
Starting high school

Its my first year at high school and i can't belive my eyes the school is massive it is bigger than i could of imagened it is prcterly twice the size of my primary school!!!!.Lucky for me it is only me the year 11's and the year 12's today.First i goes to the hall to get my classes,here comes the lady with my classes ............and yes i am in the second top class 72 and my bff mary is in my class to.Off to the first class science i hates science and i mean HATE . I look what class room i am in says Lab2 i make my way there with my friends i have a doubble in this room.

The teacher walks in he introduces him self he says his name is mister holems but i looked on my time table and it says bholmes (Ben Holmes) and on another day it says rjohnes(Rose Johns) what is rong with it i can't have two teachers can i ???.I'll ask sir (that is what every on is calling the teacher.)Well partently i do have two teachers.

Well that was the bell for recess i go with my friend april


Texte: Me
Bildmaterialien: My Documents
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.12.2012

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This book is dedacated to all my friends out there

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