


Dreams come true

New York, 1931. The lives of many families are turned on their heads by the global economic crisis. This is the story of how this hardship affects George, a small ten year old boy ...

A fatal mistake

Jake is standing on the edge of a cliff. He is desperate and wants to jump. Monika, a friend from school tries to stop him. Can she succeed or will fate take an unexpected turn?

Unattainable love ...

Short story about love ...

A dangerous test of courage

Love, true friendship and danger. A dangerous test of courage is what the children Steve, Joey, Ashley, Tim and Debbie ask of Steve, who is desperate to be included in their group. Will he make it? ...


Rüdiger Kaufmann, father of two children, works as an administrator. In 1990, he discovered his passion for writing. Today, he writes short stories. In a genre he has not been determined.

Dreams come true

 My special thanks goes to Annika Sturm for proofreading and editing.

George was at Herald Square like every day asking people who pass by for a small donation. Since his father had lost his job, he had no choice but to ask for alms. The global economic crisis had changed many things and nothing was the same as before. Companies had to close down and people lost their jobs. Many of them had to live from hand to mouth, others tried their luck in other areas around New York. There were days when George was lucky and got a few cents together so they could buy something to eat. But then there were days when they had to go hungry again. At night he could hear his mother cry herself to sleep. He desperately wanted her to be happy again, but he couldn't help her. George actually didn't mind Herald Square. This was mainly thanks to Macy's, a large department store selling childrens' toys. Every night before George had to go home, he pressed his nose against the shop windows beaming. For one moment a day, he was able to forget about everything. The constant hunger, the children laughing at him because of his scruffy, ragged clothes and his mother, who was still crying every day. George's father tried everything to get a new job, but of course he was not the only one. With the majority of people out of work, competition was fierce. Others indulged in alcohol to forget and then there were those that unrightfully just took what they needed from others and ended up in prison.

George knew how to distinguish right from wrong and prayed to God every night for a better future. And he had one dream. The object of his desire was however unreachable for him behind the shop window. It was the dream of every child. How often had he seen other children enter the shop and leave with it. But ultimately the disillusionment would set in when he reached into his pocket and realised that he had only ten cents. Not enough money to fulfill his dearest wish. Dr. Doo cost three dollars. For that money they would be able to buy a whole loaf of bread. George would put his ten cents back in his pocket and slowly wander home. Tomorrow would be just another day when he would stand at Herald Square and ask for alms. And at night he would be able to gaze at the shop window, dreaming of Dr. Doo. His parents knew and it broke their hearts. Before the Great Depression


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Rüdiger Kaufmann
Bildmaterialien: Cover design by Stefanie Kaufmann using a photo of kconners (Morguefile / License Morguefile) and the App "Horror Cam" on (Tropisounds) - Free font for the cover by Typodermic Fonts (Ray Larabie) on (
Übersetzung: All rights reserved Translated from German August 2012
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.04.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-2500-3

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