
Bed Time


“Goodnight sweetheart,” her parents parted.


 “Goodnight mom & dad,” she replied watching them close the door to her room.



 As Megan lay in the darkness, not a sound could be heard.  She snuggled under the covers glancing around the room with only a small glare from the nightlight shining near her room door.  Suddenly, there was a bright light that beamed in through her shear Polka Dot curtains.  As her eyes followed the beam of light that seem to glide from one wall to the other, it sounded like an old truck passing the home.  She was she quite relieved that it wasn't ghost.

“It’s just an old truck going down the street.  There is nothing to be afraid of,” she thought.

 Megan had to get use to sleeping alone since her older sister Lela went off to


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Debbie Lacy
Bildmaterialien: Debbie Lacy
Lektorat: Debbie Lacy
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.08.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-6646-4

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To all of my Family, Friends, Readers and Fans with much love, thanks for all of your support! May God Bless!

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