
The Beginning

Once upon a time lived this guy named Riley. And Riley met this girl named Kelley. He really really liked her but................he knew that they could never be together. Because he wasn't “normal”. Riley hasn't been “normal” since he was 9 ,he's now 17. When Riley was 9 he got cancer,and he lost both his mom and dad,to tragic car accident. His cancer went away but when he was 14 his cancer came back and since then he thinks no one will ever love him............till he meets Kelley. Kelley’s foster mom Alexis works at the hospital where Riley gets his chemo. So Alexis thought it would be good for Kelley to be friends with him. Kelley came from a really bad abusive home before this one. Kelley's used to being alone and she new that it's not easy at all. They never new how not to be afraid of people, of getting know people. They were scared to even talk to people. Till they met then they stopped being scared because they had each other. And then after they met all they wanted to do was be with each other. 


Riley thinks Kelley was sent to him like from heaven. That she's his angel. They had two kids then his cancer got worse. After he got a little better,they were happy together............... till November 5th 2016.................when Riley died. Just 10 years after they met. And 5 years after they got married,7 years after the birth of they're daughter Emma and 9 after they're son Jake was born. Kelley tried to fight back the tears, she turned bright red trying to hold her breath.

While they were telling her what happened. All that was passing through her mind was all their memories. The day they met, the day they got married, the day their kids were born, everything. She couldn't hold back her tears anymore and couldn't stop crying. She wouldn't even look at the kids, because they reminded her of Riley. She didn't eat, sleep, or even move from his side of the bed. The pain had finally became real to her. And she couldn't take it.


She had lost her one true love,her happiness, she lost everything. Riley's mom tried to tell her she'd be OK. She wouldn't listen, her kids even tried to get her of the bed. But she yelled at them and told them to get out. But she was never OK.......she was alone. There's no one to wipe away her tears, to hold her hand, or just to love her. After two years of being alone without Riley.................................................Kelley died too on November 5th 2018 the same day Riley died. Leaving their two kids with Rileys mom Emma, 7 and Jake, 4. Hoping and praying that they'd now why both of their parents had left them. And they did..................they knew their mom wasn't OK after their dad died. They could tell she never wanted to do anything but miss him. Riley's mom did the same too. All they did was cry and talk about Riley. They even moved because Kelley couldn’t stand to be in the house Riley died in. she left everything they had to start over. But when she died too the kids moved back in to their old house. When they moved in they put all their parents things back the way it was before they moved.

The End


As if they never left. Emma and Jake lived in there house with their grandma till Emma turned 18 and went of to collage. Jake left 3 year later and went to collage for 2 year,then went to the army at the age of 20. After 10 years their grandma died, and they both moved back in to the house. Emma was 28,married and had 3 kids 2 girls and 1 boy. Jake was 25 and had just got back from the army and was getting married.

They lived happily ever after. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.05.2014

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