
The Sudden Flock

It was a stormy day at the Stawery manor. But the weather outside was not paid attention for inside, in the ballroom hall, it was full of laughter of all the lords and ladies of the court. The occasion was special; king Troy Stawery II was born twenty-eight years ago on this very day. The hall was bustling with all of his childhood friends, family and servants, dancing and drinking with no end in sight. A great guffaw burst from the very front, where King Troy was sitting upon his throne of royal velvet and fur, laughing from an answer to a riddle told by his cousin.

“Great turn about for such a surprise date” one of the lords of the court who was holding two goblets of strong wine. whispered to another. “I tell you, I have been in the royal’s favor ever since I was a child.  I have seen kings pass and go but never have I met one like his majesty”

“You have never been wrong William, but what a day to be hunting indoors. Say, this is my first time seeing most of these ladies, besides the dried up husks some men in court have used for so long, like Lady Bessie Beauford, to think the king would boot her out of his court for being such a whore.” In the corner of the eye the two men looked at a woman who must have been in her thirties and unmarried forever. She had long blond hair that was growing thin with wide hips and sunken breasts. She was conversing with a fellow lord, about something humorous no doubt, her charm was still intact in her flirtatious laughter.

“What in the name of God could be so funny, I swear her very presence makes my skin quiver”

“Skin on what body part? She may be lewd and dry but she has good strong legs, good for spreading like butter on sweet bread” He slurred. They laughed to themselves, almost instantaneously with Lady Bessie. She turned around instantly at the sound of the mischievous laughter, on instinct, as all women do around groups of men. She dismissed the man she was talking to with a flick of her hand.

“William, I would say you were a dog but she is just teasing us with her looks”

“Or I would say this one is, what is a moor doing in court?” Lord Carey averted his attention in the direction Lord William was cueing. And what a mystery she was. “ Dark wavy hair that rests partly on her shoulder, light brown oval eyes, plump deep red lips and high, stout cheekbones. She has to be a like a kitchenmaid, I can tell by her collar around her neck but my God, a blacke servant has not been seen in ages, what a fortune it is to even have one. We are probably collecting an invisible toll just to look at her.” William chugged down the first cup, looking for a servant to bring another.

“Ay ay, like I said you have never been wrong, but that still does not answer the question of what she is doing here, she sticks out like a crow surrounded by doves. I guess her skin fits that analogy compared to us, right William?” Lord Carey turned to face his friend, just to find him staring almost with his mouth wide open. “By God man, to think she were a piece of meat and you a leper staring so hard!”

“What a dark mystery she is, I have never seen such a young moor. I am almost too ashamed to call this creature beautiful but my lady also is a dried up patty, this one is fresh meat.... it almost makes my member ache just looking at her” He chugged down the second cup and followed a servant carrying a tray of more drinks. The dark skinned girl was standing at the door searching with her eyes the crowd. She fixed the cloth collar around her neck and brushed her simple pale blue dress off, almost nervously. Lords William and Carey weren’t the only ones who noticed her. The half of court that she was standing in has noticed her. The ladies were fanning themselves jealously, verbally picking at her appearance with their gossip. Disapproving looks all around were received as the men who saw her lusted almost obviously. One gentleman threw his hands at his lap and crossed his legs while he visually undressed her with his eyes. The curiosity quickly spread to the front of the grand hall as people took their attention off the king and the music to stand still and search towards the back.

"Your majesty, what has captured the attention of your people so abruptly? To think they saw a ghost.” Baron George Stevens, the king’s advisor whispered in the king’s ear. King Troy stood up and used his tall height to look at the back of the room, where he nothing but the young maiden’s head of waves and her almost blushing at the attention.

“My lady where are you! God please show her to me, she calls me and yet she is not here.  It took miraculous strength to even show up here, knowing I am probably not allowed nor welcome. Christ, the people stare at me... I am so ashamed.” She lowered her head to hold back tears, wiping them away she lifted her head once again to have one last glance at the crowd staring right back at her. One particularly irritated middle aged woman boldly walked toward her and faced her, almost nose to nose.

“What are you doing in court? Do you not know you are not welcome here? You are basically screaming for your head to rot on a spike for trespassing. Leave our presence, you are offending us be even being here in your measly clothing and god ugly skin.” The woman mugged her as she searched the maiden’s face for any hint of hostility, for that is was she desired; to win the bet between her friends to bring out the savage of the negroe. Her and her friends heard nothing but cruel rumors of the blacke race they have heard from other women who heard and the stories runs backwards on.

The maiden lowered her head and curtsied. “I apologize my lady, I was looking for my mistress, I was called by a fellow lady in waiting that she…”

“Lady in waiting? Surely you lie. There is no such prestige for a moor! You must be at most an indentured servant, a cook is royalty to you! Things like you are like jewels that were left out of product, useless and worth too much money for such little value.” The woman’s friends giggled at the comment, as she looked back at them for confirmation.

The maiden curtsied again, keeping her head fixed at the ground “Yes ma’am, I am useless and worthless, I can not even find my mistress when she calls for me, I understand that I am not welcome, I apologize again if I offended you so, I will leave now.” She let a tear fall down her face as she started to cower away back out the door. King Troy was watching this happen, but unable to hear the conversation between the two women, he was shocked to see the girl start to walk out. He felt a pull at his heart, that and another feeling that he never experienced before.


The hall suddenly went quiet, heads flicked towards the back. Now all eyes stared at the maiden frozen in her tracts. The only sounds were the echoes of the roaring beckon and a couple of men whispering about the maiden’s backside. All saw the quivering shoulders of the girl, and all felt the suddenly cold aura of the king. But noone saw the mercy warming in King Troy’s eyes, glancing at now the full body of blacke woman. He gained his kingly composure and demanded a response from the girl. “Who are you?”

The maiden was terrified, hands trembling and fear creating extra sleeves on her dress. She quickly awoken out of her frightened phase and keeping her direction towards the door to avoid the avert rage of the king, rustled up an quaky answer. “I am a new lady in waiting to the duchess Mary Howard, I was called by another that my mistress wanted me or something-”

“Mary Howard? My older sister?”

“If you say it so, your majesty”

“I guess this fellow lady in waiting failed to tell you that she is not here, she’s visiting Richmond to surprise a friend for their birthday.”

The maiden was stunned. Laughs broke the silence at the disclosed information. The hall cracked with teases and taunts towards her. She swore she felt her heart stop.

“Very well my lord. As it is obvious that I am not welcome here, as the fool that I am I will leave your presence. I am truly sorry to ruin such a grand party.” She suddenly said, causing silence again, then she used all her strength to push open the door and excuse herself. The door seemed that it did not want to budge and the laughter came again. Suddenly realizing she pushed the door to come in, she grabbed the handle and pulled it open with all of her might, falling backward at her own strength. Her foot caught the closing door, leaving it open on a brand new bruise that it left her. The laughs grew louder as she turned around looking for one face that was not so cold, seeing only the king not laughing, almost looking displeased. She let her tears fall, got up and limped out. Picking her skirts up she managed to run down many halls, not even giving a slight thought of where she was going, she just wanted to get away. Keeping her head low to the ground she slammed into one of the men in the hallway. The man was Lord William, who secretly followed her, fueled by his lust.

“Where are you going so fast girl? And not looking up? You are lucky I am not a high window! You would have been made into the dirt on the ground, you surely would match!” He laughed grabbing her by the arms.

“Thank you for catching me but I must go to my quarters now” she said with her head down to the ground. She prepared to run again but Lord William tightened his grip on her arm.

“Wait! wait! I was supposed to catch you because the King never summoned you out. How rude of you, how foolish and rude yet…surprisingly fair...fair yet not fair skinned. By God I am attracted to a dark mystery I am ha ha!” Lord William hiccupped, giving the maiden a clear clue to her captivity.

“Sire, you are drunk, you must go and lay down, I can call someone to assist you to your chambers, but you must let go of me”

“And why would I do that my beautiful crow? If I lay down it is going to be on top of you, let me undo your dark puzzle, expose yourself, I am curious.” Lord William let go of the maiden’s arms to slide them towards her breasts.

“I pray you, do not hurt me and I will not tell anyone you confronted me in such a way! Please! Do not touch me! How dare you!” She started to fight his hands off but in his drunken phase, he was a lot stronger than her. She started to scream but he covered her mouth.

“There there now, let me see like a good little wench..” and he tore the front of her gown down, exposing her bare skin. Still covering her mouth and holding his weight against her arms, he began to feel on her with his other hand, driving his lust even more. “I wonder if you are as bittersweet as you are black” she began to cry furiously as he put his drunk lips on her bare shoulder, she tried to squirm away but it was no use. His hands and his lips were cold; his touch hurt her.

"Oh God! This is not how I wanted my first experience with a man! Lord save me please help!" She thought. He began to pull up her lightweight skirts in order to force access

“I'm not hurting you, you milandering moor, for this is what one with your skin should consider privilege” Then suddenly a great yell brought Lord William to stumble.

“Get your filthy hands off of her!” It was King Troy; he ran and punched Lord William square in-between his eyes causing an immediate blackout. The maiden rushed to try to piece together the rips of the front of her dress to cover herself, finding it useless that the strips could cover such large globes she turned to run again. But she felt something warm on her shoulder, a manly hand then soon something heavy like a cape. She turned to see the kings deep blue eyes sparkling at her, he covered her with a cloak off of his own back! What a lovely king she thought but then erased the thought with a flashback of the laughter. Her fear and anger quickly evaporated as she stared up into his face. Time seemed to try to disappear as they stared at each other. The maiden soon realized what she was doing and turned to walk away

“Please wait, one moment” He found himself saying with a surprisingly gentle tone. She turned around and for the first time saw her as not a brown skin stranger, but a young maiden, and one that was so beautiful that he could not compare her with any other woman he has been born with or seen in court. She truly was a work of art, never has he seen such wavy hair, such copper colored eyes and large breasts. He wanted to reach out and touch her but he secretly respected women more than that. “What is your name?” He gazed deeper into her eyes, which was flooding with frightened tears. She looked down at the floor and said
“Edwina, My lord, was my most recent name change.”

“What is your real name?” He asked her

“I was told to never say my real name, for it was thought to not fit my skin, my lord.”

“Well tell me. As your king, I demand to know your real name and that you look at me while you are telling me.” He put his hand under her chin and lifted her head up to look at her eyes again.

“Lillian, my lord. Now I beg you, allow me leave, I have been made an object of humiliation; I need time to gather my faith and spirit. Here is your cloak back.” She reached up to grab the tops of the heavy velvet

“No, keep it, to cover your modesty. I apologize for William’s behavior, I guarantee he will never come near you again.”

“No need for a promise, one like me has no defense, even royal blood cannot stop a man from desiring a woman, and no amount of kingship will give a woman the right to refuse him . I appreciate you coming to my rescue but I highly doubt I am safe here. I am a black sheep in a manor full of spoiled drunk lambs. A lowly servant girl succumbed to serve a woman whom she do not know in a house with no respect for a person the slightest bit of different. Take your cloak back, for I want you to not feel any pity for me, for I will not accept any after being the laughing stock of the kingdom.” She pushed the cape into his hands, rushed to cover herself with her own and limped off into the other direction. King Troy was left stunned, he surprisingly was not angry at such a cold comment. He stood there for a while looking at her direction. Her image was plastered in his mind. Lillian…..Lillian. Suddenly a brief image of her naked ran through his mind. He quickly dismissed the thought. “This servant girl disrespected me in front of my kingdom, I should be enraged at such inappropriate tones!” he thought. But he thought such things without moving his feet, her presence still stood there.

“My Lord! Do you want me to bring her to you, how uncivil she acted!” He heard a servant say, bowing low.

“No, leave her be, she is new at court, and dark skinned and copper eyed or not she is to be treated as a guest, is that to be understood?” he faced the servant nose to nose, singling him out of the whole crowd that embarrassed her.

“Yes, yes my lord. But..”

“But nothing, there is no more to be said, leave me.” He dismissed the servant who could do nothing but bow and leave quickly in fear, almost tripping over his own feet. King Troy put his hands on his hips and nodded in approval of his authority. The Stawery royalty never had a problem with pride. They wore their royalty strong and bold. King Stawery started to walk down his grand corridor, with its stony features and golden curtains. Though he fought it, he began to contemplate his age, feeling as if he is lacking in true authority. But he has had examples of kings, kingdoms and what tore them down, he has been careful to make no enemies and stay away from the evil women. He looked out a window in longing, letting the soft rain hit his smooth face getting lost in his love of nature.

“My lord! My lord!” The call broke him out of his trance, it was the voice of Sir George Stevens again, running down the hall to catch up. King Troy wiped off his wet face immediately and gained his composure.

“What is it?”

“The board of trusties request a meeting with you, my Liege, they would like to discuss matters at hand.


“They said about your reign, my lord, but tis nothing bad, I think they are worried for your lack of a certain member essential to court, please come into the conference room to avoid public interfering with delicate affairs.” He said quickly, bowing low the whole time. King Troy nodded his head and followed George down a series of hallways into a secret entrance below the jeweled stairs leading towards the ladies in waiting quarters. With his height, he had to duck low behind the short George Stevens. Forgetting about the even lower arch of the door to the hall towards the conference room he banged his forehead against the stone, growling in pain. "My lord, are you alright?"

"Yes yes I am fine just stop calling me Lord all the time, you are one of my closest friends, you call me Troy" He rubbed his head to ease the pain, but nothing could stop the growing headache that was developing with a rage.

"But Sire, You are my king, friendship or kinship matters not, Your own mother calls you not by your first name, so out of respect for his highness I must call you by your status" George said quickly bowing low"

"Fine, in public you call me lord or what not, but in private, I would prefer my first name. Hearing 'my lord' and 'my liege' so many times is going to put wrinkles on my face, carry on" George nodded his head in agreement and continued on deeper and deeper into the path. They soon were in a stone tunnel, where King Troy could make out the voices of his privy counsel speaking quietly. Torches on both sides lit the narrow path and to prevent himself from setting his great clothing ablaze he slipped off his heavy cloak, the same one that covered and was rejected by the brown skin servant. Walking slower so George would not see his next action, King Troy held the cloak in his hands and stared down at it before putting it up onto his nostrils so that he might sniff the sweet scent of her. As soon as he inhaled, the scent ran through his nose and down his body with a rapid speed. It was electrifying and almost pleasurable as the weird sensation racked his body from the inside. The random stop of heart beats made the king stop in his tracks and fall to the ground with a great thud. Hearing the noise Sir George turned around and rushed to the king's side.

"My lord! I mean Troy! What happened?!" He looked over the king's shoulder to make sure there was no one running away in the success of a possible assassination. He was sitting on the cloak King Troy had in his hands, and was quickly lifted off of it.

"I am fine George, a mere trip is all, worry not. You may leave now" He got himself up and dusted himself off and continued down the hall alone. Sir George was left kneeling on the ground, pondering what just happened. He looked at the ground that they just walked on, seeing the smooth stone floor with no cracks or stray rocks. George watched the king go towards the door and walked the opposite way, wishing he knew what was to be said

Bursting through the heavy doors, King Troy walked into the private counsel room. Immediately all the men inside bowed low to the ground, reciting almost simultaneously a series of 'Your grace', 'your highness', 'my lord' or 'my liege'. King Troy kept his irritation inside and sat down at his usual spot of the iron table, right at the head. He swung his cloak onto the back of his chair and tried to relax.

"So you requested for me to meet you here, what is so important that we must discuss in the most private of the private chamber of my manor?"

No Rest Of Feathers

Lillian walked into her apartments out of breath and covered in nervous sweats. She closed the door behind her with a loud slam and leaned against the door. No longer fighting back her tears she slid down the door and weeped of her misfortunes.

"Surely the king will have me beheaded for my tone, why of all people of this wretched court must I bad mouth the King himself, Oh I do not belong here, my awful luck heeds me." She continued to sob quietly until she heard the clop clop of heavy heels coming near the door. She quickly wiped her tears and forced herself up, forgetting about the sore bruise on her ankle thanks to the lovely door. "Ah!" she accidentally cried out, covering her mouth.

"Edwina is that you? You are back already?" Snickered a crude voice from the other side of the door. Hurrying to try to cover her torn dress she quickly snatched a sheet off the bed and threw it over her body. Suddenly the door swung open and in came two witches of women laughing and snickering without grace. Lady Macy Windson was the first one, her bones as fat as her heart cold, her chubby cheeks were full of pieces of cheese while laughing with her mouth open. Following her was her friend Lady Rebecca Gladstone who's heart was frozen solid was snickering at Lillian, her skinny frame and pretty face not matching her off personality. Lillian sat on the bed and pretended to act as if she just woken up. "How was the ball, Edwina? Get any faces to turn your way?" Macy laughed as she and Rebecca stood in front Lillian to prepare for an interrogation.

"The king said that Lady Howard is not here after I stood and searched for her. I thought you said she called for me?" Lillian asked trying to keep her peace and not be too obvious that she was covering her gown with a thin sheet.

"I said our mistress called for you? hmmm... sorry I do not seem to recall, saying a Mary Howard, I thought I said Macy the coward did! Oh you poor girl, must have been embarrassing to have your first experience in court expose you as a fool" Rebecca cackled. "I heard the laughter all the way from the gardens! I thought the king invested in a jester or something of the sort the laughs were so hearty!" Lillian did not watch the two girls laugh in her face, out of habit she kept her gaze on the floor, her hands tightened her grip on the sheet. "It is not chilly in this room why are you covering yourself?" Rebecca grabbed the sheet and started to tug on it. Macy got the hint and started doing the same, laughing like a little school girl throwing the hunk of cheese aside.

"No reason, please let go please!" Lillian tried with all her strength to keep herself covered, with a final rush of energy she pulled the sheet away from the girls with all her might, causing a mighty RIIIIIIIPPPPPP, tearing the sheet in two. Unfortunately, the part she was holding was much smaller than the one in the girls' hands, revealing her secret."

"My, my, what have we here? A torn gown. You have not been here a week yet and you allow some man to access your woman parts, what a whore. And it was new! Ha, our lady is not going to be very pleased with you." Rebecca said with a grin. Lillian could not hold back any more tears, nor pretend that she did not have any building up . She covered her bare breasts with her arms and lowered her head and began to cry. She hoped that her sadness would provoke some compassion but it did not. "Oh stop that crying, you are so pitiful, just throw the sheet and dress away and request a new one, but I would be careful who to ask, you would not want this incident to get out would you? Edwina, a brown skin, a whore and a careless possessor, I surely would not trust you with my belongings!" Rebecca threw the sheet over Lillian's head and left the room in an uproar of laughter. Lillian, still sobbing, took the sheet off her head, praying silent prayers for peace, then she discovered Macy still standing near her. The girls were silent for a moment before Macy picked up the cheese she was eating and broke a piece off the edge, offering Lillian a piece.

"No thank you, I cannot eat, I have not any stomach any more" Lillian said wiping her tears. Macy's demeanor changed as she looked at Lillian.

"My, you do have copper eyes. Never seen any thing like it in my life." she remarked. Lillian looked up at her in surprise.

"Thank you, Lady Macy, for the compliment"

"Hey, my name does not have a Lady in it, though I am one, I always hated that name, makes me feel old and I am younger than you! How old are you anyway? You look about seventeen or eighteen."

"Seventeen" Lillian lowered her gaze back at the floor. Macy smiled, proud at her guess but she lost the sense of pride looking at how sad Lillian was. After another moment of silence, she heard Macy sigh. "Look, I have a lot of dresses, you can choose one to wear if you need so, you are smaller than me but I presume your bosom would fit perfectly." She whispered.

"Really? Thank you La...Macy"

"Sure, but do not think of me as nice or anything. It is only because you are so weak and all weepy-eyed. But I would heed Rebecca's advice on who you would ask, word travels fast in court. I suggest you grab a backbone girl, It is a man's world here and no man, especially the king, is going to allow space to a sob story like you." She concluded before walking out of the room. Lillian got up and closed the door behind her. Finally alone she stripped off the remainder of the dress and petticoats. Standing naked and free she collapsed on her bed and took a deep breath. She pondered over Macy's words and promised herself that she would never allow herself to get that upset again. She turned her head and began to look around. Her room was plain and small, smaller than the rest of the ladies in waitings' rooms. She was promised by her mistress that she may receive a better room in time when she first arrived five days ago, the first words that she heard out of her mistress's mouth, before the rude comment 'oh look! you got the wardrobe room for an apartment! Never the less you should be happy, I heard you are used to wooden houses outside for you to live in!' by the heartless Rebecca. She stared at the one window that was small and square, with nothing but a simple light blue curtain to accent it. then at the wooden chair in the corner of the room next to the window. She sat up and looked at her bed, almost too small for her width. It was hard, cold and uncomfortable, reminding her of the floor in the grand hall. She winced as she relived that embarrassing moment when she fell and bruised her ankle in front of the whole kingdom. Before she knew it she felt tears again, but quickly dismissed the thought, remembering Macy's advice to "grow a backbone." Instead she thought of the king, and the confrontation she had with him in the hall. Suddenly she felt a warmth grow throughout her body, as if the cloak that he placed upon her shoulders was there again. She put her hands on her bare shoulders and relaxed into her bed. She closed her eyes as she gazed into his blue eyes again, causing her to breathe deeper. Her hands slide to her neck, collar and stopping at her breasts. "Oh he was a very handsome man, for a pale face I suppose." She wondered about his body, was his hair that naturally wavy or was it prepared that way? He was very tall and thick boned, muscular, no doubt. Why was she feeling this way? Surely feeling like this was not right. What was she feeling exactly she had never felt before. She just met the man! She opened her eyes and for a split second saw his face on the ceiling. She gasped. "Your majesty" slipped out from in between her lips and she found herself smiling for the first time since she arrived at court.

Suddenly the door cracked open and a large cloth object was thrown into the room. Rushing to cover herself she began to ask who it was but the door closed again. She got up and investigated the object. She lifted it up and looked at it. She then rolled her eyes and threw it back on the ground, turning around to go back to bed. On the dusty floor was a oversized set of brown dresses, all ripped at the seams.

A Frustration Fury

"How many times must we discuss this? I do not need your help with finding a queen!" King Troy slammed his fists down on the iron table. He got up out of his seat and walked towards the great fireplace to relieve some of his anger.

"My lord, you have been king for three years now, three years too long...we-"

"I am aware of how long it has been, I can find my own mate."

"My lord, these are matters of the state, you cannot just simply find your own-"

"I can and I will!"

"You cannot!"

"And why not? Who controls this kingdom, you or me Thomas? There is reasoning on why I have not found a woman!"

"And that is?" And suddenly King Troy was silent, he never considered this question. He stared back at the fireplace and held his cloak in front of it to warm it. He looked at the flames, and how the orange was married to the yellow coloring, only growing in size never breaking apart. Oh how he wished he had a flaming love like that, one that can set him ablaze, make him come out of himself. To burn him from the insides, to warm his heart and his manness.

"I want love, not a property or a womb to put an heir in. And that is something the state will not understand, only I and God himself"

"My Lord, you can not just search for love, what is more important is finding you a fertile woman to give you a son, love will come later! Surely that is not your reasoning!" Sir Thomas Seymour, the Prime Minister of the privy counsel was the main one talking now. He was famous for achieving his high status in court at the youngest age ever. He was only forty three with no grey hair appearing yet. He was considerably handsome for a man his age and had a reputation for being untouchable. He also had a powerful voice, which is the reason why he was so bold to speak to the king this way. All the other men in the room just stood and watched wide eyed at the unfolding drama.

"If all you are worried about is a child, then by all means give me a local whore to spill my seed into. A child, I am still very young and have good health, I have time! Why must I even marry if love is not considered? What is the purpose of marriage then? The bible itself says that man and woman come together as one, and that one meaning making love while being in love! Rather I am a king or a mere peasant on the streets, I am a servant to my God and If he wants marriage to be sacred then I will obey my God!" King Troy faced Thomas now, almost spitting into his mouth such angry words.

"The purpose of marriage is procreation, my king, and you know that! This is not new knowledge! You should have known when your father passed on that there will be more responsibilities as a new king besides wearing lavish clothing and making nice with your court. We have waited far too long on his highness to find a queen, with the eve of your twenty eighth birthday being the deadline that we allow you to find your own. Now your board of trustees must do the work for you. We will bring the finest ladies in the state, all with royal blood of course and all you must do is choose one. A mere pointing of your finger and saying which one you desire my lord!"

"Bring me all the maidens, virgins or whores of the world as you wish Thomas, but do not expect me to choose something quickly, for I will not choose a womb, but a woman. And a real woman she must be!" At those words King Troy almost tore down the door breaking through it, ending the meeting with the cold air of the swinging door. Thomas cursed in frustration and sat down with heaviness at his belt.

"What is it going to take to get through his thick skull? By God, the Stawery blood is as hard headed as stone and as stubborn as a prostitute forced to go to a nunnery! Speaking of love like a ignorant little boy. Spoiled and rotten and blind to what is important now. He needs to find love later. A wife and a queen for this kingdom is needed now!"

"Calm down Thomas, you could be hanged for treason at your loud words, he is still young, has the mindset of a teenager still, coming into the throne at age twenty five is a very early time for him still." Sire William Hartford sympathized in effort to ease the tension of the room.

"Age twenty five is early? I have known kings to mature at age sixteen! He needs to get his head straight, we can no longer wait on him to get his feelings together. Without an heir to the throne we all, this court, is in danger of being over thrown, If we get attacked and our lord is even if he gets the hint of sickness and dies there is no one to continue on the reign! His brothers and father are dead, his mother is a woman and far too old, He is the only one who can bring any kind of security to this kingdom!"

"Then forcing him to do something he will do nothing but refuse is not going to do us nor this kingdom any good now is it? Calm your rage man, He is a virgin and there are other ways to persuade him otherwise. We just need the help of a woman...." All the mens' faces in the room lit up with an idea.

The door of the King's chamber slammed with a mighty blow, strong enough the shake the castle off its foundation. "Leave me!" King Troy shrieked to his poor servants who were tidying up his room. That was one thing worth mentioning about King Troy Stawery and the Stawery legacy, their rage ruled them. When angry, they had an awful temper and everyone at the wrong place at the wrong time was subject to being scapegoats. He started pacing his room, throwing off his clothing as if it was the very thing upsetting him. Blinded by his anger he tossed his cloak dangerously close to the fire. Realizing his mistake, he turned around and ran to swoop it up into his arms again. Having new burn marks, the cloak now smelled of smoke, and not the sweet smell of Lillian. He fell to his knees, fixing his eyes upon what he had done. The burnt cloak he held in his hands was his father's last gift to him on his deathbed. The former King Troy Stawery was a great leader, in court and in military. He wore this cloak on the battlefield at every war, bleeding and sweating into it. He remembered the last words of his father as he received the heavy cloth.

"Son, being a ruler is not noted by what you control, but what you give to your kingdom. Love, son, love is a more stronger ruler to court. As I love you, your mother, Your brothers and sister, and my friends at court. Remember this cloak, though dirty, stained and rank with battle smells, it kept me alive and warm, helping me stay strong for all that looks up to me. Love should be this way, do not get haughty and pompous because of your rank in state, never forget that you are servant to God, then to love, before all are servants to you. Love, my son, Love...." And with that the sixty eight year old leader closed his eyes, smiling at the last moment of his life. Having this memory in mind at all times of being the only one to watch his beloved father die tore at King Troy's heart, though he never expressed it to even his closest friends. He clutched the cloak and started to cry. The tears that slid down his face into his thin mustache were cleansing and pure. He had so much emotion that no one ever considered a king to have. He was supposed to be strong, mighty, and bold. His only fear was being seen as weak, to make sure he was not discovered, he ran and bolted the door with locks, hitting it with his mighty fists and slid down the door, using it as the shoulder that he wish he had to weep on. Two levels down Lillian was also against her door, sewing the ripped dresses, naked on the cold floor, using the sheet as a guard to keep her backside from freezing. She sat singing to herself, for she was skilled in voice, with a sweet and pure voice.

On the meadow, the grass so green and gay
With daisies, and posies and clovers all to lay
The sun unsets upon a clearing day
God bless the dawn in the springing flowers May
Bring my rose and he will be here to stay...


The light and beautiful sounds were not meant to carry far beyond the castle walls, but in some mysterious way, they sung through walls and up stairs. Making people walking the halls stop and listen, made noisy animals in the stables quiet down. Rebecca was walking past Lillian's door, readjusting her gown on her body and tidying up her messy hair when she heard Lillian's song. She placed her ear on the door and realized that was Lillian. She stood back and stared through the door with jealousy, picking up her skirts she ran down the hall. The melody traveled all the way to the King's chamber, holding the heavy king with tears still softly falling down his face. He heard some noises faintly coming from the other side of his door, he cracked it open to listen close for he was curious.

Bring a rose so nice and red and fine
Give him grace, and mercy, all divine
We will walk and talk and lose the time
And all will know that he is mine
Yes all will know that he is only mine.


Lillian sighed and finished her stitch. She lifted up the dress to inspect her work and realized she was no where close to finished with the tears. She threw the dresses across the room and sat back against the door too fast. BAANG! She bumped her head against the wood. "Ouch! God's foot!" She reached up and felt her injury, blood streaked down her head. "Oh no.." She got up and looked for something to soak up the blood. She grabbed the sheet she was sitting on. She put it back down. Dust, dirt and an open wound would surely make her ill. She went for her only nightgown, a white thin cloth dress that dragged across the floor with long sleeves that she had to pull back to free her hands. She slowly opened the door and slipped through the crack. Tiptoeing down the hall wearing no shoes, she was careful to not make any sounds for it was late at night. The only things that stirred were the cold winds through open windows and the guardsmen walking the halls. Blood started pouring down her back, staining the back of her nightgown and leaving drops on the floor. She snuck past the guard standing in the grand corridor, and ran down halls she was not familiar with. She was not sure of where she was going but she knew there was a river in the back garden behind the castle. She stopped to see if she could hear any outdoorsy sounds, after a while she heard a chirp of a cricket, she followed the sound down a tunnel and immediately felt cold wind. The cricket was standing on the cobblestone opening to the back garden, singing to her its mating song. She bent down to look at it, and it turned to do the same to her. They seemed to stare at each other for a minute. "What am I doing?" She got back up and began to walk into garden.

King Troy was fast asleep against his door, when he heard a rush of feet in the halls. "Blood! Blood! There has been murder! What evil crime has been committed?!" All of a sudden there was frenzied beating on his door. "Your majesty! My lord! Open the door if thou dost live!" He got up and opened the door with a great confusion.

"What is the noise?! I am fine! Who bleeds?"

"I know not, my lord, look! It trails long and far, oh God help us!" King Troy walked into the hall and saw the trail. Fear immediately struck his heart.

Such a Pretty Bird

"Brrrrrr!" Lillian took her head out the water of the Stawery Manor River. As she sat up, her pitch black way hair whipped onto her back, instantly soaking her. Feeling cold and wet, she thought of an idea. She looked left then right. Figuring that she was the only one awake and no one would see her she slipped out of her night gown. The night was warm enough, the moon shone bright, making the water before her appear to sparkle. Feeling a sudden bold urge to bathe, she stood up and slowly dipped her brown foot into the water. She almost giggled at the rush of water between her toes. She started to walk in, letting the water brush her ankles, the knee and finally her thick, muscled legs fall in before diving underwater. The river was not too deep, about forty feet across and ten feet in depth. She swam all the way into the bottom, almost like a majestic mermaid with smooth grace and beauty. The water instantly took her head pain away as it cleaned her wound, her bruise on her ankle, and her spirit.

"Murder? How can you be sure? Have you followed the trail?" King Troy questioned, trying to gather his thoughts on what his father would do in this situation.

"No, my liege. But the guards are running through the halls and charging at the slightest of sounds. All in your manor are now awake and terrified! Your mother fainted at the sight of the one drop outside her chamber door" said a servant, standing in front of his troupe. All wear dressed in night wear, swollen eyed and delirious looking. "What do you want us to do my lord?" said another.

"Awake all the guards who are asleep on their jobs, scribe their names and bring the list to me. Send the strongest men who are not afraid to follow the trail. And send in a physician to wait upon my mother. Go!" and at the commands they bowed low and all ran off to different directions. He closed his door and rubbed his brow with frustration. He started to walk away before hearing another knock at the door. He cursed and swung it open "What is it?!" It was Thomas Seymour.

"My liege, sorry for coming uninvited I came to check to secure your safety. Behind me are five guards, I ordered them to stay in your room with you in the case of a murderer or criminal meaning to bring harm to his majesty." Sir Thomas was also in his night wear, but bright eyed and speaking quickly with adrenaline, for he also wanted to investigate.

"Five is too many, I am not weak, I can handle myself. Give me one to watch over me so I can go back to sleep in peace if that is what you wish. If one more more person dare comes to my chambers without my invitation I will hang them for trespassing, as you leave make sure you share that with everyone." Thomas nodded and bent down to King Troy's hand before leaving with the other four guardsmen. The one guard walked into the room, he was a little taller than the king but same in muscle structure. He closed the door behind him and stood by the door, crossing his hands holding his spear across his chest. He held the same grim glare on his face. King Troy looked at him, almost laughing at his seriousness. "Come man, I know nothing will happen in this room so heavily guarded. Sit down in my chair, rest yourself." The guard looked up at the king in confusion, not sure rather to heed his words or stand his ground. "Sit, I say, it is too late at night for this action." King Troy commanded. Quickly the man sat down in the grand velvet chair by the fireplace. Being careful to not relax too much. King Troy got up and prepared to lay down in his massive bed, suddenly he heard a quiet splash outside his window. He walked to his window and searched out. His back window had the view of all the back gardens, with a glimpse of the river. He squinted his eyes and saw a shadow like figure raising out of the water, immediately concluding it was a woman because of its shape. He was frozen in his spot at this sight. He wondered who it was, and immediately thought of the girl. "I need to get out there..." he said quietly to himself. He looked over to the guard who was, surprisingly dead asleep with his mouth open. King Troy laughed and put on his cloak and stepped into his warmest boots. He opened his door and peeked out. Making sure to not be seen, he slipped out his door and began to walk down the hall.

Lillian stepped back on the soft grass of the yard, sighing at the breeze that brushed across her body. "I have no towel, I better air dry." She picked up her night gown that was drying on a nearby branch. Though it was still damp, she lifted it over her body and slipped it on. she checked the wound on her head, and confirmed that it stopped bleeding. She put her wet hair over her shoulder, looking down at it she braided it into a neat thick braid and swung it over to her back. She bent down in front of the river again and washed her face. She sat up and looked down at the water. She cocked her head to the side at her reflection. "Not too bad.." she concluded. She felt her high and stout cheekbones, and her small but wide nose. Her very plump dark lips and the mole above her eyebrow. Her favorite part of her face were her eyes, they were big and oval with a mix of light brown and a hint of dark brown. Her family used to comment into how she had the appearance of the rich english women of court. Her mother later told her that in her not too distant family, a man of color fell in love with an english girl, giving birth to their great great grandmother.

"The genes must live strong, you have her eyes. Everything else is of me and your father."

She began to unbraid her hair and run her fingers through it, which was harder because of its thick waves. She pushed it onto her back. It was not real long like english women's hair, but it was past her shoulders. She fluffed it out and gave one last look into the water....

"You could be hanged for trespassing and indecent exposure for you bathing in my river."

Lillian jumped up and was immediately shaken with fear. The king was standing before her, looking at her almost lustfully. She lowered her head to the ground "Mmmyy Lord...I beseech you. Please, have mercy. I had a wound on my head, I just wanted to use cold water to stop the bleeding-"

"Bleeding?....You were where the trail of the blood came from."

"Trail?" Lillian was horrified. She didn't know she left a trail, so many things could be assumed with a trail of blood. And if the king knew, then surely the whole kingdom did by now. She dropped down to her knees and put her hands on the ground. "Oh forgive me your majesty. Forgive me please, do not have me hanged. I have only been here a few days, I do not yet know all the laws of the court. I will never touch nor look at your river nor show my face to you ever again. Have mercy, on me!" She shook violently in her damp nightgown and sudden cold air. King Troy walked up to her slowly, and thought carefully.

"I will let you know a law that you must never forget...." He bent down and grabbed her hands, slowly lifting her up on her feet. "I am not one to be afraid of, and I despise bowing and being called 'my lord' all the time. He put his hand under her chin and looked into her eyes. The moon sparkled bright against the tears forming in her light eyes. "I will forgive you, for you had an injury, though you should have a basin of water in your apartment."

"There was none, my room is bare, nothing but a mere wooden chair and a small hard bed." She said quietly, staring into his eyes. Bright blue almost silver in the moonlight. She shivered, the temperature dropped. Without hesitation, King Troy lifted the cloak off of his shoulders once again to give to her. Lillian stepped back. "Oh no, my lord, not again, not after how I have behaved today" she lowered her gaze back to the ground. King Troy smiled and threw the cloak on her back anyway. Smoothing it onto her shoulders he leaned in and whispered.

"Would you dare refuse a king?" He stepped back and looked at her, she stopped shaking.

"But, are you not chilled?" Lillian asked.

"No, I stay feverish, it is in my blood." As he talked he made sure that he appeared as if he was looking at her face, but in actuality he was staring at her body. She was not too slender, still had some meat on her bones. She had wide hips with a small but not too small waist. A beautiful face. Hair like he had never seen before, making him fight the urge to touch it. Her full, large breasts were accented by small chips of hardness. He tried to take a deep breath in to prevent arousal, but it was too late. His manhood was awake and now pushing awkwardly against his cloth pants. He began to squirm.

"My lord, are....are you alright?" Lillian was genuinely confused. She had never seen a man act in this way.

"Yes. I will forgive you this time, but since you had no basin of water in your room I shall order you a separate tub for you and you only. No more bathing in my river, is that clear?" He attempted to stand up straight. "Go back into your apartments, It is almost dawn, try to get some rest." He looked up at the sky, it was slowly turning more purple than black.

"Yes, My lord, goodnight" Lillian bowed low and grabbed the cloak on her shoulder, preparing to give it back to him.

"Not this time. You keep that, you can return it later." He put a hand on her shoulder and had one last glance at her brown face and copper eyes. He turned away and started to walk. Lillian started to walk but stepped hard on the foot with the bruised ankle. She limped. The king stopped walking and turned around back to her. Looking down at her bare feet he asked, "Would you me to escort you to your apartment?"

"No, My lord, goodnight."

"No, Troy. Call me Troy"

"No sire, I will not, I will give you the respectable name you possess."

"Then what shall you call me, if not my lord, my liege or any other epithet I despise?" Lillian thought for a moment.

"How about...Lord Stawery?" King Troy shrugged his shoulders.

"Tis better. Goodnight...Lillian"

"Goodnight my king." And with that both started walking in the direction of the castle.

"My Lord! Where have you disappeared to? You had me worried! I thought you stayed in your chambers, out of harms way!" Yelled Thomas Seymour, just when the king thought he sneaked back into his room without incident. He rolled his eyes at the attention.

"I am like a sly fox, Thomas. I was bored, I wanted to investigate the news myself. I am no babe, I am a grown man"

"And what if the murderer who made the trail was to hurt you, my lord. Or worse! Kill you!"

"Murderer? Ha! So everyone still believes that! Okay Thomas, if you were so worried then who exactly followed the trail to see what exactly it was?" King Troy put his hands on his hips and leaned against his door. Sir Thomas' countenance fell.

"Well, my" He turned around at the group of guards standing behind them. They all looked around at each other. "You mean to tell me no one investigated what could have been a crime, after I told you of the importance to keep this court safe?!"

"Do not yell at them Thomas, you were the main one paranoid. Tis was no murderer. I followed the trail myself and it lead outside to the river. A lady in waiting had a head injury, that she just wanted to clean up. No crime, no death, just a bleeding wound. Now, leave me for I will be sleeping now. I think I have had enough excitement for one day. All of us have. All you, get yourselves to bed and sleep. Tomorrow I will call a holiday for us all to do nothing but rest." He concluded, letting his mind wonder to Lillian's body. All bowed, turned around and prepared to go separate ways. "Thomas!" King Troy called out, remember one task.

"My Lord?"

"Before you go to sleep, arrange for a stone tub to be bought for a Lil....Edwina, the new lady in waiting to my sister. Find her room and put it there." Sir Thomas ducked his head to kiss King Troy's hand and headed towards the treasury. Finally alone with his thoughts, King Troy walked into his chamber door and closed and locked it. He slipped off his boots and his shirt, for like he said, he was feverish. He collapsed onto his bed and laid on his back. Lillian....Lillian... Her body image ran through his mind again. He was so attracted to her, only seeing her thrice. He never experience such a curiosity about a woman. Especially one of a kind like she was. Her brown colored skin made him quiver with excitement, instead of cower in fear like other men he have heard of do in the presence of a brown skin. He stared up at the ceiling and watched her bend over the river again, her body being showed clearly through the damp and thin cloth dress she had on. Her breasts.....her face.... her eyes. He began to lose his breath and he closed his eyes. Dreaming of what she would look like naked played a scene to the back of his eyelids. Overwhelmed with desire, his hands slowly slid down his chest and under the covers. Closing his legs he gripped the bed, fighting the urge to gain access to where he raged hard and tall, even under the heavy silk and velvet covers. He sighed her name one last time...Lillian.


"So who gives your room a makeover?!"

"The King himself" Lillian smoothed out the fresh silk overthrow on her new queen sized bed. She smiled as she walked to the other side and did it again. She sat down in the middle of the bed and flopped backwards, flipping her skirts up, showing off her thick legs. She threw her hands down to catch them with a childish laugh. Rebecca stood still, with her arms crossed across her small chest. She was furious in the sudden happy mood of the brown skin. She looked around her room with a angry envious rage. She turned her nose up and started searching her brain for something to knock Lillian off her joyful cloud. She smiled evilly.

"He did it because he feels sorry for you, being that you made yourself a fool in front of the whole kingdom. It was out of pity, resist growing pompous, you have nothing but a new apartment to show for it." Lillian crossed her legs. She ignored Rebecca, for she felt the real reason for her harsh words. She smiled big again and Rebecca could not handle it anymore. She despised happy, she stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. She crashed into Macy who was walking down the hall, chewing on a piece of cranberry muffins. "My God Macy, must you always stuff your fat cheeks? " Macy swallowed the piece in her mouth hard.

"What is the matter with you?" She put another piece in her mouth.

"That girl has not been her a week and yet one day after she busts her face in front of the whole kingdom, the king gives her apartment a massive re-make. I have been here for two years, where is my silk sheets and bear skin rugs and pillow top bedding?!" She shrieked. She was livid, and Macy well knew this side of her friend, yet she remained unfazed.

"The king feels sorry for her, what are you so angry for?"

"Sorry or not, surely it is because she did some kind of favor for him. That whore! I want Troy Stawery.... he was supposed to fall in love with me Macy! I have no competition against her! I have had it with her!" Rebecca ran down the hall in angry tears. Macy watched Rebecca run away then looked at Lillian's door. She opened it and slipped through the crack, as if to sneak.

"Hello Macy" Lillian said without looking up at the door. Macy looked at her with a confused look. She finished her muffin and sat down in Lillian's new chair. Looking around at Lillian's new apartment, she understood Rebecca's frustration.

"This room is beautiful, how in God's name did you get the king to do this for something like you?"

"I know not, all I know is that there is a person with a heart at court, and it was surprisingly the king himself" Lillian smiled warmly again, jumping up into her bed and snuggling into her new comforters. She undressed under the covers and threw her dress across the room, with it landing perfectly on the chair. She was wearing her only chemise, a white thigh length silk dress that no longer fit her figure for being so old and worn. She kicked her feet around under the plushy comforter in order to get warmer.

"So you got on the king's warm side huh? I would be careful if I were you, if you think the wrath of Rebecca is frightening, our lord the king can be worse. I have seen him slap and throw men off of walls for the mildest of slights." Lillian shook her head.

"Surely not."

"Surely yes, You may be in a favor of king Troy now but do not forget he is a man. You know why women are here in court, it is not just to cater to the royalty." Macy waited for a reaction, but never got one . Lillian smiled, imagining the king in his nightwear. "My God girl get your head out of the sky! If you are going to continue to stay on the King's best side, you better realize the price you are going to have to pay. He might start summoning you into his private chamber soon, or since he is a bold one, come to you in nothing but trousers, standing hard and out for you to take care of." Lillian stopped smiling and sat up to look at Macy. She suddenly felt self conscious and covered her chest. She was horrified at this thought.

"No, surely not, he would not force me."

"Ha! He is a king, it would be more like you better not refuse him. You appear as if you never known this before. Surely you have been with a man before?" Lillian looked down at her covers and confessed. "No? You are a virgin! God have mercy! No man has penetrated your maidenhead yet? Do you even know how it happens?!"

"Somewhat, I have had brothers, I have heard them talk about them standing out or what not.When I had my first flux my mother told me that it would mean that I am a woman and that men would desire me." Lillian stated quietly. She began to wonder about the women at court, what if Macy is right? How many woman have given up their maidenhead to some man in court. She was taught that her maidenhead was a precious gift to her future husband by her mother. When Lillian started her first flux she asked her mother what would happen when she got married.

"When we get to that point I will tell you, there is no sense in knowing it now." But her mother died. Lillian remembered her funeral and started tearing up.

"Look at you, crying of frustration! You need to become a real woman. hmm let me think, this is going to be hard because of your difference to all the other women at court. You are so dark compared to everyone else, but then again that might be in your favor. Who would be up for it...Sir Henry? No no, Sir William...maybe. No I know, Sir-"

"What are you talking about, Macy?"

"I am trying to think of a man to take you out of your misery. Court is no place for a virgin, it is best that you get it over with now before word gets out that you are one. You will be hounded like a wolf onto a sheep." Lillian shook her head violently.

"No Macy! I was taught that a maidenhead is a woman's gift to her husband. A precious thing! I can not just open my legs to some random stranger just to fit in at court. If you have not noticed, I was not made to fit in court anyway, why does it matter that I have never lain with a man?"

"Listen here brown skin, you are in the Stawery Manor, that means you are at court, not on the countryside where you might have been born. There are different rules here, lust and desire runs wild here. You need to forget that promise to your future husband and get it taken care of. I am trying to protect you, and plus you never know. Maybe the man you do it with, would be your future husband.

"But I want to wait-"

"Hush now, and trust me, this is crucial. Believe me you, if the king blessed you with such a room the day after just seeing you, he will come in your apartment hot and ready to be blessed back. There is nothing worse than being a virgin and being beckoned to the king's bed. I will see what I can do for you, and do not thank me. This is for your own good." Macy got up and walked to the door, formulating a plan in her mind. "Oh and Edwina? I would be careful what you do or say to Rebecca, even by accident. She can be an awful enemy, she is certainly not a woman to upset, if you know what is good for you." She walked out and closed the door behind her. Lillian laid back on her bed. Her mind was full of questions and fear. She wished to go home, oh she wished to go home. she turned over to her side and looked out her window. It was raining....cloudy and gloomy and sad.

"At least he is kind enough to give the court a holiday." She whispered to herself, but she was no longer happy. Once again Macy's words haunted her.


King Troy opened his eyes. He groaned out loud as he sat up in his great bed. He was covered in sweat, for he had a merciless dream last night. "That brown skinned girl. Why must she haunt me in my dreams so?" He asked himself, but he realized that he did not mind. He reflected on it. It was a mix of revisiting her in her damp nightgown by the river and a continuation of him following his desire of it. He inhaled deeply as he remembered that he dreamed of her body in his hands, submitting to him in love. His natural desire for her awoken his manhood again. He groaned even louder of frustration. He called one of his servants to come to him. "Send me Thomas Seymour, tell him to come alone." The servant bowed and went to complete his task. Alone again, King Troy laid back and his chest started to heave and his body shake. He gripped the bed and tossed from side to side. He suddenly remembered the words of his father when he reached the tender age of twelve after getting caught staring at a girl older than him.

"My son, you are at that age now, I am sorry to announce that now you are susceptible to love. You will feel sensations that you can not explain, you will dream strange dreams and you will not be able to stop it. But worry not, Troy, for love is a beautiful and wonderful feeling. One day, son, a woman will come to you and your heart and body will know her before you do. Get ready for that feeling son, Prepare now to be racked with love." The former king was a strong advocate for peace, justice and love. Troy was well informed of the feelings a man would have for a woman, and what fascinated him the most was the conversation he had with his cousin a long time ago, about his cousin's wedding night.

"She cried a lot, I figured that it was out of pain but she told me it was not. It felt strange at first but then grew to be very pleasurable, well, at least for me. She made no sounds or facial expressions except for when I first entered her. That is a feeling I wish I could describe to you but alas I cannot." King Troy pondered both of his loved ones words. Then he started to wonder, was the feeling that was disturbing his body, one of love?

"Do I love the brown skin? Does my body love Lillian?" King Troy's thought process was interrupted by a knock on his chamber door.

"My lord, you called for me?"

"Come in Thomas, I wanted to apologize for my behavior last night in our meeting." Sir Thomas walked into the King's chamber with a flabbergasted look.

"Apologize My lord? For what? You may speak to me the way you feel pleases you, do not be concerned!"

"I was taught no matter what status, you be polite and admit your faults."

"Yes my Lord, Our former king was a great man....but anyhow, since you called for me anyway I have a proposition for you." Sir Thomas sat down on the bed by the king.

"Yes, go on I am listening." King Troy gathered the covers tighter onto his lap, for he was trying to conceal his hard desire, he tried his best to ignore the sensations going on in his body.

"My lord, to be frank with you, at first when you refused to allow us privilege to help you find a queen we thought it was because you believed the fairy tale of love. But then, I came to the realization that you, my liege, have never lain with a woman. So that is why you are ignorant to what is important." King Troy was caught off guard at the accusation, he did believe in love but surely to him it was no fairy tale!

"What are you trying to tell me, Thomas?"

"What I am saying, My lord, is that this kingdom is full of beautiful women, you have a very lively court here. I have talked to some ladies in waiting and servants, many agree and are more than willing to fulfill your very fantasies." King Troy's heart stopped when he heard 'ladies in waiting.' Did he ask Lillian? "I have narrowed it down, and me and your board agrees that Lady Rebecca Gladstone should be your first experience. I have conversed with her and she is ready for this assignment. What say you my lord?"

"I say get out." Sir Thomas was confused.

"My Lord?"

"GET OUT!" King Troy threw his hand towards the door. Thomas bowed low and quickly left the room. King Troy laid back and cursed in frustration. Outside the King's chamber, a nervous Rebecca was pacing outside the door. As soon as she seen Thomas leave she ran to him and looked into his eyes. Sir Thomas sighed and shook his head. Rebecca's facial expression changed rapidly, she was filled with rage. She stormed down the hall towards the ladies in waiting quarters.

"I will get you, you hideous whore. What have you done to my man?!" She murmured to herself. She then balled up her fists and smiled evilly. "Let me give you a proper welcome to court my dear..."

Please Free Her

"That rain is really coming down..." Lillian said to herself. The window did not have much of a view, but right outside she could see a tree. It was a big beautiful apple tree with ripe green apples waiting to be picked. The rain smacked the leaves back and forth with cold and wet fury. Lillian watched as a family of light blue sparrows sheltered themselves in the middle of the tree under many branches. She heard a Ca-Caw of a crow. It spread its wings wide and glided with grace, but was flying erratically in the heavy rain. It sat down on the branch with the sparrow family. Lillian sat up and focused on the scene outside.

The crow still stood out in the open, but it was almost as if it was fearful to get closer to the other birds. After a moment of getting hit by rain it finally scooted closer to the middle of the tree. The family of sparrows just scooted away, staying close together. One started chirping, and soon the rest followed. The crow moved out farther again, sitting in the rain. "That poor animal...I know how you feel." She saw herself in that black bird, forced to stay away, rejected for being different yet being the same. She watched the rain pour on its black head, it almost appeared to cry. She refused to be apart of its rejection. Lillian got out of her bed and walked to the window. She held her arm out in the rain. She did not know what she was doing. She stood there for what seemed like hours watching the crow sit in suffering. She began to sing.

You beautiful, black and majestic
Creature come to me
The rain comes down and encages you
I will set you free
I see your wings and yet you not fly
And my heart just cries for you
If I were a bird, I would leave my perch
And fly to be with you.


She sung it many times, each growing more beautiful and more pure sounding. She closed her eyes on the last time and was almost startled to feel a sudden weight on her hand. She opened her eyes and was face to face with the beast. They stared at each other for a long time. She then slowly brought her hand back inside, fearing that it would fly away. She walked backwards and sat down on her bed. The bird hopped off her hand then onto her lap. She took her extra sheet that was laying across her pillows and dried off her arm. She then looked down at the bird who was now laying in her lap. She slowly put the sheet over it, laying it on its feather back softly. It did not budge as she started to rub its feathers dry. She laughed as it shook the rest of the water off itself. She placed her hand low and it hopped right on her hand again. "I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship." She whispered to it. The crow rubbed its face against against her cheek. But then flew and perched on a plate of bread. She laughed and stood up and walked over to it as it pecked at its new meal. She patted its soft head and her spirits were lifted again. "I think I should name you, since you rob me of my food. I think it is only fair. Do you agree?" She said. The crow lifted its head to her hand, rubbing it against her palm. "Hmm, you are the most sweetest creature I have ever affiliated with. I wish I knew if you were male or female." And then the crow cocked its head up and stared at her in her eyes, and there Lillian saw that she had more in common with this bird than she would ever imagine. "You have eyes like mine! Who would ever of thought....and long eyelashes as well, surely you are a girl, just like me!" She giggled. "Let's see, Mary? no no they are all too human. You are above them my friend. You are kind, fair, gentle and majestic..." The bird's eyes seemed to twinkle at her. "I think that is it, Majestic. Do you like that name" The bird spread its wings and flew up to her shoulder and landed there. "I think you do!" She laughed. Suddenly she heard a soft knock at the door. "Who is it?" she asked

"It is I, Rebecca, Edwina. Please open the door, I wish to speak to you. To apologize?" Lillian put her hand by her new friend and placed her back down on the plate. As Majestic began to eat, Lillian put on a robe to cover herself and slowly walked to the door. She placed her ear to the door and was fearful to open it. She unlocked the door and was suddenly blown off her feet as it forcefully swung open. She fell on her bottom with a loud thud. "Yes, Edwina, It is me Rebecca, and I am tired of you!" Lillian shrieked as Rebecca grabbed her by her wavy hair and pulled her up with it. "Tell me what did you do to the king! What did you do to king Troy?!"

"Ah! I did nothing I swear, he was just kind to me, I have done nothing Ow!!" Rebecca pushed her into a corner and slammed her chamber door.

"You lie! Never, as long as I have been in this court have a man refused me, NEVER! All I know is that you show your face to the king one time, an odd night goes by and you have him completely besotted! What did you do Edwina, You let him play with your large bosom? Let him feel up your thick legs?!"

"Rebecca stop! I said I have done nothing!!" Lillian stumbled to her feet and blocked Rebecca's hands from slapping her. They struggled for a bit, Rebecca attempting to take her arms out of Lillian's grip , she pushed Lillian backwards onto her bed. Laying her weight on top of her she spit on Lillian's face. Majestic was now frantically flying around the room and cawing frighteningly.

"You are a whore! A hideous and wretched whore! The king has no interest in you, he will love me and you will see! You stay away from him you ignorant black fool!" Lillian pushed Rebecca off of her and watched her fall to the ground.

"I will not have you call me names and accuse me of lewd things Rebecca, now you calm down!" Rebecca sat up and scratched Lillian's legs with a sharp swipe. Her long nails cut deep into Lillian, causing Lillian to cry out and fall. Rebecca sat down on her and slapped her multiple times. Lillian pushed her off again and slapped her back once with a strange strength that she never knew she had. Rebecca flew a few feet away in the sudden force. She sat up, wiping blood off of her mouth. "Now you listen to me and you listen good. I have done nothing to the king, any feelings that he has exposed are his own doing and none of mine. If you think I will allow you to spit and abuse me any longer you are wrong!" Suddenly there was banging on her chamber door. She opened it out of breath and was forced backwards by many servants, sir Thomas and his entourage.

"What is the noise?!" Thomas roared.

"This girl, seduced by the devil pounced on me and beat me across my face!" Rebecca shrieked.

"What? No! No sire, she lies she lies!" Lillian pleaded

"You, Brown skin, violence is not tolerated here pack your things you are... Who let a bird in this room?!" Sir Thomas screamed as Majestic pecked at his ears and face, cawing madly. "Get that damned bird, Get it out of here!!" The room was all in disarray, Rebecca conned up her best fake crying, men were all over her room, chasing one bird that outwitted all of them, Sir Thomas was yelling and spitting onto Lillian's face. The noise carried loud and far, far enough to disturb the king, who was suddenly bursted through the door.

"What is the meaning of this madness?! I can hear your bickering all the way from my chamber!" He roared, Immediately the room grew quiet and everyone bowed low, especially Lillian. Even Majestic stopped cawing and perched herself on the king's shoulder. A bold bird she was, and for that King Troy instantly respected her. He looked at the bird and just shook his head, leaving her sitting on his shoulder. On the other hand, Rebecca's demeanor changed completely. When no one was looking she pulled the top of her dress down to show more cleavage, let her hair free out of the ponytail and rubbed the little blood on her lip down her face and chest. She pouted out her lip and tried to look as desperate as possible.

"Oh my lord, you are my hero. Please, oh please, protect me from her. I have done nothing wrong and she just attacked me!" Lillian was horrified. She ran and faced the king, pushing Thomas and all the men out the way. She looked at him in his eyes.

"My King, She came in here and accused me of awful things and pushed me. I was merely defending myself!"

"No my lord, She is lying, Look my lip bleeds! She had to have wanted me hurt if I bleed. She is standing and I am on the ground, how on earth could I attack her?" Rebecca got her knees and crawled to the kings leg, holding on to his leg trying to evoke pity. King Troy bent down and lifted her by her waist, helping her to her feet.

"Thomas, see that Lady Rebecca gets cleaned up and healed." King Troy said calmly after taking a deep breath.

"And the Brown skin, my lord? What should be her punishment? It is your call my Liege" The room grew quiet. Everyone stood still looking at the king, waiting for his decision. Lillian pleaded with her eyes, spilling the truth through her copper colored pupils. King Troy was staring right back at her, but what was going through his mind was the scene in his dream of them making love. He shook the thought and stared into her soul. He then felt the truth.

"There is nothing to be done, she defended herself, no one knows what has really gone on, there are no advocates to agree on one side. So no punishment will be carried out." Lillian relaxed

"My Lord! What is going on in your skull, this girl has you bewitched! Seek the real truth and see her for the devil she is!" Rebecca screamed.

"I agree my lord, ever since she has been here she has been nothing but trouble. She was probably the one causing blood on your floors on last night! She is a violent witch!" Lillian stood helplessly as many people called her out of her name, accused her of false things and she had no mercy listening to it. She continued to stare into the eyes of the king. She kept the hope that he would be the same man that gave her kindness and forgiveness. She began to cry. King Troy's heart fell at the sight of her tears.

"Why does he not say anything....I am ruined.." Lillian pushed through everyone and ran out her chamber door. She was sobbing uncontrollably, letting out all the built up emotions and frustrations. Her fears and her worries came out in tears. She ran down halls and halls, barefoot, holding her robe closed. In the room King Troy lost his cool.

"Now you all listen to me, I will tell you all the same thing I told a servant yesterday. Brown skinned or not she is a person of this court. I will not have no more of this bickering and violence in my manor. One more word and I will have you all charged with treason! Love Dammit! Love is what this kingdom was built on, Love is in the word of God and Love will be rather, you like it or not, the law in this court. Now all of you, get out of my sight!" He beckoned. Thomas, his men and Rebecca walked out of the room. Majestic flew out the window. King Troy was alone, he ran to the window and watched her fly away. Before he knew it he ran out of the room as well. "Lillian? Lillian!" It was a good thing he always explored the manor as a child, he ran down a hall, opening the secret staircase by moving a wall panel. He struggled down the tight staircases with his wide shoulders. He suddenly heard the sound of a woman crying. He moved faster and kicked down the door to the basement, the floor Lillian herself just got lost on. "Lillian Stop!" Lillian moved even faster. "I, your king, command you to stop!" He said breathlessly. Lillian froze in her tracts. King Troy walked up to her. "Lillian...."

"Yes my king, I am your humble servant, I am to do what ever you want me to do..."She turned around to face him, her eyes swollen red from crying. "Please do not believe them, I have done nothing it is Rebecca , She has aimed to make my life a hell on earth ever since I have gotten here."

"Be quiet Lillian, I have told you once I will tell you again. I am not one for you to be afraid of...I do not want you by frightened me." He said with a certain tenderness that sent a chill down Lillian's spine.

"I am just waiting, waiting for you to snap, my king. Have me...beheaded..or slap me across my face or ....force me access to my women parts." She sobbed.

"I would never..."

"That is what you say Lord Stawery, but you give me mixed signals. In the room you say nothing, yet out in private you tell me everything, You blessed me with a beautiful new apartment and yet you not care when men to trample all over it. And what is this talk of me having you bewitched? I have done noth-" And at that moment King Troy crushed his lips on Lillian's. She took a deep breath and tried to push him away but it grew softer...and more gentle. She let her hands fall to her sides, then wrapped them around his neck, forcing her to stand on the tops of her toes. King Troy put one of his strong hand the small of her back and the other higher. He pulled her body close to him, holding her tightly almost in the air, planting kisses on her lips like he never thought he could. They were so passionate and electrifyingly slow that she, overwhelmed, let a moan slip through her lips. King Troy trembled at the sound, inhaling her sweet breath. Lillian's knees went weak as she slowly started to fall to the ground. Feeling the slack, King Troy, in an almost heroic motion, reached down and stroked the backs of her thighs, gripping them as he slid her off her feet, lifting her up into his muscular chest. He looked down at her face with a look of love, she returned it as she was out of breath. She looked up into his eyes, the most beautiful combination of blue and sliver she had ever seen. She lifted her hand and stroked his smooth face, fingering the thin mustache on the top of his lips, then the small beard that was growing on his chin. Her heart slowed down as she stared at each feature in his face. She had never been kissed before. She put her hand behind his head and lifted her head to kiss him again, this time overwhelming him with passion. He moaned quietly into her mouth, tightening his grip on her body. After a moment, Lilian pulled back and looked down at the floor. King Troy slowly put her back down on the ground. She stood before him, her lips open but nothing coming out.

"The bird in your room...a pet of yours?" King Troy asked. Lillian smiled.

"I guess you can say that. More like a new friend, Majestic." The two grew quiet looking at each other. Lillian's robe was opened, exposing her chemise. King Troy stared at her body, though her chemise was unfitting he could still find the curves of her hips, the material hugging around her large bosom and her thick thighs standing bare before him. He lost his breath again as he looked at the marvel of her. Feeling his manhood raging to be set free, he looked up at the ceiling and stood with his legs closed in order to keep it down. In Lillian's eyes, she struggled with the same desires, his face was sharp and dangerously handsome. His body was wide and muscular from head to toe. His dark brown and blonde mixed hair fell onto his face and down his neck. Her knees trembled again but she forced herself to stand strong. She watched him struggle with his own desire, suddenly remembering Macy's words. Is this how men show their desire? Her eyes ventured to his hips, suddenly feeling ashamed she looks back up into his face. A nearby fire crackled on the wall, the only sound in the basement at the moment. "What happens now, Lord Stawery?" Lillian finally whispered.

"I do not know, but from now on I care not...please Lillian, do not be afraid of me. I can not sleep with the thought of you wanting to run from me." King Troy humbled himself, got on his knees in front of her, grabbing her hands and kissing them sweetly. Lillian got on her knees as well and put her hands in his.

"I am not afraid anymore." She whispered. "And I think, you have shown me that I never will be ever again..."

Birds of a Feather....

Weeks and days passed after that wonderful night that changed lives. To protect the King's reputation they only would meet at night, and enjoyed each other's company. They would talk until the morning light came up, they would play chess, for the King taught her how to play. The king would listen to Lillian sing him to sleep, laying his head on her warm lap. They had wonderful moments, elements of love seeped from their very veins. The King would hold her and rock her in his arms, saying nothing sometimes. She would look up at him and just smiled. The King loved the glimmer her eyes when she looked at him. He loved the softness of her body against his.

Lillian sat on her bed. She smiled real big as she started to stare at the door. She smoothed out her new green dress the king just bought her. "We have been spending a lot of time together...oh how he makes me laugh!" She giggled and laid back on her bed. She sighed as she began to search her mind for an image of his face. She found him to be so handsome, though english. She cared not about his skin, and he seemed to not care about her's as well. She felt a chill down her spine as she thought about his kisses. She was about be lost in her thoughts when she heard a knock at her door. She jumped up and ran to it, opening it up to see Macy's face. "Oh, hello Macy"

"Looking for it to be someone else?" Macy walked through the door and sat in the chair she always claimed in Lillian's room corner. She munched on a piece of fruit.

"My Macy, you do always seem to have something in your cheeks!' Lillian laughed.

"I know I know, I hear it all the time from Rebecca, please do not remind me of how fat I am getting. I have just been so hungry and I usually vomit it all back up in the morning...I know I should not eat so much but..." Lillian looked at Macy ramble on, chewing in between words. She glanced at her stomach and sure enough it was bigger than she was when she first met. It was round as well. Lillian thought back in her mind of when she was just a little girl, she remember seeing an older cousin that was in the market place, her dress was tight and poked out around her belly. Lillian, being only seven years old at the time went up to her with a profound innocence with a simple question.

"Why is your belly so big?" The woman looked at her and smiled, she put her hands on her stomach and rubbed it as she rocked side to side.

"I am with child, Lillian. I am going to have a baby, hopefully a little girl just like you" She said. She patted on Lillian's head with a tender love and walked away. Suddenly, putting her thoughts together she came to the sudden realization. She looked at Macy with a new sense of compassion.

"This may seem like a strange question but...when was your last flux?" Lillian asked. Macy stopped talking and her facial expression changed. She looked at the piece of fruit and gasped. She ran over to the window and threw it out. They heard a sudden Ca-Caw! and Lillian winced. "Majestic...she hit Majestic" Macy stared out the window and placed her hands on her stomach. Lillian slowly walked over to her, placing a hand on her back. "Macy?"

"No no, I cannot be with child! It is impossible, utterly untrue!" She turned around and faced Lillian with fear in her eyes. Lillian put her hands on Macy's stomach.

"Let me see it bare." Macy looked at her with a sudden shock. "Trust me Macy, let me see." Lillian helped Macy unlace her dress and allowed it to fall to the ground. She lifted up her chemise and sure enough, a pregnant belly shown big and strong. "It appears to be about five or six months Macy..." Macy nearly fainted.

"Oh no, oh no! What am I to do?! Our mistress will be back any second now and will soon find out, even if I wear my biggest gowns I will show! She will have me discharged immediately, and this is the only job I know!" She began to cry, something Lillian never seen before. Feeling her heart sink at the sight of her tears she opened her arms and allowed Macy to cry into them. It was awkward, for Macy was taller than Lillian, but Macy did not mind, she allowed herself to relax in Lillian's arms, feeling genuine compassion for the very first time. After minutes passed of sobbing, Macy finally stepped out of Lillian's arms. She slowly back up to sit on Lillian's bed, Lillian joined her.

"Do you know who the father is?" Lillian asked.

"It can only be one man, Sir Richard Greenly.." Lillian accidentally giggled. Sir Richard Greenly was a tall and lanky man, with a plain face. She could not imagine him and Macy making love with her large frame. Lillian looked at Macy in deep thought and hushed her laughter.

"You must go make sure of this news, go to a physician and confirm it. Then if it is true that you are with child you must tell Sir Richard immediately. Maybe he would know what to do." Macy stayed quiet, she placed her hands softly on her bare stomach, she felt tears start to form again. Lillian wrapped her arms around her shoulders and placed a hand softly on her face, pulling her to lean on her shoulder. Macy allowed this again. They sat there in silence looking into the night through the window. The night was cold, the wind swung its bold arms into the room and breezed through the two women's hair. Macy's silky brunette hair moved with ease, Lillian's barely swayed as her black waves were thick. Macy sat up out of Lillian's hold and stood up.

"I have to know now....God have mercy on me." She started to walk out

"Macy wait!" Lillian stood up and grabbed her hand. Macy turned around with tears in her eyes. "Just answer this last you love him at least? The father of your unborn child?" Macy wiped her tears and pondered the question.

"I do not think so..." and she walked out of the room. Lillian was shocked at this answer. How could Macy, let alone any woman lie with a man she did not at least love, nevertheless marry? Lillian placed her hands on her chest and literally felt her heart slow down. She felt sorry for Macy, but she mostly felt sorry for the child growing inside of her. She was taught that the only children to be made would be love-children, made in marriage, made by making love with your spouse. She began to wonder if she valued her chastity too high. Before she allowed it to get to her, she heard a soft knock at the door. She placed her ear on the door.

"Who is it?" She whispered.

"It is I, Lillian." She immediately melted at the sound of the familiar voice. She opened the door to see King Troy in his nightwear, leaning on the frame of the door with a smug smile on his face. She moved out the way and allowed him room to come in. He had in his hands some wood to go into the stone portable fire pit by her chair. She watched him move, watched how his well sculpted muscles made inaudible music with his eyes. She watched him bend over to place the wood into it. His hair started to fall into his face,he flicked his head to move it out of his eyes. She was mesmerized and her breath grew shorter. King Troy must have felt her eyes, for he looked over at her with a certain look in his eyes. He smiled and sat up. He seemed to glide over to her as he took her hands in his.

"It is nice to be in your presence again, my king," She whispered. He drew close to her and kissed her on her brown forehead.

"When will you call me by my first name?"

"Never, I am your servant"

"You may be my heart, my smile and every bit of ecstasy I have in my body but never my servant"

"Oh, but I am your servant, I am one of your sister's ladies in waitings"

"You are my angel" He got closer to her.

"I am merely a member of your court, and one of a low status" She declared. He wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Are you saying this to get me to kiss you?" He looked down into her eyes. Her eyes glimmered and reflected love.

"Perhaps...." She whispered, pulling her face closer to his. She slowly put her lips on his cheek, softly kissing it, then she pulled back and watched him open his magnificent eyes again. They stared into one another's eyes again.


Suddenly Majestic flew through the window, perching herself on the king's shoulder. They laughed as she cocked her head side to side.

"Hello my friend" The king said to the bird. Majestic rubbed her soft head on his cheek. Lillian lifted her hand and immediately Majestic hopped onto it. Lillian patted her head. "Remind me next time, she needs a perch in your room."

"No need, my king, she thinks my bath is her perch." Lillian walked over into the opposite corner where a copper bath sat. Majestic jumped onto the surface, helping herself to the plate of bread that is now officially hers to pick into. Lillian looked at the bath and smiled, remembering that the bath was the only thing the king verbally said he would buy for her, making everything else a surprise. "And besides, my quarter is only so big, I do not think it has much more room to cram luxuries in." The king looked around at her room, surely enough it was crowded for such a small space.

"I will move you into a bigger room." He declared.

"No no, please. I do not need any more suspicion of the court. I have already been accused a whore, remember?

"Are you afraid of words, Lillian? You should not be afraid, I care not what they think, you are the one that matters to me." He said gently, he grabbed her hands again and kissed them sweetly. Lillian watched as he closed his eyes and puckered his lips to her palm, envying her own limbs for they pleasure they were receive.

"My king, if you allow me answer, what is it about me that draws you so close?" He lifted his head and smiled. He placed a hand on her cheek, allowing her to lean her head lightly on his hand.

"You are nothing like I have seen, and no it is not just because of your skin, it is you, Lillian. Your gentleness, your sweetness, your smile and laughter, your warm heart, your soft and tender personality. Your name fits you, Lily, a beautiful flower, one that is incomparable to the weeds I am surrounded by. And not to mention your deep rooted beauty that makes me wonder how the Lord can create such a priceless art." Lillian shivered at his words. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of his palm on her face.

"Oh my king, you are such a noble gentleman, what woman in her right mind have any audacity to ignore you. I surely cannot. You were the only one not laughing at me that day, the only one that has showed me kindness and compassion. I would think I am a fool to say such a bold thing but I think...." Lillian stopped, suddenly remembering Macy's condition, her mind started to dream away from her thoughts. She saw herself in Macy's shoes, round with child, then she gasped. She did not want what Macy got herself into. She wanted love...passion....marriage. She wanted...Troy. She wanted to sit next to him in public shamelessly. She wanted to know what it would be like to make love all night with him, with a pure romance blossoming in between the sheets. She wanted to conceive and feel the beauty of a growing child inside of her, the king's child. She nearly fainted at the sudden epiphany. She was in love.....

"Lillian, what is the matter?" He looked at her concerned, he caught her but was not on the floor beside her. He searched her face for any sign of pain or discomfort, wondering why she nearly fell. She looked at his face, she caught her breath as she stared at his face.

" is just...."

"What? What is it?" He put his hand in hers and scooted closer. Secretly his mind was racing, he has dreamed of this moment many times and could not believe it was happening. His heart started to beat wildly, his own breath growing short at the sight of hers doing so. He tried to relax but his love for her made electric currents run throughout his body.

"I....I...think I...I love you..." She whispered ever so quietly. The king's body snapped. Suddenly he leaned into her and rushed his lips onto hers. She gasped into his mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck. His hands trailed down her spin and took a firm grip into her back. She succumbed to his passion, slowly laying backwards on the floor. He laid on top of her, Laying kisses on her mouth that could have killed. His hands glided up and down her sides, burrowing into the deep arch in her lower back. He groaned out loud as he fought with himself. Lillian got the hint and put a finger on his lips. He slowly got off of her and sat by her side. They sat quietly for a moment, they never had such a kiss session so powerful. She looked at him, hoping that it was not too awkward. The king was looking down at his hands, he entwined his fingers and looked at her with tears in his eyes.

" have made me the happiest man alive with your words. I have had dreams of those words. I have been in love with you since the first time I seen you on my birthday. I felt this....this sensation that just drew me to observe you, find out what made you shine the brightest out of all the people in the hall. Then the hallway, when I felt your distress, it made me want to come to your rescue, and use that as another excuse to see your face. Then at the when I began to desire you, I was plagued with the image of your body in the damp nightgown. It made me want to touch you, to caress your body, to discover your essence. Now I just want to cry tears of joy. You love me, and I thought it was going to be unrequited love...say you love me again...please. Send my joy sky high..."

"I love you, my Lord Stawery"

"I love you, my Lily Flower." And with that, the king stroked her cheek, taking it onto his hands and kissed her sweet lips softly, again and again with growing romantic fury. Tears streamed down both of their faces as they were sent into a trance of ecstacy, wanted and craving each other's love more and more. They were lost in a dream of sighs and pure love.

Majestic watched over them proudly. She sat up tall and looked out the window. In the cold, a carriage appeared in the distance. The sound of horse hooves made her suddenly alert.

The Air Pushing Against Her..

"Damn that wretched girl! She is singlehandedly tearing this kingdom apart!" Prime Minister Thomas exclaimed, He pounded his fists on the stone table. The Privy counsel were having a private meeting without the king. "She will ruin all our aspects, all our intentions to keep this reign alive and we do not even know how she is doing it!"

"Surely with lewd things, the king is entranced, he almost appears to float amongst the clouds, smiling and whatnot. This is not the king we had and it certainly is not one we need. She is a witch! I have never seen a man so" Clergyman Vincent Reed added in. He shook his head in disgust. "We need to be rid of her!"

"What is the point, the man is in love, is that such a foreign state in this world now? If she leaves, he will just follow her, and then this court will be without both a king and a queen. He is in love! Nothing can be done and nothing should be done." Priest Willard Tillman calmly stated. "At least he is not making any unjustifiable decisions or blindly making mistakes as some other kings have done. This woman actually seems to be assisting him in his thinking process, and she makes him more of a pleasure to work for. We should thank this woman that she has made this court more calm and peaceful. He is in pure and beautiful love, there is not fault in that."

"There is calm before a storm, Tillman, or you did you forget that? What a room full of idiocracy! Regardless of what this girl is doing to make life at court merry you are all forgetting the matter at hand even before that black wench got here. We need a queen! A woman of royal blood that is fertile and we need her immediately. Who cares about the man being in love, go ahead let him ruin his life, and float like a gay bird but he cannot marry her. He needs to be married and secure an heir for the throne then he can have the little blackberry to munch on!"

"But at this rate, the King will soon be so infatuated with her that he will only consider marriage to her! He thinks no one knows of his late night escapades, I have watched them alternate between she visiting him and he visiting her, it being so early in the morning has no matter. Luckily we have sealed walls to discuss this indecency in the private of this chamber. It is only a matter of time before he approaches us with the ludicrous idea of making the girl our queen. Their growing relationship is filling his head up with delusions of purity before marriage and sex only with one another. This is not normal but if we allow it to continue to grow, it could be catastrophic!" Clergymen Vincent declared. All the other men in the room that did not have to voice to say something just nodded their heads in agreement. Sir Thomas stared at the grand fireplace, biting on his thumbnail, noticing a glimmer in the corner of his eye he looked down to his ring. A large gold ring with an emerald stone in the middle of it, the king himself handed it over to him, calling him his most trusted ally and friend.

"And he refused Lady Rebecca... to think of it I was shocked to hear such an answer, I bring him the kind of woman he dreams of and aches for and he dismisses the thought. Lady Rebecca original duty is to just bed him but now that I think of it, she would make a fine queen. She is cousin to Duchess Mary Howard's best friend, giving her a good alternative of royal blood. She is almost evilly beautiful, a pure seductress that can lure any man with a right mind." He rubbed his thin lips with his thumb. "But he does not desire her...we need to think of someone else..." Their voices trailed off. On the other side of the thick door, Rebecca was listening. She was sitting on the ground by the door.

"They talk about me as if I was an item and not a woman, there is more to me than what is between my thighs.." She argued with the air. "I have wanted the king, and I know I am more than enough to fulfill his every fantasy and need. What does he see in that girl...Edwina..."She balled up her fists and raged at the thought of her name. "That whore, she ruined my plans! I was supposed to bed the king and get him to fall in love with me. Then he would marry me and I would inherit this kingdom. All the money and power I would have, not to mention a huge rod to ride. My pride still hurts how he refused me! I did not even get a chance..." She sat back and sunk to the floor. Inside the conversation was about the same thing.

"Wait Thomas, did you just approach the king with the idea or did he refuse her in person?" Clergyman Walter Seymour, Thomas's brother asked.

"I went to the king and told him of our prior discussions and about our proposition. I had Rebecca wait outside until he decided." Walter's face lit up.

"This is good! So he just rejected the idea and not the girl! We still have a chance!" All the men grew quiet and waited for him to finish his statement.

"You are missing the point, Walter. He did reject the girl."

"No you are missing the point. Follow me men." Walter toned down his voice, aware of Rebecca being outside. He stood up and leaned over the table. "You probably approached him wrong, Thomas. When you are advertising a woman, you do not talk with words, and you certainly do not talk for her. You let her body talk for her. No man can resist the slender curves of a woman. Have her wear some revealing clothing and show up at the kings chamber door. Let her appear in distress and when he falls for it, for his heart is soften thanks to the brown skin, she can lure him into her trap. Call her in." Sir Thomas Seymour, with a new glimmer of hope in his cold heart nodded and went to the door, opening it up for her. He helped her up and lead her in. Looking down both directions of the hall he quietly closed the door behind him. inside Rebecca walked slowly to the front, all of the men's eyes stared her down, but she was not afraid. She was used to it, for she often used her beauty to get what she wanted, she craved men's lustful attention.

"My lady, thank you for coming. Sorry for such the wait but we have yet another proposition for you." Rebecca smiled evilly and puckered out her lips, clearing her voice to project the seductive tone of voice all women know how to use against men.

"No thank you my lords, for allowing me such an honor to be in your presence. Whatever you say, your wish is my command" She curtsied low, making sure that her cleavage was visible. Men at the table squirmed with lust, even sir Thomas crossed his legs trying to keep focused. The only man not reacting in such a way was priest, he felt the same natural reaction to a beautiful woman but chose to keep focused on her eyes, where he saw bad intentions and felt the cold in her heart.

"My lady, I apologize for having you think that you were just merely pushed aside by the king that night. I hope your heart is healed for I have mislead you. I was mistaken, thinking that I could convince the king with my relationship to him and my ideas and I did not give you a chance to plead for yourself."

"My lord, how do I plead with a king. I am a woman, women are taught to not use their mouths, except for...different purposes." Rebecca licked her lips. Men shuddered, staring more at her, undressing her with their eyes. Thomas stood up tall and lost his train of thought in her beauty. Rebecca glanced around the room, then back at Thomas. She noticed a sight and giggled. "Oh my lord! I believe that you are...aroused." Sir Thomas grinned and walked up to her slowly. He got behind her putting his hands on her shoulders.

"I do believe that we still have a chance, you get what you always wanted, and the kingdom is put into high gear. But only my dear if you do it right..."He squeezed her arms and slowly slid down to the back of her dress. Rebecca felt him unbutton her dress. She smiled evilly at the other men who appeared to be jealous of Sir Thomas's hands. Rebecca relax as she felt Thomas's hands on her shoulders under her sleeves. He slowly pulled her dress down and rubbed on her skin. "You have the qualifications, my lady. So tell me, how do you lure a man?" Rebecca smiled bigger and turned around to face him. She slid her chemise off and untied her hair, letting it flair on her white shoulders, standing shamelessly naked before a room full of men.

"It has been a while since I have done the womanly duty my lords," She said out loud for all to hear. "But there is one thing I know about the nature of a man, and it is the power of touch. But I know something a lot of girls as well as the black crow do not know. It is the power...of.." Rebecca slowly made her way down to her knees in front of Thomas. Thomas put his hand in her soft blond hair, closing his eyes and groaning. The Priest, disgusted, got up and threw his chair backwards. He stormed towards the door.

"Christ have mercy! The devil runs wild!" He snarled. He opened the door and ran out of it. He ran up stairs to warn the king about the men's plans. Stopping at the hall of the ladies in waiting's quarters he saw that a far door was cracked. He slowed down at his pace and tip-toed down the hall. Keeping his hand on the door he looked inside. He heard laughter, that was nobody else but the king's. Then he heard giggling. He saw the king and the brown skin cuddling and laughing."They still have on clothing, thank God!" he thought. The king whispered something in her ear and she giggled again. He started to kiss her softly on the forehead. He was pleased. "This is love, they are in love....God have mercy on us all."


The fire was reduced to a smothering glimmer. Lillian watched with half opened eyes the lights from the fire pit dance on her walls. The king took a deep breath. She turned her head up to see him fast asleep, but shaking slightly from sudden chill that came through the window. She covered his shoulder with the comforter and looked out to see some soft snow began to fall in the sunrise. She smiled big, she loved the winter. She looked back at the king's face, his brows were turned down, as if he was having a bad dream. She put a hand on his face and caressed his jawline. She loved to feel on his face, it was so handsome and so smooth and he often gave her the best kisses after she did so. She ran a finger over his soft lips, opening them slightly. She smiled again and snuggled back into his chest, keeping her hands on his chest. Just before she was about to drift off to sleep again she heard some distant CLOP CLOP of heavy heels. She panicked, shaking the king on his chest she kept an eye on her door. "Wake up, my love, Wake up! Please wake up!" He slowly opened his eyes, rubbing them in confusion

"What is wr-" Suddenly the door burst open.

"Edwina! Our mistress is here, she is back what am I to-" Macy stopped and looked upon the shocking sight. Lillian jumped out of her bed and the king stayed in it, stunned at the sudden exposure of his business. The silence in the room roared so loud. Lillian walked over to Macy slowly putting her hands on her shoulders. Macy shook them off. Quickly remembering that he is the king she curtsied low. "Forgive me, your majesty, I did not know you were here. I just came to announce my mistress's arrival to Edwina. I will leave now" Macy turned to walk back out. The king snapped out of his daze and beckoned to her.

"Wait, my lady stop." He got up out of the bed and walked over too her. Macy bowed again but this time the king grabbed her hand and lifted her back up. "Do not bow to me in here. I want you to understand that it is important for you to not detail on what you have seen here."

"My lord, you are our king, you have the freedom to do what you wish, It is none of my business what has gone on with Edwina, I will not tell a soul. " Lillian sunk low into the bed, her heart starting to slow down but she had a new heavy countenance about her that she could not explain.

"No, I will tell you that what you think has gone on did not, and what you will not believe happened did. I love Li....Edwina, and not as a servant but as a woman. As a beautiful woman with the eyes of copper and the hair of the darkest and most beautiful seas. With the purest of kind hearts and the warmest of personalities. I love her. But alas I can not show her my love in all ways..." King Troy walked over to Lillian who was staring at him with happy glimmers sparkling in her eyes. He lifted her up and bent down to kiss her softly on her lips. He looked back over to Macy, who stood dumbfounded.

"So you are telling me, my lord, that you have not..."

"No he has not." Lillian answered for him. "But the desire burns deep, for the both of us." She held on to his broad chest tightly.

"We have not made love yet...for that is to be only between man and wife." He looked down at her and smiled a brand new kind of smile. Lillian felt his joy and her heart sank. Man...and...Wife. The king looked up at Macy again, this time noticing her round belly. "I see you are with child, your husband must be proud." He concurred. Macy began to blush, she looked down at the ground.

"No husband my lord"

"Fiance then at least?"

"Neither, just a simple man" Macy felt sorry for herself. She leaned against the door and sighed heavily. She slid one hand over her belly and held it there. She looked up at Lillian and the king holding each other, Lillian had her eyes closed and she appeared to be happy. The king looked down at her and kissed her softly on the top of her head. Macy's eyes began to form tears, at the thought of not having that kind of affection with anyone, not even the man who helped her conceive the child she is carrying now. The king looked back at Macy, feeling her heaviness and stepped to her, putting a hand on her shoulder lightly.

"You can grow to love, my lady. The one thing about children that my parents told me, is that they bring people together, they warm hearts and create love all around them. Do not lose hope, surely you are not the only woman that got caught up in the rush of court. I will see to it that you and your unborn child gets the care and hospitality needed. Does my sister know of your condition?"

"No my lord, and to be honest I am frightened to tell her. I am afraid she will dismiss me, and this is the only job I have had all my life. But I am aware, that even if I do not tell her, my condition shows well. Please have mercy on me, your majesty. I know you are not your sister, but you have power to protect me from her. I swear to you I will never complain nor disappoint you or any of your court again." She got down on her knees and held the king's hands.

"My sister is a bit frightening...I understand your worry. But worry not, I will make sure you stay here, as long as you remain of good service to her, and a good friend to my lover... you are safe." He helped her up. "Now go and see that my sister has her many trunks and things unpacked. Do your job as if there was nothing wrong. If she curses you, report it to me and I will tell her of my promise to you, she may not like it but as I am a king she has to succumb. Edwina..will be there soon." Macy bowed and left at once, closing the door behind her. Alone again the King wrapped Lillian in his arms and kissed her lips vigorously and Lillian allowed him to, reaching up and grabbing the hair on the back of his neck. After a few moments they stopped, breathless.

"My love, I must admit something to you."

"Yes Lily? Tell me what is on your heart." Lillian blushed, he just recently started calling her Lily, and she loved it. It reminds her of her mother, for that is what she called her as well.

"It took....God's miraculous power stop me from giving myself to you last night." The king laughed.

"I must admit something to you as well, that feeling is mutual. God knows I wanted to make love to you last night, everything was there. And what set it off was you telling me that you loved me. Finally! I cannot tell you how long I have waited for those words, and to finally have them...along with your heart...."He held tight on to her, allowing her to feel hardness against her stomach. He moaned in her ear. Lillian shivered at the sound, she loved how heartfelt he was. The wish to just do what both of their bodies wanted them to do was almost to great to bear. Lillian held on to his chest, softly kissing it through his nightshirt. King Troy put his hands on the back of her head softly, taking breathless breaths into her hair. Lillian put her hands on his chest and massaged it lightly. She looked up to see him overwhelmed with passion. She squirmed at her own feel of it. She stopped and stepped back.

"I guess I should go do my job as well, for I must be a lady in waiting before a lover...." She looked sadly into his eyes. He, after finally catching his breath bent down to kiss her on her forehead.

"It will not soon be like that my love. You wait and see." He grabbed her left hand and played with her fourth finger. Lillian sighed.

"I wish it so, my love, I wish it so." She stood on her tip-toes to kiss him on his cheek one last time before leaving out the room to follow Macy. The King stood still and watched her go. When she was gone he looked over her room, replaying last night in his head. Majestic flew in the room and sat at her usual perch on Lillian's bathtub. She happily Ca-cawed once looking at the king. He smiled and sighed, before leaving the room.


Rebecca straightened up the straps on her shoulders. Whipping her hair she quickly tied it back up into a tight ponytail. She watched the men walk out of the meeting room, all looking at her with satisfactory smiles. Sir Thomas walked behind her, putting his hands on her hips and pressing his lips on the side of her face. He traced the lining of her jaw with his top lip. "You will do well with the king, my lady. You are the queen of seductresses. You just show him what you showed me, and he is yours." He pulled her back on him, smelling her hair one more time. Rebecca grinned when she felt him pressing on her backside. She purred with satisfaction of herself. She turned around and caressed the back of his ear, He growled with lust. She kissed him with fury, he left spit falling out her mouth, wetting her chin with saliva. He grabbed her hair and pulled it hard, her head was forced back. He looked her in her eyes. "You watch yourself Rebecca, when the king names you the queen, you better save some of those beautiful lips and crevices for me. Or I will expose your little secret to the king." Rebecca looked in his eyes, she saw a fire. She laughed and grabbed his hands off of her hair and straightened herself up again.

"Oh Thomas, you have too much confidence, you have had your piece of me, I must save some for the king."

"Of course of course, but many of us in that room have not had such a good uh....piece in a long time and my my you are so talented.

"As are you Thomas, but you are no king. I need someone younger for a change, I am sick of entertaining older men, I am twenty four years old, past the marital age. I need something greater than such a small....." Rebecca slid her hand down to his crotch and squeezed her hand. Thomas thrusted his hips and threw her against the wall. Rebecca growled and closed her eyes.

"What is going on here?!" Thomas stepped backwards and turned towards the hallway.

"Your majesty!" He bowed quickly. "Lady Rebecca had...a...a piece of food lodged in her throat and I was just trying to get it out." He lied. King Troy looked back and forth at him and then her and stood up tall.

"Are you alright Rebecca?" He asked after moments in quiet. Rebecca fixed her appearance and put on her usual fakeness.

"Oh yes my lord, I am fine now, I thank you for being worried so. You are such a fine king, such a gentleman." She leaned on his arm and blowed cold air on his face. Secretly the king was repulsed by such a lewd action, he hated to be felt on so randomly, it made him feel uncomfortable. Her hands were nothing like Lillian's, Lillian possessed a touch that made King Troy shiver and moan. It was warm to the touch with purity and love coming from them. Rebecca's hands were cold and evil with nothing but lust and cruel ambitions firing from them.

"Well thank you. Thomas I have been looking for you, I need to speak with you. Rebecca, my sister, your mistress is back from her stay. go up and tend to her will you?" The King gently grabbed her and pushed her off of him. Rebecca wiped the grin off her face and confusedly walked away. She glanced back at the king and Thomas, watching the king change his demeanor and look excitedly at Thomas. She picked up her skirts and began to run up the stairs.

"Thomas, I have a crazy idea that I must run by you, for I trust you." King Troy opened the door to the meeting room and signaled for Thomas to follow him. Thomas rolled his eyes as soon the king turned his back. He walked back in the meeting room and closed the door. He began to sit down in one of the chairs but the king began to speak immediately. "I have found the answer to our prayers, especially mine. But I must console someone of it..." Then the king began to think. He forgot about the law, how they expect him to marry a woman of royalty. He stopped smiling and turned to look at the grand fireplace that never seemed to not light. He stared into the flames that he know so well. And suddenly he saw visions. He saw him...and Lillian, in all white, her eyes sparkling, and looking at him. Then visions that stopped his heart, he saw her wrapping her naked arms around him and clutching onto his bare back. Him laying on top of her and him throwing his head backwards with an open mouth. A white sheet covered their hips and he saw her hand grab the sheet and squeeze it. The sight of her facial expressions sent his heart racing. He saw them both sit up and embrace each other with tears in their eyes, she sat back and looked into his eyes, smiling her gorgeous smile, and mouth the words, I....Love...You...Troy...His eyes watered he wanted that, he wanted that so bad that his very cells vibrated. He threw himself backwards and broke down the door he ran down the hall and bolted up the stairs.

"My lord! My Lord" Thomas ran after him but stopped in the hall. "What has gotten into him?! What was he talking about? It better not be nothing about that black wench. Maybe with the Duchess back, she would be too busy to tend to the king. I think I will speak to the Duchess..." Thomas snickered evilly.

Do Not Pluck Her Feathers

"Grab my trunk, will you kind sir? Oh over there, I am ordering a new wardrobe area to put that in, just keep it there for now. Oh move it you weak man, tis not that heavy!" The once quiet halls of the Stawery Manor were now filled with men and women moving trunks and things into one of the grand bedrooms of the kingdom. In the middle of it all stood a plump yet tightly sewed up woman, playing with her nails unnerved by the amount commotion was around her. She watched over the crowd like a hawk, her nose turned up like a true stubborn woman of royalty. "Teresa, go and prepare me a bath, I am exhausted, it was such a tedious trip. Victoria tell the cooks that me and my husband are starved and to not take a lifetime preparing this time." Lillian peeked around a corner, she knew with her luck she would surely cause a mess. She watched Duchess Mary stand and command, wondering how on earth could this woman be related to the gentle King Troy, and furthermore how is she married with such a snappy attitude? "Oh Rebecca! My favorite lady in waiting, you seem to be the only one I actually missed during my trip!" She watched Rebecca come out of a secret passageway she had never seen before. Rebecca kissed each cheek of the Duchess before giving a light welcoming hug. "Tell me, what has gone on while I have been gone? You have the eyes of an eagle!"

"More like the eyes of a bat..." Lillian sneered to herself.

"Well my lady, I would tell you but, I do not wish to be a gossiper of private news!" Then Rebecca leaned in and whispered something in the Duchess's ear to make her giggle. "The news is more closer than you think, mistress." Lillian heard Rebecca say, she swallowed hard for she knew Rebecca was talking about only her. Rebecca glanced over at Lillian suddenly, causing Lillian to quickly re-hide behind the wall, praying to God that she would not be seen.

"Edwina? Is that you hiding over there in that corner, show yourself, and get to your job, I did not purchase you to play children's play games with us, announce yourself!" Lillian shivered at the sound of her voice.

"Cold, why is nearly everyone in this kingdom so cold!" she thought to herself. She gathered up any bit of courage she had and walked out from behind the corner.

"Yes ma'am, welcome back to court ma'am I am glad to see you safe.."

"Yes yes, so tell me, do people know of my possession of you? Surely the lords and ladies were in for a surprise!" Rebecca giggled under her breath at that memory that Lillian despised.

"I have....made my presence known, yes ma'am." Rebecca burst with laughter. Lillian cowered at the sound.

"My my Rebecca, what in God's name is so funny?"

"Oh my Lady, I cannot tell you right now, I will wait until you are officially settled back into your chambers so you can have your rest."

"Right you are my friend. Oh how tired I am, I swear I will smite my husband if he does not have our manor repaired, what sister would want to live in the same place with a person she already spent too much of her life growing up beside. King or not, he is still my little brother, my lovely little codfish of a stupid brother" Duchess Mary laughed. Lillian said nothing, she forced a smile to save face, but found nothing funny about such rude comments about the king. Out the corner of her eye she saw Macy, who gave her a look of fear back. Lillian looked at the Duchess to make sure she was not paying attention and mouth the words 'You are protected by the king, come on!' She gave a sly little flick of her hand to motion Macy to come. Macy whimpered and came out from her safe zone. She was wearing a rather large coat over her dress, her best effort to cover her belly but with her already a large frame with a well developing baby bump it was poking out of the coat slightly. She walked to her mistresses side and bowed. Lillian and Rebecca simultaneously took a step back to allow her room. "Ah Macy, my second favorite, how have you be-" And the duchess stopped. She was lifting her hand to give Macy a hug when her hand brushed up against her swollen belly. The Duchess stared at it then sat up looking over Macy. "I take it that is not the result of overeating...." Macy gasped and put her hands on her belly. She looked down at the ground and shook her head slowly. "Whose is it?" She asked coldly. Macy's face went white. "Well? It has to be a man's, no woman on God's green earth can conceive her own child. Who is the father Macy?" Macy appeared to be shaking and terrified, she stayed quiet. Lillian felt her heart break for her, she wanted nothing more for the moment than to swoop Macy under her wings and protect her from their mistress, but she knew she had no power or authority to do so. She glanced over at Rebecca, seeing her shake her head. She watched Rebecca roll her eyes and mouth the word 'Whore' under her breath.

"God's foot, is that your favorite word you witch?" Lillian thought to herself, she did not have the courage to say it out loud. After a moment of silence, before Lillian could gather courage to call Rebecca out, Macy finally said something.

"I know not, my lady."Macy bowed again. Lillian was shocked, she thought back to when both her and Macy discovered that Macy was with child. She remember her words exactly. "It can only be one man, Sir Richard Greenly." Why did she lie? And who did she lie to? Macy stayed low, her knees started to tremble at the heavy weight to balance. The Duchess flicked her finger, motioning for her to get up. She walked around Macy, eyeing her appearance, before snatching the coat off of her shoulders, revealing the very pregnant condition she was in. All the men and woman, working hard bringing in the Duchess's belongings suddenly stopped and looked. Macy lowered her head to the ground and fought to hold back tears. She put her hands back on her belly as if to protect her unborn from the embarrassment she was going through. She glanced up and saw all eyes looking at her, some disgusted, some annoyed, all but one pair of eyes judged her, and those where the eyes of Lillian. Lillian knew that pain and she could not stand to watch her friend go through courtly harassment. She ran over to Macy and stood in front of her, shielding her from as many eyes as possible. She put her hands on the side of Macy's face and reassured her with her eyes, before pulling her in a hug. She felt Macy relax but then re-tense up as she was pulled away by the hand of the duchess.

"So I am gone for a season, rewarding my servants with a break from duty, and this is how I get repaid. A servant having a bastard child. I will not have my reputation tarnished for your not keeping your legs closed girl. Pack your things, you are discharged from my services." Macy cried out and Lillian gasped. She began to rack her brain with an excuse, a come back, anything to save Macy.

"My lady, Macy is a very good worker, I am sure that she promises to continue her work for you as if there was not issue. Please, have mercy and spare her, she did make a mistake but she is not the only one!" Macy quickly nodded her head in agreement

"Edwina, hush your mouth. I did not give you permission to speak, and no she is not the only idiot promiscuous girl in court, but she is one of mine so she must go immediately. She will not be able to cater to me or do her job with a babe on her hip, she can barely balance enough to bow to me. She is useless!" The duchess hissed.

"Mistress, I beg of you, allow her to stay. Any job that she does not complete, I will, I will make sure she stays working to the best of her ability and I will personally fill the void that she leaves."

"And the child? Surely you do not think I will raise another, I have raised seven and I will not care for a child that is not mine."

"I will help her look after her baby, and keep up on my own job as well, and if we cannot keep it, I will help her find a wet nurse, that is close by and allow whoever that will be to keep the child safe, until it is old enough be of some kind of assistance at court." The duchess looked at Lillian with wide eyes. She turned her back and walked a couple of steps and began to pace. No one moved, nothing was heard besides a couple of voices whispering in the background. Macy watched her mistress pace, feeling her heart speed up with the tension in the room.

"Get back to work!" The duchess turned and screamed out, suddenly the hall was refilled with noise and chatter, people running here and there and hurrying to get out of the sight of the raged woman. She walked back over to the girls and faced Macy almost nose to nose. "Very well, you are lucky you made nice with Edwina, Macy. She brings up a valid point, I have had you since you were a younger girl and you were a good worker. I will not be rid of you, but you better not, and I swear this to the holy book itself, make that child of yours a hinderance to your duties because I have needs and I can change my mind easier than I have made it, understood?" Macy quickly nodded her head and bowed. Lillian put her arm around her shoulder and gave her a slight hug. "As for you Edwina, I-" Lillian stopped smiling and started to grow fearful for herself, but a familiar voice, once again calmed her spirits, temporarily.

"Sister! You are back, welcome back to court!" The King yelled from down the hall, walking towards the group. Lillian watched as the Duchess rolled her eyes before putting on a fake smile to turn to her brother."

"Your majesty, it is great to be back, I need rest, and I would be resting right now if it were not for the slow servants I have to put up with." She bowed and kissed her brother's hand then allowed him to hug her.

"Well you did come with a whole town's merchandise in your possession, I swear you put your poor husband in debt, I am glad you do not use much of my kingdom's money, there would be no kingdom!" He laughed, and she forced a fake one. "Are you alright? Do you need some extra assistance with your things?"

"No my lord, I just need to finish my conversation with my ladies. So excuse me." She turned back to the girls, Lillian looked at the king with a pleading look, asking with her eyes that he stay.

"About what? Is there something I need to know?" The king looked at Lillian and gave her a slight nod.

"Nothing to worry about, I just need to know what to do with this one." She said motioning at Lillian. "I bought her for appearance sake only, but I will not tolerate her back talking and disrespect towards me." Lillian's heart sank.

"What did she do?" The king looked at Lillian and tried to give her a reassuring look. Macy cleared her throat and mouthed the words 'Help Her' to the king. He nodded his head.

"I was talking to one, Macy, and she jumped in on my conversation, as if to override my opinion. I will not have it, but she was so expensive to purchase that I will not sell her, I do not know what to do with her, maybe I will just send her to my husband's chamber, He has no reputation to uphold, let him do whatever he wants with the wench."

"You will do nothing to her." The king declared in a calm yet clear voice. The duchess blinked her eyes in confusion.

"Excuse me, your highness, but she is my servant, and I can do what I wish with her, I bought her she is my property. I do what I think is best fit for my stay here."

"But in my court, I say who will stay, who will go, who moves, and who is still. She will remain in your service until there is another reason to put her out." Lillian took a deep breathe and squeezed Macy's hand who smiled at her with satisfaction.

"My Lord, She is-"

"She stays, Mary and I do not want to hear any opposition!" The king suddenly yelled. The hall went quiet again. the work with the belongings was almost completed but it was yet again interrupted with eavesdropping. The duchess growled at Lillian, who cowered a little backwards into Macy.

"What is it with her, your majesty? Is she your little slave girl too? Hmm? Have you been opening your legs too, Edwina? Got a little bastard baby on the way as well? With our lord, King Troy Stawery's seed? Wow! Congratulations!" The duchess cornered Lillian into a side wall, spitting in her face. Lillian began to whimper but suddenly found the courage to stare at the duchess in her eyes.

"No, my lady, I have done nothing of the sort with the king, but I know that I am my king's servant first, then yours. I will obey both wishes, with his being first. I will go to your room and make sure a bath and food is prepared, my lady." Lillian bowed with pride and boldly walked away. The king smirked and Macy grabbed Lillian's hand and walked proudly with her. Rebecca stood shocked with her mouth wide open.

"This is a madhouse! I will not tolerate it!" The Duchess screamed.

"Then leave, but I am aware that you cannot for your manor is in repair, so I will allow you leave from my sight." The king declared, putting his strong hands on his hips and narrowing his eyes at his older sister. She scoffed then forcefully bowed in front of the king and stormed down the hall towards her chamber. He rubbed his brows in frustration, being in love with Lillian was harder than he thought, he needed to find a way to be with her, for his soul yearned for her, and make sure the kingdom did not know. He stood and looked out the window, the snow slowly began to pick up speed. He walked over to the window, making a mental note to order the newest stained glass windows he heard about for the winter season. He looked over into the distance and saw a small view of the city. He squinted his eyes and saw a particular building.


Lillian flopped down in her chair, allowing her skirts to fly up. She took a deep exasperating breath. She kicked her shoes off, not caring where they landed. Sweat fell down her brown face, she did not wipe it away in hope for some cooling air. She slowly closed her eyes and begin to slip off into a calm phase, her breathing slowed down and her head slowly fell. She was almost prepared to dream, but then a slight tapping by her head began to commence. She tried to ignore it, for she was tired to the core, but it was soon followed by a loud Ca-Caw! Ca-Caw! She opened her eyes and smiled. "Majestic..." She got up and walked over to the window to see Majestic looking up with her eyes a bright gold. She placed her hands on the new glass window, it was stain glass, with an even pattern of multicolored glass diamond shapes. She moved her hands all over the window, then she felt a slight rattle, she placed her hand on a bright blue diamond and it moved in its place. She gripped it and pulled it out into her room. The king detached a glass while it was being put in place so Majestic can be let in and out, how caring.

Immediately Majestic flew in the room with a happy chattering noise. She flew over by the fire and sat down right in front of it. Lillian laughed but then shivered at the cold air blasting through the small opening. "I see what your dilemma is with the outdoors" she said to the bird. She carefully replaced the glass and held out her hand, making a kissing noise with her lips. Majestic left her warm spot and swooped over to Lillian's hand. "Why not go south like all other birds, huh?" Majestic cocked her head then rubbed her feathery crown on Lillian's chest. "Yeah, I agree, I would miss you as well, my lady bird." Lillian put her down on the copper tub. She sadly unlaced her own dress and let it fall to the ground, wearing only a chemise and stockings she flopped backwards on her bed and took a harsh deep breath. Majestic flew over to her side, resting on her pillow looking right into Lillian's eyes. She made a low throaty call and hopped onto Lillian's chest. Lillian was cheered up that she had such a friend to share a space with. She smirked as she rubbed the creature's soft head. "Oh Maje, things are so complicated....well more like difficult these days. The duchess has not given me a break ever since that day I supposedly talked back to her. I did nothing of the sort I tell you. She has assigned all us ladies in waiting jobs that even had nothing to do with her, I suppose it is to spite the king, she is such a spoiled and haughty woman! But the king did come to my rescue, I could have been out of court, or worse, assigned to the chambers of a man! He saved me...again..." She began to daze off and smiled slightly. Majestic cawed again. "It has been a few weeks that I have even spoked to him, Majestic. At first I figured it was because of my workload, doing my bid and helping Macy out. But then those times where the duchess was asleep or with someone else, I searched for him at night, and waited in this very room. He did not come. I wonder if I displeased him in some kind of way...what if he is losing his heart for me? No he would never..." Majestic tucked her talons into her black chest and laid down, Lillian was shocked to see her almost sad looking. "Oh Maje, I believe it will be alright. I am sure he has a reason for not seeing me so...I pray, It is amazing how slow a day without the one you love goes, maybe someday you will meet a blackbird and feel what I am talking about for yourself." Lillian leaned in and kissed the top of Majestic's head. She laid back down and started to stare at the ceiling, slowly petting Majestic's back.


Sir Thomas fidgeted at the sapphire ring the king gave him. He leaned against the stone wall of the grand hall. He has been thinking of what he wanted to say for enough time. He had to be careful, for if he said too much, the duchess was smart enough to figure out his plan, but if he said too little, it could be ignored and even ridiculed, leaving all his thinking time wasted. He saw the scene in the hall and decided to use that as evidence that Duchess Mary also despised the black wench. But he could not stand the idea of risking the king finding out from his sister and getting suspicious. He had to talk to her in private so he figured during the night hours, while all was asleep. He figured it has been enough time and started towards the Duchess's chamber. There were two ladies in waiting outside of the doors, half asleep. When he stood before them, awoke immediately. "Leave" He whispered, they both stood up and bowed, leaving quietly. Women at court learned to never question a man's whereabouts at night. They whispered to each other while walking away, debating on the reasoning a member of the Privy Counsel is visiting their mistress. Thomas put his hands on the heavy door and dreaded opening the door. He had to though. He put his weight on the door and slowly walked in, he almost laughed at the sound of the masculine snoring that he heard ringing in the room. He took a deep breath and walked over to her bed. He put a hand on her bare shoulder and began to shake her. "My lady, Duchess Mary! My lady! Wake up!" He was suddenly thrown backwards at the slap of a hand, hitting glass vases and knocking over crates and cases of junk.

"Who is there! What in God's Name decides to try to awake me at this hour! Show yourself!" She shrieked. Thomas scrambled to his feet, saying shhhh shhhh with his mouth and finger. He heard footsteps running in the hall.

"God's foot woman! It is Thomas Seymour of the Privy Counsel, I came to talk to you about a private matter!

"Oh Thomas, It is you. Could you not wait until morning? You had to awake me from my slumber?" Thomas hesitated. He walked over to the Duchess slowly and sat himself down on her grand scale bed.

"I need to ask you for a favor..."


King Troy paced his room, subconsciously. He was in a tight situation. He sat down in his heavy chair and huffed. He looked at the fire again and again. He traced a finger on his lips staring into it. He looked at the ambers, the cobble stone design behind the gate, the stone design on the outside frame. He closed his eyes and lifted his head and sighed, taking in the warmth of the fire blazing on him. "This is still nothing compared to what Lillian offers me..." He sat in front of the fireplace, crossing his legs with his father's cloak over his lap. "Father....if you were still here you would know what to do..." He looked into the fire until his eyes started to burn. "Father I am in love....I am in love just like you said I would be one day. This girl...this young woman she is just everything I ever imagined...and more. But father...she's not a princess, or a duchess, nothing...Just the thought of her, it makes me want to give up the kingdom, every rich, all the wealth that I have. But I know you would probably not allow me to do that. I have been avoiding her just to keep her safe from my meddling sister...not being by her side is enough to drive me mad. Every cell in my body just wants to wrap her in my arms and protect her from court, the world....I care not about her skin color, her heart is even more rare!" He paused...for he forgot that he was the only one in his chamber. He was talking to the air and there was nothing the air could say to rest his soul. He closed his eyes and began to rock back and forth. "I want her as my wife but it will be complicated because she has no royal blood. The Privy Council, Parliment and my kingdom would not want her as a queen....I want her as mine......" He fell backwards, lying on his back. He rubbed his brow in frustration. His mind was thinking of plans....but none seemed fathomable. He was losing hope in being with his precious Lillian.

Mother dear I trusted you
To keep my heart from love not true
I lost hope If you only knew
The frightful thought of losing him

Father may I cry these tears
Give me comfort from these fears
Never in all these years
Have I held on to every whim

I have love or at least I had
I cry now I once was glad
Joy is gone now I am sad
I know not what to do

Mother dear please give me hope
Father help me learn to cope
Send the Rabbi, send the Pope
For once I just trusted you...


He continued to listen to her lovely song. This is not the first one he has heard since he last spoke to her. She seemed to do it every night. This one, however sounded sad, her felt her tears. His heart was wretched, because he knew that he was the source of her pain. He put his hands over his eyes and held back the urge to run down to her chambers. He listened to her continue to sing, allowing himself to be serenaded by her "Ahhhs" and "Ooohs" of sorrow. He tortured himself himself, cursing himself for doing this to her. But he had to protect her. He was on the verge of tears from aching for her so bad until he heard a tap on his chamber door. He got up and ran to it swinging it up hoping it was his love. He leaned in his face after opening the door and closed his eyes expecting a kiss.

"My lord? What are you doing?" It was Macy. The king immediately drew back and turned red. He cleared his throat and redeemed his composure.

"Leave please, I did not request your presence." He flicked his hand and turned his back towards her disappointed. He lowered his head and walked towards his bed.

"Please, your majesty. I know you did not invite me but please allow me to speak. It is not for me, but for Edwina..." The king stopped in his tracks and ran to the door, looking over Macy's broad shoulders to see if someone was in the hallway. When he confirmed there was no one he moved out the way for Macy to walk in and slammed the door behind her. Suddenly Macy was almost knocked down with a hyper King Troy as he ran to grip her shoulders.

"What is it? Is she well? What has happened? What is going on?!" Macy stood stunned and shocked as she was almost shaken to death. She stuttered for the king to let her go and he finally came to his senses and let her go. He walked over to his bed and sunk down heavily with a melancholy sigh. Macy watched him as he put his head in his hands. She never seen a man act this way, nevertheless the king of the nation. She looked at him closely and did not see a king, but something almost like a sad little boy. Something in her heart, surely what Lillian has put there by showing her love, wanted to reach out and lift his spirits. She slowly walked over to the bed and sat down next to him. She hesitated but slowly but put a comforting hand on his shoulder. She felt him tense up momentarily then relax again. There was silence between the two for it seemed like forever.

"It is nothing bad, my lord. I am just concerned for her. Lately she has been low, which is unusual for her personality. She is usually joyful and annoyingly optimistic but she now just does her work and sings herself solemn songs to sleep, nothing more, nothing less. I have come to the conclusion that she has fallen deeply in love with you and these two months of not being in contact with you is shattering her heart. I know it is none of my business, but my lord, I do care about her, because she is the best friend that I have ever had. Edwina has a such good heart my lord. So I ask of you, please if there is any way that you can ease her pain, help her lose her feelings for you or anything, just do it to the best of your ability. If not for her, for me."


"My lord?"

"Her name is not Edwina, that is just a mere name change. Her real name is Lillian." Macy looked at the ground and blushed. How could she care about this girl and not know her real name? She shook off her shame.

"Lillian, my lord, has a dark cloud gliding above her, and it is a shock to me, especially since she has nothing but love to show everyone she meets. She deserves to be happy, my lord. I do not know how you really feel about her but I know that she needs you. It was like you were what made her lively. You were her joy, and now not seeing you has taken every bit of happiness away from her. Please do something to understand what she is going through. Anything and soon would be lovely, your majesty." King Troy looked up at Macy, then lowered his head again, shaking it slightly.

"You only have half of the information you seek, Macy. While it is true that she may love me, what you do not know is that I have fallen in love with her as well, multiple times over. I know I am the cause of her pain. I would do anything to make her happy and wipe any possible tears that fall from her beautiful face. But try to see it in my standpoint. I am a monarch in a world that believes that marriage is only for producing children and should be loveless. Then I fall in love with this mystery, this most amazing woman in all of my years that I have ever met. I have these dreams about her, about a wedding day, a wedding night, and the many days and nights that follow. I dream of us making love, and conceiving a child, my child and her giving birth with me present at her side. But these are just dreams! Oh it actually hurts knowing that those dreams could never come true. I am in pain too, Macy. It hurts so bad to be in this love but I just cannot let her go! I stayed away from her to protect her....and I hate myself for putting this notable distance between us. Oh how I wish to just hold her in my arms again..." He put his head in his hands and let one tear slide down his manly face. Macy definitely did not see him as a king now. She wrapped a comforting arm around his back and patted his shoulder.

"If you love her so, My lord, then why do you not show it, be with her. She deserves love more than anyone. And to be frank of your few years of reign you have done everything to please this kingdom and make no enemies. You deserve a wish for yourself and you and Ed..Lillian deserve each other." The king shook his head violently.

"I am a king, Macy. I cannot just marry her, I thought that I could but I forgot the fact that I am a ruler! There are processes, actions, people I have to rebel against, organizations with too much power that I would have to break from. It is not that I would not if I could, it is the fact that I just cannot! Do you think that it is a secret that I have no queen? No! Even the Church itself has paraded wenches under my nose, hoping I could sniff up some love from one of them, meaning that they just want an heir from her. But now that I found a woman for love, Parliament, the Privy Council and the kingdom would have everything to say against it, not just because of her appearance but also because of her lack of royal blood and it is too much risk..."

"And you care for words, My lord?" The king stopped and stood completely still. Macy was right, he was afraid. When she saw that he was racking his brain with her words she softened her tone. "I understand what your dilemma is. I completely agree that Parliament and the council have a lot of power, that they can abuse or use correctly. But you are the king, and from what I heard if there is anything that you want you go after it, and no one can get in your way. Surely the Church would not disagree with your request of marriage. It even says in the holy book that marriage is to be sacred. You want to marry her, marry her, find a way to get around the law and your monarchy duties. This space between you and her has to end before it ends the both of you. "

"The only way I could get the Church on my side is to talk to the Pope and..."

"Talk to the Pope then."

" I cannot just speak to the Pope, you know that. Or maybe my childhood mentor could...."

"There, my lord, now your lost hope is now restored." The King looked at her. He almost laughed at her confidence. He did admit to himself though that his spirits were lifted. He smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Thank you Macy, I pray that all will be well. Speaking is the child growing?" He asked out of pure innocence It should be said that King Troy is also a very questioning person, with a need to understand things. He was curious about pregnant women. He was
intrigued by what love can do to a woman and how strong it could feel to her man.

"Strong and even more strong. It is getting tiresome to live with this burden."

"You should not see it as a burden. My parents always told me that a child has a way of bring love in a hopeless place."

"I suppose so, but right now, this baby has been the source of a lot of trouble for many different people...and its father does not even care for it. Ever since word got out about that altercation between, you, me, my mistress and Lillian, I have not seen him. I hope I can grow to love it."

"You should, a baby is a miracle."

"I suppose, I know for a fact if you and Lillian conceive, you would treat that child with nothing but love and as a blessing."

"We must be married first, Macy."

"I know, do not listen to me my lord, It was foolish fun that got this baby near to entering the world."

"I will see to it that it will be brought into the world safely."

"Thank you, your majesty, you are a very kind king, it is easy to see what Lillian has fell for. It is late, I should leave now. Thank you for hearing my words." Macy got up and struggled to bow low to the king. He got up and lifted her hands to have her stand. She smiled and kissed his hand. "I pray God's grace and mercy be on your love." She opened the door and walked out. The door closed heavily.

"No, thank you Macy." King Troy whispered. He put his forehead on the door, listening closely to see if Lillian was still singing. It was dead silent in the kingdom now. He turned his back to the door and started to walk towards his bed again. He stripped his clothing off, allowing himself to be naked. He slipped under his sheets and relaxed. He closed his eyes and saw Lillian's smile. Then he watched her mouth move downward. His heart fell as he watched his lover's countenance fall as she began to cry. He tossed and turned in his suddenly uncomfortable bed. He whimpered in frustration. "I am sorry Lily, I do love you, I miss you just as much. It hurts me too..."

"I am sorry, my king, if I ever did anything wrong. I am miserably in love with you. I miss you so much it hurts......" Lillian laid naked in her bed, whispering to the ceiling as well.

We Can Fly

"Ugh!" Lillian wrinkled her nose. In her hands she held the golden chamber pot of her most wonderful mistress. "By God, I swear she allows dogs, elephants and any other animal that can defecate use this thing!" She began her long walk out of a servant's entrance to the designated place where chamber pots where to be dumped. She looked around in the snow covered royal court yard. She lowered the pot in her hands in order to attempt to smell the fresh air. The fact that she was allowed in the courtyard was the only reason why she liked her job. Working for the Duchess was a pain, and recently she has really been laying the hard work on just Lillian instead of all the girls. She has even allowed holidays for the other ladies while Lillian is stuck doing all of their jobs and hers. She began to smell the dumping sight, her relaxed spirit in nature got interrupted once again from man-made mess. She pulled up her skirt and attempted to throw the chamber pot's contents into the hole. She cringed as she felt a sudden sticky weight on her legs. She looked down and saw the ugliest and smelliest brown splotch on her lower leg stocking. Putting the pot down she cut through some little woods and smiled as she saw the river. She walked slowly over to it, then she was suddenly hit by a memory. Looking at the running water she saw herself again, damp with a small nightgown on. "It was warm then..." She thought. She bent down and picked up a solid rock. She began to hit the frozen river with it until the ice broke in one small spot. She then took off the scarf that she had around her neck and dipped it in the water. As she was wiping the nasty stain off of her stocking, her mind began to wonder. "What is the king doing, I wonder. Probably writing some new law or yelling at another court fool." She smiled slightly. "I know I should not think of him any longer, but my heart has been ever but the same. I love him still, though his love for me surely has ended..."Her eyes began to water, she looked around to see no one else but trees, snow and the frozen river, she began to cry out for him. Her body has been aching lately, she has been crying every night, and she found no other comfort besides Macy's friendship. She needs the king, not as a ruler but as a lover. "Oh God, why must I suffer? Is this not the man you intended for me to be with? Why must I hurt so? I love him, and I am not supposed to!" Her hands glided along her shivering body, slowing down around her shoulders and neck. She needed his touch, his loving and tender touch. She began to breathe deeply as she continued to rub her own body, almost feeling ashamed with the natural feeling of fire burning beside her. She stopped and began to cry again. Nothing was like his touch, not even her own hands were as warm as his.

"Lillian!" She heard her name called in the distance, it was too far to differentiate rather if it was a male or female's voice, but she did know that only one person called her by her real name. She quickly wiped her tears and readjusted her clothing on her. Her heart began to race as she began to run towards the voice. Her mind ran away with thoughts of what to say to her lover, but they quickly slowed down as she began to recognize the voice to be someone else's. She stopped and saw Macy's large frame running towards her. She swallowed her sorrow and caught up with her friend.

"Macy, you startled me, what is the matter that you have to run?" She put her hands on Macy's shoulders and waited until she caught her breath. "All that running is not good for your baby, and how did you know my real name?"

"Never mind all that nonsense. The king...he told me to give you this, It seems urgent, you better respond right away!" Lillian snatched the folded piece of paper out of Macy's hand. Almost ripping its seal off she scrambled to open it. Inside was none other than the king's penmanship.

Lillian, Meet me in the back of the old Catholic church in the outskirts of the village, in the deep of the night tonight, I will be waiting for you.


Lillian's hands began to shake. "Wh...what do you think this means Macy? What would he want me to sneak out of the kingdom for? You do not suppose that he.."

"You think too much girl, all that matters is that in a few hours he is needing your presence in secret! Have you not been crying and praying for your lover? Your prayers have been answered! Now go go! You need to be fresh and ready...and dress your best! I will boil some water for your bath. You pick your dress and prepare your soaps. Go!" Lillian did not need to be told twice.

Macy moved slow, she helping Lillian prepare, she boiled some water and just fetched the rest from the river ,a perfect mix of hot and cold making it warm. Lillian looked down at the lilies that floated in the water as Macy washed her back. She reached and dumped some more rose water into the bath. Macy laughed. "Lillian, I think you used up all this month's supply! Relax, you want to be clean but you still have to be calm." But how could Lillian be calm, her lover called for her late into the night, she did not know what to expect. She took a deep breath and sighed.

"What do you think he wants with me? And why so late into the night?" She asked out loud as she took a small blade to her legs to shave away hair.

"I think you know and you are just being naive, think about it, he is a man, calling a woman, late at night, in secret, would could he possible want?" Macy said sarcastically. She grabbed Lillian's hair and unbraided it to wash it. "Why is your hair so wavy?" Lillian sighed.

"My mother was dark skinned, my father was English." Macy worked her fingers through the thick black strands.

"So this is not your first experience with people my skin color." Lillian giggled. She rubbed her smooth arms and now legs. She wanted to speed up the process so she sat up, snatching her hair out of Macy's hands and dipped her head back into the water. When Macy protested Lillian shook her hair wildly, spraying everything in sight with rose water. The two girls giggled wildly.

"My heart feels full of butterflies. I feel so unprepared, and I do not know what I am unprepared for.." She took a deep breath, shuddering at the feel of Macy's hands on her back. Macy stopped working the lace corset ties up Lillian's back. She felt the fear radiating off of Lillian's body. She slowly walked in front of her friend. Though Macy was only fifteen she had an inch of height over Lillian. She put a hand on her shoulder and kissed her on both of her cheeks.

"How odd, normally it would be your stomach invaded by butterflies, but I understand your feelings. You are a virgin after all."

"It is part of my body aches for ...that specific kind of touch, but a part of me is still hoping that he does not ask for that other part. I am afraid, and I do not know what for. What if he does want me for that Macy? I have never had that conversation with my mother, nor done anything close. What if I displease him..what if.." Macy put a finger over Lillian's lips. She turned her shoulders to the vanity mirror that stood on her wall, lifting Lillian's head to make her look into the mirror. Two young women stood in that mirror, a brown skinned girl with copper eyes and her oddly matched friend. Lillian looked at herself differently than she ever has. For the first time she felt like a woman, a mature young woman. She gasped at herself, her thick black hair done into a neat bun on the back of her hair, a necklace and earrings of delicate pearls accenting her seemingly glowing skin. And a beautiful white and cream colored ball gown, hugging her plump woman curves and holding up her large bosom. A small unexpected tear fell down her cheek, Macy smiled and put small daisies and lilies in her hair.

"You are beautiful Lily, there is nothing possible about you that would make the king be displeased with you. He loves you and you love him with the purest and truest of love, something that I never experienced but will now recognize because I see it in your heart. If you are to make love with him tonight, though you were never taught, your body will know what to do. Give into that passion, that desire that even pulls those few droplets of tears out of your eyes. Submit to him, and in return, you will know what it is to be a real woman. You are ready, rather you believe it or not. Go to your lover, my friend. Go to him for he calls for your love." Lillian turned around and hugged Macy tightly. Macy let a tear slide down her own cheek.

"It is time."

"Do you need me to walk with you?"

"No, I must do this on my own, but watch my back will you? And protect my absence from the entire kingdom, understand?" Lillian put a shaky hand on Macy's shoulders. Macy nodded her head reassuringly.

"I will protect you with my life." She gave her one more small hug then opened the door for her. They both searched the halls for signs of any activity. Macy gave her a firm push on the back and Lillian hurriedly slipped out into the hall. "Through the door that leads to the gardens, and fast!" Macy whispered as loud yet silently as she could. She watched Lillian turn the corner, saying a silent prayer for her.

The night was chill, low thunder could be heard in the distance. Lillian quickly ran through the grasses and pathways of the garden, lifting up her skirts and looking alert at her surroundings. She stopped as she stared at the giant iron gate that led to the back road to the village. She pulled her sleeves back and wrapped her long fingers around the rusting bars and attempted a push. SCCREEEEEECHHHHH! She jumped and nearly ran at the sound. She quickly looked around, making sure no one heard the bars scrape the cobblestone ground. She looked around the gate to see if there was any hole to squeeze through. Seeing that there was none, she gave a slight whimper of worry. She looked back at the gate, looking at the space in between the bars. Very little but she had to try. Sucking in her breath and holding her breasts as close to her chest as she could she pushed her upper body through the bars. She struggled for what seemed like forever, when finally half of her body was through. Taking an exasperated breath she then had to pull her wide hips and large bottom through the bars. Bracing her hands on the bars she pushed off of them, wiggling her hips sideways and back ways to pull herself through. She fell through with a loud thud. She silently rejoiced as she got up off the ground and dusted herself off. Her joy was short lived for when she looked down at her dress she saw grass and mud stains from the morning rain on the lightest parts of her skirt. She tried to dust them off, cursing the weather and environment for doing such a painful act, but then remembered the time. She pushed past her pride, picked up her dirty skirts and ran with all of her might.

She had never forgotten the village, as she ran down the roads of the town she took in a breath of fresh air. She made sure she took time to look at the buildings, the old bakeries and silversmith shops as she ran. It seemed her childhood was running with her as she reminisced the moments she had on these grounds. She turned down a street and looked at the old houses. Her heart began running wilder for many reasons. She was very close to old abandoned church which meant that she could almost smell King Troy's musky and masculine scent, and see his gorgeous blue eyes again. But what distracted her from the soon reuniting of her and her love was the fact that she was in the very part of the village that she was born and raised in. "The outskirts of the village", the king called it. It truly fit that name. She slowed down her pace to a brisk walk as she had flashbacks into her past...where her friends lived, where the poor english people that despised her family lived. She walked, slowly stopping as she paused in front of what she expected to be the most run down and worn looking house. Her house. But it was not the house she expected or remembered. She gasped, it was not a house at all any more...but now a pile of ashes. Her childhood, her old life before court life...burned to the ground. She resisted running inside, looking for her mother. But her spirit stopped her, forcing her to face the truth that her mother is gone, and so was her family, her oldest memories and the old her. Tears did not run down her face anymore. Her heart stopped racing so fast. Her knees nearly buckled, half of her was prepared to stay in that spot for eternity, missing the less complex life that she was raised in. But her heart began to speak to her. It told her to turn her back and continue to run, her womanhood was calling her to a bigger and better life. Full of a different kind of love that her mother never taught her. She forced herself to turn around, and began to run again. She took one last passing glance at her old life. She shed one tear that fell onto the dirt road. She looked in front of her and with a new determined stride, smiled at the view of the old door to the abandoned church. She was so blinded by how close she was she did not see a person wearing a dark hood in front of her. They collided and both fell backwards.

"I am so sorry, I apologize, I did not see you" Lillian quickly got up and almost yanked the person up. As soon as they were helped up Lillian began to run again. The person confusedly turned around to watch her run.

Rebeca lowered the hood off of her, shaking her blonde hair out freely. "Oh it is certainly alright, it is quite alright." She whispered. An evil smile grew across her ruby red painted lips.

Deep Into the Trees, My Love

Lillian fell to the floor with a loud thud. The heavy stone doors of the church slammed shut behind her, with the door closed, all hints of light was shut out, she was in the complete dark. She struggled to her feet, it was so dark she could not see what to dust off on her dress, if there was even anything on it. She cursed herself for being so unpresentable, she was flawless leaving her quarters. In the dark she reached up and redid the french bun in her thick wavy hair, she hit at her skirts to dust all she can off. The butterflies in her stomach were swarming now, her heart racing, her knees shaking. She felt tiny yet long droplets of her own sweat run down her neck into the crevice of her breasts. She wiped it off and shook off her fear. She charged down the middle isle with her hands out in front of her, feeling the walls and objects that would stand in her way. She started to walk slower as the darkness turned from a light blue to a pitch black. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of her frantic breathing and the thumping of her heart deep in her chest. She tried to remember her way around the church, but it was so dark, it effected her memory. She stopped walking and looked around her. Nothing but black surrounded her. She lifted her hand in front of her face and for the first time could not see herself. She began to feel frightened. She debated on calling out the king's name, or even the name of the old priest that ministered there, if he was still there. She paced slowly. Outside, a low rumble of thunder crashed in the sky.

This old church was full of memories, and full of giant empty space, even in the days of her childhood. She remembered Priest Gene's sermons on not being set on material things, focusing only on necessity, therefore not having any ties to any earthly things when it came time to go to glory. She remembered sitting on those old wooden pews as a child, listening to his broad yet calming voice. She especially was fascinated on his messages on love. She remembered the story he told his congregation, about the mysterious girl named Alana who in a few days allowed him to fall desperately in love with her. He admitted to the church his natural feelings and the secret rendezvous they had. Then he was called into priesthood, which forbad him to marry. The night he was going to explain to her what could never happen with them she disappeared, seemingly off the face of the Earth. She remembered watching the tears strike in his eyes, and wondering what it felt like to have a piece of your heart taken and be missing. But now she knew, she knew that pain of the love that could never be, the desire to get married but the opposition overpowering your will, she knew. She knows...but she will now choose to push past it, for love is patient and love never ends.

She began to try to think on the letter, the king said the back of the church, surely she was there by now after wondering blindly for these last wasted minutes. Feeling officially lost she finally decided to call out.

"My lord? My lord I am here! Please show me where you are, I am not a good companion of the dark!" She waited in the silence, straining to hear anything. Suddenly she heard a growing tapping sound, escalating louder and louder until it was followed by a small dim light in the dark. She walked towards the sound and the light until she recognized a small candle shape, but the dark shadows of fingers holding it still could not be identified with the person whom they belonged too. She stopped and waited for the floating candle to get close to her, she began to feel a new presence in the air, followed by a very familiar scent. The mystery hand reached out and took hers, she gasped for she could not see the presence moving."My lord?"

"I would have waited many years if that is how long it would have taken to feel your delicate palm inside my hand again." Her heart dropped at the sound of her love's voice. She held tight on that familiar hand and began to walk forward, allowing that familiar force of love guide her past the old obstacles of the church. As she walked she involuntarily watched the dancing flicker of the candle light in the king's hand. Her mind began to wonder back towards the moments when she first encountered fire. The time when she was burned as a child before learning the life lesson of fire being something not to touch. Then into more recent times, in front of the king's fireplace, the passionate kisses and touches exchanged in front of that waltzing flame. It soaking up the lover's sounds they made, the strains of the passionate tension that they struggled to hold back. All those precious nights where they could have followed through with what their bodies desired but ended up just cuddling in soft sleep. And now that guiding flame of fire that stood in the strong hands of her love was foreshadowing something new and unknown. She did not know how to prepare, but she just allowed herself to be lead. The dark spaces in her life were now lit up by this dim and bright light. She looked forward and saw another path of light before her. She held her breath.

The king lead her into a small room hidden in the back of the church. She looked around as they walked into the door. Many candle sticks full of flickering candles surrounded all the walls in the room. Two very small pews were in the middle leaving a little isle to walk down. The king set down his candle in the empty space of the candlestick by the door. Lillian breathlessly looked at him, never letting go of his hand. He looked back at her, smiling a loving smile as he closed the door with his free hand. They stood there staring at each other for the longest time, as if they were looking at each other's faces for the very first time again. After countless moments, King Troy squeezed Lillian's hand and the two, forgetting the rest of the world, walked down the small isle.

Their eyes never left each other as the stepped lightly on the heavy floor. They finally turned their heads forward at the same time to face an old man leaning on an cain. His face was drooping, full of wrinkles and bags and sacs of age. He was bent forward. His advancing look almost frightened Lillian, until she saw a small comforting smile spread across is his ghastly face.

"My my, little Lily August. You are not little any more though. I would know those copper brown eyes anywhere." He stepped towards Lillian slowly, extending an old wrinkled hand, landing softly on her arm. Lillian's eyes weld up with tears.

"Priest has been so many years." She walked over and hugged him tightly. He patted her on her back and stepped back.

"It has been a long time, I would have never expected to see your gentle face again, but for such an occasion..."

"My kind gentleman, this may seem suspicious, me asking you to preform a private ceremony in the middle of the night. I really do appreciate what you will do for us." King Troy interrupted, almost sounding in a rush. Lillian froze. When he said the word CEREMONY she immediately knew what was about happen. Her heart started to race even faster, she began to turn pale, the room began to spin...marriage marriage marriage.

"Oh hush hush young man, for many years I have conducted God's work inside these walls. It brought me great joy to have a knock at my sanctuary doors. I have been all alone in this place for years, ever since this young woman was a young child. I have done this many times, but I must ask a question."

"Yes sir"

"Why do you want to be married?" The three fell silent. The sound of Lillian's labored breathing grew louder and louder. King Troy looked at her, preparing to blow both of them away with an answer when all of a sudden Lillian began to fall. Marriage Marriage Marriage.....

Lillian opened up her eyes slowly. King Troy's eyes appeared in thin slits. She could not hear, all sounds were muffled. All she heard was "Li......Lil......" She suddenly felt something wet and soft on her forehead. "Lil....Lilli....Lillian!" She opened her eyes all the way. She saw Troy's shoulders, his eyes looked worried. Priest Gene continued to dab the cold wet cloth on her forehead.

"My dear, what happened?"

"I...I do not know. Nerves maybe." She began to pick herself up.

"Slowly, my love slowly" King Troy reached under her back and lifted all of her weight in one arm. He stood her up on her feet and held her hand again. "Are you alright?"

"I am, this just caught me by surprise, I suppose." She dusted her dress off.

"You did not know you were going to be joined in Holy Matrimony?" Priest Gene lifted one dusty grey eyebrow.

"No no, I knew, I just...was not prepared for it." She looked at King Troy, whose brows were still pulled tight towards his eyes out of worry. "I am now" She grabbed his other hand and squeezed it. All the fear in King Troy's face drained, pulling his lips onto a new smile.

King Troy and Lillian answered the priest question in their vows. In front of the numerous candles, they exchanged words of love, expressing their passion and desire for each other. Their hands joined were clasped together so long that the sweat that came from nervousness in their palms fell together and welded into one. Their lips brought forth pure and natural words, beautiful enough to influence tears out of the priest's eyes.

"Remember this. Love suffereth long, and is kind; love envieth not; Love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Love never faileth... Do you two promise to abide by this word of God, as long as you both shall live?" They looked deeply into each other's eyes, a tear developed in Lillian's. The king reached up and wiped it with his thumb, then proceeding to caress the side of her cheek. Lillian nodded her head, and King Troy nodded his.

"I do" King Troy said proudly.

"I do" Lillian whispered, allowing another tear to fall out of her other eye.

"By the power invested in me by our Lord and Savior, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now unite with a kiss." Lillian let out a exuberant and tearful sigh. With no warning, King Troy swept her up in his strong arms, almost tight enough to squeeze the very life out of her and crushed his lips onto hers. He could not control himself, and Lillian did not mind, she unconsciously bit his bottom lip. Those kisses were violent, overly strengthened by the amount of uncontrollable passion and desire built up by time. The priest blushed, debating turning away from such an intimate moment. But soon all sufficed, and the violence died away, leaving nothing but gentleness and softness. Tears streamed down their faces. They found their moment in that candle lit room. The priest smiled and left. "God bless you both, and may God be in your marriage." was his last words before leaving the room, closing the wooden door behind him.

Trying to Shake the Trees

She began to walk bristly to the Stawery Manor again, her hood almost causing her to fly backwards in the wind. She was laughing historically to herself, people passing by her looked confused at her, mistaking her for madness. But Rebeca was mad. Picking up her skirts she began to run, her expensive heels close to breaking on the cobblestone ground. She looked down at her speeding feet for a second, feeling the evil determination in her blood boiling almost made her dizzy with expectation. She never stopped smiling at the thought of putting the brown wench in the gallows close to the manor. She walked around the Iron gates into the front entrance, feeling especially bold. The two guards standing there stopped to look at her. She threw her head back in laughter as she grabbed one by the face and planted a violent kiss on his quivering lips.The other began to speak as she reached over and grabbed his groin tightly in her hand. Both stood speechless, one in particular began to feel weak in his knees. She let go of biting the guard on his lower lip and stepped back to look at both men in the face. Both gave her that look of desperation and sinful lust that she was used to, the face of dissatisfaction and the unyielding need they had for her to do more, but she shook her head at the disappointed men. Leaning into the one most desperate's ear she whispered seductively.

"When I become queen, I will seek to fill every need disgusting men like you have. Elect me and I will leave you...satisfied" She kissed him on his neck, leaving him shivering. and walked right through the bars of the front gate. She suddenly heard a loud groan followed by a thud on the ground. She shook her head again and smiled evilly as she walked the long pathway towards the doors of the castle.  The king did not know the true nature of her plans, he walked right into them.  Rebeca studied enough of his penmanship to master his way of writing, the letter worked beautifully. 


"Enjoy your little bliss you black wench, for short lived it shall be, you just made it easier for me" She laughed internally.






End of Book One


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.11.2011

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To The Victorian Era and Romance Lovers, And Also to Those Who Understand Love is Colorblind. Work in Progress. Grey Power.

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