
Chapter One

The following story belongs to me and me only, please do not upload anywhere else without my permission. There will be homosexual activities in this story and the content is also rated mature for future chapters so please don't read if you don't want to.


“Hey Liam, you're going to be late for school,” my mom's voice echoed up the stairs and I leant down to reach my school bag, swinging it over my shoulders and ran down the stairs, my shoes making a nice thump! with every step I took.

“Jesus Christ Liam, anyone would think there's an earthquake from the way you run down the stairs,” my mom said with an sigh. I shot her a sheepish grin and turned the door handle to the front door, before turning back to face her.

“Have a great first day at work mom, good luck,” I told her and gave her a thumbs up. She copied the gestured and instead of doing the silly little signature handshake we usually do, she lent over a kissed my forehead.

“Thank you, sweetie, have a great first day at your new sixform.” I groaned out loud and rubbed the middle of my forehead where she'd practically smothered me to death. Okay, it was a small peck but I'm nearly 18 and getting kisses off my mom isn't something I appreciate as much as I used to when I was a young kid.

“Thanks, I will!” I smiled and waved goodbye, turning to walk down the cobbled pavement that reached the small oak gate at the bottom of the garden.

This was it. Me, Liam Ashworth, the only son of Helyn Ashworth has finally started a fresh new beginning. We'd moved into the new house at the start of the summer but I rarely went out and I helped my mom redecorate the entire house till it was just the way we had imagined it. The summer holidays were finally over and I was finally starting a new sixform which meant I was bound to make new friends and hopefully not be the one everyone made fun of.

“Wow, what a mommy's boy.” I winced and turned to my right to see a group of boys waiting outside my neighbours house. The comment had come from a much taller male who had his arms crossed over his chest. He was wearing a shitty baseball jacket that all the kids think are 'in' nowadays and had a smug smile plastered across his face. Ugh, a typical ass hole, what luck.“Still kissing mommy when you're off to school?” He ran his fingers through his brunette hair, pushing his hair out of the way as his friends all laughed and cheered in unison at his crap joke.

“I'm not-” I managed to get two words out and then suddenly I was interrupted by a guy who looked like he belonged on the front cover of one of those magazines outside your local newspaper shot. Wow, what luck did I have. The first day of school and a group of what society classes as 'good looking' boys are already taking the piss out of me. This is why I never leave the house.

“Hey, leave the poor boy alone Jacob. Can't you see he's scared? He's shivering like a little rabbit.”

Ahh so the asshole's name is Jacob. And also he's lying- I'm not scared, it's just a bit breezy in September and I'd decided it was best to wear short sleeves.

“I'm not-” yet again, Mr Magazine had interrupted me, Jeez, I wonder if this was some sort of talent of his?

“Anyway he's not in school, he doesn't have his school uniform on which can only mean two things. He doesn't attend school or he's off to sixform or college. Where are you off to, mate?”

I scoffed and turned my heel and had walked a few steps before feeling a sharp jab on the back of head. The asshole, Jacob, had gripped my hair. “Would you mind getting your fucking greasy hands off me?” I growled, prising his hands out of my hair.

“Ooooh, it has a tongue,” another guy called out.

“Yeah and I have teeth that can bite too,” I replied back, adjusting my glasses. Last year I'd been quiet and kept myself to myself and usually accepted the crap that was thrown at me but my best friend Ellen had taught me a few things before I'd left and one of which was sticking up for myself. It wasn't that I couldn't stick up for myself, I just honestly didn't have the energy to- I'd rather just sit there and do nothing.

“Hey guys, who're you all ogling at?” Another voice came out from behind the small group of boys and they moved aside like the red sea to let the other male walk past. “Oh, it's you. Are Jacob and Alex giving you crap?” I blinked and then shrugged my shoulders.

“S'nothing,” I muttered under my breath and then decided that if I stayed at the scene any longer I was going to be really late for school, so I did what any normal person would do when they're late for school- I ran.


“Hey, you must be Liam, our new student?” A tall, ginger (and bloody gorgeous) girl placed her hand on my shoulder and smiled down at me, her pearly white teeth flashing at me. Jesus Christ, what toothpaste did she use?

“Yeah, I'm Liam Ashworth, it's nice to meet you.” I stuck out my hand and then groaned silently in my head. What kind of teenager sticks out his hand so someone else can shake it? I'm not going to make any good impressions on people if I keep this up.

“I'm Alyssa Newton, it's great to meet you!” She continued smiling and instead of ignoring my hand she grasped it with both of her hands and shook at it vigorously. Seriously, by the time she stopped shaking my hand I thought my insides had all moved around into different places in my body.

“Woah...” I mumbled. Not only did she have a dazzling smile but she was super friendly too. She sat down beside me and tucked a ginger curl behind her ear.

“So how was your first few lessons? I was in your English class sat exactly 3 seats behind you but I don't think you noticed me. I was going to say hi but then you left faster than I thought you would and we haven't had the same lessons since then,” she rambled on.

“Ahhh. Um, do you mind me asking why you were going to say hi?” I questioned. It wasn't everyday that a hot girl wanted to introduce themselves to you and practically hunted you down till lunch time.

“Because you seemed really interesting. You give off this kind of... aura.” She stretched out her hands as she said aura and widened her eyes, laughing. “Anyways, this is really forward of me but do you want to be my friend? I know I sound like I'm in primary school asking something like that but I would seriously love to be friends with you.”

“I- uh- sure.” In my head I was doing some amazing victory dance and holding my hands up to the sky. So yes, I had a dodgy start in the morning but now I'd literally just become friends with the friendliest girl in the whole of sixform- who now had her arms wrapped around me. I'm honestly wondered if I was dreaming, there was no way this would ever happen in a million years but it was real and it was happening.

“So, have you had lunch yet?” Alyssa questioned me.

“Nope not yet, I was just about to,” I replied, sticking my hand into my school bag.

“Come with me, I know a great place to eat!” She grinned and yanked onto my arm, practically dragging away. “This classroom is never used, people think it's haunted or something. Usually only me and my brother and his friends use this room. It's dead peaceful.” She stretched her arms out and ran over to the window- and I swear if there wasn't a window there to stop her from flying out she would have gone straight out the window, head first.

“Look, look, what do you think?” She fiddled with the window and opened it, sticking out her hand and pointing towards a field. There were a group of girls running around in their school PE kit, probably practising track running or something in their free time.

“Are you on about the track team?” I asked curiously, standing beside her.

“No silly, they're the swim team. They're doing their land training right now.” She turned to face me and wriggled her butt onto the edge of the window till she was seated comfortably. “Which girl do you think is the cutest?”

Woah, she was curious and straight to the point.

“Probably... that one,” I pointed to a girl with short blonde hair that was pulled back into a pony tail, stretching in carious positions. Alyssa grinned, amused and punched my shoulder.

“You have good taste. That's my girlfriend.”

Yup, that's right. Of course the hot, hyperactive, overly friendly, ginger girl who wanted to become my friend swung for the other team.

“She's uh.. she's good looking,” I managed to choke out.

“I know, she's amazing,” she sighed and pulled her legs up to her chest.

“You're gonna drop out the window sat like that,” I pointed out.

“Nuh uh, I always sit like this. I've done it since I started this school and all my bones are in tact. Well... most of them.” She chuckled and then swivelled around, standing back on the floor in the classroom.

“Well, are you going to eat or what, Liam? You don't have all day for lunch break you know.”

I smiled and stuck my hand in my bag yet again, searching for my lunch. I was glad I hadn't fallen completely head over heels for her because that would have been a real downer if I'd have found out a lot later. Mind you, I never really have fallen head over heels in 'love' with someone. I find them attractive, get hopeful, get shot down, give up. It's honestly the same cycle over and over again and I'm kind of used to it. After all, what girl would want a guy like me?

“Hey, what's going on in here,” I heard an all too familiar voice call out. I turned my head around and screwed up my face at the sight that was in front of me. Literally everyone I'd seen this morning who was camped outside my neighbour's house was pushing their way through the door.

“Ahh, it's you, the little mommy's boy from this morning!” Jacob exclaimed. “What are you doing in a room all alone with Alyssa? Don't tell me you're her new friend? Alyssa, can't you pick better friends?”

“Shut it, Jacob,” she hissed and slapped his across the back of the head. Woah, I wasn't expecting that. How was Jacob going to react, I wondered as I watched them.

“Hey, you hurt when you hit people!” Jacob whined, rubbing the back of his head. Wow, I really wasn't expecting that as a reaction. How well did they know each other.

“Hits weren't made not to hurt people, idiot.” She rolled her eyes at the other male and walked back to where I was standing. “Excuse my brother, he's a bit off an ass.”

“Yeah, I know,” I nodded my head agreeing and then paused, “Wait- did you just say brother?” No way. Not in a million years. This shit I have gone through today belongs in a goddamn movie.

“Yeah, they're twins.” Alex piped in.

“Mhm. It seems that you and my brother know each other already so that's even better, right?” Alyssa took the lunchbox that was in my hands and opened it, peering inside. “Oooh, cheese strings. Do you mind if I have it, pleeeeease?”

“Sure thing,” I replied but I was more occupied by her brother who was stood so close to me I had to sit on the desk that was digging into my butt. “What.. what do you want?” I mumbled.

“I'm just surprised to see you here, who'd have thought we go to the same sixform? I guess you really aren't a little schoolboy afterall.” Alyssa had placed the lunchbox back onto my lap and was now talking to one of the boys who'd walked in with Jacob and his friends.

“Hilarious, it's kind of obvious I'm not a school kid.” I told him, crossing my arms. I'd crossed my arms to look more authoritative but I had a feeling it probably made me seem like I was shrinking back and scared somehow.

“Well now that you're all friendly with Jacob's sister an' all that, maybe you'll give us a name to that gorgeous face,” Alex piped in, yet again. I could feel my cheeks rapidly burning up. Was I honestly blushing at a compliment made by a fucking dude. I rolled my eyes and scoffed, hoping no one had noticed my cheeks.

“My name's Liam. No need to tell me yours, I already know them.” I answered and glanced at the shoes. It wasn't like I was scared- I just really didn't feel comfortable with how close Jacob was to me. If I looked up it would just be like... ugh.

“Glad you know my name, sweetcheeks,” Alex winked. “It's important to know my name because it's probably the name you'll be moaning out next.” A few disgusted groans came from around the room and someone pretended to heave.

“Alex is a manwhore, he literally sticks it in anyone,” Alyssa whispered in my ear, “You should probably be careful around him.”

I nodded my head and glanced up to see Jacob still staring down at me. Honestly, did this guy not know of such a thing called personal space because he was completely invading mine right now.

“What...?” I asked, frowning. He had an amused smile playing on the corner of his lips and he just shrugged. “Nothing, nevermind. C'mon guys, I wanna go outside for a smoke.” He put his hand in my lunchbox and picked up my sandwiches before leaning in my ear.

“Don't bother trying to flirt with my sister, she already has someone in her life. Besides.. what kind of girl would want you?” He whispered and before I had time to protest he was out the door like a flash. The fucking cheek of him!

“Sorry about Jacob being like that... you can some of my chocolate spread sandwich if you'd like?” Alyssa offered me, sticking the sandwich in front of my face. She hadn't heard what he'd said but she was probably apologizing for earlier.

“It's uh... it's alright... I guess,” I muttered. It wouldn't usually be okay when someone says something like that to you but... they way he whispered it really didn't seem like he was being rude. The more I thought about it the more it felt like he was getting at something else but I just couldn't quite put my finger on it.


Bildmaterialien: Chloe Brown
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.02.2015

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