
"Beep, beep, beep, beep!" John turned over his mattress and turned off his alarm clock. He turned over to his girlfriend, who was sleeping like an angel. He had to wake her up.
"Sally, it's time to get up. We have to get on the plane in 50 minutes," said John.
"It's time to get up already?"
"Yea come on lets go. This is going to be a vacation that you will never forget."
John is going to go visit his cousin in Florida, Joe. He decided he would bring his gorgeous girlfriend, Sally. They have been dating for almost 3 years now. John is thinking it's almost time to tie the knot, so he bought a beautiful diamond ring. He was going to ask for her hand in marriage. John had the most amazing idea of proposing to Sally on the beach during the sunset, which will make this vacation unforgettable.
John and Sally began packing their belongings. They were planning for staying for 1 week. Joe's house is a gorgeous modern beach house. The house was heard to be enormous and made of glass like a giant mosaic. John and Sally made one last check before getting into the taxi before they head to the airport. John believed that he packed everything and so did Sally. John put the dog food on the counter. His best friend, Jimmy is going to watch his golden retriever, Bailey. Jimmy has been John's lifelong friend and he is the only one he can trust to watch his dog. John and Sally walked out of the apartment into the giant city, New York City and they walked to the taxi. Then off to the airport they went.
"I am so excited for this vacation!" exclaimed Sally.
"Me too, “said John. "Trust me, this is going to be a vacation you will never forget."
Before they even knew it they arrived in Florida. The palm trees outside were swaying back and forth as if they were doing their own hula-dance. The skies were also bright baby blue and the sun was beating down on the exotic state. All the people were walking around on the beach and the streets in their sun-dresses and bathing suits.
"What a lovely state. I have never been to this state before!" exclaimed Sally.
"I know right! This is much better than New York City," said John.
"I can't wait to see the beach house! I heard it is so be amazing!" exclaimed Sally.
Then Sally and John took another taxi. While going through the town, their jaws dropped. New York City is much more different then Florida. The beauty! New York City is just a bunch of buildings. The beach only a couple feet away, the waves crashing, bright blue sea, it's just gorgeous. Then they arrived at a luxurious, modern beach house.
"John, cousin, I haven't seen you in years!" shouted Joe.
"Joe! How have you been cuz?" asked John.
"I have been fine, thank you! Who is this beautiful young lady?" asked Joe. Joe lightly grabbed Sally's hand and kissed it politely.
"I am Sally, John's girlfriend," explained Sally.
"John, you are one lucky man! How long have you two being going for now?" questioned Joe.
"Been going for almost 3 years now, actually tomorrow is our 3 year anniversary! “said John.
"Well come inside and un-pack. Congratulations for your 3 years coming up! “exclaimed Joe.
They all went inside. The beach house was so big that it made them all look like ants. John and Sally headed up the stairs to their room. It had a wooden balcony with the view of the ocean. The waves were crashing on the shore and the breeze was absolutely perfect and it swept the salty smell right up to John and Sally’s noses. The breeze also swept the long white curtains off the beautiful, polished, wooden flooring. Then behind them was an enormous white bed. There was also a white mirror hanging on the other side of the room, and directly above the bed was a modern painting. The room was luxurious, so they unpacked.
“I am going to go to the bathroom,” stated Sally.
“Ok, I am sure the bathroom is just a beautiful as the house!” exclaimed John.
When Sally went to the bathroom John tried to find where the ring went. Then it came to him that he left the ring at home in New York City. John was very disappointed in himself and almost started to cry. He put his sorrow head down in shame. He thought that this was going to be the vacation where he finds his wife, and asks for her hand in marriage, but I guess not this time. Sally walked into the room with a big grin upon her face.
“The bathroom is amazing! It all white and black, there is a huge tub, rose pedals all over the sides of the tub and candles! It’s absolutely gorgeous!” exclaimed Sally.
“I bet it is. This house is just amazing!” said John.
“What’s wrong John, you seem upset or something?” questioned Sally.
“Nothing at all is wrong,” lied John.
They both headed for bed. They were tired as ever from all the traveling. The next day John and Sally celebrated their 3 year anniversary. They went around town and went sightseeing, shopped, ate, went to the beach, and went around town. John the whole time was very upset in himself for forgetting the ring. The whole time around town Sally knew something was wrong, but she didn’t want to ask. Sally did anyways on the way home to the beach house.
“Are you sure that you’re ok?” asked Sally.
“Yes, I am fine,” lied John again.
“You don’t seem like it,” said Sally.
When they finally arrived at the beach house from their long day around Florida, they found Bailey, John’s golden retriever, running around the front yard like a horse. John was very confused and didn’t know why Bailey was there. On the other hand, Sally got out of the taxi and ran to see Bailey. Then out of nowhere when John got out of the taxi, Jimmy appeared.
“Hey John, it’s me Jimmy!” shouted Jimmy.
“Jimmy, what are you doing here?” asked John.
Sally was over at the beach house playing tug-a-war with Bailey.
“Well John, I just saved your life!” said Jimmy, “I think you forgot something.”
Then Jimmy pulled out the finely crafted ring that was made especially made for Sally for her engagement ring.
“Thank you so much Jimmy! You’re the best friend that anyone could ever have! Where did you find it?”
“It was the next to the dog food, so I saw it when I went to feed Bailey later that night. So I took Bailey and rushed over to the airport.” explained Jimmy.
“How can I ever repay you?” asked John.
“By proposing to Sally you can repay me! I have never seen you happier with any other girl. Don’t lose her!” exclaimed Jimmy.
John went up to Sally and brought her to the beach. The sand was a nice light tan and the ocean was once again blue, in the background you can also see dolphins jumping. The sunset was just perfect! It looked as if an artist splattered their paint across the sky in colors of pink, red, and orange. The breeze was once again perfect, it again swept the salty smell right up to their noses. The waves were gently crashing onto the shore and washing up shells and seaweed. Sally looked more beautiful than ever, her blonde hair flowing in the wind, her bright blue eyes sparkling like the night sky, and her long sundress dragging behind her in the sand. Then John brought her closer to the shore. Then the time came. John went down on one knee, grabbed the ring out of his back pocket, and grabbed Sally’s hand.
Then he said, “Sally Gabrielle Barensestta, will you marry me?”
Without hesitation Sally said, “Yes!”
Tears filled her eyes and ran down slowly down her cheeks which were cracking a smile. Then John slid the ring on her finger.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.10.2010

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