
Its A School Day...

The Loud “Buzz” In My Ear Woke Me Up Enough To Realize It Was The First Day Of School. Summer Had Ended, And So Did All The Fun. I Stepped Out of Bed and Walked To the Bathroom Closed The Door behind Me And Stripped To Nothing. I Turned On The tap And Took out My Hair from its Messy, Morning Pony Tail. I Looked in The Mirror and Messed Up my hair To A Few Different Styles. I laughed At the Sight Of How bad I Looked. I Had Brown/Black Hair With Blonde Highlights And It Was Always Straight. Green/Grey Eyes. I Think I’m Kind of Pretty, But Then Again I Don’t Really. I’m Skinny… But I’m Not A Feather, 98 Pounds Tops. I Usually Wear Jeans, Tank Tops and Converse. I Jumped Into The Shower And Started Washing My Hair, Rinsed It Out And Then Washed My Body. I Let The Water Soak On Me. I Was Thinking About Every Possible Thing Till I Heard The Door Creak Open. I Jumped To Turn And See My Best Friend Logan With A Big Smirk Across his Face. I Turned Of The Water And Wrapped My Towel Around Me. “Logan! Get Out, What Are you Doing In here?” I Questioned/yelled. “Relax, it’s Not like I Haven’t Seen You Naked Before” His Smirk Grew bigger. I Rolled My Eyes and Smiled. I Really Didn’t care if He Was In Here, I’ve Known Logan since We were in Grade 1, And He Has Seen Me Naked Before. The Thought Made Me Blush And When I Realized Logan Noticed My Red Face I Quickly Got Out Of The Bathroom. I Pushed My Bedroom Door Closed, Not Paying Attention. I Took Of The Towel And Dried My Hair Best I Could. I Put On Black Jeans, And A Purple Tank Top. I Got On Some Old Converses Then Walked Down Stairs. Logan And Me Were Close, He Practically Lived At My house. I Loved Having Him Around, But At The Same Time I Didn’t. He always knew how To make Me Smile, And Laugh, But We Haven’t Been As Close Since I Started Dating Greg. Greg; He’s On The Football Team, And Since We’ve Been Together For a year now We Go To All The Parties, Games And After parties Together. Blonde Hair Blue Eyes, Muscled. He’s Way Sweet, But We Still Have Are Arguments. I didn’t Like Being Centre Of Attention, Being Football Captains Girlfriend Followed With The “it” Girl Image. I Didn’t Act All Prissy or Blonde like Those Cheerleader Girls, But I Did Have A Attitude. I Loved Greg, He Always Made Me Feel Protected Somehow, But I Was Sure he didn’t Like Logan Spending Time With Me. Logan Was Like Me, He Liked Black More Than Bright; Greg Didn’t Like That Either. I Usually Shrugged It Off, I Spent Time with Greg; A lot Of Time, Leaving Logan Behind Mostly, but There Was Times When I Left Greg Behind For Logan, Which He Didn’t Like. They Practically Hated Each other. I walked To the Kitchen and Searched for a Bottle of Water in the Fridge. I Felt Gentle Yet Strong Hands Wrap Around My Waist And Pull Me Gently Away From It. I Smiled And Turned Around. “Ass, I Wanted My Water!” He Smirked And Laughed. “How Am I A Ass? His Smirk Turned To A Smile, Just Go Get your Water” I Rolled My Eyes And Reached Into The Fridge And Got My Water. I Closed The Door And Hopped On The Counter Ledge; Crossing My Legs At my Ankles. I Twisted The Cap Off The Bottle And Took A Sip; Looking At The Shirtless Logan Searching In The Fridge I Started To Choke On my Gulp Of Water. I Twisted the Cap Back On And Put it Down Beside Me Still Choking/Laughing At The Same Time. Logan Closed The Fridge And Started Patting My Back As My Choke Slowly Faded The Worry In His Eyes Did Too. He Laughed When I Calmed Down. “You Okay?” He Asked. “Fine, Thanks” He nodded. He Went To The Fridge And Grabbed A Apple. “See This Is Why Apples Are More Safe” He Smiled And Held The Apple To My Mouth. I Raised My Eye Brow. I Took A Bite, And Backed Away Slightly. He Took A Bite Right over Mine And Laughed. “See? Iz” He Asked/Told. I Laughed Covering My hand Over My Mouth Hiding the Food I Was Chewing. He Held It Back To My Mouth. I Backed Away More With A Ear To Ear Smile. “C’monnnn You know You Want It” He Extended The “N”. I Laughed. “How would you know?” I Questioned. He Smirked. “Cause I Know My Best friend”. I Felt My Cheeks Get Hot, As I Blushed. I tried To Hide It but I Knew I Couldn’t. I Leaned Into The Apple- But The Door Bell Rang. He Signed. “There’s Prince Charming, Better Run” I Seen the Hurt In His Eyes. I looked At him And Jumped Off the Counter And To The Door. I opened it And Was Attacked by a Hug from Greg. He Looked Over My Shoulder And Seen Logan; Immediately He Began Kissing My Lips With A Strong Passion. When I Pulled Back A bit I Seen A Pissed Logan Running Up Stairs. I Playfully Punched Greg In The Arm. “What Was That For?” I Asked. He Laughed. “What?”. I Rolled My Eyes And Wrapped My Arms Around His Neck Kissing Him Again. His Phone Buzzed, I Knew His Alarm For Football Practice Was Going Off When He Reached In His Pocket Pulling Away From Me. He Smiled At Me, Kissed Me Quick And Came In The House. “We Got to Get To School” He Said Laughing. I Sighed. “Let me Go Get My Bagggg” I Said Slowly; Like I Was Annoyed. Up The Stairs and into My Room I Grabbed My Black Jacket and My Bag from My Room. I Was At My Bedroom Doorway When Logan Stormed Out Of The Bathroom And Right By me; Blood Dripping Off His Arm. I Signed. Logan Coped With his pain By Cutting Himself, With His Rugged Black Hair Spiked up To The Side, His Green/blue Eyes, Everything About Him Showed Pain; But I Loved That. I Didn’t Cut Myself, I Had No Reason To Other Than How I Hurt Logan, But I Still Worried For Him. I Let Out My Deep Held IN Breath And Walked Down Stairs To Greg. “Ready To Go?” He Asked Sweetly. I Nodded And We Walked To His Grey Hummer. I Got In My Seat up Front, And Him In The Drivers Seat. We Drove About A Mile Till We Got To School. We Pulled Up And I Got Out. He Came Around The Front Of The Car And Held My hand. I Smiled At His Blue Eyes Shining As We Walked Into The School Doors. The Guys Came Up To Him And They Started Chanting That They Were Going to Win There Game. I Laughed At The Guys Going Crazy, And The Girls Cheering Trying To Get There Attention. I Slipped My hand Out From Greg’s And Wandered Off. He Didn’t Even Notice. I Always Wandered Off, I Loved Being Adventurous And Exploring Around Before Class Starts. It Gives Me Stuff To Think About While Im Listening To The Teachers Boring Lessons, But All I Could Think About Was Logan. First Period Started, History. Logan Didn’t Show Up. I Shrugged It Off And Went On The Rest Of The Day. Periods Flew by; Teachers Only Went On About The Rules Of The Class, So It Was Pretty Boring. It Was Just Another School Day…


I Was Starting To Miss Logan. All The Times We Had Together, Going To The Park, Laughing, Being Best Friends. Its All Gone. All Of It Is Just Disappearing Before My Eyes. Im Now The Most Popular Girl At School, And I Do Act The Part. My Hair Went From Dark Or Bleach Blonde, Lip Gloss Shined My Lips, And Mascara Darkend My Beautiful Eyes. I Was The New “it” Girl. I Had Everything. A Hot Football Captain As A Boyfriend, New Girls To Talk Gossip With, Cute Guys Trying To Go After Me. I Was Defiantly Different, And Logan Wasn’t Around To See Me Change.
It’s been about Three Months since Ive Hung with Logan. Me And Greg Are Getting Closer, Spending More Time Together. I Have Knew Friend’s, New Things to Do, More People to Hang Out With. I Don’t even see him At School. Me And Logan Aren’t Even Friends, We Don’t Say “hi” Or Even Look At Each other, I Feel Bad About Hurting Him But I Need To Learn To move On.
I Woke up that Morning. Dripping In Sweat, Out Of Breath. My Eyes Swelled Up With Tears Rolling Down My Cheek. My Throat Became Raw And Dry, My hands Shook With A Nervous Motion. My First Bad Dream. Yeah I’m 16, But That’s When The Bad Dreams Get Worse. It Wasn’t Anything To Important. Just The Thought Of Loosing Greg. I Love Him I Really Do Love Him. I Heard A Knock At The Door, So I Wiped My Tears And Smeared Them Across My Eyes, Taking In A Breath And Trying To Relax I Said “Come In”. Greg Walked In. “Hey Babe, Why Were you Crying?” He Asked. I Sniffed in And Replied In A Calm Voice. “ Its Nothing, I Promise” As I Forced A Smile. I Knew I Woke Up Late So I Rushed To Get Dressed While He Waited Down Stairs. I Go With Him To Every Morning Practice, he’s So Sexy In His Jersey. Our School Colors Are Black, Purple And White, Imagine That In Your Head. I Used To Hate Those Stupid Games, But I’ve Changed Since I’ve Hung Out With Logan, I Wear Different Stuff, Act Different, But Everyone Loves It. I Ran Down Stairs And Slipped On My Moccasins. There Like Pocahontas Shoes, There Kind Of Sketchy, But I Like Them, They Tie My “look” together. “Ready?” He Asked. I Nodded. I Leaned In To Kiss His Lips, But He Redirected And I Kissed His Cheek. My Face Must Have Looked Stunned, Because I Froze for about 10 Seconds before Realizing He Was Snapping His Fingers In front Of Me. He’s Never Done That Before. I Just Forgot About It. I Walked To His Car And Got In to Front Seat, Him In The Drivers. We Pulled Into School, He Ran Off To The Guys, And I Ran To The Girls. “Hey Girl!” They Screamed In My Ear. We Stood Just Outside The Front Doors Of The School. Near Some Small Trees Planted, And The Benches. I Waved Back At Greg And He Smiled. Looking Back At The Girls I Laughed. The Girls Jumped up And Down, Talking about the Latest Gossip on the New Kids at School. I Squealed With Them, And then We Were Interrupted By The Bell For Practice. We Walked Through The Front Doors, And Too The Doors To Lead to The Field Out Back. Greg Kissed My Cheek And Waved Me Goodbye As I Walked Up The Bleachers. He Was My Prince Charming, My Night In Shining Armour. I Smiled At The Thought Of Him. The Guys Ran There Laps, The Girls Cheering And Laughing, Looking At There Muscles. The Only Hot Guys Were Ryan, Greg, Carl And Jordin. They All Had Muscle, Nice Abs, but They Weren’t All The Greatest Guys. They Were All Assholes. Except For Greg Of Corse. They All Treated Girls Like Meat, A Dirty Piece Of Meat. I rolled My Eyes At Carl Winking Me From The Field. When Practice Was Over They Ran Through the School In Sweat; Cheering On there Successful “Playbook”. I Tried To Find Greg But There Wasn’t A Sign Of Him. Bell rang For the First Period and I Took My Seat Walking into Class, Art. I Sit Beside Aurora, Who After 15 Minutes Into Class Was Handing Me A Note. Thinking It Was From Her I Smiled And Opened It Only To Read. “Were Over Babe, Sorry”. I Felt My Eyes Welt Up, But I Held in My Breath Hard To Hold From Puking. It Felt Like I Was Dry Swallowing A Big Pill. I Could Feel My Heart Racing, And My Face Getting Red. I Looked Over At Greg, His Smile Went To A Frown At My Sadness. I Felt Water. I Couldn’t Cry Infront Of the Class. They Would All Think I Was Pathetic. I Wasn’t Going To Let Greg Win, Let Him See Me Like that. But He Had Won, And He Would See Me Like That. I Stretched Up My Hand And Asked To Go To The Washroom. The Teacher Nodded Me Acceptance And I Grabbed My Things Rushing To The Bathroom Holding My books Against My Chest. I ran Into The bathroom, Slamming Into A Stall I Locked In And Dropped To The Ground. I Hung My Head Over My Knees, With My Hair Over My Face, I Felt Like Dying. The Tears Wouldn’t Stop. Over A Fucking Note! I Smashed My Head Back Against The Stall Wall A Couple Times until It Hit Me. I Let Him Get To My Head, He Made Me his Little Malibu Barbie, My So Called Prince Charming Turned Out To Be A Conceded Jerk Face With A Heart Of Stone And Soul Of Metal. I Let “Popularity” Get To My Head. All That Skinny Jean, Moccasin, Perfect Shit, All To My Head. I Lost Myself, And Not To Mention For A Stupid Jackass. I Sighed, Slowing Down My Pace. I Swallowed My Tears, And Took In A Breath. I Let In out And Sat There Realizing all I Did, All I Changed, All I … Lost. Thinking Of Logan Made Me Want To Cry More. “How Could I Be So Stupid!” I Screamed To Myself. The Words Echoed The Stalls And So Did A Knock At The Door. I Jumped. Practically Slapping Away My Tears I Stood Up And Unlocked The Stall; Rushing Out. If It Was A Girl, Why Knock? Maybe It Wasn’t A Girl Then. I Walked To The Door And Opened It To See A Tall, Black Haired, Green/Blueish Eyed Former Best Friend. “Iz?” My Tears Poured Again. He Was The Only One Who Called Me “Iz”. Everyone Else Called Me “Izzie, or Lizard”. My Eyes Got Heavy With Water. He Tightened His Grip Around My Waist With One Hand, Rubbing My Hair With His Other. His Shirt Would Be Ruined after I Was done Resting On it With My Black Eyes, And Wet Face. That’s Why I Never Were Mascara. I Let Out A Sigh And Pulled Away Looking Up At Him. “Im So Sorry” I Sniffed In. I Ran Off With My Things And Out The Front Doors. I Didn’t Know Where I Was Going, But I Kept Running. Hearing Sirens At A Distance, People Laughing, And Talking Down The Road. I Stopped At An Old Park Down The Street From School. I Sat Under A Tree And Began With Logan’s Coping Skill. It Worked For him Didn’t It? For A Few Brief Seconds My Heartache Was Gone; But Soon I Was Left With Just Blood, And Tears. I Closed My Eyes, And Collapsed Back Into The Grass. Letting Out Another Sigh, I Felt My Eyes Get Weak, I Knew I Was About To Fall Asleep.

To Deal...

I Woke Up, Under The Tree, Looking Like A Dirty Hobo. People Were Starring Me Down. I Didn’t Care? I Don’t Care Anymore. I Got Up And Walked A Bit Along The Path. Everything in The Distance, Sounds, People. I Stopped At A Old Water Fountain And Rinsed My Face, With The Water I Held In My Cupped Hands.. Holding On The Edges of The Fountain I Took In A Deep Breath. I Felt Light Headed. Dizzy. Tired. Weak. I Looked Down At My Dried, Blood Filled Wrist, And Hung It Under The Faucet, Letting The Water Rinse Off The Blood. It Became More Red, And Flowed Down My Arm, Dripping On The Cement Pathway. I Remembered Everything By That Time. The Break Up, the Bathroom, Logan, The Cuts. Only Thing I Could Do Was Cry. My Eyes Got Glossy, And Blurred over. I Blinked And A Single Tear Fell Off My Cheek. It Hit The Puddle Of Water In The Bottom Of The Fountain With A Splat. It Was Silent To Others, But To Me, It Was Like I Could Hear It A Mile Away. I Sniffed In, Let Out My Breath, And Tried To Relax. Only To My Misfortune I Let Back In My Pain And Ended Up Palming The Edge Of The Hard Rock Water Fountain. I Stormed Of Slapping Away The Tears Off My Face. I Knew I Would Have to Deal. I Had School? I Can’t Drop Out Over A Fucking Idiotic Jock. Time To Change Back To The Old Me. Time To Find Logan. I Walked Back To The “Bed Time Tree” to Grab My Books. Looking At My Phone I Had A Hour An A Half To Get To School. I Was Only 15-17 Minutes Away; Tops. So I Ran Off Home To Change. I Was Wearing Slut Clothes. If I Was Going Back To The Old Me, I Had To Change My Appearance. I Was Thinking Black? I Walked About 2 Blocks, Then Got To My House. My Mom Still Wasn’t Home From Work, Business Trip I’m Guessing. So Unlocked The Front Door, And I Walked In. She Was Never Home. When She Was Home, She Gave Me Cool Things Like Phones Or Laptops. I Went Up Stairs And To The Bathroom. I Had To Wash Off , So I Took A Quick Shower, Then Put On Black Jeans, And A Grey Tank Top. I Unwrapped The Towel From My Head And Scrunched My Hair Into It. I Messed My Hair in My Fingers, It Was Wet, Wavy, A Down. I Took A Few Locks And Made A Small Side Bang Braid then Twisted It Around My Head And Clipped It Tight. I Put Some Light Eye Liner, To Bring Out My Eyes; And Looked In The Mirror. “Its Just School” I Said Under My Breath. I Ran Downstairs, Put On Some High Converse, Grabbed My bag And Started Walking To School. I Was A Little Late, I Walked In The Front Doors, To The Office To get My Late Slip, To My Locker Then Stopped In front Of My English Class. Both Greg And Logan Were In This Class, Greeeeat. I Sighed. I Turned The Knob Slowly, And Walked In. Mrs. Pugh Was Standing There, Head Turned To Me, Hand On Her Broken Hip. “Sorry I’m Late” I Said Quietly as I Placed the Slip on Her Desk. “Nice Of you To Join Us, New Look Mrs. Elizabeth?” She Said In A Rather Calm Tone. “Yeah, I Suppose” I Smirked At Logan. His Eyes Locked At Mine. I Really Felt Bad That I Betrayed Him. When We Were Little It was Always “We’ll Be Best Friends Forever” I broke That Most Important Promise. I Sighed In My Head, I Sat At My Seat, In the Back, Near No-one. In My Other Classes, I Sit With Preps. English Is My Favorite Class Though. I Was Good At It, I Understood It, And The Teacher Wasn’t Bad Either. The Picked Students Handed Out The Sheets, And Text Books, When I Got Mine, I Was Finished In Less Than 20 Minutes. Class Was An Hour long. So I Handed In My Paper, And Rested My Head On My Desk. I Kept Thinking About Greg. I Looked Over At Him. With His Much Too Friendly Chick, Gnawing On His Ear. Kissing His Cheek. Brooke. A Slut. I Loved Him And He Broke My Heart. I Did Everything Right For Him, I Even Changed For him. I Felt A Tap On My Shoulder. I Turned To See Logan, With A Worried look On His Face. I Said The First Words. “Can We talk At Lunch?”… I Asked. He Nodded And Left Class. Apparently I Feel Asleep For The Last 40 Minutes. I slid my books of the Edge of the Desk and Walked out The Door Bumping Into Greg. He Stopped Me As I Tried To Storm Off. Grabbing My Wrist I Jerked His Arm Off Mine. “Don’t! I Calmed My Voice, Touch Me.” I Said Strongly. “What’s wrong!?, What’s Up With You Wrists!” I Screamed. All Eyes Were On Us. Kids in This School Are Waiting on People like Me to Make a Scene with the Popular’s. Only I Used To Be One, So More People Watched. “What’s wrong?! Pfft!, And Nothing Is Wrong With My Wrists, You’re a Jerk” I Screamed. Trying To Walk Away He Stopped Me Again. Logan Looked At Me With Sad Eyes, That I Avoided. I Looked Back At Greg. “How Am I A Jerk? It’s Not My Fault Your Sensitive!?” He Said. “Sensitive, You Dumped Me, Randomly, And You Expect Me To Be Calm And Rational!?” I Said Back. More And More People Started Starring As Our Voices Got Stronger And Higher. I Definitely Wasn’t Going To Let Him Win, He Humiliated Me Once, And I Was Going To Do The Same To Him. “I Wasn’t Into You Anymore, I Moved On, And Yes You Should Be Calm And Rational!” He Said Laughing. “Oh, Right, you moved On To The Next Slut You Can Get your Hands Onto” I Rolled My Eyes. He Looked Over A Brooke, Who Had A Rage Bolt Right Down Her Middle. “Don’t Give Me That Look, you’re a Slut And You Know It” He Face Grew Red And Her Clung To Greg Stopped. Greg Snickered. Your Laughing At Her? You’re a Slut Too, Technically Speaking, You Tried To Get In My Pants Many Times, But Your Balls Shrunk Each Time I Sacked You For Trying, So Stay Away From Me, And The People I Love” I Glanced At Logan Slightly Than The Ground. I Started Walking. “Whatever, Freak” His Eyes Narrowed. I Stopped In My Tracks. I Starred Him Down, And Kicked Him Right In The Nose. “I Guess I Am A Freak Huh?” I Said Walking Away. Out Of The Crowd, And To My Next Class. The Next Classes I had Were Heath, And Science. Easy Classes, So The Flew Right By. The Thought Of Logan Gave Me Goose Bumps As The Lunch Bell Rang. So I Dealt With School, And Greg Has To Deal With His Broken, Nose; But Its Time To Deal With Logan.

On One Condition...

I Walked Out Of Third Period With My Books And Went Straight to My Locker. I Knew people Were Starring At Me, I Used To Wear Pink, And Heels, And Skirts. I Would Stare At me Too If My Look Went From That To Emo Chick. When I Opened My Lock I Got My Phone And Closed It Shut. Walking Out The School Doors I Bumped Into Logan. He Flinched His Head To The Direction Of The Schools Broken Up Park. It Used To be Huge But Some Dumb Asses Burned It Down, Left Was 3 And A Half Swings, And A Quarter Of A Slide With Some Rusted Steps. They Built A New One On The Other Side Of The School, So I Guess That’s An Advantage, Its High School, No One Likes Play Places. I Followed Logan, And He Sat On One Swing. I Slowly Sat Down O The One Next To Him, And Broke the Silence. “Logan, I’m Sorry, About Everything…” I Said. “Its Okay, You Changed Back, Sort Of” He Smirked. “But Why Did You Just Leave Me Like That? “Friends Forever” My Ass.” He Went On. “I Know, I broke That Promise… And I Don’t Know Why I Left You, Its Not Like I Planned It Logan” My Voice Grew Stronger. “Not Like you planned It? I never Said you Did, You Ditched Me To Become Miss Bitch, How Is That A Plan Anyway?” His Voice Grew Angry, Mine Grew Weak. “ I Didn’t Want This, I Was Just Dating Greg, Then I Became The New Face Of The School, I Was Fine. I Was Normal.” I Said. I Lifted My Hands To Wrap Around The Chains Of The Swing. My Sleeves Rolled Up To My Elbow. He Looked Over As I Pushed Off The Ground To Swing, Revealing To Him Directly My Scars. “Why?” He Demanded An Answer. “Why What?” I Was Confused At First. “Why Did you Do That?” He Was Mad. A Flash Back hit Me. The First Time I Ever Seen Logan Cut Himself. We Were In Grade Eight, Two Years Ago. We Were At This House Party For The End Of The Year, We Were Having The Best Time Until The Girl Natalie’s Phone Rang. When She Answered It, It Was About Logan’s Sister Riana. She Was Rushed To The Hospital. Logan’s Face Stood Still. The Hole House Paused And Started Trying To Calm him Down. “Logan, Stop And Breathe” I Remembered Telling him. “I have To Go Get her, My Parents Are Out Of Town, So Is Matt” He Said. Matt Was Is Older Brother. Logan And Riana Were Staying At My House For A Week Till There Family Got In To See Them. I Could See Logan Was Hurt. Bad. “We Can Go Together, I Promise, She’s Going To Be Fine” He Ran Out The Door And Down The Street To The 3 Mile Away Hospital. I Ran After Him, But I Could Only Run So Fast. When I Got There, Logan Was Sniffing Up His Final Tears. Riana, Died On The Spot. Loss of Blood. Cause of ‘Accident’? Suicide. “Logan, I’m So Sorry” I Told Him. He Jerked His Shoulder From Beneath My Hand. “Its Your Fault!, You Made Me Go To That Stupid Party, I Should Have Been With Her!” He Stormed Out Of The Hospital. He Was Right. Riana Was Only 12, Me and Logan Were 14 Almost 15. The Generation Was Odd Back Then. Riana Was Different; She Had Glasses And Red Hair. A Typical Nerd In Most Peoples Eyes. She Cried Herself To Sleep Each Night, Afraid Of Going To School. She Was Bullied, And It Lead To Suicide. I Rushed Home To See If Logan Was There, And He Was, Sitting On The Porch With Blood Drenched Wrists. I Took Slow Steps Of The Remembered Creaky Steps, And Sighed. “Get Away From me” He Strongly Pushed Out Of His Throat. “Logan, What Did you do!” I Ran Into the House And Grabbed A Towel. I Pressed It On His Wrist Slightly And Looked At Him. “Logan, Please, This Isn’t The Right This To Do!” I Shouted At Him. “I Lost Her” he Said Crying. “But You Didn’t She’s In A Better Place, No Bullies, No Pain,” It Was Like The Flash Back Was Happening Again. “Sorry” He Said. “You Didn’t Loose Me Logan, Friends Forever, I Promise” I Smiled. He Looked At Me And Hugged Me Tightly, With My Hand Still On The Towel, On His Wrist. We Went Inside And Got Him Cleaned Up, I Listened To Him Talk About Why He Did It, The Cutting. He Just Didn’t Ever Stop. Then The Flash back Ended. He Would Never Wish his Life Style On Anyone, But He Wouldn’t Take It Back To Save A Life. “I Was Hurt, I Was Dumped And Alone, And I Didn’t Know What Else To Do, Geez.” I Rolled Down My Sleeves. I Got Up And Started Walking Away. He Ran Behind Me And Dragged Me Back To My Swing. “Friends?” I Asked Looking At Him. His Anger Stopped A Bit. “On One Condition” He Replied. I Was Scared. He Smirked And Started Laughing. My Eyes Narrowed And I Forced A Laugh. “You Have To Hug Me” He Said Smirking. I Let Out A Sigh Of Relief. I Thought He Was Going To Make Me Kiss An Elephants Butt Or Something. “Wait Two Conditions” He Said Quickly. I Sighed Again. Dang. “You have To Stop Doing That To Yourself, You’re my Best Friend, I Can’t Have You Risking Your Life” He Stammered. “Okay Ill Stop, I Promise” I Said. Thank God. There Was Between Us. ‘Want That Hug Now?” I Laughed. He Nodded As I lunged At Him Knocking Him off The Swing. “I Missed You” I Said tightening My Grip Around him. A Few tears Hit his Cheek As They Fell Off Mine. “Are You Crying?” He Laughed. “No, I Have Something In My Eye You Asswipe” I Said Lifting Up And Wiping Them Quickly. He Started Laughing. “Fine Be In Denial, But I Missed You Too Iz” I Smirked At Him. The Bell Rang, Time For 4th Period. I Was Glad We Were Friends. It Didn’t Take Him Much To Forgive Me. I Playfully Punched Him In The Gut And Ran Off To The Doors. To My Locker. Grabbed My Books. And Off To Art. Best Class Ever.

Art Class

When I Got Into Class, I Looked Around. Mr.Califf Was Standing In front Of the Class, Guiding The Named Off Kids To There New Seats. I Had Both Greg And Logan In that Class; And Brooke Too Wrap Up That Nightmare. I Was Afraid To Find Out Where I Sit, Because I Didn’t Like Brooke Or Greg, I Was Hoping To Sit Beside Logan. I Wanted to Be with Him As Much As I Could, So That I would Never Loose Him Again. The Thought Of Loosing him , Made Me Actually Want To Die Inside. I Sighed. Mr.Califf Called My Name. “Elizabeth, Come Here, Your New Seat Is In The Back Of The Class, Beside… Hmmm” he Paused. “I Must Have Doubled The Person For That Seat Hold On” He Said Hitting His Pen On The Side Of His Cheek. He Was My Favorite Teacher. Funny, And Goes To The Students For Advice. “Pick A Number, One, Two Or Three” He Told Me. I Didn’t Know What To Pick. What If I Picked A Horrible Person, Over One I Wanted? Ugh! “Hmmm… 2” I Blurted Out. “Greg, Lets Go, Take A Seat Beside Elizabeth” He Said. I Sighed And Slammed My Books On The Table. Great. “Okay Sir” Greg Said. I Rolled My Eyes As He Winked At Me. When he Took His Seat Beside Me, I Firmly Said “Do Your Work, And Ill Do Mine”. I Wasn’t Bad At Art, I Mean I Would Never Show Anyone My Work, Except Logan, But I Did Love Sketching. “Fine, And Thanks For the Broken nose Bitch” He Smirked. I Knew He Was Joking About The Bitch Part. I Am A Bitch, But Not A Bad Sort Of Bitch You Run From. I Rolled My eyes. “Your Welcome, Oh And Your Slut Is Looking At You” I Pointed Over To The Seat Beside Marilia Andersons. She Winked And Waved. I Laughed. She Was Only Trying to Make Me Jealous, But I Cared Nothing For Greg. There Was This Time When Me And Greg Got Into A Fight, When We Were Dating. The First Thing He Did When I Said “were Over” Was Walk off to Some Next Chick and Make out with Her, Right, In front, Of, Me. I Remembered Logan Being There With Me The Hole Time. When Greg Apologized, I Ran Right Back To Him. I Looked Over At Logan, In The Seat 3 Across From Us In The Back. He Held Out His Palm And Air Write With A Fake Pen. I Knew He Wanted To Write Notes. I loved That About Logan. He’s So Corny, And Cute. Its Funny Watching Him Act Goofy, Trying To Make Me Laugh. The Only Problem Was, Logan Was Dark And Mysterious. He Loved Black, And The Feeling Of Pain. I Was Starting To Wonder If He Was Rubbing Off On Me. That Didn’t Scare Me As Much As It Did When We Were Younger. I nodded At Him and Took out A Piece of Sketch Paper. We Didn’t Just “Write Notes”. Logan And Me Were Both Amazing Artists, Who Hide Are Talents. So We Drew Pictures And Wrote Little Captions. That’s Our ‘Notes’. I Started Sketching Greg, His Round Thin Face With A Chubby Cheek Form. Little Nose and Bright Eyes; With A Nice Smile to Match. Then I Darkened The Teeth, Added A Few Broken Dents On His Nose. Added Tears In His Black Eye, And Pimples That Popped, literally. “The Real Greg, Finally”. I Wrote Under His Picture Exactly That. I Caught Greg Looking Over My Shoulder A Few Times to Peek, But I Quickly Crumpled It Up And Tossed It Over To Logan When he Wasn’t Looking. Not That He Would Care Anyway. He’s A Cool, Lay Back Teacher. The Best. I Smiled In My Head. Looked Over At Logan, then Smiled At Him. His Face Lit Up As He Winked. He Got A Piece Of Paper And Smiled As He Sketched Something. I Sketched The Assignment, Something We Can Sit On? Weird Title For A Sketch. He Crumpled The Paper And Tossed It To Me. I Unfolded It and It Was A Random Picture Of Pickle. It Read “Incase you Don’t Get Lucky, You Might Need This To Go Screw yourself” I Laughed Out Loud. Kids Were Starring, Including Greg. I Crumpled The Paper And Shoved It In My Bag. I Passed A Regular Note To Logan This Time. “Hey, My Place After School?” I Wrote Down And Passed It Across The Class. He Nodded And Put It In His Bag. Mr.Califf Said My Name Loudly. “Note, Mrs. Elizabeth, Mine Now” He Tried To Force A Serious Face. I Got Up And Handed Him The Small Rugged Piece Of Paper. He Read Out Loud, My Fake Note. I Always Keep A Back Up In My Pocket, In Case I Get Caught, Like Now. He Cleared his Throat And Slightly Laughed. He Read, “Have you Noticed How Much Greg’s face Is Screwed Up After My Kick, Lol.” Everyone Started Laughing. I Smiled At Greg And He Got Up And Left. I Didn’t Care. He Was A Jerk. I Looked Over At A Smirking Logan. He Liked The joke, But I Knew It Still Hurt Him That I Ditched Him For Greg. Art Class Really Does Change People.

Tears & Puke.

I Guess you Could Say the Day Went By Easy. Greg Left, Completely Left The School Grounds Because Of My Note. Like I Could Care Less? I had My Life Back. I Was Me Again. I Was The Me I Was Before, But Logan Still Gives Me That Look. You Know; The One Look That Says “You’re a Stupid Slut Who Ditched Your Best Friend To Become An Air Head?” Yeah That Look. Well, I’m Going to Stop it. I’m Going To Try To Talk To Him After School, I Want Things Back To How They Were, I Want My Logan Back, At Least I’m Going To Try To Get Him Back.

After Last Period the Bell Rang, Logan Met Me at My Locker. I Hung One Side of My bag Over My Shoulder And Look Up. “I’m Coming, Give Me A Sec I Have Homework” I Smirked And Laughed And I Took My Sweet Ass Time, Clearly Driving Logan Crazy. He Grabbed My Wrist and Spun Me Around, Goofing Off And Practically Dragging Me Down The hall. “Yeah Right, Lets Just Go Iz, I’m Bored” He Grinned When I Started Giving Up. I Started Walking, Gave In And Let Him Take Me Away When Greg Suddenly Showed Up. Does He Ever Stay Away? Jeez. “I Thought You Left School” I Said Coldly. “I Need To Talk To You Lizard” Greg Face Was Flat. No Emotion. I Felt Logan Tense Up In The grip He Had Of My Wrist. Greg Only Called Me Lizard When He Wanted To Be Romantic And Get Other Guys Jealous. I Stiffed A Sigh. “I’m Not your Lizard Anymore, Greg, Im Just Me, I’m Not Yours. So Get The Hell Away From Me” I Jerked My Shoulder Against His And pulled Logan At My Side. “Piggyback?” I Asked sweetly. Laughing at how preppy I sounded. Logan Smirked And Lifted Me On His Back. After Long Silences and Some Awkward Sighs, They Were Broken by... “Iz, Do You Love Him?” The Hurt In Logan’s Voice Was Heart Breaking. My Stomach Clenched And I Felt My Eyes Stinging. I Don’t Love Him I Loved Him. I Don’t Want Him I Had Him. I Just Don’t Know how To Reply To That. So I Chose My Words Carefully. “Its Complicated, He Made Me Feel Wanted, I Do Still kind Of Love Him, I Can’t Help That, But He Doesn’t Love Me, no-One Does, So It Doesn’t Matter Weather I Love Him Or I’m In Love With him, He’s Past Tense.” He Looked Down At The Cement. I Knew He Was Silently Crying, Just A Few Tears. Id Almost Forgotten How Much Me and Logan Cared About Each other, And My Comment About The “No-one Loves Me” Must Not Have Helped. I Scared Him Badly With The Cutting Scenes, He Knew I Did That Out Of Having No Love, He Was Scared For Me, I Was Breaking Him And It Was Killing Me. It Was Like I Could Here The Drops Falling On The Cement Above All Noise. It Brought Back Everything Him Crying Like That. All Our Old Memories Together, Mine And Greg’s Memories, Greg And Logan’s. I Wanted To Bawl My Eyes Out With Him Right There, But I Decided I Would Just Let Everything Go Tonight, Cry My Eyes Out Then, And Tell Logan Everything That’s Hurting Me. I Sighed And Took His Hand And Untwined It With Mine. Still on His Back I Leaned Into His Ear And Said “Stay The Night?”. He Sniffed In And Tried To Hide That He Was Crying. Stupid Guy. “Yeah, Sure Iz” He Smirked And Sniffed In Again. I Rolled My Eyes And Hugged My Arms Around His Neck Tight. I Said More To Myself Then Him “My Logan” And Smiled Like A Goof. Logan Looked Up Over His Shoulder. “What Are You Smiling About?” He Chuckled. “Your Wet Face” I Laughed. “My Face Isn’t W- Oh Ew!” He Screamed. By That Time His Face Was Covered In My tongue Saliva and I Was off Running for the Park Laughing at Him. It Wasn’t Till I hit The Ground That I Noticed Logan Was On top Of Me Pinning Me down Right on The Grass. He Stuck Out His Tongue And Leaned It To Wet My Face But Instead, He just Kissed My Cheek And Rolled over To Lay Beside Me.

I Took My phone Out Of My Pocket And It Was 4:32pm, It Was Around The Time Things Were Getting Dark, But I Knew I Was Safe With Him, With Logan. I Smiled To Myself At My Thoughts. We Lay Their , Side By Side, Thoughts To Ourselves, Emotions Hidden, Eyes Shut. Crying. I Don’t Even Know What Was Really On My Mind, So I Focused out the Kinks and Found Myself Thinking about How Stupid I Was for Falling for Greg, And How Stupid I Am For Not Telling Logan That I’m Still Completely In Love With Him, Not Just “kind of”. I Missed Gre- Wait Crying? I Can’t Ldet Logan See Me Cry. I Was Lifting My hand To Wipe My Eyes When another Hand Got to It First. Then I Started Bawling. Logan Folded Me Up In His Arms, And Whispered Things Like “Its Going To Be Okay, And Don’t Worry Iz”, But The Sound Of His Voice Didn’t Calm Me Down like I Wanted It To. Logan Was Watching Me Cry Over Someone I Should Never Care About, But I Still Sighed And Sniffed, Choking On My Tears In His Arms. I Was To Hurt To Talk, And Like Logan Was Reading My Mind He Said “Then I’ll Talk And You Listen”. He Pushed My Hair Away From My Eyes And Rested His Forehead Over Mine. With A Soft Voice He Started Speaking, And I Almost Felt Better. “Iz, You Are, Amazing, And It’s Greg’s Loss For Not Noticing How Amazing you Really Are, You Deserve Something Better Then An Air Head Jock Who’s Obsessed With His Hair.” I Stiffed A Smile, But I Knew He Wasn’t Done, Not Just Yet. “Iz, Please Believe Me When I Say It Wasn’t Your Fault, Nothing About The Break-Up Was Your Fault, it Was Him, He’s The one Who Didn’t See What’s In Front Of Him”.
“A Broken Girl? I’m Broken, And I Don’t Know If I Can Be Fixed!…” I Curled My Head In His Chest And Bottled My Fist, Clenching A bit Of His Shirt. “You Are Not Broken” He Whispered. “Yes I Am, Everyone Says So… Even if Its Not Out Loud”. I Trailed Off And Bit My Lip Holding Back Another ugly Snot Chocking Sound. It Passed Cause It Was Silent For Awhile, But My Stomach My Turning And I Felt Like I Was Going to Be Sick. Quicker Then my Thought came, I Was Pushing Away And Crutching On My Knees Puking Up My Guts, And Crying With Such Force I Felt Light Headed. Logan Pulled Back My Hair And Rubbed My Back. “No, I Don’t Want You To See Me Like This, Please Just Wai-” I Started Puking Again, but Logan Didn’t Leave My Side. “I Don’t Care Iz, if your Sick I’m Going to Be Here For You, Always” I Was Crying More Then puking, Each Sound Like I Was Gagging On My Tears, And Shot Running Down My Face. It Stopped For A Bit So I Said What Was On My Mind When it Came To Me, Stupid Decision. “I Couldn’t Keep My Promise” I Sniffled In And Paused looking at Him. “No, Iz you Didn’t” He Was Shaking His Head. “I Did,” I Was Crying Hard.“ I Cut My Wrist Again, And I’m Sorry” He Reached For My hand Slightly And Turned Over To Show At Least 6 Gashes Up My Arm. I Felt My Stomach Clench Again. I Puked , Hard, And It Made My Throat Throb And My Nose Gross And Runny, But It Stopped In A Short Bit Of Time. He Hugged Me Tight In Comfort. “I Still Love Him, I Really Love Him” I Said Crying With A lot Of Snot. I Was Expecting The Worst But He Wasn’t Mad, He Didn’t Scream, He Was Just There For Me. And I Defiantly needed him. It Was Short after I Stopped Crying When I Collapsed into Logan Arms and Got My Breathing together. “I Know Iz, I Know” He Repeated.
He Was Tightening His Grip Around Me, Tensing Up, And I Was Sure He Was About To Speak Again. But He Didn’t. Instead, His Lips Touched Mine So Gently, That I Would Have Never Guessed He Was Tense At All. It Was A Small Peck, And It Felt More Like A Friend Kiss So It Was A little Awkward When He Pulled Away And Let Me Wrap Myself Around Him Laying Down, But I Felt Safe And Secure. “Don’t Worry, I’m Here” He Made The “Shhh” Sounds And Rubbed My Hair. I Finally Calmed Down, And Sat Up, But Logan Didn’t Hesitate To See If I Was Okay, He Just Shot Up With Me At The Same Time. I looked Up At Him, He’s Always Been Taller Then Me. Worry Shined Through His Eyes So Much I Could Feel The Intensity On My Skin. My Heart Was Racing And But I Was Done With My Tears. I Lay Back Down, Kind of Far From Him And Looked Up. It Was Dark, Real Dark. I Took in the Stars And The Moon Light, The Sounds Of Snap! Crackle! Pop! Coming From The Tree’s As The Wind Blew Strong, Whipping My Hair Around My Face And Neck. “It’s so Night out” No Sooner Then the Words Came out I Was Stiffing a Laugh at How Stupid That Sounded. I Leaned Up And Looked Over At Logan Who Was Staring At Me With A Raised Eye Brow, And A Smirk. “I Meant It’s a Pretty Night” I Laughed this Time. Logan Laughed Shortly After And Pushed his Hand Through His Hair And Shot Me A Really Sexy Smirk. I Almost Melted. It Was Seriously The Hottest Thing I’ve Ever Seen. I Tackled Him And Pinned Him Down Under Me On The Grass. Looking Into His Eyes I Realized… I Also Love Logan. Maybe Even More than Greg. Huh, Who Would Have Thought? He Shot Me A Sideways Glance In Confusion. I Jumped Up And Took His Hand And Helped Him Up. Dropping It Right After He Looked Standing. I Couldn’t Let Him Know I Loved Him, 1. Friendship Goes Down The Drain. 2. I Can’t Stand Rejection. He Stood In front Of Me in The Piggy Back Position And I Hopped On With A Smile. Just Cause I’m not telling him, Doesn’t Mean I Stop Being His Best friend. Right? I Laughed When he Started Running Like A Goof. Almost Tripping A Gazillion times, And When I Made it Home He Walked Up Stairs But I Walked To The Kitchen. I Got A Bottle of Water And Ran Up The Stairs And Into my Room To Find Logan in Boxers On My Bed With His Eyes Shut. He Looked Cute When he Was Sleeping. He Had No Shirt On And The Boxers He Was Wearing Were Black And Baggy. “Oh No, your Supposed to Watch Me Sleep, Not the Other Way Around” I laughed. His Eyes Shot Open and He Pulled Me by My Waist beside him. He kissed My Temple And Made A Big “Muuwah” Sound When He Pulled Away. He Smirked And Grabbed My Water Gulping Down About 2 Quarters Of It. I Dropped My Jaw And Yanked It Back before He Could Drink Anymore. “Ass” I Smiled. I took A Sip And put It On My Bedside Table. I Got up And Walked over To My Dresser And Opened The Drawer. “I’m Going to Get On My Pj’s” I pulled Out A Pair Of Grey Boxers And A Tight Black Tank Top And Put Them On The Edge Of My Bed. I Was Trying To Pull Of My Sweater, But My Body Got Stuck And I Was Struggling With No Hands. “A Little Help, Please?” I Was Asking Annoyed. I Heard Him Get off the Bed and I Felt His Hands Go up My Waist, Then My Sides, My Arms, Shoulders, And Then My Shirt Was Riding up Past My Chest and Bra with My Sweater. I Felt My Cheeks Get Hot When I Saw Logan Was Smirking With His Sexy Smirk And His Eyes Full Of Laughter. I Was Tugging At My Shirt For it To Go Down But I Was All Wet From My Tears And Sweaty From The Running So It Stuck Like Glue. I Was Getting Embarrassed And Frustrated. Logan Was Calling my Name Between Each Attempt. “Iz”. I Rubbed My Hand On My Stomach And It Felt All Wet And Gross. I Sighed And Began Stretching It Out.. “Iz!”. I Groaned And Screamed “What!”. Logan Grabbed My Wrists And Looked At Me With A Smile Of Laughter. “Relax” He Said And Let Go. My Face Felt Burning Red When He Moved His Hands Gently Across My Chest. He Pulled My Sweaty, Wet Gross Shirt Over My head And Threw it On The Floor. He Grabbed My Tank Top Of The Bed And Put It Over My Head And Paused. “Lift” he Said Whispering Near My Ear. I raised My Arms in the Air and He Pulled in through Each Arm and Then down My Stomach to My Waist. “There” He Smiled. “Need Help With your Pants?” he Smirked. “No.” I Rolled My Eyes. I Didn’t Want To Show him How Breathless He Made Me Just With My Top. Who Knows How Lame And Gross I Would Look When He Touches My legs And- I Shivered At The Thought. Logan Caught My Unsteady Balance And Held On To Me. “You Okay?” He Laughed. I nodded And Motion him Away. “Go you Perv” I Smiled And Gave Him A Small Push. When He Jumped On My Bed I Paused. He’s Seen me Naked, What Was I So Worried About? I Breathed In And Then Out. I Wasn’t Worried. I Pulled Down My Pants One Leg At A Time And Then Reached To Grab My Boxers When Logan Jumped Out Of Bed And Grabbed Them First. Standing Before Me He Chanted “You Want Themm?” He Extended His “M” And Smiled, Teasing Me. “Yes, Yes I Do” I Laughed. “Now Give Em’Back” I Swatted For Them. “Nope” He Winked And Held Them High Above His Head. “Fine” I Ran And Tackled Him Panties And All. He Wrapped His Arm Around My Waist, Grabbing Hold Of Me Like A Prisoner. “Let Me Go!” I Was Screaming And Laughing At The Same Time. I Finally Got Them And Dangled Them in His Face Before Pulled Them up My Thighs And Crashed Down Onto My Bed. He Pushed His Hand Through His Hair And Collapsed On Top Of Me With A Thud. I Groaned A Wrapped My Arms Around His Neck, Pushing Him Away. “Nice Boxers” he Said Checking Me From Top To Bottom. Rubbing His Finger Over The Edge Of The Top Of Them. “I Like Yours Too” I Winked And Tried Pushing him Again, Hoping That Was Distracting Him, But He Didn’t Budge. I Groaned and Gave Up. “You Suck” I Reached Over And Took A Sip Of My Water, Then Placed It Back. “Love you Too!” He Laughed But Didn’t Move. He Just Lay There Over My. I Scratched My Finger Nails Through His Deep Black Hair. He Looked So Emo, But It Was Really Sexy. I Laughed When I Heard Him Moan From Beneath His Throat. I knew It Turned Him On, but It Also Helped Him Sleep, He Has Troubles Sleeping Sometimes. Believe It Or Not, Before I Realized I Had Feelings For Logan, This Is the Kind Of Stuff We Did All The Time.. Although It Wasn’t Till Now That I Really Liked The Feel Of Him Holding Me, On Me, We Still Used To Do This Stuff Before Greg Happened. Greg… No! I mentally shook myself And Looked Up And Logan. I Felt A Tear Escape my Eye. The Mental Shake Didn’t Shake Greg Right out Of My Mind. “Hold Me?” I Felt Myself Asking Before I Could Stop It. I Bit My Lip Thinking What If He Rejected My Request? What If He Laughed? What If he Found Out I Really Love Him, And It Ruin Our Friendship? What If I’m Left Alone? I Really Don’t Want To Be Alone, I Need Logan, My Thought Were Interrupted Me Warm Hands On My Waist. Logan Moved His Hand Up My Shirt To Rest On My Stomach. Ever Since I Was Little I Loved Having A Hand On My Stomach, Logan Was The Only One I Ever Told That, And He Knows Just When To Put It There. “Night” I Yawned And Laughed. “Night Dork” He Yawned Like It Was A Chain Reaction And Laughed, But Was Still So Seriously Gripped Around My Stomach. When my Eyes Got Heavy, I Fell Asleep.


There Was A Struggle On my Stomach and It Made Me Shoot up In Pain. I looked Down And There Were hands Still On My Stomach. I Followed Them To Logan. His Eye's Were Squeezed Shut And He Was Sweating and Clentching His Teeth. He Was Having A Nightmare. I Curled Up into his chest, Turning To Face Him. "Logan" I Whispered In His Ear. He Didnt move, His Grip Just Got Tighter And My Stomach Hurt Badly. I Held In My Pain And Watched Logan. "Logan, Wake Up" I Said Softly. He Bit His Lip And His Grip Tightened. I Whinced in Pain. "Logan, Please, Your Hurting me" I Said Between My Held In Breaths. His Grip Loosened And He Stopped Biting His Lip. "Iz I'm So Sor-" "Its Okay, Crap, Your Lip Is Bleeding" I Said And Shuffled And Turned On The Bedside Lamp. I Looked Over At The Clock. 3:32am. I Got Up And Grabbed A Damp Cloth From The Bathroom. I Walked Back Into The Room And Layed Down On The Bed. He Looked So Shooken Up. "Come Here" I Said And Pulled Him Closer To me. I Wiped The Tip Of The Cloth To His Lip And The Edge Turned Red. What Made Him Do That? He Was So Shooken, And Hurt, And Out Of It. What Was He Dreaming? What Scared Him? What Made Him Tighten So Much That He Hurt Me? He Has Never Done That Before. I Was Rambling In my Head When Logan Shot Me Out of It. "You okay? He Asked. I Completely Ignored The Question And Asked "Logan, What Did you Dream About?" I Asked Touching The Cloth Again. He Sighed. I Tried Reading His Emotions. If He Was Angry, Like Maybe He Has A Dream About Greg. Or Sad, Maybe A Dream About Me And Greg. Or Maybe Just Anything, But There Was Nothing. There Was No Emotion Except Regret And Worry For Me. "Its Noting Iz, Let's Just Go To Sleep, Okay, Please?" He Asked. Examining Me. "Logan, Please, What Was It?" I Asked, My Voice Cracking. His Eyes Showed Worry And Regret Still. Clear As Day. Well, Night. I Rambled In My Head With My Thought. He Hugged Me And Kissed My Forhead. "I'm So Sorry I Hurt You" He Said. "Its Oka-" He Stopped Me And Lifted Up My Tank Top. There Was A Black And Blue Bruising On My Stomach. It Was Pretty Big, And Hell Did It Sting And Ache. I Looked Down And Then At Him. He Touched It So Lightly And I Almost Screamed In pain. His Eyes Were Watering. "I Am So, So Sorry, I Didnt Know I Was That Stron-" He Started But I Stopped Him. Enough Apologies. "It Doesnt Hurt That Much, I Just Want To Know If Your Okay" I Lyed, And Asked. "Go To Sleep iz, Im Going To Be Okay, I Promise" He Told Me. I Hated Him Lying To Me, But I Knew He Would Just Cut Away The Pain In The Morning. I Nodded, Holding Back The Tears In My Eyes. I Took His Hand And Entwined Out Fingers. "Im Here" I Said. I Placed The Wet Bloody Cloth On The Side Table And Turned Off The Lamp. I Curled Closer Into Logan, My Back Against His Chest. "I Know" He Said. I Closed My Eyes. His Arms Graced My Stomach But He Pulled Back Alot Faster Then He Went to Reach. I Sighed And Kept My Hands To My Side. I Lay There, Starring Ahead Of Me. I Felt Awake, And Empty And Cold. Logan Shuffled. "Okay" He Said And Wrapped His Arms Above My Stomach, Just Toching The Edge Of My Bra With his Forarm. I Relaxed In The Warmth. I Felt Sleep Consume Me, Just And Logan Whispered "Goodnight Iz". So What, Now I Need Him to Sleep? I Argued With Myself, All Night. When I Woke Up In The Morning, My Stomach Was Killing And So Was My Head. I Fluttered My Eye's Open A Looked Beside me. Logan Wasn't There. I Looked At The Clock. 9:43am. What The Hell Was He Doing Up This Early?, He usually Isnt Up Till 1 Is He Doesnt Have To Be. I Got Up, Grabbed A Towel, And Opened The Bathroom Door. Smack! Looking Up I Lost My Breath. I Ran Right Into A Naked Logan. His Arms Caught My Hips Before i Fell. I Closed My Eyes Quickly. "Oh A -A Sorry" I Said As I Turned And Walked into The Wall. "Ow" i Mumbled to Myself Holding my head. When The Door Closed And Clicked Behind Me, I Sighed In Relief. Oh God. I Sat On My bed And Waited For Him To Get Out. I Looked At My Nails. I Groaned And Walked Over To My Dresser. He's So Slow. I Pulled Out A Clean Blue Low 'V' Neck, A Pair Of Black Skinnie's, And A Black and Blue Underwear And Bra Set. I Layed Them On My Bed And Grabbed The Sides Of My Tanktop. It Felt Gooeyish. I looked At My Hand And It Was All Bloody. I Looked Down At The Edge Of The Shirt On My Hip And It Was All Bloody. I Lifted It Up, But No Cuts. Then i Remebered Logan Catching My Almost Fall. Now I Know Why He Was Up Early. What Was That Dream About?!? I Screamed To Myself. Logan Swung The Door Open, He Was Wearing Black Boxers, Light Blue Baggy Jeans, And No Shirt. "Sorry" He Said As He Ran His Fingers Through His Hair And Gave Me A Sexy Smirk. I Clentched My Teeth And Walked Past Him, Grabbing My Cloths And The Towel. I Walked Into The Bathroom, Locked The Door And Turned On The Shower. I Slipped Off My Clothes And Jumped In. I Scrubbed My Hands, And My Body. Trying To Get The Red Stains Of My Side And Fingers. My Stomach Was Black And Blue With A Big round Bruise. I Touched It And Almost Cried. Why Was He So Upset, What Made Him Do This? I Shoke Myseld. I Squeezed Some Shampoo in my Hair And Ran My Fingers Through It. Scrubby dubby! I Rinsed It Out, Then Twisted And Rang Out All The Water. I Turned Off The Tap And Stpped Into A Puddle Of Water. "Oops" I Said And Walked To The Sink. I Grabbed The Towel Dried Off My Body And Slipped On My Panties. I Clipped On My Bra And Dried My Neck. I Dried My Legs Once More And Pulled On My Jeans. Looking In The Mirror I Scrunched My Hair. I Gripped The Sink With one Hand And I Flug My Hair Forward And Back Like A Rocker, Getting Off Extra drips Of Water. I Lost My Balance, Slipped On The Water And Flew Forward, Hitting The Edge Of My Temple Off The Sink. I Gasped Before I Fell to The Floor Unconcious. Everything Was Black. **Blackout Dreams** I Was Lying On The Grass, Starring At The Sky. The Clouds Moving, The Wind Blowing My Hair. I Smiled To Myself And Turned On My Side. My Smile Vanished At Who Was Infront Of Me. "Dad?" I Said. He Nodded Slowly. "No, You Died, you Can't Be Hear!" I Screamed At Him. "Im Sorry For What I Did Lizzyboo" "Dont Call me That!" I Spat In his Face. I Calmed Down A Bit. "You Raped My Mother, You Raped Her, And Im The Result Of Your Rape" I Said To Him. "I Was Drunk And On Drugs, I Didn't Mean For Anything To Happen" He Told Me. "When I Was Born, Mom Told Me You Didnt Even Come to The Hospital, And Then You Come Back When im 4, And Go And Kill Yourself Infront Of Us?" I Screamed Asked. I Was Trying To Keep Calm, But What Kind Of Person, Rapes A Women He Loves, Gets Her Pregnant, Abandon's Her, Come's Back To The kids Life Only To Kill himself Infront Of Her!? I Rambled With my Thoughts. "I'm Sorry. I Loved Her And You Lizzyboo. But Your Mother Said I Couldn't See You, I Couldn't Have you. I Wanted Her To Suffer, And The Only Way To Do That Was To Make You See Something You Could Never Forget, And Having Her Deal With your Pain, Along With Hers" He Said To Me. A Tear Escaped My Eye. "I Did Forget Dad, I Forgot How you Just Slit your Throat Infront Of Us, Just Dropped To The Ground Pale And Broken, How The Last Words You Said Were 'Wrong Choice Miranda', I Forgot It All, because I Had A Bestfriend, And A Great Life to Live". I Said. His Eye's Watered. "I Didn't Think you Coulf Forget Easily, I Thought It Would Kill You With Pain" He Addmitted. "So You Wanted Me To Suffer?, Dad!, You Said Yourself You Loved Mom, She Was Your Wife! And You Hurt Us Both, I Want you Out Of My Life, Now!" I Screamed At Him. "Im Out Of Your Life Lizzyboo, This Is Just A Dream, Change It If You Want, But Just Know I Did Love You And Your Mother, Drugs ANd Drinking Change People Liz, Dont Forget That" He Told Me Before His Body Vanished. I Layed There With Dry Eyes. Only That One Tear Escaped. I Was Calm, And I Wasn't Really Upset. Just Mad, And in Pain. I Squeezed My Eyes Shut And Then Slowly opened Them To The Bathroom. **Blackout Dream Over** I Sat Up And Held My Head. My Hand Was Covered In Blood And There Was A Loud Banging At The Door. "Iz!" Logan Banged On The Door. "Yeah.. Im Comming" I Groaned Holding My Head. I Leaned Up And Stood On My Feet. Looking Back At The Ground, There Was A Small Puddle OF Blood. I Wached Where I Stepped As I Unlocked The Door. Logan Folded Me In His Arms, Really Tight. "Logan, I , Cant Breathe" He Let Go Imediatly And Frowned At Me. "What The Hell Happend, All I Heard Was A Bang?" He Asked. I Shrugged. "How Long Ago Did You Here The Bang?" I Asked. He Thought To Himself. "About 7 Minutes Ago" He Told me. I Nodded. My Head Was Pounding. I Rocked On My Feet In Un Balance. "Woah" Logan Caught My Stomach And I Whinced. He Dropped His Hands And I Fell To The Ground. 'Ow!" I Screamed At Him. "Im Sorry I Didnt Wanna Hurt You" He Said Helping Me Up. I Rolled My Eyes. "So you Drop me?" I Asked Raising My Eyebrow. He Did One Of Those Sexy Smirks While He Shrugged. I Melted And Instantly Frogave Him. "Its Okay" I Said Brushing Off My Jeans And My Shir-. Shit! I Was Wearing Only A Bra, And He Had no Shirt. I Blushed And Turned Around To The Bathroom. "Let's Get Ready For School" Told Him, Slipping My V Neck Over My Head. He Nodded And Walked Over To My Dresser. He Opened The Bottom Drawer And Took Out One Of Those Button up Shirts. It Was Black And Had A Red Blood Vain Design Around The Buttons. He Put It On Over His Bare Skin And Left The Buttons Un Buttoned. His Chest Was Screaming At Me. Why Did I Feel this Way? He Left The Room And Went Downstairs. I Looked At Myself In The Mirror. The V Neck Was Tight Around The Bottom So I Pulled It Up A Bit Revealing My Lower Stomach To Baggy It Up. I Wiped The Blood With A Cloth. "Ow!" I Shouted At Myself. I Threw The Cloth Away Pissed Off. I Put On A Dark Line Of Eye Liner, Then Added Some Deep Black Mascara. I Slipped On My Converse Then Grabbed My Bag. "Logan! Its Friday I Wanna Get To School, And Then Leave" I Said Flatly And Loud. I Sighed And Walked Down The Stairs. 'I'm Comming, I'm Comming" He Said Coming Out Of The Kitchen. It Was Like A Slow Motion Movement. His Hair Blew back, And His Shirt Blew Out To The Sides. I Shoke My Head Hard, Almost Loosing My Balance, And Walked Out The Front Door To Logans Black Jeep. I Reached For The Handle, Pulled And Flew Back To The Ground.I Glared At Logan As He Just Smirked To His Side Of The Car. "Sorry" Logan Shrugged And Beeped His Car unlocked. I Rolled My Eye's and Got in the Car. He Started It Up, And We Arrived At School In Less Then 10 mins. He Pulled In, Parked, And I Got Out Of The Car. I Looked Down At The Ground. "You okay?" He Asked. I Nodded And Smiled. "Worried About Me?" I Winked. He Wrapped His Arm Around my Shoulder And Said. "I Always Worry About You Iz". His Breath Was Hot in my Ear Making Me Shiver. He Dropped His Hand And Smirked At Me.I Playfully Punched his arm And Laughed. "Your Cute When you Laugh" He Said And Walked Up Ahead Smiling At Me. I Smiled To Myself. I Walked With logan To The Front Of The School Until Someone Grabbed My Waist And Pulled Me Back, Covering My Mouth, And Having A Tight Grip.

Under Water Secrets

I Bit Down on The Hand Covering My Mouth. When I Pulled Back I Turned Around And Was Facing The One And Only Greg. "Greg, What The Hell!" I Screamed. "Im Sorry, I Had To Get you Away From Logan" He Shook His Hand In Pain. I Looked Around. We Were Further Down The Parking Lot, Pretty Far From The School Doors. Why Did I Feel So Empty Without Logan? "What Do You Want Greg?" I Asked Crossing My Arms. He Placed His Arms On My Waist And His Thumbs Circled My Stomach. When he Hit The Bruise I Winced Back In Pain Holding It. I Really Gotta Get This Thing Checked out! I Said To Myself. He Lifted My Shirt And My Black And Blue Stomach Was Swollen And Visable. "What The Hell!?, Did Logan Do This?" He Clenched His Teeth. "No" I Said Much To Quickly. "Liar" "I'm Not Lieing!" I Shouted At Him. "I Can Tell When your Lieing, Stay The Hell Away From him Liz, He's A Bad Person!" He Said Loudly. "No He's Not!, He Cares About me, While You Were Off Fucking Your Little Sluts, And Getting Blowjobs From Your Stupid Blondie Brooke, He Was There For Me, While I Was Crying My Eyes Out Because Of You!" I Screamed. "Lizar-" I Cut him Off. "No!, Yo-" He Grabbed My Wrists. "Elizabeth!" he Screamed At Me. I Closed My Eyes And Bit My Lip. Not Good, Not Good, Not Good, Not Good!, I Kept Telling Myself. He Was Squeezing My Wrist, And I Have A New Cut On It. Imagine My Luck. Fuck my life! He Looked At My Face, Then My Wrists. "Okay, Seriously, What is Up With your Wrists liz!!" he Screamed. "Don't, Just Leave It Alone" I Said Pulling Down My Shirt, And Crossing My Arms. "Lizard, I Love You, Just I Dont Wanna See You Get Hurt, Ok?," He Said Holding My Hand Softly. I Ripped It Away And Nodded. "What Did You Want Greg?" I Asked. "I Want You Back" He Said. "Well I- He Jumped Me With A Gentle But Demanding Kiss. It Caught Me Of Guard. He Wrapped His Arms Around My Waist, Careful Of My Bruise, And I Didnt Move A Muscle. I Just Stood There In Shock. His Tounge Moved In My Mouth And I Pushed His Chest Away From Me. Someone Cleared There Throat And I Looked Over At Logan. He Rolled His Eyes And Shook His Head Turning Around Walking Away. My Heart Sank. "What The FUCK Is Wrong With you!?" I Screamed At Greg. He Smirked And I Lost It. I Brought My Knee Up As Hard As I Fucking Could And Hit Him In The Balls. I Pushed Him Away From Me And He Fell To The Ground Holding His Junk. "Get This Straight, I. Hate. You." I said to Him Flaty, Then I Ran After Logan's Direction. "Wait! Liz!" I Heard Him Scream After Me.
(Logans P.o.v!)
"Your Cute When you Laugh" I Said And Walked Up Ahead. We Walked Up To The Front Doors. I Walked Into The School And To My Locker. When I Opened It There Was A Picture Of Me And Iz. We Were At The Beach With An Old Friend Kylie. We Dated For A Bit, But She Moved Away A Year Ago. I Miss Her, Alot, I Still Have Feelings For Her, Alot, But I Dont Know, I Think I Love Iz. "Hey Iz Do You Remember This Pic?" I Turned To Nothing. Where The Hell Did She Go? I Shrugged And Looked Back At The Picture. I Was Wearing Swim Trunks And Iz Was Wearing A Bikini. Her Back Was To My Chest And Her Arms Were Wrapped Around Her Stomach. My Arms Were Draped Over Her Arms And She Had Braided Pinktails, And I Hade Thoose CSI Herachio Classes On. Kylie Took The Picture. I Smiled At it And Emotion Washed Over Me. I Have To Tell Her Atleast, I Told Myself. I have To Tell Her How I Feel. Now I Just Need To Find Her. I Closed My Locker After Realizing I'm Gonna Tell Her Right Now. I Walked Back To The Front Doors And Further Down The Parking Lot. I Looked Around Some Cars No Iz. I Can't Believe Im About To Tell Her I Love Her. Everything About Her!, Her Smile, Her Enfectious Laugh, Her Cute little snort, I Love It All. The Way She Makes My Day So Much More Worth It. I Rambled On In My Head Until Finally, I Spotted Her. Lip Locked With Her So Called Ex. I Stood There For About 3 Minutes Before They Pulled Away. I Cleared My Throat And She Looked Over At Me With Surprise, And Greg Looked At Me With Content. I Was About To Punch Him, But I Just Rolled My Eyes, Shook My Head, And Turned And Walked Away. I Clentched My Fists And turned The Corner Of The School Wall. I Punched The Brick wall And Waked Off Further Towards The Soccer Field. "I Can't Believe her!" I Screamed To Myself. I Walked Past The Field And Into The Woods. I Pushed Away A Few Branches And Looked Over The Hills And Cliff's. Water Was Surrounding The Trees, ANd Rocks Were Sitting Along The Whole Edge Of Water. "Logan Wait!" Someone Screamed. I Turned Around And Iz Was Standing There. "What!" I Screamed At Her. "I-I Didnt mean Too, I Don't Love Him!" She said. "You Hurt Me Iz!, Again!" I Shouted. She Took A Step Forward. "I Didn't Mean To Hurt You! You Think I Mean To Fucking do it!?" She Screamed At Me. "You Obviously Don't Give A Fuck What Happens iz, Your Just Acting Liek A Slut And I Can't Be Friends With One!" I Screamed. I Instanly regreted It. Her Face Was Shocked And Hurt. Fuck My Life, Fuck My Life! "I'm Not A-" She Started. "God Damit Iz!, Just Leave Me Alone!" I Screamed A Wiped Out. I Fell Back And Off The Cliff, Heading Towards The Water, And The Rocks. "Logan!!!" She Screamed. I Sunk To Into The Water. It Was Freezing And I Gasped And Squirmed. My Head Was Pounding My Eye's Were Closed. I Swam To The Top And took A Breath, Coughing And Aching With Numbness, But Pressure Pulled Me Back Down. I Tried Fighting It, But The Waves Were Strong. There Was A Wash Of Clarity Over My Head. It Was All So Clear. Everything Seemed So Easy And Clear. Just So Simple. Like I Was A Different Person. Like I Didn't Cut My Wrists, Or Love My Bestfriend While She Loved Someone Else. It All Seemed So Far Away, And i Was This Great, Happy Guy, With A Sister, And No Regrets. This Clarity Boosted My Heart. I Wanted So Bad For It To Be Real. No Sooner Then It Came, It Left, And I was Left With Regret And Pain. Then I Thought What If I Just Let Go? What If I Just Let Myself Sink And I Let Go. I Let My Arms Loose And My Legs Relax, And I Sunk Slowly Each Minute. Our Laughs, Her Smile, Our Hugs, Her. Pictures Appeared In My Head. When We Were On The Swings. When We Were Little Running Around In The Mud. My Sister. All the Tears, Both Happy And Sad. The Party. School. Her Bashing Greg's Face. How I Fed Her An Apple, And HSe Was Choking On Water Smiling And Laughing. How Hurt She Was Because Of Greg. How I'm Always There For Her And She's Always There For Me. These Pictures Glowed In My Head, In A Shiny Blur Of Hope. Then, My Mind Went Blank, And My Body Stopped. I Sunk Deeper, And Alone. "Best Friends e" Poped In My Head. Her Voice Floated Around The Water Like A Tornado Of Sound. I Can't Leave Iz, She Means Everything To Me. My Eye's Popped Open And My Body Went into Over Drive. I Struggled To The top And Popped My Head Out For Breath And Stroked My Arms Hard And Fast To Stay At The Top. "Iz" I Whispered To Myself. Then Started Coughing And Choking. Soon I Was Under Again, Stuggling.
(Elizabeth's P.O.V)
"Logan!!!" I Screamed. I Watched Him Fall Back And Dissapear Of the Edge Of The Cliff. I Ran Up To The Edge And Looked Down At The Water. I Bawled Out My Eye's And Our Memories Graced Threw My Head. The Water Waves Crashed And He Poped Up his Head For A Second Of Breath before He Sunk back Down. "Logan please Don't Leave Me" i Cried Gripped The Grass With my Hands, And Kneeling On my Knees Over The Edge. The Water Was Still, And Blank, Other Then The Waves The Crashed Against The Rocks. There Was No Sign of Him And I Was Freaking Out. "Best Friends Forever" I Whispered And My tears Ran Into The Water Below. Everything Was Quiet. I Heard My Tears Hit The Water. I Never Cried This hard In My Life. I Clutched My Stomach And My Hair Was Over My Head. Please Dont Die, Please Don't Die. I kept Thinking. I Didn't No What To Do! Just Then Logan poped Out Of The Water Gasping For Air And Struggling. My Breath Caught In My Throat. "Logan" I Whispered. I Saw Him Struggle And Move Around But He Was Back Under. I Stood Up And Took off My Shoes And Socks. "Logan, I Love you, Please Make It Through This!" I whispered Before I Jumped Off The Cliff. I Screamed And Crossed My Arms at My Stomach. I Hit The Water With A Smack That Shook My Body With A Cold Numbness. I Opened My Eyes And Looked Around Under Water. I Spotted Him And Swam. I Grabbed His Arm And Wrapped My Other Hand Around His Waist. I Pulled And Kicked Us To The Top. Gasping For Air i Tried Swimming To The Rocks And Shore Line. My Legs Got Tired And I Pulled And Struggled Kicking. I Clutched The Rock Ahead Of Me And Pushed And Lifted Logan Onto It. His Body Was Limp And His Skin Was Pale. I Climbed Onto The Rock And Pulled Myself Up. I Knelt Over Logans Body. Why Didnt I Listen in CPR Class Training!!!??? I Screamed In My Head. Okay, You Can Do This. I Entwined My Fingers/hands Together Into One Big fist and Pounded Once Down Hard Over His Chest. Water Poured Out Of His Mouth, his Skin Turned Back To A More Pink Color And He Choked Leaning Up. "It Worked!" I Screamed Hugging Him Close. I Grapsed Every Part Of His Back, Trying To make Sure I Didn't Loose Him. Our Hug Was So Tight, And It Hurt So Much But I Didn't Complain. "I'm So Sorry, I-I Didnt, Want, i Didnt Mean For, Im So Sorry!" i Said Stuttering In his Arms. "Iz" He Whispered, Pulling Away To Look At Me. I Sniffed And Wiped My Eyes. "I Lo-" He Coughed. "I'm Sorry" I Said, And Started Crying Again, Leaning Against His Chest. "What Happend Down Ther Logan?" I Asked. He Sighed And I Felt His Chest Go Out And In. "When I Hit The Water, At First I Was Struggling, And Trying To Save Myself, Keep Myself Above Water. And There Was This Rush!, And It MAde Everything Disapear And Become So Clear And Easy. Like, Nothing Ever Went wrong. When All The Problems Floded Back In, I Just Wanted It To Stop, So i Let Go, And I Stopped Fighting" He Said A tear Rolling Off His Cheek."But You Came Back up, You Started Fighting Again..." I Said Confused. "I Heard You, Your Voice, Saying Best Friends Forvever, And It Made Me Realize Something" He Said. "What?" I Asked. "I Can't Leave you Alone Here" He Said. My Heart Skipped And I Rested On his Chest In Silence. He Rubbed My Shoulder And We Look At The Water. "Do You Remeber This Place?" He Asked me. I Nodded. "The Tree Over There Used To Have A Rope, Near The Lower Parts Of The Water, We Would Swing On It And Plundge In" I Laughed. "Until Greg Broke It" He Burst Up Laughing. "I Remeber That! Broken Arm For 5 Weeks" I Smirked. "Remeber The Game?" He Asked. "Truth Or Dare, 2004" I Laughed. "This Is Wear We Got Dared To Kiss" He Said Smirking At Me. "Our First Kiss" He Sexy Smirked At Me. I Nodded And Blushed. "Your Sister Dared Us, She Was A Crazy Girl" I Smiled. "Yeah She Was" He Laughed. "you Couldn't Kiss At All, Your Tounge Was Like A Little Snake" He Laughed Hard. "Hey, I Was Little, What Do You Expect!?" I Laughed Punching His Arm. He Surrendered. "It Was Me, You, Her, Greg, And Kylie" I Smiled at the memory. "Oh Kylie, Yeah, She Was One Hell Of A Kisser, Better Then You At Least" He Said Lustfully. I Got Angry. "Watever" i Said. It Was Quiet For A While. I Was Stuck With The Thought of Lossing Him. He Looked Over At Me And Touched My Chin. Pulling Me Gently to Look At Him. I kept My Eyes Looking Out At The Corner. "Iz" He Said. A Tear Slipped My Eye. "I Thought I Almost Lost you Today" I Said Blinking, Still Looking Away. "But You Didnt" He Said Wiping It Away With His Thumb. He Held My Chin And Kissed Me So Gently. 'Iz, I-" I Stopped Him With A Kiss. I Wrapped My Arms Around His Neck And Played With The Back Of His Hair. His Body Was Cold, But Still His Lips Were So Warm And Soft. His Hands Held My Face And Stroaked My Cheeks. His Tounge Touched Mine And Tangled With Eachothers. He Moaned in His Throat And Then Pulled Away. "Wow, You Got Really Good At That" He Choked On His Breath Smiling. I Pushed My hair Out Of My Face, But It Just Fell Back Covering My Eyes. "I Guess" I Shurgged. "Iz" He Whispered In My Ear. His Breath Was Hot On My Neck. "yeah?" I Asked Holding Back The Urge To Rip Off His clothes. "I Love you" He Said Kissing My Cheek. OH MY FUCKING GOD! I Screamed in my Head. "I love You Too" I Smiled And Kissed His Lips. "C'mon Let's Go" He Said Smiling At Me And I Grabbed My Shoes. I Slipped Them On And We Walked To The Field Laughing And Bumping Hips.

Past Becomes Future

(New Mystery P.O.V)
"What Are you Doing Here?" The Principal Said To Me. "Well Thanks, And Hi To You too" I Said. "Hey, Ann, Do Logan, Elizabeth, And Greg Still go Here?" I Asked. The Red head Secretary Smiled At Me And Nodded. "Thanks" I Grabbed My Sceduale And Walked Out Of the Office. I Stuck My Things In My Locker And Walked Out The School Doors. I Looked Around The Parking Lot And Didn't Find Anyone. I Walked Towards The Bleachers, Still No Sign. Where Were They? There Always Together. I Walked To The Back Of The School, And Looked At The Old Park. "Wow" I Smirked.Looks Like That's Still There. I Laughed And Walked Around the Corner And Into The Field. I Looked Around, And there. I Ran Up To Them And Tackled them With A hug. I pulled back And Grinned. "Kylie?!" They Screamed At The Same Time. "Surprise!" I Screamed. They looked At Eachother, Then Back At Me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.11.2011

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