
Preface/Sweet Sixteen!


I've never felt so alone, so...abandon. I didn't think that being sixteen would be like this, but it was. I was standing in the middle of the forest waiting, waiting for my life to end. I had always had confidence in myself until my sixteenth birthday that’s when it all changed… I wanted to cry just thinking about it; all the lies from everybody, promises broken from friends, and people I loved lying dead at my feet. I could feel the tears threatening to spill, but I couldn’t cry… I had to be strong and save the people I love.
I looked around; just then the sun started to set on the horizon and I saw them moving swiftly forward to kill us.

Sweet Sixteen

I was running, running as fast as I could from vampires?? They didn’t exist so I knew I was dreaming. Wait! I’m dreaming they can’t touch me! I stopped, turned and said, “What do you want from me?”
“I want you dead.” I recognized that voice. It came from behind me so I turned around and there stood Hannah, with her long blond hair and icy eyes filled with anger.
“Hannah? W-what? Why do you want me dead? What did I ever do to you? I-I thought we were friend. Please don’t hurt me…” I was having trouble finding words.
She laughed an evil laugh that I had never heard from her before. “I want you dead for what you did to me!” She crouched down ready to spring at me. With her mouth open wide, a growl escaped and fangs grew. Her eyes turned bright red. She smiled evilly and said in a voice that didn’t sound like hers, “dinnertime!”

Just then I woke with the smell of eggs and bacon. I opened my eyes and there stood my mom, June, she was about 36 with short light blond hair and brown eyes. She was extremely tan. We look nothing alike…
“HAPPY SWEET 16 Cecilia!!!” she said louder than she should have and made me jump.
“Thanks mom,” I said and smiled at her. “What time is it?”
“Almost noon, you’d better eat that and get ready for your party.” she said then left.
I ate all my food and went to my bathroom and took a shower. Then I brushed my teeth and got dressed in my Beautiful new navy blue dress for my party. I put make-up on and by the time I was finished my hair had dried so I straightened it. After I was done I went and looked into my long mirror to get a full view.
My long black hair was almost reaching my waist with it straightened. I had a lot of layers in my extremely thick hair. The make-up I had on brought out the color of my navy blue eyes, which was why my mom bought the dress to match my eyes. My pale skin stood out with all the darker colors surrounding it. I smiled in the mirror just as my mom called my name saying the first guests had just arrived.
I ran downstairs to see who it was. It was my Best Friends Jason and Claire. I went to great them. "Hey guys what's up?" I asked them as we walked to the living room.
"Nothing," they said together. "You look beautiful," Jason added.
Jason was HOT! I mean on fire! He had a very dark brown hair and his eyes were the most beautiful eyes ever. They were turquoise today and they change depending on that he wears. Today he was wearing a light blue shirt and jeans.
Claire, my other friend, had short dirty blond hair and a sort of golden color eyes. She was wearing a short dark red dress with black heals and a see-through black jacket to go with it.
Just as I was about to ask them how they were the door rang. I went to get it, but my dad and brother were already there.
My brother, Jon, was just two years older than me. And we looked nothing alike he looks like my dad only without the wrinkles. He had light brown hair and dark brown eyes, and was wearing a tux. My dad had the same color brown eyes and hair only it’s starting to turn gray with age. He was also wearing a tux.
I looked nothing like either of my parents. Sometimes I wonder if I was adopted. I had even asked my parents but they just say that I get it from my grandparents, which is funny because I had met them all and looked nothing like them.
They answered the door and it was nobody I recognized which is weird because I could have sworn that I sent out all the invitations. I took one look at him and knew...He had the same navy blue eyes and me and jet black hair... This must be my REAL father. I must have been adopted. Ha! It’s funny because I was just thinking about that.
"Jerry? What are you doing here?" my 'father' sounded mad.
"I told you sixteen perfect years and then I'd come." He said looking over at me and smiling
"Sea, go back in the living room with your friends." my father said to me. Sea was my nickname.
"Why..?" I asked him.
"Because I need to talk to this man alone." he sounded like he was getting angry so I did as I was told.
I walked to the living room feeling confused...what did he mean 'sixteen perfect years then I'd come' he wasn't going to take me away was he?? I'm so close to getting my first boyfriend, Jason hopefully, and I will refuse to go! Maybe he just wanted to be in my live, to get to know me. Yeah that had to be it.
I entered the living room and stopped mid-step. I was shocked! How could my best friend do that to me! She knew I liked Jason. Claire and Jason were sitting on my couch kissing on my birthday! She didn't even like him! She liked my brother...
After about a minute I couldn't take it anymore I cleared my throat. They looked up at me. Claire's eyes went wide and she pulled away from him.
"Sea, I didn't hear you walk in. Who was at the door?" she looked down at the floor obviously embarrassed.
"I was," said a voice from behind me. Jason and Claire stared at him in shock. I turned around and saw my mom and dad crying in the hall and then I looked at him. He was smiling at me. I looked back at my mom who was walking towards us.
"Sea, I just got off the phone with a couple of people and they said they couldn't make it. We’re the only guests for your party." she said.
"Are you sure? Hannah? Josh? Aunt Joan? Joel? Amy? Ally," I gave up mentioning names because each time it was another shake of her head. “Are you sure, mom, Hannah isn't coming?" I was really looking forward to talking to her about that dream I had. She shook her head. "WHAT'S THE POINT OF HAVING A PARTY IF THE ONLY PEOPLE THAT SHOW UP YOU GET TO SEE IN EVERYDAY LIFE!?!" I shouted at them then ran to my room.
I heard Claire shouting my name and running after me. She was the last person I wanted to see right now. She stole Jason from me.
I was in my room by now, about to slam the door when a foot stopped me. It wasn't Claire's foot. I'd been sure she was following me. Then I heard her at the bottom of the stairs.
I looked up to see who had their foot in the door and it was Jerry... I mean my dad??
"Can I please come in," he asked.
I opened the door and let him in. I'm not sure why though maybe it was because he was one of the only people that I didn't get to see in everyday life and I wanted to get to know my biological father.
He came and shut the door. "I'd like to talk to you alone." he said...


“Okay...” I said wondering if he was going to tell me why he ditched me.
"Yes, I will tell you why I left you with these people. That’s a very go place to start, thanks." he said.
"Can you read my mind??" I asked.
"Yes and we'll get to that just wait..." he took a deep breath. “You might want to sit down for this." I sat down on my bed and he sat next to me.
"Cecilia, My name is Jerry Stonewall, I am your father as I'm sure you already figured out... about eighteen years ago I met your real mother, but my parents didn't want me with her. About a year after, she came to me and told me she was pregnant and that I was the father. I told my parents and they said that if your mom lived through birth I could stay with her and keep the baby, if not then, well I'm sure u can figure that out... I agreed with them...
"About seven months had past and she became real ill, she was going to die before she had you. I’m a wizard and have powers. I found your parents they had just had a stillborn baby... I transferred the baby into June's body, Mike didn't like that idea, but my lovely Lillian was slipping away fast. Soon after the transfer she died...
"I wanted to keep you, but part of our agreement was that they get to keep you until you can make your own decisions and start practicing your powers..." he finished and then looked at me. "You are a witch of a royal family and are to tell this to nobody of this, you understand?"
"Yes, I do, but I'm not sure I believe you’re a wizard and I'm a witch..." I trailed off as he got up and all my clean clothes flew into my dresser.
"Do you believe me now?" he asked with a smile on his face.
I nodded.
"I know you probably don't want to come live with me, so I'm asking you. will you please come live with me now that you are sixteen certain...people... will sense who and what you are and they will come looking for and kill you. So please I ask that you do." he said
"What people?" I asked
"Vampires," he sounded disgusted.
"I think I'll feel safer living with you." I answered his question.
"I thought so... you should probably go tell June and Mike and your two little friends though." he said
"Right..." I said as I got up and opened the door. I walked back down the stairs with my dad at my heels.
"Cecilia!" I heard everybody say as I entered the room. "What’s wrong," added my parents at the same time.
"I'm moving," I said then looked around at all the shocked faces. “Not that I don't like living here." I added trying to make them feel better. I didn't like hurting them.
My parents-I mean Jane and mike got up and stormed out of the room and my real dad followed them.
"Why are you moving?" Jason asked me as Jon left.
"Because it’s safer for you guys and me if I move...” I think I may have said too much.
"Safer?? How is it going to be safer?? It’s not like some murderous killer is going to come running in your house at any second." Claire said sounding mad at me.
"You don't know that!" I whispered.
"And you do??" Jason asked.
"What? No I don't but I have to leave to protect you guys." I said
"Protect us? Protect us from what?!? Are you keeping secrets from us now we never keep secrets...?” Claire said.
"Oh. Really, then when were you two planning on telling me you were dating??" I asked
"Well...” Claire started.
"You weren't were you?" I yelled. Then my real dad whispered something in my ear. "Jason likes you and Claire was being persistent she wanted to make you jealous. That’s all she ever wanted is to steal things from you. She blackmailed Jason so he would go out with her and she wanted to ruin your birthday."
"Claire, are you serious? You wanted to ruin my life! Well you did its ruined now." I started crying and ran out of the living room and up to mine. I was surprised to find all my stuff packed already.
My real dad came in and zapped it all out of their. "Are you ready? If you are you'd better go say goodbye." he said
I ran downstairs. My parents, the ones I'd lived with for the past sixteen years, and brother were waiting by the door.
"Please don't go!" cried my mom. "I don't want my baby to leave me!"
"I'm sorry I have to go..." I whispered "good-bye" I turned and walked out the door.


"Wait, Cecilia you forgot to open your presents." I heard Jon say when I got to my dad's car.
I had almost forgotten it was my birthday. Jon walked up to me and pulled me back to the house. We walked side by side to the kitchen where my presents were waiting.
The first one I opened was from my m-I mean June, that's going to take a while to get used to; It is a new cell phone. The next one I opened was tiny, it was...
"Keys," I asked.
"Yes we bought you a car...” my dad said. I looked at him and he looked sad.
"Oh... um...thanks." they bought me a car and I was ditching them... I started crying.
"Hey it’s okay, now you have a ride to come visit us in." said Jon as Jason entered the room and handed me a present.
I opened it and saw a key chain in the shape of a heart. "Thanks," I said not looking at him. Then Jon handed me a box that was kind of heavy.
"It’s not a box of rocks this year is it??" I asked him. Last year that's what he got me. Then again last year he didn't have any money.
He laughed. "Open it and find out." he said so I did. It wasn't rocks it was a lab top. "So you can keep in touch." he smiled.
"Um... thanks Jon. you were always the best brother..." I said crying yet again.
"Shall we have some cake?" said June; her voice braking. I ran over to her and hugged her. Then she went and got the cake.

We finished with the cake and said our good-byes. Jason had went home right after eating his and without a good-bye...My dad left before him without eating any cake and I have no idea when Claire left nor to I care.
I went outside and looked around for my new car. Then I saw it. It was gold Porsche. That must have cost them a fortune! I got in and pulled out of the driveway.
Then I stopped. I had no idea where my dad lived. Just then he came around the corner and I followed him back to his house.
Once inside I decided to ask him about the vampires that wanted me dead.
"So why exactly do vampires want to kill me??" I said as he turned and looked at me.
"Not all vampires to just one and she’s making an army." he said and then took a deep breath like he did for the last story he was telling me. "Her name is Hannah. Yes the same Hannah that was invited to your party. She is your Ancestor. About one hundred nine years ago Hannah's daughter was going to be crowned queen of the magic world. Hannah wanted to stay queen forever so she went to the vampires’ coven and asked them to change her. They did...
"After she was changed she went and sucked her daughter dry... What she didn't know was that a few months before her daughter had given birth to twins and married...”
"Hannah was sent to live with the vampires and Chance was crowned king...” He took another deep breath then continued. "She has been going around killing the royal family off and YOU have to be the one to stop her...”
"Why me," I asked.
"Because you are stronger than me; I knew that when I saw you at your party." he said and smiled...
"I am not strong enough. I'm weak..."
"No. you’re just tired you should get some sleep. I'll show you to your room." he sounded confident that I was strong.
We walked up the stairs of his mansion and to the right was my bedroom. I think. Yes diffidently my bedroom I recognized my stuff.
He left me alone. I went and fell backwards on my bed and thought of how the day had started out as a dream and led to it coming true...
Then everything went black and I fell into a dreamless sleep...


I woke up early that morning and lay in bed thinking it was all a dream and decided to see for myself. I opened my eyes and knew at once it wasn't...
My surroundings were different than at my old place. The walls and ceiling were covered in pink. I hate that color but the way it looked in the room didn't bother me. It looked good. My blankets were gold along with the mirror and picture frames. The pictures were of beautiful oceans and beaches and my friends and family from home.
A beautiful wooden desk sat across the room; it looked like an antique. In the center of the room on the ceiling hung in the middle of the room is a chandelier. It is black with little gold spots sparkling against the little light coming from the window. The curtains are white and open letting the rising sun come in the windows.
I can't believe I didn't notice this last night. I decided to check out the rest of the house. I got up and ran to the corner where my dresser sat and picked out my clothes for today. I put on a pair of faded black skinny jeans and a dark red tang-top.
I went to the first door I seen, there are three of them, and opened it is the bathroom. The bathroom looks similar to the bedroom except it was a bathroom. The next door is a walk in closet loaded with clothes. I'll take a look at them later.
I opened the last door and saw the hall. As I started walking down it I heard someone calling my name from behind me. I turned and saw somebody that looked around my age I didn't recognize. He has shaggy dark brown hair and bright green eyes.

"Um... Do I know you? You look familiar??" I asked as he started to stop a few feet away.
He laughed. "No. My name is Paul Hyble." he said holding out his hand for me to shake. He is kind of cute I thought to myself. He smiled down at me.
"Oh. Okay." I said and returned his smile. "What do you want?"
"Your father, Jerry, sent me to get you up." he said then added "I didn't think you'd be up this early. I thought I'd have to wake you and have to listen to you whine and be cranky." he laughed
"Nope you didn't have to. Does he want to see me for something?" I asked hoping the answer was a no.
"No, he sent me to start teaching you. You are going to start school at Stonewall High, School of Witches and Wizards. I know named after your family, but you'll get used to It." he said and we laughed at the name. "Come on I'll take you to the training room," he added.
"Okay," I said kind of nervous.
When he opened the door to the training room I gasped. I was big and had lots of different things hanging from the ceiling-no wait it wasn't hanging it was floating there in the air. Other than that it looked like Gym to a school but with brick walls and flooring.
"Shall we get started." he asked walking to the middle of the room and pulling out a wand.
"Don't I need one of those?" I asked and he started laughing.
"No, you are part of the royal family, therefore you don't need one." he said and when I looked confused he added, "Your blood is filled with the most powerful magic in the world, apart from other royal families. You can control your power without a wand but anybody that doesn't have royal blood like you do needs one and can't do magic without one. Your father made that rule up about ten years ago." he said 'your father' with disgust.
"Oh, Okay so I'm more powerful than you?" I said playfully.
He laughed and said, "yeah you are you could control me if you knew how. We should get started with the lesson." I nodded in agreement. "Okay, focus on any person, or thing, that you want, imagine it here with you."
I did as I was told. I closed my eyes and started to think of Jason, then thought better of it. What would he think if he ended up here, a place he'd never been before, popping in out of thin air? I laughed at the thought, then thought of a cute little kitten with a long tail and a pink nose with stripes like a cat I used to have. It appeared in front of me I could hear it meowing and then start purring, so I opened my eyes and saw it. It is cute! I thought to myself.
"Very good, Cecilia," I heard my father say. I didn't even hear him enter the room. "You are going to be very powerful, I can tell, I wasn't even that good on my first try." He said and then smiled. "How about we get some breakfast?" I nodded and we left the training room to get something to eat.


"Good morning, Princess Cecilia." some random guy said while bowing really low. I really wish they would stop it, the bowing and calling me princess, it was really annoying. I was attempting to find my way back to my room and failing miserably. I was lost.
I opened a big door that stood to my right and found it led outside. I walked out and looked around. There was a huge fountain in the middle of one of those round-about things, flowers everywhere, and a few benches here and there. I walked over to the other side of the fountain and looked up at the Castle? Yep, that’s basically what it looked like. “Great, I’ll never find my room now.” I spoke sarcastically to myself not expecting anyone to talk back.
“You really shouldn’t talk to yourself; people might think you’re crazy and we don’t want a crazy hair to the throne, do we?” I turned around and saw Paul standing there smirking at me. “Come on I’ll show you the way to your room.” He gestured with his hand for me to follow him. I nodded and started after him.
We walked side by side all the way to my room; where he then left with one final wave goodbye. I walked over to my enormous bed and plopped down, with a sigh.
I wonder what my ‘friends’ are doing right about now. I thought to myself. Claire will probably be thinking of other ways to ruin my live not knowing I had left, yet. Why did I leave? It was stupid of me; I wasn’t thinking straight. I don’t think I would have agreed to come if I hadn’t caught my ‘best friends’ making out, would I? No, I don’t think I would have.
Anyway, back to that thought. I wonder what Jason is doing right now. He probably has already forgotten I existed and is playing video games. That thought made me smile. Jay is one of those people that forget things easy or get too detracted with other things to remember. I smiled at some of the memories of Jason.


“Hey! That’s mine, Give it back!” Jason yelled, while laughing as I took his pop.
“No, you shouldn’t have had your backpack unzipped if you didn’t want it stolen.” I said in a calm innocent voice trying hard not to laugh as well. It wasn’t, I repeat, wasn’t unzipped because of me. He tried snatching it from me, but I jumped away and started jogging to our secret spot.
“It was too zipped! You unzipped it to steal my pop, well it’s not going to work that way.” He smiled an evil smile as I turned to look at him.
“Don’t!” I yelled at him before I turned back around and started running, but it was too late. He rapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to a stop.
“You didn’t really think you could run away from me did you?” He asked, while laughing. I could feel the rumble from his laugh, as he still had a hold of me.
I sighed. “No, not really, but it was worth a try. I really wanted your pop.” I started to fake cry. “I mean, it’s so sad; it’s just a pop. Why can’t I have it?” I continued to fake cry hoping it would work and it did, well, sort of.
“How about we share?” He asked while letting go of me, much to my disappointment, and walking towards our spot.
“Sure.” I replied smugly while following him down the path of trees, as I like to call it. It’s a path, full of trees, leaves, and mine and Jay’s footprints in the dry mud.
As we entered our secret spot I couldn’t help notice the flowers had all bloomed, and the little creek that runs by sounded more beautiful that the last time I was here. I looked over at Jason who was setting out a blanket for us to lie on and stared. I walked over still staring at him and thought about how hot he look-
“Are you checking me out?” Jason’s voice cut my thoughts short. I jumped looking away turning a bright red.
“No!” I said all too quickly and tried to play cool. “There was just nowhere else to look.” That sounded brilliant! I thought, all too soon.
“Um… Have you looked around? There are plenty of beautiful things to look at around here.” He said, slowly, kind of like he thought I was stupid; which I thought I was. “Anyway, sit down with me.” He gestured to the spot next to him which I gladly took.
We sat in silence for a few minutes, and then the sun started to set. I looked at the sky and saw the stars mixed in with different colors from the setting sun.
I looked over at Jason and saw he wasn’t even watching the sun set; he was watching me.
“Why are you watching me?” I asked him because it was kind of creepy. “As you said earlier; ‘there are plenty of beautiful things to look at around here.’” I quoted what he said earlier.
“Nothing is more beautiful than you.” He breathed out to where I had to strain my ears to hear what he said. Just as I was about to reply he said, “We should go before it gets to dark.”
“Okay,” that was my brilliant reply.

*~*End Of Flashback*~*

As I think about it now I know I should have said something. Then I’d still be there, with my friends; instead I’m stuck here with people I don’t even know. These are strangers I left my family and friends for. I just hope I get to see them, at least one of them; Jason…


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.02.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To my loving parents, without them i wouldn't be alive.

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