
The Sensory Device

Lieutenant Styles and Sergeant Barnes along with many other Generals and Commanding Officers up the ranks were involved in a drug-smuggling operation of massive kilos of cocaine in Cambodia six years ago.  They would smuggle the drugs into the dead bodies of wounded soldiers then distribute the drugs all along the Slovenia, Switzerland and other coastline borders.  

Consequently, where there were drugs, there was women, lots of them from all ranks as wild parties and large orgies took place.

Corporal Adrian West was part of 63rd platoon, under the Commanding Officer of Sergeant Julius Barnes and Senior Commanding Officer Lieutenant John Styles.

Lieutenant Styles despised West for his wit, diligence, and charm.  He was known as the "Smooth Operator" by most of the ladies in their military squad.  He was also a great militant, who was rapidly procuring in his ranks.  He was so smooth, he charmed the panties off of the General's daughter whose name was Treasure and subsequently, she was as beautiful as the true meaning of the word.  Nevertheless, under her sweet demeanor, she was a tough cookie.  She was Chief Commanding Officer over Unit 601, Military Tactics, a rank surely granted by the General for his precious little daughter but the reality was that she knew things, maybe a little too much.  Treasure was protected by her father, there were many who wanted to sample her sweet hot spot, preferably Styles, he adored her but no one could get too close without a squad of bodyguards for safety reasons.  However, she was quite attracted to West and wanted to meet his acquaintance one day.  Favorably, only West was permitted to escort her to the Ambassador's ball two years ago in British Columbia and the General was pleased by his impeccable charisma, idiosyncrasy, and his observant military ranking and upon his daughter's request, he made provisions for them to continue to interact with one another.

One night in a jealous rage, Styles followed the couple and after their romantic dinner together, he witnessed their wild, lustful indulgence, humping like minks in isolated quarters behind the military practice field.  After their steamy rendezvous, she was quite exuberant, as they relished frivolously and in many conversations, he listened attentively as she shared pertinent information, disclosing relevant details about the mega drug cartel operation in Cambodia.  She loved and trusted him.  If any of the information leaked out, it would be quite detrimental to all involved, which meant it would be the end of his military career as well as for the ones of higher ranking.  This thing could blow up if they found out who all was involved, not to mention a major embarrassment for the armed forces.  They were all getting a piece of the pie and Styles' greed couldn't allow this to happen, he wanted to retire from military service a very rich man, so he had to find a way to conceal their lucrative operation.

A couple of years past, it wasn't until they were stationed in Naples, Italy; in his discernment, Styles was certain West shared what he knew with Wright.  They had become good friends and Styles noticed a change in Wright's demeanor whenever he entered the room, his acknowledgment was rather frigid and nonchalant, which stirred an uneasiness and he knew what he had to do.

One snowy night, Styles and Barnes waited in an unmarked car out on the highway when they witnessed West and Wright traveling back towards the military base.  Styles signaled to the waiting driver in an 18-wheeler.  Impeccably, the driver pulled out along the stretch of highway causing West to run off the road crashing into a big tree throwing Wright through the front window of the vehicle killing him.

Later, they were informed that Wright was killed instantly but West was holding on by a thread.

"Don't worry, he won't survive."  Styles told Barnes.

"But what if he does?" 

Styles smirked and said, "Then we will see to it that his life is a living hell, he'd wish he were dead."





"They implanted a sensor device and now they


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Debbie Lacy
Bildmaterialien: Compliments: Flickr
Lektorat: Debbie Lacy
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.06.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-3200-1

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To all of my family, friends, readers and fans with much love, I hope you find this little story entertaining and I welcome your comments. Thank you for all of your reading support and may God bless!

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