
chapter 1

today iget to visit my mother in the sitriacic hospital. i get a break from the frounder boarding school. but, im not here to tell you about me visiting my mental mother but, im here to tell you about my horrible experience at boarding school.( just so you know i'll have many more bad experencies here.)
I was standing next to my grand ma who was excorting me there. " I dont want to be here!" i complained
"i told you," grandma began," we areleady taking care of great grandma."
"why cant you take care of me to!" i whined as we walked down the sidewalk twoards the school.
grandma gave me a look saying 'i told you already.'
the school looked better in the the pamphlet the school was gray but shinny with the sun behind it glistening. the grass was green and flowers spotted the lawn. but in real life it was dull grayand the lawn was spotted with no grass and dried grass.
some spots did have grass (healthy) but not much. the buildings were short and spread out wildly.the roofs were flat. in the middle of all the small buildings was a large building standing tall over all the others. it had a cruved rood at the top and the acual building
went straight up.
" it dosent look fun."i murmered
"dont worry i know youll have fun." grandma said cherrfully
we walked across the dead lawn to the big building in the middle.the front entrance was a plain room with only two doors on either side.spirling stairs went up to the next three floors. we went all the way to the top floor.on the top floor we followed a sign on the
on the wall pointing to a door straight in front of us saying 'adminastraightive office'
when we walked in to a chubby man with gresy black hair eating could defenitly tell because his face was covered in crumbs.
"what ue you aunt!" the man yelled
" im a new student here. is this were we are supost to be." i asked
the man had swoloed his mouthful of dounuts before he spoke again his voice was loud and booming, "yes this is were you are supost to be. who is the gardian?"
"i am"grandma said
"ok."the man said getting paper out of a drawer,"i am pricable gragi. if you could sign these papers we'd be done here."
grandma and i looked at the paper. she handed me a page to fill out and she filled out the other page. here was how the page looked,
'my name is and im going to start atending frounder boarding school. i am years old and am in grade. i agree to the rules of frounder boarding school.
student signature:

RULES OF FROUNDER BOARDING SCHOOL on time to classes bad language bullying (that includes physical fighting) disclouding others chewing gum
6. no running in the hallway talking in the librairy weapons or drugs
9. no vamdilism
punishments at this school range from lunch detention to expultion.if a child isnt on time for class,for an example, they would get a lunch detention.if a child skipped a class they would (depending on the reason) would get a detenion or a suspention.
parent signature: '
i filled out the sheet and i signed my name then handed the paper to grandma who handed my paper along with hers to princible gragi.
"thank you." the princible murmered, ' go through that door over there and vice princible cassie will help you pick out classes." the man was pointing to a wooden door on the side of his office.
we walked through the door in to a small office with a window behind a cluttered desk.
the voice of the yougn women suprised us," the name is vice princable cassie."
She had her blonde hair tied up in aloose bun. Her face was slender with a loving children person look.
" are you the new student?" she asked
"yes." i answered
"could i see her last report card so i can put her in the best classes for her." vice princible cassie said," oh yay! you'll also get 2-4 elective"
grandma handed her my latest report card
"you are one smart kiddo!"cassie exlaimed
" i've always done pretty well." i murmered
"compared to some other peaple here, your awsome. some kids the best they have is a C- compared to you with 2 a+'s and 4 regular a's."vice princible cassie said with excitment
she grabbed three peices of paper, wrote something on each then handed me the papers," if you dont like any of those scheduels i can make another one."
this was the one i picked

7:00-7:30 :breakfast MPR (multi purpose room)
7:40-8:30 :history rm13
8:35- 9:15 : P.E. front lawn
9:20-10:10 : elective
10:15-11:00 :elective
11:00-11:50 :science rm.8
12;00-1:00 :lunch MPR
1:05- 1:50 :elective
1:50-2:30 :advanced reading rm.2

my electives were rm.18
2.strings rm.3 Rm.16
"ok. your dorm are on the bottom floor of this building. the right door and dorm 73." vice princible cassie smiled
"thank you." grandma said.
we walked down the spiraled stairs to the bottom floor. we went to the door on the right then found room 73.
"are you staying the night here with me tonight?" i asked grandma but it was more like begging.
grandma looked at me sadly," im sorry i can't i have to go to work tomorow."
: oh" i murmered."
"i love you ." grandma said. she kissed my head and said her goodbyes and left.

chapter 2

i stood in front of my bed inside my room. it was bare. i didn't know i had to bing a sheet and stuff! i didn't know what to do you i walked in to vice princible Cassie's office.
"what do you need kiddo?" she asked
" what about my bed? it's bare. do i need my own sheets?"
" ok, your suppost to but i have some for the kids who don't know." she pulled out a plain white sheet and a gray/blue blanket.
" thank you." i said dragging the blankets up to my room.
when i got to my room i examined it. it was small with two beds with a night stand by each, a dresser, and a bathroom with a small sink and one of those bath/shower thingys.
not until 2;30 did i meet my roommate. she was short with blond hair greasy and stringy. she looked sweaty as thogh all she did today was run but, she looked smart or trying to be because her book bag was overflowing with books and papers.
we didn't realt talk just introduced ourselves then went to bed.
my alarm clock went off at 6:30. i got dressed, combed my hair , brushed my teeth in the hand sink , and cleaned my glasses.
i left after my roommate (aliza) and at a quieck breakfast of hash browns and eggs. ( wasn't that bad) and went off to my first class.
i walked in and my teacher hated me from the start. i was talking to one of my other teachers in the hall so i was like 30 seconds late so when i walked into the classroom mr. srectavario said, " 30 seconds late detention"
"what." i complained
"talk back! go to the princible!" he shouted
i walked to the princible gragi's office where he was waiting for me. i knew because he had dounuts on the side of his desk but he didn't have any in his mouth.
" late for class and backtalking. tk tk tk tk. i knew you would be trouble." he was making me want to scream amd shout
" i was only 30 seconds late!" i protested
" go to you'r next class and be early this time. detention after school all week. GOOD BEY!"
i walked to my next class not hurring but not going slow.i made it there 30 seconds early
the p.e. teacher wasn't mean but she wasn't my favorite.
the first thing she said to me was, " your the new student aren't you."
" yay." i said.
i took a good look at her face before she answered. se had a thick face , black hair pulled into a ponytail, she didn't look nice but she wasn't completely mean., " every new student must take the physical test so i can place them in trhe right class."
" o.k. " i said. i was never good at p.e.. the only sport i was good at was softball. when i took the test i had to do several exersizes and streches. she put me in the average class.
" come here tomorow at 10: 15. switch your classes. i'll talk to the princible." she explanied
i walked into the smalroom with a small homemade stage. it was dimly lited with 1 small spotlight.
A small old woman popped into the spoghtlight. her white/grey hair pulled into a bun. She had yellow teeth and a wooden cane. " our new student!" she yelled in a scrgaly voice.
I smiled shyly at the row of students in chairs apeared when the light flikered on.
The one farthest from me had light brown hair and blue eyes. He was tall and tan. To any other girl. 'THE TOATAL PACKAGE'. i'm not like that. i look on the inside, not the out.
The one in the middle was medium hieght who glowered at her black hating eyes.she had a round face and black hair with hot pink and dark green streaks.
The one closest to me had his nose in his notes, black hair, glasses, and apparently shy.
"i'm ms.varcek," the old women said, " this is darren,karen, and greg." she said pointing from the farthest to the cloest"
"where can i sit?" i asked
" oh! you can sit next to Darren." ms varcek said
when i sat down Karen got even darer and more full of hate.
" we were just talking about how an actor needds to be ready for disturbances from adiences. Would you like to try?" ms varcek asked.
" i guess." i said shyly
" you are on the moon and a talking rabbit trys to get you to have tea but you don't want to." she said ," Karen! you be the rabbit."
I started jumping like i was on the moon when Karen umped in like a bunny.
" Drink the tea." she said in a kreepy voice
" boo!" the teacher yelled," this is horrible!"
"hey!" i yelled,"that's um that's just!"
"would you like some tea?" karen asked again
"but she!"i yelled pointing at ms. varcek
" that's our lesson for the day." she said ," home work, write a short play about a war."

chapter 3

I got into strings class which was all the way across the campus, theres was to many people to introduce name by name so i just sat down when even though i knew i would have to stand up to get my viola anyway.
" Layni," mrs. helom said," please rise again so you can get your viola.
the teacher had black hair teied up in a sock bun, had reading glasses, a slender face, and a slim body.
The class went well. we went over a few songs and thats about it.
My next class was all went well, thinking that when we had to get in groups fora science poster thats worth a big portion of this tri -mesters grade no one wanted to group with me. I got stuck with , a bully, a nose picker, and a lazy kid who asked if he had to do any work. At least the teacher is nice. She has long blond hair, thick black reading glasses,and she always has her hair tied up with a pink or green or blue ribon.
Like i said, we had a group project. We all had to sit in our grroups and decide what we were doing our project on the dangers of fossil feuls. Here was our conversation:
"we should do our project on the dangers of fossil feuls." i sugest.
"what is that?!" jimmy the nose picker asked excitedly
"What does it matter?" Luke the lazy one said," It's not like i'm doing any work."
"Me neither." said Bruce, the big bad bully.
"A fossil feul," I answered," is dead pant material that has had layers of rock and sand covering it until they become fossil feuls. We, the people, use to many fossil feuls even though they are dangerous."
"uuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmm...." the boys all said symaltaniously
" Well," Luke commented, " if we all have to be a part of this, i have a good idea who does what,layni, you can do research, writting, designing, and coloring, the rest of us will read it thru and edit it."
" And if you don't agree, little layni"bruce threatened, " you'll be answering to my fists."

" Can i help you with your part of the project? It seems kinda fun." Jimmy asked.
" of coarse. I'm suprised that you even whant to. Everyone els in this group just wants it done with out doing anywork. I don't think they even care about grades." i said
" I care about my grade, but no one thinks im smart, i might not be but im trying." immy says
we pulled out my computer and googled 'dangers of fossil feuls'. What i hate about search engines is that a million, billion different sites come up, and one might sy the dangers of fossil feuls but realy be about a rino bungie jumping from a staircase. Plus when you get to far down there are no websites based on your subject. So as you might geuss we found millions of search engines all from the same website that said, 'fossil feuls are dangerous because it pollutes.'
We finnaly found a great website when the bell rang.
At lunch everyone charged to the door. Today was terreaky beef dunkers. Gross! To me. So i went to my dorm, got in to a sack i had brought, and got my peanut butter and bread and made myself a sandwhich.Then i went to the multi purpose room to eat it.
There were lots of tables all filled with kids. i saw one table where Karen was sitting. Her hating eyes now seemed happy with her freinds. Her hair seemed lighter and freer, and she herself seemed nice.
Then i saw Daren. Actually,I saw every one from all . my classes, even Brice, Jimmy,and Luke. Jimmy motioned for . me to sit next to him at his table. I thought, sitting with them can't be that bad.
" How far did you two dunderheads get?" Bruce asked.
Bruce then laughed and just walked away. So did Luke, going in the . opposite direction.
" What was that about?" I asked Jimmy.
" I don't know." Jimmy said," they wouldn't tell me."
"Miss . Layni." I could tell it was Mr. Craig.

chapter 4

I shuffled my feet down the hallway. Mr. Gragi made me come to his office. I had no idea why. I didn't do anything wrong!
The office stood plain. I sat down in the chair on the other side of the large desk.
" Do you know why your in here?" mr. Gragi asked.
" To be completely honest sir,' I began," I don't know."
"Liar!" He shouted, " Those boys ran in here crying because of you!"
" Wait" I ask," Luke and Bruce?"
" That's almost completly admitting it!" Mr. Gragi screamed
" Amittimg what?" I ask tryed with all my might not to yell.
He shoved my school papers. 'No bullying' was highlighted.
" Wait," I ask, " You think i was bullying?"
" Those boys came in here crying telling me all the story! what am i supost to think!" Mr. Gragi yelled.
" I Didn't do anything." I said thru cleched teeth so i wouldn't yell.
" You called them dunderheads and stole their sandwhich." He said the same way I did.
" I didn't." I said.
" Come see me after school." he said.
"I have detention." I repyed
" After that he said scooting the doughnuts closer as I walked out the door.
By the time I got to room 16 it was already 1o clock. I slipped into the room and found almost the whole class was already in there. It was a huge room with seveal stations set up around the room.. On one side there was a row of esles where a boy, not much older than me was filling little cups full of paint at each one.
on another spot in the room there was a bunch of clay on a long table, and next to the tables were a line of pottery wheles.
In another spot in the room had another table with a huge stack of papers and a lot of graphite pencils and huge erasers scattered on it.
And lastley there was a table with glue, quetips,pipecleaners,toothpicks, rubberband,ribbins, pencils ( the colored kind too.), and other random household items.
The bell rang as soon as the clock struck 1:05 and a women with red hair in a ponytail and wearing a pink drees with an apron on top of it said," welcome to art class. Today, just like any other Friday, is test day. Group 3 go to station 1, Group 2 station 4, Group 1 station 3 and Group 4 go to station 2. Make sure to turn ant cly projects to the turn in rack, not the plain drying rack." I looked over to a counter were there were 2 drying racks, one labeled turn in, and the other drying rack.
I went up to the teacher and asked," Um.. I'm new, what group am I in?"
She turned around and smiled," Oh. Hello I'm Ms. Anderson. You can be in Group 3. Go to station 1, the esieles."
I smiled and turned on my heels to the esieles and went to a free esile.
" Hi!" The girl next to me said. She didn't seem much younger than me with round glasses and a blue v-neck and jeans," I'm Jane, But we shouldn't be talking to much cause it's test day. We need to paint a nice picture then turn it in and the same with the rest of the stations."
" Ok." I said and turned to my easle. I picked up a brush and dipped it in red. i stroked the brush across the page in one large sweep. I made several colors fly acroos the page, then dipped the brush i purple and splat it with little splatteres on the page. it had blank around a lot of the edges. I put a sun in the corner of the picture making sure that i avodied the stokes of paint on the easle.
" Good job." Ms. Anderson commented when she passed my picture," A fan of abstract?"
" Yeah, kinda.." I replied.
A small timer on the counter went off and Ms. Anderson annonced," Switch stations. Turn in whatever your doing whether your done or not."
Everyone scattered. They were turning in papers and painting and drawings and clay modles. After I found a large box to turn my painting into then went to the clay table with the rest of Group 3.
I sat on modelded the clay in my hand and formed it into a lump of goo, which was suppost to be a stone. I tried again and this time it looked more like a stone. then i grabbed a tinny bit more clay and tried to make aa sword. which ended looking like a stick, but i still stuck it onto the clay rock. after that I i stuck it in the oven. After it got out of the oven i got thin paint out of a drawer and painted it halfway then the timer went off. i put the clay sword in the stone and put it on the turn in rack. then I went to the drawing table.
I was a horrible drawer so i just drew the first thing i saw, a pencil. It didn't turn out so good but it was an okay drawing. when the timer whent off i turned in my picture and went to the table with random supplies.
I found two small cardboard boxes and used toothpicks and quetips to make a bridge connecting them, a thing peice of cardboard that i put my bridge on, and then used a couple blue ribbons to use as 'water under the bridge.'
when the timer finished with it's last ring the teacher ushered us out." You'll get your scores on Monday."
I walked out and went to my next class.

chapter 5

advanced reading:
Mr. louis was written tightly in the corner of the board when i walked into the classroom. The big thing opn the board was this:
1: turn in book report
2: meet with your reading group to disscuss.
3: go to the book list and sign up for the book you want to read.
I sat down at an empty desk in the front of the classroom.
Mr. Louis just sat at his desk. He looked up and saw me.
He was a man of many mysteries. Or at least that's how he looked. He was strangly tall with black hair, thin,l dark lips,pale skin, and was wearing a black coat and long black pants. He looked at me over his reading glasses. " new student?" He asked
I nodded my head and he handed me a large packet." turn this in on Monday." he said and walked back to his desk and then added," do number 3."
I got up and found the book sighn up sheet. 5 books were listed, Lucy luckhorn, julias star, carcass, blue jay, and the tigers eye. I put my name under Julia's Star. Then i walked back to my desk and stated on my packet.
By the time the bell rang i was already 6 pages into the 20 page packet.
I went straight to a room that had a big sign at the front saying, detention.
" Luke..., Bruce..., Daren..., Jake..., Helen...., Layni..." Mr Hubert said as he called role after school in the detention room.
" Ok," He said," Everybody be quiet and work on homework. If i hear peep outa ya, you'll have 50 lines, another, 100, and so on." Then he walked away to his desk.
All this room was were lines of desks, a white board, and a larger desk for the teacher.
I pulled out a peice of lined paper and started on my short play about war:
My War expierience.
Lucy as a narrorator: when i was in the war not many women were in it. I remenber the scariest moment...
curtains draw and reveal a scene, lots of bushes and trees, a couple people scattered among them, some lay on ground dead. dark.
Lucy(intoa radio): Sargent 3 copy that whats your position.
Drake ( coming out of microphone): Position 5, nearing enemy base.
That's where I was at when a note slid onto my paper, it read:
I hope your not in to much trouble... hahahahaha! actualy i hope you do! If you don't already know who this is, it's bruce and luke. What's ur punishment any way?
I flipped the page over and wrote:
Don't know yet.
Then i sent it flying across the desk next to me and it fell on the floor by Bruce.
I looked for his writting on the empty spot on the paper some sort of reply, but he got out a match and burnt the paper. He squirted it with water from a water bottle so the scent wouldn't travel and there was no smoke, but the paper was un readable beacaus eof the chared blackness.
I just looked back down at my paper and continued to write untill i had gotten to the next peice of paper and remembered it was suupost to be a short play, so i wrapped it up and put it in my binder.
" Your exused." The teacher said and then everybody bolted for the door. I just put on my coat and waited till the door jam was over, then i headed for Mr. gragi's office.

chapter 6

In Mr. Gragi's office he looked very worried when i walked in. He had just gotten off the phone with someone, and started nibbling on the edge of a dougnut.
" Um... Mr. Gragi?" I said walking in.
" Your not in trouble any more." he said," No more detentions either, just get out!"
I was startled but got away from his office anyway.
I went to my Dorm and started on my homework... or finished all my home work. well,.. not even all of it, just some. I did have all weekend!
Me and Aliza talked alot and went down to the multipurpose room to eat dinner. Spageity Yummy!
We sat at a table together. I met her freinds. There was lucy, Jalene, Grandi, or Brandi, I forget.
" Hi" Jalene said
" Oh.. Hi." I Said.
Dinner went by quickly, and so did bedtime. Aliza and i woke up in the morning to a loud buzzing over the intercom. Then," Everybody, I know it's 6:30 in the morning on a Saturday but every body to the cafeteiria right now! to the cafeteiria in your pajamas!"
We both got up and wiped the hazyness out of our eyes and went to the multi purpose room in our p.j.s
The cafiteiria was full of chstter. Nobody knew what was goin on.
" Everybody.." Mr. Gragi said into a microphone from a stage on the far side of the large room.
" we are having an inspection later today. Not a teacher supervised inspection but a union supervised inspections. I want everyone ready. You are exused."
Everyone got up and walked out of the room. Everyone whispering,but not talking
" What's the big deal about an inspection?" I asked
" It's very hard to impress the Union. If they find enough flaws they'll sbut down the school. Then where do we go?" Aliza answered
" Oh." I said
When we got to the dorm Aliza started getting ready like crazy. Brushing her teeth for like 3 minutes instead of 2.
" come on!" She commanded.
I did what she did and then we both put our hair in realy tight ponytails and laced our shoes perfectli.
Then Aliza handed me a broom and pointed to the bathroom. " sweep!"
I swept the bathroom untill i couldn't find the tinyiest speck or dirt, and Aliza did that with the vacume in the bedroom part of the dorm.
We both scrubed the bathroom and made our beds so well that we could bounce a quarter off it.
" I think were ready for the inspection." Aliza commented

chapter 7

Later Over the intercom a lady said," Every body into the multipurpose room looking their best. Make a single file line once your in there."
Everyone lined up in the cafeteria and stood super straight. A women named Ms. Gurtrude looked at our clothes and called people off on their ponytails or on if their shirt had even the slightest stain. When she got to me i felt like i was going to faint. She looked me over and walked by me without another glance.
Then she inspected hallway cleanliness and dorm cleanliness, kitchen and classroom cleanliness.
Aliza and i got a 9 out of 10 on our dorm.
The next day every one had to be gathered in the multipurpose room for an early morning meeting.
"Hello Students," ms. Gurtrude said,' I'm sorry to inform you that Mr. Gragi has been fired, So i will be your new principal.' her voice was high but her face shed no happiness.
Everyone in the cafeteria looked at eacher other and shared exlaimed gasps.
" i know this may come to a shock, but he was not following up on his paperwork, wasn't doing kitchen inspections, and spending the school's money on his doughnut collection." she continued, Anlong with the fact that the school's kitchen was moldy, and disgusting, and the school food was, unedable, the kitchen staff was also fired. I have not inspected teacher's work ethic yet, so that will begin tomorow. Everyone may leave and make sure they're here ON TIME for lunch for another annocments."
Everyone left the room and whent back to their dorms.
" Wow..." Aliza sighed, " this is big..."  

  " Um... Well..." I mumbled.

   " Um Well what?" Aliza asked

   "I never liked him. He was always strikt, and if he was doing what that lady said...."

   " I know i know...." aliza said,"  But ... that lady, i went to a private school once where she was a principal. She had strickt rules, uniforms, and fired half the teachers.  

   " Oh... well.." I mumbled. we should do our homework!" Changing the subject i pulled out my large paket and began working on it.

   Lunch's announcment was," All student willl wear these uniforms  everyday. There is a list of acsesorizing rules on the counter. Pick one up as you leave! Hair is another problem i'm seeing, so, no loose hair, all must be put up, no barrets or fancyness, no hair spray, and bobbypins are allowed, only to keep stray hair out of your face when in a ponytail. Boys, i hope you know none of these rules apply to you."

   Then we all ate our lunch in scilenece, which was weird for this school, there was always chatter,but today, only a few stary whispers.

   I picked up the accsesorizing rules and a small uniform. the rules were odd, and went as follower:

1. no braceletes

2. no necklaces

3. belts are allowed, but no chains. ankletes

5. only stud earings

 And only tennishoes are allowed to be worn Monday- friday, and on any day invovleing a school program, if you are in it.(unless different footware is for a costume.)

   I was surprised, scared even. I had a wierd feeling this was going to be even worst that i thought it would be.



chapter 8

   On monday morning, it was odd seeing everyone in the same outfit, everyone with thier hair the same way.

   I walked to calss, making sure I wasn't late again. When I got in the classroom the teacher was at the desk with students around the room talking to freinds and such. He gave me a glare which made me feel uncomfortable. I knew what this ment. I had witnessed it to many times before. A student goofs around and gives the teacher a horrible first  impression. Then the student is looked at as a bad student, and is punished much easier for the rest of the year. I didn't want ot be that kid. I was a good kid A.K.A., A goodytoshoes.

   I went ot my desk and sat down as the bell rang. "Our little dilequent is on time today." He said

   I blushed and pulled out a green History book " Mr. DEreck is  what you'll call me." He said.

   Class went on. Twoards the end


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.05.2012

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