
Chapter One Son of a bitch say what?


I couldn’t be happier to be eighteen! I’m starting my senior year in a month and I’m so happy! After senior year, my ass will be out of my parents’ god damn house!
I wanted to go to college and study literature and maybe do a little drawing and music also. I also wanted to major in dance! A lot to choose from, I know. But, I think I may just enjoy literature a little bit more than the others.
I’m a bit of a loner. I rather stay in and read a book then go out and party. I mean like, what the fuck is the point of going out to party when you can buy some food and buy a beer or two turn up some music and enjoy yourself at home by yourself! I rather do that then hang out with a couple of drunks at a party!
Even though I am a loner, I have a big sense of humor! I’m like a loner, funny, singy-dancy bitch, I guess. I sound interesting . . . I know.

I was driving home, jumping around in the seat. I knew I had a surprise party every year! I would get the best presents this year, I know it!
I was about to drive into the driveway when I saw a limo there, and I hit the brakes. . . . hard.
My body snapped forward then backwards, but my eyes stayed on the limo.
Why the fuck is a limo here? We aren’t rich. Then, my eyes squared on a shiny new car that was pink. My favorite color.
Did my parents hit the fucking lottery!? Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! I think I’m rich now! We hit the fucking lottery!
I jumped out the car and passed the limo to look at the shiny new pink car. I realized it was M3 BMW. I shrieked and immediately fell in love with the car.
I looked on the top of it and it had a bow on it. That verifies that it is indeed mines!
I had to look up at the house again to make sure I was at the right house. But, the same blue house I lived in since I could remember kept looking back at me.
Then, I saw a note attached to the car. I opened it and started to read:
Bambi I give a car to you to express my love for you.
I smiled and stuck the note in my pocket.
I run into my house and I’m in engulfed with the smell of freesia and vanilla. I smile happily and run upstairs. I go to my parents’ room but, I don’t see them there.
“Mom, Dad?” I holler.
“We’re in the kitchen,” says my mother’s soft voice.
I sigh and run back down the stairs, my smile still clear on my face.
I run into the kitchen and I see my parents’ backs to me.
I look around and see five big presents around me. I gasp and run to them. I run my finger across the pink wrap and stand up.
“Thank you so much for the wonderful presents! How did you guys afford a BMW?!”
My parents turn around with red eyes. They looked like they been crying. My mother had her hand tightly around some tissue.
“What’s wrong?”
I take a step towards them and when I do I hear a gasp.
I look to my side and see a woman that looked like she was in her early thirties and a man that look like he was in his mid-thirties. The man looked well built and handsome. He had dark brown hair and green eyes.
The woman had pitch black hair with blue shining eyes.
Then, I saw the boy. He must’ve been the one who gasped because he was staring at me with warm, loving eyes.
He had his mother’s dark hair and his father’s green eyes. He looked well built too. He was hot!
I looked back at my mom, uncomfortable under the boy’s stare.
“Who are these folks?”
She smiled slightly and pointed to the couple.
“This your soon to be parents-in-law and this here is your soon to be husband,” she said gesturing towards to the boy.
“Son of a bitch say what!?”

Chapter Two He is not my mate!


My mother cringed away from me and started shaking with tears.
“The last time I checked, that boy did not ever drop on one knee and propose to me! And if he did, I would reject it! I don’t know this dick wad! The fuck wrong with you?!” I screamed.
“Bambi! Do not talk to your mother that way! Do not dare disrespect her! What is wrong with you?” My father said coldly.
I chuckled darkly.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? You guys sniffing some shit or something? He is not my husband to be or my boyfriend or what the fuck ever! I do not know these shit faces!”
My father growled.
“Do NOT yell at us, Bambi!”
“Shut the fuck up,” I said coldly.
I felt my eyes turn black as my anger grew.
“Challenge me if you may, father. But, I warn you I’m not the little werewolf you use to train years ago!”
I turned on my heels and stormed upstairs.
“Fucking sons of a bitches!” I growled as I kicked my door open, probably breaking the hinges. I walked into my room and was surrounded in pink. I smile slightly at the walls and plopped down on my hello kitty sheets.
I laid back and stared at the ceiling.
“Bambi,” said a soft loving voice. My head snapped to the side to see the boy standing there, admiring me.
“Uh . . .”
He walked into my room and stared at me and smiled.
“You look astonishing!”
I rolled my eyes at him and sat up.
“Get the hell out.”
He looked taken aback by my choice of words but, he didn’t move.
“But, I love you!”
I narrowed my eyes at him.
“I don’t know you, asshole. Out. My. Fucking. Room. Before, I kill you and rip you to shreds.”
His eyes turned black and I gasped.
“Y-you’re a werewolf?”
“The Alpha is more like it,” he growled and stormed out my room.
He’s a Alpha? I shook my head. I was suppose to marry a Alpha. But, he isn’t my mate so I can’t.
I sighed and went to my bookcase.
I picked up the book Wuthering Heights

Boy, did I love me some Heathcliff.

Chapter Three Damn, I feel lonely


I fell asleep reading Wuthering Heights

. I felt the bed dip from someone’s weight but, I could care less. I snuggled into my pillow and closed my eyes, letting sleep engulf me.

I woke up to something wrapping around my body. I opened one eye and saw that it was dark outside. I opened my other one, but stayed completely still.
“I know you are awake,” I heard him say.
I turned around on my side and faced him.
“What is your name?” I asked.
He smiled and my heart skipped a beat.
My heart sped up at the sound of his name. I cleared my throat and rolled on my side. He isn’t my mate.
“Why are you in my bed?” I asked coldly.
“Because, I can’t stand to be away from you.”
I chuckled.
“But, I wish for you to stay away from me. I utterly despise you.” I growled.
He retrieved his arm and scooted away.
I felt lonely and cold and bare without him. I shook my head.
“Get on the floor or leave!” I snarled.
“Whatever,” he muttered as he left my room.
My wolf growled at me, and I felt confused and most of all lonely.
Why did you let him go? Are you stupid, girl?

“Leave me alone!” I growled at my inner wolf.
It whimpered and silenced.
“Wimp,” I muttered as I laid flat on my back.
I bit my lip as I felt the wave of loneliness again. Was he one of those rare werewolves that could have powers? Silent tears fell down my face as loneliness struck me again.
What the fuck is up?
He is NOT my mate!

Chapter Four Who the fuck you disrespecting?


I woke up to the shining sun and I groaned and rolled on my side. I sat up and bed and threw my legs on the side of the bed. I got up and started walking downstairs.
I crashed into Ace as I was about to walk down the stairs.
“Watch it, Bambi.” He said my name like it was a bad word.
I rolled my eyes.
“You are just mad because you got rejected, yo!” I said and laughed. He growled and kept waking.
I chuckled and went downstairs.
“Why are you taking away our little girl!? She is staying!” I heard my mother growl.
“Nope, she is coming with us!” hissed another feminine voice.
“Back up out of my mate’s face or I will kill you!” my father growled.
I gasped and ran in the kitchen. I saw my father shaking with anger and my mother standing behind him staring daggers at the woman.
The man that was Ace’s father stood in front of his wife and was in a crouch.
“So, you are going to threaten us now?” growled Ace’s father.
“I guess so, asshole!” My dad growled.
I watched as my dad changed into a big dark brown werewolf and next to him my mom turned into a light brown werewolf.
I ran into the kitchen and in a swift movement, pushed them away from my parents. I felt my eyes turn black as I turned into a similar dark brown werewolf as my father.
I watched wide eyed as the father turned into a big tall dark haired wolf. His eyes were a shining black and he growled at me.
I shook off the fear and got into a crouch as I growled back at him.
Then, a big black werewolf jumped in front of me with black majestic eyes and growled up at the Alpha male.
The big black wolf was almost the same size as the Alpha and I quickly realized the werewolf was Ace.

Chapter Five How dare you hurt my mate?


I couldn’t believe my father would try and kill my mate and her parents! He was the asshole who told me at five fucking years old that I will marry her as soon as I turn eighteen and now he is trying to kill her? He is trying to kill my mate, knowing that if she dies I would be in pain the rest of my life until I died too.
I quickly turned into a werewolf and jumped in front of Bambi (*sigh* Bambi, such a wonderful name!).
My father surprised me by growling back. I looked up at my mother who was wrapping her arms around my father’s neck trying to restrain him though she knew she couldn’t without being in her werewolf form.
I crouched down and lunged at my father. I went for his neck and he smacked me away with his paw. I rolled and flew into the table. I tried to stand up, but my paw felt broken.
I whimpered slightly and tried to stand up but, my paw said otherwise.
Bambi’s head quickly snapped over to me and she looked at my paw before she turned back to my father. She growled and bit his neck. My father whimpered and my mother stepped back, looking in shock. Her shock turned to anger and she was about to turn into a werewolf when I gave her a slight whimper, pleading with my eyes for her not to attack. She nodded her lips in a tight line.
My father recovered and lunged at Bambi. She bit her face, hard and she whimpered and dropped to the floor. I tried to stand up and defend her but my paw, was broken. I looked back at Bambi with tears in my eyes. She turned back into her human form and she had a bite mark covering 75% of her face.
I looked at her parents’ who was growling at my father. I laid down and tucked my paw under my torso, staring at my mate. My mate got hurt, and I couldn’t protect her.

Chapter Six Stop All this fucking fighting!

Bambi's parents went to Bambi to check up on her. They turned back into their human forms and craddeld Bambi in their arms. Her bite mark already began to heal, leaving a big scar on her face. Weirdly, it made her look more stunning somehow. She groaned and touched the scar before wincing from the pain. I whimpered, feeling her pain. I felt my paw trying to heal and I couldn't be more glad.
"What the fuck happened?" She groaned.
I walked over to her (More like limped) and laid down next to her. She smiled at me and my heart skipped a beat.
She actually smiled at me! "Thanks for protecting me, Ace. Is your paw ok?"
I nodded and her smile widen.
She let out a big sigh.
"So, is the scar bad?"
"No, it isn't, sweetie!" Her mom exclaimed. Her dad nodded in agreement but, she ignored them and looked at me.
"Is it, Ace? I can handle the truth."
I shook my head and she sighed again and yawned.
"I'm sleepy. Ya know being bit in the face is very tiring."
I looked at my dad who turned back into his human form. He was looking down,ashamed of his behavoir.
Bambi's dad picked her up and brought her to bedroom. I followed them, not looking at my father.

Chapter Seven Make Out

I groaned and turned on my side. My hand immediately went up to my face. I ran my finger along the bite mark. It was a little tender but, didn’t hurt as bad as it did yesterday.
“Hey, Bambi.” Whispered a soft loving voice.
I opened my eyes and say Ace. He was crouched by my bed looking at me.
“Hey,” I whispered and smiled.
He smiled back and my heart fluttered. He helped me out of bed and pulled me to his chest. I looked into his eyes and electricity passed through our embrace. I ignored it and touched his cheek with my finger tips. He moaned and I smirked. I trailed a finger down his chest and his hand went down to my butt. I shivered with anticipation. He grabbed it and I moaned. He pressed his lips to mine and once again an electrical current passed through us. I moaned as he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He threw me on the bed and got on top of me. He threw off his shirt and pressed his lips back to mine. His lips moved with mines hungrily. He started to take off my shirt but, I pushed his hand away. A light growl erupted from his throat but, I glared at him and he whimpered.
“Sorry.” he said sincerely.
“I don’t want to lose my virginity to you. I’m not even sure that you are my mate.” I said looking down.
He growled and stormed out the room, grabbing his shirt.
I sighed and went to go get my hand mirror. I gasped when I looked out the bite mark on my face. It actually made me look gorgeous. It made me seem like a person that had a story behind the face. I smiled and touch the bite mark again.
“Well, Bambi. You look darn right gorgeous.” I said into the mirror.
I giggled and put it back down.
“Now what the fuck am I going to do about Ace? My fake mate,”
I heard a growl come from somewhere and I laughed. It’s going to be fun getting on his nerves. I was going to be the rudest wife ever! Then, we can get a divorce and I can find my real mate. I don’t have time to play date anyone. Sure, Ace was hot but, I know my mate is going to be hotter.

Chapter Eight Confused

I wonder when she is going to figure out that I’m her mate! It’s kind of pissing me off when we are about to move out tomorrow. I was going to tell her but, I couldn’t help myself and kissed her. Then, she rejected me. God, this girl is going to drive me crazy. But, I will do everything and anything to keep this girl with me. She was my mate; we were destined to be together.
I walked downstairs and the first thing I saw was my parents having a talk. I stood in front of my dad with my arms crossed. He looked at me and raised a brow.
“I don’t think me or Bambi got an apology, you little bastard.” I growled. I hate it that I have to talk to my father like that but, my mate comes first and she was hurt by this little bitch. It isn’t about to end till I get an apology and so does Bambi. If she doesn’t forgive him, neither will I.
My father stood up and got in my face. He tower over me by a few inches but, I could take him. When he retires, I will be the Alpha; not him. I growled and bared my teeth, ready to attack any second. My father pushed me back but, I didn’t fall on my butt like I usually did; I pushed back. My father staggered back into the wall. I smiled. Did he really want to challenge me, again?
“You two need to stop. You are blood! What the hell is wrong with you guys?” my mother growled.
I ignored her and glared at my dad. That stupid fucker! I wanted to rip him to shreds with my razor sharp teeth. I was about to charge when my body came to a sudden stop. I blink twice and realized Bambi stood in front of me. She placed her hands on her hips and glared at me. I whimpered and pointed at my father like a little child.
“He started it, Bambi!” I whined.
She rolled her eyes and went to my father. She smiled at him and whispered something in his ear. Both of them chuckled and looked at me then back at each other. They laughed again and irritation rolled over me. She hugged my dad before she walked back towards me. Suddenly, she slapped me across my face.
“Don’t disrespect your father like that,” she said simply.
I couldn’t help but smile. She looked gorgeous. I looked at her perfect pink lips and my smile widen. I stepped closer and pressed my lips against hers. She seemed shocked at first but, he lips moved with mines perfectly. She knotted her fingers in my hair and I moaned. I was so ready to marry this sexy girl. My hands slid underneath her shirt and made it way up to her breast. I squeezed them and she moaned and bit down on my lip. I smiled against her lips and moved them even faster with hers. I slipped my hands in her bra and she moaned even louder. I rubbed against her naked breast, ready to take her. Damn, she was sexy. Un-expectantly, she pulled back and glared at me. I was taken aback by that. What the hell? Was she PMS-ing or some shit?
She growled at me before stormed up the steps. I scratched the back of my head, confused.


Texte: All writing belongs to Breanna Davis
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.12.2011

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To anyone who will love someone who can love somebody under any circumstance.

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