
"I don't know what to do..."I kept telling myself over, and over again.
I was laying on my bed, with out the blankets on me. I was, also, throwing my teddy bear up into the air and catching it, thinking love is stupid.
My boyfriend cheated on me several times, and I took him back every time. But now, I knew I just ruined my life for loving/liking a guy for so long, and taking him back.
"I can't believe him!"I screamed inside of my head.
I couldn't stand the fact he was probably making out with another girl right now, while I'm laying alone, in my room, throwing a bear up in the air, crying.
After about 30 minutes, my cell phone began to ring, and I just had to answer it.
"Hello?" I said through the phone.
"Hey Raven, I am going to go to that youth group tonight, you wanna come? I can take you,"Misty my best friend told me.
"Hm, I thought you couldn't drive people around unless they're family,"I said to her.
She took a deep breath,"we'll be fine, we look like we're 18, even though we're 16 1/2, but still, it'll be okay, so you wanna come or not?"
"Sure, lemme tell my mom, so head on down here,"I said getting off my bed, and placing my teddy bear on my pillow.
"Alright, see you in a few,"she hung up, and I ran downstairs to mom who was in the living room with Brian, my older brother, and his friend John.
"Mom, I'm goin' to the youth group with Misty tonight, she'll be here in a few,"I told her putting on my black and white converse sitting on the leather couch.
"What time will you be home,"she asked placing her drink on the coffee table.
"Hmm, when ever it ends. Which I don't know what time, 'cause I haven't been there in years,"I told her tying my last converse.
"Alright,"she said putting her hands on her laps, and leaning back on the seat she was in.
"So, John wants to know something,"Brian told me.
"Hm?"I said looking at Brian and John.
"Come with us,"Brian said getting up while pausing Black Ops on the XBOX360.
I looked at mom with confusion, and got up from the couch and followed the guys to the kitchen.
When I made it inside, Brian closed the door by sliding it.
"Do you like him?"He asked sitting on the counter grabbing a apple.
I looked at John, and then at Brian,"I don't know, why?"I asked.
John sat next to Brian in awkwardness.
"Because, he likes you,"Brian said looking at the apple closely.
"Alright then?"I said tapping the counter.
Brian took a bite of the red apple, and looked at John who was staring out the window. I could tell he was nervous. I mean yeah, I liked John, but probably not enough to date him. Plus, he's like another brother to me. He comes over almost every day, and always stays the night.
"So,"Brian chewed his apple,"do you like him?"
I still tapped on the counter, thinking if I should say yes or no..."yeah, but-"
"Great, now John ask her out,"Brian said taking another bite of his apple.
I turned around to see Misty coming into the kitchen,"come on Raven, we needa' go. And sorry if I interupted your guyses meeting, but Raven and I need to now,"She said walking backwards out of the kitchen.
I looked at John, who was about to say something,"bye guys,"I said with a little wave.
John looked at Brian who was chewing his apple, and then me,"bye,"he replied.

When Misty and I made it to her truck, I kept thinking about John, and I began to like him more. But I knew, I didn't want our friendship to get ruined...
"So what exactly were you guys talking about in the kitchen?"Misty asked driving towards the town where the youth group would be.
"Hmmm, John likes me, and I kinda like him, so he was gonna ask me out right when you walked in,"I said.
"Oh, well, there's gonna be a lot of hot guys at youth group tonight, so don't bother going out with him and ruining your friendship, plus you just got through a horrible break up,"she said.
"I know,"I sighed, and placed my elbow right next to the window, and made a fist, and rested my cheeck on it.

Once we made it to the youth group, on the door to get in, there was age groups.

4pm-7:30pm AGES 12-15
7:30pm-11pm Ages 16-18
Please don't lie about ages!
Please Have fun, and please behave!

I read the sign,"I don't have a card anymore,"I told Misty.
"Alright, come on,"she walked me through the doors.
Right when we walked in there was a guy, probably around his 20's, who was sitting behind a counter. He had tattoos, and piercings. He was more like an emo type of person.
"Hey Misty,"he smiled grabbing her card,"who's your friend?"
"Oh, this is Raven. She's been here before, but that was a couple years ago, so um she needs a card,"Misty told him.
"Alright, one sec.,"he said placing her card on the counter.
Misty grabbed it, and put it in her pocket.
"So, Raven, you know all the rules here, right?"The guy asked.
I nodded my head yes, and looked at Misty who was skimming through a magazine on the counter.
"You're the quiet-kinda person, huh?"He asked typing something in his computer.
"Yeah she is,"Misty told him while closing the magazine.
"Ahh, well, I need your name, and age, and um, I think that's it,"He said,"and by the way, my name is Zack."
"Alright,"I said.
"Yeah! Your first word,"he teased with a smile.
I kind of giggled, and told him my first and last name, and age.
Once I got my card, he scanned it and we headed to the other doors to get into the actual party room thing.
Where we were at, wasn't really a youth group. It was more just like a hang out place where you meet new people...but a couple years ago when Misty and I went, it was more like a youth group, so we call it that.
"Hey Misty,"a guy about 17 or 18 said waving at her.
He had black hair, with blond strikes. It was like a guy scene hair. He also wore eye liner it looked like, and he had snake bites. He was actually really cute.
Anyway, he was sitting on a red couch with a couple other guys, and smiling at Misty who grabbed my arm and walked me to the couches where he was.
"Hey Zane, this is Raven, my best friend. She's kinda new here, so um yeah. And Raven, this is Zane, he's like my older brother,"Misty introduced.
I smiled at him, and he smiled back. He began to check me out, like, he looked from bottom to top of me.
"Well, I'll let you two get to know each other,"Misty said to Zane and I.
Zane looked at Misty, and kind of smiled, and watched her walk away with Zane's group of people.
I sat down next to him, and got nervous very quickly. I had no clue what to say, and I felt weird...
"So, how are you?"He asked looking at me.
His voice was sweet, and deep...but not too deep to where it sounds weird. Okay, he had the perfect voice.
"Um, nervous,"I said looking back at him.
He smiled,"why is that?"
I shrugged my shoulders, and noticed Misty was messing around with the person who looked like was in charge of the music.
A song began to play through the speakers all over the room, and I looked around to see people flirting, hugging, holding hands, kissing, talking, and dancing. But Zane and I...were sitting, and getting to know each other...
"I'm just a really shy person and don't talk to people I haven't met before,"I said looking back at Zane.
"Ah, well, you can talk to me, 'cause you know me now,"he still smiled.
I kind of giggled, and looked away from Zane to Misty who was really close to Zack. I was shocked, and wondered why he's here. Shouldn't he be behind the counter? I thought.
"Wanna dance?"Zane asked.
I kind of shook my head,"no, I don't dance. I don't look like a dancer, do I?"I smiled looking back at Zane.
It's true, I look nothing like a dancer. I have black scene hair, with a feather, I wear bright or dark colored skinny jeans, weird shirts, and converse or Vans.
"Nah, you don't look like one...honestly,"he said.
I laughed a little, and looked back at Misty wishing she was sitting next to me so things wouldn't be so awkward with Zane and I.
"Yeah, um, where's the bathroom?"I asked looking around.
He stood up, and held his hands out so I could take them. I did, and he pulled me up, and let go of my hands.
"Follow me, ma'am,"he smiled.
I did as he said with a little giggle and smile, and he walked to a long hallway in the back of the room. Once we made it to the bathrooms he said,"I'll stand here and wait, 'cause I don't wanna lose you."
I opened the door, and stood there, thinking what he ment by that. Like, did he mean, he didn't want to lose me in the crowd...or, he didn't want to lose me, because he knows something will happen tonight?
"Alright,"I said walking into the bathroom.
I closed the door behind me, and walked to the sink and mirror where I fixed my scene hair and made it look better. I wiped off the little bit of smeared eye liner and mascara I had, and checked my teeth to make sure they were white.
I, also, smiled in the mirror, and decided if I should smile with my teeth, or my mouth closed? After a moment of thinking, I fixed my snake bites, and walked out of the bathroom.
"Let's go back now,"Zane said walking back down the hall way.
I followed him, and as we entered the hang out room, 99% of the people were dancing. It was intersting to see girls dancing all slutty and the guys trying to make them stop because of how wrong that is.
The strobe lights blinded me it seemed like, and it was very hot in the room.
"Wanna go outside where it's cooler?"Zane asked almost yelling because the music was so loud.
"Sure,"I answered.
We walked passed the dancing people and through the first doors, passed the counter Zack was sitting at, and outside.
It was so much cooler outside. It felt so good too.
"This is better,"Zane told me sitting on the curb in front of the youth group.
I smiled, and sat next to him on the curb.
"We have a lot better view out here, then inside. I don't think we wanna watch people dance, now do we?"Zane asked looking at me with a little smile.
I smiled back with a giggle,"yeah, I don't wanna watch."
Zane nodded his head a couple times in agreement, and looked at the mountains and stars miles away. That's right! Our view was mountains, the sun setting, and stars.
It was beautiful.

I placed my palms on the concrete ground behind me, and leaned back. Zane looked back at me and smiled,"so, are we friends?" He asked.
I nodded my head yes,"yeah, why?"
Zane shrugged his shoulders,"I don't know, just curious."
I smiled, and looked out at the mountains.
"Are you coming here again tomorrow?"Zane asked.
"Yes, well...maybe, why?"I asked while studdering.
"I don't know, so I can hang out with someone other than my friends in there. Plus, I don't want the chicks in there rubbing up against me anymore...It gets old and annoying,"Zane said kind of laughing looking back at me.
I smiled and looked down at my legs and back up at Zane.
"Oh my god, that was hilarious!"Misty hollered walking outside with Zack.
His arm was around her, and they seemed drunk. I don't think they were though...
"You should've seen her, Misty fell off a table while she was dancing and singing! It was so funny,"Zack told Zane and I while walking towards his car.
"Um, where are you going?"I asked Misty while she was about to get in the passenger seat of Zack's car.
"Oh, here's my keys to the car, I'll see you tomorrow, alright? I'm going home with Zack,"she said throwing the keys to me while getting in his car.
My heart began to race, and the way Zack looked at me, was creepy. He had a little smirk on his face, and it looked like he was going to make Misty do something she doesn't want to do.
"Alright, bye?"I said acting like I thought nothing was going to happen.
Zane and I watched as Zack and Misty drove off in the distance. I got worried very quickly, and just knew something was going to happen with her.
"Well, you wanna go back in for the last hour?"Zane asked after minutes of silence.
"Sure,"I said getting up from the curb.
Zane did the same and we headed back inside the youth group thing.
When we walked in, a kind of slow song was playing, and people were still dirty dancing, or slow dancing together.
"We'll sit down,"Zane told me.
So, we walked to the red couches and took a seat next to a couple who were cuddling and flirting.
It was awkward because Zane and I barely talked. I had no clue what to say or ask...
"So, are we gonna hang out a lot this summer?"Zane asked trying to speak over the music.
"Yes, of course,"I said.
"Are you going to the fair that's coming up?"He asked.
I nodded my head and looked at Zane who was already looking at me,"are you?"
"Yes ma'am,"he smiled with a little laugh.

Towards the end of the night, the person who was in charge of the music told us it was time to get ready to leave.
So before everyone left, Zane and I quickly made it through the doors.
"Well, I guess I'll see ya' tomorrow?"Asked Zane.
"Yep,"I responded with a smile.
"Do you have a cell phone so I can text you?"Zane questioned pulling a phone out from his pocket.
"Yes..."I gave him my number, and he dialed it in his phone, and saved it.
"So see you tomorrow,"he said.
"Yep,"I said awkwardly.
We stood in the same spots for a couple moments, then finally he asked for a hug. So we hugged, and I went to Misty's car and drove home.
On my way home, all I thought about was Misty. I was so worried something could be happening with her at this moment, and I didn't know.
But one thing I know for sure is, tomorrow she will tell me everything that happened tonight.

Once I got home, I looked directly at the bright clock on the wall to see it was 11:30pm.
I slowly and quietly closed the front door, and walked to the kitchen and turned the light on.
I looked through the fridge to see if there was anything I could snack on.
"Dude, stop,"someone whispered.
I turned around to see John and Brian frozen in the door way in suprise,"hi?"I said looking back in the fridge.
"Hello, why are you home so late?And why's Misty's car in the driveway?"Brian asked walking to the island where he could sit in a stool.
I shrugged my shoulders, and closed the refridgerators door.
I stood in front of Brian on the other side of the island,"why are you guys in the kitchen?"I asked.
Brian looked at John, and at me,"um, well, because we um heard a noise, and saw a light come from downstairs, so uh, we decided to check it out,"Brian said.
I scrunched my eyebrows together, and kind of shook my head,"alright then."
John sat next to Brian, and tapped his finger tips on the islands granet counter top.
"John's just a little nervous,"Brian said elbowing him in the arm.
John looked up at me, and didn't say anything. I looked back at him, and he looked down at the island counter.
It was silent in the kitchen, and I wanted to say something, but I didn't. Instead, I hopped on the counter and sat there...waiting for someone to say something.
"I'll let you two alone,"Brian told us getting up from the stool and walking out of the kitchen closing the siding door.
John didn't look up at me,"well, what's wrong?"I asked.
He shrugged his shoulders and leaned back in his stool and he finally looked up at me,"I wanna ask you a question, but I need you to tell me the truth."
"Alright,"I nodded my head in agrement.
"Do you even like me,"he asked.
I looked down a my lap, where my hands were rested in between my knees. I thought for a moment, wondering if I should say yes or no,"John..."I paused,"I do, but I don't know if we should go out 'cause-"
"You just got through with a horrible break up, but I won't be like him, I promise!"John got up from his stool, and walked over by me,"I like you a lot, and if we go out, I'll be the best man ever. And I swear I'll never hurt you."
I looked at John, and got off the counter to actually face him,"I wasn't going to-"
John kissed me, so I couldn't say the rest. His lips were soft, and honestly he was a good kisser.
He backed away after a moment,"I promise you Raven, I won't be like other guys."
I closed my eyes, and didn't know what to do,"can I sleep on this? I'm really tired, and I needa' think about this, good night."I started walking but he grabbed my arm softly.
"Night,"he said with a smile and a kiss on the cheek.
I smiled back and opened the sliding door to see Brian standing in front of a window near by,"You can go in there now."
He turned around and didn't say anything and walked quickly into the kitchen where John was.

The next morning, I woke up from the sounds of John and Brian laughing and hollering from downstairs. I figured they were playing the XBOX360.
I took a deep breath, and began thinking about last night in the kitchen. I was nervous about going downstairs. But the one thing I was nervous and terrified about was if mom finds out, she's never going to have John come over again.
Minutes passed and I looked over at my phone. I grabbed it and unlocked the keypad to see I have 2 New Messages.
The first one was from Misty

Hey(: can u spend the nite with meh tonight???My parents said its alright and i needa tell you wat happened last nite. so text/call meh asap!!!
I didn't bother to reply and thought I will call her in a few.
I then looked at the other message.

Heyy, its Zane. Um, text me back to let me know if this is Raven. ok?

I replied saying it was me, and exited out the messages so I could call Misty.
"Hello,"she answered.
"Hi, um I have to ask my mom later if I could stay the night, alright?"I said.
"Okay, when you get here I need to tell you what happened."
"Why not tell me right now?"I asked.
"Fine, so when we got to Zack's apartment, he showed me around, and it was really nice. But what happened was he,"Misty paused, and I wondered if it was something bad that happened, or good,"he um wanted to have a few drinks. I wasn't interested, and I even told him that. Then, he asked for a kiss. So, I kissed him, 'cause I mean, who wouldn't kiss him,"me,I thought. He seemed like a weird, gross person,"and so then we ended up making out, and then I woke up on his bed, and YES I had clothes on...and um yeah."
I took a deep breath,"well, are we going back again tonight? Because Zane wants to hang out,"I said.
"Oh. yeah of course we're going again, but I gotta go. Um, call me when you can come over, and remember I need my car back."
"Alright, I will. And bye,"I said.
"Bye."She hung up.

I kind of sighed, and walked to my closet and changed into my black skinny jeans, and my white tank top, with a grey sweatshirt to cover it.
I then walked to the bathroom to fix my hair and makeup. While I was in front of the door, I saw John walking by.
"Why do you wear makeup?"He asked.
I grabbed the bathroom door handle,"because, I look horrible without it."
He shook his head and took my hand that was gripped on the door handle,"you're beautiful with out makeup."
My heart began to race, and I had a weird feeling inside me,"c'mon John!"Brian hollered from the living room.
John let go of my hand,"I'm staying the night again-"
"I'll be at Misty's,"I cut in.
"Then, we'll just have to sneak out then, huh?"He asked.
"Umm, sure?"I said.
He smiled, and kissed me while letting go of my hand.
I closed my eyes, wishing he would be gone once my eyes opened. And, he was gone. I sighed once again, and walked into the bathroom.
My hair was messy, and my makeup was all smeared.

After about an hour and a half of fixing my makeup, straightening my hair, and teasing it a little, I walked to the kitchen and wondered what I should have to eat.

"Hey,"I turned around to see Brian closing the kitchen door.
"Hi...?"I said.
Brian sighed, and sat at the island biting his lip,"what's up with John?"
I shrugged my shoulders and thought about John kissing me,"I have no clue. Why don't you ask him."
He looked at me with worry in his eyes, and I knew he was frightened of something,"I can't ask."
I took a deep breath and sat next to Brian,"why not?"
"I'm afraid to...but I should get back in the living room."
Brian slowly got up, not bothering to look at me, and slid the door open while walking out.
I thought for a minute or two, and wondered if I should ask Brian if they're really going to sneek out tonight.
But instead, I got up from where I was sitting and walked away from the kitchen to the living room and sat by myself on the loveseat to watch Brian and John play XBOX.
I bit my lip, and glanced at John...thinking if I should go out with him. Just to give it a try...wait NO! I can't! I'd hurt Brian...I told myself in my head.

After about an hour or two, the front door opened, and I quickly looked to see who it was.
It was mom with grocery bags in her hands. I knew if I wanted to stay with Misty, I had to help mom. So of course, I smiled at her and walked outside to the car where it was packed of brown bags.
I grabbed a couple and walked into the house to the kitchen. I looked behind me and saw John and Brian doing the same. Then mom entered the kitchen again.
"Hey mom, can I spend the night with Misty?"I asked.
She placed a couple bags on the counter and took a deep breath,"yes. And if you want to, pack right now 'cause I'm going back into town, so I could drop you off on the way."
I smiled,"thanks mom."
I walked by her and gave her a quick hug and went upstairs passing John and Brian on the way.

Once I was done packing and done talking on the phone with Misty, I waited in the car patiently for mom. She was always slow at some things, and didn't have the energy she did last year. The reason why is because she's been so depressed ever since her brother died. They were really close.
As I waited for mom, I felt a little vibration in my sweatshirt, so I grabbed my phone and noticed Zane texted me.
A big smile came to my face, even though I didn't even open the message.
Anyway, he said "whats up?" and I replied "waiting for my mom. you?"
Then after I sent that message, I looked out the driverside window and remembered about Misty's car. I looked at the house door and saw mom walking towards the car. I began to feel really bad because I never spend time with her, and this was going to be my chance.
Mom stepped in the car and asked"I think you need to give Misty's car back?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry mom. I forgot."
She smiled and told me it was fine. So I got out of the car and ran back inside to see John and Brian yelling at the tv as they both got shot on Black Ops.
I didn't stay and watch, instead I quickly ran up to my room and grabbed Misty's keys and ran back downstairs without a word.
Mom was still in the drive way when I was back outside. She was holding up my grey and black checkered back pack in the passenger side of the car.
I smiled and opened the door to grab it,"thanks mom."
She smiled back and pulled out of the driveway once I closed the door. I then walked to Misty's car and drove to her house in a quick manner.

I walked through her double doors and looked around for her. She had a big house. Everytime I walked in it made me feel like I was some princess. Honestly, it was a good feeling. Anyway, she came down the stairs with a smile. She was wearing mini shorts with black converse and had a NickelBack shirt on. Her blonde scene hair was curly and in a pony tail with her layers sticking out.
"Hey,"she said as she made her way to me.
"Hi,"I said looking around noticing they moved their furniture and painted the walls differently.
Last time I was here their walls were grey, but now they're a modern red color. The furniture matches perfectly. Well, pretty much everything in the house was perfect.
"Let's go to my room,"she said walking back towards the stairs.
I followed and felt another vibration in my sweatshirt pocket.
"You coming again tonight?" Zane texted.
I smiled and walked into Misty's room behind her.
"Why so smiley?" She giggled.
I looked at her,"I don't know."
I slid down the keyboard on my phone and texted back a yes.
Misty sat on her bed and laid back. Her arms were sprawled out beside her, and she yawned,"oh god. Last night was fun."
I sat next to her and watched as she slowly closed her eyes and breathed slower,"don't fall asleep." I hollared.
Her eyes opened and she smiled...then it suddenly fell to a frown,"what's wrong?"I asked Misty.
She sat up and looked straight ahead, then her eyes moved down to her lap. She shook her head,"I lied to you.."
I looked at the side of her blonde curly hair with confusion,"what do you mean?" I asked.
Misty licked her lips and blinked a few times,"last night I lost something..." she trailed off.
My heart began to beat faster, hitting my ribs, and my mind rushed with many things. Did she mean she lost her phone charger, or a shoe? couldn't have...
"What'd you lose?" I asked slowly.
She closed her eyes tightly. I could see her tiny wrinkles on her eye lids as they closed shut. I knew everytime she closed her eyes tightly she was thinking hard about something and hiding back her tears. Misty slowly opened her eyes and began to speak,"I lost my virginity..."
My eyes widened. That was the one thing I didn't want Misty to say! My mouth hung open and I moved her face with my hand and made her look at me. Her brown eyes were watery and I could tell she was scared,"Misty!"I said,"what the hell?"
She moved her face to get out of my hand grasp and looked away,"I took a few drinks, okay? Then we really did end up making out and something happened and I felt...horny?"
Sweat covered my face, and I felt disgusted. I wanted to jump off a bridge because of what she told me,"Misty! He's fricken 20 something years old! He's way too old for you, and what if you're fucking pregnant because there was no protection involved?"
She shrugged her shoulders and her eyes were dry,"abortion.."
I shook my head in anger,"he spiked your drinks and put you on ecstasy. God damn it."
She looked at me with a small smile on her face,"it's not bad. I'm not pregnant. I remember the BJ-"
"What the hell?! Misty, just shut up about it and don't speak. Let's just talk about something else!"I yelled.
She was acting bipolar. At first she was all sad and dissapointed about it, but now she's all smiley and thinking how dreamy that was last night.
"We're still going back tonight,"she slowly said.
I sighed and licked my lips,"first I was thinking we should meet up with Zane somewhere and hang out?" I replied.
She sniffed,"alright. Sounds good. Does he know?"
"Eh, not yet. Once he texts back I'll ask if he wants to."
"We're taking Zack along too,"Misty said getting off the bed and walking to the body mirror.
I shook my head and she looked at my reflection on the bed,"yes, we're taking him, Raven."
"He's too old for you! You should really stay away from him!" I yelled.
"It's fine! Shit Raven. Since when are you so protective over me,"she smirked.
"Since when have you been chasing way older guys and having sex with them?"I mocked.
She gulped sliently and sat down next to the body mirror on a rocking chair. She didn't speak, and silence took over us two. I suddenly felt bad for flipping out on her. She got all pretty and happy for today. For Zack. She was planning to be perfect today for him. But I couldn't understand why, considering she even told me he's like her older brother. I find this whole thing disgusting...
"Can we please take him?" Misty asked quietly.
I nodded my head,"fine."

After about an hour of talking about the rest of the summer and stuff, she decided to go downstairs to grab some food for us. I glanced around the room, remembering when we were little and we used to play "House". I was always the husband while she was the wife. Every time we played, it was the same. I'd walk through the door and she would be cooking plastic food on her plastic kitchen set. I slightly smiled and vibration startled me as it came from my pocket.
Zane texted back good, with a smiley face. My thumbs typed away asking if he'd wanna hang out with Misty and I for the day. I slid my phone back in my pocket in notice of Misty coming in the room with one of those big boxes of Gold Fish. I smiled at how dumb she looked while grabbing a handful out of the box,"gimme some," I said.
She sat down next to me and we chewed away on Gold Fish for at least 10 minutes, until I got a text from Zane again. It read sure, and I told Misty. She informed Zack, as well as I informed Zane, to meet us at the town Starbucks.
We hopped into her truck and I wasn't so nervous with meeting Zane there. I wondered how Misty felt with meeting Zack, though. The thought instantly left my mind and I didn't bother asking how she did feel.
"So, do you like Zane?" Misty asked turning out of the neighborhood.
I shrugged, "he's cute, funny, and seems sweet. But, I don't know much about him. We just met last night," I replied.
"Oh, well, he is very sweet. He's, also, not a man whore like your dumb ass ex."
I chuckled and payed my attention out the windshield. I looked around for the Starbucks, just to see if I would find Zane walking inside.
When we were pulling in, I looked inside the windows to see no Zane or Zack. I unbuckled and Misty and I got out of her truck to go inside. It was chilly outside, and I put my hands in my sweat shirt pocket where my phone was. We stepped inside, and the smell of mocha's and all sorts of coffee's combined, smelled amazing.
We both approached the counter and ordered two medium mocha's. The smell of one made me crave one.
I stood by the counter and waited as she sat down at a table for all four of us to sit at. I looked around the coffee shop to see all sorts of people. There was a middle aged man running his finger over his lips skimming though stuff on his lap top and grabbing his coffee. I saw a, what reminded me of a hipster, girl about 20 sitting huddled together, looking out the big window that peaks out to the busy street next to the shop. There was a little boy tugging on his, I assume, mom's shirt asking for hot chocolate. He, apparently got what he wanted, because she ordered a small one. All these people here were different.
I jumped to the feel of somebody behind the counter poking me and telling me our mocha's were ready. I turned around and gave the girl a shy smile and grabbed Misty and I's drinks and headed towards her. She was texting, and I was pretty sure it was Zack, just by the way she was smiling.
"When's he gonna be here?" I asked taking a sip of my hot beverage.
She shrugged and put her phone down to wrap her fingers around the cup, "soon. Do you know when your soon to be boyfriend will be here?" She smirked looking at me.
I looked back at her and could feel my face heat up in awkwardness, "I doubt he's looking for a girl like me... But I think he'll be here soon, too."
"Dude, last night, the way he was staring at you, I could totally tell her was into you. I've never seen him like that before, trust me," she said.
I slightly nodded and rolled my eyes looking out the window next to us, noticing a car pulling up into the parking lot. In the corner of my eye, I saw Misty looking out the window too, possibly at the same car.
"I see the guys car pooled," she pointed out.
It was true. They both stepped out of the car, walking to the main entrance of Starbucks. I tried to play cool and keep my staring distance, but it seemed like it just wasn't working out that well.
They made their way to the table we were sitting at. Zack sat next to Misty, with a kiss on the cheek, while Zane sat next to me. He took off his black sun glasses and put them on the table, "hey, Raven," he smiled.
I smiled back and looked at him, "hi," I shyly said.
We looked away and I turned my focus on Misty and Zack. He grabbed her mocha and took a sip out of it. I hid my smile as he ouched in pain of how hot the drink was.
"Oh, dude, you okay?" Zane chuckled.
Misty laughed as well as I, and Zack closed his eyes tightly, in pain. I felt like he deserved it, considering he did stuff with my best friend I didn't find quite appropriate.
I took a small sip of my mocha afterwards and watched as he cleaned up his spitting mess, and noticed Misty was smiling at me. I looked directly at her, my back was hunched and my elbows were rested on the table and my hands were holding my drink in front of my face, "what?" I questioned.
She glanced over at Zane, then looked back at me. I looked over at Zane who was looking around the place. He looked bored, and I felt stupid for having the idea of even coming here. He didn't look like the type of guy to even come to Starbucks... Or any coffee shop.
"You look bored," I said to Zane.
He quickly looked at me and our eyes met, "eh, I don't like coffee much."
I slightly nodded and sat up straight. My elbows left the table and I placed my cup of coffee on the table looking at Misty. I pulled my sleeves over my hands and with my open fingers, I scratched my head, not trying to ruin my hair.
I looked back at Zane, "do you wanna leave?" I suggested.
He shrugged, "sure? Why not?"
I smiled, "Misty, we're gonna go. See you tonight, or something?" I said.
She slightly smiled, "see you."
Zane and I left the coffee shop and made our way to his car. He kindly opened the door for me to get in, which surprised me, considering a guy has never done that for me before. I knew I was blushing because I smiled in a way I usually do when I blush. I watched as he walked around the car to sit in the driver side so we can drive our way out of there.
"This might sound nerdy," he said entering the car and closing the door, "but I like going to the library, just to relax. I like to read some of the books, but if you wanna go, I won't read," he smiled buckling up and looking at me.
I smiled back, "that sounds fun."
"Okay, so library is where we're headed?" He reassured.
I nodded and he drove out of the parking lot. Leaning my head back on the head rest, I looked out the windshield, "you know, it doesn't make you a nerd to go to the library all the time," I said.
"You sure? I've had girls tell me to my face that I'm a nerd," he stopped at a red light and turned his right blinker on to turn.
My head faced him and I looked at the side of his face, "I'm sure. Those girls are crazy for thinking that."
He laughed a little and turned the car down the street. I began to think he was in thought of I was kidding, but really I wasn't. I like guys who are different, like Zane for instance.
"It's quite cute, actually," I blurted out.
My head bounced forward and I covered my mouth with my hands, "really?" He asked with a smile.
My hands fell from my mouth and I giggled, okay with what I had said, even though I wasn't really planning on saying it, "really," I said looking at him again.
He looked back at me and then the road. It was at least 5 minutes until we reached the library. I remember the last time I was here, I was little and I was with my dad. I bit my lip and questioned if this was going to be okay. I tried to forget about the memory, since it was a horrible one anyway, because I just sat there with a blank stare, bored, as my dad read and read and read.
Zane and I stepped out of the car and headed up the steps to the front door of the library. He opened it for me and I walked inside. Beeing only 7 at the time with my dad, it looked ginormous inside, and strangely, it still did. I followed Zane to the back where there were couches to lounge on and slow quiet music playing. We sat down, and I realized our legs were touching. He didn't even move, which I found a surprise. Usually people move if our body is touching because of discomfort, but not this time.
"Well, this is better then hanging out at the group, because now we can get to know each other, right?" He asked smiling.
I smiled back and looked into his brown eyes. His black and blonde hair slightly covered his eyes, but it was okay. He blinked and I spoke, "right."
"So, what's your favorite color?" He laughed.
I giggled, "that's the most important thing to know in a friendship," I pointed out," and I guess it would have to be grey. Yours?"
He looked away and studied the area around us, probably looking for a color, "red-it would have to be red."
I giggled again, "when I was little that used to be my favorite color."
He looked back at me, "really?" He asked.
"Yep, almost everything of mine was red. I was obsessive with that color."
He bit his snake bites with another smile, "that's cute."
I laughed and could feel myself blushing again, "you sure like to blush, don't you?" He teased.
My hands flung to my cheeks to cover them, "don't make fun of me," I wined with a giggle.
"No, it's cute. I like it when a girl smiles and blushes a lot," he said.
I looked over in notice of him blushing this time, "it's cute when a guy smiles and blushes a lot, too."
His face turned even more red and he looked down at something. Not too far down so it wasn't my chest area. I watched as his eyes looked back at mine and then down, again... Suddenly realizing he was more and likely staring at my lips. I couldn't tell if he was leaning in or not, so I didn't move. I had no clue what to do, and I suddenly felt awkward, so I stood up, "we should walk around."
He nearly fell over, but caught himself. I looked over at him, embarrassed by the fact he was leaning in to kiss me, "okay," he said getting up with me.
We walked side by side and went to the science fiction section. I sat down grabbing a random picture book of vampires, ware wolves, and goblins. He sat down next to me and took the book to hold it for both of us to see the drawings and pictures. We pointed out the weird stuff together and had the moments where we'd catch each others stares in one another eyes. Each time, the butterflies would kick in and start to tickle my stomach. I wanted this day to go on for a life time.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.06.2011

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