
Chapter 1



She felt cold and tired. The stone floor was very uncomfortable, the air was like in a tomb and there was almost no light. Pretty ironic that usually she felt quite comfortable in such places. But not this one. No, she tried really hard, but couldn’t imagine anyone who would feel comfortable in a prison. For, what seemed like a thousand and third time she thought of her possibilities for escape, and again, like all the times before, came up with nothing.

She scanned her surroundings with a cold gaze. In the cell across hers, the inmate froze with fear - he has been looking at her for almost three hours, wondering why is a corpse kept in a cell, not in cemetery. Now he was wondering if that corpse truly moved it`s eyes…

The man was not to blame. She really did look like a corpse in such poor lightning, not mentioning she was pale from cold, and had naturally defined cheekbones, that normally gave her almost aristocratic look, but now served as enhancer of her dead look.

She listened. And heard nothing except her own slow breath and even slower pulse. She didn’t like the silence. Usually did. But not this time. This time her moment of solitude seemed awful and she longed to hear something. A howl of a hound. A cry of a tortured inmate. Anything. But there was nothing.

Suddenly, somewhere opened a heavy door. It echoed through the dungeon, followed by footsteps of one person. She listened. It was the guard. He was coming in their direction. She heard the rattling of keys. Maybe she will be lucky enough and will be able to steal the key to her cell?

The footsteps stopped near her cell.

“You the one named Neelah, thief?” She turned her head. “Someone is waiting for you.”




“What the fuck happened here?” said Elzebess the boss of this club. She had a good figure, big breasts, wide hips and luscious lips. As always, she was wearing richly adorned clothes from dark purple fabrics.

“Nothing, Elzebess.” Tamire answered her question, turned away from her and pretended to apply makeup on her face.

“I asked..” She asked again menacingly. “What happened?”

“Okay, well.. Roxanne's boyfriend came to me, paid for one lap dance. Roxanne saw that and get jelous. Then she slapped my face two times. Now I have red cheek which is not good because of clients.”

“Whore!” whispered Roxanne from the corner of the room wiping tears from her cheeks.

“As far as I know it`s my job to satisfy paying customers. All I did was my job.”

“Yeah, right!”

“Sorry, but that`s what..”

“Bitch, shut the fuck up! I don't give a shit what you are saying.. All I know is that you are a big cunt, that steals boyfriends.” Roxanne screamed and moved aggressively towards Tamire. Tamire stood on her feet. Now they were standing close to each other.

“You better fuck off or else..” Tamire said slowly in threatening voice.

“Or else what? You gonna fuck my brother too? ”

“You don't want to test my patience you dumb hag. I’m sure you don't want to know what I`m capable of.”

“I`m not afraid of you.”

“I`m capable of killing, you know. I have done it before. Or I could just sell you to some maniac, rapist or killer so that my hands won't get dirty.”

“Yeah right!”

“Once, I peeled skin from a guy that tried to rob me. They never discovered who did it.”


“There was another time, when I stabbed a knife in someone's eye just for looking at me.”


“Tamire! Stop. She needs to calm down before getting on stage.” calmly said Elzebess who was just standing near them, leaning against the wall and watching the whole show.

“Thank you, Elzebess.” quietly in gratitude said Roxanne and then ran away fast as she could.

“Come back you little wus. Let`s talk some more.” She yelled at the running girl. When she disappeared out of the sight, Tamire turned to Elzebess. “Why did you have to do that? I had so much fun scaring that little cunt.”

“You will play again with her soon. But now, let`s go to my office. We need to talk.”

“About what?” Tamire asked confused and with suspicion. Little bit scared too. Elzebess was the only person on Earth she was afraid of. And what she has to say. At least for now.




Neelah was staring at the figure before her. First she gets found. Found! Neelah, the uncatchable thief! Now this fancy looking man comes and offers to bail her out and give a contract! There was something fishy, but at least she will get out of chains and from that point forward, she will make sure not to be caught again.

The girl smiled. Well, it would not be called “smiling” by a normal person, more like a “grin of a hungry monster, ready to devour”, but it was closest to a smile she could muster.

“So, you accept the contract, miss Neelah?”

Fancy-pants was impatient.

“Yes,” she replied calmly, “Of course, I will, if it gets me out of here.”

The man looked a bit confused for a moment, but then laughed: “Great! I`ll make sure they release you and give back your belongings. After that, open this envelope, there will be all the details you need.”

Thief looked at the snow-white piece of paper before her. So clean, so ...expensive, so pure, so out of place. She picked it up. “How ironic,” she bitterly thought, noticing how her fingers instantly left traces of dirt and blood. What was ironic? She could not tell, her mind did not want to work at this moment, but there definitely was some trace of it.

The sound of a door closing echoed through the room and her mind. The man was gone.




“So? What did you wanted to talk about?” Tamire asked when both women were sitting. Elzebess on one side of the table, Tamire on the other.

“I wanted to warn you about something.” Elzebess said and then stood up and looked out of window behind her.

“About what?” Tamire asked being curious. When Elzebess didn`t answer for a minute she asked again but this time anxiously. “Elzebess! Tell me. Warn me about what?”

“Today, in the morning, I received some rumors from one of my field agents.” Elzebess went to pour herself whiskey in glass. “Do you want some?”

“No. Just talk. Don`t keep me in suspense.”

“I don't know much but.. There is a man who wants to capture you. I don't know why or what he is planning to do. Just.. I would like to say that you need to be careful. Therefore, this will be your last day in this job. I think it would be for the best.” She drank from her glass then continued talking. “Tonight you will pack all your belongings from here and home. Let`s say.. Let`s call it a vacation. Trip around the world.”

Tamire frowned. “No.”

“No?” Elzebess sounded surprised. Girl’s throat became dry, but she continued.

“Yes. I don`t give a fuck about some dude that will try to steal me, kill me or whatever. How I said to Roxanne before - I`m capable of things. All I said was true and you know that. I will stay here. Earn some money. Deal with intruder if I need to. If there will be one. But I don't think I will get caught here. On the way home maybe, but he won't succeed.”

“Tamire..” Elzebess sounded worried. “Please.. Run away while you still can! When.. If.. You are the best of all the girls that work here.” Elzebess stopped talking, drank from glass and wiped tear from cheek. “Also.. You are like daughter to me. I care about you. Please.. Listen to me this time.” Elzebess took another pause and then continued sadly and quietly. “Do it for me.”

Tamire stood up, went to Elzebess and hugged woman from behind putting her head on her back. “Okay. I will run. But..”


“But I will disappear only for a week. After that I will be back.”


“Bessie, look at me for a second.” Tamire picked up her head, took Elzebess by elbows and turned her to face Tamire. “Everything is going to be alright. You should trust me on this. I will make sure of that. After week I will be back, that guy will be dead, we will drink wine and laugh about all this. Okay?”





Her eyes hurt. She was not very fond of daylight in the first place, but after her time in prison, where only light you had is a torch on the wall around the far corner, the light burned her sight and she almost wondered if she had gone blind…

Neelah went to one of her hideouts as soon as she got back her stuff and was released. Of course, all the money she had on her in the moment of arrest, was not returned. At least she always had some hidden. She gave a small, bitter laugh, as bruised places of her body demanded attention. A week ago she didn’t know guards were allowed to beat up prisoners at their whim. Now she knew that from the first hand experience.

She stepped in the shower, quickly washing off everything, hissing in pain, as water ran over more gruesome bruises and cuts. Fuck, she had missed showers!

After a half an hour long shower she returned to the room and sat down on the bed. Her gaze caught the sealed envelope - she still had not opened it. A little tremble found it’s way into her fingers, as she ripped open the white piece of paper. Inside was a page with instructions. She squinted her eyes and tried to make sense out of the “neat” handwriting.

Halfway through she almost couldn’t believe her eyes. She had to steal.. a person. And not some random fuckwit, but someone she knew. Well, someone she had stalked, but those are details… Her target was a girl. A very pretty girl named Tamire. The part with information about target she skipped, she knew all that, she has been a good stalker after all, and proceeded to part with where and when the stolen goods has to be handed over.

Finishing reading, she exhaled. This is going to be interesting.




After talk Tamire went to her room, dressed up in disguise and went into club main room. She stood in corner and watched everything that happened there. So many men that gazed with amazement at half naked girls, women on stage dancing like they were doing it for their men, a music with a good beat that created and enhanced this sexy atmosphere...

Tamire stood there and thought about what Elzebess said. She wasn't afraid of that, of course. She has seen and done many things that she`s not proud of. But knowing that someone wants to catch you for unknown reasons and not knowing when it`s going to happen was frustrating to her. “I just need to be more careful for some time.” She thought to herself and went back to make-up room for dancers.

While Tamire were sitting near her make-up station getting ready for her tonight`s show, there were two people who were watching her. First of them was Elzebess. Her stare was full of concern and fear. The second one - Roxanne. She was staring in anger and jealousy. “I will repay that bitch.” She thought to herself and turned to face her mirror image.

In the mean time Tamire was almost ready only her outfit was missing. She went to wardrobe and put on swimsuit like bodysuit with deep neckline, cuts on the sides, gloves, high boots and web like stockings. Not to mention that everything was in color of black and wine red. “I would hit on me if I was a man”. She looked in mirror once again and went backstage.

Tamire inhaled and exhaled deep breath. She heard first chords of her favourite song and then Elzebess voice. “Gentlemen.. It`s time for.. Sexy… Mysterious.. And very cat like girl.. Let`s welcome.. The one and only.. Tamire!”

“Marvin Gaye.. Let's Get It On indeed.” she said to herself and slowly stepped on stage.




Neelah did not have much time. To reach the meeting point at the designated time, she had to steal the girl already this night, so they would be out of populated area and into the woods by the morning.

She quickly checked her stash of potions and found the one she has been searching for. Extract of Blue Pepperflower. That should do the trick. As for any human obstacles - Neelah glanced at her dagger. Hopefully it wont turn from kidnapping to mass murder.

Quickly, the thief bandaged some of the worst bruises, dressed up and took her things. Coin purse? Check. Alchemy bag? Check. Dagger? Bow? Arrows? Check, check, check. Lockpick and other tools? Check. She was good to go.

The sun was already setting, illuminating the city in more warm colours. People scurried through the streets - some to go home, some to go to taverns or clubs. Neelah was one of the second ones and for a moment she felt like a part of the herd, driven by thirst or lust. Quite a few were headed to the same club she was, it was simply the best place, especially with Tamire as the lead dancer. As she turned around the street corner, the destination became visible.

There it is. “The Heat.” Thief took a moment to overlook the building, that had a definite impression of a whore house. And it was not far from truth - these walls definitely have seen things more heated than just a few lap dances. Stalking people inside from the rooftop she had some good times and interesting experiences. Speaking of which, she pretty much had to do that again. Quietly and without attracting attention she slipped to the small alley and, checking her surroundings, climbed on top of the boxes and from there, on the balcony. Then, grasping various broken stones, moved up the wall and lifted herself up on the roof.

“Now,” she thought, “Where was Tamire’s room?”




Last song that Tamire this evening used for her show on stage was Temptation by The Cherries. The song had an excellent flow - not too fast and not too slow, a catchy melody and the singers sweet, rasp voice morphed with the sound, creating a composition that was simply perfect for Tamire’s fiery performance. While this song was on, she went crazy on pole. She showed everyone her new learned moves making everyone know how flexible she actually can be and making them dream about her body even more than before.

After the show she was on her way to her room. She got stopped by one of the other dancers.

“Hey, Tamire.”

“Oh.. Hey..” Tamire looked at girl little confused. “Emm..”

“Victoria.” She replied and smiled timidly.

“Sorry, I..”

“Don`t worry. It`s okay. Really. Just..” She looked behind her then again at Tamire. “Just wanted to let you know.. You were really great tonight.”

“Oh, thank you, Victoria.” Tamire smiled at young girl.

“And.. There is something I wanted to ask you.”

“What is it?” When there wasn't answer for a moment she approached with question again. “Something wrong?”

“No, no. I wanted to ask.. Are you willing to teach me some moves on pole? Elzebess said that I`m pretty much suck at it so..”

“Don`t worry. Of course I will. After week. I will go on vacation so.. See you later, I will teach some things if that`s okay.”

“Of course. Yeah. Thanks. I should be going now. See you after week.” And she slipped by Tamire and went in direction of stage.

“Wait a bit..”


“If Elzebess says you need to improve something, it doesn't mean you suck at it. She just want you to be even more better than you already are. Remember that, okay?”

“Oh.. Thanks you. Really.” Victoria went around corner and Tamire didn’t see her anymore. Tamire stood there for a minute then continued path to her room.

In the room Tamire was packing her stuff when suddenly heard a knock on door. “Probably Elzebess wanted to say goodbye before I go.” she thought before opening the door and put a warm smile on her face. “Hey.. So..” She didn't finish her sentence because of who she saw behind door. “What the fuck do you want?” Tamire asked.

“Don't you dare talk with me like that, bitch. Let me in.” Roxanne replied and pushed herself through door inside.




Thief watched carefully through the window, well hidden to any curious eyes by the darkness that already had fallen upon the city. It was already night and the party in the club had just passed its peak, but Tamire was already in her room. She was arguing with some other girl. Neelah had seen her in the club, but did not pay too much attention - she was pretty average, not really noticeable and plain boring.

Her gaze returned to Tamire and crept over stripper’s figure. As always, Tamire looked simply gorgeous! Her black hair had few red locks and very well complimented her beautiful face and green eyes. Her curved lips sported a lipstick and looked like made out of delicious cherry. Her no less curved figure was clothed in black and red stage outfit that probably made everybody lose their minds and adore Tamire even more. Neelah could not deny that if she let herself, she would probably lose her head too.

But that sort of thoughts had to be put aside now. Thief had a beauty to steal and a witness to kill. She pulled out a piece of cloth and poured the extract on it. Then she quickly calculated the best course of actions. There was no other alternatives. She had to come through the window. Luckily, the other girl was standing with her back to the glass. The thief had to act quickly. Neelah jumped on the roof that was just across the window and took a running start.

She jumped through the window loudly smashing it into tiny pieces knocking the witness of her feet and face planting her into the ground. While the girl was trying to pull herself up, Neelah, leaving no room for hesitation, jumped onto Tamire.

The prearranged cloth with potion on it found its way onto strippers face covering mouth and nose. Tamire violently kicked and scratched fighting the attacker. She tried to pry Neelah`s hands off of her using everything she could think off. She fought so hard that soon she exhausted herself completely which only accelerated the effect of potion.

When Tamire was finally unconscious, thief dropped her on the floor and quickly turned to the witness. She was behind her holding some statue taken from the room and ready to meet attackers head.

Neelah was faster - she dodged the hit.

She pulled out her dagger and with one clean sweep cut the girls throat.

Witness grabbed her throat in fear, gawking at her killer and trying to hold her blood from spilling.

Needless to say, she didn’t succeed. Neelah watched her die in a pool of her own blood, twisted expression of terror still decorating her face.

Thief put away the dagger and the cloth, then picked up Tamire and slumped over the shoulder. She winced at the sudden pain and realized that one of her cheeks had three strokes of bleeding scratches. It must have happened while she fought the stripper. It was time to go, as her loud entrance surely attracted at least some attention. She climbed out of the window and onto the roof, then jumped down on the other side. A drunk guy sat on the ground and exercised his vocal “talents”. Also, here was a few horses. Neelah picked the one that seemed the strongest and laid Tamires body on its back. Then, climbed up herself and took off in the night.


Chapter 2

Tamire slowly came to her senses. She felt dizzy and extremely uncomfortable. And cold. She wanted to rub her eyes and look where the fuck did her blanket go, but suddenly she realized - she can’t move.

Now her eyes flew wide open. First thing she saw, was the moving ground and legs of a horse. She wanted to move. To break free and beat up whoever it was, that sat on the horse in front of her, but she couldn't move a muscle.

Neelah noticed her movements and glanced back: “Stop moving, or you just might fall off the horse.”

All that came in response was angry, muffled noises and more movement.

“As you may have noticed, your mouth is tied and you yourself are tied, you will not succeed, so, please, stop this!” the thief said.

The girls attempts to break free didn’t stop. Neelah just decided to ignore it for the time being.

Tamire couldn’t believe it! She was captured! And right now she was being ignored! She tried to glare at her captor. Not much could be seen from her position. Tamire`s hair fell over her head and hid view of captor - only thing that could be seen, apart from the black cape with the hood, were a few strands of blue hair.


“I can't understand you. You know that.” Neelah coldly replied to Tamire`s struggle.


Thief sighed. “Okay, okay.. Jeez.. I will loosen your mouth.”

As soon as her mouth was free, a shower of loud curses and threats rained down upon Neelah. Thief arched her brow: “Got to give it to you, you are very vocal.”

“Why, thank you, CUNT!” Tamire spit out, before her vocal cords finally gave in and she ceased to resist her fate.

Minutes passed by and tension grew, until Tamire finally broke the silence: “So.. Why are you doing this? Where exactly are you taking me?”

“Well.. It`s none of your business.” replied Neelah.

“I think that it is, considering that I'm tied, you stole me from my room and now I'm cold wearing what I`m wearing. Don`t you think?”

“No.” Neelah said and smiled quietly to herself.

“Damn.. When are we going to stop? My stomach is hurting from riding like this, i want something to eat and I need some clothes.”

“End this squeaking.”

“I`m just saying - if you need me alive then better feed me soon.”

Neelah exhaled and silently admitted her defeat. Tamire was right, they had to stop at some time in the near future.

Thief frowned: “All right. There should be a settlement not far from here, I’ll see what I can steal.”

“Gee, thanks! I’m actually surprised you didn’t think this throught! What did you expect, that we will be able to live without food? And let me sit, damn it! At this rate it won’t be long until I puke my guts out!”

Thief frowned and glanced over her shoulder, stopping the horse. “Well I don’t need to eat as frequent and I did not expect you to wake up during our trip at all.”

“Why the fuck not? What did you think I am, some sleep deprived hooker?” asked Tamire, while Neelah flipped her over and put in a sitting position.

“No. I used extract of Blue Pepperflower,” thief answered and they resumed riding.

“A what?”

“An Extract of Blue Pepperflower. Rare stuff, puts the user in deep sleep for four days approximately. You on the other hand slept off the effect in six hours. I have not met anyone apart myself who would have such high resistance to potions.”

“You don't know a thing about me.”

“Why do you think so?”

“Have you ever looked for information on me? About things I did some time ago?” When there was no reply Tamire said: “That`s what I thought. Seriously, next time do better job.”

“So tell me, queen of the unknown. What did you do in the past?”

“No, no, no. It`s not how it works.”


“What, what.. Next time just check before take hostages, okay?” Tamire smiled enjoying their conversation.

Neelah silently cursed at herself for doing this, but… “Well, then how about we play a game?”

“What game?”

“I ask you a question, and in return, you ask one me.”

Tamire stayed silent for a moment. As much as she hated to admit it, she was curious about the kidnapper too - the thief seemed like someone who was not like the rest, different from the common criminal.

“Alright,” she said and Neelah smirked, “you first, thief.”

“What exactly so fucked up you have done in the past?”

“This is the second time in two days.. Damn. Everyone is so curious about me. I think I`m famous.”

“Get to the part where you answer my question.”

“Okay, okay. So.. Once I peeled skin from a guy. To different guy stabbed a knife in eye, then there was a time when someone tried to rape me but I just shot him in the crotch, took of his pants and rolled him in the sand, just for fun. Let him cry in pain a bit. Then one shot between eyes. How`s that?”


“So.. It`s time for my question. Hmm.. Why are you so pale?”

Neelah raised one eyebrow: “Honestly?”

“Well, pff, of course!”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?”

“Yes. I have been this grayish colour all my life. I never knew my real parents, so I didn’t have anyone to ask and I still don’t,” thief replied and then gave a chuckle, “I remember hearing a story that elders used to scare childrens with. About an undead warlock with gray skin and a fire which - they used to eat babies and kill kings, and if you don’t go to sleep when your parents tell you, they are going to get you. I remember pretending that I’m the warlock, because of my skin colour, so I would just roam the city in the night.”

“Don’t tell me you actually tried to eat babies...”

Neelah laughed, but then became serious: “No, but I think I actually killed a few people. I don’t remember.”

“Looks like you had interesting childhood.”

“That’s not the word I would use, but enough about me, it’s my turn. How did you end up in that club?”

“Well.. When I turned sixteen I ran from my parents house. I was a rebel at the time. I even joined some gang called “Wulfs” with u, because I had a crush on the leader boy Jack or something. Don`t remember much but there was a guy who knew a guy who teached me how to use knives, crossbows and all sorts of weapons. Then one mafia dude hired me, it was the time when I mostly did crimes and shit. Killed for him, kidnapped for him.. Even tortured people.” Tamire stopped talking, Neelah grow impatient and asked.

“So? What happened then?”

“I got into drugs, smoked a lot, drank a lot. One time Elzebess, the owner of “The Heat” found me on the street. Took to her place. Washed me, fed me. Then she saw potential in me and hired. It`s the short version of all that happened.”

“Didn't the mafia guy send someone after you?”

“I think he did. But.. I got a hunch that Elzebess took care of that. I never asked.”

“Now, that's what I call interesting.”

“Yeah, yeah. So.. How did you get into this “thief” business?”

“Well, it comes pretty natural if the your caretaker is an old crazy man and doesn’t really care about you. He always complained about how I was always in the way and I never helped him, and he should have left me where he found me, so I just spent almost all of my time on the streets. He constantly forgot to give me food, so it all started off with stealing apples at the market. Then came gold pouches of drunk people, I started breaking into stores at night, robbed people’s homes, met a gang of thieves, they taught me a lot of things, I got connections... Then me and the leader had a pretty heated argument, I sliced his throat, then all of the gang attacked me, I killed everyone and went rogue.”

“A happy ending, how nice.”

“Yes and speaking of theft,” Neelah tilted her head and squinted eyes, staring at the distant rise of smoke. “That right there should be a farm. I`ll find a place to leave you and will go look what I can find.”

“No way!”

“No?” asked Neelah, stopping the horse, “You don’t need food and clothes?”

“What? No, I do, I mean.. Fuck! I meant that I’m going with you!”

“With that clothes?” Neelah looked at Tamire`s body.

“Well.. I thought that my outfit could avoid unnecessary attention while you are stealing. Just a thought.”

“And how do I know you won’t run off?”

“Run off? And go where?!” Tamire started to get pissed again, “We are in the middle of nowhere, I have no idea in what direction is what, and who knows what is there? For all I know, I could just walk that way,” Tamire nodded in a random direction, “until my legs can’t take it, fall down and die from thirst, hunger and exhaustion! Big thank you! Seriously!”

Neelah thought for a moment.

“Fine, you are coming with me. Just remember to keep close and quiet.”

“Okay. Just let me use my body to gain all goods that this place has to offer. Just don't kill anyone and we will be fine. Okay?”

“Since when you are the boss?”

“Always has been, always will be. Now - untie me and let`s go!”


Chapter 3


The farm was not big, but it looked pretty rich. Fruits, flowers and vegetables were flourishing in the garden, fields were full of corn and the farmstead itself was clean and looked after.

On the field was working about fifteen men, all without their shirts and their sweaty muscles glistening in the sun.

“Okay. Let`s do this my way! I`m gonna go, talk to these sexy men right there and try to arrange something. If my plan won't succeed, I will give you sign and you will start stealing everything that you think will be necessary on our “journey”.”

Neelah growled in displeasure, but agreed to the idea.

Tamire went straight to the workers. When she was close enough all of them raised their heads and started to look in amazement at Tamire. Like always. Where was Tamire, there was men adoring her.

“Excuse me? Guys?”

“Well, well.. Who do we have here? An angel...” one of the guys said.

“Believe me, I'm far from being an angel.” All men came closer. “So.. I wanted to ask you a favour. I ran out of food some two days ago, last time I drank water was yesterday and I`m getting uncomfortable and cold wearing these clothes. Can you, please, help me?”

“Anything for you sugar. But..” a man from behind made his way through crowd. “We are just work people.”

“Oh..” Tamire showed her sad face.

“But.. We could share some of our stuff. Or.. You can steal from the owner. What do you think?”

“Steal? Wha.. No!” Tamire gave her best shot at sounding disgusted and creeped out.

“Hah, relax, beautiful!” he gave a light-hearted laugh and continued, “I'm just teasing you. I'm the owner. Name is Nycolas. You can call me Cole, Nick or whatever you like, sweetheart. What brings you here?” he asked and took Tamire under elbow and led her to his house.

Meanwhile Neelah watched them, hidden in the tall grass. She believed in Tamire’s ability to charm anyone she wanted, but somehow doubted they will be willing to give much. Besides, thief had already noticed two beautiful, strong horses and her fingers itched to steal them. She also doubted the man will give Tamire any sweets, and oh, Neelah wanted those so bad!

She quietly crept through the green field and scouted the area. The house was pretty average - two stories, two wings, built mainly of stone with wooden elements. Additionally the farm had buildings for cattle and horses, a bath house, a well and few beehives could be seen from around the corner. There were only a few people working in the garden, as majority was in the corn fields.

Neelah looked around. Tamire and the owner went inside and the rest of men resumed working. Thief quickly sneaked closer to the house and hid in bushes that grew along the building. She heard a door open and turned her head in the direction, where an old  woman exited a small door, that most probably led to a basement. Neelah made sure to remember it - it most probably contained a lot of food, useful things and, hopefully, some wine or other liquor.

The girl looked around. She continued to creep around the building and searched for Tamire, until she heard her voice through one of the opened windows on the second floor. Neelah made sure no one was around and climbed a tree, growing near the window. From there, in the rich foliage, she could observe all that happened inside.

“You never answered my question, sugar. What exactly brings you here?” Nycolas asked pointing with hand towards couch silently offering a seat.

“At first I was kidnapped from my work by some guys.” she said while sitting down on couch.


“Don't interrupt me please.” Tamire smiled warm smile towards Nycolas.

“Oh.. Fiecy one. I like that kind of women.”

“You make me blush.” Tamire laughed and continued. “So.. I was kidnapped. When they weren't looking I got free and ran as fast as I could. I`m wondering around since then. No food, no water. Didn't think of taking that from attackers at the moment. Yesterday I found a little streamlet in the woods but I haven't ate in a while.”

“Oh, you poor thing. What`s up with these clothes?” He looked at Tamire`s body hungrily.

“As I said before… They caught me when I was at work. At club.”

“Okay, then...”

“Honey?” they heard a voice in the hallway behind the door.

“It`s my wife.” His eyes glittered and smile widened in love. “Wait here. Be right back.”

“Don`t worry. I`m so tired that I think I won`t move from this comfortable sofa anytime soon.” Tamire chuckled.

“Maybe I can get you something? Tea? Coffee? Water? Juice?”

“Anything would be good. Thank you.”

The man quickly ran out of the door to greet his wife. Tamire sighed and stood up. She was actually a little bit worried, now that she knew that this won’t be as quick as she thought. The thief won`t be patient. That woman will start to kill everyone and steal all she can. Tamire started pacing around the room thinking about her possibilities on how to make this plan work a lot quicker. “Maybe I could just tell him truth and he will protect me from that girl.” It's not a possibility. She will kill everyone either way.  

A chestnut hit the floor and startled her.

She looked around and finally glanced out of the window. Neelah was staring back at her, soft wind shifting her blue hair in a smooth motion. Thief raised one brow, as if asking: “Well?”

Tamire stepped closer, a little bit frightened. “Maybe she can hear my thoughts?” she thought and leaned out of the window: “Not yet. That guy is now talking to his wife. I think we need more time for this to work.”

Neelah growled. “We really don’t have all day. Maybe I can start stealing things?” she asked.

“Lets see where it goes,” the stripper answered, “Just let me handle Nycolas. If there will be any problems, I’ll just… I don’t know, throw you your chestnut back.”

“Alright, sweetheart,” they heard Nycolas talking to his wife behind the door. “I won’t forget.”

Girls turned their heads towards doors and listened.

“Yes, and remember about the fabrics!”

“Don’t worry, we’ll get them too.” Tamire hissed when heard kissing noises through the door.

“Did you just hiss at them?”

“Shut up.”

Neelah turned her gaze to Tamire: “If the situation doesn’t get better, we’ll do it my way.”

Thief disappeared back into the tree.

Stripper sighed and slumped back on the couch.

Nycolas came in room again and in his hands was a plate with drinks and dish full of food. Tamire sighed when she smelled delicious scent of mashed potatoes and beef.

“I brought something for you. Wife made it. Please, eat.”

“Oh, how nice. Thank you. When I`m back at home, you are definitely getting some money for this!” she shook her head, trying to sound polite and kind-hearted.

“It`s not necessary. We are doing this because we are good people with big hearts.”

“Kindness is a rare thing these days.”

“Yes, indeed.” He said with a hint of sadness, but then changed the topic. “So how much do you need?”

“One bread and bottle of water will do nicely.”

“Next village is very far. You will need a lot more. And what about clothes?”

“Anything will do fine. I'm not very choosy.”

“Okay. Wait a bit more, please. I will bring everything that you need.”

The man left the room and Tamire attacked the food. She was really hungry and the meat smelled simply perfect. Nycolas came back after some time with bag and clothes in his hands.

“In this bag, my wife put apples, bread and something more for you to eat. Also water, plenty of it for you to make safely to village. And here…” he nodded towards clothes, “...are something from her wardrobe. Pants, long shirt… I thought also that you will need horse.”

“No, Nycolas. You can't do this.”

“I want to. It`s a very old horse, but with it you will be a lot faster than on your foot.”

“Oh…Thank you, so very much! I could jump on you and hug and kiss you from head to toe.”

“You can hug me, but no jumping and kissing.” Nycolas warmly laughed.

Thief watched carefully, as Tamire giggled and hugged Nycolas, and she couldn’t believe it! They actually gave her things. Not demanding anything in return, not trying to harass her… Now that she thought of it, it was the first time that she saw someone be generous and selfless, and a strange sense of sadness came over her.

“I need to go downstairs. When you are ready, just head down and I’ll show you your horse and direct you to the village,” warmly said Nycolas and went out of the room, leaving Tamire alone.

Again, a chestnut hit the floor, but this time stripper already knew to look out of the window, where Neelah was staring at her.

“Did they give you any sweets?”

The question came as a surprise to Tamire and she blinked with confusion.

“Well, there are apples,” she said, “But I haven't checked the bag fully. Why do you ask?”

Thief just shook her head: “It’s nothing. Just do what you have to do and when you get the horse, head to the place we left the previous one. I’ll meet you there.”

Tamire watched, as strands of blue hair disappeared back into the tree, and wondered what was that all about. Then, looked back at the plate with her unfinished meal and resumed eating. Damn, this was delicious!

When Tamire finished eating, she took the bag, put on the clothes and went downstairs. She was outside waiting for Nycolas to show up.

“I liked you more when you were wearing your previous clothes.” One of the workers said.

“I thought you would. You looked like a douche. But I was cold so leave me alone. Thank you.”

“Is he troubling you?” Nycolas asked Tamire when came by.

“N...” Douche started to talk but Tamire stopped him in mid sentence.

“No. He was so generous to offer me some of his money which I kindly refused.” Tamire smiled to the worker-guy and winked.

“Oh, thank you, Braeden. Why didn't I thought of it myself?” Nycolas murmured and started running towards the house.

“Nycolas, don't you dare give me money. You already gave me more that I asked.”

“Don`t hear you.” He sang loudly and ran inside.

“Look what you have done… Now I feel uncomfortable…” Tamire gave her best sad, regretful face she could.

“Take this.” Braeden put his hand in pocket, took something out and put it in Tamire`s hand. “Here. Don't tell him. When you get to village - change to your previous outfit. Buy cape. I will meet you there. Okay?”

“Okay.” Tamire answered slowly and watched how Braeden went back to work. She checked her palm. There was money. Lots of it!

She quickly threw it in the bag when she saw that Nycolas was coming back.

“All right, here,” he said and stretched out a coin purse, “It’s not much, but it will definitely help you.”

“Thank you,” answered Tamire with a warm smile on her face.

“No problem, just ride to the east and you’ll reach the village in no time.”

“Thank you for everything, Nycolas,” she looked in his eyes, “I hope we will meet again some day so I can thank you for everything you have done.”

With a wide smile she climbed onto the horse and took off, while one particular pair of eyes followed her with lust filled gaze.

She headed in the direction, where, hidden by the trees, Neelah with her horse was already waiting for her.

“So you are back,” said Neelah, taking a big gulp from a bottle with wine, “Want some?”

Tamire couldn’t believe her eyes: “Really? I thought we agreed that you don’t steal from them. They were very nice.”

“I didn’t agree to anything.”

“Yes, we agreed. And until now I was sure as hell that someone like you didn't like alcohol.”

“I guess you were wrong.”

“And would it really be a good idea to drink? I mean, what if someone attacks us when we are drunk?”

“This region is not so dangerous. Besides, the road will be easier if you are not entirely sober.”

The thief had a point.

“To hell with it!” Tamire thought and took the bottle from Neelah.

The thief on the other hand took the bag from Tamire and after a quick search, much to Tamire’s surprise, pulled out small bag of cookies, and with Tamire’s surprised gaze following her hand movements, started to devour them.

“What is up with you and sweets?”

“Shat uph. Juhst leths gof alhready.”



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.05.2015

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