
im katy.. i live in wisconcent with my foster parents john and michelle. i never knew my father as he left my mother before i was born. my mum died in a car accident when i was 14, so two years ago. im always changing foster houses, i always seem to run away or they people cant handle me.ive never been in one house for longer then two months.

ive moved about 20 times in not quite two years. pretty bad i know. john and michelle are okay so far, michelle is a nurse at the local hospitial so she isnt home much, and john is unemployed. ive been with them for about two weeks.

i have my own bedroom and i get everything and everything even if i dont want it. lately though, michelle and john have been fighting quite lot. john has been going out to the pub about 5 nights a week and coming home early morning drunk. he has started drinking during the day at home and just wasting all the money he has on grog, michelle and john are not talking at the moment, but i am pretty close to michelle, we talk whenever she has spare time. i actully kinda of like it here.

one day after school i came home and put my bag down on the floor and flooped onto the couch, i am was so tired. john walked in the door and tripped over my bad.
i apologized a million times but john was mad, madder then i have ever seen him. he threw my bag at me and he kept yelling at me. he started to scare me. he walked over to me and grabbed my throat and pushed me against a wall and hit me across the face. when he let go of me, i gasped for air and slide down the wall in tears.

from then on, even over the tinyest things he would beat me, and lock me in my room for the rest of the night. this went on for about two months before michelle relised. she walked into the house early one night and found john beating me. she tryed her hardest to stop him but couldnt. that night when i was locked in my room i heard michelle and john fighting. michelle told john she was going to tell the police and he threatened that if she did, she wouldnt see the light of day again, he warned her not to try and stop him beating me too.

so it just kept going. but one night i woke up to john and michelle fighting and things smashing. this is the worst fight i have heard. about five minutes later john came into my room. i was so scared i couldnt move. he pushed me onto the bed and held my hands above my head so i couldnt get away, he undid my pants and sexully abused me for the first time. this went on for two days, he sometimes raped me up to four times a day.

one morning when i was getting ready for school, there was a knock at the door and michelle went and opened it. when she returned to john, she stood there with two guys. mr. boltin, and mr. taylor, she told him that they are the head of the foster care unit. michelle asked john were i was as they were there to check up on how everything was and how i was liking it there. john said i wasnt home and michelle just kept her mouth shut because of john. i didnt know what was going on so i walked out to where they were to get my bag.
when they saw me, they instantly knew what had been happening, and called the cops.


when the cops arrived, they took one look at me and knew. i stood there in my black ripped up skinny jeans, with a back tank top on. i had bruises all down my arms, on my chest and back, and i had a black eye and cuts on my face.
john got arrested for child abuse, sexul assult, child pornography, attempted murder from trying to drown michelle, and assulting two police officers.

i got taken back to the foster care hostel and put into the system once again. this is mainly were my story starts!



i was in the foster care system for two weeks before the unexpected happened.
a man showed up claiming to be my father. i had to get a test done and had to wait three days for the results. me and Steve, my so called father stood in the main office waiting for the head of the unit to return with the envelope that held the results. it was silent as he opened it. he read them and looked at me.

"Katy" he said with a pause.. "say hello to steve, your biological father".
i froze in shock and looked at my father, a tear ran down my face.

"are you okay Katy?" the head of office asked.
"i don't care what the results are, this man isnt my father, he didn't want me or my mother, he just walked out, he is a stranger to me" i replied as i broke into tears.
"Katy, sweetie. im sorry about all this, but your my daughter. and i was young and stupid when i found out your mother was pregnant and i took the easy way out. by runnning. i want to make up for lose time. i want to be a family, father and daughter" steve said with tears in his eyes.
"dont call me sweetie, you've known where i have been this whole time and you didnt bother to try and know me. i got abused and raped over and over because you didnt want me" i yelled.

steve walked over to me and hugged me, i hit him over and over in the chest but then collapsed in tears.
when i calmed down, steve and the head office man, matt, went into his office and talked. i wanted to know so badly what was going on. but i couldnt hear what was being said.
about 15 minutes later, matt and steve returned. matt came over and crouched down beside me.

"katy? can i talk to you about something please" matt said
i looked at matt then at steve then back to matt "okay" i whispered
" now you have your father here, we have to take you out of the system and because your 16 and a minor, you have to go live with your father, im sorry" matt said
"w-what?. i have to go live with him? but i dont know him, my family is here, not with him" i cried.
"im sorry katy, its the way it goes. you have no choice, you have to go pack your stuff now" matt said getting up walking into his office.

i sat there in tears then stood up, steve walked over to me.

"im sorry about all of this katy, but i promise you will like it in LA"
"LA?? your kidding right? wisconcion is my home not LA, my family is all here."
"im sorry katy. do you need help packing?"
"NO" i yelled, storming up the hallway to the room i stayed in.

it took me about 10 minutes to get all my things, i had one small bag of stuff. i walked down the hallway to return to steve.

"do you want me to grab the rest of your things?" steve asked
"rest of my things?. this is everything i own" i replied holding up my bag.
"oh. well we can go shopping for thing for you when we get home"steve said arkwardly
"you ready to go katy??"steve asked rubbing the back of his neck
"Yep, its now or never so lets go" i said in a sarcastic voice.

i gave matt a hug and then walked out of the hostel, i turned my head for one last look before getting into steves car. he had a brand new holden commodore ss. it was beautiful and i like it but i didnt let steve know.
when we started driving back to LA, i put my head phones in and played my ipod as loud as it could go, to avoid talking to steve. i layed my head back and relaxed. i looked out the window and saw a sign saying you are now leaving wisconcen. i felt tears come to my eyes so i shut them and kept them shut
next thing i knew steve was waking me up as we pulled into a high profile street with big gates at the front.

"we are almost there, we are in the street of our house" steve said nervously
"you mean we're in LA already? that was quick" i said confused
"you slept for 7 hours, so it was quick for you" he laughed

i gave a little laugh, it was hard not to laugh at that, steve looked at me with the most happyest look in his eyes. i was glad i had a father, but it didnt seem real. i dont get close to people because they always leave. i dont want to like steve even if he is my dad, i mean he hasnt been there my whole life then he expects us to play happy family.

"here we are katy" steve said pulling into a drive way "this is our house"
"this is no house, this is a bloody mansion" i said leaning forward in my seat amazed
"well this 'mansion' is were we live" he said laughing

as the car came to a stop i opened my door and got out to have a better look, steve got out and walked over and stood next to me. he took my bag and was about to say something but was inturrupted by a lady running outside to him

"oh stevey about time you got home, i missed you so much" she said giving him a big hug and kiss. she then turned to me and gave me a hug
"you must be steves daughter Katy" she said with a huge smile.
"yeah.. hi.. uhmm..umm.. sorry i dont know your name" i said guiltyly
"i'm helen, steves soon to be wife" she replied with that big creepy smile again
"helen.. right i know that, i just forgot, steve told me all about you"
"all good i hope" she laughed
"yep"i said popping the p
"lets get inside. lunch is almost ready" helen said scurrying inside

steve followed and mouthed 'thankyou' to me as i followed them inside
steve lead me upstairs and down the hallway to a door.

"this is your room, we just have to fix it up then you'll be set" steve said pushing the door open
i walked in and looked around. the room was huge, it had its own bathroom and a walk in closet. there was only a bed in the room though.

"thanks for the room steve, its big, and roomy" i said trying not to laugh
"dont worry about it, and after we have lunch im going to take you shopping for furniture, computer desk, computer, phone, clothes, and school supplies" he said with a smile
"wow, thats real nice of you but i only need a bed. i have clothes. you dont have to buy me anything."
" its not a room without the stuff. please let me, i insist on it"
"well if you insist on it, then okay, aslong as you know what your in for" i said with a cheeky smile
"okay ill put your bag on the bed and then we can have some food and leave".

steve showed me the rest of the house. i was so amazed, they had a gym, inside and outside inground pool and spa, game room, cinema,libary and a stable. i had to admit, it was getting hard not to like it here.
after the tour, steve and i walked into the dinning and sat down to have some lunch. steve, helen and i all had a big convo about LA and how happy they are that im here with them apart of the family.
after lunch steve and i went shopping to get everything i need. i saw a nice clothes store and dragged steve into look at clothes with me
i modeled some outfits and he liked them all. he brought me a red, purple, blue, pink, and 3 black pairs of skinny jeans, a lots of band shirts and a few pairs of converse shoes. when we finished in that shop we went to look at others. steve dragged me to this shop that was called 'dressesRus', i had to laugh at steve as he though he could get me into a dress.

"come on katy, you need some nice dresses and shoes for when we go out to dinner, formal partys and cocktail partys" steve said showing me a black frilly dress
"i dont do dresses though, i love my pants and band shirts, but if i need dresses and heels ill get some to keep the peice, but steve"
"there is no way in hell im wearing that frilly dress your holding" i said laughing
he looked at it and laughed himself
"deal" steve said putting it back.

i tryed a few on, my favourite dress i found was a black Vneck with silver down the v. there were a few other nice ones so i grabbed them too. we went to the shoe store next. steve showed me these 5inch stiletto heels.

"i would kill myself in them, do you think we could still to platforms or boots please"i asked with puppy dog eyes
"i surpose so katy, like any?"
"i like a few, what do you think of these ones?" i asked holding up a pair of platforms, there wear black with a closed in toe and silver trimming
"i think there pretty" steve said arkwardly
"ok im done ive got three pairs of shoes, thats enough, im going to send you broke by buying shoes otherwise" i giggled

steve looked at me and smiled. when we paid he then took me to look at t.v's, computers and computer desks, and then he took me to a phone shop.

"choose any phone and its yours" steve said
"any?? even if its like 500 bucks?" i said with a serious look
"yep even if its 500 bucks" he said laughing
i looked and looked and in the end i left with a $250 i-phone.

we went and looked at other random things as we were getting everything deleived so we didnt have to carry anything.
i went to the candy store and got a few bags of lollies, mainly jelly beans as they were my favourite, they were also steves favourite. as we were leaving me and steve got into a jelly bean fight and i actully had fun.
about 5 minutes after we arrived home a truck pulled up outside with everything we bought. about 2 hours later my room was all done. i had my computer desk in a corner of the room and a nice little brown 2 seater couch infront of my new 6'5inch tv that hung on my wall. my closet was full and it looked like an actul room.
it was now 7.00pm and dinner was ready so me helen and steve sat down and eat.

"so katy whats your favourite kind of car?" steve asked to break the silence
"uhmm.. im not sure.. ive always wanted a vw beetle convertable, but now that i think about it, i dont have a clue" i said with a slight laugh
"what colour would you have it?"
"uhm.. probly dark blue or black" i said
"okay" steve replied standing up to put his plate up
i turned to helen "thankyou for the food, it was soo good to have a home cooked dinner" i said with a smile
"your very welcome katy"
"hey katy what time do you normally wake up in the mornings?" steve asked
"uhm.. normally about 9.00, whys that?"
"oh just wondering, cuz me and helen have a breakfast to go to at 7.30 and then we have work so we wont be home until about 9.00 tomorrow night, will you be okay by yourself?" steve asked worried
"yeah ill be fine dont worry about it" i smiled
"steve she might not be alone, Chase might be coming home early" helen butted in
"oh right, well helens son might be here but not sure"
"ah right okay, well thanks again for dinner, but im really tired so i might go to bed if thats okay?"
"yeah thats fine dear" "goodnight katy" helen said
"Goodnight helen, Night steve" i said then made my way to the stairs

when i got to my room i changed into my new black p.js and as soon as my head hit the pillow i was out of it.

when i woke up the next morning, i looked at my clock and it read 8.30am. "why am i up up early" i said to myself i got up and walked into the kitchen and got some fruitloops for breaky. as i was walking i turned a corner and ran into a random guy
i screamed and he got a fright and hit me in the face and i spilt my food all over me, i sat there in shock holding my nose with blood on my hands.

"oh my god, are you okay? i didnt mean to hit you, you scared the shit out of me" the guys said

i looked at him, he had brown shaggy hair and bright blue eyes that you could get lost in, he was skinny but muscley at the same time and was about 5'7, and heard laughing and looked behind him and his 3 friends were in stitches laughing.

"yeah im fine, and you scared me too but i didnt hit you" i said upset
"yeah good point. wait a minute, who are you and what are you doing in my house?" the guy said with his hand out to help me up
"your house?" i asked confused" ohh your helens son?"
"yeah thats me, but it still doesnt answer my question" he said
"oh right, im Katy.. im steves daughter"i said arkwardly" um excuse me while i try and stop bleeding" i said holding my nose walking off
as i was walking to my room i heard them all laughing, including chase
"nice hit man"one of them said laughing
"you got a freaky hick living with you" another one said

I ran to my room and started cry because of that comment
i got into the shower to get all the milk off me and fruit lopps out of my hair, a carefully sat down in the shower and cried, i miss my home, and my friends, and just everything. after about 10 minutes of crying i turned the water off and got out. i rapped my towel around myself then walked to my closet to get some clothes.
i throw on my baggy cargo pants with a ac/dc shirt, i looked at myself in the mirror and saw my nose all red. " looks like i got punched in the face.. oh wait a minute, i did" i said to myself
i went out into the kitchen and cleaned up the mess, then i heard laughing and mucking around so i went to the loundroom and saw 4 guys sitting on the couch playing the xbox, "typical guys" i though to myself.
one of the guys saw me standing in the door way to the side

"Yo, dude, that hicks at the doorway" he said. he was blonde with blue eyes with short blonde hair.
all the guys looked at me, then chase got up and walked over to me

"im chase by the way, chase jones" he said with a smile
"nice to meet you chase, im katy"
"katy who?" he said
"umm just katy"
all the guys started laughing with tears in there eys
"what you dont knwo your last name katy?" he said laughing
"actully i have no idea what my last name is, i dont even know what steves last name is" i said embarresed
"your joking right?"
"no im not joking, i dont joke" i said
"hick for you" one of the guys yelled out

i knew they all hated me, and with that comment i ran upstairs in tears.
"what am i doing here"i asked myself.
i layed on my bed and next thing i knew, helen was in my room waking me up.



"Katy, sweetie, you have to get up ready for school"
"what?, school?" i said sitting up half asleep
"you start school today, up and ademm" helen said walking out of my room

i looked at the clock and it was 7.00. no way was i awake at this hour. i got up and had a shower and put my purple skinnys on with a white tanktop and black hoody and my converse shoes. when i got down stairs steve and helen were sitting on the couch reading. they looked at me weird.

"katy what happened to your nose?" steve asked standing up walking over to me
"its a funny story actully. i came down and got breaky yesty morning and on my way out i ran into chase and we scared eachother and he accidently hit me in the face and spilt my breaky everywhere" i said laughing

steve and helen stodd there with serious faces

"its alright, it was my fault, i wasnt watching where i was going and i would do the same thing if i turned a corner in my house and some random was there" i said with a slight smile.
"long as it dont happen again" steve said
"okay so uhmm how do i get to school?" i asked stupidly

steve walked over to me and grabed my hand

"shut your eyes, we have a surprise for you" steve said

he lead me down the front steps to the drive way and told me to open my eyes.
i stood there looking at a brand new convertable SOMETHING. it was black with a dark purple tinge in it.

"oh my god, is this mine??" i said exeitedly
"yep, welcome home katy" steve and helen said at the same time

i got the keys off steve and through my bag intot he car and started it.

"thankyou so much, both of you's" i yelled backing out

when i arrived at school everyone was looking at me weird, like always. im used to all the looks, i dont know whats so intresting about a new girl. well this new girl.
i walked to the office and got my schedule. ive got all easy classes, thankgod, but it might be different here. i was walkign down the hall to my first class looking at these girls, fake blondes, skinny, mini skirts and reveling shirts. must be the popular sluts of the school, as i was looking at them i walk straight into a hard chest and fell on my ass. i looked up to see a tall, handsom boy with deep brown eyes, torn jeans, and a black shirt.

"im so sorry i should have been watching where i was going" i said
"its okay, my fault to. Im Trey by the way"
"im katy" i said with a slight smile
"your the new katy from wisconsen?"
"yep thats me, uhm well i dont want to be late for class so see ya around trey" i said walking off
"bye"he said softly

i went to my first class, english. i walked in and everyone looked at me i noticed that chase was in the same class with all his pals from yestarday

" You must be katy, im mrs.perry, you can take a seat new to grace"
"okay" i said walking to the back row

as i was walking chase put his foot out and i tripped on it knocking a chair over making a big thump. i looked at him and shock my head and continued back to my seat.

"hey katy im grace, how are you?"
"nice to meet ya, and uhm im okay, how are you?" i replied
"yeah good thanks, and dont let chase get to you, he thinks he can do shit like this, as he is on the football team, and the hottest, most popular, and richest guy at the school only cause his soon to be step dad is rich. so he thinks he controls school" grace said with a slight sidewards smile
"yeah sounds about right, to bad if someone swooped in and stoll his thunder" i said smiling to myself
"wish someone would. but apparently his step dad has a daughter, so if she turned up he would be so pissed off, but ive never seen chase trip a new girl before"
"yeah me too, and yeah he does have a daughter, and she did turn up, thats why chase hates me so much"
"oh my god, your his step dads daughter???" she said all happy
i nodded my head and she clapped, the teacher looked at us so we shut up.
"sit with me at lunch katy" she said looking at the teacher.

after class i was on my way to my locker when i was pushed into some lockers, and fell, i looked up to find chase standing there, i got up and he pushed me against the lockers.

"hows your first day going aye?" he said laughing
"its going good, thanks for asking" i said pushing him away walking off.

i went through my next two classes with chase in my head. 'why does he hate me so much' what did i ever do to him?'.. then the bell rang and i jumped in my seat, i stood up and walked out to my locker and grace was standing there waiting for me.
we went and sat under a tree with some of her friends, there was ingrid, marcus, rob, ashlee, and mayella. we talked for a while.

"katy why is trey stairing at you?" ingrid asked

i looked over to my side and there he was stairing at me, he caught eye contact with me and looked away.

"im not sure, i met him earlyier. well i ran into him and fell on my butt" i said laughing
"he is in the bad boys group, but gosh he is gorgeous" mayella said

we all laughed at her. i went through the rest of the day thinking about trey and chase. when school was over i walked over to my car and trey was leaning on my car.

"whats up trey?, what are you doing at my car?" i asked getting my keys out of my pocket
"nothing really, i wanted to know if i could have your number so we could hang out some time"
"oh yeah sure, here ya go" i handed him a peice of paper with my number on it.

we stood there talking for abit until we heard people yelling shit out.

"chase, looks like trey is trying with the HICK" ricky yelled out so we could hear

chase turned around and looked at us standing at my car. he got a very angry face all of the sudden and walked towards us.
when he reached us he pushed trey

"stay the hell away from katy" he yelled

they started pushing eachother and i was in the middle of it, they were yelling something when i got pushed and hit my head on my car and passed out.
when i came to i was in my room, i sat up and got dizzy, then i noticed it was 7.00 at night. i looked around and noticed chase asleep on my couch. i got up and walked over and crouched next to him.

"chase, wake up" i said rocking him
"mmm, im up" chase said sitting up with his eyes still half shut.
"go to bed chase"
"your awake, are you okay katy? i didnt mean to push you i swear" chase said holding my shoulders.
"im fine chase, just got a headache and abit of a bruise. and i know you didnt mean to. i just want to know what got into you. i mean, like you were a complete utter asshole at school, then i was talking to trey about english and you get pissed off and start a fight with him. what was that about?"
"im sorry i didnt mean to be mean, and i hate trey, he plays girls and hurts them and i dont want him near you"
"i think you did mean to be mean to me, i think its who you are. no offence. and thats for me to find out and you to stay out of, and me and trey are just friends, not even that i dont think. so pleasee stay out of it" i said standing up

chase just looked at me, and nodded. i pointed to the door,"chase, out". he stood up and gave me a hug and walked out. for some unknown reason i liked the hug, it was warm and nice. wait. what am i thinking. its chase. he is a complete ass. i shock my head and went to lay on my bed. as i layed down my phone vibrated on my side table. i had a new txt

From trey: hey Katy its trey. just texting you to make sure you didnt give me a fake number".
me: haha hey trey.. and i didnt give you a fake number, im not that mean.
Trey: good :] btw hows your head?? lol
me: yeah its fine, tiny bruise and big headache but all good haha
Trey: good :] hey i was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner with me?
me: i would love to, when where and what time?
Trey: yay! :} and tomorrow night, la rousette diner, and ill pick you up at 7.00??
me: sounds good. ive gotta go now. see ya tomorrow. night
trey: night

i flopped back onto my pillow with a big smile on my face.. 'ive got a date with trey' ohmygod' yay'..
next thing i knew my alarm was going off. i got up and went down stairs. chase was sitting there eating in his own world then he saw me and just staired.

"man that is some bruise you have katy" he said
"yeah i know haha i still have abit of a head ache and keep getting dizzy"
"ill drive you to school today since you keep getting dizzy"
"nah you dont have to, i can drive myself, i dont want to embarress you by you hanging out with a hick" i said grabbing an apple of the table walking back up stairs.


i got dressed then walked back down stairs and chase was standing there with my keys.

i went to grab them but he moved them.

"chase give me my keys please"
"nope im driving US to school in your car" he said with a smile and skipped outside

i wasnt in the mood to argue so i just walked out to my car. i got to the front door of the house and looked out. Max, jeremy and andrew were standin at my car talking to chase waiting for me. 'oh no, plz tell me were not taking them to school i said walking out the door
"katy jump in the back, were giving the boys a lift.
i sat in the back seat in between max and andrew, after about 10 minutes we finally arrived at school. i jumped over max and jumped out. when we were all out chase was mucking around fighting with his mates then turned to me. i was a bit worried as we were at school so chase would be mean. next thing i knew chase was holding my hips pushing me towards the car. i tryed to push him off but failed. he grabbed my ass and i smacked him across the face and when he let go i ran.
i heard laughing behind me from them. i found grace at my locked waiting for me, and went to class together.
when we were in class, chase kept looking at me with a weird face then my phone went off. i looked down to see a message from chase.

Chase: im so sorry about this morning and grabbing your ass, i was just mucking around showing off for my friends, i hope you forgive me"
Me: haha yeah sure you were, you just want me lol. but yeah i forgive you. just never ever do it again, oh btw i wont be home tonight"
Chase: haha okay i wont. and yeah i want you bad lmao. and why wont you be home?"
Me: uhmm.. ive got a date with trey. gotta do my work now. bye"
he just looked at me with a pissed off and hurt face. i felt bad but i didnt know why, i decied to txt him to make sure he is okay.
Me: are you okay? you look very pissed off/upset.. did i do something?"

he pulled his phone out and read the text and shut his phone and put it back. he didnt even bother looking at me or replying. what is his problem i asked myself.
the bell went for lunch and when i walked out max grabbed me.

"what the hell are you doing max?" i yelled
"im testing something, just wait, just pretend to be having fun while hugging me okay."
"just do it, quick"

then chase walked out and saw us, he walked backwards off and hit a wall yelling about something. i pushed max off me finally

"what the hell was all that about?" i asked
"just a theroy i had, i was right. never mind" max said walking after chase

i stood there very confused until grace walked over to me and took me to lunch
as we were walking to our tree, trey walked over and hugged me.

"we still on for tonight katy?" trey asked
"yep, of course" i replied with a smile

he walked me over to the tree and sat with us. my friends couldnt believe it, one of the bad boy popular guys was sitting with them. i introduced them all and then we talked.
i laid in between Treys legs with my head on his chest. i looked over and saw chase sitting awkwardly and with a hurt look on his face. i ignored it since he was ignoring me. after school when we got home he went straight to his room without a word. i wanted to know what was going on so i went into his room.

"get out katy" chase said snapping
"NO. what the hell is going on?"
"you and trey thats what. are you stupid or what? hes an ass"
"me and trey are just mates who are going to go hang out, and you dont know him so dont call him an ass. i dont see what the go is, i mean you hate me so i dont see why you care who im with" i yelled with tears in my eyes
"are you blind? i dont hate you, i.. i just dont hate you katy. and i care cause your family"

i looked at him with tears rolling down my face, he got up off his bed and walked over to me and hugged me.

"im sorry katy, i didnt mean to upset you"
"if you dont hate me why are you always so mean?" i said laying me head on his chest
"im not sure"

he walked and sat on the bed and i went and sat with him and we talked for a few minutes then he put a movie on and layed down. i said goodnight and went to get organised for my date with trey. i sliped on a black dress with white heels and had my hair done, i put on a little bit of eye liner and mascara then walked down stairs.
chase walked down 5 minutes later.

"wow you look um nice"he mumbled
"thankyou" i said as i heard the door bell ring.
i gave chase a big hug and ran out the door.
"hey beautiful, you look pretty" trey said giving me a hug
"thanks you too" i said with a laugh

after dinner as we were walking to his car he stopped

"katy, im ment to be going to a party in five minutes, do you want to come?" he said
"um yeah sure why not" i smiled
"great lets go"

we drove about 4 blocks then he pulled up at random house and it was packed. i sat in the car and trey walked over and opened my door.

"im not sure about this trey" i said
"your with me it will be fine, trust me"

he grabed my hand and led me inside. he lead me to the drink table and grabbed me a drink. as i turned around i noticed chase in the crowd. he looked at me with confused eyes. i told trey ill be right back i just wanted to see chase for a minute and not to drink my drink.

"chase what are you doing here?" i asked
"i could ask the same thing katy, this isnt the best place for you to be"
"right. well ill see you later, trey is waiting for me"
"wait your here with trey?" he said pissed off
"yeah who did you think i was here with? me myself and i? ill see ya later. just dont leave me here please, im going to need a ride home, trey is drinking"
"yeah okay im leaving in about three hours ok?"
"yep okay" i said walking back to were trey was.

he handed me my drink and i sculled it as it was very tense between trey and chase. he gave me another one and i took a sip.

"trey?" i asked
"yeah katy?" trey said
"i dont feel to good, i think im going to be sick"
"oh okay ill take you to the bathroom up stairs where its quiet"

he grabbed my hand and took me upstairs. i looked at chase and he was stairing then he walked away. when we got in the room i started to feel dizzy.

"trey, did you put something in my drink?" i asked trying to keep my balance
" you need to loosen up babe" trey said
"oh my god, im getting out of here" i said stumbling to the door

Trey grabbed my arm and pushed me onto the bed, i tryed to get him off but i was out of it. he had his hands all over me, kissing me and grabbing me all over. he ripped half of my dress and undid his pants then laid on top of me, i tried pushing him off but he was to strong and just slapped me across the face, telling me to shut up and that i wanted this, it was all to familar, john had done the same thing to me.  after about 20minutes of crying and trying to get him off me, he finally finished, he got off me, did his pants up and walked out shutting the door like nothing happened.


i rolled off the bed in tears and didnt move. i was a complete wreck. i heard a knock on the door but was to scared to make a noise and could barely stand up from the drugs.

the door swang open and max and andrew stood there. they took one look at me and knew something bad happened, they ran over to me and asked what happened

"katy what the hell happened in here" max said
"are you okay katy Q?" andrew said

then max elbowed andrew and pointed to the end of the bed, he noticed the ripped off part of my dress there and my underwear.

"i..i.. he.." i said then broke down into tears even worse.
"oh god katy, lets get you to the hospitial" max said
"im fine" i said
"no your not katy, your just got raped" andrew said
"wheres chase? he said he wouldnt leave me" i said standing up
"he went home when he saw you come up stairs with trey" max said
"just take me home please" i said

i fell but Andrew caught me, andrew and max took me to the car and drove me home, i knew what was going on, i just couldn't do a thing.

in the car ride back to the house, andrew held me and kept me comfortable, hugging me while i cried. 
when we got home i saw chase asleep on the couch with some girl.


max yelled at him "CHASE, get the fuck up!"


chase shook his head then he looked and saw andrew holding me up and my ripped dress and me in tears. he jumped off the couch      and ran to me.


"oh my god katy, what happened? are you okay? who did this?" chase said

i pushed myself out of andrews arms and stood infront of chase.

"you left me"i said

i was still a wreck and when i said that i turned my back and made my way to my room. i went in and locked the door. i heard chase at the door.

"katy please let me in im sorry" chase said

i didnt bother replying. i was to numb to even open my mouth. it sounded like chase was crying a little bit. i heard him thump to the ground and sit outside my door.

"im not leaving this spot until you open the door and let me in" he said

i got up and walked to my bed. i layed down and continued to cry. i thought chase had gone so i didnt bother getting back out of bed to tell him to leave. then my phone went off and i had two messages. one from trey and on from chase.i read the one from trey first

trey: thanks for a great night babe, should do it again but better next time.. if you tell anyone what happened tonight you will pay".

i felt myself go pale. i ignored his messae and read chases

Chase: Katy.. please open the door.. i just want to talk to you.. im sorry i left you. i shouldnt of. i knew something wasnt right by the look on your face. im really sorry it just kills me to see you with him so i left.. andrew and max told me what happened".

Me: im not opening the door, and im not talking to you. and i always forgive you, but sorry just wont work this time. you left me even though you promise me you'll stay. i got drugged and i got abused and i got raped and you just left.. and you think it kills you seeing me with him? i just got raped and i find you with some girl on our couch.  just leave me alone chase".

Chase: im not giving up katy".

i shut my phone and layed in bed. i soon fell asleep after an hour or so.
my alarm went off at 9.00am the next day and woke me. i woke up sweaty and in tears from nightmares about trey and john. it was saturday so i didnt have to go to school. i didnt bother getting out off bed. all i wanted was to crawl into a hole and never come out. helen, steve and chase all tryed to get me to come out of my room and talk to them. chase filled them in on what had happened. i refused to leave my room. i only got out of bed to go to the toilet. i didnt eat or drink a thing. i stayed in bed all day but couldnt sleep.
the next day i did the same thing. i watched a movies til early monday morning. my alarm went off and i turned it off. i didnt know whether i could go to school or not. if i did i had to get ready and leave in 10 minutes, i didnt know if i could face trey or anyone again. i decieded not to let him win. i got up and went into my closet and pulled out black tracky pants and a light blue singlet and my black baggy hoody. i walked down stairs and saw chase, helen and steve all siting at the table.
i walked into the room and grabbed my school bag.

"katy what are you doin?" steve asked
"im going to school" i said quietly
"no way are you going to school, look at you, your a mess. if your going anywhere, its the hospitial" steve said firmly

i just kept looking at my feet. i didnt even notice i still had my slippers on.

"katy your still wearing your slippers and you were about to walk out the door. your still a mess" chase said

i looked at them all and then broke down in tears. steve walked over to me and hugged me

"its okay katy, it will all be okay, i promise' steve said

i looked at him and tryed to smile but i just couldnt.

"lets get you to the hospitial for a check out shall we?" helen said

i just nodded my head. chase jumped up from his chair

"lets go" he said

i looked at him still in tears.

"chase, you have school. dont miss it cause of me" i said

he looked at me and just nodded and walked out the door.
about an hour later we arrived at the hospitial and got me checked out. i was very dehydrated other wise i was fine.
i got steve to drop me at school after wards since i got the all clear. he didnt want to but i made him. it was third lesson so i had english. i was in treys, chases, grace's, max's and andrews class. i walked in and when the door shut everyone looked at me. i gave the teacher a note and went and took my seat. trey had a grin on his face and stared at me.
i felt my phone vibrate and looked down to read the message. it was from trey.

message: "katy katy katy, havent seen you in awhile. you look bad. get some make up on and shorter pants. cant have you with me looking like that. just remember, your mine, if you dont do what i want, i will hurt chase.".

i looked at him and he was staring at me smiling. i had to get away from him but i couldnt let him win.ill act cool and pretend everything is good and we are together like he wants, then he wont hurt me. i thought to myself for a while and then i felt someone touch my shoulder and i screamed.

"katy hey its chase calm down"
"oh sorry i..uhm.. yeah. sorry"
"its alright, i just wanted to see if you wanted to sit with me and my mates at lunch, we can protect you, since your my step sister basically"
"i dont need bloody protecting chase i can take care of myself, just go away" i snapped and walked out of the room. leaving chase standing there in shock.

i went and put my things in my locker and as i turned trye was standing there with a smile.

"hey trey, ready for lunch?" i asked with a fake smile
"yeah i certaintly am" he said

i grabbed his hand and lead him to the lunch room. everyone was looking at us weird. i looked around but chase and his friends werent there.
about five minutes into lunch trey had me sitting on his lap kissing me and giving me food. i looked over my shoulder and saw chase and his friends heading towards there table which is two tables over from ours.
they were there for about five minutes before max pointed at us talking to chase about something. i could tell what they were thinking. chase threw all his things on the table and walked over to us. he was so mad, his fists were clenched and he was shaking with anger.

"what the hell is going on here? katy get away from him now" chase yelled

everybody went silent and stared.

"katy can make her own decessions okay chase, and she wants to stay with me" trey said stand up infront of me.

chase leaned forward and grabbed my arm. next thing i knew chase and trey were in a punch up on the ground, trey stood up and chase takled him straight into a metal pole. next thing i knew i was waking up with a ambulance officer standidng over me.

"what happened" i asked looking around to figure out where i was
"chase jones and trey adams got into a fight and you yelled trying to make them stop and then you collapsed"
"oh my god is chase okay?" i said with teary eyes. i admit it, i was worried about chase, i know how trey fights and chase had no chance against him.
"chase is fine. chase and trey are in the princapals office sorting things out".

we talked abit long then i got the all clear to go. steve arrived about twenty minutes later to sort chase out and pick me up and take me home.



when steve and i arrived home i went straight to my room. when i got into my room i started crying and got my diary from under my bed and started writting.

Dear diary,
i went back to school today. it was horrible. i had a lesson with trey and chase first, when i saw trey he just smiled at me. i wanted to be sick and run away but i knew i couldnt. i felt my phone go off and had a message from trey saying if i dont be normal and slutty with him then he will hurt chase. yes, my soon to be step brother and the guy i love.

chase and trey got into a fight at lunch over me because i was sitting on treys lap and kissing him. i passed out in the middle of the fight so i didnt see what else happened. steve came and picked me up. i havent seen chase yet but i dont think i want to. i feel so bad about what happened.

if he only knew i was protecting him because im completely head over heels for him, then he might understand. the look he gave me when he saw me with trey. it was like his world broke into two. he was shattered. i dont know whats worse, lieing and protecting the guy i love and breaking his heart, or telling him the truth and risking his life. im so confused!!.

i went to bed once i finished my entry and slept til seven pm when loud people woke me up.
i walked down stairs to see what all the noise was about. i walked into the huge ass lounge room to see chase and about nine of his mates listening to music, drinking and being idiots.i noticed that chase had a swollen cheek and split lip from the fight earlyier in the day.

i walked down into the room where they all were and they all fell silent when they spotted me

"Hey guys" i said awkwardly
"What do you want Katy?"chase said with addittue
"nothing was just seeing what you guys were up to, is that a problem?" i replied
"Katy, we don't want a slutty hick hanging with us, okay, so why don't you run back to your bad boy" Chase said
"Chase, man, stop" Andrew said to chase
"i dont want to, if Katy is like this then she deserved everything she got" Chase yelled
"Chase, are you making out like she was ment to be... you know" Max butted in
"Yes, i reckon katy deserved to get raped, who knows, maybe she wanted it. i wish she would just piss off" Chase yelled in my face

i felt all eyes on me, i felt tears coming and ran up stairs to my room.

I couldn't believe he just said all of that, well yelled. I knew i didn't belong here, i can't belong here.
i grabbed my bags and started packing, i had two packed and was in the middle of my third when Andrew walked in.

"Katy, what are you doing?" he said eyeing my bags
"I'm leaving, what does it look like, Chase wants me gone, and he was right about how i dont belong here so im going" I said with tears streaming down my face
"you can't just pack up and leave, Chase didn't mean what he said, and what about Steve and Helen, you can't leave them, they love you"
"Chase did mean it, i know he did somewhere inside him, and ill leave a letter for them explaining why im gone when they get back from the resort, now you can either go back downstairs and pretend you didnt see any of this, or you can help me pack and give me a lift to the bus station"

Andrew didn't reply he just walked over to the cupboard and grabbed a bag to start helping me. after about 10 minutes we were done, and there was a knock on the door, Andrew and I looked at eachother worried.

"quick Katy, throw your bags out the window and ill say im taking you to the shops" Andrew said walking to the door

"thank you andrew" i replied

When they were all out we opened the door to see Max standing there with a confused face. we walked past him without a word and out to the front room where all the guys were.

"just takin Katy to the shops be back in 5" andrew yelled forcing me out the door

everybody just looked at us weird. we walked out the door and ran around the side to get my bags and put into his car. he looked at me and double checked that im sure about this.
when we got there, Andrew walked me to the counter and he paid for my ticket, i didn't know where i was going but i had to go. when i was about to board the bus andrew pulled me over to the side.

"Katy, i know you don't know where your going, but when you do get there can you please let me know where you are and that your okay?" Andrew said sadly
"i promise i will, i'm going to miss you Andrew, youve been nothing be great to me since i turned up here. your one of my closest friends, also when you get back to Chase's, can you tell him to check the latest entry in my diary please" i said with tears in my eyes
"I'll miss you too, katy Q. i feel the same way my little bestie. i will tell him and you take care" he said pulling me into a big hug

we said our final goodbyes then i boarded the bus. i looked out the window as we were driving away and Andrew was still standing there watching. i felt more tears come to my eyes so i shut them and deciede to get some sleep.

A loud voice through the speakers woke me from a dreamless sleep, the voice said that the next stop is Arizona, I decieded to hop of and book a motel for a night. when i got there i layed down thinking of something to do. i felt my phone vibrate, i pulled it out and it was lighting up with a call from chase

"what?" i said bluntly as i answered
"when will you be home? we need to talk"
"I won't be"i said then hung up

i flipped my phone opened and dialed Andrews number
"hello?" he answered
"It's katy"
"oh god, about time, hang on let me step outside"
"okay now where are you, are you okay?"
"yeah im fine, im in arizona for the night at a hotel"
"what hotel?"
"uhm, quality inn and suites downtown"
"okay, what number? so i know how to get ahold of you if need to tonight"
"five, and im really tired so ill talk to you later"
"okay, be safe bye"
"bye andrew"

i hung up the phone and put some pj's on and layed in bed watching t.v trying to sleep. i was very restless but later that morning about 3am i finally drifted off to sleep.

I woke up at 10.00am with someone banging on the door, i dragged myself out of bed and opened the door. to my shock Andrew was standing there with my car parked behind him

"oh my god, what are you doing here?" i said hugging him tightly
"I couldn't let you just leave by yourself and i don't want to lose one of my closest friends, so you and me are going where ever you planned on going together"

with that i started crying once again, Andrew pulled my close and hugged me. i finally felt safe again. we had breaky and showers and then got in my car and were on our way to somewhere, im not sure where, but we were just driving.

"hows chases going?" i asked to break the silence
"he is okay, he read your diary and then felt really bad about everything he said to you, he keeps calling me but i wont answer. i planted your notes, i put chases on his door when he was asleep last night and one in steves room so im pretty sure he got the letter thats why he keeps calling" andrew said

at that exact moment his phone started to go off with chases name on screen

"can i answer Andy?"
"if you want, just dont tell him where you are"
i nodded and grabbed the phone.
"hello?" i said
"yeah, its me"
"why do you have andrews phone?"
"He is with me"
"oh can you put him on please?"
"okay hang on"

i pressed the phone to myself and told andrew that ill drive for abit and he can talk to chase.we got out and swapped place's and continues driving, Andrew put the phone on loud speaker so i heard chase going off at Andrew for helping me leave and how stupid he is and how unresponsible he is. after about 10 minutes of him yelling, Andrew just shut the phone and laughed, which made me laugh.
we ended up turning both of our phones off that night because Chase wouldn't stop calling, we decieded to stayed at a hotel just on the other side of arizona as it got late and we were tired and leave first thing in the morning.

two weeks Later!....


Andrew and i have been having so much fun lately. we have been all over the place. we decided we liked tennesse and stay longer then we planned to. andrew and i are so much closer then we were, i honestly didnt think i would trust anyone after what happened, but andrew just has something special about him. he is my best friend.


Andrew woke my up at 9.00am so we could get ready to leave tennesse and make out way closer to new brunswick. as i woke up i started feeling really sick.

"are you okay Katy?" andrew said looking at me weird
"i think im gunna be sick" i said before running to the toilet

once i threw up i felt fine again, this is so weird. i walked out with a confused look on my face
"are you okay? maybe we should stay here until your better?" Andrew said
"nah im fine, i feel fine now. no need to.. uh.."i said before i had to run to the bathroom again
"we are staying here until your better, thats final" Andrew yelled to me


i heard the t.v come back on. i started feeling even more sick, and i started to get dizzy and hot.


"ANDREW" i yelled getting up

he came running in just as i collapsed into his arm's. i remember opening my eyes while i was in his eyes and went to say something but then everything went black again.
i woke up to a strange man over me. i sat up on a weird bed when it clicked that im at the hospitial. he explained that Andrew called the ambulance when i collapsed and i had a very high tempeture.

Andrews POV...

i woke up before Katy today for the first time in the nearly a week, i made us coffee and then went to wake her. she looked so peaceful asleep that i didn't want to wake her up. the last few weeks have been amazing, she is amazing. our friendship is so good but i cant help having more then just friends feelings.

after another half an hour passed i finally woke her up, as she sat up in bed she went very white.

"are you okay Katy?" I said looking at Her weird
"i think im gunna be sick" Katy said before running to the toilet

She walked out with a confused look on her face,

"are you okay? maybe we should stay here until your better?" I said
"nah im fine, i feel fine now. no need to.. uh.."she said before i had to run to the bathroom again
"we are staying here until your better, thats final" I yelled to her while i turned the t.v back on. i was sitting here watching t.v listening to Katy throw up for atlest 10 minutes before she yelled out

"ANDREW" she yelled

i ran in and she collapsed into my arms, i didn't know what to do, i tryed waking her up but she wouldnt. she came to for a seconds then passed out again, she started getting really hot and sweating so i carryed her to the bed and called a ambalance.
its been two hours and i know nothing about whats wrong with her, the doctor took some blood to do some tests but hasn't really been back.
when he came back he was in the middle of checking her vitals when she woke up. he explained what happened to her. when i saw her look at me i knew she would be okay and i felt like the world just lifted off my shoulders.

Katys POV..
i felt so relieved when i saw Andrew standing at the end of my bed.

"andrew im sorry if i scared you, i didnt mean to" i said with a weak smile
"its okay just never do it again, i thought i lost your for a while there" he said with a tear in his eye

i just held my arms out so he would hug me, i felt safe in his arms like i did in chase's, but in more of a best friend way.

"when am i allowed to leave?" i asked
the doctor said "tomorrow depending on the results of the tests"
"okay. so what can we do in this place?" i asked with a smile

Andrew just laughed, and walked out the door. i didn't know where he went but i felt instantly sad when he walked away.
about 10 minutes later he returned with some cards, food, coffee and magazines. we played and talked all night when it turned 10.30pm i got told to get some sleep so we both went to sleep

i woke up to the sun shining in on me, it felt so nice, the heat on my body and blue sky in view. Andrew was still asleep in his recliner and he actully looked very cute asleep. ive never really paid attention to him, he had blonde shaggy hair, lightly tanned skin, about 5'7, and he has deep blue eyes that you could get lost in. as i stared at him i got a weird fluttery feeling like how i did when i looked at chase. oh no.


i didnt want to wake him up so i decieded to read a magazine.
about 10 minutes later i got sick again. im fine all day but in the mornings im sick. when i walked out of the bathroom Dr.Ruthbone was standing there waiting with the results in his hand.
i walked over and got back into bed.

"sorry i was sick again, are they my results?" i asked looking at him worried
"yes they are your results miss smith, do you want the good new or bad news first?"
"um, good news please"
"okay well the good news is, the throwing up each morning will pass in a week or so, and the bad news.. if it is bad news for you.. but, your pregnant"

When i heard the word pregnant it just kept repeating.. pregnant,pregnant,pregnant.. then Trey's name poped in my head and i bursted into tears. Andrew woke up at the sounds of it to see me in tears with the doctor standing there.
"Whats going on? Katy are you okay?" Andrew said very concerned coming to sit on my bed
" Miss Smith is pregnant"
"oh god, Katy are you okay?" Andrew said hugging me

i couldn't reply, my words were stuck in my throat and it was like the whole world was frozen. i tryed moving but couldnt. i was losing grip and everything went black.
i could see someone in the corner of the pitch black, the burned a bright red.. i looked closer and its was trey, the room started filling with the sound of a baby crying. i shut my eyes tight and blocked my ears but the sound wouldnt stop. Trey walked over to me saying my name, and grabbed me.
i screamed and woke up with andrew there with his hands on me trying to calm me down and wake me up.

"katy its okay, you were dreaming"
"it felt so real, it was dark and Trey was in the corner and i could see him perfect but couldnt move and then i heard a baby cry but couldn't find it and it would stop then he walked over to me and grabbed me, and i woke up with you here"
"oh Katy. its okay, Trey wont bother you anymore, chase went to the cops and he has a history of abuse and rape and he turned 18 the other week so he is in jail"
"oh my god, thankgod. can we go now?"
"yeah ill organise it with the doctor"

About an hour or two later i was released from hospitial. when we entered the car park i saw my car and i knew that i belonged with steve, helen and chase.

"so where to Katy-Q?" Andrew said putting my bags in the boot
"Home" i said with a slight smile
"home?" he said with a confused face
"Our home, in LA" i said with a truely happy smile
"okay home it is" Andrew said with a Smile

about an hour later i decieded to turn my phone on. i had over 300missed calls, and over 500 messages. i ignored it all and dialed Helens number

"hello?" helen answered
"Hi Helen, its me"
"oh my god, about time, where are you? are you okay? who are you with? are you ever planning to come home?"
"Helen, im leaving tenesse, and im fine, Andrew is with me, he kept me safe. and im on my way home, but dont tell Chase or Steve"
"oh thank god, did you want to talk to your dad?"
"no, i will when i get home, just please dont tell them im coming home. my phone is going to die so ill see you in a few days, bye"
"bye sweetie"

Chase's POV...

i sat on the couch watching t.v when i heard the phone ring. i heard mum answer it and she asked if they waned to talk to steve.
i walked into the kitchen to see my mum holding the phone and say bye sweetie. who is she talking to.

"Ma, who was that?" i said curiously
"it was Katy" she said with a smile
"is she okay? where is she? what did she want?"
"she is fine, and she is in tenesse"
"tenesse? bloody hell. when is she coming home?.. wait. she is coming home right?"
"she didn't say, im going to work, dont want to be late for my meeting, bye hunny" she said kissin my cheek

i can't believe that katy finally called, its been forever since we have heard from here.
im glad she is okay, but im not fine with andrew being with her.
what if something has happened with her and andrew, he wouldn't do that would he? would she? no way would either of them. im thinking to much, even if something does happen, its not my business.




Katys POV...


the trip home seemed to just fly by. as soon as i saw them familar gates my heart stopped. how am i going to face everyone? chase, steve, school.. i started feeling sick at the thought.









Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.09.2011

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