

Note: This eBook is a guide and serves as a first guide. In addition, please get expert advice.


New Way Modern Marketing

New Perspective Of Marketing In Digital Era For Effective Marketing in Digital Age


© Janega Press

Malang 2021

157 pages, 8.5 inch x 11 inch

ISBN : 978-602-50799-7-9


Author : Amaury Capdeville Chapuzet (France), Suryaning Bawono (Indonesia)

Editor : Dr. Eny Lestari Widarni (Indonesia)

Layout : Alex Norish (German)

Cover Design : Alejandro Gonzalo (Spain)

Photo Cover: Myicahel Tamburini (Brazil)

Translator : Lilik Sumarsih (Indonesia), Alejandro Gonzalo (Spain)

Photos and Illustrations :

Anna Shvets from Russia,Artem Podrez (Belarus), Dominika Roseclay (Poland), Helena Lopes (Brazil), Karolina Grabowska from (Poland), Lukas from (Czech republic), Nataliya Vaitkevich from (Valencia), Prateek Katyal (India).


Published on 21 June 2021

In Malang




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This book discusses strategy and understanding of marketing, marketing communications, and digital marketing. In understanding marketing in today's digital era, it is only natural that the marketing of a business can utilize the internet as a marketing medium. Not only promotional media but marketing as a whole, including maintaining and caring for consumer loyalty. So this book discusses 3 things about the substance of marketing in the digital era, namely:

  1. Marketing
  2. Digital Marketing
  3. Marketing Communication

This book teaches how to understand marketing in a true sense not just to increase sales but how to develop loyalty and build a massive and widespread positioning of a product or business using the internet.


We hope that this book will provide readers with practical knowledge to develop more effective business marketing and increase competitiveness in today's digital era.


Best Regards

Amaury Capdeville Chapuzet & Suryaning Bawono

Chapter 1. Understanding of Marketing


Online Marketing Illustration, Photo by Dominika Roseclay (Poland)


Many people think marketing is selling. The fact is selling is part of marketing. A product that is produced through a production process of course for commercial purposes or for sale to consumers in order to make a profit. The activity of selling products that have been produced from the production process is called product sales. Because here the entrepreneur will continue to carry out production activities as long as these activities are profitable or profitable.


Basically, the main orientation of a producer in production activities is to produce the best possible product and get the maximum profit. In this activity, consumers have the usual tendency not to buy products that are not important. In general, the definition of marketing is a complex activity in an effort to convey information on products or services, offers, and negotiations, distributing products to consumers, which is carried out by an institution or business entity in a systematic and planned manner.


A product that is produced through the production process is of course for commercial purposes or to be sold to consumers in order to make a profit. The activity of selling products that have been produced from the production process is called product sales. Because here, the entrepreneur will continue to carry out production activities as long as these activities are profitable or profitable. Basically, the main orientation of a producer in production activities is to produce the best possible product and get as much profit as possible. In this activity, consumers have a normal tendency not to buy products that are not important.


All businesses must have dreams of being able to grow rapidly. All companies hope that their transaction or revenue targets will be achieved. So, to achieve that, you need something called marketing. Marketing is the activity of promoting and selling products/services. There is a long process in determining who the target of the promotion will be and what the promotion will look like. In this way, the business can promote its products/services more effectively. It is undeniable that all companies will carry out marketing activities which will later be realized in creating the best and quality products to meet market demand. Furthermore, here are some definitions of marketing. Marketing is figuring out what the customer wants and adapting the company's products to meet those requirements, and in the process making a profit for the company. Marketing is the science and art of exploring, creating, and providing value to meet the needs of target markets while still making a profit. Marketing identifies unmet needs and wants. Marketing also defines, measures how big the existing market size and the potential profit. It shows the best segments that the company is able to serve and designs and promotes products and services accordingly.


In general, the definition of marketing is a complex activity in an effort to convey information on products or services, offers, and negotiations, distributing products to consumers, which is carried out by an institution or business entity in a systematic and planned manner. Marketing has always been the spearhead of an institution or a business entity, whether large-scale or small-scale, to succeed in its business activities. The faster the marketing process, the smoother the business is undertaken by the business entity will be. In simple terms, marketing is a process of introducing a special product or service to potential consumers (dominant to the products we produce). Marketing is the soul of business or endeavor. The short definition of marketing is the various actions a company takes to attract consumers or clients. Marketing is not limited to promotion only. because this also includes sales and provides a deeper understanding of the products or services the company has. It seems impossible if a company can thrive without good marketing. Especially in the era of all electronics and the internet like now. Various kinds of marketing strategies are carried out by the company. The more intense this activity, the more likely it is that the company can grow rapidly (Dann,2010).


People tend to understand that marketing is a promotional act. Even though the notion of marketing is not that narrow. What is meant by marketing or marketing is an activity carried out by a company to promote a product or service it owns. This marketing includes advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers or other companies. In conducting promotions, they will target the community in accordance with the product being marketed. Usually, they also involve celebrities, celebrities, or anyone who has the popularity to boost these products. Not only that, in the field of marketing, the department that has this task will make attractive packaging or designs for advertisements so that many are interested. Apart from that, marketing is also very helpful for consumers. So that they will find it easier to find products that match what they need. If the marketing is in accordance with the target, the company will get many buyers and profits can be obtained.


Marketing is an activity carried out by a company to market or promote its products or services. Marketing includes everything from advertising to sales to delivering products to direct consumers or to other companies. In promotion, there are targets that must be adjusted to the product being marketed. It's no wonder that many businesses that involve celebrities, celebrities, and others have popularity in order to boost sales. Not only that, in marketing, there is a department whose job it is to make the design or packaging as attractive as possible with the aim of making consumers interested in seeing it. The existence of marketing will help consumers to more easily find products that suit their needs. Even though the marketing is in accordance with the expected target, the advantage the company gets is that the company will get many buyers and make a lot of profit.


Marketing is one of the main activities that must be carried out by a company, be it a good or service company, in an effort to maintain its business continuity. This is because marketing is one of the company's activities that are directly related to consumers. So marketing activities can be defined as human activities that take place in relation to the market. Marketing is a whole system of business activities that aims to plan, determine prices, promote and distribute goods or services that meet the needs of existing and prospective buyers. Marketing is an integrated effort to integrate strategic plans that aim to meet the needs and desires of consumers to obtain the expected benefits through an exchange or transaction process. The company's marketing activities must be able to provide satisfaction to consumers if you want to get a good response from consumers. The company must take full responsibility for the satisfaction of the product offered. Thus, all company activities must be directed to be able to satisfy consumers who ultimately aim to make a profit.


Marketing has always been at the forefront of an institution or business entity, both large and small scale, to succeed in their business activities. The faster the marketing process, the smoother the business that the business entity is running. Another definition simply states that the definition of marketing is the process of introducing a specific product or service to potential customers (dominant to the products we produce). With this concept, marketing activities can be carried out more effectively and efficiently, as well as more profitable. There are several aspects that need attention. These aspects of marketing include advertising, public relations, promotion and sales, and so on.


A business entity in the process of marketing its products certainly has the main objective in marketing. The main goal in marketing is to maximize profits by using as little capital or resources as possible by creating a marketing strategy (for this topic we will discuss in the next session). In a company or business, marketing executives must be able to see many aspects of advertising, including predicting the lifespan of a product. That way, marketing effectiveness will be easily achieved.


It is undeniable that all companies will carry out marketing activities which will later be realized in creating the best and quality products to meet market demand. Marketing can be interpreted as a plan which involves the management of services and goods, pricing, promotional activities as well as distribution. In this case, all marketing activities are aimed at meeting community needs.


The definition of marketing or marketing is the activity carried out by companies to promote a product or service they have. This marketing includes advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers or other companies. In doing promotions, they will target people who match the products being marketed. Usually, they also involve celebrities, celebrities, or anyone with popularity to boost these products. Not only that, in marketing, the department that has this task will make attractive packaging or designs for advertisements so that many people will be interested. In addition, marketing is also very helpful for consumers. So they will find it easier to find products that match what they need. When marketing is in accordance with its target, the company will get many buyers and profit can be obtained.


Definition of Marketing. The definition of marketing or marketing is the activity carried out by companies to promote a product or service they have. This marketing includes advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers or other companies. In doing promotions, they will target people who match the products being marketed. Usually, they also involve celebrities, celebrities, or anyone with popularity to boost these products. Not only that, in marketing, the department that has this task will make attractive packaging or designs for advertisements so that many people will be interested.


Marketing is the soul of a business or venture. A brief definition of marketing is the various actions that companies take to attract consumers or clients. Marketing is not limited to promotion alone. because this also includes sales and provides a deeper understanding of the products or services the company has. It would seem impossible if the company could thrive without good marketing. Especially in the era of all electronics and the internet like now. Various kinds of marketing strategies are carried out by the company. The more intense this activity, the more likely the company will be able to grow rapidly.


People tend to understand that marketing is a promotional act. Even though the notion of marketing is not that narrow. in the following we will summarize some of the definitions of marketing from well-known economists. So make sure after reading it you don't understand that marketing is the same as a promotion. Marketing is an activity carried out by a company to market or promote its products or services. Marketing covers everything from advertising to selling to delivering products to either direct consumers or to other companies.


In promotion, there are targets that must be adjusted to the product being marketed. No wonder there are many businesses that involve celebrities, celebrities, and others that have popularity in order to boost sales. Not only that, in marketing, there is a department whose job is to make the design or packaging as attractive as possible with the aim of making consumers interested in seeing it. With marketing, it will help consumers to make it easier to find products according to what they need. Even when the marketing is in accordance with the expected target, the profit the company gets is that the company will get many buyers and get a lot of profit.


A manufacturer does not necessarily create and develop a product that is not in accordance with consumer needs. In other words, consumer needs will provide business opportunities for producers to produce products that suit these consumer needs. Whatever product or service, no good marketing strategy, no matter how good the media is used, it will never be meaningful if the consumer wants to use it or in other words the consumer does not need the product produced by the producer. This is an important point that manufacturers always pay attention to when they want to make a business.


Therefore, in the marketing concept. Always start with identifying the needs of the consumer. The goal is to find out what kind of products are needed by consumers today and in the future in detail. Includes types of products, services, packaging, prices, the importance level of use, and so on. There are three important keys to a good marketing concept, especially in the field of marketing management science. these three important keys include:

  • What do consumers need and want?
  • Can companies create quality products that match the needs and desires of consumers?
  • What is the company's marketing strategy so that consumers remain at the maximum level of satisfaction?

As explained above, marketing is the spearhead of business activities carried out by agencies or business entities, both small and large scale. No matter how good the product concept you make, it will not be successful without a good marketing strategy to market the product or service you make. Actually, what is the real purpose of marketing that makes marketing activities important in business activities? Here are some marketing goals that we summarize from books and literature that discuss the essence of marketing goals themselves:

Promotion of Products or Services

The first objective in marketing is to introduce or promote products that have been produced to potential consumers in general. The promotion itself can be defined as advertising a product or brand or a product or service. In carrying out promotional activities, many media can be used and can be adjusted according to the needs and capital owned. Attempts to notify or offer products or services with the aim of attracting potential customers to our products. After consumers can recognize the products that have been produced by entrepreneurs, then changes in consumer behavior are expected to be influenced by the advertisements that have been made so that consumers are willing and willing to consume or use the products we sell.


Realization of sales targets for products or services

A company, whether small or large in scale, certainly has targets that must be met in one unit of time or period. These goals can be daily, monthly, or even yearly goals. The second marketing objective is to smoothen the product sales process in accordance with the targets set by the company. Because with effective marketing you will get maximum sales (it depends on the marketing strategy). In marketing, there is a special division that is tasked with marketing the product. This division has the ability to promote products with good communication, attractive displays, adept pricing strategies, bonuses, and so on so that the targets set by the company can be achieved properly.


Knowing Customer Satisfaction

In today's marketing strategy which is commonly known as the third generation marketing strategy, it is not enough to only make quality products at competitive prices, but also customer satisfaction is an important concern of every company. This is because consumer satisfaction is the future of product marketing for a company. If consumer satisfaction has a bad trend that a company has, it is certain that the company will soon be out of business. A good marketing strategy is always oriented toward customer satisfaction. Because with that, consumers are expected to be willing to use the product again, again, and again at another time and in the future.


After we understand the definition of marketing, the objectives of marketing, along with the marketing concept according to the experts, it would be better if our understanding of marketing is equipped with understanding the functions of the fundamental (basic) marketing. Because marketing itself is a complex activity in an effort to convey information on products or services, offers and negotiations, distribution of products to consumers, which is carried out by an institution or business entity in a systematic and planned manner, of course, there are functions that support the concept. in marketing. The marketing functions are as follows:

Exchange function (Exchange)

Products that have been produced by the producer must be sold at least once in the marketing process. The marketing function will involve several activities which include the transportation and transfer of property rights from one party to another party that is in the marketing system. The marketing system, of course, involves many parties such as traders, distributors, agents who will receive compensation in return for their assistance in bringing together consumers and sellers, and so on. In the exchange function, there are two other functions that support the exchange function, namely:

Sales Function

The essence of the sales function is to bring together sellers and buyers (demand and supply), either directly or indirectly, through intermediaries such as agents, sales, and so on. The additional functions in the essence of the sales function are as follows:

  • Product planning and development
  • Seeking contacts (making contact with buyers)
  • Create demand (Encourage buyers to buy products)
  • Negotiating (Terms and conditions of sale must be negotiated)
  • Make contact (final approval of sales


Purchase Function

The essence of the purchasing function is all activities or things that are important to pay attention to in order to get a product or service that fits the criteria, both quality, and quantity as desired by consumers. Then work on products that meet these criteria ready for use at a certain time, condition, and place at a competitive price. In addition, there are additional functions that support the purchase function, namely:

  • Planning (Determining the criteria for a product or service)
  • Searching for contacts (Searching for product sellers according to criteria)
  • Assembling (collection of products)
  • Negotiation (Terms and conditions of purchase must be negotiated)
  • Contact (sale and purchase contracts and transfer of property rights)


Function of Storage and Distribution (Storage and Distribution)

Storage and distribution is the second marketing function, where products that have been produced by producers need to be stored for a certain time and then distributed to agents or even directly to consumers, so that time and place are important for pay more attention. This second function includes:

  • Processing (Products are processed (processing and packaging) to be ready for sale to consumers)
  • Storage or Warehousing (Storing the finished product until it is ready to be distributed to consumers
  • Transport and Distribution (Transfer of products from producers to agents or directly to end consumers)



The intermediary function is the third marketing function, where the marketing division has an important role in delivering product information from producers to consumers so that the product purchase transaction process is successfully carried out by consumers who of course always pay attention to the value or level of consumer satisfaction so that the next time consumers will buy the product back and use it continuously. there are additional functions that support intermediary functions, namely:

  • Market information (information about prices and sources of offers)
  • Takes risk (Entrepreneurs take risks along the marketing channel)
  • Standardization and grading (Determining product standards and product classification)
  • Financing (Modern marketing requires capital (money), credit, etc.)

Chapter 2. Understanding Of Digital Marketing


Digital Market Analysis Illustration, Photo by Lukas from (Czech Republic)


Have you ever seen a company brand or product that does a digital campaign or online campaign? Or maybe you've seen it through a company's website and social media? Of course, you often see all these things lately. These things are called digital marketing. The concept and application of digital marketing is something that is done to boost sales of products from a brand. Along with advances in technology, trends in the business world are also increasingly varied. One of them is the digital marketing trend. Then, how important is digital marketing in a business that sells certain products?


As technology advances, people's needs and ways of doing things change, including in marketing techniques. If in the past the marketing method was carried out in a conventional manner such as spreading leaflets, placing advertisements on television or radio, and the like, now the marketing process has entered a new phase that utilizes technology through digital marketing or digital marketing. Digital marketing is a marketing activity or promotion of a brand or product using digital media or the internet. The goal of digital marketing is to attract consumers and potential consumers quickly (Tupikovskaja-Omovie & Tyler,2021). As we know, the acceptance of technology and the internet in society is very wide, so it's no wonder that digital marketing activities are the main choice for companies. As a result, companies compete with each other to create interesting content to be displayed in their marketing in cyberspace.


Since the development of marketing communication technology with digital platforms has also increasingly shown its fangs. But even so, in fact, until now, there are still many business practitioners who feel reluctant to go into digital marketing. The reason is that they still don't really know the details, the ins, and outs. Digital marketing is one of the best solutions that companies can use to expand their business circle. What is digital marketing, and what does it do for companies?


Now is the era of digital marketing. Almost all companies in the world use this marketing strategy. The reason is, this way is faster, easier and more widely reaching consumers. If you don't apply it, your competitors might succeed in controlling the market for your product. Of course, you don't want this, right?


Digital marketing is a product marketing effort using digital media and internet networks. Digital marketing has many advantages over traditional marketing efforts. These advantages are the ease of reaching a wider target market, requiring lower costs, and using two-way communication with potential customers. Digital marketing is the activity of marketing a product or service, through the help of digital technology. Currently, digital marketing has begun to develop, by combining digital platforms and technology with the internet network. So that marketing, which was previously limited to television windows, is now climbing towards industry 4.0. industries that take advantage of the role of the internet in every implementation.


Digital marketing is a strategy that has the concept of maximizing digital networks as its main commodity. It is therefore not surprising that currently digital advertising is carried out through all social


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Janega Press
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.07.2021
ISBN: 978-3-7487-8722-8

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