

(The Amazing Sight)

HALT…….My dad was training a horse on our ranch in the middle of Nebraska .I was of course sitting down and wondering what the horse was thinking. Then finally my dad brought me to the truck and we were going to find a wild mustang .I was excited because this horse I find is going to be mine .I was hoping that I would find a white mare (or girl).I would name it Diamond. I sat in the front of the truck and then I saw it. It was a beautiful white mare. She was standing on her hind legs and neighing with her flowing hair flowing threw the wind. I couldn’t breathe .I screamed and told my dad that that is the one I want. He said why do you want that one? You should probably look around and she if you like another horse. No…..This is the horse I want this is the horse of my dreams. Besides you said that I can pick out any horse I want and keep it. You should. Breanna interrupted his sentence and said.NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO………………………………………………………………………………………………”This is the horse and that is final”!’ Fine said dad we will take this horse. Yeah… You know this horse you get you got to take care of it. In my head I am thinking .This is going to be fun so we ran to the trailer pulled out our horses and galloped away .I through the lasso to test it. Then she stared running away from us. So I made my horse go faster by giving it a little kick on the side. Then I got along the mares side and threw the lasso at her neck then I had to pull on the lasso to tighten it around her neck .Finally I’ve got the horse of my dreams and I will love her no matter what.


(The Amazing Week)

So we got her into the trailer with the rest of the horses. I closed the trailer door and said. ’Have a nice tripe’. While I slammed the door on the truck she started kicking the trailer. All the other horses were neighing like they were scared. Almost half way home she was still kicking .Then I felt bad for the horse. So we finally got home and I put the rope around her neck. Then I let her pick out her stall. She picked #23 that was my lucky number .So I asked her is that your lucky number to? In her eyes I can see that she is saying yes. I went to fetch some food and water. When I came back to give her water .She was in the back looking at the open ranch/prairie. I knew that she was thinking that she wants to be free .But I knew that she would like here because I can see a little smile in her face. A couple of days pasted and Diamond adjusted very well to living here.

(Getting Trust)

Know that she likes the ranch. See has to gain my trust so the first thing I had to do is to see if she will eat from me. So I grabbed an apple and put it in the palm of my hand. I walked very slowly to Diamond. If you run to a horse you can spook them and you can get very hurt or even DIE!!!!! So I stud still and a couple minutes pasted and she starts to walk toward me I gasped I stood very still. Then a miracle happened she ate out of my HAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I had to see if she would let my pet her. I put my hand out and she rubs it. I was so happy. The next thing I had to do was see if I can RIDE HER. So I grabbed all the equipment. The first thing I grabbed to put on her was the padding. Then the saddle and bridle. Then it was time. Time to get on her back. At first she looked like she was scared. I patted her on the side of the neck and said.’ Please be a good girl ‘So then I gave her a little kick on the side she started to move. Then I pulled the rein left and she went right as she was supposed to do I hopped of and “slowly” walked to her and gave her a hug. I finally gained her trust.

(The Fun Adventure)

Now that I earned her trust I am going to put her in the jumping competition. I thing she might be a very good jumper. The first thing I did this morning was going out to the barn and getting the things ready for the jumping competion today. I hope we win the 1st place trophy it is pure gold the trophy. I think she might enjoy this. I went to the stall number 23. Diamond was still sleeping so I opened the gate and put a blanket on top of her. When I closed the gate she opened one eye and closed it then gave me a grin. I grinned right back at her. When she finally got up I went in the stall to get the blanket. Then I put a rope around her neck. And put her in the trailer. Your about to have an adventure. So we finally made it to the competition. I took Diamond out of the trailer. She looked very happy. I got all the equipment on her then smiled more than she ever did before. Now I was up first. I got into position and stared. I made the first jump. But I was not sure if I was going to make the rest. Diamond looked at me I gave her a grin and at the end we did not make the rest of the jumps. Ha…Ha…. Just kidding we made first place. Now when ever she sees that trope she smiles the biggest smile in the world. A couple months pasted and Diamond had a baby. Now she is the little white mustang. And the secret is that that baby is a unicorn and only I can see it.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.10.2010

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To when I took my first horseback riding 2nd grade I wrote this

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