

Note: This eBook is a guide and serves as a first guide. In addition, please get expert advice.



Human Capital Investment

For Better Business Performance




Eny Lestari Widarni

STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang


Suryaning Bawono

STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang






Triple Nine Communication Press Singapore


Copy Right


© Eny Lestari Widarni and Suryaning Bawono


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means,electonic,mechanical or photocopying,recording,or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher










Published by

Triple Nine Communication Press

No 7 Temasek Boulevard#12-07

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Singapore, 038987



ISBN : 9798557263726




Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah SWT, for the publication of the Human Capital Investment Book published by Triple Nine Communication Press written by Dr Eny Lestari Widarni, MM. At the STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang, who inshaAllah greatly helps the needs of students in taking part in the Study of Learning Process at the STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang. in it about the scope, stages in human capital and application in management, as well as what methods exist in human capital that is very useful. May Allah make this book a charity Jariah for the author, as well as making knowledge which is a blessing for all of us. Aamiin.



Malang, November 05, 2020

Chairman of the Maju Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Foundation

Ki. Drs. Purnomo Adji, M.Pd



Gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT, for the publication of the Human Capital Investment Book published by Janega Press written by Dr Eny Lestari Widarni, MM. At STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang which is very useful in the world of education. Where education is learning, knowledge, skills and habits of a group through teaching, training or research.


This book discusses many things about education and applications in the field of Human Capital which are very helpful in the quality of human resources. The hope is that this book will be a motivation to improve self-quality and charity for the author, as well as make knowledge that is useful and blessed for all of us.



Malang, November 05, 2020

Registrar General of the Supreme Council

The Tamansiswa Union

Ki. DR.Saur Panjaitan XIII, MM.



Praise and gratitude we always pray to the presence of God Almighty because of the abundance of His grace and guidance so that we can finish compiling this book. Along with the demands of the community on the importance of information and education, especially regarding Human Capital Investment, is the main objective of this book.


The purpose of this book is our material to develop the next edition of the book and can be a reference for the public, practitioners and academics.


This book contains all aspects related to human capital and the organizational environment. Basically, the preparation of this book is also a discourse for us to always learn and have an optimistic view of looking ahead that there is always a way to achieve success, one of which is by utilizing the right human capital.


Not to forget, we also express our gratitude because without the help of various parties we might not have been able to finish this book. The hope is that this book on human capital will benefit the community and be able to become a reference for the community in developing their human capital capabilities.


No human being is perfect as well as His creation, There is no ivory that is not cracked, we welcome all comments, criticisms, suggestions and messages that can build us to be better in releasing the next edition of the book.


Malang, November 05, 2020


Dr. Eny Lestari Widarni, SE, MM

CHAPTER 1. What is Human Capital?

Employees are the lifeline of an organization. An organization cannot survive if there are no employees (Denisi & Griffin, 2015). Organizations operate with the help of individuals who contribute in their own way to their success and productivity. Employees spend most of their day in the office and strive to achieve organizational goals and objectives. Employees must be motivated from time to time to develop a sense of attachment to the organization and give their best.


During his tenure, each employee acquires several skill sets through experience, exposure, training, and so on, which further increases his productivity, which ultimately benefits the organization. Knowledge and skills developed by employees in time to further improve organizational productivity refer to human resources. Every employee tries their best to hone their skills while serving in the organization. Human resources are a collection of skills, attributes, knowledge, and expertise of employees, which then play an integral role in increasing organizational productivity.


Every organization invests its money and resources in training new employees. In turn, the employees work hard, enhance their existing knowledge, and contribute in their own way to increasing the productivity of their organizations.


Human capital plays an important role in increasing the productivity and output of an organization. Capital acts as a catalyst to increase productivity in the organization. Likewise, humans who act as employees without organizational employees will not run well (Nyberg & Moliterno, 2019).


Human capital is a useful resource to maintain a competitive advantage. Strategic action requires a set of physical, financial, human, or organizational resources. Thus, competitive advantage is determined by its ability to acquire and retain resources.


Human capital is an important capital for a company because it is a source of innovation and strategic renewal, process re-engineering, and a source of dreams for the company. One of the elements that can create a positive market perception for the company is employees' personal skills so that the company can outperform competition and sales.


The relationship between Human Capital, Business Performance, Intellectual capital is an interaction of human capital, customer capital, and structural capital. Human capital in an organization has the full potential to build a market orientation for its consumers. There is a positive relationship between human capital and customer capital. So that investment in human capital can boost organizational performance.


To optimize human capital in encouraging organizational performance, Human Capital Management is needed. Human Capital Management refers to managing the employees of an organization so that they contribute significantly to the organization's overall productivity. In layman's language managing the workforce of an organization refers to Human Capital management.


Human Capital Management refers to employee management, hiring the right employees, training them, improving their skills, making full use of their knowledge, which ultimately benefits the organization. Human Capital management refers to managing employees to contribute effectively to the organization (Sanghi, 2014).


Human Capital management is defined as acquiring, training, managing, and retaining employees so that they can contribute effectively to organizational processes.


In simple words, improving an employee's existing skills and extracting the best from it refers to Human Capital management.


Human Capital Management has more to do with how organizations treat their employees? Don't treat your employees only as laborers. Senior management must ensure the timely growth and development of every caring individual so that he or she can contribute efficiently if needed.


Human resource management refers to the process of managing people, as well as related processes and tools.


Areas that fall within the realm of human resource management services include:


  1. Recruitment and talent acquisition
  2. Orientation
  3. Management capabilities
  4. Employee retention and satisfaction
  5. Performance management
  6. Training and development
  7. Health
  8. Administration of benefits
  9. Offboarding


Human capital is an important element of intangible assets in organizations. Intangible wealth is not only human capital but also copyrights, customer relationships, brand and corporate image. The imagination and creativity of employees is very important in business success.


Humans are intangible assets that are not visible on the company's balance sheet. These intangible assets can be classified as the economic value of the experience and skills of


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Triple nine
Lektorat: Triple nine
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.07.2021
ISBN: 978-3-7487-8726-6

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