
Chapter One



“I’m coming! Give me 20 minutes.” I groaned on the phone clutching it in one hand and grab my sports Nike shoes on the other whilst running downstairs towards our underground parking lot.


“Jao! Can you hurry your fat ass or I will just let the driver to take you instead!” I yelled to my younger brother whose always late all the time. Seriously, he wakes up everyday around 10-ish in the morning and go to school almost lunchtime and he never gets in trouble. But whenever I wake up around 9 o’clock in the morning, I always get a long spiritual and academically lecture from our butler Mr Joseph.


“Okay, okay! I’m in.” My younger brother muttered as he enters my latest Jaguar F-Type colour purple car.


I rolled my eyes at him and turned on the engine of my car. I look around the parking lot and waved goodbye to other vehicles of mine.


Since I turned 16 and got my Learner’s licence, my parents bought me my first car as a gift, a Chevrolet Corvette. I loved it so much that I keep using it while my personal driving instructor taught me how to drive. When I turned 17 and get my Red P’s – a permit licence to drive by myself – my parents bought me another car, a Red Ford Mustang. It was so cool driving it I feel such a badass. Then I turned 18 and celebrated my debutant ball in Paris, France my brother bought me another car, a black Porsche 718 Cayman and a black Ferrari 488 GTB. I burst out in tears and gave him a bear hug. When I got into an accident on my 19th, my best friend bought me this Jaguar and on my 20th birthday I bought myself a Britten V1000 motorbike. I always love fast vehicles. My mates sometimes thought I’m a tomboy because I like what guys like; you know fast vehicles, martial arts, sparring, hiking – I think all of the sports apart from swimming. I can’t swim. I mean maybe I can, I just never tried.


The security guards open the main gate on a little remote control and I speed off to the road making my brother whack his head on the dashboard. I let out a short laugh and he just snarl at me like an animal that he is.


“So… why of a sudden beat up your body to gym?” the little booger asked and out of a sudden, he just snapped his fingers and did not even give me a chance to reply and said, “Ah! Of course! You’re knight and shining armour is coming next week.” He smirked, “that must’ve been super exciting for you.”


I shoot him a killer look and hit him in the head. I heard a grunt, he glare back at me and look back outside the window.


I never really talk to my brother about my feelings or boys. I get uncomfortable and it’s weird to talk mature stuff to him. I’m 20-years-old for fuck sake and he’s only 13. God only knows what he know about love life.


We keep driving in silence, until I stoped and drop him off at his best friend’s house – Jonathan. My brother and I wanted to live a normal life. You know, have a lot of friends, invite them in the mansion and have a sleep over for a weekend, go out and watch movies without 10 buffy guys following our tracks and will be able to walk anywhere without people staring and talks about us. But unfortunately, living a simple life is not on our side. You see, our family is very well known around the world. If you asked people on the streets if do they know the Belmoor they’d always gave you the same answer ‘the richest family around the world’.


My grandparents on my mother side owned the most famous and most luxurious hotel in France. Since my mum is an only child, she inherited it and met my dad in one of her business meeting. Dad is also an only child and a future King of England. My grand father was broken hearted when my father declined the throne and the responsibility to be a King and decided to become a successful businessman instead. When mum and dad got married they both run 6 businesses in Europe and another 10 other businesses around the world.


I finally arrived on my own mansion but I rather call it a fun house. My mum bought it for me after I graduated in High School. Buying material stuff is the only way she knows how to show that she loves me or at least that’s what I thought.


I liked it here, it’s like my second house and I sleep her often than our main mansion. It’s not that far from our main one anyway, only half an hour drive if I followed the speed limit, which I never do. It’s an enormous mansion with 12 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, 5 game rooms, 2 gym rooms, a big dancing stadium, 2 kitchens, 15 bathrooms, 2 swimming pools – inside and outdoor, a big movie theatre, 2 connecting library room, and a music room with a bar. My mates and I always hang out in this place everyday and it’s the only place where I can go without bodyguards following around. Of course the mansion is fully equipped with surveillance – like cameras, security guards, and even a laser beam attached to each wall of the mansion.


I ran out of my car while the engine is on. I know one of the guards will turn it off anyway so I did not bother and run as fast as I can to the 2nd gym room – my training room.


I looked down at my watch, strap around my wrist and groan in frustration. I’m late for the first time in my life of my training session. It’s all thanks to my annoying brother. Now, I have to think of an excuse.


Oh fuck it!


I opened the door slowly and close my eyes fake crying. “I know, I know… I have wounded your heart. I am so sorry.” Still closed eyes while clutching my heart faking as if I’m in pain. “Will you accept my apology from the rock-bottom of my heart?”


I slowly opened my eyes and bugged out when I found my best friends sitting on the corner of the room wearing gym clothes.


“What are you guys doing in here?” I asked taken aback from the sight in front of me.


“It’s our first day of University tomorrow, so we thought to come by here and do some work out to freshen up,” Teo stated. A smile stretched on his thin lips walking towards me and gave me a hug.


I hugged him back and gave him a peck on his soft cheeks. “I have missed you. How’s your holiday in Canada?” I asked taking a seat next to Roxy – my other best friend.


“It went good. Spent most time running the business while dad was gone for a business trip in Singapore.” Teo replied and took a seat next to Beatrice – another one of our best friend.


“What about us Thea? Don’t you miss us too?” Andrei playfully pouted and stretched out his beefy arms.


“Aw, group hug!” Ruthy cheerfully yelp and we all laugh in response and cuddle together like sardines.


Oh how much I love my best friends. Roxy, Beatrice and Andrei are triplets and their family are one of my family’s best friends. Teo’s father is also my father’s good mate since high school and they both went on the same school as well in University, while Ruthy is a grand daughter of the Prime Minister in Australia. The 6 of us have been friends since kindergarten and since then we never get separated from each other.


I heard someone snicker and we all turned our heads to Dave. “I hate to cut this lovely moment with you guys, but don’t you think we all should go back to our session?” He turned his head towards me and I just smile sheepishly at him.


He shook his head and smile at me, “You young lady since you’re late, you will be sparring with me today.” He pats my head like a puppy and I groaned in response.


“Not the hair, Dave!”


The room erupted with laughter and I untangled my now messy bun and undo it again. I put my Nike shoes tightly and do some stretching before Dave and I will start my training.


I’ve known Dave since I was 10-years-old and his like an uncle I never had. He’s also my personal trainer when it comes to martial arts, kickboxing, and health advisor. He also became my best friend’s personal trainer as well since they all mostly like lived here.


“Put this on,” Dave throws a piece of cloth at me and I just stared at him blankly.


He sighed. “Use it to cover your eyes.”


I tilt my head on the side and look at him like he just loose his right mind. He glared back at me and sighed again.


“Come on! Put it on pequeña princesa.” He begged, “You just have to trust me.”


I look at him unsure if should I or should I not do it but I groaned in defeat and I heard Andrei said, “This should be interesting.”


I put the piece of material on and took a deep breath in assurance. I have always been good when it comes to sparring. I always win against my 5 best friends. Even the guys complimented my skills and the girls complained at how unladylike I move and fight. I took it as a very good compliment. I love to spar. I don’t know but I find calmness inside me whenever I fight, work out or train. But I haven’t grasped this type of sparring before. This will be my first time going to fight with blindfolds on.


Interesting indeed!


I heard bell rings, indicate to start the training. I stand firm on the ground trying to figure out what to do first. Looks like Dave heard my thoughts and answered my question with a smack at the back of my head. I snarl in response.


“You have to focus and listen to your surrounding very carefully.”


I feel a slight push at my back and I turned around punching the air hoping to hit Dave’s face. But instead I get another smack on my arm.


“Hey! That hurt!” I winged and rubbed my arm.


“You have to imagine that you are alone and the room is dark, then focus on the little bit of noise you hear that’s how you find where your opponent is hiding,” Dave suggested.


“Tio, the room turned dark as soon as I put this blindfold on.” I cheekily retort in response and get another smack in my back.




I groaned in response and heard my mates laughing on the background. Dave told them to shut up and I smiled a little when I hear Roxy puff in annoyance.


I decided to follow Dave’s order and focus on the surroundings. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. The quietness of the room makes my body shiver slightly and I feel goose bumps on my skin.


Then I heard a faint noise coming towards my left and I quickly moved to my right. I heard everyone clap and Dave cackle beside me.


“Good job. Let’s do it again but this time I will be fast and will attack you couple of times.” I nodded in response.


The room gone super quite again and I sense something is moving on my right and I shift quickly on my left. I was about to smile but I heard another noise came from my left and I step on my right. Another motion I sense in the middle and I swiftly duck squatting down but loose my balance when Dave’s foot blocked my other foot making me stumbles and hit my butt on the solid ground. I grunt in pain and I remove my blindfold off.


“Well done.” Dave extends his hand and I took it and tagged him forward and I laughed as he whines in pain next to me.


Everyone clap and laughs then helped us get up. I can feel my sweat slowly dripping down my face and I smiled at Dave.


“Thank you for today Dave.” I said as I extend my hand for him to shake.


He smiled back at me and gave me hug instead then pats my back gently. “You are very welcome, princesa.”


I went up to my room and took a long warm shower. I always like to sing while on a shower, even though I don’t have the talent when it comes to singing. I smiled whenever I remember my brother always snapped out on me when I sing. He keeps reminding me of how horrible my voice sounds. I missed him so much.


I grab a clean towel and dry off. I went to my bed and wear my nighties I prepared before I took a shower. I slowly lay down on my soft and comfy bed and starring on the ceiling.


Tomorrow is finally my first year in University and I am so not looking forward to it. I hate being around people I don’t know, people who keep staring at me, people who talks about me and how wealthy my family are, and I hate the fact that on my first day in University my brother is not there to support me and give me a sermon on how to stay strong.


I looked around the room, I feel sad and lonely. I shifted on my right side and grab the white bear that my brother bought for me when I was 7. I remember he told me, ‘whenever you feel sad and lonely, hug this. Its when you know that I am always with you and that I love you little sis.’ My eyes started to feel heavy and I let the darkness win.

Chapter Two

My heart starts beating faster and faster. Sweats dripping down my face, as I tremble in fear and struggled on the burning chain behind me digging on my wrists. I cried in agony when a metal-like fire hit my bare skin near my right shoulder.


‘Stop! No, please stop!’ I sobbed and beg for my life.


I heard laughter erupted the area and another burn touched my lower back. A guy crawled up to me and put his hand on my upper thigh. I cowered in fear and backed away but another guy grabbed my hair and I hissed in pain.


The guy with a big scar on his eyebrow in front of me smiled in satisfaction when he grabbed my bare chest. I spit on his face and he glared down at me with fury.


‘You little bitch!’ He yanked my head up and slapped me so hard that a fresh blood trickle inside my mouth. He smiled at me creepily and I spat the blood on his face.


‘Feisty! I like that’


Then he punched me on my stomach and I collapsed on the floor.


*Trumpet noise*


I bolt up straight from my bed and look around my room. One of the maids stood in front of my door, blowing the trumpet as my wake up call. My mother changed my morning wake up call for a year now. She thought a normal bell is not enough to wake me up. Well, I just hate waking up too early and I love sleeping. I mean, come on! Who doesn’t like to sleep? So she thought a trumpet would jolt me out of my bed and she succeeded.


I grunt in despair and gave in. I stood up sleepy, walked up to the maid and pat her shoulder.


“For a short person like you, you sue can blow that trumpet pretty good.” I joked and walked to my bathroom.


I heard the door closed and I turned on my shower. I usually showered with hot water but right now I needed a cold one. It’s been almost 5 years since I’ve dreamed of that gruesome night. Five years since I have had enjoyed my teenage life without twenty bodyguards ensuing behind me. It took me a year to forget what had happened that night, but why dream of it again?


I shook my head and quickly get dress for school. I can’t be late on my first day of school in University, especially here in America. I’ve never been late to school from Primary to High School when I stayed in England.


I hurried to my car and drove off. I can see 5 black SUV following my tracks on the side mirror and 2 motorcycles ahead of me. After that horrifying event, my parents became over protective and doubled the guards my younger brother and I used to have. Everywhere I go 20 men followed on my tail. I did not complain though. I know my parents are just worried and looking out for us and I absolutely support that, but sometimes there are times where I get annoyed by them. It entices attention from the people around me and I hate that.


The good thing about them is they listen to my request when I want a space from them. They instantly backed away in distance and blend in to the surroundings but still looking out for me. Job like that must be hard to do when you can’t be around with your family all the time. That’s why I respect my bodyguards and maids who served me.


I arrived in school just in time. I heard a loud noise like a bell that rings at church and students hurried in inside the building. I got out of my black Ferrari 488 GTB and walked up to the hallway.


“Hey there you are! We were worried that you might not come today?”


I heard Roxy running towards me along with our other friends. I laughed when Ruthy panting like a dog from running. She glared at me and gave me the bird. I laughed even more. Andrei was looking at me from head to toe. I smirked at the scene.


“You like the view?” I teased. He rubbed his head and smiled cheekily at me showing his perfectly white teeth.


Andrei is always been a womanizer. He got looks, body figure that every girl dreamed of and crave for. He’s talent at soccer is just a bonus points to weaken a grown woman’s knees.


Everybody started laughing and Beatrice smacked Andrei’s head. “A dress, a long white fuzzy coat and a black boots? Not bad for someone who isn’t interested in fashion,” Roxy mused as she gave me a hug.


I smiled and messed her hair a bit. I know how much she hated messing up with her hair. I heard her snarl and I just shrugged my shoulder like I didn’t know what happened.


She glared at me playfully and I glared back, then we both laughing at each other. She then called her hair artist that she brings with her everywhere she goes and redo her hair.


“We should get going,” Teo stated and we all nodded our head and follow his lead.


The hallway was empty and so are the classrooms. The place is so quiet all you can hear is the click clack noise of our shoes on the concrete floor. The students are probably at the main hall where students gather around on a first day of school.


After passing few classrooms, we came to a halt on a glass door that opens automatically and inside is a small space with few couches and another big wooden door closed in front of us.


One of Teo’s and Roxy’s guard open the door for us and thousands of people came to view sitting on a chair like in a football field. The loud noise became silent as soon as we all stepped in and an old man looks like around his mid-50’s looked at us in surprise and I furrowed my perfectly arched eye brows at him and he then cleared his throat and hold the microphone tightly on his hands.


Whispers started breaking the awkward silence and the students started staring us in different ways. I’ve seen some girls looking at us in jealousy, in awe, and guys looking at us in hunger, some in fear and others in jealousy as well.


I smiled inside and thought, ‘who wouldn’t want to get jealous to Andrei and Teo? All you can hear in the room are the squealing of girls and their flirtatious looks to my best friends.’


I got interrupted of my thoughts when the head of my bodyguards went up to me and guide us to a table set for 6 person and a table covered in white cloth and have flowers on them.


I nodded back at him and we started walking towards the table. The guy who was standing in front of us – which I’m guessing is the principal of the school – started welcoming us.


I nodded in response but did not smile back. He cleared his throat and started talking about some buildings around the campus and the historical story behind them. I did not bother listening since I know this school all too well since a child.


I looked at my friends and smiled. Roxy and Ruthy are both busy texting on their phones. Beatrice was reading some books on her kindle getting lost of her own book world of romance. Andrei, keeps messing up with his hair and girls squeals became louder. I shook my head and laughing quietly to myself.


The rascal.


“What are you giggling about?” Teo asked and smiled at me.


I smiled back at him and say, “nothing” and shrugged my shoulders off.


I looked around the room and I could see eyes are on us except for one person sitting at the very end of room. I study his figure for a while. The guy is wearing a framed thick glasses, his hair are dark brown and looks like he rammed his hands a lot on them. He surely needs a haircut, I thought. He’s wearing a black Nike Hoodie and black sweatpants. He looks skinny almost but it could be the type of clothes he picked. I can’t really see his face because he was too busy looking on his books and his lips keeps moving like he was talking to someone.


The two guys with glasses sitting next to him might be his friends. They probably one of those nerds who only think about is to study. I shuddered at the thought in disgust. That must’ve been a one heck of a boring life. I am lucky that even though I have bodyguards on my tail, I can still have fun.


“Hey are you okay?” Beatrice shook me vigorously and I look at her like I’ve seen a ghost.


I shook my head, “Nothing. Let’s go, I’m bored.” I stated and stood up.


My friends followed my lead and I turned around to see the principal was still talking. He looked towards our direction and he panicked then say dismissed to everyone.


I looked back at the top to where the guy is sitting but I couldn’t find him anymore. I turned around and shrugged then started walking to our room.


Bruno – the big boss of my entire bodyguard – showed us our new classroom. The six of us have our own room away from other students since primary school. Our parents don’t want us to mingle to other students that aren’t on our level. I guess that’s why I never have any friends aside from my best friends. We all hate that fact but can’t do anything about it but to obey or else we have to face the consequences.


Few months ago, I told my parents I wanted to renovate our classroom. The area was big enough for six people but I don’t like the interior design in the room. The colour looks dull and it shouts prison inside.


My parents agreed and now the room is bigger. We have six separate study tables made out thick mahogany tree. Beside Beatrice table was a small bookshelf that when u press the green button underneath her table, the shelf goes down underneath the floor and matches it like nothing is there. I know how much she loved her books so I thought it’d be good to surprise her and it looks pretty cool too.


On the left side of the room are two vanities for Roxy and Andrei. They worried too much about their looks and always complained about getting wrinkles from all the stress their parents put them in.


Besides Ruthy’s table is white grand piano. Ruthy and I both love music. I know she wanted to become a music conductor after Uni but she don’t want to disappoint her grandfather so she decided to took business managing course like all of us instead.


I heaved a sigh at the thought. Each one of us have different dreams that we so badly want to take but because of our status and because our parents and families are counting on us, we have no choice but to follow what they demanded us to do just to please their asses even we have to sacrifice our own happiness.


Next to my table is Teo’s table. He too loves to read books but it’s not the same as Beatrice. He likes to read historical books, Greek mythology and other real life stories of people around the world. He was the only one who’s too focused and took studies seriously. He was the smartest of all of us.


I was caught of guard when Roxy and Ruthy hugged out of knowing. “Thea!” Roxy screamed on my ear and I backed away a little getting light headed from loud mouth.


“You did a great job, girlfriend.” Ruthy exclaimed happily jumping up and down beside me cradling my arm.


I laughed and flipped my long black hair playfully. “What can I say? I’m genius.”


They all laughed and gave me a hug. Teo gave me a kiss on my forehead and I closed my eyes letting out a breath in satisfaction.


“You two love birds gotta stop. You’re making me jealous.” Beatrice chirped in and Teo just laughed.


He walked towards Beatrice and gave her a kiss on the forehead as well and I smiled at them. I know Teo and I been friends since we were kids. I mean, all of us are friends since kids but the way Teo looked at me and treat me is different than to other girls – Roxy, Beatrice and Ruthy. I want to think that he had some kind of feelings towards me but I can’t. I don’t want to think of it because I know I’m not the person for him and I know someone out there can give back the love he deserves.


The professor finally arrived in our room and we went to seat on our individual table and started the class.


The class was so boring not even five minutes, my eyes started to feel heavy. Someone barged in to our room and open the door waking all of us on our seats and getting our attention.


“I am so sorry I am late sir. I went to the bathroom and I did not realised the time. I promise it won’t happen again. I am sorry.” He talks in one breath fidgeting on his hands.


I recognise the person to the guy who sat on back hall talking to him self.


The professor cleared his throat, he looked up at us with his light brown eyes widen in shock and he started fidgeting on his hand like a girl. I snorted out a little and his gaze turns towards me and I turn my gaze away. I cleared my throat and then put back my serious look.


Andrei settled his feet on his table. “Someone got lost,” he smirked.


The girls started laughing and I could see Teo stood up from his chair from the corner of my eye and walks towards him. We all stared at him in surprise.


“Hi! I’m Teo Guillory.” Teo extended his hand for the other guy to shake. He then continued, “You must’ve been lost.”


He walked behind the door and pointed the HEIR sign written in bold letters. “This is a private room. Do you know what your room number?” he asked softly as if talking to a child.


“I am so sorry, I didn’t know that-” the guy got cut off by another guy who’s wearing the same glasses as his and grab his arm.


“There you are!” He then looked at us and his eyes widen. I raised my brow in confusion.


“What the fuck are you doing?” The short guy whispered-yelled to the lost guy. He then smiled at us and lowered his head.


“I am so sorry to my friend here. I’ll make sure this won’t happen again.” He said shakily.


“That’s okay.” Teo responded and smiled.


The other guy stood quietly and looked on his books he was carrying. He’s a tad bit taller than Teo. He looks like a very shy person. It’s strange for a guy to be acting that way. He’s probably gay, I thought to myself and chuckled.


Everyone looked at me like I lost my mind and I just shrugged and focus on the empty paper in front of me.


I heard the short guy apologised again and drag his friend out of the door.


“Come on Blaine.” He urged and they both vanished off sight.


So his name is Blaine. Interesting.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.04.2016

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