off my jeans and pulled on the new ones. I walked down the stairs. Looking at my phone it was 6:25 I had time. I walked into the kitchen. I saw a lady their she set down a plate with pancakes,eggs and bacon. I smiled.

“Thank you.” The lady nodded. I grabbed a fork and started stuffing my mouth it was soo good. I finished the food on my plate and walked out of the kitchen and out the door. I got into my car and drived on to Bronin. I saw the school and parked in front. I got out of the car and pulled out my schedual. I walked towards the school. Everyone turned to me. Girls smiled and twirled their hair. I smiled and walked on. I heard people whispering and using my name in sentences. I walked on. I found the office where I was told to go to directly.

“Uh.. Hi I was told to be here. I’m new.” I said to the lady at the front desk. She had short curly hair with red glasses. She looked up from the computer and looked at me. She smiled.

“Mr. Addams. It’s nice meeting you. I have gotten a student to escort you throughout the day. She was new a couple months ago. She has the same schedual and I thought it would be a good match.” I nodded and smiled. I heard light footsteps come from behind me. I turned. The girl had long black hair. I saw her eyes and smirked.

“Hello again.” I said. The girl looked at me and groaned.

“Hi. Is this who I’m escorting?” She asked the lady aggravatedly. I chuckled.

“Baily be nice and yes this is who your escorting.” The women scolded her. Baily nodded.

“Yes ofcourse.” She said.

“Come on....” She said. I nodded and followed after her.

“So.. Baily... You miss me?” I asked playfully. She nodded.

“Yup the very first thing I look forward to in my mornings is your face.” She said eyeing me. I chuckled.

‘Well since I know your name how bout I give you mine?” I asked. She shook her head.

“I already know all about you. You made a very good impression on Destiny. SHe says theirs a connection between you to.” I groaned.

“I say hi and I’m marked for life. I didn’t know she was such a big deal here.” Baily nodded.

“She’s the shit here.” I rolled my eyes as I saw Destiny eyeing me from her locker. I smirked and wrapped my arm around Baily’s waist. We walked past Destiny. I felt her piercing glare on my back. Baily pushed me away.

“What the hell are you doing?” Baily asked glaring at me.

“Destiny... uh... You wouldn’t understand.” I said. Baily rolled her eyes.

“This is your first classroom.” Baily said. I nodded. She walked in and slid into a seat in the very back of the room. I talked with the teacher and sat in a seat next to her. People crowded around me instantly as the bell rang. They asked me questions. I stuttered a lot while answering these questions. Baily rolled her eyes and put her head on the desk. I wasn’t interested in any of these girls. I was interested in her.

Chapter 4

The end of school bell rang. I got up with my books. I watched as girls followed me out. All except Baily. I stopped outside the door and waited for her. Which didn’t turn out to well since the girls surrounded me.

“So.. Where are you from?” A redhaired girl asked.

“Montana.” The girls giggled.

“Well yeah but where in Montana?” I rolled my eyes.

“AppleNut hill. Now excuse me.” I said. I made up the name. I thought it was a cool name for a street. I watched as Baily walked out. I smiled at her.

“What are you stalking me now?” She asked. I chuckled.

“Most girls in this school would love for me to stalk them but you no.” I said smirking. SHe groaned.

“Whatever. If your going to stalk me then your gonna have to get ready to go to the beach.” I nodded.

“We taken my car?” She shook her head.

“It’s called walking. And destiny and the other plastics will be surrounding your car by now and I don’t want to run into them.” I nodded.

“Why do you hate her so much?” I asked.

“Let’s just say she’s the reason why I did certain things. Now come on. She might see you and I like having only one stalker at a time.” I chuckled.

“How far is it from here?” Baily hesitated for a second.

“I’m not sure...But we’re here now.” I nodded. Baily plopped on the sand. I sat next to her.

“So what’s your story?” She asked.

“Uh.. Mom died... Dad got remarried to a bitch.... Parents hate me now.. and started a fire with me and my sister in the house.. Saved my sister got my back burnt and then my creepy aunt Janet took us in..” Baily looked at me.

“Thats really sad.. And wait Janet Mason?” I nodded.

“Yeah, How do you know her?” Baily nodded.

“Everyone knows her... She got accused of... being a pedophile.” My jaw dropped.

“Oh.....That’s interesting.” Baily put her hand on my shoulder.

“Well she was just accused that doesn’t mean she is.” I nodded.

“Yeah..” I said thinking about this morning. She was watching me. She said I was attractive. I thought we were going to be safe.. I sighed.

“Eh. I have to get home.” She said.

“Oh well I could drive you when we get back to the school.”

“No I serousley need to get home. My dad’s back.” I nodded.

“Oh ok. Well I’ll see you tomorrow.” Baily nodded and walked on towards her house. I ran to the school and jumped into my car. I started the car and went on to Janets. My phone started ringing.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hey could you pick up your sister?” I heard Janets voice.

“Yeah where is it?” I asked.

“ Right outside the school. It’s a blue house. Sam should be outside with Cloey.” I sighed.

“Alright.” I hung up the phone. I drove on to the house. I saw Sam and a blonde girl in the front. I parked the car and beeped the horn. Sam waved bye and ran and hopped into the car.

“Hey Kyle.” I smiled.

“Hey Sam. How was your first day of school? I didn’t see you.” She blushed.

“I got asked out by a guy in my grade.” I sighed.

“I’m already going to get detention and i just got here.” I said playfully. Sam punched my arm.

“You hurt him and I will kill you.” I laughed at Sam. I pulled into the driveway of Janet’s house. I got out of the car and locked it.

“Your room is all painted and we have the furniture in it to.” I said. Sam jumped up and down happily. I chuckled. We opened the door and walked up the stairs. I opened Sam’s door. She screamed and ran and jumped onto her bed. The room was purple with a hot pink cieling. It had a pink chandeler that hung down from the cieling. Then their was a purple fuzzy rug underneath the queen size bed. I saw the white dresser with a mirror on it. I smiled as Sam ran around her room looking at things in her room. I walked out of the room and into mine. I laid on my bed and turned on the tv and watched Family Guy. Janet walked into my room. She shut the door and laid on the bed beside me.

“Uh.. Can I help you?” I asked. She smiled and pulled off my shirt. I didn’t know what she was doing until she pulled of my pants. I gulped. If I shunned her away then we would prolly get kicked out. I groaned. It’s all on me. I gulped as she leaned forward and onto my body as she pushed me back. I showed no emotion, no movement, no pleasure. She tilted her head and then pushed my boxers off. She kissed up my stomach and then back down to my waist. She traced her tongue across my waist, looking up at me. She waited for a reaction. I could tell by the look in her eyes this isn't what she planned. She then slid down lower. Breathing down in between my thighs. I couldn't look down. I felt disgusting. But With no house with no school both me and Sam's lives would be even more ruined then they already were.

"Beg for me to." Janet said. I shook my head, keeping my eyes on the wall. I then felt her tongue tracing up and down my thigh. Disgust was nothing to what I felt. Shame couldn't describe it either. Fuck my life..

Chapter 5

I opened my eyes. I looked around my room. Janet was gone. I sighed in relief. Tears went to my eyes and fell down my cheeks. I got out of my bed and grabbed a shirt and some boxers. I wiped my cheeks. I looked at the time. It was 3 in the morning. I pulled on some jeans and my black hoodie and slipped out of the house. I felt so exposed. I felt so disgusting. I felt the tears running down my eyes again. I walked out to my car. I stopped. I could just walk. I walked down the street to the beach. I reached the beach. Hearing the waves crashing down. It was really dark out but the moon was a good enough light. I walked across the sand. Then tripped over something. Hitting the sand face first.

“What the hell?!?” A girl asked. The voice was familiar. I turned to her. Baily! I was so happy to see her. I launched myself at her pulling her into a hug. She strugled trying to pull away.

“Kyle?” She asked.

“Yeah.” I said happily while hugging her tightly.

“Let. Me. Go.” She said gasping for air from my grip around her waist. I let her go. Her body rolled off mine and on to the sand. She caught her breath and sat up on the sand. She looked at me confused.

“What are you doing here?” She asked.

“I could ask you the same thing.” I said. She lifted her hand to my cheek. She gasped.

“You were crying...” She said rubbing her now wet fingers against eachother. I shrugged.

“Yeah so what.” I spat. I wasn’t comfterable with her knowing I cried.

“No need to be rude.” I nodded.

“Sorry...” I said. I laid down on the sand looking up at the stars. She laid down beside me.

“What happened?” She asked. My body tingled. I was so disgusted with myself.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” I said sadly. She nodded.

“It’s better to let it all out instead of keeping it all bottled inside you know?” She said. I sighed.

“I don’t even really know you.” She laughed.

“That doesn’t make a difference. I have zero friends your secrets and or problems will die with me.” I chuckled.

“On one condition.” She sat up and looked down at me smiling.

“What?” I smirked.

“You go on a date with me.” She shrugged.

“Won’t kill me.. Now what happened?” I looked down sadly. Remembering Janets fingers going across my body. Remembering what she made me do. What she did to me. I felt the tears leave my eyes and go down my cheeks.

“She.. She... She.. She raped me.” I stuttered. The tears fell down my cheeks faster now. Baily’s jaw dropped. She looked at me sadly. She pulled me into a hug.

“I’m so sorry.” She said. I hugged her tightly. My tears falling against her shirt. We pulled away from eachother. Her eyes looking deep into mine. She leaned in. I hesitated before leaning in aswell. Her lips touched mine. We both pulled away she looked at me horrified and jumped up and ran. I ran after her.

“Baily! Stop!” I yelled she stopped where she was and turned to me.

“What did I do?” I asked. She looked down sadly.

“This isn’t right...” She muttered. I looked at her confused. She fell onto the sand grasping her knees and pulling them to her chest. I sat next to her and pulled her into me. I rocked her trying to comfort her. She looked up at me.

“She did it to me too....” She muttered. I choked on the air I was breathing. I looked at Baily shocked.

“Wha-What?” I stuttered. Baily started to cry. I held her tightly.

“She did it to me to..” She said against my chest. 

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

“How?” I asked holding her close as she cried on my chest.

“Well how do you think she just did it to me and I couldn’t do anything about it..” She said crying harder on my chest.

“oh... I’m sorry.” She shuttered. I held her tighter rubbing her back. I tried to comfort her but I never usually had to do this. Sam never cried and I mean NEVER only when I was close to death but that doesn’t really count. We stood their on the beach. The only sounds were the waves and Baily’s crying. She then pulled away. Wiping under her eyes. I looked at her. Her eyeliner running down her cheeks. She groaned.
“I ruined your shirt.. I’m sorry.” I shook my head.

“No, it’s fine. You can do it anytime.” I said reassuringly. She nodded. She sniffled.

“Why were you here Baily?” I asked. She gulped and looked up at me.

“I’m guessing the same reason you are.” She said.

“And that would be?” I asked.

“To get away from everything. Like the sounds of the waves and the sand suck everything up and keep it away for the time your here.” She said turning towards the waves. The wind whipped her hair around. She was beautiful. I walked up to her. I was a little hesitant about doing this. Would she push me away? I wrapped my arm around her waist. She looked up at me. I smiled weakly. She got up on her tippy toes and kissed my lips. My eyes got wide and my cheeks got red. Then a smile was etched into my face. I must have looked so stupid because Baily started laughing. I looked away quickly and cleared my thought.

“Your cute when you blush.” She said smirking. I rolled my eyes. She saw me blush. This is just great.

“It’s prolly from the air. It’s kinda cold.” I said. She nodded.

“Sureee that’s the reason.” I pulled her in to hug her. She blushed and pushed me away.

“I give one kiss a night Buddy.” She said smirking and skipped on. I groaned.

“Well that just ruins the party now don’t it?” She giggled.

“ I think your bi polar.” She said. I shrugged.

“Maybe but you were just crying and are now smiling and blushing so don’t say nuttin.” She nodded.

“You wanna pick me up in the morning?” She asked shyly. I thought for a moment.

“You could just come home with me.” I said smiling. Bailt shuttered and looked away.

“She’s gonna be their.... I don’t want it to happen again.” I nodded.

“She won’t hurt you or even touch you with me their.” I said. She nodded.

“Okay..” She said. We walked to Janets. I was scared on what her reaction would be when she saw Baily. I shook my head. You think of the negatives and the negatives will happen. I thought remembering my dad’s words. We walked up the steps in to the house. Baily ran to my side and held my arm. I wrapped my arm around her and kept her tight to my side. I looked around for Janet. She was in her kitchen. I quickly dragged me and Baily up the stairs to my room. We walked into my room. I turned and locked the door. Baily sighed and then laid down on my bed. It was 4:30. I laid next to her. She cuddled up next to me. Her steady breathing. I held her tightly. I can only protect so many people and I’m starting to think that I’m gonna have to protect one more person... But her and Sam were worth it..

Chapter 7

Chapter 6

“How?” I asked holding her close as she cried on my chest.

“Well how do you think she just did it to me and I couldn’t do anything about it..” She said crying harder on my chest.

“oh... I’m sorry.” She shuttered. I held her tighter rubbing her back. I tried to comfort her but I never usually had to do this. Sam never cried and I mean NEVER only when I was close to death but that doesn’t really count. We stood their on the beach. The only sounds were the waves and Baily’s crying. She then pulled away. Wiping under her eyes. I looked at her. Her eyeliner running down her cheeks. She groaned.
“I ruined your shirt.. I’m sorry.” I shook my head.

“No, it’s fine. You can do it anytime.” I said reassuringly. She nodded. She sniffled.

“Why were you here Baily?” I asked. She gulped and looked up at me.

“I’m guessing the same reason you are.” She said.

“And that would be?” I asked.

“To get away from everything. Like the sounds of the waves and the sand suck everything up and keep it away for the time your here.” She said turning towards the waves. The wind whipped her hair around. She was beautiful. I walked up to her. I was a little hesitant about doing this. Would she push me away? I wrapped my arm around her waist. She looked up at me. I smiled weakly. She got up on her tippy toes and kissed my lips. My eyes got wide and my cheeks got red. Then a smile was etched into my face. I must have looked so stupid because Baily started laughing. I looked away quickly and cleared my thought.

“Your cute when you blush.” She said smirking. I rolled my eyes. She saw me blush. This is just great.

“It’s prolly from the air. It’s kinda cold.” I said. She nodded.

“Sureee that’s the reason.” I pulled her in to hug her. She blushed and pushed me away.

“I give one kiss a night Buddy.” She said smirking and skipped on. I groaned.

“Well that just ruins the party now don’t it?” She giggled.

“ I think your bi polar.” She said. I shrugged.

“Maybe but you were just crying and are now smiling and blushing so don’t say nuttin.” She nodded.

“You wanna pick me up in the morning?” She asked shyly. I thought for a moment.

“You could just come home with me.” I said smiling. Bailt shuttered and looked away.

“She’s gonna be their.... I don’t want it to happen again.” I nodded.

“She won’t hurt you or even touch you with me their.” I said. She nodded.

“Okay..” She said. We walked to Janets. I was scared on what her reaction would be when she saw Baily. I shook my head. You think of the negatives and the negatives will happen. I thought remembering my dad’s words. We walked up the steps in to the house. Baily ran to my side and held my arm. I wrapped my arm around her and kept her tight to my side. I looked around for Janet. She was in her kitchen. I quickly dragged me and Baily up the stairs to my room. We walked into my room. I turned and locked the door. Baily sighed and then laid down on my bed. It was 4:30. I laid next to her. She cuddled up next to me. Her steady breathing. I held her tightly. I can only protect so many people and I’m starting to think that I’m gonna have to protect one more person... But her and Sam were worth it..

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

I heard banging on my door. My eyes flew open. I slid out of Baily’s grasp and walked over to the door I slowly unlocked and opened it. Janet stood in the doorway. She smiled. She then saw Baily on my bed. She looked at me puzzled.

“What do you want?” I asked. Janet giggled and wrapped her arms around my waist.

“You already gave me it. Now.. Why is she here?” She asked. I pushed her away.

“Because I brought her here. It’s time for me to get ready. Bye.” I said smugly and shut the door before Janet could say anything more. I locked the door and turned to my closet. Baily mumbled something in her sleep and turned over on to her side. I walked into the closet and pulled off my shirt. It had black lines going down it from her eyeliner. I shrugged and tossed it in the corner. I looked through a bag and pulled out a shirt. It was a A7X band shirt. In one swift movement I pulled it on. I turned out of the doorway and over to Baily. I sat next to her. Her hair now all muffled. Her fingers intwined in it. I smirked and shook her gently.

“Time to get up sleepy head.” I said. She opened her eyes slowly. She groaned and then stretched.

“Ugh.. I don’t want to go to school...” She said and yawned. I laughed and shook her again as she shut her eyes. She chuckled.

“Alright. Alright. I’m up.” She said and got out of the bed and stretched again. She walked over to my dresser that had a mirror. She opened her eyes widely at her reflection. She then took her hands and put them through it and matted it down. She wiped underneath her eyes.

“Otay.. I’m ready.” She said turning to me.

“Otay?” I asked smirking.

“Don’t make fun of my language.” She scolded and smirked. I grabbed her hand and pulled her down the stairs. I saw Janet waiting at the bottom of them. Baily shuttered. I pulled her tightly to my side.

“Hello Baily. Long time no see.” Janet said smiling. Baily cringed and looked down.

“Bye.” I said and rushed out of the house. Baily let out a breath when we got out of the house.

“I don’t think I can come over here again.” She said sadly. I cocked an eyebrow as she jumped into my car. I sat in the drivers seat.

“Why?” I asked. Baily turned to the window.

“I can’t.. I can’t see her. It brings back to much..” She said against the window. I nodded.

“Fine.. Your house it is.” I said smiling. Baily turned to me and smiled.

“What are we gonna have a Slumber Party?!?” Baily asked faking excitement. I chuckled and wagged my eyebrows and smirked.

“Well I know I ain’t gonna be sleeping.” Baily blushed.

“Lets hope not.” She said and winked. I laughed.

“Well I think we should wait a little before that.” I said jokingly. Baily sighed.

“Okay...” She said sadly. I looked at her wide eyed. She bursted out laughing.

“I was joking.” She said smirking. I nodded and pulled into the parking lot of the school. I parked the car and it was imediatly crowded with girls. Baily and I groaned in unison.

“Do they have anything better to do?” She asked angrily. I chuckled.

“Just walk with me and I’ll repay you later.” I said. She shrugged.

“As long as I get something out of it.” I nodded. I opened the door. The girls giggled and started talking to me. I smiled and nodded as I walked to the other side of the car. I opened the door for baily. She smirked as the girls gasped. I wrapped my arm around her and walked with her. I looked back none of the girls followed. I sighed in relief.

“Seems that I’m going to be YOUR bodyguard when we’re in school.” Baily said laughing. I nodded.

“Hope so.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.02.2012

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