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Imro’atul Husna Afriani


Educational Psychology

Understanding Child Development












Imro'atul Husna Afriani is an academic in the field of education, especially English language education at the University of 17 August 1945 Banyuwangi, Indonesia. Imro'atul Husna Afriani actively teaches as a lecturer and conducts research in the fields of education and social sciences.



Triple Nine Communication Press

Singapore 2021

Copy Right


Educational Psychology

Understanding Child Development


© Triple Nine Communication Press

Singapore 2021

68 pages, 8.5 inch x 11 inch

ISBN : 978-1-716-61535-1


Author : Imro’atul Husna Afriani

Editor : Adriana Assyami (German)

Layout : Alex Norish (German)

Photo Cover : Monika Balciuniene (Lithuania)

Cover Design : Alejandro Gonzalo (Spain)

Translator : Lilik Sumarsih (Indonesia), Alejandro Gonzalo (Spain)

Photos and Illustrations :

Flora Westbrook (United Kingdom), Kristina Paukshtite (Estonia), Monika Kocman (Slovenia)


Published on 27 Mei 2021

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This book is written in a concise and simple manner and is the basis for understanding educational psychology, especially child development. This book is written in a basic manner but does not neglect the details of each topic and material which is expected to provide a comprehensive understanding of the reader. This book discusses 3 basic things in educational psychology based on child development including:


  1. Understanding of Educational Psychology
  2. Child Growth and Development
  3. Learning That Pays Attention to Children's Potential


The 3 things discussed in this book are 3 basic things and are very important to understand in educating children. Because these 3 things are the basis for providing children's education that is psychologically adjusted according to the age of the children in learning.


Best Regards

Imro’atul Husna Afriani

Chapter 1. Understanding of Educational Psychology

Children learn at school, Photo by Monika Kocman (Slovenia)


Basically, psychology touches many areas of life and organisms, both humans and animals. However, even so, more specifically, psychology is often associated with the life of the human organism. Psychology and its sub-knowledge basically have a relationship with other sciences. For example, the relationship between psychology and sociology, anthropology, political science, communication science, biology, natural sciences, philosophy, and education. This relationship is usually reciprocal. One example is the relationship between psychology and education so that the name educational psychology was born. Education is an attempt to humanize humans. That is, it is aimed at shaping the attitudes and mentality of students in a better direction (Bradley,2020).


Educational psychology is a branch of psychology that seeks to apply psychological theories and concepts to understand and improve learning and teaching informal educational settings. Simply put, educational psychology is concerned with the study of how students learn (both children, adolescents, and adults) and how teacher psychology can help them learn effectively. The topics covered in educational psychology include learning achievement, instructional processes. , individual differences in learning, gifted students, children with special needs, and learning difficulties. Educational psychology also uses many theories from other psychological disciplines, especially developmental psychology, behavioral psychology (behavior), and cognitive psychology, in order to solve educational problems that are increasingly diverse in an increasingly complex environment (Hardy et al,2020).


 Educational psychology is intended to provide an influence in learning education activities and a more effective teaching and learning process by paying attention to the psychological responses and behavior of students. The conditions of the learning system, teaching methods, and students in each region are not the same. The habits of students when they are in the family and educational environment are sometimes different. Educational psychology appears to provide improvements in the world of education in implementing curriculum, teaching and learning processes, counseling, and evaluation services to get better quality students. Educational psychology intends to apply psychology to processes that bring about behavioral change, in other words for teaching. Meanwhile, the meaning of educational psychology is the study of learning, growth, and individual maturity, and the application of scientific principles to human reactions. This education aims to influence the teaching and learning process.


The basic concept of educational psychology provides an understanding of children as learners, how children learn, how teachers motivate children to learn, and how teachers evaluate learning outcomes. The purpose of studying psychology in education is to understand and enhance the learning and learning process. So it can be concluded that by understanding the theory and science of psychology, educators will understand its true role, which is to make students want and know how to learn. Educational psychology is a field of psychology that studies the psychological dynamics phenomena and individual behavior in the educational process. The educational process in a school context is usually simply linked to areas related to the teaching and learning process, such as teacher teaching methods, student learning methods, teacher motivation, student learning motivation, student development, the teaching and learning process for gifted children, and the teaching and learning process for children with special needs, the teaching and learning process for critical thinking, and the teaching and learning process for the development of creativity.


Educational psychology is a branch of psychology that studies, researches, and discusses human behavior in its entirety in relation to learning and educational activities in general. Educational psychology is an accumulation of knowledge, wisdom, and various theories based on experiences that teachers should have in order to intelligently solve everyday teaching problems. In simple terms, educational psychology is the field of study of people who study, learn, and teach. Educational psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on learning how to understand teaching and learning in an educational environment. There are also those who explain that educational psychology is a science and applied science that describes various human activities in relation to the educational situation. And one example is learning how to attract students' attention so that they are more receptive to the lessons being taught.


Educational Psychology is the study of how humans learn in educational settings, the effectiveness of educational interventions, teaching psychology, and social psychology from schools as organizations. Educational psychology is concerned with how students learn and develop, and often focuses on subgroups such as gifted children and those subject to special disabilities. the notion of educational psychology is a psychological discipline that investigates psychological problems that occur in the world of education. Meanwhile, according to the American encyclopedia, the notion of educational psychology is a more principled science in the teaching process that is involved with discoveries and applying principles and ways to increase efficiency in education. Understanding Educational Psychology is the study of human behavior in the world of education which includes a systematic study of the processes and factors associated with human education with the aim of developing and increasing efficiency in education.


Unlike most interdisciplinary groups in general, psychology and education have an inseparable relationship. The two are mutually exclusive and there are special tradeoffs between them. How did this happen? Simply put, because education has a role in guiding a person's life which will determine how his character and behavior are formed. Meanwhile, psychology is the study of human behavior and behavior. Meanwhile, education requires a study of the behavior and behavior of students to be able to provide the changes desired by the learning objectives. Therefore, the two can hardly be separated. A psychologist will also be involved in the world of education, as well as an educational expert will need a variety of psychology in practice.


Psychology and education cannot be separated from one another, because psychology and education have a reciprocal relationship. The science of education as a discipline aims to provide guidance for human life from birth to death. Education will not work well if it is not accompanied by psychology. Likewise, the character and personality of a person are shown by psychology. Because of the close relationship between psychology and education science, educational psychology was born. These psychological basics are really needed by educators to find out the behavior of their students, whether their students are in good shape during learning activities, or in bad conditions. If so, educators really need this knowledge to overcome students like that and motivate them to stay in a state of enthusiasm in learning. In addition to knowing the behavior of their students, these psychological basics can also control the behavior of educators and provide wiser behavior in dealing with the diversity of characteristics of their students. An educator really needs this kind of knowledge, so that the learning process can run as desired and of course can successfully achieve goals brilliantly in accordance with the educational institution.


The study of educational psychology in relation to the development of educational curricula is especially concerned with understanding aspects of behavior in the context of learning. Apart from the various schools of psychology that characterize education, in essence, this psychological study pays attention to how educational inputs, processes, and outputs can run without neglecting the behavioral and personality aspects of students. Psychologically, humans are unique individuals. Humans as unique creatures have their own characteristics, different abilities, and different needs. So it is not surprising that there is a group of students who do not fit into the formal education system. If a student is unable to attend formal education at school for some reason, he or she has the right to choose other alternative education that can fulfill his right as a citizen to learn, because every child has the right to education, in any form.


In essence, education is the process of forming students. In order for this formation to be effective and successful, educators must have qualifications or skills in Educational Psychology. The basic concept of psychology in education is generally a sub-discipline of psychology that investigates psychological problems in education which are then formulated in the form of concepts, theories, and methods as solutions to these problems. Educational Psychology also describes the characteristics or learning patterns that are adjusted according to age (cognitive development). If the student is still 5 years old, the learning method is learning while playing as well as if he is a teenager, the group discussion method can be applied. So that by studying Educational Psychology, Educators will realize and understand that their real role is to make students want and know how to learn. Not by providing as much information as possible, but by making students like the activity of finding as much information as possible.


Psychology comes from the Greek word "psyche" (psukhe) which means "hot-blooded" which means life, soul, ghost, and Logos which means knowledge. So, literally, psychology means psychology, human behavior, and behavior. The purpose of educational psychology is not to provide accurate recipes for teachers and other people that affect student achievement, as if only with that recipe the teaching and learning process will be successful. Educational psychology actually wants to reveal general principles that can be applied in a broad educational environment. Expert research working in this area seeks to answer questions such as: how does a child or adolescent learn? What can motivate him to learn? What things affect (support or hinder) the learning process? How to improve the quality and learning outcomes? Psychologists and educational psychologists can work in a variety of settings, such as in college as teachers or researchers. Apart from that, many play a role as consultants who help teachers develop learning programs, design materials for instruction or training in educational or workplace environments. In addition, some work in primary and secondary schools to deal directly with individual student problems. They become a place for teachers to consult, become partners to collaborate in developing learning approaches, design curricula, create a comfortable learning environment, and measure learning outcomes accurately and reliably. In general, the notion of educational psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the characteristics of individuals in


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.07.2021
ISBN: 978-3-7487-8729-7

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