
Two Paths Meet
By Brittany Ashley

“Do I really have to go there just to get it back,” Ren asked the king. The king of the dead laughed and said, “Well if you don’t then you won’t have a notebook and then you’re no good to me. So you know what will happen to you.” Ren nodded and walked away thinking, ‘why did I have to lose that damn notebook now I have to go to the human world… damn it.’
• • • •
“Hey Alex, you want to come over. My mom’s out of town for the weekend and I was thinking of having a party,” Brandon said to her. She looked at him and said, “Oh I’m sorry I can’t I have a lot of studying to do this weekend and a report for my child care class, maybe next time.” He nodded and walked away, so she walked home.
On the way home she found a black leather notebook with the word ‘Ren’ on the front of it so she picked it up and looked inside to see if it belonged to anyone she knew. But when she looked inside she found people’s names and times like an address book. She looked up for the notebook at took a step back it shock at what she saw. It was a monster or so she thought. She was going to scream but the monster put one finger over its mouth, which meant to be quiet so she was, and then it pointed to her to keep walking so she did.
When she was away for anyone that could hear her, the monster said, “If you would like I could change my image so that it is more normal to your taste.” She didn’t even look at the monster out of fear she just nodded. She then just waited there and didn’t turn around. “You can turn around now if you like and tell me if my look is more normal to you” it said. So slowly she turned around and looked at it. And she was blown away, it looked just like a human guy; he had brownish-red hair with a black strip, blue eyes and was just a little taller than her. “You know as you humans say it’s now nice to stare.” She looked down and said, “I’m sorry… um… I don’t know your name.”
• • • •
“My names Ren and what’s your name” Ren asked. She looked at him and said, “My names Alex, and I’m sorry Ren.” He just looked at her, she had dark brown hair at shoulder length, brown eyes, and she was just a little shorter than his human form. “It’s alright its more my fault, if I would of got here sooner you would of not got my notebook and you would of not seen my” he told her. She just looked at him in confusion. “So what you’re saying is that the only reason I can see you right now is because of this notebook with your name on it?” she asked. He nodded and said, “yes and you are the only one so it looks like you’re talking to yourself right now so I would keep it down.” She nodded and said, “So why does this notebook let me see you and can others see you if you wanted them to?” he looked her in the eyes and said, “It’s my notebook and as you should have figured out I’m not human and yes other people can see me if I wanted them to, but we are I a public place right now and people think you’re talking to yourself so before I answer any more questions we should go somewhere more privet.” She nodded and said, “Ok I was going to go home anyways and my parents are at work till very late so we can go to my house.” He nodded and followed her to her house.
• • • •
When she go to her house she turned her head to see if Ren was still there and he was, so she went inside and he followed. She looked at him and said, “Um I’ll be right back I have to put my things up or my parents will be suspicious when they get home.” He nodded and said, “I’ll come with you, because if I’m going to be here awhile then I might as well get to know the place.” She was confused at first then just nodded and walked to her room.
When she walked into her room put her things drown and sat on her fluffy dice chair and looked at Ren. “So what do you thing about my room?” she asked him. He looked all around then looked back at her. “It’s a nice room, so I guess you like blue then because almost everything is blue.” She smiled and said, “Well yes I like blue but my favorite color is black.” She looked down at the floor the back at Ren and asked, “so what did you mean that if you are going to be here for a while?” he then smiled and said, “well Alex, since I didn’t get my notebook back in time before you got it, I am now bound to how ever the notebook belongs to and it will be yours it you die. So I’m going to be here for a while.” She was shocked ‘bound to her’ was he really? She had never before had someone or something bound to her forever. Well there wasn’t much she could do know. “Well ok then… Have you ever thought of going to human high school, because if you’re going to be around I can’t talk to you when no one can see you, I’ll end up in a loony-ben.” He just looked at her in a shocked look like it was a sin what she just said. “Well I could but I don’t have anyone to sign me into a human school I have no parents,” he told her. She just smiled and said, “Why don’t you just do that change thingy and be a dad or something and enlist in high school, but you will need a picture to show them so they will know what you look like when you go tomorrow.”
• • • •
Ren just looked at Alex like she was crazy. She was not even talking to him anymore, more just to herself. She was describing what his new life was going to be. He was wishing now that he would have never lost the notebook in the first place. “So what do you think?” she asked him. “About what?” he asked. She fronded at him and said, “about going to school with me.” He breathed out at said, “Well I might as well since I’m going to be here for a while.” She smiled at him and went over to her desk and got her camera. “Well you might want to make it where everyone can see you, because I won’t be able to tell. So you can have the picture you’ll need.” He nodded and said, “Ok you can take the picture.” She nodded and took the picture. Then he watched her go over to her desk and sits down and get onto her computer. She did some things and then printed something and handed it to him. It was the picture of him and he just looked at it and he was surprised because he had never seen his human form.
• • • •
“So are you going to stay here or what because I have an extra bed for friends when they come over,” she told Ren. He nodded to her and she pulled the bed from under hers and looked at him. “So do you sleep like humans do?” She asked. He looked at he and said, “Well I don’t but in my human form I need 2 to 3 human hours of sleep.” She nodded and sat on her bed because it was getting late and she was getting tried. He looked at her and she yawned. He smiled and said, “But on the other hand you need at least 7 to 8 hours so you might want to go to sleep. There will always be tomorrow for more questions.” She smiled at him with a sleepy smile and nodded. Then laid down and went to sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
7:30 a.m. The alarm went off in Alex’s room. She raised her head up and looked at the clock. “What its 7:30 oh my god I’m going to be late for school.” She was going to get up but she saw the second bed pulled out. Then everything from the day before can back. “Ren did my alarm clock go off at 6:30?” she asked. “Yes, why?” he asked her. She looked at him and said, “So why didn’t you wake me, I am going to be so late. Oh my god I have to change… um… you stay here I’ll be right back.” She grabbed some clothes and ran out of the room to the bathroom.
When she came back Ren was just sitting in her computer chair and her beds were made and all her homework and her books were in her bag. “Thanks… Oh my god I forgot to do my homework” she to herself. “Don’t freak I did it late night I was up and I had nothing to do and you forgot” he told her. “Thanks again…” she put her shoes on and grabbed his picture and her bag. Then grabbed his hand and said, “come on you might not be in school yet but I am and I can’t be late”
• • • •
After running all the way to school she went to class and Ren changed and headed to the office. She was never late before and she was not going to be late today. She ran to her locker and got everything for class and ran to class. She made it into the class as the bell range and she let out a breath. “Well miss Alex since you have just joined us in time I have something for you to do. I need you to go to the office and welcome a new student that will be joining are class and when you get back he will be sitting be you” Mrs. Red told her and she nodded and walked out of class thinking ‘wow that was fast.’
When she got to the office the secretary looked at her. “I’m here to show the new student around” she told the secretary, and the lady nodded and pointed toward Ren. When she looked at Ren he smiled at her and waved. So she waved for him to follow her and he followed her into the hallway. She looked at him and said, “Well that was faster that I thought it would be.” He shrugged and gave her his class schedule and she looked at it and he had every class as her and in the same hours to. “Wow what did you do, like mind control them or something” she said joking around. He looked at her and said, “Something like that.” She just looked at him and said, “Well there’s really no need to show you to your classes when we have all the same classes every hour. So we should get to are first hour.” He nodded and followed her.
When they got to the class room the teacher was in a speech and Alex new that that was bad to come it during one of Mrs. Red’s speeches. So when they walked into the room everyone looked at her and Ren. “Well miss Alex it looks like the second time you interrupt the class. You may take your seat and may I ask your name young man?” Mrs. Red asked. He looked at him as Alex walked to her seat in the back of the room. “My name is Ren Andrews; it’s a pleasure to meet you” he told her. She nodded and said, “Well you may take a seat next to Alex in the back and that will be your seat and you need to remember it.” He nodded and walked to his seat.
• • • •
After a lot of school came the last hour of the day, it was art class. Alex went and sat in her seat next to Brandon, while Ren went to talk to the teacher. “Hey Alex how’s your day been going?” he asked her. She looked at him and smiled and said, “Good, thanks. What about your day Brandon?” He smiled and said, “Good, but I would have thought that you would have had a rough day being the new kids chaperon all day and it’s kinda weird how you both have all the same classes, don’t you think?” “No it’s not weird and I’m not Ren’s chaperon. I now him, well are parents know each other” she told him hoping that he would not ask any question, and he didn’t because Ren sat down a crossed from Alex. Ren looked at Alex and she said, “Ren this is Brandon he’s like my best friend because we have known each other for so long, and Brandon this is Ren and like I told you Ren’s parents know my parents.” She was hoping to drop a hit to Ren about the late part of the conversation.
• • • •
Before Ren sat down he looked at Alex talking to some guy. He had short black hair, brown eyes, wearing glasses, and was as tall as Ren himself. And when he walked over he found out that it was Brandon, Alex’s best friend because they knew each other for a long time. But Ren could tell that Brandon had a thing for Alex and Alex knew it to but she did not want to accept it. It was kinda weird to Ren that he could read other humans better than he could read Alex. But he was just going to go with it because he was one of Alex’s friends. And apparently Alex’s parents knew his ‘parents,’ as a cover up to the situation to him having every class with Alex. And if Alex needed to tell him anything else she had all day.
• • • •

Two Weeks Later

Alex could not wait for school was over because she could let go of the new kid drama everyone was giving her and she was not even the new kid. Once she got home she could be herself. She was going to look at the clock when she got a note from Brandon, so she opened it and I said:
Hey Alex, just wounding
Are you coming to my party, cuz I heard like Katy and her crew was going. So I wanted to hang with like someone I actually invited.

Now Alex was getting mad because she had already told Brandon that she could not go like 3 times for every week that he has a party and he just keeps asked. And she noticed that he stared to have more parties once he met Ren. So she just looks at him and mouths ‘I can’t’ and goes back to watching the clock for the last 10 minutes to go faster. Then the teacher tells the class that they could have the late 9 minute to themselves. And Alex was afraid of that because she knew that Katy would come over to talk to the new kid since she had not said anything to him so that he knew she was better than everyone by brushing them off. And right after the teacher sat down Katy was up and making her way toward Ren, Brandon and herself.
• • • •
“Hi, I’m Katy what’s your name?” she asked Ren. Ren looked up to see a girl with blue hair and blue eyes. “Ren” he told her. She nods and says, ‘so why are hanging out with the retards when your hot. You should be hanging out with other hot people not people like Alex.’ He looked at Alex and he could see her getting mad and she was starting to get up to walk away. So he stood up first and looked at Katy. “You know what if you are referring to yourself as hot then you really need to look in the mirror because all I see is an ugly inside and if your sour inside it will show on the outside. So all you are is a child. So please grow up and go away.” She looked stunned and then walked away and he sat down. Alex was looking at him with wide eyes. “Alex you’re staring again, that’s not nice” he told her. Then she snapped back to life and smiled at him.
• • • •
After class was over Katy rushed out and it was by far the beat day she has had. She walked over to Ren and hugged him, and he didn’t know what to do at first but then he hugged her back. Then she pulled away and said, “Thank you, not a lot of people would stand up to Katy. Mostly only I do and I became the school punching bag, not literally, but almost everyone hates me.” He let go of her and said, “Well I guess I’m in the hated group with you then, but its ok I’ll get used to it.” She smiled and said, “Well we better go get our stuff and head home.” He nodded and followed her.
• • • •
When they got to Alex’s house Ren followed Alex to her room like all ways. He put his bag down next to the desk with Alex’s and sat in the desk chair while she sat on her bed. “Ren, do you tried more from bring in human form all day?” she asked him. He looked at her and said, “Yah I guess I have noticed that I do need more sleep then the first day I got here.” She nodded and he could see her thoughts drifting to other things, so he took out his homework and stared to do it. He only had to do Algebra 2 so it would not take him that long. And he was right it didn’t and he was surprised because he was getting human things down easy.
He was putting his things in his backpack when Alex asked, “Ren do you think that your turning into a human because of being in your human form for so long?” He turned around and looked at her and thought about the question. “Well I suppose anything is possible at this point” he told her. She nodded and went back into thought. “Alex I’m just wandering why you’re asking questions about me?” he asked. She looked at him and said, “I’m just trying to figure some things out in my mind about you and the only way to find the right answers I need to ask questions, but if you don’t mind that is because I can stop.” He just looks at her and he can understand her a little bit more now. “It’s fine as long as you don’t mind me asking questions to, from time to time,” he told her. She smiled and nodded in reply.
• • • •
Alex was getting ready to go to sleep. She had just finished her homework, which she had to get help from Ren because he got it a lot better than her. So she was putting her stuff in her bag. She looked at Ren and he looked deep in thought so she just lay on her bed and closed her eyes like she was sleeping and just listened to the sound of Ren and herself breathing. “Alex are you asleep?” he asked. She sat up and looked at him. “No I can’t seem to fall asleep.” He nodded and asked, “Why do you think human girls want to get the attention from human boys when it will just cause problems down the road?” She first looked down at her bed in thought, then looked at him and said, “Well I guess that the person would probably be self-centered to do something like that, but then again not all humans no that just some. Why do you ask?” he smiled and said, “Well I guess you’re right because human guys do it to. I ask because I can see the way that Brandon tries to get your attention and you give him the same answer every time, yet he tires over and over.” She smiled and laughed a little because he had figured out what Brandon was doing. Then he continued, “You would think he would see the bigger picture and just ask you if you like him, and yet he just how you say beats around the bush. I don’t see why male humans just don’t ask the simple question and get an answer.” She smiles at him because she agrees. Then she looks at her bed and pulls her knees to her chest and sits quiet. “So I should do what I preach. Do you like him?” he asks her quietly. She is still looking at her bed and says, “Well I guess I should since we’ve been friends for a long time but I just don’t like him in the same way. I just don’t see Brandon and me in a relationship, because I see him flirt with other girls while he was dating another girl and I don’t understand why he would do that to his girlfriend or if it was a way to make me jealous or something. I just find myself being pulled away every time and he does not notice at all. And then he wants to get the same attention he got from the other girl while he was going out with someone else from me and I won’t give it to him, so he just keeps on, like it’s some kind of game or something. But I don’t want to play that game with him… oh I’m sorry I’m rambling on.” Then he says, “Well if you don’t want to deal with the game why don’t you just tell him how you feel about it and ask him to stop?” She smiles and says, “Well you make it sound so easy but life is never as easy as people make it out to be.” They sit in silence for a while and then Ren asks, “Are you tired Alex?” She looks at him and nods. “Yeah I just can’t seem to sleep.” He gets up and walks over to her bed and sits down next to her. “Here hold still for as second” he tells her as he puts his hands on her temples and mumbles and few words. She starts to feel her eyes closing and Ren gently putting her head on her pillow.
~ ~ ~ ~

Alex woke up at 6:00 am before Ren had got up. She got some clean cloths and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. But when she got out into the hallway she saw her parents’ bedroom light on thought the crack in the door because it was not closed all the way. So she slowly walked up to the door to listen to her parents. She hears her mom say, “Do you really think that we should send Alex to the all-girls school?” Then she hears her dad, “Yes I do she does not need to be having boys mess with her mind at a serious time in her learning period at this age.” Then she hears someone sit on the bed and her mom says, “Well her grades have been straight A all year, and that really good.” She can hear someone shaking their head. “No it is not she needs to be getting straight A+’s if she wants to get into a good college and make something of herself.” Her mom breaths out and says, “Well how about we wait and see if she can get A+’s for the rest of the year and A’s on her exams then we’ll leave her in her school but if she doesn’t then she will go to an all-girls school next year. How about that?” there is a long pause between her parents. “Fine, but we will not tell her, because if we do it will only push her and she needs to learn to push herself.” Alex waited to hear if there was any more of the conversation, but someone turned out the light and her parents went back to sleep. So Alex went and took her shower and from then on she knew she had to work harder in school if she wanted to go to school with Ren.
• • • •
When school is over that day its Friday so the weekend had started and Alex was so glad because there would be no school for two days. Ren and Alex were about to leave the school grounds and go to her house when Brandon found them. “Alex wait I need to talk to you” he told as her ran to catch up with them. Ren and Alex stop and turn around and Brandon stops and takes a breath. “I need to talk to you privately” he says and Alex looks at Ren and nods that’s its ok. He nods in response and walks away from her and Brandon. Then she turns to Brandon. “Ok so what is it that you need to talk to me about?” she asks him. He looks her in the eyes and say, “Um… I was wandering if you wanted to go to the prom with me even though it’s like 3 weeks away.” She wanted to smack her forehead she had forgot about prom. She looked down then at Brandon, then at Ren, and remembered what he said about telling Brandon how she feels, and then again at Brandon. She knew that Brandon would keep going in the same direction with her if she did not say something to him and that would not be far to him if she didn’t. So she looked him in the eyes and said, “Brandon, in what way do you mean go to prom with you?” He looked at her confused then said, “As a date of course.” She then knew she had to say something. “Brandon, I… um… I don’t think I can go to prom with you because I don’t really feel the same way about you, and I sorry for that.” He just looked at her with shock in his face and then sadness. He looked down and said, “I understand and I thank you for telling me the truth, but I don’t think we can be… be friends anymore because if I hang out with you I’m afraid my feeling might grow when you have no feeling for me… I’m sorry Alex and I really do hope you can forgive me later in life.” Then he turned away without looking at her and walked away.
• • • •
Ren saw Alex look at him then look at Brandon. He could she her ask him something and he replied. But it took her s second or two to say something else. And when she did he seen the shocked look on Brandon’s face then the very sad look. He saw Brandon look down and say something to Alex then walk away. He looked at Alex and he saw her sit down on the ground, lean up agents the fence and pull her knees to her chest. Then she put her head between her knees to cover her face. Then he definitely knew something was wrong and he ran over to her and bent down next to her. “Alex what happened, happened between you and Brandon?” he asked her. She looked up and looked at him. He saw the tears running down her face. “He asked me to prom and I told him how I felt, and he got really sad and said it was better if we weren’t friends anymore.” He hugged her and pulled her close to him and said, “I’m so sorry Alex I did not mean for that to happy when I told you to tell him how you felt. I am so, so sorry.” She just leaned it closer to him as he hugged her and said, “Its ok, it was better for the both of us if he knew the truth and so later he could not say that I was miss leading or something worse… It’s for the… the best.”
• • • •
She doesn’t really remember how she got home that day after school all she really remembers is Ren holding her as she cried be the fence at the school. But when she woke up it was about 10:30 that same night and it was dark in her room. She looked around then found her lamp next to her bed and turned it on. Then she looked around for Ren and she found him right next to her asleep. She let out a breath in surprise. What had is done that day that she could not remember. When she let out that breath in surprise Ren woke a little and sat up. He rubbed his eyes because of the light. He looked at her and asked, “Are you feeling better?” She nodded a little and said, “What exactly happened after you brought me home earlier? I can’t seem to remember.” He looked her in the eyes and said, “Well I brought you in here and was trying to get you to sleep but you stated crying again every time I let you go so laid down next to you so you would have some kind of peace and after a while you feel asleep and so did I.” she looked down in barest and said, “I sorry about that.” He nodded a little and said, “Its ok you lost a life time friend, the pain of it will cause people to do unexpected things so its fine.” She smiled a little and lay back down. She looked Ren in the eyes and was really glad that she had found the notebook and that she had got to meet him. Then all of asunder Ren lend in closer to her and kissed her on the lips. She was so surprised that he did that and surprised that he was kissing her gently and softly.
• • • •
Ren pulled away sharply and got up out of the bed and faced the invited guest that only he could see and hear. “Well, well, well Ren I never thought the day would come when you would go soft for a human,” said the uninvited guest which whom Ren knew. “Kenny what are you doing in the human world?” he asked. “Ren who are you talking to?” Alex asked. Then Kenny laughed and said, “That’s right she can’t see me well wait a minute for me to change.” He waited a minute and the he heard Alex breath in, in surprise and he knew she could she her.
• • • •
Alex was not expecting to see what she saw. She saw a pretty girl in her room facing Ren and her. She had black hair and red highlights and was about as tall as her maybe a bit taller. “Hello human, I can see you’ve made my friend here go soft. That’s not good were we come from” the girl said to her. “Kenny again I ask you ‘why are you here’?” Ren asked. Kenny smiled and said, “well the big man was wondering where you were so he sent me to find out, so here I am and I find out your bound to a human and in love with the same human. Ren we both know that’s no good. What do you think will happen to you when she dies and you have to on come back home.” Alex could tell Ren was getting mad and did Kenny really mean that Ren was in love with her. “Kenny why are you always the one he sends to find out where I am, why can’t he just leave me alone?” he asked. Kenny laughed and said, “Oh you know as well as I do, but I don’t think you want me to say it. It might up set your little friend here. So I don’t know why you asked unless you want me to tell her, or do you, because I can and it won’t hurt me none.” He jumped a little forwards and said, “No don’t do that Kenny.” She smiled an evil smile and said, “But she does have a right to know doesn’t she?” He didn’t say anything back and she could that Kenny had won the situation. So Kenny said, “Well I suppose I’ll see you when she dies, then it will be a farewell meeting, the late one you will ever have. Bye Ren.” She walked toward the door and disappeared.
• • • •
He knew Alex was waiting to make sure Kenny was gone, but she could not tell, so he said, “She’s gone.” He didn’t turn around to face Alex. He heard her get out of the bed and walk over to him. She looked at him and said, “So what was that all about?” She just asked one question but inside that question was a million. He looked at her eyes and he knew it was better to tell her the truth, but he didn’t want to hurt her either. “Well where I come from the king made a law that if any one for there was to be bound to the human world that they would… they would never be able to come back” he told her. He didn’t really lie to her, he more or less bent the truth because after she dies he would have to go back and then he would also die. “I’m sorry Ren, I shouldn’t have picked up the notebook, and I should of just left if, because now you can’t go home. I’m so sorry.” He smiled and said, “Don’t be sorry. If you never picked it up I would have never met you. So it’s not a bad thing at all.”
• • • •

Chapter 2

One week later
On their way to school Alex stopped at the curb and seen a car about to go by so she stopped and the Ren stopped next to her and also waited. After the car went by Alex was going to walk forwards when Ren took her hand in his and walked with her. She looked at him and he said, “If you don’t want to just tell me.” All she could do was smile, so she nodded so he would know that she understood and then she walked with him.
When they got to the school Ren walked Alex to her locker. Even though his locker was at the other end of the hallway and the classroom was by her locker. “Hey why don’t you go get your stuff so you’re not late and I’ll wait here for you so I can get my things as well” she told him and he smiled and nodded. “Okay I’ll be right back and I’ll try to be quick about it.”
• • • •
Ren was walking to his locker to get his things and then meet back up with Alex. So he got his things from his locker and put them in his shoulder bag. He turned around and Brandon was standing in front of him. “Hello Brandon” he said in a palate way. Brandon had anger and discussed look on his face. “Don’t play inanest with me, I know that you are just pretending to hang out with Alex and pretending to know what she is going through just to get some” Brandon yelled at him. Ren just looked at Brandon in shock is that what all human teenagers thought. “First of all I am not playing with Alex’s feeling because that is just a low thing and if anyone playing with her feelings it’s you. That was a low thing you did, not being her friend just because she would not date you, that my friend is the lowest of the low.” Brandon’s face got red and he got even angrier. Then he grabbed Ren up by the collar of his shirt and yelled, “YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT.” Ren was getting mad, he thought ‘How can he sit there and lie to himself about what he did to Alex.’ “You know what I’m not wrong, you are because the way you handled things was wrong. You completely took Alex’s feelings out of the equation and you hurt her and that’s not right. You just don’t want to admit it to yourself because you did not have any real feelings for her. Now I have to clean up the mess that you left her emotions in, and I will help her get through everything you do or anyone else does to hurt her if it’s the last thing I do, because I really do care for her.” Brandon was so angry looking like he was going to hit Ren and he lifted his fist back to do it.
“Brandon stop, please stop” Alex yelled from behind the crowd of people that had formed and when she said it the crowd spilt to where she was. Brandon and Ren looked at her. She was starting to cry again. Brandon let go of Ren as Alex made her way to them. Ren seen Brandon step toward her and she stepped back from him into Ren’s direction. She turned and looked at him. “I came to see what was taking you so long” she told him and then the tears in her eyes started to over flow. He went to her and put his arms around her and she stepped into his embrace. Then when her face was in his chest where no one could see her face she started to let all the tears come. But he didn’t know why she was crying. He just stroked the back of her head and told her, ‘It’s going to be fine. Everything is going to be fine you’ll see.’
After Alex stopped crying Ren walked her to the school doors and looked at her. He wiped away the tears that were still there and said, “Do you feel better? Or do you need me to take you home?” She looked at him and smiled and he couldn’t help in wondering why she was. “No I’m fine, but we are 10 minutes late for class” she told him. She was turning to walk away, but Ren grabbed her shoulders and said, “Alex why were you crying before nothing bad happened.” She looked down and said, “Well I don’t really know why I just seem him grab you and you stood up for me and then he was going to hit you, I don’t really know why I cried.” He was shocked, she was there that long, she heard that much. He just smiled at her, took her hand and walked with her to the devils classroom.
• • • •
Alex was so glad for school to end now she only had 2 hour of detention to get through with Ren and Mrs. Red. Oh how Alex loathed the woman. So Alex and Ren made their way back to the devil’s classroom. Once Alex got into the classroom Mrs. Red sent her to the janitor to get cleaning supplies. Which Alex didn’t know why Mrs. Red was such a bee to her all the time.
When Alex got back with the cleaning supplies Mrs. Red was gone. She looked around and found Ren cleaning the top of a desk. “Hey where is Mrs. Red?” she asked him as she walked over to him. He turned and looked at her them said, “She said she had a date with her husband that they had planned a month in advance. So she said she would trust me, to get us to get the cleaning done.” Alex laughed a little and grabbed a bottle of window cleaner and roll of paper towels. Then she went over to window as started to clean them. “At least I now know that she’s not all cold inside like she pretends to be” she said out loud not really to anyone. She just cleaned the windows and thought. Then all of a sudden Ren took the cleaner from her and grabbed a paper towel. “If you’re going to clean them like that I can do it” he said from behind her. She turned and he was right in front of her now. She smiled and said, “Sorry I was just thinking… My brother is supposed to come tomorrow from college. I was just thinking what you were going to do; I guess my mind was wandering, sorry again.” Ren looked at her and said, “Well I can make it where you can only see me or have you forgotten all ready.” She nodded and smiled at him. She had not forgotten it’s just that she could see him all the time so she was used to it. “Well most of the cleaning is done all that’s left is the windows, you can go sit and think some more I’ll clean them and then we can go.” She looked around and was surprised he had cleaned the room by his self and she didn’t do anything. She was so interest. “Sorry again I should have helped you” she told him. He smiled and said, “Its fine, you were thinking about your brother and family is important, so it’s fine.”
After the windows were done Alex and Ren left the school and were walking to Alex’s house. She turned her head and said, “Hey I should make it up to you for having to clean the whole class by yourself… but I don’t know how.” Then she looked forwards after she told him. She could sense him smiling, and then he took her hand in his and held it while they walked. “If it’s a big thing to you to make it up, you can make it up my letting me hold your hand.” She smiled and said, “You know I would of let you any ways.” She looked at his and he said, “I know but you wanted to make it up.” They laughed and walked to her house holding hands the whole way.
Alex and Ren walked into her room. When they did Alex saw her brother on the floor with some guy on top of him biting his tie. “Oh my god, you would think a gay guy would have more self-control, god Brain in my room really. And my I ask who your biting friend is?” Alex asked, but she also looked at Ren and he nodded so she knew only she could see him. She looked at her brother and he and his friend were fixing their shirts and standing up. “Alex this is Todd, Todd this is my little sister Alex” Brain said. She just walked over to her bed and sat down and Ren sat next to her. “So Brain why are you here? You were not supposed to be here till tomorrow.” Her brother smiled and said, “Oh it was supposed to be a surprise.” She nodded and said, “Oh it was a surprise, to see my gay brother almost do it on my bedroom floor.” She saw Todd’s face get red and he looked at the ground. Brain smiled and Todd said, “I’ll be right back,” and he walked out of the room. Then Brain said, “Oh and your little friend can show himself I saw him when you walked in lil sis, nice try though.” She looked in Ren’s direction and he shrugged, then she just nodded. She looked at her brother and saw the instant surprise in his eyes then it was gone. “So I was right, and what’s your name?” Brain asked. “My name is Ren, and it’s nice to meet you Brian.” Brian smiled and said, “So how long has he been here without mom and dad knowing, and no I’m not going to rat you out.” She smiled and said, “Like three and a half weeks.” Brain laughed a little and said, “Well I guess it’s easy to sneak him in when are parents are never here… You know they are easier on you then they were on me about bringing girls over, little did they know it was the boys not the girls… So Ren what exactly are you to my lil sister?” Alex just looked at her brother with her mouth open wide. “Oh come now Alex closes your mouth before you attracted flies. Someone has to play devils advocate since dad can’t.” Then Ren said, “I don’t really know what I am to her. I guess I’m whatever she wants me to be at that time, like a friend one minute and a boyfriend another.” Brain looked at him and asked, “But are you happy doing that?” Ren smiled and said, “I’m happy as long as I can make Alex happy and be there for her.” Alex looked at him and asked, “But why won’t you let me make you happy without you having to make me happy first?” Ren smiled at her and took her into his arms and said, “Because it’s not necessary. I’m happy that I get to be here with you and that is enough for me.”
Ren could see that Alex was a little mad that he would not let her do something for him and that he always did something for her. Then he remembered Brain was in the room. So he was going to change the subject, till they were alone again and he knew that Alex would bring it up again. “So Brain how old are you?” he asked. Brain laughed because both Brain and Alex knew he was trying to change the subject. “I’m 22 and Todd’s 21. I’m going to college to be photographer and Todd’s going to be a writer… And may I ask how old you are?” Ren smiled because he was really old but his human body was only in its teens. “I’m 17 year olds.” Brain nodded and Todd came into the room and saw him. “Todd this is Ren, Alex’s…” Brain looked at Alex and she said, “Boyfriend.” Todd nodded and sat next to Brian on the floor. Then there was an acquired pause from everyone. Then Brain stood up and said, “Well Todd I suppose we should leave them alone before my parents get home.” Todd nodded and got up and walked out with Brain. Ren knew what the first thing out of Alex’s mouth was going to be. So he looked at her in his arms. “Ok so why can’t I do anything to make you happy?” she asked him. He smiled and said, “You do make me happy, just by doing small things, like letting me hold you, or hold your hand.” She looked forward in thought. Then she got out of his arms and faced him. “So you’re saying just by doing small things, but what if I did this?” she asked, then lend in and kissed him. He kissed her back and then she lay down on the bed and pulled him down with her. “Alex what are you doing?” he asked her in a serious tone.
She looked at him with incessant eyes, didn’t answer him but kissed him again and again, until he gave in and kissed her back. He did not really want to continue unless he knew what her plan where and how far she was going to take it. So he pulled back from her and asked, “Alex what exactly are you planning to do?” she smiled and said, “To make you happy.” He stopped everything right then. “Alex no I cannot let you do anything else, I care for you to much to let you do something that might hurt you later.” She just looked at him and said, “I was trying to make both of us happy not just you… It was going to make me happy, I really can’t say what it would do for you but it would have made me very happy.” He looked her in the eyes and asked, “And why would it of made you happy, why would that one thing make you happy?” she smiled, looked him straight in the eyes and said, “Because I would be even closer to you them I already am.” He wanted to tell her that they were already so close that she did not need to do that. “Alex you don’t need to do that just to get closer to that person.” She smiled and said, “That’s not only why I want to, I also want to so you can… so you can have it.” He looked at her all confused, some human things he still didn’t know. “So I can have what sweet heart?” he asked feeling kinda dumb for having to ask. She looked a little shy to say it again, and this time the actual word. “So you can have my… my virginity.” She looked away all shy and her face got all red. He knew them what she had meant, and he felt so stupid for having have to say it when it was a shy matter to her. He took her chin in his hand and made her look at him. “Sweet heart you don’t need to do that just because you want to get closer to me doesn’t mean you need to do that” he told her and he could see she was getting even more shy about it so he let go of her chin and she turned away with her face getting redder and redder. He sat up in the bed and looked at the wall and just waited for her to regain her self-opinion.
After about 5 minutes she sat up and looked at him. “Sorry that was a little childish of me to do” she said. He smiled and said, “Well we all have sir tin things we want to achieve, like the way I want to make you happy, but I will not allow things to go too far, and for that I’m sorry if I made you unhappy with me.” She just shook her head, and said, “I’m not unhappy with you at all.” He smiled and took her into his arms. He kissed the top of her head and said, “And for that I’m grateful.”
• • • •
Three weeks later
Alex was really happy because yesterday was the beginning of spring break, a whole week off of school, but there was a good/bad thing, Brain was going to go to a college closer to home and so was Todd. They were going to live together, but the bad part was that Brain was now only 15 minutes away so he could drop in any time he wanted. But the one good thing about the day that Alex liked the most was that her parents were going to be at work all day and Brain and Todd were going to be gone to go pack their things for their move. So Alex and Ren had the house to themselves.
“So Alex what do you want to do today?” Ren asked. She smiled up at him because she had just woken up a few minute before and was still in bed. She smiled and pulled his face down by hers and whispered in his ear, ‘I have a good idea what I want to do.’ Then she kissed him on the lips. He smiled and kissed her back, and she kept at it. Then she felt him pull back so she opened her eyes and looked at him. “Alex I know where you’re trying to take this” he told her. She smiled a little knowing she had been cot. “Well you can’t say I didn’t try” she said joking around with him. But he did not think it was funny. “Alex I thought we had talked about this” he said. She nodded and said, “We did and sorry. I knew you figure it out, it was just out of fun I didn’t mean any harm by it, so I’m sorry.” She turned her head away from him and closed her eyes, because she knew he was mad at her. “Alex, why are you so persistent about this?” he asked. “Because I love you and want to be with you” she told him. That was the first time she had come out and said it, so she didn’t know what he would do. Her eyes were still closed and she waited to hear him respond but he didn’t. And she was getting scared. Did he feel the same way or not, she wanted to know.
She waited two more minutes then she opened her eyes and looked at him. He was looking right at her. “Do you really mean that or are you just trying to get what you want?” he asked. She looked into his blue eyes and said, “I do mean it, why would I joke with something like that.” Then he leaned down and kissed her, gently and sweetly. “I love you to Alex, I really do. I think I have since I saw you cry over losing Brandon as a friend.” She smiled and pulled him closer to her and kissed him. She was so happy that he said he loved her. She just wanted to be with him right then and there but she knew he would get made so she just kissed him. But she realized that he was letting her and not stopping her. So she took it a little further, by putting her hands up his shirt to his chest, which he would not of let it of go that far before. But he let her and she knew that she had changed his mind. So she took his hand and put it up her shirt and he stopped and looked at her. “Alex are you 100% sure you want to do this?” he asked. She nodded and kissed him again. Then she undid his shirt and undid hers. He stopped again and looked at her and said, “You are so beautiful, I hope you know that.” She smiled and ran her figures up and down his chest and she saw him watching her. “You are really hot, I hope you know that” she told him, using the same last words. He smiled at her and kissed her forehead.
She took off her shirt and skirt and he took off his shirt and pants. He held himself up off her and she slowly took off her under gamines. Then he did the same and he slowly eased into her giving her time to adjust to the size. Then he started with slow motions and she started to breathe harder. He made the motions quicker and harder and he kissed her neck. “Uh… Uh… Oh yes…” she said. Then he slowed down and she got on top of him. He still did slow and steady motions but she was kissing him and running her hands on his chest. While his hands where on her back. He slowly slowed the motions and got back up on top. He slowed ever more then he finally stopped. A minute later he was lying next to her. Then he took her into his arms and held her. She didn’t say anything; she was just laying her head on his chest. Ren looked down at her and she had her eyes closed and just breathing. Ren moved the hair from her forehead and kissed her head. Her eyes opened and she looked up at him. “Are you alright, I didn’t hurt you did I?” he asked her. She smiled and said, “No you didn’t hurt me.” She laid her head on her pillow and moved up against Ren and closed her eyes. She fell asleep but she was still smiling.
• • • •
Alex woke up later that night. She opened her eyes and looked next to her to find Ren, but he was not there. She sat up and looked around and he was not in the room at all. So Alex got up with the bed sheet around her and walked over to the door to put on her bathrobe. She put the bathrobe on then when and got some clean clothes. Then she went to the bathroom to take a shower.
When she was done, she went back to her room. Ren was still not there, so she went over to her bed and started to pull the sheets off the bed. Then she got new sheets and she made the bed. After that she put the sheets that were on the floor in the dirty clothes basket in her closet. She then went and lay down on her bed to go back to sleep.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.05.2011

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