

If you were on an island, stranded, what would you do? Well don’t say “watch TV” or “go to the mall” cause there is no mall on an island in the middle of nowhere. And there’s no electricity to watch TV. So, lets be serious, what would you do? If you have any ideas, tell me. Cause I’m on an Island, stranded, with no food. So I know this probably doesn’t make sense to you, so lets start at the beginning. *** 3 days ago
“Kate, come on! Were going to be late!” Molly yelled. “One sec, I got to find my bathing suit!” I screamed across the house. My stubborn sister Molly is so being a brat right now. “Fine but when were late it’s going to be your fault!” she finished. “Found it!” I said grabbing my black N’ pink bikini. I threw it in my bag and ran as fast as I could, with my long brown hair hitting my face. But with my clumsiness I tripped, over my own feet. Sigh. Only I could look this stupid. “Get up!” Molly yelled in my ear, almost busting my eardrum. I quickly got up and walked up out the house, instead of running and tripping, again. Halfway to the car I got a phone call. It was Stella. My best friend. Well, my only friend. “Hey” I said. “Hey!” she said joyfully over the phone. “What’s up?” I asked walking toward the car. “Nothing,
just that it’s you know, my birthday! She
squealed. Oh my God! I totally forgot. I was supposed to go to Arizona this weekend with her. I‘m such a bad friend. “Yay!” I said faking my excitement. “I know!” she screamed and giggled. “This is so exciting! Happy Birthday!” I said over the phone. “Anyways, I got to go. Sorry Stell.” I told her. Sigh “It’s ok.” she replied. I hung up the phone and shoved it in my pocket, almost dropping my bags. Almost. I walked the other half to the car, opened the back door and plopped my stuff in the back seat. “Molly?” I called. I saw her come out the house. I closed the back door and opened the front. She ran to the passenger and sat down. I threw myself on the driver’s side, turned the keys in ignition and headed to the dock. The whole ride there, no one said a word. We just sang songs on the radio. “Ok, now the number one song this week is on the way. Here it is, enjoy Star‘s number one hit single Life of Lies!” said the announcer on the radio. “OMG! This is my favorite song!” Molly screamed. I ignored her though, listening to my favorite song too. “My best friend lived a life, full of lies and now she’s gone, she chose to live a life full of lies. Her life ended so slowly, every time she lied her heart would slow, oh slow, down…” I listened closely to that one part. Then I jumped back to reality and had the need to turn Star’s song off. Not very smart. Not very smart at all. Hey!” Molly screamed. I
looked up at the road and punched the brake. Now I get “Slow down!” is what she meant. I felt dizzy. I slowed the car down and pulled over. Then I closed my eyes. “Are you ok?” Molly asked me. Wow, the first time all day she hasn’t screamed at me. “Um, yeah” I said, opening my eyes. I put the car in drive and continued on the road. An hour later I pulled into the parking lot. “Were here.” I said. Snoring replied. Ugh. “Hello?” I asked annoyed. I grabbed a bottle of water and poured it on her face. “Aah!” she screamed. “Well, at least your awake now.” I said smiling. “Shut up!” Molly screamed. She put her hand on the door handle and turned it. With no success. “The doors are locked, drama queen.” I said. She unlocked the door and stormed off. “I got my bags and did the same, without storming off of course. After about five minutes I made it to the ship. Hello, cruise! My mouthed dropped in awe. Wow. Big boat. Really big boat. I walked up the long metal stairs and looked around for the front desk. Ha. I found it. I walked toward it, trying not to trip on my own feet, or anything else. “Hello?” she asked. “Hi.” I replied. “Do you need help with those bags?” she asked. “Austin!” she said loudly. “MAM?” the boy asked. He was around my age. He had milk chocolate eyes and brown hair to go with it. He was skinny and tall, but not creepy looking. “Help this nice lady with her bags.” she ordered. Austin grabbed my luggage on a luggage carrier. Man, they think of everything. “Here’s your key, darling.” the woman at the front desk said smiling. I grabbed the key and followed Austin. “Right this way.” Austin said. He stopped by an elevator and pushed the arrow pointing up. “So what’s your name?” he asked. “My name?” I asked feeling like an idiot. “Yes.” “Oh, my name is Kate.” “Mines obviously Austin.” he said looking dramatic. I smiled. Finally the elevator came down and opened so we went inside. I looked at the key, it had a sticker on 2nd story, room 20. I clicked the number and glanced at his eyes. I never noticed in the last five minutes his eyes changed. They went from a chocolaty brown to emerald green. I stared in his eyes for what seemed like eternity. He caught my glance and smiled. We waited about two minutes in silence and finally got out the elevator. This time he followed me, to my room. My heels echoed across the marble floor. This, is a fancy ship. Room fifteen, room seventeen, room nineteen, and finally across the hall from room nineteen, my room. I unlocked the door and sat on my bed. Austin took all of my luggage off the carrier and said “Bye.” “Wait.” I said. “Yeah?” he asked. “I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen from the night-stand. Then I wrote down my cell number. “Here.” I said, handing him the paper. “He shoved it in his pockets and kissed my hand lightly. He was so sweet. Just then right next door, a girl squealed and said “OMG!” I think I know who this she is. I leaned in toward Austin and kissed him lightly on his cheek. “Bye.” I finally replied. Suddenly his eyes changed back to brown. My sister must’ve heard me say bye because she peeked in my room and waved. Great, were right next door. She went back inside her room and closed her door. I looked around the giant room and saw a beautiful view of the ocean. I had a balcony. I ran over, without tripping and slid the see-through door open. I stepped out and so did Molly. “Did you ever get your luggage?” I asked her. “Yeah, this really nice boy helped me.” she replied. “Austin?” I asked. She gave me that who-in-the-world-is-that look. And then she gave me the “Is he single?” look. “Brown eyes and hair?” she asked. “Yeah.” “Yeah. But he didn’t kiss me or anything. Like you. I opened the bar that separated our balcony. “It’s just a boy Molly.” I said giving her a hug. “I know.” she said hugging me back. “Um, Kate I’m going to go to lunch, so bye.” she said letting go. She went inside and mouthed the words “Thanks.”. “Kate!” someone yelled. I looked in my room. No one. Same in Molly’s. I closed the bar, locked it and looked down. Austin was there, out of uniform. “Kate!” he yelled. My day is just getting better and better. I’m not kidding. It really is. “Yeah?” I replied. “Can I come up?” he asked. “Yeah, sure.” I answered. He disappeared. I sat on my bed and took out my make-up. By the time Austin knocked on my door I was done. I shoved it into a drawer. “Coming.” I said walking out my bedroom and into the living room. I opened up the door. Him and a girl were there. “Hey Austin.” I said. “Hey, this is my sister Lila.” Lila and I both smiled at each other. “I thought you two might want to hang out. You know *girl talk*.” he said. “Yeah, totally.” Lila and I said. “Cool, so bye guys.” Austin said. “Bye.” we said. “So, your names Lila? That’s a pretty name.” I said. “Kate’s a beautiful name too. I always wanted to be named Kate.” she said. “Are you Hawaiian by any chance?” I asked randomly. “No, why?” she asked. “I don’t know it just sounds Hawaiian.” I said. “You know Kate, your very random.” she said. “How would you know that?” I asked. “When I touched you I had a vision.” “What do you mean?” “A vision of your life.” she replied. “My life?” I asked giving Lila a weird and confused look. “Yes, your life. Mostly your past. That’s how I know you have one friend, named Stella. Today is her birthday. I also know you have a sister named Molly.” She paused. “ I even know how your parents- “Stop!” I yelled, cutting her off. “Enough! Go. Leave me alone.” I said to her. I went back into my room and slammed the door. hard. I sat on my bed and looked at my phone. Great, new text.

Hey! Meet me downstairs at the swimming pool! REPLY

The pool? Sigh. This is NOT the time. “Oh well, I owe her.” I said, to myself. I looked my suitcases and finally found it. My beautiful black N’ pink bikini.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.05.2011

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