
Flight to death



Valarie glanced nervously at her mother's front steps. How was this going to go? How would her mom feel about her leaving the state? Val shook away her nerve racking thoughts, took a deep breath, and walked up the steps. She knocked on the door and waited. A few minutes later her father answered the door. “Yes hon?” “I need to talk to mom.” Her dad opened the door a little wider to let Val in. Immediately Val noticed her dad was only wearing boxers and covered in sweat. “Spending some quality time with mom I see.” Her dad laughed “We were past time and into heaven.” “Just take me to my mom. Oh and tell her to put something on; I don't enjoy that view.” Her dad laughed again, “But I do.” He turned and walked to the master bed room and knocked on the door gently before sticking his head in the room. “Honey, come out with something on; we have a guest.” Val's mom opened the door and walked out. “Well, where is he? “Shes right here.” Val's mom turned and looked at her. “Oh, hey Valarie. I didn't see you. I was and am looking for my guest.” Val and her dad laughed. “Mom, I am your guest. Remember, I don't live with you anymore.” Her mother flushed. “Well, I feel like a blonde.” “Mom I need to tell you something important, sit down and relax.” Val's mom tensed as she walked to take a seat the she asked. “Are you pregnant and don't no who the dad is? Are you getting married...?” “Mom, you know about my vet career. I'm twenty one and I'm an entrepreneur. I'm also an equine expert. Not only that; the new building being made is the second veterinarian center I own. I make lots of money,” Val took a deep breath and was prepared for the worst reaction. “So, I've decided I'm going to Rio De Janeiro to help sick animals for free and I' leaving today. I'm will be there for three months, I bought my plane ticket last night, I'm leaving in a hour, and I wanted to tell you before I left for Rio.” Val's mom stood up “I'm so proud of you Valarie Martinez: you are so kind hearted. I'm going to miss you.” Val's mom started to cry. “ I love you sweetie and know I always will. When you land, call me.” She bear hugged Val then let her go. Val looked at her dad then hugged him. “I'm going to miss you my beautiful little girl.” he whispered throatily. Val walked out the door and down the steps to her car. Her parents followed her to the door then stopped to watch her go as they held each other tightly. “Val?” “Yeah mom?” “Don't forget - as soon as you land, call me.” Val nodded “Dad?” “Hmm?” “ You're outside. In your boxers.” She then waved as she drove off.

Val drove to the airport, parked and ran into the airport, then walked onto her plane. When she walked in, the plane was packed. She scanned for any available seats. There was one by a man who looked about twenty-two or twenty-three. He had blue eyes, black army cut hair, and he was muscular from head to toe. The man looked nice. Real nice. His eyes were the type of blue that when he got angry they would turn grayish. The blond's in the front of him thought he was cute too because they had written down their numbers and handed it to him. He smiled then threw the paper down. Val approached him. He sized her looking her body slowly up and down then he smirked. He did it once more before looking up at her face. Val seized the opportunity an spoke quickly. “May I sit here? There are no more seats and, well, I need a seat.” He looked at Val. “Yeah.” He moved his computer. Val sat. Oh did he have a sexy voice and big hands. He also smelt amazing. I could tell it wasn't men's clone though, but he kinda had like his own scent, one she couldn't exactly pin point.


Collin looked at her, she looked amazing with her long black hair pulled back in a pony tail, her hazel eyes, and her legs! He wished he could slowly run his hand up and down her leg, and up into other places yet to be discovered by him. She was beautiful. Darn, he couldn't lie to himself; she was sexy and he already knew he wanted to get into this humans pants, whether it was in the planes bathroom or not. He'd gotten every girl he ever wanted, and now she was on the list. Their eyes met and she smiled at him. She was speaking now. Her voice was soft, but there was a deception in it.

An hour later, the pilot came on the planes radio announcement. Collin noticed a random sketchy man stand up and walk into the pilots area slammed the door and locked it behind him. Something was about to go very wrong; he could feel it in his bones. Still on the radio the pilot stopped talking to the passengers and started talking to someone else. “What are you doing in here? This is a restricted area. Wait, please don't! I have a wife and three kids! Please, no!” Bang! The sound of a gun shot and a body falling. Every thing went silent. The announcement came back on and a man with a strong accent came in “YOU AMERICANS ARE GONNA DIE!” People started to flip out, running around like crazed animals. Humans were so easily panicked. Collin tensed when the man came out with a gun and started to walk toward a little girl about four. He pointed the gun to her head. Collin couldn't take it. He was going to let a little human child die! He didn't know why he was going to save her, but he was. Collin ran toward the man and then jumped at him. When he did he turned into a raged wolf. He growled as he landed and stared into the mans eyes. He fell on his butt and the gun fell and skidded across the floor. A women picked it up and pointed it at Collin. “Don't move or i-i-ill shoot!” “Please don't; I'm trying to help you.” The lady pulled the trigger and Val came out of nowhere and shoved the gun the bullet flew out the window and hit the engine. The plane slung side ways and people were slammed across the walls. Val was slung into the pilot door. She stood and looked at the little girl Collin had saved. “Go buckle up, sweetie.” Val then pulled out her phone and called her mom. Val sat by the window. “Hello mom. My planes been high jacked and its going down. I love you mom.” Collin watched Val as her face turned red and tears fell. She wiped them and hung up the phone before she stood. At that moment the windows cracked open and she felt her body being pulled. All around her people were being pulled through the windows as they screamed and tried to hold on to something. Val's body rose and she started to scream. “ Collin, help me!” Collin rushed toward her. Val tried to grab something, but there was nothing. She closed her eyes, and as she was being sucked up she felt something grab her and pull her down. She felt their heart beat rushing. Val opened her eyes to see Collin holding her with one hand and a bolted down seat in another. Val watched from the safety of Collin's arm as all the people get snatched through the windows. They were all so helpless. Collin looked over at the little girl. She looked horrified as she cried out; “Mommy!” Val looked as she seen a women about forty-two fly out the plane window. Val stood. The suction was gone and she was going to buckle up, but the plane hit the trees and started to flip, destroying everything in it's path.



Val flew and hit the pilot window and was knocked out. Collin flew and hit a piece of metal that went into his stomach. The plane finally skidded to a stop and the smell of gas was every were. The little girl unbuckled her seat belt and ran to Val and she shook her. Val woke up. Her vision was blurry, and when she touched her head she felt something warm and sticky on her hand. It was blood. Val picked up the little girl and went to leave but was stopped when the little girl said “What about Mr. Collin?”



stranded (may the dead's souls be found)


Val walked to Collin, noticing the metal bar in his stomach and seeing him bleeding

badly. “Collin, there's a metal pole in your stomach and the only way to get it out is to rip it out. I'm going to count to three and you're gonna stand up so it will come out. Ready? One, two, three!” Val pulled and Collin screamed in pain. Val let him lean on her shoulder as she walked out, the little girl right behind her. They walked to a tree where Collin collapsed, as far way from the now burning plane as they could get. “Val, promise me you will get out of here.” Val nodded “Y-Yes Collin, I promise.” She started to cry as Collin started to choke up blood. “Collin, you're going to be okay. Just hang on.” “Val, no I-I'm not. I'm going to die here, but thats okay as long as you're safe.” Val took Collin's hand and squeezed it tightly. Collin closed his eyes and squeezed his stomach, then his hand went limp in hers and he stopped breathing. Val looked at Collin. “Collin, NO! NO! I CAN”T DO THIS WITH OUT YOU! COLLIN, PLEASE!” He was dead. Val stood as tears fell down her face She walked to a tree and sat down. She closed her eyes, wiping the tears away. She loved him. How could she love a man she'd just met? How had she fallen in love and the same day her love died? Val thoughts were interrupted by a little voice. “Is he okay?” Val wiped her eyes. “He's going to sleep for a little while. He needs his sleep .” “Liar!” she screamed. “MY MOMMY SAID SHE WANTED ME TO GO TO SLEEP FOR A WHILE AND I ASKED MY BABY WITER AND SHE SAID THAT MENT DEAD!” Val started to cry again. “Yeah, he's dead.”


The fates looked at Collin's dead body. “Collin we are going to put you back in your body and it will heal. You can't die until you are with Val.”


The little girl looked at Val. “No, he's not dead!” “Honey, he's dead. I can't lie to you.” “My name is not honey! It's Sophia Parter!” “Your name is Sophia Parker. Alright Sophia, we need to find shelter and tomorrow I'll figure something out .” “But what about Mr. Collin? We can't just weave him here.” Val nodded. She didn't know what to say or do. They were stuck on an island in the middle of no where and not only that she had a four year old little girl stuck with her and Collin was dead. “Collin's not dead,” Sophia said again. “Yes he is.” “LIAR! THEN WHY IS HIS BOO BOOS HEALING?” Val turned to Collin. His color was coming back to it's natural tan and his injuries started to heal. Then he started to breath. Val rushed toward him. When she reached him, she dropped to her knees and looked in happy surprise at his healing body. His eyes flickered open and he sat up. Val kissed him. Collin felt her soft moist lips against his as she kissed him passionately. When she pulled away, she hugged him and whispered. “Y-You're alive.” Val never felt so happy or relieved. Collin softly pulled her by her chin to have her look at him. He kissed her back and he enjoyed every bit of it. And, he guessed, it was the start of their relationship. Val pulled back and bit her lip, breathless. She had fallen in love with a man she barley knew, and he was some type of shifter. “How are you alive? Collin, I saw you die with my own two eyes.” Collin wanted to say 'the fates brought me back to you because we are meant to be together, and I will do anything and every thing to protect you from harm.' But he simply said “My wolf saved me. We need to find shelter for the two of us.” Val smiled “There's three.” “Huh?” Sophia smiled, “Hello Mr. Collin.” “You have a daughter?” Collin wolf was screaming and begging. 'Please tell me she's not married, please, please, please!' Thankfully, Val shook her head no. “But I'm going to treat her like one till we get out of here.” Collin nodded and he walked toward the plane. Val tilted her head; what was Collin doing? Collin walked to the plane, picked up a piece of the wing and laid it against the tree then he went back for another. Val tried to pick up a piece, but she couldn't even make it budge. Collin laughed at Val's attempt to move the wing. Collin called “Hey Val, I got our shelter ready! Come on.” Val looked at him and smiled sarcastically as she walked toward him when she walked in Collin laid the heavy wing on the tree. “Daddy.” Sophia looked at Collin. “Uh, I'm not your...” “SHH, Collin. Let's go outside to talk.” Val walked to the plane door and then she looked back at Collin, waiting for him to open the door, because she realized she was not a wolf; she was just a weak human who could have died several times on that cursed plane, but Collin had saved her. They walked outside and Collin looked at Val. “Why can't I tell that little girl she's not my daughter? I'm twenty-two; do I look like a dad to you ? I am still a single man and don't plan on being tied down.” “First off, Collin, her name is Sophia Parker and no one said you looked like a dad or was getting tied down. Just let her call you dad. Secondly, she just lost her mom on a plane crash and her father is who-knows-where. She has no one else and for all we know we could die here. So please, just let her call you dad. It's not like the worlds going to find out and care. If they do find anything and care it's going to be that you're some type of wolf shifter. So can you open that empty thing you call a heart for her and for me? She needs to know she is safe and that we're going to protect her.” Collin nodded. “But she needs a mom.” “Good luck with that one.” Val smiled. Collin actually laughed. “Lets go in and get some rest.” Val nodded. Collin opened the plane door and when Val walked inside she saw Sophia laying in the corner. It forced Val and Collin to lay by each other. “Wait Collin.” Collin froze. He had just walked inside and was about to close the door. Val ran out then she ran to the plane started to search for something. Then she picked up a red flower bag and jogged back to Collin. “What's that?” She pulled out a sweater, a nice size blanket, and a water bottle. Collin shut the door and picked up Sophia. Val laid the blanket down and Collin laid her back in her spot. Val covered her up with the other half of the blanket then she laid on the ground. “Use the sweater Val.” “Its fine, you can use it.” “I'm serious. Use it.” “I'm fine.” “Valarie, USE THE SWEATER.” “Okay.” She laid it down then laid on it she wished she had ice for her head or something other then the hard ground to lay it on. Collin laid beside her on the snow. It was freezing and everything was covered with snow. Collin kept his distance though and he didn't even try to get on the sweater. Val couldn't take it she wanted to feel his warmth, his heart beat. She wanted to feel her body against his, she wanted to wake up and see him. Val spoke softly. “Collin, c-can I,” she stopped and turned away from him. Collin scooted towards her and pulled her body toward his, wrapping his arms around her and rubbing up and down her arms, gently trying to warm her body. For once he didn't want to have sex. In fact he wanted to be as far away from that as possible, but still keep her safe. And warm. Collin laid on his back and looked at the stars. Val turned and laid her head on his chest and her hand gently laid across his waist. The distance he tried to give her made them so close that she could hear his heart beat and he could feel her breath. He used his hands as a prop for his pillow. He looked at the stars, thinking about his 'death.' Was there a God? Was it the fates who brought him back or God? He was clueless. Though Val enjoyed listening to his heart beat and his breathing and feeling his body against hers, she eventually closed her eyes and fell asleep.


The next morning something loud and extremely annoying woke him up. “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!” Sophia shook Collin. He opened his eyes “What?” Was it this awful having a kid? “I have to pee really bad. DADDY!” “Okay, okay. Val.” He shook her gently Val's eye's opened slowly. “Yeah?” “Sophia has to pee, Val.” “Okay lets go, Sophia.” She stood, Collin opened the door, then she walked out. Collin leaned against the wing, waiting for them to return. “Sophia, go to that tree.” Val walked to the plane and ripped a piece of cloth off the plane then walked to Sophia. Sophia had finished peeing “Here, wipe with this.” Sophia started to wipe when Val seen a wolf rising from the grass and coming toward them. “Sophia, get behind me.” Sophia pulled up her pants and walked slowly toward Val. The wolf started to snarl. It looked like it was going to enjoy killing her. “Sophia, run to Collin and don't stop till you get there. GO!” The wolf charged and knocked Val down. Val quickly shoved her hands up holding the wolfs shoulders and started to scream. The wolf snapped again and it's teeth nipped her cheek as Val screamed louder. Sophia ran. “DADDY, DADDY! IT GOTS MOMMY! THE BAD DOG GOTS MOMMY!” Collin tensed and started to run toward Val. He smelt blood and rushed at her attacker. The wolf then charged Collin. Collin turned into a wolf and ripped her throat out. Collin changed into a human and grabbed Val “Are you okay?” He pushed her against him holding her tightly. “The she-wolf is a shifter like me; that means there are more and they're close.” Collin thought aloud. “I thought the darn things were good.” “They are, we are. But we kill humans. That's why I left. I'm the alpha wolf but I could never bring myself to kill an innocent human, so I'm the runaway wolf prince. Val hugged Collin tighter. “And that's why I didn't leave your butt on the plane to explode.” Collin bear hugged her and she whimpered just a little “You liar! You were going to leave me, but Sophia stopped you!” Sophia ran and jumped into their hug, and the three of them watch the sun rising.

Val turns to look at Collin for a moment. “That's the third time I've been called a liar in two days.” She turned back to the sunrise. Suddenly Sophia squirmed out of Collins arms. “Daddy?” “Yes?” “I've gotta pee.” “Ugh...”








Ch 3: Survival


After Sophia used the restroom, Val and Collin had a 'grown-up' meeting, sending Sophia inside. “So what are we gonna do?” Val asked, leaning against a tree. “Well, we need to head deeper into the forest. There we can survive. Together we can make a shelter, I can hunt and protect you, and you can gather water and take care of Sophia.” “But I think we should stay by the plane. I mean, if anyone flies overhead, they won't see us in the forest. If we stay by the plane, we'll have a better chance of being rescued.” Collin looked at her like she was dumb. “Valerie, if we stay by the plane, we will starve. We can't drink seawater, and there is only a twenty percent chance that a plane will see us. Besides, if we stay here, the female wolf's mate will come looking for her... and her killer. It's safer in the forest, and any rescue crews who do come will fan out to search.” “Point taken,” Val grumbled. Collin laughed,“Why do I always have to be right?” Val laughed with him. “Cause all cocky, stubborn runaways are.” “Point taken,” Collin grumbled, mocking Val. Val rolled her eyes. “And I forgot to mention a pain in my-” “Don't you dare say it,” Collin interrupted “Butt. I said it, so what you going to do about it.” Collin smiled deceivingly. “You shouldn't have asked.” Val gulped. Collin walked toward her and Val walked backed up into a tree, her hazel eyes widening with either fear or excitement. Collin laid his hand on her cheek and rubbed it gently with his thumb. Val's pony tail came out and her long black hair fell, delicately framing her face. Collin reached out and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “I'm going to kiss you...” She smiled and Collin pulled her toward himself. “Right after I ask your dad for permission.” Val laughed. “So what are we going to do?” “We are going to walk deeper into the forest and you don't get a say in it. I will drag you kicking and screaming if I have to and Sophia will skip along beside me.” Val kissed Collin and bit his bottom lip before kissing him once more. “That doesn't count, by the way. You kissed me and the other kiss was a happy kiss,” Collin pointed out. “I think I love you,” Val mumbled. Collin smiled. “I know I love you.” Val looked at the ground, nudging the dirt with her foot like a lovesick girl, hiding her smile. Collin slung his arm around her neck like they were teens. Sophia came out and they started to walk into the forest. It felt like they walked miles and miles when Sophia blurted out “So are mommy and daddy dating? Cause they make out when they are dating. Oh an I hungwy.” Sophia smiled all bubbly. Collin laughed while Val stood in shock. Sophia looked at her “Oh don't be wike dat you brought your self on to him Missy Mommy.” Val's jaw dropped, this little girl seamed very smart though she seemed dumb And Val couldn't figure out whether she was playing dumb or just plain dumb, no offense to her. She was a child and weren't all kids kinda dumb? Collin pushed Val's jaw up and he couldn't help but laugh at her and what Sophia said. She was a pretty smart kid and seemingly conniving, like she plained on getting them together by using her 'mommy/daddy' act and pretending that she was a 'helpless' little girl who would die if she was all by her self. But Collin knew she would probably be the last man standing, other then him of course. They walked on when Sophia cried out. “My tummy hurts!” Val looked at Collin. Collin picked Sophia up and placed her on his hip. “When we find water we will stop.” “Collin what if we don't find water?” “We will find water or we will not stop.” Val stopped. “I understand we need water, but we need to rest, the sun has already set and if I'm tired then I know she is exhausted.” “I don't care, we keep moving. Lets go, Val.” “No, you're wrong. We need to rest. Collin, she's a little girl and I'm not some killer who can go on for days of straight walking.” Collin walked to Val and grabbed her by her arm and started to drag her. “Let go of me!” She pulled out of Collin's grip. Out of nowhere a buff man covered in tattoos jogged over to them. Collin visibly tensed, and the man noticed. “Easy, dude, I just want to help. We have a group of people over here and there is fresh water-Hey, wait!” Val ran to the direction he had pointed to. When she seen the water she ran knee deep the dropped and started sucking the water down. It burned her throat from how nice it was and then she realized the water was warm she looked over and saw Collin and the man coming. It had been snowing, but an invisible line showed where the snow stopped. One side was like a blizzard, and the other was as hot as a summer day. Val didn't care. She had water and there was a fire. Collin put Sophia down and she ran toward the water, copying Val. Collin glared at Val. “Valarie, lets talk.” Val stood and walked toward him. They walked away from the group of people. “Why do you always act so stubborn? Huh? Why can't you just listen? I know what I'm doing and I'm doing the best for us,” Collin said in frustration. Val's face was intense. “Maybe we should of never met,” she turned, walking away. “Don't walk away from me!” Val didn't reply but just kept walking. Collin grabbed her arm again and Val tried to snatch it from him, but he had a better grip this time. “Let go of me. Now.” Collin didn't. Val turned and slapped him across the face and snatched out of his hand and started to march back. Then she froze, turned and looked at Collin. He stood there. “When you go get food, maybe you shouldn't come back. Maybe you shouldn't come back to me.” She turned back around and walked the rest of the way to the camp, gently rubbing her wrist where he had grabbed her. Collin walked down a few minutes later and looked at Val who was wrapped in her blanket snuggled with Sophia by the fire. She looked at him and then down at the fire. Collin spoke. “I need at least three men to go with me to hunt food and the man left will guard the women and the kid.” Three man stood and the buff guy stayed seated. “I'll protect the women and little girl.” Collin nodded and he and the men jogged off into the woods. Val looked at the fire then Sophia to see if she was still awake. She was. Val stood, “Take off your clothes Sophia. I'm going to wash them.” Sophia stripped and handed her clothes to Val, who walked away. She then squatted wrapping her little arms around her knees and then scooted toward toward the buff man. She smiled at him “Hi, why did you drawl all over you're self?” He laughed. “Why are you naked?” He questioned her back. Sophia laughed. “I understand,” She said. “But why is my daddy a wolf?” The man thought for a minute and then looked down .Sophia was sitting in his lap. “Go on, tell me.” “Well,” he said not really sure what to say or do. “Once upon a time, God made humans that could be wolves, but they didn't follow God's commands. So God made one wolf different, one that would change the fates of all the other wolves. And that guy's name was Collin. He was the Prince of Wolves and in order to be the king you had to kill humans. But Prince Collin didn't want to do that so he ran away. And one day he met a beautiful girl named Val and what neither of them knew was that they were met to be together and that they would stop wolves from killing humans. And no mater how far apart they grew, something would make them closer and closer together. Until both of them realized they loved each other and no matter how much they argued they would grow closer and stronger. But they would go through a whole bunch of problems and only if they survive would their destines from God be fulfilled. And their journeys still continue.” Sophia clapped. Then Val appeared and she laid Sophia's clothes out to dry and called Sophia. Sophia hopped up and rushed to her. They walked toward the water. It was clear fresh water that poured into a waterfall, which in turn flowed into the ocean. They walked on the edge of a big rock and into a cave that was behind the water fall. Val nudged Sophia into the gentle part of the water and started to wash her hair and body, singing a silly little song. “Scrub dub dub, in the tub, wash behind your ears we're almost done!” She looked down and a tear fell from her face as she remembered her mother singing the same song. Suddenly Val jumped back with a scream and the water turned red. A body fell into the falls and down the stream, leading into the jaws of the ocean. “Stay here Sophia, and don't come out no mater what, understand me?” Sophia nodded. Val slowly crept out to the camp to see what was going on. The evil wolves were there and they were not happy. They had killed the buff man and were killing some of the women, though they had collected a few they wanted to keep. They were ripping through the supplies that the humans had collected. When one of the guys picked up Val's blanket, he smelled it and smiled. “I call dibs on her.” Val realized he smelled Collin's shifter scent on it, and must think she was one. Then the bush moved and the man smelling the blanket walked to the bush and pulled out a terrified eighteen year old girl. “Should we kill her or keep her?” “Kill her,” one of the other wolf females shouted out. “We already have enough humans.” “Okay.” the man replied. He drug her up by her hair while she struggled to get away. But he was too strong. Val couldn't do much, but she was going to try. She rushed out and shoved the wolf, surprised that he actually fell. “Run!” Val screamed. The girl jumped and took off into the woods. Val scrambled to her feet but the guy was already up and he had a handful of her hair. He pulled her body to his and smelled her hair. “She's mine,” he repeated himself. “I didn't think it would be that easy to find you. You smell like shifter and roses. Are you a shifter?” He turned Val to face him. “Are you?” She didn't answer. “I'm not going to ask you again, so we will just find out the hard way.” “I guess we will then.” He smiled. “I like this one.” He looked at Val, “But when you play with fire, you get burned.” She stared back at him. “I've already been burned, so now I'm just dusting ashes off my shoulders. So Mister Flamethrower, make sure you aim higher.” He smirked and leaned in to kiss her. Val tried to shove him away, but couldn't. “I can taste him,” the man growled. He slung Val and she hit a tree. “Kill her. She's with a shifter.” The wolves walked toward her and Sophia ran out with a stick, butt naked. “Don't touch my mommy or else I gonna use this stick on you!” The wolfs laughed. “Kill her too, and find him and make him watch.” Collin and the three men arrived a few minutes later. Collin saw Val, who was lying by the fire. He couldn't hear her heartbeat. He rushed toward her, but something knocked him over. The other three men tried to help but they were killed easily by the evil shifters. The leader picked up Val and slung her over his shoulders, walking toward the waterfall's edge. Collin struggled. He knocked one of the wolves down to get away, but that only made three more hold him. When they finally had both his arms, they turned their attention to the leader, who had Val. “How much do you love her? Enough to go after her if she fell?” Collin glared. “If you hurt her, know I will kill you slowly and painfully. I took you're mates life quickly, but yours will go much more slowly.” The leader dropped Val into the water, her body only inches from the edge, but stuck on a rock. The leader walked to Collin and punched him in the jaw before forcing him to look at the river. “Now you will watch her die. My mates life for your mates life.” He turned back and Val and Sophia stood in the river with sticks in their hands and hit him in the head. Well at least Val did. Sophia hit him in a man's... sensitive area. The leader fell, knocked out, and Collin broke the grip from the other wolves. He growled and they turned and ran with their leader in their hands. “We”ll be back!” They shouted. Collin looked at Val, expecting her to rush into his arms, but she didn't. She only looked at him. Sophia looked shocked too. Sophia tried to give Val a little nudge. “Go on Mommy, this is what you're supposed to do.” Sophia pulled her arm but Val stayed in place. Collin walked toward her. “I told you I was going to ask you're dad for permission, but I'm a rule breaker.” Collin kissed Val, wrapping his arms around her waist. Val then wrapped her arms around his neck and they kissed almost for a solid minute. “I'm sorry Collin, you were right.” “No, I wasn't Val. I shouldn't have been so aggressive toward you. You were right about the break, but I let my pride get in the way and I hurt you.” He looked at the arm that he had bruised. “Forgive me?” She nodded. Five men came rushing toward them and maybe ten women. “Water!” they cried out. Val smiled as she watched them do what she had done earlier. “We stay here for the night.” Collin nodded then Sophia blurted out again. “I told them I would get them with my stick.” Collin laughed. “Where are her clothes?” Val picked them up all nice and dry. “Right here.”


Texte: all right reserved
Lektorat: Microsoft Word
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.05.2012

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to my grandmal who I dearly love.

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