
The Morning Turmoil

Satellites in Orbit 



“Mom, there’s something wrong with my cell phone!” Kacie claimed.

 What’s wrong with it? Bring it here and let’s see! Did you put it on your charger last night?” Mrs. Jenkins asked trying to power it on.

 “Great, now I can't call Reba to catch a ride with her to school because my darn cell phone won’t work!” Kacie complained as her father entered the kitchen.

“Well honey I've got to run.  I’m late!  I tried to call Jerry at the office but this darn thing is not working!" Mr. Jenkins snapped trying to restore the battery and Sim-Card back into his cell phone.

 "I better check my phone to see if it’s working!"  Mrs. Jenkins stated dashing off to the bedroom. "Huh!  This is odd!  My phone was on the charger all night too and all it does is vibrate once then it powers off!"  She expressed.

"Darn cell phones!  They are so unreliable!  No one in this house has a working cell phone!  And I wished we'd kept our landline for emergencies in situations like this!"  Mr. Jenkins fumed.

"Well honey I agree!  We all have such busy schedules and a landline sure would be useful when our cell phones are malfunctioning.  At least there would be some form of communication available.  It just makes sense."  Mrs. Jenkins suggested.

"Yeah it does!  Well honey check into it when you get a


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Debbie Lacy
Bildmaterialien: Compliments: Flickr
Lektorat: Debbie Lacy
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.06.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-7153-6

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To all of my Family, Friends, Readers and Fans with much love, thanks for all your support! May God Bless!

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