
CHAPTER 1: Anita Dwi Pangga

A beautiful woman with a beautiful face with long jet black hair and medium stature, neither petite nor too tall, jogged towards a lobby door of the most famous company in Madrid, The Moses Group Ltd. Employee working hours are actually still 1 hour away. However, for Anita, the beautiful woman, her working hours as an office girl were 2 hours earlier. Because have to clean 2 floors including 2 toilets on each floor. Every office girl and office boy, gets 2 floors of work per day consisting of 3 people every day. 1 office boy is tasked with picking up trash from every table and throwing it away. Also, take the used drink glasses on each employee's desk, and sweep the floor with a vacuum because all the floors of the room are covered with thick carpets. While the other 2 office girls share the task of washing dishes and cleaning toilets. Today Anita's task is to clean the employee toilets, which each floor consists of 2 different toilets. The men's toilet was cleaned by the office boy, and Sonya's toilet was cleaned by the office girl.

He was forced to do this work because he had to pay for his own life in Madrid as an overseas child and also to pay for his studies from semester 1 until now, he is heading to semester 7 which means he is approaching a thesis. Anita has no relatives in this metropolis. He was desperate to go to Madrid because he was accepted to study at a State University in Madrid through the academic route. However, Anita is still enthusiastic about her work and studies every day. never once did he complain of being tired or bored. Because according to him, there are still many who live far more miserably than him. So, he must remain grateful and grateful.

Until this morning, he received a text message from his beloved mother in Madrid which made him ponder for a long time in his small boarding room looking for a solution, "My daughter, your father was a victim of a hit and run. Now he is in the ICU and must be operated on. However, the mother has no money to pay the money. a face that says up to 20 million. How is this, my daughter?". Anita was silent, unable to directly reply to a short message from her dear mother, who also had to struggle to make a living as a traveling herbal medicine seller. After a few minutes, he finally replied to the message, "I'll try to find the money, ma'am. Take it easy, I hope there will be sustenance later, ma'am. Pray for me to get the money quickly." Anita sighed heavily because she didn't know who to borrow that much money. Most of his college friends are also overseas children.

"Hey, just daydreaming. What are you thinking about? Can you keep rubbing the faucet for seven generations?" Dian, a fellow Office Boy friend, nudged Anita's arm, who was rubbing the sink over and over again with a blank stare.

"Oh, it is okay." Anita smiled.

"Is, you're really beautiful. If you wear employee uniforms like them, it's definitely perfect and everyone is amazed at you. Unfortunately...." Monika stared quietly at the mirror in front of them. There are appearances of the faces of up to half the bodies of two women wearing white and blue Office Boy uniforms.

"Never mind, the sustenance has already been arranged. After all, being an employee isn't just about looks. You have to use your brain and a diploma. I haven't finished my studies yet, hehe." Anita wiped the sink with a dry cloth.

"Yeah yeah, keep it up!" Dian, slightly cute and chubby with a slightly chubby body, is one of Anita's best friends at work. They are both immigrants. The difference is, that Monika did not continue her studies. He only works to support himself. "Eh eh is, there's the latest gossip from the internet. It's funny, read it. There's just the behavior of rich people. Eh, is this a real rich person or a prank huh?" Monika shows a post from a gossip account on Instagram that she follows. Anita received Monika's cell phone and read a post that made her eyes widen,


A young woman not more than 23 years old, beautiful face, flawless white skin without any disease, normal and not disabled, and most importantly still a VIRGIN. To be married off to an old and disabled billionaire. The compensation that will be given is cash worth 1 billion every month, 1 unit of a luxury Lexus LM car, and two units of luxury apartments in the SCBD area. All of that will be given when they have given birth to at least 3 children.

"Is this a serious post like this?" Anita shook her head and sighed.

"Today's rich people are just weird. You read the comments. Many people want to propose even though it's clearly written WANT TO BE MARRIED TO AN OLD AND DISABLED BILLIONAIRE. Anita smiled faintly. Money 1 billion / month? Suddenly he remembered something. Yes, his father's surgery costs! Anita immediately grabbed Monika's cellphone and found out the address of the billionaire. Not mentioned in the post. Only told to direct messages only. Anita was desperate to send a message to the gossip account and left a message in the form of her cellphone number.

"Why you? Interested?" Monika knit her brows at the strange behavior of her friend when she grabbed and typed via her cell phone.

"Hehehe, no. I'm not that naive." Anita also left Monika who was still pensive looking at her departure and was about to move to another toilet.

Finally, it was time to go home. Anita cleaned up her equipment and changed her Office Boy uniform into a t-shirt and jeans. When work hours are over, this long-haired woman will change roles into a student who lectures in the afternoon and evening. Anita deliberately took a special course for employees because she had to work from morning to evening. With a simple sling bag that she bought at a roadside stall, Anita walked steadily towards a shuttle bus that took her to the TransMadrid bus. The part-time student is sitting in the corner of the shuttle bus. Suddenly her phone vibrated and Anita opened the message. The direct message this morning was replied to by the gossip account. And, there is given the full address of the billionaire. Anita's hands were shaking because she didn't expect to get a reply so soon. Should he come or not? Because the contents of the message said, Anita could come today as well. Finally, the woman decided not to go to college and drove to the address given.

It took Anita time to find the address because she did not know the location of elite housing. Plus the distance needed from the end of the guard post to the houses inside is very far on foot. Anita does not have a motorbike for transportation. He relies on public transportation everywhere. Finally, Anita arrived at a house with a towering iron fence. Don't ask how luxurious the house is from the outside. Even for Anita, the house in front of her was more magnificent than the presidential palace she had visited while on assignment from her campus.

"Excuse me, sir, is this really Mr. Benjamin Moses' house?" Anita approached a security guard who was on duty at the guard post door.

"That's right, who are you? What's the need?" The guard with the thick mustache looked at Anita as if he was censoring himself from top to bottom suspiciously.

"I got this address and was told to come today." Anita shows the contents of the message sent to her cellphone.

CHAPTER 2: Wife Search Audition

Oh, madam, you want to audition to find a wife for the big boss, right?" The security guard, whose name is Juki on his shirt tag, grins to himself.

"Huh what? A wife search audition?" Anita repeated the words of the security guard which was considered strange in her ears.

"Yes, yes, wait a moment. You enter through the pedestrian door, okay. Follow this path. Don't go in the middle because it's a special car road." Mr. Juki gave a lengthy explanation to which Anita only replied with a grin and a nod. Even the place of the road is distinguished, tsk tsk tsk, he thought.

Anita entered the side door as directed by Mr. Juki after passing the pedestrian path. The sky began to darken because the clock on Anita's watch was already 7 o'clock in the evening. The location of her house from her office is quite far, plus the traffic jams in Madrid as usual when she comes home from work, and this poor woman doesn't even have a private vehicle.

This slender woman walked towards the arrow that was pointed and said 'this way. Anita walked slowly. And, how surprised he was because there were about 10 Sonya dressed up and dressed sexy in line. What is this? Wow, it turns out that many are also interested in the compensation given, thought Anita. He sat in the last seat according to arrival. Every time it's a turn to enter, the second person immediately shifts his seat forward. And so on to the back.

The women were well dressed, and sexy, with shoes and bags that matched the clothes. As for him? Just wearing a T-shirt, tattered jeans, sneakers, and a 20 thousand sling bag. Duh, he was desperate to embarrass himself. Several Sonyas who saw her smiled sarcastically with condescending looks. Anita is self-aware. But he had already come a long way, there was no way back. At least he passed the interview first so he wouldn't be curious. About whether he escaped or not, he didn't think about it.

"Miss? Hey there lady! Miss ponytail!" Someone's scream woke Anita who was fast asleep on the bench. Ahhh, why did he fall asleep? Anita blinked her eyes. It's quiet no one else. There was only him and a middle-aged Sonya in her fifties.

"I?" Asked Anita half-unconscious

"Yes, you, who else is it?" Answer the Sonya.

Anita glanced at her watch and saw that it was already 9 o'clock. What? Last night? How can you go home later? Of course, there is no public transportation anymore.

"Are you still interested?" Answer the Sonya. Ahh it's already wet, thought Anita.

"Yes ma'am." Anita approached Sonya.

"How was your sleep? Good?" This rather stocky Sonya looked at Anita's appearance flatly.

"Sorry ma'am, I just got home from work so tired." the answer

"You're already working, why do you still need money?" Ask that Sonya

"My father...need urgent surgery." Anita quietly looked down and sighed heavily.

The woman was silent for a moment. Of all the reasons given by applicants, only Anita is different. The previous women had various unreasonable reasons. Want to be a devoted wife, love small children, want to build a happy family, and so on. Cliche excuses. And, the most fatal thing is that they claim to be virgins. Even though after checking, they were broken. Yes, this audition also involves a dermatologist and gynecologist who checks whether the applicant is a virgin or not.

"You enter that door. Inside there are two people who will interview you. First, a man who will ask for all your details. And, the second is a doctor Sonya who will check whether you are a virgin or not. Now come in, it's getting late. night."

Anita sighed and said Bismillah before entering. Middle-aged Sonya who heard that knitted her brows. Only this time someone prayed before entering. The women before were even busy dressing and tidying their clothes. But not with this ponytail girl.

"Good night." Say hello to Anita first. There were two people with tired eyes staring at Anita lazily.

"You're the last right?" Ask a man

"Yes sir, I'm the last." Anita replied while grinning a pony, just like her ponytail.

"Thank God, we can finally go home soon Nan." The man said

"Yes, that's all right. I'll check you first so it's fast. From earlier, everything was fake. Claimed to be a virgin but it turned out to be a hole." Anita is nervous not playing. How come he could be so determined to this place? Oh my God, but he can't back down anymore. Finally Anita headed to the secret room for women. After a few minutes inside, the doctor Nancy came out with a flat expression. "Okay, continue." Absurd words were thrown at the male friends who were waiting outside the room.

"Well, why do you want to marry our employer who is an old and disabled man? Aren't you still young and beautiful, you still have a long way to go. Don't tell me it's because you just got dumped or frustrated because your boyfriend cheated on you?" The man leaned his back on the thick and soft chair he was sitting on. Doctor Sonya, who examined Anita, sat next to her with her arms crossed in front of her chest and crossed one leg over the other.

"I... I... need a lot of money... to pay for my father's surgery. My father was the victim of a hit-and-run by an unknown person." Anita lowered her head. His fingers were twisted to reduce the nervousness that hit him.

The other two people in the same room fell silent, speechless. Only a soft sigh escaped their lips. Until finally one of them spoke,

"You know what you have to do?"

"I must have at least 3 children, right? By the way, if I may ask, why 3? Does your employer really like children?" Ask Anita.

"Yes you could say so." Now the female doctor's voice.

"Oh I see. So, maybe I have to be married for at least 3 years? Suppose 1 child 1 year includes 40 days postpartum period per 1 child." Anita makes an equally absurd parable.

"Why three years when it can be 1 year?"

"It means?"

"Why don't you consider the calculation if giving birth to triplets at once?" Answer female doctor

"Ah, yes, that's right." Anita smiled flatly.

"Why? Do you want to earn 1 billion every month for 3 years at least?" The male interviewer frowned.

"No no, the sooner the better of course. I only need 20 million, not billions. Even 100 million is too much for me." Anita waved her hands to refute the accusations made by the man.

"Is that so? Hmm, fine. We'll call you tomorrow." Suddenly, the man's cell phone vibrated. An incoming call with the name on the screen, "Mr. Benjamin Moses" called. The man put a finger on his lips to Sonya's friend next to him as a sign to be quiet.

CHAPTER 3: Benjamin Moses

"Is that so? Hmm, fine. We'll contact you again tomorrow if you pass the selection." Suddenly, the cell phone in the interviewer's pocket vibrated. Incoming call with the name on the screen. "Mr. Benjamin Moses" called. The recipient of the call put a finger to his lips at Sonya's friend next to him as a sign to be quiet.

"THANK HIM." The phone was turned off unilaterally.

The man turned to his friend and wondered if he heard right? Finally, he decided to say to Anita, "You are accepted. Tomorrow morning come back to sign the marriage contract."

"What? Did I get accepted? Really?" Anita's eyes, which were originally tired, now brightened. "Okay, tomorrow morning I will come back. Incidentally tomorrow Saturday I have a day off from work." The two Sonya men just nodded slowly. Anita also excused herself to go home immediately because her boarding house was quite far from this luxurious house.

"Are you sure you didn't hear wrong?" Ask the doctor Sonya.

The man just shook his head. "Ahhhh it's getting late, let's go home. Tomorrow we will finish the next round again." The man was caught yawning several times. Meanwhile, Sonya is still daydreaming in disbelief. What did his boss see in this simple woman?

Anita walked among the dark night luxury housing. The eerie silence of the streets made him a little scared actually. Therefore he spurred his way faster. Then suddenly a very bright light was coming straight at him from behind. Anita who felt dazzled, covered the light with her hands stretched out in front of her eyes. A luxury car stopped right in front of him. The passenger window glass in the back was lowered by someone from the inside.

"Go on." Anita could not clearly see the man's face. Just cold and stiff face straight towards the driver. He was still young, maybe a few years older than him.

"Want to go up or not?" Ask the person again.

"I... who are you? How would I know that you kidnapped young women?" Anita covered her chest with her hands. The man rolled his eyes. He seemed to give a code to the person sitting in front. The man in front opened the door and approached Anita.

"Get in the car. The area here at this hour won't have any passing vehicles until tomorrow morning. Lots of criminals roaming around at night. Aren't you afraid?" The man's words succeeded in making Anita's hair stand up and swallow her saliva. The long-haired woman with a heavy heart and unsteady steps turned the door up to the other side. Before entering, Anita politely excused herself. As soon as the door closed, the car sped away from the dark residential street. Anita, who was not ready to sit down, fell to the side and hit the body of a cold man who was still fully dressed in a suit and trousers along with a long tie. At this hour, where are you going to wear full clothes like that, thought Anita.

"Sorry, sorry I didn't mean to. Your driver drives like someone who just got a driver's license." Anita cupped her hands over her chest and apologized to the arrogant man. The man grunted in annoyance and rearranged his coat. Anita smirked at the annoying response. The woman chose to lean closer to the next glass and put her head against the window. The cold AC temperature, the soft seats, and the soothing aroma of the car made Anita drift off to sleep and drifted off to dreamland. He who initially ignored, now his brows furrowed because the girl fell asleep so easily. Was it because he was tired all day? He also ordered the two people sitting in front to take him to his destination first, then take this woman home. The two bodyguards at the front answered readily with all due respect.

The man got off at a famous luxury discotheque in the metropolis. There he already had an appointment with a w. The car left the owner and headed in the other direction where the sleeping woman lived.

An athletic body that is about 187cm tall with a perfect posture with long legs and a sturdy body, hair combed to the side. And, one more thing... his green eyes are sexy and very charming for anyone who looks at him.

He is Benjamin Moses. One of the 7 most influential young CEOs in Europe. His wealth probably won't run out even for 10 generations. Of all the perfection of life that he has, only 1 that he does not have... TRUE LOVE. Sonya, whom he loves, married someone else with a more established career when Benjamin was still undergoing activities as a college student majoring in business management. So, even after graduating Benjamin promised to be the richest person and that Sonya would bow to him and beg to be his lover.

"Benjamin? You came. I'm so happy." Sexy Sonya with sad eyes who prefers to sit in front of the bar table alone, her eyes immediately sparkled when she saw her lover, whom she had left behind, came to meet her.

"Hanna? You're drunk. Go home. I'll have Jack's men take you home." Jack is the owner of The Crown discotheque and also one of Benjamin's best friends beside Mathew.

"No, I don't want to go home. Benjamin, I'm sorry I broke up with you. Can we get back together as lovers like we used to be?" Hanna grabbed Benjamin who was leaning on the bar table. "I was wrong, I thought he loved me. But it turns out I'm just being used as an outlet for his sexual appetite after a long day at work. Sometimes he even brings other women into our room and we are forced to do threesomes." Hanna covered her face with her palms.

Benjamin frowned. Either sympathy or laziness to listen to other people's bad business. Even when they were still dating, Benjamin only kissed Hanna on the lips, not having sex with her. Because for Benjamin, making love is only with the mother for his future children.

"Never mind, you go home first. Come with me." Benjamin led Hanna out of the discotheque through the crowd of visitors who were dancing to the music played by DJ The Crown's mainstay. When she reached the hallway leading to the dimly lit exit, Hanna pushed Benjamin's body against the wall behind her. The half-drunk woman kissed Benjamin's lips so suddenly that Benjamin couldn't resist. Benjamin instinctively wanted to reject it but Hanna's seductive lips bit his lips in a sensual motion, Benjamin couldn't help but respond back by crushing Hanna's sweet lips from a sip of wine. But suddenly Benjamin reflexively pushed Hanna's body so hard it hit the wall behind him. The woman stood there frozen to see Benjamin kissing Hanna wildly. His eyes were blinking and his mouth was wide open.

CHAPTER 4: Signing the Marriage Contract (part 1)

"I... I forgot to ask... what's your name?" Anita asked while swallowing saliva. But, never mind it's not important." Anita ran out of the discotheque and slipped into the crowd of newcomers.

As the night progresses, more and more people come to the discotheque. They descend from various types of luxury cars. Anita looked for the nearest taxi and got into it. For some reason, he became very afraid to see the cruel gaze of the man who felt his pleasure was disturbed when kissing his girlfriend.

"Where is he? Why did you guys come back?" Benjamin shouted at his adjutant.

"Sorry sir, he asked to come down for a while. We didn't know he was here." Two aides who were ordered to take him home lost track of him.

"Okay, let's go back." Benjamin loosened his tie and got in the car back home through the darkness. As for Tasha, she had called Jack to take her home.

A bright morning greets anyone who is passionate about having a better life when they wake up in the morning. Today Anita is not allowed to come to work. His head felt very heavy and dizzy from the moment he arrived at the boarding house last night. Maybe because yesterday afternoon he missed dinner or because it was raining when he got home.

However, the sound of an incoming message made him have to get up and clean his body. Because she had to come to the house of an old and disabled billionaire man to sign a marriage contract. Yes, a contract that will tie his life for the next few years. In order to pay for the treatment of his father who is struggling between life and death in the ICU.

Anita shuffled towards the bathroom. Just cleaning his hair and body because he doesn't want to linger. After completing the bathing ritual, Anita chose a moss green shirt that contrasted perfectly with her pure white skin. Combined with a knee-length jeans skirt with a wide model.

The woman who was still in a semi-ill condition walked to the end of the alley waiting for public transportation to go to the billionaire's house. He chose to take public transportation first, then take an online motorcycle taxi from the front of the housing inside to save costs.

Anita had been in traffic for an hour in the midst of the bustle of the capital until finally, the online motorbike she rented was in front of the towering gate she saw last night.

"Excuse me, sir, I have an appointment with the master who interviewed me yesterday to come today." The woman who was still in a pale state conveyed her intentions and goals to come to the security guard at the post. After recording and holding Anita's ID card as collateral, the poor woman walked down the pedestrian path. But this time not backward. But to the main door.

A middle-aged Sonya maid asked the purpose of her arrival and after being told the same thing, Anita was allowed into the main room. The door is big and high like a castle, making Anita stunned. His mouth half gaped in disbelief at what he saw in the living room.

There are about 5 half-height ceramic flower vases, a large painting in the middle of the room attached to an ivory white wall, and a jumbo crystal chandelier with many small lamps dangling beautifully right above the rectangular center table made of the best teak wood in the world. Anita knows because one of her friends on campus is the son of a well-known furniture entrepreneur in the capital.

It doesn't stop there, the long and single white sofa in the living room is definitely expensive because it's soft and has an artistic shape. Anita swallowed saliva many times enjoying the beautiful scenery in front of her eyes. He didn't dare to sit down so he just stood beside the sofa.

"Welcome back, Miss Anita. Please have a seat." The man who had interrogated him yesterday is now clearer. With thick glasses and hair parted to the side and wearing an all-black suit like the head of a company, appeared from inside the house.

"Did I introduce myself yesterday?" asked the bespectacled man. Anita's eyes looked up and tilted her chin trying to remember what happened last night. "I don't think so, sir." The answer. The man knitted his brows at the attitude Anita showed to remember her name.

"Okay, introduce my name, Alejandro. Just call me Mr. Alejandro. I am the trusted aide of Mr. Moses. How are you, are you ready to sign the contract today?" Alejandro asked in a


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.06.2022
ISBN: 978-3-7554-1620-3

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