
A story about a girls who lost her mom and dad in a crash and have no one to turn to just when you thought everything was gone she found a family that loved and cared for her when no one would. One day she was walking in the woods trying to find somewhere to read and she finds werid color water she thought is was a good idea to swim in it not think what would happem if she did. She got out the water and her back started to hurt so she went and took a nap.The Next morning her mom woke her up scream when she looked in the mirror she saw wings.Her mom and dad call the cops and took Aice aways.Just when she thought her mom and dad loved her they gave her up in a heart beat, she cried all the way but also thinking how this happen not thinking that she took a sw


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.06.2011

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