

Note: This eBook is a guide and serves as an initial guide. Please also get professional advice.



The Basic Of Organizational Management

How to Lead, Motivate, and Communicate In Organizations


© Triple Nine Communication Press

Singapore 2021

92 pages, 8.5 inch x 11 inch

ISBN : 978-1-4834-3253-3


Author : Sri Harnani (Indonesia)

Editor : Adriana Assyami (German), Lilik Sumarsih (Indonesia), Rian Pratama Putra (Indonesia)

Layout : Alex Norish (German)

Translator : Lilik Sumarsih (Indonesia),  Alejandro Gonzalo (Spain)

Cover Design : Alejandro Gonzalo (Spain)

Photo Cover : Quang Anh Ha Nguyen (Vietnam)

Photos and Illustrations :

Christina Morillo (USA), Pavel Danilyuk (Belarus), Sebastian Voortman (Canada), Sora Shimazaki (Japan)



Published on 21 May 2021

In Singapore




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OPENING SPEECH Chairman of the Maju Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Foundation


Alhamdulillah, thanks be to Allah SWT for the publication of the book "Organizational Management" written by Dr Sri Harnani. In the Tamansiswa Malang College of Economics, God willing is very helpful for the needs of students in taking the Learning Process Study at the State Campus of STIE Jaya Tamansiswa Malang. This book discusses very interesting things about Organizational Management including its scope, stages in understanding Organizational Management, as well as the role of managers in the organization. May Allah make this book a charity for the author, as well as make knowledge a blessing for all of us. Aamiin.


Malang, May 03, 2021

Chairman of the Maju Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Foundation

Ki.Drs. Purnomo Adji, M.Pd

OPENING SPEECH Registrar General of the Supreme Council The Tamansiswa Union


Gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT, for the publication of the book "Organizational Management" written by Dr Sri Harnani. At STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang which is very useful in the world of education. Where education is learning, knowledge, skills and habits of a group through teaching, training or research.

This book discusses many things about Organizational Management which are very helpful for students in understanding and practising Organizational Management in the real world.

The hope is that this book will be a motivation to improve self-quality and charity for the author, as well as make knowledge that is useful and blessed for all of us.




Malang, May 03, 2021

Registrar General of the Supreme Council

The Tamansiswa Union

Ki.DR.Saur Panjaitan XIII, MM.



This book is a reading material written to enrich course material in the field of Organizational Management related to Theory and Practice in human resource development and organizations. This book discusses a lot about the theory and practice of Organizational Management as well as an in-depth understanding of people and organizations. Organizational Management focuses on the management and organization sides. Because humans and organizations in Organizational Management complement and complement each other and cannot be separated. This textbook contains four subjects which include:

1.Understanding Of Organizational Management


3.Organizational Communication


The four subjects are expected to be able to provide readers with an understanding of Organizational Management.  So that they can improve their abilities in Organizational Management in organizations and in everyday life.


Best Regards


Dr. Sri Harnani



Chapter 1. Understanding Of Organizational Management


Organization work meeting Photo by Christina Morillo (USA)


Management and organization are inseparable sides of the coin (Widarni & ‎Bawono,2021). The existence of an organization is a forum for management, but management also determines the movement and breath of the organization. This means that the organization cannot be moved without management and vice versa management can only be implemented within the organization. Management includes people who carry out the responsibility to achieve goals in an organizational structure and clear roles. That means management is related to the organization. Within the organization, there is a clear structure with a formal division of tasks and authorities as an effort to mobilize personnel to carry out tasks to achieve goals.


Organizational Management consists of 2 words, namely Management and Organization. Management itself means programming, methods, or planning for something. Meanwhile, the organization is an association with a specific purpose. So that when combined, Organizational Management is a plan for an association to achieve its goals. Usually, Organizational Management can be found in companies engaged in the field of resources. Because indeed planning in management is to direct people, to achieve organizational goals. Where, with the existence of this management, it is hoped that the performance provided by human resources can be more effective in achieving organizational goals. With the existence of this management, it is also expected to form good cooperation so that organizational goals can be achieved more quickly.


Organizational management is a process of planning and organizing and controlling an organization's resources with a view to achieving organizational goals. The goals of the organization of course can vary, depending on the organization itself. This organizational management also allows optimal use of the resources owned by the organization through careful planning and control in the workplace. In addition, each individual will be very aware of their roles and responsibilities and know what they have to do in the organization. So simply put, organizational management can refer to the efficient handling of the organization and its employees. The goal is none other than to be able to achieve the common goals of the organization. Specifically, there are three main reasons for the need for management in an organization, namely as follows:

  • Reaching goals, this management makes it easier to achieve organizational and personal goals.
  • Maintaining a balance between various conflicting goals, management balances conflicting goals and activities between interested parties in an organization (stakeholders) such as owners, employees, consumers, suppliers, and others.
  • Achieving this efficiency and effectiveness is a measure of organizational achievement.

Organizational management is everything related to planning (making plans), organizing (organizing the elements in it), staffing (resources or labor equipment), directing (directing the elements in it), and coordinating (coordinating each element), reporting ( making performance reports), as well as budgeting (planning a budget). Management is an activity that is related between one activity and another. This activity is not only in terms of managing the people who work in a company, but includes planning, organizing, mobilizing, and controlling actions carried out to determine and achieve goals through the use of existing resources. This series of activities is called the management process, while the person who leads and manages the management process is called a manager.


The role of management in the organization can be seen in everyday life. In addition, there is also an organizing process, a line organization structure. That makes this article an article about management in organizations that people need to know about. The word management comes from ancient French ménagement, which means the art of implementing and organizing. Management does not yet have an established and universally accepted definition. The word management probably comes from the Italian (1561) maneggiare which means "to control," especially "to control the horse" which comes from the Latin word manus which means "hand". This word is influenced by the French word manège which means "horse possession" (which comes from English which means the art of controlling a horse), where the English term also comes from Italian. The French then adapted this word from English to become ménagement, which has the meaning of the art of implementing and regulating (Gitman et al,2018).


The importance of organizing led to the emergence of an organizational structure, which is considered a framework that can still combine their efforts well. In other words, one part of "the task of organizing is to harmonize different groups of people, meet various interests and utilize their abilities. all in a certain direction. In principle, management is how to organize activities so that they run well in achieving goals optimally as desired. The expected goal will be successful when limited human capabilities, including knowledge, technology, skills, and time, can be developed by dividing their work, authority, and responsibility with others so that synergistically and symbiotic mutualism forms good cooperation. hence there is no "management". Even if there is, it is traditional or authoritarian management.


Organization means creating a structure with integrated parts in such a way that the relationship between the parts is influenced by their relationship with the whole structure. Organizing aims to divide a large activity into smaller activities. In addition, it makes it easier for managers to supervise and determine the people needed to carry out the tasks that have been divided. In Management there are management functions that are closely related to it. In general, there are four management functions that are widely known to the public, namely the planning function (planning), the organizing function (organizing), the directing function (directing), and the controlling function (controlling). For the organizing function, there is also a staffing function (staff formation). Managers in business enterprise organizations are expected to be able to master all existing management functions in order to obtain maximum management results. The organizational function is the process taken to compile or form an organization. One of the important tasks of an organization is to create harmonious relationships in a group consisting of various individuals and various interests.


The organization will run well if the management is right. This can be referred to as organizational management. Almost all companies need good organizational management. If the management is good, it is likely that the company's goals can be achieved. The definition of organizational management can be understood from the definition of the words' management 'and' organization.


Management is the process of planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling the resources owned by the company. These resources can be in the form of labor, finance, natural resources, knowledge, and others. The main objective of management is to achieve the goals targeted by the company in an effective and efficient manner. Whereas organization means a collection of people who work together and interact with each other and have important roles, tasks, and functions in the group. So it can be interpreted that organizational management is the process of planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising organizational resources, where each person has important duties, roles, and functions to achieve organizational goals.


Organizational management is the process of planning and organizing and controlling organizational resources with the aim of achieving organizational goals. Organizational goals can of course vary, depending on the organization itself. With the existence of organizational management within the company, it is expected to be able to shape employee performance more effectively, especially in terms of coordination between departments or divisions. The definition of organizational management actually refers to the way organizational managers lead and manage company resources in such a way as to form effective cooperation and coordination between teams.


Organizational management consists of the words management and organization. Management is the process of organizing, planning, leading, and controlling something. While the organization is a collection of people who have the same goals, working together to achieve common goals. In other words, organizational management is the process of organizing, planning, leading, and controlling resources in an organization or entity that all aim to achieve goals. Organizational management is an advanced process after the process of determining a strategy to achieve the vision and mission of the organization.


The purpose of organizational management is to create a sense of security and unity for employees so that their performance can be more effective, especially when carrying out coordination to various departments. Effective management refers to a peaceful and positive atmosphere in the company where you work. Employees complete tasks in the vulnerable time placed and employees remain loyal to their jobs and do not carry out work as a burden is one of the results.


Organizational management is a process of designing and managing and arranging the resources of an organization with a view to achieving organizational goals. The goals of the organization can certainly vary, depending on the organization itself. Organizational management is a process of planning and organizing and controlling the resources of an organization in order to achieve organizational


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.07.2021
ISBN: 978-3-7487-8734-1

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