

This is a story of a little girl named Jessie Conelly. It may not be a happy story, but it is still a story. And stories are meant to be heard.


Her dark green eyes stare blankly into the nothingness. Her jet black hair whips her face without mercy, and her pale white face is emotionless. She takes a step forward, and the darkness swallows her up.

The Darkness

If there is one thing that Jessie had always hated, it was darkness. But now, darkness was her life. Everywhere she looked, pitch-black walls were closing in on her. How could she fight against all of these demons? They fed off of her until she was a pale white body, soul forever lost.

Jessie sat up in bed, tears streaking down her face and a scream digging through her throat. She reached down and pulled her necklace chain from her silky black nightgown. The necklace was her best friend, the only one that would speak to her. "They don't love you... they never did. Its time Jessie... you can come with me... but you must first seal your promises... get the knife Jessie... we can be together forever... just a little cut Jessie... Just a little cut." Jessie reached under the bed, silent tears sliding down her face. The knife was shiny and intimadating. "Just a little cut" she murmured to herself, "Just a little cut"


Texte: Grace Adams
Bildmaterialien: Grace Adams
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.09.2012

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