

I sat in the hospital bed crying my eyes out and feeling dizzy. But, dizziness became something I felt on regular basis because of the chemo therapy. My beautiful ebony locks fell from my scalp every time I run my tiny fingers through it. The cancer was spreading. It started in my liver and was spreading to my limbs. If the chemo therapy didn’t slow it down I was going to have one arm and one leg.
I shook harder with tears at the thought. I was only six. I didn’t even live my life yet and here I was in a hospital bed. I wanted to go back to school. I wanted to play and run around. But, I was stuck in a hospital, attached to needles.
A soft knock on the door made me wipe my tears away.
“Come in,” I said in my soft raspy voice.
My mom walked in with my best friend and my dad. But, my attention went to my best friend. Layken pulled away easily from my mother’s grasp and ran over to the side of my bed. He grabbed my hand that didn’t have needles in them and looked into my eyes.
“Me and your father are going to let you guys talk.” My mother’s soft voice said, walking out the door with my father’s hand in hers.
I looked into Layken’s soft green eyes. His eyes filled with tears. His pitch black hair almost fully covered his eyes.
“Laylay, I think I might die. I don’t feel so good.” I that second I grabbed the bucket on the side table and threw up in it, clutching my side and squeezed my eyes. Tears fell down my cheeks and I gasped as pain flood through me. I coughed before putting the bucket back on the side table and laid back down. I wiped away the sweat on my forehead and looked into Layken’s eyes.
“See, Laylay? The cancer wants to take over my body and kill me.”
He squeezed my hand a bit tighter. I looked at our combined hands. Our little hands were wrapped together perfectly. I look back into his eyes.
“You won’t die, Crystal. I won’t let you.” He said confidently.
“I’m tired, Layken. I want to sleep. Forever if I have to.”
He looked deeply in my eyes and got on his tippy toes to crawl on my bed. He sat next to me and grabbed my hand again.
“I have to tell you something, Christie.” he said carefully.
I sat up and scooted closer to him.
“Go ahead. Before I die.”
He frowned but, talked.
“Do you believe in vampires?” he asked staring into my eyes.
“You’re talking about undead people who drink people’s blood?”
He nodded.
“I don’t know. I guess.” I said.
“Do you think I’m a vampire?”
I raised a brow at his question.
“No. Why?” I asked, casually.
“Because I am one, Crystal.”
I chuckled.
“Do you have a fever, Laylay? You are a live! I knew you forever! You were never dead, Laylay.”
He shook his head and cracked a smile.
“You are right, I was never dead. I was born a vampire.”
I thought about it for a second and knew that he actually was a vampire. My best friend was a vampire. Why was he telling me this now?
“Why are you telling me this now, Laylay?” I asked.
“Because you are sick, Crystal. I can heal you.”
I shook my head and looked into his eyes.
“There is no cure, Laylay. Mommy told me.”
He smiled at me.
“I can share my vampire blood with you and heal you.”
My eyebrows knitted together as confusion washed over me.
“How can that help me?”
“Vampire blood is strong and vampires cannot catch infections. Just think of it as a blood transfusion.”
“I would if I knew what that meant.” I said with a chuckle.
“So, how is this going to work?” I asked.
“You are going to drink my blood. A large amount and you should be free of cancer for a very long time. As long as I am near you should be free of cancer forever.”
I smiled at that thought.
“Free of cancer.” I said trying it on my lips, making me smile wider.
I looked into his eyes again.
“And it won’t hurt you?”
“Actually, it should be rather pleasant for me and sexual.” He said with a smirk.
“Sexual? What is that?” I asked.
He smiled and slit his wrist with his fingernail. He didn’t even wince.
He held up his wrist to my face and I looked at the red blood pour from the cut.
“You sure?” I asked.
He nodded and smiled.
I took a deep breath and pressed my lips to the cut. I drank from it and it surprisingly tasted good. It didn’t taste like salt like my blood tasted. It tasted like sweet nectar. Layken was moaning and I thought he was pain but, he told me he was fine. I drank from him until he pulled away. I felt strong and yanked the needles out my arm. I smiled and he helped me out the bed.
“Thank you, Laylay.” I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.
He blushed and looked down, making me laugh.
I grabbed his hand and he looked up.
“How long until I have to drink from you again?”
“My blood should linger in your blood stream until your seventeenth birthday. But, I’ll be there to feed you again.”
“Why don’t you just change me into a vampire?”
He pulled his hand away but, quickly put it back after he saw hurt on my face.
“I can’t go around changing people, Christie. People who are bitten must be trained by their creator and I can’t train you. I am too young.”
I nodded and looked into his eyes again.
“Promise to never leave me?” I asked him holding out my pinky finger.
He chuckled and entwined our pinkies together.
I hugged him and he held me tight to his chest.
We let each other go and we both blushed and then giggled.

New Kid Gossip

I sat up straight in bed and my eyes darted to the alarm clock that was beeping like crazy. I sighed and hit the snooze button before I waddled out of bed. My one millionth dream about me and Layken. Too bad he left exactly the day after he saved my life. Bummer.
I walked to my bathroom and examined my long black hair. I thought back to when I was trapped in a hospital room with my beautiful hair falling out, strand by strand. I shivered and picked up my toothbrush. I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair into a ponytail and a bang.
I went to my closet and threw on some black skinny jeans and a white camisole. I put a white flower in my hair and went to my makeup bag.
I put on white eye shadow and black eye liner. I put on clear lip gloss and threw on some black low cut boots before grabbing my bag and cell.
I walked downstairs and saw my mother and father down there sipping coffee.
“Hey, mom and dad.” I said picking up an apple out the fruit basket. I took a bite of it and faced my mom.
“Mom, are you going to pick me up from Chorus practice today?”
“I thought you had track practice today.” My mother said, looking at me over her cup.
“That’s tomorrow . . . or today?” I trailed off and my eyes widen.
“It is track practice.” I said with a giggle.
“You have a mind of an old man.”
I smiled.
“Thank you.” I said with a smirk.
I threw away my apple and kissed my mom and dad on the cheek before walking out the door.
I walked outside and the cold wind blew my hair in different directions. I shook it off and kept walking. I didn’t get a car yet because I failed my driving test. I never really studied the damn driver’s manual. I was too bored. I barely passed the test for my permit. So, I am sixteen and a junior in high school with no car. I really didn’t care though.
I reached the school’s campus and walked inside of the warm school. I stuck my backpack in my locker, grabbing my books for my first five periods.
“Hey chick.”
I looked up into the eyes of my best friend, Lindsay. She had long flowing blonde hair with hazel eyes and freckles. She was on the track team with me.
“Hey, Lin.” I said, closing my locker.
“Have you heard about the new kid that is transferring here in a week?”
I raised a brow.
“No. How would you know?” I asked.
“Because it is talking about it in the school’s papers.”
I snorted.
“Why would the school’s papers, run by the meanest bitch ever, have an article about the new kid who isn’t arriving until next week?” I said.
“In the school papers it says that the richest man in world son is transferring here.”
“Why? He clearly is a rich snob. Why would he transfer to a regular school?”
She shrugged.
“Beats me. All I know is that I’m going to ride him,” she said with a smirk.
I chuckled and shook my head.
Me and Lindsay went to Biology class and sat down in our seats. My other friend Benny, who name was Benjamin, sat next to me.
He had light brown hair and brown chocolate eyes.
I smiled up at him and he smiled back. Then, boring school started.

I really wanted to kill the new kid so everybody would just the fuck up! All throughout school girls were talking about screwing him and boys were talking about befriending him. I swear, when this new kid comes I will murder him so school can go back to normal.
I was walking to the cafeteria with Benny and Lindsay walking beside me. I went into the lunch line and sighed as gossip erupted.
“He is totally hot! Just like his dad! His dad looks like his freaking twenty but the paper says he is in his late thirties.” said one girl.
“Late thirties isn’t anything. I’ll still do him.” the other girl said.
The girls laughed together as they paid for their lunch.
I rolled my eyes and put some pizza on my plate and some salad. I paid for my lunch and went to the table in the corner of the cafeteria. Benny and Lindsay soon joined me.
“I’m getting a fucking headache from all this new kid talk!” I groaned.
Benny laughed.
“I don’t see why they are obsessing over one human just because he is rich and so called ‘hot’. I find it sickening.” he said with a disgust look.
I laughed and Lindsay scoffed.
“Whatever, Benny! So you are telling me that if Taylor Swift walked through those double doors right now, that you’ll stay in your seat?”
He nodded.
“Even if she was butt naked?” she asked with a raised brow.
I choked on my salad and busted out laughed.
Benny face went red all over and Lindsay chuckled.
“That is exactly what I thought.” She muttered.
I smiled at my friends and took a bite of my pizza.
“Well, I don’t think the new kid will be butt naked so I still don’t understand the obsession.” Benny said biting his pizza.
Lindsay rolled her eyes.
“The thing is that he is so hot that he beats a naked Taylor Swift. Do you understand now?” she said slowly.
I busted laughing again and choked on my pizza.
Benny glared at me and I shrugged.
“The girl is funny.” I said with a light chuckle.
Benny sighed and took another bite of his pizza.
“Something is wrong with girls.” he muttered.
“Then, go gay!” Lindsay yelled.
He glared at her.
“I don’t like dick!” he growled.
“Offensive much?” she asked with a smirked.
He groaned and sunk down in his seat and pushed his tray away.
“It seems like every day that Lindsay makes my appetite vanish.” he said with a sigh.
I giggled and finished my lunch.

You're back

Five days went by and the talk about the new boy did not lessen. Girls talked about him like he was food and boys envied him like he was a God or something.
I thought it was stupid. Why were they worshipping a rich person? They looked like fools drooling over some rich boy that was probably stuck up. I wish my school was a bit smarter, but hey. It is life.
It was Saturday and I was going to the movies with Benny and Lindsay. We were going to watch a scary movie. I wanted to watch a romantic comedy but, Benny and Lindsay said otherwise.
I put on a long sleeved purple V-neck and white skinny jeans. I put on purple vans. I let my hair down and brushed my bang back. I stuck a purple bow in my hair and went to do my makeup.
I put on some purple eye shadow and mascara. I applied some baby pink lip gloss and picked up my cell and called Lindsay.
“We’re on our way. We are two minutes away.” I heard Lindsay.
“Alright, bye.” I said and hung up. I stuck my phone in my pocket before I went downstairs.
I only saw my dad when I reached the living room. He was watching football on the flat screen.
“Hey, dad.”
He looked away from the screen and looked at me and instantly smiled.
“Hey, baby girl!” he said.
I chuckled and sat next to him on the couch. I laid my held on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around me.
“Where’s mom?”
“Out with some friends.”
“What’s on your mind, kid?”
I shook my head.
“Nothing much. I just have been having headaches all throughout the week.” I said with a sigh.
“Because everyone is talking about the rich kid transferring to our school. It is very annoying.”
My dad chuckled.
“Just brace through it, baby girl. They are just in shock.”
I shook my head and chuckled.
“For five days, dad?” I asked.
He laughed.
“I guess.”
At that moment a beep came from outside. I sighed and stood up. I kissed my dad goodbye before walking outside.
“Come on, Crystal!” Benny yelled through the window.
I smiled and ran towards the black truck and hopped in.
At the movies I was scared like shit! I was hiding behind Benny the whole time. Lindsay and Benny were laughing at me the whole time, too.
I was still shaking as we walked out the theater.
“Ha ha! Look at Crystal! She looks like she seen a ghost!” Benny said.
I glared at him.
“That shit was scary! I don’t ever want to see it again.” I said shaking my head.
Lindsay started to laugh as we climbed in the car.
I grabbed Benny’s arm before he hopped in the passenger side.
“Sit with me in the back?” I asked.
He started laughing but, got in the back with me.
I curled in a ball on his lap and looked cautiously out the window. It felt like eyes were on me. I squirmed around in Benny’s lap, trying to get comfy.
“Stop moving!” Benny hissed.
I slapped him in the face before getting comfortable.
He rubbed his face and glared at me. I smirked and slapped him again.
“Stop!” he exclaimed.
I chuckled and slapped him again.
“Crystal!” he begged.
I smiled and snuggled into his chest.
“Fine, only because you are so warm.” I said.
He wrapped his arm around me and then, I drifted to sleep.

The sun poured in my room, making my eyes fluttered open. I looked down and realized that I was still in my clothes from yesterday. I decided to go take a shower. I got out a bra, underwear, some shorts and a tank top.
After, taking my shower I put on my clothes. Then, something caught my eye. I looked out my window and saw a moving truck driving into the driveway of the house from across street.
I sat on my bed and watched as the movers removed the furniture from the truck and put them in the house. I couldn’t help but notice how expensive the furniture look. I shook my head and kept watching them.
I watched as a blonde headed lady was carrying a screaming toddler who was kicking and crying. The toddler was so adorable. She had pitch black hair and green innocent eyes just like . . . Layken. I shook my head.
The husband took the child from the mother and the child instantly stops crying. She kissed her daddy and snuggled into his chest. That was when I caught a glimpse of the father, he looked exactly like Layken. He had the same full lips and pitch black hair and piercing green eyes. He looked like he was Layken’s twin!
Then, I saw him. My best friend. He followed his father miserably. He had a hurt expression on his face. He looked like he had been crying. His head suddenly snapped up and he looked up at my house and somehow he seen me and he smiled.
I smiled back and threw him a kiss. He caught and stuffed it in his pocket. I giggled before I started for the door. I tripped on my own foot twice but, I didn’t care.
When I reached the kitchen, I crashed into my dad.
“Whoa slow down.”
“L-layken is outside!” I squealed and headed for the door.
I opened the door and there my best friend stood. I laughed and ran as fast I could into his arms.
He really was here! I felt tears sting my eyes as he wrapped an arm around me.
“Layken, I missed you so much!” I said wrapped my legs around his waist. He held me tight to his chest and smiled.
I kissed him on the lips before I stood on my own two feet.
“Hey, Christie.” He said with a breath taking smile.
“I missed you so much, Laylay.” I said.
I hugged him again and I didn’t want to let go. He held me tightly to his chest making me smile.
I heard someone clear their throat and I stepped out of Layken’s embrace and saw a pretty blonde. I looked up at Layken who was looking at her in disgust.
“So, Laylay who is she?” the blonde said.
I gasped.
“Laylay? That’s my nickname for him.” I whispered looking down.
Layken held me tight to his side, but I didn’t look up.
“This is Crystal. My best friend.”
I looked up to see her reaction and she smiled at me.
“Nice to meet you, Crystal.” she said shaking my hand.
I looked up at Layken.
“Christie, this is my wife, Charlotte.”


“Wife?” I asked.
He nodded and Charlotte smiled.
“Oh, well I have to go.” I smiled at them both and went inside my house.
I didn’t know why it hurt so bad that he had a wife. But, It felt like daggers pierced my heart. I was only his best friend, I knew that. I should be glad that he came back . . . but I can’t.
He left me after promising me that he would stay with me forever! Then, he comes back with a wife! I can’t be ok with that. I feel . . . betrayed.
“Sweetie! I heard the good news!”
I looked up and saw my mom.
“H-he’s married mom.” I said brokenly.
I passed her and went up the stairs. I ran into my room and locked the room door. I plopped down on my bed and let the tears come.
I covered my face in hands and imagined a little green eyed kid. Him smiling up through his bangs. Him calling me Christie. His moans that echoed through the hospital room while I fed from him.
I looked up into familiar green eyes.
I tumbled back into my bed board and looked at him.
“What are doing in here?” I growled.
“I was just checking up on you.”
I didn’t ask how he got in here. I knew he got in through the window because he did that the night before he left.
“How about you go check up on your wife?”
He shook his head.
“I don’t care about her.”
“Then why did you marry her?” I asked.
“It was arranged, Christie.”
“Do not call me Christie. My name is Crystal!”
He sighed and looked down at his hands.
“Why is the fact that I am married bothering you so much?” he growled.
I snorted.
“It doesn’t. Just the fact that you left me after promising me that you wouldn’t leave.”
“It wasn’t bothering you when you threw that kiss at me. Or when you wrapped your legs around my waist and kissed me.” He growled, raising a brow.
“That was all mistakes. I hate you.” I said glaring into his now cold eyes.
Suddenly he was in my face with red blazing eyes.
“After I saved your life, you hate me? You could be dead right now and I saved your life!” he snarled.
I was a bit scared but, I crossed my arms around my chest and lifted my chin.
“I don’t fucking care. That is your mistake, asshole.” I spat.
His eyes were suddenly turned from blood red to pitch black. His fangs were clear and he wrapped his hand firmly around my throat.
“I will kill you!” he snarled slamming me in the bed board.
“Let . . . me . . . go.” I gasped.
I felt my eyes fill with tears but, I tried to hold them back. I could feel my air way closing on me and I knew I was going to die. Even at the face of death I knew I loved Layken and I wouldn’t mind being killed by him or dying in his hands.
The tears fell down my cheeks and I looked Layken in the eyes.
I repeated the words I said when I was dying of cancer.
“Laylay, I think I might die. I don’t feel so good.” I whispered with tear filled eyes.
Layken gasped and his eyes turned back into their innocent green. He took his hand from my neck and I dropped to the bed.
I gasped for air. I started coughing and holding my neck. But, no matter how many breaths I took I couldn’t breathe properly.
“I . . . can’t . . . breathe!” I gasped.
Layken panicked.
“Did I crush your lungs? W-what I’m so sorry, Christie. I am so sorry!”
“I’ll go get my father!” he said and jumped out my window.
Tears clouded my vision. He left me again. I curled up in a ball and let God decide whether or not to kill me. My vision got blurry and soon enough I blacked out.


I woke to the sound of beeping and a tight, all too familiar, feeling in my wrist. I lifted my head and instantly regret it as a headache overcame me. I plopped my head back down on the pillow and looked around. I saw a white room and nothing else. I heard that retched beeping sound and nothing else. Where the hell was I?
“You’re awake,” said a little voice.
I turned my head slightly and looked into green, big eyes. She smiled at me and gently put a hand on my cheek. She giggled and dropped her hand to her side. She started playing with her long pitched black hair and just stared at me.
I looked at her with a confused expression and she soon caught on.
“I’m Layken’s baby sister.” She said with another giggle.
“Lizzy!” she exclaimed and held out her little hand. I looked at my hands and noticed the needles in them. I instantly got scared. Needles brought back too many memories of cancer and being trapped in one room. It also reminds me of the day I drank from Layken . . .
Lizzy dropped her hand and smiled at me.
“Everything is ok. Your lung collapsed is all. But, the vampire blood is healing it rather quickly and smoothly.” She said professionally.
I raised a brow at her. She sounded like Layken when we were younger. He always use to talk like a big smart grown up and I barely understood what he said.
Lizzy suddenly leaned in and I felt her soft lips at my ear. She giggled again before she started talking.
“Layken likes you!” she screamed in my ear.
I winced away from her voice but, smiled. I knew it was impossible for Layken to like me but, her personality is so much like Layken I can’t help but smile.
“Lizzy, why are you bothering her? She needs her rest,” I heard a stern voice say.
I tilted my head up and saw Layken’s mom walk in. She smiled apologetically at me. I smiled back and was about to talk when a soft finger touched my lips.
“No talking! Your lungs need to rest!” Lizzy said and giggled again. I smiled at her and touched her soft hand that still laid on my lips. I kissed it and let it go. She’s just like Layken; her personality, her eyes, her hair.
Soon, Lizzy’s and Layken’s father walked in with a smile on his face. I beamed up at him. I remember him like no other. I had no clue how he became the richest man in the world. Yes, I knew they were rich to begin with but . . . how the hell did they become the richest people in the world? I wanted to ask but, Lizzy was probably going to kill me if I did. Haha, amazing; a toddler could beat me up.
Their father rested a hand on my forehead and he nodded in approval.
“You had a fever when you came in here, it seems to be gone. I can also tell that your left lung is healing beautifully. You’re doing good, sweetie. Keep it up,” he winked at me and turned to Lizzy. His wife anxiously passed her to him.
“I’ll go check on Layken. He’s much easier to deal with than a vampire toddler,” she said with a sigh and exited the room. Lizzy stuck her tongue out at her retreating mommy. Her father chuckled and kissed her forehead.
“Isn’t your mother beautiful?” he asked in a daze.
Lizzy looked at him and gagged. “Ew, no! Mommy ugly and mean!” she exclaimed.
Her father chuckled and turned to me.
“She’s beautiful isn’t she?” he asked.
I smiled and nodded. She was beautiful with her long blonde hair and petite body. She looked like a goddess.
“She’s sixty years old,” he finished.
My eyes widen slightly. Sixty? She looked sixteen!
“It’s a vampire thing,” he said with a chuckle.
I nodded at him and smiled. I always felt comfortable with Mr. Daniels. He was an awesome dude. Layken and Lizzy was glad to have a wonderful father. Their mother was awesome also but, Layken always use to tell me she was so protective of them and it was annoying. I use to always laugh at this.
“Crystal! You’re awake!” a husky voice yelled.
I blink and next thing I saw was big green eyes, and it didn’t belong to Lizzy or Mr. Daniels. I gulped and looked at Layken.


Texte: All writing belongs to Breanna Davis
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.12.2011

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