

Nicole is my best friend, I've known her for a long time. She dyes her hair a lot but at this moment she has red hair, light brown eyes, nose pierced, and a septum piercings. Hot Funyuns are the key to heart. She likes Monsters but only the original one. Her favorite band is “Of Mice & Men” She likes Pokemon Pretty Little Liars, Supernatural, Doctor Who. She doesn't really date guys like at all....but she's dating Patrick:) They are the cutest couple ever. Sometimes we don't get along but we are always friends. I can tell when somethings wrong just by looking at her. She is the funniest person I know she thinks of the most random things to say. Last school year we were all talking and we asked her what time it was and she said “Carlos” don't know why but that's what she said and till this day if we bring it up we still can't stop laughing:) She's really pretty even is she thinks she's not. She has her ears gauged. Oh and she's 5'2 she's short:) Nicole is going to Prom with her bf Patrick:) I've known her since I was in 3nd grade:) She was always so short but not as bad as she was when we were little:P Nicole likes to wear a lot of black:) She's always on Tumblr:) She's very very random:) Sometimes when she doesn't know what to say she say's random things. She talks a lot mostly about random things:) She's like obsessed with Supernatural:P She hates Teen Wolf even though that's my favorite show. She like to watch Awkward, and we we on our away games me and her like to Chinese fire drill like they do in Awkward. She hates cats so much:P She is 14 years old she'll be 15 in June:) She likes to shop at Hot Topic:)She likes Chinese food:)

She really really likes lemonade:P She thinks Patrick hates her but we all know he doesn't:) She hates pancakes because, they have a weird texture:) She makes lot of different faces:P She's really good at saving her money. When I was dating Stuart she hated him so much..... and I didn't listen to her when she told me he was an asshole:) Her laugh is adorable and when she laughs she can't stop:) She wants to live in New York.

She likes to bowl, she's good at bowling.  She cryed during the season final of




hung out and talked to her a lot last year, but havent seen or talked to her this year at all. still super cool, even when we fight we reconnect every time.



Well I met Alex last year and since then he's been my best guy friend I can trust him with all my secrets. He has dirty blond hair. Hazel eyes, no piercing at all. He's like 6'0. He calls himself “The Doctor”. He's funny, he's just one of those people who you can tell anything too and you'll now that he wont tell anyone. Well he's just I don't know how to explain it all I can say is he's weird but in a good way. He has a little sister named Doll. He likes Pokemon a lot. He dated my sister last year....and from what I know he has a crush on me. He likes Supernatural,and Doctor Who. He doesn’t really play any sports but he's playing baseball so that's a change for him. Nicole likes to make him have flippy hair well she did before be cut it. He wants me to go to Prom with him but Maddy's dad wants her too so if she wants to she can:) He is in 9th grade, last year was the best:) On our 8th grade trip we went to Mesa:) Well we were over there we made Alex put his hair up and put a towel on as a cape, we made a sign that said “Honk if you think this kid is awkward” we got 10 honks:) It was the best thing ever. We went to the mall and we all went swimming:) we took lost of picture’s:) He's my best guy friend. He likes gummy bears:) Last year we all went to the Relay For Life:) He never liked Stuart and had a bad feeling about him but....I never listened to him.........but know I wish I would've all he was doing was trying to help and I just yelled at him....I'M SORRY ALEX:) And since last year I told his dad he was my best friend and promised that I would take him to a dance me and Alex are going to Prom together as friends:) Alex can be the weirdest,awkwardest, and just the best person in the world:) Everyday there's something knew for him to make us laugh about. Alex just wants to beat the hell out of Stuart but I wont let him. Since we changed schools we haven't really had a chance to talk to him in a while.



Used to talk to me, but stopped talking to all of us. used to work at freeport


Well what can i say about Maddy.....she's my causin and i love her. Maddy has brown eyes and dark almost back brown hair. She has glasses, she has a Lebret. We've known each other for like ever. Maddy likes to watch......well she's a Horror Funatic, she likes Anime. And like Nicole Maddy crys during Supernatral. She is always on Tumblr, and her bangs never do what she wants then too. Maddy also likes Teen wolf...a little too much:) Her fav. colors are Tiffany blue, and Conary yellow, but she also rreally likes black. She likes Bob Marley, along with like any kind of music:) She really likes cars. She likes to play with her hair in class, and she wants to dye it green her hair is about midback:) SHe's 5'7, she's a Clifton Trojan. She is gradtuating today(5/21/14). Maddy played Volleyball in P.E with us, she played softball with us:) I think my Maddy is extremly pretty:) Yes i call her "My Maddy." She's one of my best cusins. She is the best.



Works at bashas in morenci hardly talk to anyone anymore



well what can i say about Travis........Beside that I love him:)  He has these hot brown eyes, and brown hair. He like fishing, and camping.....doing guy things. He lets me polish his nails:) He took me to prom,and it was the best thing in the world.  WE GOT ENGAGED!!!!!! Travis is my everything he is my rock and i am his. He keeps me saneand believe me thats hard to do. He keeps me from hurting myself. I love to be around his family. Travis used to be into all the cutting shit, but then he went to live with his dad Gary. He changed and didn't really wanna talk to me anymore. So we stopped talking then one day i was on my Facebook and i was going through my messages and found i messaged him hey, and he actually messaged me back. we kept talking.......then me Nicole and Patrick were going to the movies and i was texting him. He asked what i was doing and i told him i was getting ready to go to the movies and he asked where. So i told him the Morenci theater. Then suddenly he stopped messaging me, so i was just like ok lets go see how big the line is. So we did when we saw there was no one in line we just decided to go back to Bashas so as we were walking over there Nicole looked up and said " is that who i think it is??" so i looked up and my eyes watered and i just said " no" and walked/running back toward the theater. i got about 5 steps then i stopped and froze......I felt his arms go around my waist and i turned around and just wrapped my arms around his neck trying not to cry. I met travis in 5th grade the first time.......i was actually asking him out for my sister. But anyways me and him didnt really get along till.....I started cutting and he was mad. We became bestfriend in 7th grade when he was the only person who cared that i tried to kill myself. He told me that if i didn't stop that he would nevr talk to me and that he would hate me forever. So i stopped, because i needed him. Well we both stopped he moved then came back and we've beend together ever since. It has offically been a year 1 month and 5 days that I've been with Travis today :) Today i am 24 week pregnant with our baby girl Rockie Marie.  He is the sweetest guy i have ever met, he has always been there through everything with me. When we found out i was pregnant , I new that i wasn't gonna be able to tell my mom(he new too). So when we had my mom come outside, he told her. I just hid my face on his back as tears rolled down my face. I felt his hands go on mine, n  could breath again. Then we went to my Nana Cathy's i was fine and stopped crying till i saw my Nana, and Uncle. I turned around n grabbed him, he just let me barry my face in his chest till i was done crying. Travis is a loving person, no matter what anyone says.  


Well to update......we got married and he left me the next day.......we got back together on and off tll This January(2017).......then after that i found out he was stll talking to Elana.....tryng to be with her while he was with me......he was cheating on me the whole tme.



Has a new girl friend Tori, him and Elana ddint work out she cheated. But he as a handsome boy named NAthaniel, hes like my son.

Me (Clarissa)




Me....well i honestly don't know what i could say. Besides tell you my story, Im 17 going on 18 in July. I go to Duncan High school, Im pregnant with Travis's baby. I have brown n blond long hair, dark dark brown eyes.  i don't get along with alot of people. I am a hard person to be friends with, I make things really complicated. Im into things like drawing, Volleyball, Softball. I used to be a cheerleader, but im not into that kinda shit anymore. Im more alternitive then anyone thinks i am. When i was 12 my mom made me and my twin sister leave Clifton school and change schools to Morenci High school, which ws the biggest mistake she could have ever done. We failed 5th grade, we werent the only one but it was the second time so it was 10x worse. We were always the older ones in class, and because of that everyone would give us i learned about cutting, and right away i started. In 5th grade our friend Becca had just broken up with this guy named Travis, because he was supposed to be moving but never did. so my sister being the way she is....right away she wanted to ask him out but was to big of a pussy to do it. So i walked over to the playground where he was and kept calling him "Hey you", when he wouldn't listen i called my friend Camron to get him so when he turned around he ask "me?" And i said yea, wanna go out with my sister? Of course he said yes.  I never realizied who/what he would become to me.  Him and my sister dated on and off alot. When we were in 7th grade and my cutting go worse, he saw me without my jacket sleeves covering them, he was pissed and told me i needed to stop.  But at that time i couldn't, i never knew what to do. Travis became my best friend, my rock the one that would save me from myself when i really needed it....and he did. I tryed to kill myself....and when he found out about it (these are his exact words) "You need to stop or i am never going to talk to you again you  don't need this." because i needed him so bad in my life, i stopped then and there. But when he moved n hated me, i started again not as bad as before but i did start and stop again. The first day he messaged me back "hey", is when i put my blades and everything down for the final time. I have won this battle between myself, and its all because of Travis. 


Undate.......God part of me wish's i never met him in gener al, all he did was fuck up my life. Travis is nothing but a dick, and a god damn cheater. He wll only always just be a sperm doner, the only thing he was good for was giving me Rockie.



Over all the drama on good terms. i have 2 boyfriends now. Two beautiful daughter


We all met at different times, but we are all friends now. idk what i woud've done if i never met any of them. I just wanted everyone to know that there are good friends out there. yes at points we fight like there is no tomorrow but at the end of the day we are still friend. We may not hangout as much as we used to, but when we do beleive me its fucken crazy. Sometimes its not all its cut out to be. But no matter what we are still friends, and no one is going to change that. I have been there for Nicole when she needed it, and she has been there to hear me bitch bout things and then tell me im stupid later. But the thing is, when she told me all that i knew she cared either way. Maddy, since we found out we were cousins we have loved each other to the end :) She is the best, we get along so well. When we are together we think of the most random things in the world, then we just can't stop laughing. Alex we only met maybe 2 years ago, but he just joined out group. He would get picked on all the guy in school, we started to stand up for him. Slowly we became friends, and since then we've been friends. Yes he's a bit weird, but hes fun to be around. Last but not least Travis, you already know how we met :)  But anyways its been a classic love story, aside from the happy ever after. We love each other so much, our plan is for me to move in with him. And raise Rockie together as a Family. My familys not all what its cut out to be, so having them has given me hope that my life could get better. And because of that I wanna say "Thank You Nicole, Alex, Maddy and Travis for being there for me, and for putting up with all my shit"   Yes, there have been other people but, non like these 4. They have come in and out of my life, but they stayed.


Me and Travis are getting married on March 19, 2016!!!!!!! That day it will be 2 years of me n him being together Rockie was Born on July 19 2015!!!! My life is going good I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with Travis!!!!


Undate 2017

 I met will in the while i was dating Chris, and i fell in love with him and this who i am with now. I dont talk to anyone anymore aside from Travis which is only for our daughter other then that nope. i moved on with my life and i will always love everyone and never forget the memories they gave me.



Me and Will had a beautiful daughter, i love my babies so much. Rockie started kindergarden and Kaielonie is 2 years old now. I have two boyfriends as i am in a poly relationship. i am happier now then i have ever been before. I dont remember the last time i talked to Nichole Alex or Maddy. i talked to travis yesterday, we are best friends again. We love our daughter, and have grown up alot. Travis apologized for all the shit wiht Elana, she tried her hardest to keep us apart, but our friendship was to strong. now a days we talk alot more then before. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.03.2015

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