
Chapter One


I was nervous. Well, nervous would be an understatement to how I was feeling. I couldn't stop wondering if he would be angry, hurt, yelling, brooding. . .

Would he not want to see me yet?

I played tough but I really wanted Dryan in my life. He meant so much to me, actually. I mean, we had an eight month old daughter, Drayal, together. I knew he wouldn't just drop me because of one mistake, but how pissed of would he be?

I parked the car in front of Dryan's two story house that had a big and very green front yard and was closed in by a white picket fence. He wasn't the flashy type, more traditional than anything.

Everytime I came around I couldn't help but imagine raising our family in his home. It would make me happy, and I knew I would make him happy too.

I had screwed up, and I hadn't been thinking properly. Arguments between me and Dryan usually left my head fucked up, which is why a few days prior - after a huge back and forth we had had on the phone- I'd gotten drunk and done a couple of unsavory things in a club. I hadn't kissed or even slept with another man, but I knew that my ass grinding on another guy was enough.

I got Drayal out of the backseat, grabbed her diaper bag and strted to walk to the front door. Drayal was running in front of me as fast as her feet would take her- falling a couple of times from her wobbly legs but getting right back up. She just knew where we were- daddy's house.

I knocked on the door and Dryan opened a few seconds later. He didn't smile at me, but when he saw Drayal he did. He picked her up and began to play with her, walking into the house. He bipassed the living room where I could hear loud talking and laughing. I stuck my head in to say hello to his friends who smiled at me and I kept it movng. His friends absolutely loved me, atleast that's what they said to my face. There was no telling what they said behind my back. There was Roderick, Leon, and Omar. I loved them too though. When I was around they always made it a point to make me feel comfortable.

" so that's how we doin' shit now, right?" Dryan asked when we were In the kitchen. He sat down on on the edge of the kitchen table, bouncing Drayal on his leg. " when I'm not around you just, off with the next nigga, huh? "

" it wasn't like that, D. I swear I -"

" wasn't like what, though? Cause what I saw was the love of my life in a short ass dress, grindin' on another nigga! That's what I saw. But please, if I'm wrong correct me."

" how did you see that?" I asked, quietly, despite knowing that it was a stupid question. I just needed to stall for time.

" sweetheart, you forget who I am. You act like I don't got eyes and ears all over this town. If they see my girl out at a club, of course they gone record that and ima see." Not many people knew about the relationship between Dryan and i, so it had to be somebody close to Dryan - maybe one of his friends- who told. I wasn't upset, after all, I was the one who had fucked up.

I was quiet for a while. I didn't want Dryan mad at me, at all. It made my heartache. He meant so much to me. The last thing I wanted to do was lose him.

" I'm sorry." I took steps close to him until I was right up on him. I wrapped my arms around his free one and burried my face in his neck. " it was just one dance, it didn't mean anything. You know I love you."

" you think I like seein that shit, hearin that shit? It's crazy because I would never do no shit like that to you, ever. If you wanna go out, cool, but don't disrespect me like that, and put on a fuckin' longer dress next time." He pulled away from me and bumped past me on his way back to the living room.

What was I thinking? That he would just let it go?

When his friends left and Drayal was sleep then we would talk. And thats what happened. His friends left, I put Drayal to sleep in her bedroom at his house and went to his bedroom.

He sat on his side of the bed with his back facing me and his head down.
I closed the door behind me and went to sit next to him, laying my head on his shoulder. " im sorry." I whispered.  And I really was. I loved him so much, with all my heart. I didnt want to lose him, ever.

" then tell me why you have yo ass all up on that nigga like that? Why you let that nigga rub all on you like that? If I went to the club and pulled thus shit, how would you feel?"

" like I wanted to kill you." I snapped.
" exactly , I mean, is it me? Is there something that I'm not doing that you need me to?"

" nothing, its not you."

He looked up at me. " is it my age? I cant change-"

I grabbed his face in my hands, making us stare into each others eyes.

" I love you for you. It was just the argument we had that day- I just felt so over whelmed and- I'm sorry."

" you sure?"

" yes."

" good." He grabbed me by my neck and pulled my face cloer to his. His face hardened. " don't let it happen again."

I didn't say anything at first, just watched him. I was 21 and he was 29, our age difference sometimes made both of us a little insecure. But we were in love, regardless.

" yes, daddy."

I saw that look in his eyes, that look that made my pussy leak with juices. We hadn't had sex in a while, not because we didn't want to but because there had been so much happening lately with the baby. And we had had little to no time alone.

Dryan leaned in and kissed my lips, softly at first, and then once my lips parted our urgency became more apparent. Without breaking our kiss, I climbed onto of Dryan, pushing him backward so that he was laying down, finally cutting the lock of our lips.
His hands found their way to my hips and I found myself grinding on him. His hard dick was evident through both of our clothes.

" Symonee, take these fucking clothes off." He grunted, and I shivered.
I ignored Dryan's command, and instead focused on the the feeling of his rigid member rubbing harshly against my clit. It felt so amazing. We had made it to this point so many times in the past eight months, but something always happened. Always. Either his phone would ring or Drayal would cry- there was always something.

But if I could just get one orgasm before that something happened-
Before I knew what was happening, Dryan had flipped us so that he was now ontop between my legs and I was on my back. I whined softly at the loss of stimulation on my clit.

" ssh." He soothed softly before pecking my lips. " I want skin to skin, baby. Don't you want that too, Sy?"

" yeeeeees."

When he removed his body from mine and stood up to begin taking off his own clothes, I began to remove mine. My shirt first, then my bra. And before I could get to my pants, Dryan was already there, unbuttoning them and pulling them down my legs, dropping them on the floor.

" no panties." he commented, pushing my legs back and watching as I felt my pussy spasm and another wave of juices being released.

As soon as my pussy was covered by his mouth, an orgasm wracked through my body and if it wasn't for Dryan holding my thighs apart, they would have been wrapped tightly around his head.

" shit, shit, shit-" I screeched pushing his head- and his mouth, essentially- away from my sensitive and quivering clit.

I heard him chuckling as he got back up on the bed, positioning himself over me. My eyes were closed but I could feel  the head of his dick as it began to press into me. " oh my god, baby."

Uncontrolled, my back arched off of the bed as the head of his dick, stretched me so completely. It felt amazing, that almost burning sensation I felt at being stretched completely before he slipped into me felt like heaven.

" fuck." He whispered softly as he laid his head on my shoulder, burying his dick completely inside of me.

My body shivered all over again as he began to pump. But before his rythm got in good, just like I knew, something happened. The doorbell rang.

" no, baby, don't-" I begged, wrapping my legs around Dryan's waist to stop him from leaving me. He was still burried deep inside of me and I wanted to keep it like that.

Dryan ground deep into me. " you know I gotta get it, Sy." He moved back slightly, before jerking his hips forward hard, slamming into me. That move make my entire body relax and a moan belt from my throat.

Dryan used my temporary weakness to his advantage, pulling away from and out of me.

I sighed and rolled over onto my stomach, feeling the ache in my pussy where his dick was just moments ago and the constant throbbing. I slid my hand down to massage my clit softly and closed my eyes. I knew Dryan was watching me. " don't leave me, daddy."

" don't do that. You know I love that shit." I felt the bed dip behind me as his dick rubbed softly against my clit, replacing my fingers.

" then don't leave me, D."

Just as he slid back inside of me, the doorbell rang again, but we seemed to notice it alot less this time.

" arch." He demanded, pulling me up on my knees and pushing my face down into the mattress. " and don't move, baby."

I wanted to scream so loud that I had to burry my face in the sheets to avoid my screams waking our daughter. But Dryan felt so good, pumping into me so hard and so deep, making me cum so many times I couldn't breath afterward.

We collapsed on the bed, his dick still burried inside of me with his entire body weight pressed against my back and his head laying next to mine.

" babe-" I panted softly, moaning as his dick continued to pulse inside of me." I can't breath w-with your big ass on top of me."

Dryan chuckled and kissed my cheek softly. " you like it, cry baby."

" and you like me being a crybaby too so shut up."

After a few more seconds he removed himself from me and collapsed on his back at my side, throwing his left arm over his eyes.

I sighed as the cold air rushed around me in his absence. " I feel cold without you . Come back."

" you come here."

" babe." I whined softly, making him sigh before he flipped back over, not as on top of me as he was before but with a leg and arm thrown over my body. " thank you."

And thats how we slept.

Chapter Two


I woke up to not only the sound of the doorbell, but to the sound of Drayal crying.

I groaned as I looked over at the clock. It was four in the morning, but it was never too late or too early for business to come to Dryan's door.
As soon as I moved, Dryan was up and we were both grabbing something to put on.

Seeing as how Dryan's was pretty much my second home, my clothes dominated most of his closet and dresser.

He grabbed basketball shorts and I grabbed  a shirt and shorts,  and without speaking, we went our seperate ways.

He went to answer the door while I went to care for Drayal.

Drayal had a wet diaper, and all she wanted was some attention. So I changed her diaper and rocked her back and forth for a couple minutes before she was right back to sleep.
I put her back in her crib and went back to Dryan's room when I noticed that it was still empty. That's when I headed downstairs and followed the voices- both Dryan's and the voice of a woman- out into the front yard.

The woman being his ex wife. As far as i know Dryan met Whitney when they were in highschool, they got married their a senior year when she got pregnant, and five years later they got divorced when they were both twenty three and their daughter - Mya - stayed with Whitney. I didn't meet Dryan until I was almost nineteen, three years later, and when I met him even though they were divorced and not together he and Whitney were still having sex.

In the beginning, once Dryan cut out the sex with her, she became furious. Her attacks on me started as just verbal insults- whuch i could handle- up until she found out that i was pregnant. That's when her physical attacks started.

I had more trouble with Whitney than I'd like to remember, including me dragging her ass across a parking lot once, and her kicking me repeatedly in my stomach when I was pregnant- eight months pregnant.

Those were just two instances in the last year and a half I'd know her where our encounters had turned physical, but there were atleast a dozen more.

There wasn't a bone in my body that enjoyed fighting with Whitney, but I had to protect myself. And when she looked over and noticed I was standing in the doorway, she smirked at me, and I couldn't imagine not whooping her ass at the moment.

I lunged at her, fortunately for her, Dryan spotted me and wrapped me up tightly in his arms before I could reach her.

" let me go, Dryan, please, please-" I begged desperately as I watched Whitney around his shoulder. " just let me the fuck go so I can stomp her fucking face in."

She winked at me before blowing me a kiss. " hey, girl ."

" Shut up." Dryan ordered and we both closed our mouths, I know because I was just about to tell her how much of a dirty bitch she was. He turned around so that he was facing Whitney and my back was toward her. All the while, I never stopped struggling to get free. " take yo ass home, Whitney. Who the fuck is watching my daughter ?"

" listen, I came to talk to you about some private things, but had I known that you had this young ass, trashy -"

" I'm young and I will still whoop yo ass, bitch ! And you want to talk about trashy ? Trashy is the shit that you doing.  What grown ass woman shows up at a nigga house at 4 in the morning when it's not about their fucking child, hoe? You want him, you want to fuck him, and he don't want your ass. Bitch, he don't want you or your pussy - nothing!"

"You don't know what the fuck you talking about, I'll take Dryan anytime i fucking want to-"

" why the fuck ya'll still talking!"
Dryan tossed me over his shoulder like I weighed practically nothing. " Whitney take yo ass home! I'll call you tomorrow."

" Dryan-"

" go."

I couldn't see her but I heard Whitney sigh and her foot steps retreat. " okay, I'll go home, but when I see your bitch I'm going to-"

" bitch do what! I dare you, hoe. I been waiting to whoop yo tired ass."

" you gone see bitch."

" sure the fuck will ! I'm gone knock them pretty teeth out yo mouth- again." I screamed.

I heard her car door close, the car start up, and it pull off.

And Dryan carried me back inside and placed me on my feet. I was livid, so much so that I was shaking as I paced back and forth in the living room.

" Babe- Symonee-" Dryan went to grab my arm but I snatched away from him before he got a good grip.

" don't touch me ! Don't fucking touch me."

" so we really about to argue over some bullshit, huh?"

" no, we not about to argue about shit. I'm about to go get my daughter and we're leaving, and that's it."

" what?" He chuckled, humorlessly. " for what?"

" oh, you seem to have forgotten that this bitch was kicking me in my stomach when I was eight months pregnant! I'm not having my daughter here when that bitch can pop up whenever she want to. Didn't you buy that bitch a house? What the fuck is she doing over here?"

" you act like I'm gone let something happen to Drayal-"

" I dont fucking know what you gone do !" I screamed. " you've known that bitch for fifteen years, you have an almost teenaged child with her. If it comes down to it, you're going to pick her over our family."

Dryan was quiet for a moment. " Is that what this is really about? You think I'm gone leave you for her?"

" what- no- I'm leaving ." I turned to walk toward the steps and Dryan's arms wrapped tightly around me for the second time in five minutes. " Dryan-"

" no, listen to me." He kissed the side of my head softly. " I love you, and I'm not leaving you or our child, and I'm not going to let anything happen to you two either, not again. That fucking day, when I got that call from your bestfriend was the scariest day of my fucking life, and I'm sorry that it ever happened."

" Dryan-"

" didn't I tell you to listen? So shut up and listen. I love yo ass I'm going to protect you."

" I dont need you to protect me, I can protect myself." I retorted.

" fighting Whitney is over now, that shit is done. From here on out, you two are going to be cordial to eachother and thats it. And I'm gone talk to Whitney about this shit too. This fighting has to stop. It's been three years and I'm not turning a blind eye to that bullshit anymore. You're my women, so act like it." He spun me around and kissed my lips this time. And I couldn't help but to cling to him. " now bring yo crybaby ass back to bed."

Chapter Three


" I got it, babe." Dryan kissed my cheek softly and pulled the cover back up over me. " go back to sleep."

I wanted to thank him. I was so nauseous i couldnt be bothered with Drayal- not that I told Dryan that, for fear that he would be worried.

Besides, Drayal only woke up crying when we were at his house. She liked his attention, meaning that she would eventually be spoiled rotten.

It was monday morning, Drayal and I had spent the entire weekend over Dryan's house and it had been the most relaxing weekend I'd had since the baby was born. Most of the time I'd spent with Dryan since id known him consisted of me sneaking him in the house, late at night or when my father was out of town. We couldn't go out together in the light of the day, or at night. Somebody would see us and notify my father. And my father, being as powerful and formidable as he is wouldn't hesitate to punish Dryan, despite his love for him.

Dryan was was my father's protégé. My father was the most powerful man in the city. He had a hand in everything from drugs to weapons to fucking real estate - not that he wanted me to know that though.  He'd taken Dryan under his wing when Dryan was only ten- and my father twenty-one- and they been inseparable since.

But I didn't meet Dryan until I was almost nineteen, that's when I moved into town. I had been living with my mother across the country since birth, seeing my father once every month - twice during May when my birthday came around. But shortly after my eighteenth birthday, my mother decided to remarry. My father hated her new husband- as did i- so he asked me to come live with him. I didn't have real plans for my life, not yet. I wanted to postpone college a year or two, so going to live with my father sounded like a good idea, besides, I wanted to know the man behind the myth.

As soon as I saw Dryan my first day in town, I was in love. He barely looked twice at me, and when I came on to him, he told me I was too young, and that he had an obligation to my father. I seduced him anyway, and we fell in love.

The only reason I was able to spend the weekend with him was because my father was on one of his business trips. After this, it would be back to sneaking around for another few weeks until my father went away again.

My father was set to touch down at noon, meaning I had to be home in another two hours, but I wanted to drag the two hours out as long as possible.

" Gimme a kiss before you go." I requested. Dryan rounded the bed to my side and leaned over me.

He rested his forehead on mine and our lips brushed together. " I dont want to kiss you, cause if I kiss you I'm going to want to fuck you."

We'd fucked twice a day on both Saturday and Sunday - once when Drayal was down for her nap, and again at bed time. We hadn't left the house, thankfully my father allowed Dryan time off when he was away. It was like these times were meant specifically for us to enjoy each others bodies. And man, did we enjoy them. I couldn't get my fill of Dryan, even when he was filling me up, and when we so closely joined nothing else mattered.

" well I want to fuck you already, so you might as well."

He chuckled. " horny ass."

" only for you, baby."

Dryan finally allowed for his lips to fall onto mine, and the amount of pure arousal that rushed through my body was expected,  but surprising still. The way my body reacted to him, that way my pussy started to drip for him. I pushed the covers back and grabbed Dryan by his t shirt, pulling him down on to me.

"uhun. See, I knew that shit was a bad idea."  Dryan bit softly into my bottom lip, receiving a moan from his actions before he stood back up. " now my dick hard." He mumbled, walking toward the door.

" and my pussy is wet. " I retorted as I sat up on the edge of the bed. The throbbing of my clit became more apparent. " I'm going to go masturbate in your shower."

He stopped walking and glance over his shoulder at me. " word ? You gone cum without me inside of you?"

" How do you think i survive not fucking for three weeks? I masturbate every fucking day. Besides, I dont have a choice. You have to go her Drayal and we don't have time to fuck. I have to be back home in like an hour and a half. Fuck, if you could feel how wet I am right now-"

" if I can get Drayal to go back to sleep , I will."

I chuckled and stood up. " good luck with that."

" give me ten minutes."

I agreed, even though I was certain that he wouldn't be able to get her to go back to sleep. I had her ninety percent of the time and I could never get her to go back to sleep, then again, she never woke up screaming and hollering in the morning when she was with me either.

In ten minutes I was shocked to see Dryan back.

" what did you do to Drayal?"

He laughed, taking off his clothes. " I did to her what I do to you, I fed her and held her in my arms until she fell asleep."

I rolled my eyes. " I'll have to remember that when I want a few more minutes of sleep and she wants to wake up at 6 a.m."

" nah, it only work when daddy do it."

" oh yeah?"

" yeah."

Without warning he picked me up, and i wrapped my legs completely around his waist. Before I could even situate myself. he slid me right down his dick, making my eyes roll back and a screech be released.

" fuuuuuuuuck, wait." My nails dug into the back of his neck. " baby."

" yes, mami?" My back hit the wall next to the bathroom at the same time that he bounced me slightly. " don't tell me you can't take this dick."

" I Can-I can- fuck, Daddy." I breathed deeply as my pussy clamped down tightly on his dick. Accommodating Dryan's size always took a second for me, no mater how wet or aroused I was, he was just big. And I loved that shit. I loved that little bit of pain that always shot through my pussy right before I released another wave of juices.

Sex with Dryan was just amazing.

" let me know if you need me to do something." He kissed my neck softly before bitting the tender skin.

" I need you to fuck me like it's the last time you're going to fuck me for three weeks."

It probably would be... And he did.
Afterward we showered together, where we fucked again. When we got out the shower and got dressed, Drayal was still asleep. I woke her, bathed her, and dressed her. Then I went to the kitchen where Dryan had pancakes set out for me.

" applesauce, please." I demanded as I secured Drayal in her highchair.

" yes ma'am. " Dryan handed me a container of baby food and spoon and at the same time held a pancake out for me bite.

" thank you babe." I took the largest bite I possibly could and turned to feed drayal.

That's when I heard my phone ringing. " can you go get me phone, please?"

Dryan left and came back a few second later with my phone, taking my place feeding Drayal so that I could answer. It was my father.

" yes daddy?" Dryan turned his head to look at me and smirked, making me shove him slightly, but ofcourse his big ass didn't budge at all. He was a 6 foot 3 inch vessel of muscle.

" where are you? I'm at the house."

" oh you're- you're- who gave you a ride? I thought you wouldn't be home for like another hour."

" Dont worry about that. Now, where are you? We're supposed to do breakfast this morning. You remembered, right?"

" yes, I just," I sighed. " I was running out to get orange juice for breakfast. I'll be back soon."

" hurry up, I have things to do today."

" yes, father." I hung up and shoved my phone in my back pocket. " we have to leave, Dryan. My father got in early."

He sighed deeply and slid the baby food and spoon onto the counter. without looking at me at all , he pulled Drayal from her high chair and carried her outside, strapping her into my car.

I grabbed My purse and Drayal's diaper bag and placed them in the passenger seat, at the same time that Dryan turned to walk about from my car.

" no, baby-" I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me so that I was looking up at him. he was looking straight ahead. " talk to me please, D."

" fuck you want me to say?"

" that you're not mad that I have to leave."

" but I am mad, I'm fucking pissed. I been sneaking around with you for three fucking years because that's what the fuck you want, and I'm tired of it."

" I know, but-" I interrupted.

" aint no fucking buts. I can't see my child when I want to, only time I see her during the month is when she fucking sleeping. How you think that shit make me feel?"

" I'm sorry." I mumbled. " I just dont want problems between you and my father though. He loves you like a son but this will hurt him."

He shook his head. " fuck what you talking about. I'm tired of lying, and I'm tired of sneaking around. I can't see my daughter while she's awake, I can't see you in the fucking daylight. This is bullshit, period. You gotta rush off and lie anytime he call, like-"

I kissed the base of his neck because that was as high as I could reach. " don't be mad at me."

Dryan shook his head back and forth. "just go home." I wanted to protest but he didn't give me a chance. He pulled away from me and started walking back toward his house .

" babe!" I screamed after him, irritation clear in my voice. I hated it when we didn't see eye to eye on shit, especially when I knew that I was probably in the wrong. Besides, this was something we had spoken about since we'd first started dealing with eachother and something that we seemed to be arguing about more frequently." please!"

" just go, Symonee !"

I wanted to go after Dryan but I didnt, I couldnt. I had to go to the store and buy orange juice quickly, and then I had to get home to meet my father.
I made sure that Drayal was tightly strapped into the her car seat and then we left.

Chapter Four


The closest store was ten minutes away, and our house- which was in the heart of the ghetto- took another twenty minutes to reach.

My father was inside, standing in the kitchen with a irritated look on his face. In all honesty, I hadn't gotten to know much about my father since moving in with him. He was working all day and sometimes even into the night, and the other portion of his time was spent out of town. And I was managing two of his four stores, most times six to seven days a week. We never saw much of eachother, and when we did, it always seemed like he was in one hell of a mood.

" where have you been?" He asked.
I allowed Drayal to spring from my arms and run over to my father, wrapping herself tightly around his leg.

I held up the orange juice. " I told you where I was."

He held up his own container of orange juice, one that was full. " I found this in the refrigerator, hadn't even been opened."

" oh, yeah? I didn't see it."

My father sighed and picked up Drayal. " how's my little CC doing?"

That was another thing I'd lied to my father about, Drayal's name. It would be obvious to him who she was named after, so I told him I named her Cynthia. It was the first name that had come to mind when he called and asked me after I'd given birth.

"I dont have time for breakfast anymore. I have to go." My father handed over Drayal. " And I picked up your dog too. He's out back."

Before I moved into town my mother bought me a great Dane to keep me company. He was just a puppy back then but after a few months he was a full blow grown man, two hundred pounds, and as tall as Dryan when he was standing up on his back legs. His name was Pip. And when my father was away and I was over Dryan's house, I always sent Pip to training where he could be with other dogs and learn not to shit on my father's bed every other week. Either training wasn't helping, on Pip really didn't give a fuck about my father's bed.

" thank you, dad." I whispered as he breezed right past me and out the front door.


I started to call Dryan but I didn't. I had things to do.

First I took Drayal to daycare, it was only down the block so I walked.

Upon arriving back home I went out back to check on Pip.

Pip was sitting under our large tree, shading himself from the sun in our fenced in back yard. And when he saw me, for just a moment I was terrified. He had a habit of running and jumping on me, sending me flying backward before receiving more licks to the face than I'd like to remember .

Pip didn't dissapoint, barking only twice in warning before charging.

" Pip." I warned, but he didn't listen. And in two seconds flat, i was on my back in the grass, giggling like a fucking school girl as he licked me and barked in glee.

I brought him inside, closing and locking the French doors behind us. I filled up both his food and water bowls before going upstairs, showering again and changing clothes.

In twenty minutes I was out of the house and on to the first store I managed. It's name was 'Liny'. Why? It was my father's middle name, I guess it was fitting for a store name. It sold expensive - and mostly stolen - clothes at cheap prices for all of the hood to enjoy. Needless to say, it was always packed.

This day was no different. I parked on the street and stepped out, immediately noticing the line that was wrapped damn near around the corner. The store was usually open by noon, it was ten minutes after.

I opened, letting the workers in first to prepare themselves and a few minutes later I allowed customers to start filing in.

" I'll be back." I told Alexus, who was the assistant manager as well as my best friend. " I'm going to go open the corner store."

Alexus glanced at me with a knowing look before grabbing my arm and pulling me to an empty corner in the store. " I know this look."

" what look ?" I asked folding my arms over my chest, before I realized how defensive that looked. Sighing, I dropped my arms. " I dont want to talk about it."

" you never do, but I already know." She kissed my cheek and smiled at me. " don't worry, that nigga know where home is."

I smiled a little too, and enveloped her in a hug. I was fairly tall for a female, all of 5 feet and nine inches, and seeing how Alexus and I saw almost eye to eye, we were a perfect fit.

I left there and leaving my car walked all of thirty seconds to the corner to open the corner store. The corner store didn't have a name, it just was what it was. And it was the only corner store for four blocks in either direction so it got a fair amount of business, but because it was so small there, there were only two workers and me. Hell, I sometimes ended up moving boxes and mopping floor if the need arose. It was open from Twelve pm to twelve am. Which means that every night at midnight I was trudging there in my pajamas to close up.

Opening the store I immediately went to the back room to open mail, crunch number and make orders. That took three hours.

Then I went back to Liny. Business had slowed a fair amount, but the store was by no means empty. I was there until 5, helping, sweeping, doing paper work, everything.

I picked up Drayal and went back to Liny where I fed her and let her play on a blanket that I laid out on the floor all while sitting in the back office handling business.

At nine o'clock it was lock up time.
I took Drayal home- an empty home beside Pip, who I let out into the back yard- bathed her, and put her to bed.
I wanted to call Dryan, but I was too sleepy.

I woke up at midnight to my alarm screeching at me. It was time to go close the corner store and I was dreading it. I had fallen asleep on the floor in Drayal's room, right below her crib, for what reason, I don't know.

There was nothing good about waking Drayal up in the middle of the night to drag her down the street and back. I looked out the window to see if my father's car was outside and it was so I decided it would be safe for a few minutes. If she woke up crying- which never happened at home- my father would be more than happy taking care of her.

He spent more time with " Cynthia " than he spent with me. It was weird. The first eighteen years of my life I couldn't wait for him to come see me. Every month I would be excited as hell, unable to sleep for two and sometimes even three days before he showed up. And when he finally arrived we always spent the whole day together, shopping, eating, everything. There was one time when I was ten we went and got our faces painted. I knew that he thought it was stupid, but just the fact that he was there with me doing anything I wanted, always made me feel so high.
Now, it was just different. We rarely saw eachother, and when we did, it just wasn't the same. But he never missed an oportunnity to care for Drayal.

I let Pip back in the house so that he could eat and drink and ultimately fall asleep on on his bed that was in the basement.

The corner store was busy, with a bunch of niggas trying to buy rolling papers and condoms at the last minute so I waited on the side for a few minutes until the flow of people slowed to close up.

" so I was thinking-"

" no." I interjected Ramone's statement. He was the main cashier and he asked for the same thing every night at closing. He wanted a raise.

Ramone chuckled, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. " you don't even know what I want."

" ofcourse I do, Ramone. You're already making twenty dollars an hour plus free health care, what else could you possibly want?" My father paid his employees very well, the ones on the street but especially the ones in the stores.

" well-"

" don't answer that ! Take yo ass home so that you can be here in the morning. Maybe if your ass stop taking extra breaks to sleep in the stock room you might get some extra cash."

" how-how-"

This time it was my turn to chuckle. " I got eyes in the back of my fucking head, okay? Now, go home and take care of my baby." I said, referring to his new born daughter. I pushed him playfully down the street.

" aw, it's like that?" He asked, walking backward down the street, and into the dark. " then go home and take care of my baby, too."

I didn't respond, just finished locking up and turned to go back to my car.
And there he was, Dryan, leaning against my car just staring at me. I couldn't see his face but I knew it was him. Everything from his posture to his build told me that it was him.


Chapter Five


I walked closer, stopping a couple of steps away to avoid us touching. " what?" I asked quietly, glancing around to make sure that we weren't in sight of any people before looking back at my man. He didn't hesitate to take the last two steps so that he was standing under the glow of the street light, close up on me and towering over my smaller frame. I loved how small I felt in comparison.

I took a step back, he followed, and that continued until we were both in the dark again, but this time pressed against the side of the store.
Dryan leaned down, no doubt to kiss me, but I turned my head to avoid such contact.

" you always walk away from me when we argue, and you know how that makes me feel but you do it anyway."

His lips brushed softly across the shell of my ear, causing my body to become rigid. " I do it so shit don't turn bad."

" it's already bad!" I whined, pushing him away and trying to retreat to my car. Ofcourse, I couldn't move fast enough because Dryan grabbed me up and pressed me back against the wall.

" its not, I promise you."

" then what is this? Arguing and disagreeing all the time?"

Instead of answering he leaned down, and faster than I could block him, he kissed me. Once our lips touched I was like putty in his hands, and he knew it. Every advantage that could be taken, was. With his tongue parting my lips and his hands gripping my ass firmly, I had no choice but to submit.

His lips trailed from where our heated tongues had been joined, to my neck.

I could feel the light scraping of his teeth across my sensitive skin causing me to breath in deeply. " I'm tired of this, Dryan." I whispered, so softly because it was hard for me to find my voice. It was a lie, though. I wasn't sure if I could ever be tired of him, not while I was so in love.

" no, you not."

" i- aah." I moaned deeply as his lips latched onto my neck and sucked hard, making what would be a hickey, as well as making my pussy release its juices in anticipation for more.
Dryan lifted me with no effort so that my legs were wrapped tightly around his waist. He pushed me back against the brick harshly, forcing another moan to be released.

Our lips found eachother's again, and this kiss was more charged than the first one, with more biting, sucking, and moaning. Between our bodies, his dick began to rise and nestle itself comfortably inbetween the lips of my covered pussy. All I could imagine was stripping down and feeling him, for real.

Our lips slowly seperated, but we didnt. Our foreheads leaned against eachother's and our breaths mingled as we both panted.

" I gotta-" I pecked his lips, cutting off his sentence briefly. " I gotta make this run across town real quick."

"nooooooooooo." I whined softly, wrapping my legs tighter around him, and clasping my hands behind his neck.

" you know what it is, Sy, so don't do that."

" please, but I'm so wet, daddy."

Dryan's eyes closed for a few seconds like he was trying to keep his composure, before opening again. " you always wet."

" but not like this. I want you to feel how wet, how hot-"

" dont." He commanded forcefully.

" but it's all for you, D."

His hands moved from my ass to my waist, tightening in the process and making my body shiver. " I'll be back in a hour or two, and I'm coming straight to you. Okay?"

" one more kiss? Please, Dryan?" I pleaded, trying to lock our lips together, but he wouldn't let me.
" one more kiss is all it would take for me to miss this pick up. So get down."
I rolled my eyes and sighed, releasing my tight grip on him so that he could place me back on my feet. " I'm going to bed so don't come by."
" stop that. Yo crybaby ass always want to catch a attitude when shit don't go yo way."
" so do you."
He lifted my head quickly so that I was looking up into his eyes. " Leave yo fucking window open. When I come through I want you in bed waiting for me." When I didn't answer he pulled me back into the comfort of his body for a quick hug. " and you better let that attitude go before I fuck it out of you."

" I'll take option B."

He chuckled. " you better be sure you can handle that before you choose it, babygirl, cause this ain't the first time you chose it and couldn't take it."

I breathed deeply as a shiver passed through my body. " you think I can't?"

" I know yo lil ass can't, even though you always wanna be big and bad."

He kissed the top of my head and released me. " now go home."

I didn't respond, just retreated to my car while he disappeared around the corner.

I went home, and the first thing I did was check on Drayal. She was sound asleep, and her diaper was dry which was literally just pure luck.

Then I went to shower, and by the time I laid down in bed it was 1 in the morning. I wanted to stay up and wait for Dryan, I really did, but I couldn't. My eyes were heavy and I just gave in to my sleepy urges.

I woke up when Dryan came through my window. I didn't see or hear him, but I felt his presence.

He left my room, I guessed to check on our daughter, and was back in a couple minutes. When he returned, I hadn't moved, I was still laying on my bed, on my right side, watching him. 
He started to strip, and I watched.

" I see yo ass watching me."

I chuckled and pulled the comforter up around my neck to block out the cold air that had drifted through the window. " turn my heat up."

" it's gone get hot enough in here." He responded, removing his last piece of clothing which was his underwear. I could feel my pussy clench as his dick swung free.  " Stop drooling." He kissed my lips before climbing into bed and under the covers behind me.
His left arm wrapped around me so that his hand was resting right ontop of my pussy. And then he stopped, didn't move at all, driving me crazy.

" baaaaabe." I whined softly, making him laugh before his fingers wiggled between two thick lips and applied pressure  to my clit. " oh god-" I whispered. My whole body arched, pushing my ass further against his dick and moving my quivering pussy just out of reach of his hands. I never meant to pull away, but when i was aroused my clit could be so sensitive that even the smallest touches could overwhelm me.

" uhun." He scolded, scooting backward a little and decided to reach my pussy from the back, instead, bypassing my ass and my now leaking pussy to start his massage back on my clit.

I reached my hand back, grabbing his forearm and digging my nails in. " just fuck me, daddy."

" But I wanna tease you first."

" aah." My nails dug in deeper as his massages picked up in speed.

" sssh." He flipped us quickly so that I was lying on my stomach and he hovered closely behind. " ima give you what you want, this what you want, isn't it?" His lips landed on the back of my neck, pressing softly.

" yes, fuck me."

" fuck you?"

" please, daddy, ple- " I burried my head in my pillow as he shoved his dick deep inside of me at a speed that made me scream out.

His arm rounded my body and pulled me up on my knees so that he could pull out and push back in. He pushed back in so deep and so hard that I couldn't take it. I pulled away quickly, falling forward on my stomach and shivering slightly. " I cant, I cant-"

" you cant what?" His lips brushed against my ear, as his body came down covering mine. " You said you wanted me to fuck yo attitude out of you, right? That's what you said, baby, that's what you asked for."

" I know but I caaaaaaaaan't." I moaned softly.

He chuckled. " How the fuck we got a baby but yo ass can't take the dick?"

" I'm sorry that my sensitivity is funny to you." I tried to move from underneath him but he pinned me with his body weight. " let me go, Dryan."

" so, yo ass mad cause I said you can't take the dick?"

" I'm not mad. And I can take it, just not after yo ass been drilling me twice a day for two days after no sex for almost four weeks. My fucking cervix is probably bruised."

" I dont give it to you unless you ask for it."

I rolled my eyes, despite the fact that he couldn't see. " and now I'm asking you to get off of me."

Dryan sighed. " what you got a attitude for this time? huh?"

" because we're horny but I'm sore. which means that I can't give you what you want."

" Stop acting like our relationship is just sex. You know that our relationship is not based on sex- right?"

" yeah, but if I can't give it to you when you want it, then-"  I trailed off, burying my face in the pillow again, but this time for a different reason. Out of nowhere insecurities had taken over my mind. I never really thought Dryan was cheating on me, but still those thoughts pushed themselves to the forefront, making me forget how much he loved me.

" turn over, look at me." Dryan told me to, but before I could say no, he flipped me over himself. Now my legs were wrapped around his waist and he was staring down at me intensely. " I'm rough, yeah, maybe too rough with you. I forget how sensitive you are, on the outside and the inside, and I'm sorry for that-"

" I love it when you're rough."

" I know, but there's gotta be a balance because I need for you to know that i fucking love you. I forget to say it sometimes because I forget that you need to hear it. That's my bad." He brushed my hair away from my face. " and I also forget to stress to you that you run this shit. If you don't want to fuck or can't fuck I'm not gone run off and fuck some bitch because I'm with you. Even when I'm not with you physically, I'm still with you mentally and I love your ass. And remember, just like you mine, I'm yours, too."

I tried to hold my smile in but it crept up anyway. " why you looking at me like that?"

" because I want you to know that I'm serious." He leaned down and kissed me softly. " now since you can't take the dick," He chuckled, making me slap his chest. " let's lay down."

" okay, after you-" I shifted my eyes away from him as my cheeks undoubtedly turned a bright red. " after you eat my pussy." I whispered the last part, making Dryan laugh.

" oh, so I tell you that you running shit and you just decide to take charge now, right?"

" well, you said it, not me."

After my orgasm Dryan and i just laid in bed, with him on his back and my head on his chest as he stroked my hair back non stop.

" do you want more kids?" I asked, more on impulse than anything, and right away I wished I hadnt.

His hand stopped. " if they're all as beautiful as you then why not."

I sighed. " I'm serious, Dryan. Do you want more kids?"

" that depends, are you pregnant?"

" you know I'm on the shot." I said quietly.

" you were on that shit when you got pregnant with Drayal too."

" no, I was on the pill back then."

" all the same shit to me." He started back stroking my hair. " But I wouldn't mind having more children, with you of course."

I grunted in initial response, running my hand across his abdomen.  " good."

" but you didn't answer my question, are you pregnant, Sy?"

" no, Dryan, I am not pregnant so you don't have to worry."

" worry ? I can handle another baby, what I can't handle is sneaking around with another baby."

I sighed again before whispering," okay."

" okay what?"

" we can tell my father."

" are you sure?" He asked cautiously.

" no, i'm not. But it's causing so much trouble between us that I just want it to be out and over with so we can stop arguing about it. Besides, maybe my father won't be so mad at us."

"he won't be mad at us. He'll be mad at you, but he'll be furious with me. "

" why?"

" I'm older, i should know better. I shouldn't have fallen in love with you."

" is that how you feel?" I whispered timidly.

He sighed deeply. " the only thing that matters is that I'm in love with you and I'm not leaving you, no matter what."

We laid quietly for a while until I fell asleep. When I woke up Dryan was gone, and when I went to check, so was my father.


Chapter Six


Dryan and I barely talked for two weeks and I didn't see him at all. He was busy working with my father so I dove head first into my own work and into being a mother in my free time. Drayal was missing her father, even as young as she was, when I showed her picture of him on my phone she always took it and stared at it until the screen went black.
And I missed Dryan so bad too. Everytime I thought of him I just wanted to cry.

My routine didn't change much, everyday was the same. On Saturday night Alexus and I went out to a club while a friend of mines - Raina - watched Drayal and Pip. This time around, I didn't dance on anybody . Alexus and I mainly danced together, and when she was away dancing with a man, I'd order drinks. The alcohol was flowing, but I wasn't drinking. Alcohol was the last thing on my mind at the moment.

It was two in the morning when I needed to use the restroom. It seemed like the crowd had only gotten thicker as the night progressed and I couldn't find Alexus. But instead of fretting I just pushed my way toward the ladies room. There wasn't a line outside the door but inside, there were ten or fifteen ladies all pushing and shoving in the small space to get to the mirrors or in and out of stalls.

I felt my blood pressure rise in the confined space and immediately turned and exited the restroom.
In the small hallway I stopped, glancing between the ladies and the men's restrooms.

Men's restrooms typically stunk, true. But they were also typically empty. My bladder wasn't leaving me very much of a choice.

I rushed to the men's restroom, pushing the door open before I lost my nerve and decided to pee outside. The restroom was empty, thankfully.
If it wasn't empty then I probably would have pissed on myself out of fear.

I rushed inside and to one of the three stalls. I kne that feeling disgust was inevitable as I cringed at the piss on the toilet seat. The second and third stalls were no better with pissy toilet seats, and toilet paper rolls completely empty.

Sighing, I entered a stall and closed the door behind me. I removed my panties and squatted over the toilet bowl, and when I was finished peeing, I used my panties as toilet paper.

That was a first, and if I was lucky, it would be a last. I stuffed the panties into the small  baste bin in the stall. There was no point in trying to flush the toilet. With all of the paper towels it looked had been shoved in, I highly doubted it would flush.

" what kind of grown ass men..." I mumbled angrily to myself as I washed my hands at the only sink of three that actually turned on. Atleast there was soap and running water- barely, but they were there.

I was drying my hands with the last paper towel fom the dispenser when the bathroom door opened behind me. My body immediately wanted to try to run and stuff itself somewhere, but there was nowhere, so I just watched intently from my place at the mirror. And in the couple seconds that it took for the door to open and for Dryan to step in, I had started to have a full on panic attack.

Once I saw his face through the mirror the beating of my heart definately subsided a bit.

I dropped the paper towel, turned around and flung myself at him. He stumbled back a couple of steps until his back was against the closed bathroom door. My body wrapped itself around his, my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

" Dryan." I whispered his name quietly, burying my face in his chest and just enjoying the feel of his body.
Both of his arms wrapped tightly around my waist, supporting my weight.

" I missed you too, baby."

He burried his own face in my neck and we just stayed like that for too long for me to notice. A few minutes in, I felt vibrating down my dress where my phone was stashed inbetween my breasts but I ignored it. I didn't want to detach from my man, one that I hadn't seen in two weeks and hadn't spoken to in five days.

" you gotta get down, Sy. I gotta go. Your father wants me to-" He sighed. " I gotta go babe."

" no, you can't go." I felt my eyes tearing up. " I need you, okay? I really do."

" don't make this harder than it is, aight? I just needed to tell you that I love you. When I heard you were here, I had to come. I couldn't help myself. I fucking miss you and Drayal, and I love you both, okay? Kiss my baby for me."

My head shook vigorously. " no."

" Symonee-"

" no."

Dryan sighed again. " I need you to get down, I don't have time to do this with you."

" you knew I was the clingy type when you met me, but you wanted me anyway." Was my response, it made him laugh.

" you seduced me."

" and you didn't like it?"

" I loved it, baby, every minute of it, and I still do. But I got priorities and shit that I gotta tend to right now, and when I'm done, I'm going to come by, okay?"

I wanted to scream that his family should be his main priority, but I knew that no matter what I said, it wouldn't get him to stay. Dryan was all about his "business". Whatever work my father gave him, he took very seriously and carried it out in full. It didn't matter that I was crying on his shoulder or that his family missed him because he had dedicated his life to the streets and to my father long before I met him.

I unwrapped myself from Dryan, setting my feet on the floor and taking a step away from him. I tried to keep my head down to avoid him seeing my tears but with his fingers positioned under my chin,  he kept me looking up at him.

I sniffled. " maybe we should tell my father about us now- maybe he'll, um, maybe he wouldn't give you so much work to do if he knew-"

" he knows."

" what?"

" I told him a few days ago and he told me that he's known since the begining. That's the reason he's been giving me more and more to do, so that I spend less time with his little princess."

" His little princess?" I asked, rolling my eyes. " he's been treating me like shit since I moved here."

" and this is the reason why."

" this isn't fair."

Dryan leaned down and kissed my lips softly, before wiping away my steadily falling tears. " Did you drive here?"

" no, I rode with Alexus."

" Let's go find her."

" why?"

" so you can tell her that I'm driving you home."

" like, to your home, or-"

He cut me off. " to your home. I'm dropping you off, that's it."

The hope I had was lost as he opened the bathroom door and led me back into the club. Finding Alexus was easy, she was dancing on top of the bar. She wasn't drunk, just fucking retarted. Alexus had a tendency to be over the top at times.

She winked at me, seeing me walking with Dryan close behind me and shooed us toward the door before I could even tell her anything.

There were barely any words spoken between Dryan and I. While he was driving me home I rested my head on his shoulder and that was it.


Chapter Seven


Sunday morning I woke up to my phone ringing.

The sun hadn't even risen yet and I was fumbling around through my sheets so that I could silence the annoying thing. I ended the call, without checking to see who it was, but ofcourse they called again.

" what?" I grumbled into the phone after answering.

"is that how you answer the telephone?"

I'd know my mother's voice anywhere, take the most irritating voice and multiply that by about ten and there you have it. It's proper and soft as a fucking feather, even a little squeeky from time to time. I don't remember her ever raising her voice my entire life, but she didn't have to.

There was nothing for my mother to ever be upset about. From the time she was born everything had gone her way- the best schools, the best clothes, the best men ... Hell, she was the one who broke off the relationship between she and my father when i was a child and I never saw her break a sweat about it my entire life.

Now forty-two, she was just as rich and spoiled as she had been her entire life. The only difference between her and every other rich white woman in new York was that she was a surgeon. That gave her even more reason to stick her nose in the air.

" what would you like, mother?"

She smiled, I knew it by the sound in her voice. " I was wondering when my favorite daughter was coming back home. Honestly, dear, you can't stay with your father forever."

" why can't i?" I asked as I sat up and threw my feet over the side of my bed. I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw Dryan asleep in the chair in the corner of my room. Clearly he enjoyed popping up on me.

" Symonee-"

" no, mom, really. There's a place for me here. I'm working and my daughter likes it here."
" you call what you do work? You're twenty one, honey, you should be studying and partying and then when you're twenty-eight and have your licence to practice medicine, then you'll really be working." She scoffed. " and that daughter of yours shouldn't be exposed to the things that are going on over there."

" the things that are going on over here were good enough for you to sneak off here to be with my father every weekend when you were my age, but now all of a sudden it's different? You know what, you haven't changed a bit since I left, you still want to wrap your hands around every little piece of my life." I raised my voice slightly, irritated by this whole conversation. Maybe she was right, but it wasn't for her to decide how my life and the life of my child would go.

" This is foolishness. Maybe I did do some things that were less than honorable but you're doing the same things, and in a year or two you'll come crawling back home to me, the same way I did to my mother. And when that day comes I'm going to welcome you and my grandchild - who I have yet to meet, thank you- home with open arms."

I didn't know what to say to her. She'd had my whole life mapped out since I was born. Private schools just like her's, extracurricular activities, just like her's ... right down to what college I would attentend and the hospital I would work at after med school. She even had an estimate of the day I was supposed to be married and have children. She wanted my entire life to be perfect, and I just wanted to feel like my life was my own. Her mother had done this exact same thing to her, but still she couldn't understand my point of view.

All I could do was wish that I didnt turn around and do the same thing to my children.

" mom, I have to go." Before she could spew some more bullshit my way, I hung up and fell backward onto the bed. Just staring up at the ceiling I was trying to figure out what my father saw in that woman, maybe it was the same thing Dryan saw in me, something different from what he was used to.

" yes, I love you."

" what?" I asked, sitting up again to look at Dryan. He was now awake and watching me.

"everytime you talk to your mom you always  turn to me or call me and ask me if I love you. The answer is yeah, I love your spoiled ass."

I rolled my eyes, falling backward again. " you think you know me."

" there's no thinking about it, I know you like the back of my hand."

" is that right?"

" you know it is. Ask me anything and I'll tell you."

" and if you get it wrong?" I asked.

" if I get it wrong I'll do anything you ask of me, just one thing."

" that's a big commitment, Dryan, are you sure?" He didn't respond so I knew his answer was yes. I thought long and hard about what to ask him. I mean, he couldn't possibly know everything about me but figuring out what he didn't know when he was observant as hell would be a huge problem. " okay, where is my birthmark?"

Dryan chuckled. " five minutes and that's all you can come up with? I'll give you another chance. You have two birthmarks, one on your foot and the other on your left ass cheek."

I groaned. " how do you even know that? You're a fucking stalker."

" no, i'm just obsessed with your perfect body."

A blush rose up my cheeks at that statement, I was happy that the room was still dark.

" what were my favorite subjects in school?"

" art and math. I'll give you one last chance."

" oh my god!" I threw a small hissy fit. " I'm happy you know me but can you just pretend not to so that I can make a point?"

" does that even sound like something I would do?"

I sighed. " what is the place that I want you to take me, above all places?"

" you sure that's what you want your last question to be? I'm giving you the opportunity of a life time here."

" you're stalling which means that you don't know the answer so yeah, that's my question."

He chuckled. "the strip club. You want me to take you to the stripclub so that you can get a lap dance."

I sighed again.

" what's my pants size?"

" twelve."

" birthday?"

" May 1st."

" where do I want to live for the rest of my life?"

" with me."

I smiled. "I meant which state or country do I want to live in for the rest of my life, smart ass."

" well that's not what you said, smart ass."

" I hate you, dumbass."

" I hate you, crybaby."

" I hate your good dick having ass."

" I hate your wet pussy having ass."

I screeched in laughter. " oh my god."

The next time he spoke, I felt his breath brush softly across my exposed thighs. He had moved, clearly, although I hadn't been paying enough attention to see. " you started it."

" I didn't start anything."

Dryan didn't respond, in a way that was even more anxiety inducing than anything that he could ever say. The hair from his beard grazed my upper thighs, making my body shiver in glee. That was the best feeling, his rough hair against my smooth skin always put me on edge.

" Dryan-"

" Symonee-" He retorted.

" its too early for this."

" too early for what ? Amazing, mind blowing, orgasmic sex?"

I chuckled. " yes. After we fuck, I don't want to move, I just want to lay up under you."

" and you can do that baby, for as long as you want."

I was about to protest when his tongue snaked out and licked softly along the edge of my panties. My pussy clinched in anticipation, just like it always did when I wanted him. It had been two weeks since he was inside of me and I had been ignoring my ache for him as best as I could but there was no doubt that I wanted him.

He continued to tease me, next licking softly on the other side before licking right down the middle seam of my panties.

" baby." I moaned quietly, hoping he would get the hint. " please, please, please-"

His finger pulled my panties to the side before her dove into my pussy, tongue first. I couldn't stop myself from screaming out in pleasure as my body writhed beneath him. To keep me in place, he wrapped his arms around my body with both hands holding the top of my thighs firmly so that my pussy never moved from his mouth. No matter how much I squirmed, he never let go.

" fuck, D!" I pushed against his head, trying to get him to slow down because I felt that mind numbing pleasure of an orgasm pushing it's way toward the forefront but he continued. " I cant, I cant-"

" mmhmm, mmhmm." He moaned, and that shit sent a vibration through my clit that just added to the intensity of the entire experience. And before I knew it, I was cumming. All I wanted to do was scream, so loud that everybody could hear, so to stop that I bit down onto my tongue and road out the waves of my pleasure.

I couldn't move, the only thing I could do was shake as I felt Dryan release my body from his grip.

Softly, he flipped me over onto my stomach and positioned himself on the bed so that he was laying next to me with his arm and leg thrown over my body.

" more." I whispered. He knew exactly what I meant, shifting himself so that half of his body was ontop of mine.

" you're a fucking weirdo." He whispered, kissing the back of my neck. " go back to sleep, babygirl."
He didn't have to tell me twice, as soon as my eyes closed, I was asleep again.


Chapter Eight


Waking up again it felt amazing to still be underneath the weight of Dryan's body. There was something about his body pressing against mine that always seemed to relax me, ever since the first time we'd slept in the same bed.

Yawning I opened my eyes only yo close them right back as the morning sun shinning in through my window made them water.

" ready to get up?" Lips pressed softly against my exposed shoulders and upper back. " I gotta go."

" no."

" Symonee, I needed to leave like two hours ago, baby. I gotta-"

" I dont care. You're not leaving yet."

" don't start this shit." Dryan removed his body from mine, making me groan in dissapointment at the loss of his weight, but pushing that aside, I stood up along with him to join in the stare down.

" don't start what shit, huh? Because I want the man I love to be with his family I'm starting shit?

" that's not what I'm saying."

" then what the fuck are you saying ? All I want to do is spend time with your stupid ass!" I shoved him away from me. I could tell he was about to raise his voice at me when his phone rang, cutting our argument before it even really began.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and glanced at the screen quickly before he answered. All the while he was starring me down. " hello?- what is it?- nah, I got something to do-"

While he was talking, Dryan grabbed my arm and pulled me into him. I burried myself in his chest, just wishing momentarily that I could stay there forever. Shit, I wished that all the time but there was no use. He always had to leave. He'd never stay, no matter if I begged or cried, he always left, which is why there were things that I felt I couldn't tell him yet, because no matter what, he'd still leave.

I didn't listen to his conversation, just the sound of his deep voice as his chest rumbled against my ear.

When he was finally off of the phone he wrapped both of his arms around me and rested his chin against the top of my head.

" I can't stay." He whispered. That probably hurt more than him screaming at me, because I could hear that he loved me but that he was leaving anyway, and that was a slap in the face to everything that I felt about him.

" then I can't stay either." I whispered back.

" what does that mean?"

" everytime you leave, you tear my heart out of my chest, Dryan. I thought I could handle it but- I'm too sensitive for this shit."

His hands found their way into my loose hair, doing that thing that I love where he massages my scalp and pulls me in closer. " are you breaking up with me, Sy?" I didn't say anything, too afraid to say yes and too afraid to say no. " think about what you want to say before you say it, babygirl, because I'm not going to go back and forth with you. I love you, but if you can't handle this relationship, I'll respect that. Just know that when it's done, it's done, ain't no coming back to this."

" there's always coming back."

" not with me, Symonee. Once we break up, that's it."

" well we can't keep going like this." I whispered, and almost as if I had flipped a switch, he detached from me. Looking up into Dryan's face I wanted to see something, but he'd put up a mask there and the only thing that would indicate his emotion was a tear as it escaped down his cheek.

" then this is it. I'll call you about seeing Drayal when I can."

I tried to reach for Dryan, but he wouldn't let me touch him. I didn't think it was possible but that made my heartache even more, and the tears I had been holding back, started to flow.

" wait-"

" Wait what? You want to break up, then we broken up. That's it."

" but I love you!" I screamed. " and you can't just stop loving me in twenty seconds!"

His body was halfway out of my window when I grabbed him. " please," I pleaded, softly. " I dont want it to end like this. Just stay with me."

I hoped that I would see something in his eyes and that he would let me see his emotions again, but I had no such luck. He pulled away from me and was gone.

If my heart felt like it had been ripped out before, that was nothing compared to this.

I spent the next thirty minutes on the floor, crying so hard until I threw up. My father must've heard me through the door because there was knocking, but I was too distraught to get up and open it so I just let it go. A couple of minutes later, the door was opened - a lock had clearly been picked- and I was being hoisted up and into two large arms. I hoped it was Dryan but it wasnt. The smell on the skin was completely different, and the way that I felt burried in this massive chest was different as well. This was my father, a man whose hug should comfort me completely, but sadly enough I got nothing from it.

Four days- that's how long I stayed at home, and for the most part, in bed. Everyday i wanted to get up but my nausea would knock me on my ass everytime I tried, and so for a few days I just stopped trying. Drayal and i spent most of our time curled up in my bed watching tv.

My father stopped working to take care of me and Drayal- not that we necessarily needed it, but it was the most kindness I had seen from him since moving in.

On the fifth day I woke up screaming and crying, so loud that my father thought I was being attacked so he burst into my room with his gun drawn. Once he saw that it was just me, he came over, sitting on the edge of my bed trying to soothe me. I'd woken up having panic attack, and it was the scariest thing in my life.
Before moving in with my father I had a panic attack at least twice a week. There was alot of pressure on me to at home, from maintaining my perfect gpa, to  paticipating in a countless number of extra coricular activities. I had so much pressure on my shoulders to do everything perfectly that by the time I was thirteen I was having anxiety attacks almost on a daily basis. When my mother took me to the doctor I was give anti-depressants and sleep aids that I took on a consistent basis just to cope with everyday life.

But moving in with my father I no longer needed that. With him, the pressures were alot less great, and I felt like I could finally breathe. I stopped taking my medication, and i hadn't needed it. There was one anxiety attack when I found out I was pregnant with Drayal, but nothing like what I had been experiencing with my panic attacks. And once it was done, it was done.

" ssh, breath." My father soothed me. I'd never told him about my panic attacks so I was surprised at how calm he was being. He sat right there with me though, rubbing my hair away from my face for a whole five minutes until I went back to sleep.
Waking up later that day I felt so out of it. I was still in bed, but not in my own bed. I was in my father's bed. Looking around I felt out of place, and uncomfortable, but I was just happy that I wasn't having another panic attack.

The door creaked open slowly and my father walked in with a glass of juice in his hand. " I brought your favorite."

" fresh squeezed orange juice with a dash of lemon juice?"

"you know it."

" thank you." I mumbled, grabbing the glass when he held it out to me and gulping down the entire thing in twenty seconds flat. He took the empty glass from my hands and sat it on the night stand, then he just stood there staring at me. " what?"

He sighed. " I'm waiting on you to tell me what happened."

" well since you know everything, you should know this too, right?"

" I want you to tell me."

I scuffed. " you've barely talked to me since I've moved here-"

" because you're fucking a man you have no business messing with!"

" oh, I'm sorry," I snapped, standing out of the bed and rounding it so that we were facing eachother. " is it my vagina or is it yours?"

" it's mine!" He paused, furrowing his eyebrows before we both chuckled. " that came out wrong."

" clearly."

He motioned for me to sit on the edge of the bed and I did, so did he. " you're just my only child, my only daughter, my little girl- my princess. I want you to marry a doctor or a judge, hell, I'll even settle for you marrying a lawyer, but a street hustler?"

"but he's your second hand, the man you've practically raised since he was ten, and you know and love him. What's so wrong with that? And he's treated me like nothing less than a queen everyday!"

" really?" My father asked, glancing over at me in question.

" yes, really. Before I got here, every guy I'd ever dated was chosen by mom. She'd regulate dates and even kisses. Every guy was from an influential family and was used to getting whatever it was that they wanted, including me. After every date the guys would want to sleep with me, and when I said no-" I shivered, just remembering some of the angry encounters that I'd had with some over-priveleged, spoiled brats. " I just forgot that I was a human being there, and that I deserved love and respect, but Dryan reminded me of that. And sometimes I still forget, but he never takes advantage of that vulnerability, he just sticks by my side and loves me. That's more than I can say for anybody else."

" so you really love him?" He asked quietly.

" I really do, but I guess it doesn't matter anymore since we're no longer together."

" what happened, Symonee ?"

" he spent the night over here Saturday, then Sunday morning he said he had to leave, but I'm sure you know that already. You tried to keep him busy to keep him away from me. Well, your plan worked out perfectly, huh? "

" I'm sorry, i-"

I cut him off. " no you're not, this is what you wanted." I sighed. " he had to leave Sunday morning and I told him that if he left, we had to break up because it hurt too much. I didn't think he'd actually leave, but-" I broke down in tears, dropping my head in my lap. Just thinking about this was pushing me to the edge. " Dryan loves what he does, for whatever reason, and he loves you! He'd do anything for you."

My father rubbed my back for a few minutes until I got myself under control, but still, I wouldn't look up at him. " is that all that happened?"

" yeah, and afterward he just looked at me like I was a fucking stranger and- I just want to move on now. Just thinking about him is too much."

My father and I hugged for a while, until Pip came trotting into the room with Drayal crawling behind him.

" why's she on the bare floor?" I asked, going to pick her up.

"a lil germs never hurt nobody. When you were a baby i put you on the floor for two seconds so i could get my wallet out and you licked one of my sneakers before I could get to you."

" dad !" I screeched. " that's disgusting."

" what? You licked the floor a few times too, shit. It's normal."

I rolled my eyes. " nothing about that is normal."

"well you turned out aight, didn't you?" He asked. " well, aside from the fact that your eyes are huge-"

"they arent!" I screeched.

" - and the fact that you had a full set of teeth by the time you were six months old and didn't have hair until you were five. Aside from all that, you're completely normal."

" you're a freaking liar."

" how do you know? Have you ever seen any baby pictures of yourself?"
I paused for a moment, thinking. " well, no, but-"

"that's because you were so ugly we thought it was the right thing to do to not take pictures of you."

I was starting to think he was serious until he smiled, which made me smile too. That's what I missed, my relationship with him.

" I'm just fucking with you, Symonee. You were always beautiful. I just knew when you were born that you were going to have all the little boys chasing after you, just never thought you'd fall in love with somebody like me."

" well I'm sure my mother's parents never thought that she'd fall in love with someone like you either, but I guess opposites just attract. Besides that, I'm sure you're a beautiful person, you know, on the inside, your outside could use a little work."

He chuckled. " aight, get the fuck out. We'll take the rest of the week off work, okay? And then on Monday we'll start fresh."

" okay." I was leaving the room with Pip following behind me when a thought came to my mind. " and I should probably tell you that my daughters name isn't Cynthia."

" I know, I've been waiting on you to tell me. I can't believe you waited so long."

"how do you know everything ?"

" it's my job to know."

Just like Dryan.

Chapter Nine


When my father said that "we" would take the rest of the week off of work, I thought he just meant me and him. It was seven pm, I'd just finished bathing Drayal and myself and we were in the kitchen - me making pasta and her sitting on the floor banging two of her toys together- when the doorbell rang. I looked over at my father who looked up at me and he had the most guilty look on his face.

" dad," I said slowly. " what did you do?"

" huh?"

My eyes squinted. " what- did- you- do- old man?"

" woah, old man? I'm forty-one !"

"don't change the subject, old man! What did you do?"

He stood up as the doorbell rang again and before I could question him any further, he darted out of the room, laughing. " you'll see." He screamed back at me.

I rolled my eyes turning back to the stove. " Your grandpa is an idiot, right, Drayal?" She just stared up at me wide eyed and beautiful. " I'll take that as a yes."

A few seconds later I felt my body being spun around and hugged tightly by two slender arms. Looking down, I instantly recognized the mound of curly hair.

" who is your best fucking friend, bestfriend?"

I smiled, prying Alexus away from me. " you're a fucking idiot."

" the same idiot who's about to give you a heads up on what your father is planning?"

" oh, no, what is it?"

Alexus shrugged. "I'd tell you but he gave me two hundred dollars to keep these pretty lips of mine sealed."

" but you're my bestfriend, not his!"

" yeah, but, money talks. Give me three hundred dollars and I'll tell you."

" fucking con artist." I went back to my cooking. " whatever it is, I'm sure I can handle it."

"I wouldn't be so sure." She smacked her lips. " so, when were you going to tell me about you and Dryan?"

" seems like I didn't have to since you already know."

" I only know because your dad told me, which thank god, because you need some bestfriend time after that."

" I dont want to talk about it." I mumbled.

"your ass never does, but rest assured that I'm always going to be here when you want to talk."

" mmhmm. Let's talk about you and your dysfunctional ass relationship."

" there is no dysfunctional relationship over this way, honey. Tevin and I are just fine."

I chuckled to myself but didn't say anything. She and Tevin weren't just fine, she was cheating, he was cheating, and they were for some reason still together. She claimed his dick was too good to leave him, but if that was true then why was she cheating ? Dysfunctional.

My theory was that she loved him, but he wasn't really ready to commit, so instead of just leaving him, she stuck around. And to save face she cheated on him so that she didn't look weak.

Yupp, dysfunctional.

Somehow I let Alexus talk me into ordering chicken wings, and when my father came back from wherever he had slipped away to, he made me order two pizzas and a large pan of brownies as well. I complained, ofcourse, because I'd just cooked enough pasta to feed five and they weren't satisfied and because that was alot of food for three people, meaning that he had invited more than just Alexus over. I didn't put up a fuss, though, I just put away the food that I had cooked and ordered what they asked.

" forty- five dollars." I announced, but it didnt seem that anyone was listening. My father was feeding Drayal at the table and Alexus was sitting on the edge of the counter, egging my father on.

"- yeah, right, Mr.Tyrone. I could beat your ass any day. I mean, look at me, I'm young and I'm strong. You're-"

" If you say old-" My father gave her a pointed look, making her laugh.

" I wasn't going to say old, I was going to say seasoned or experienced."

" same damn thing, lil girl."

I sighed and left them to their dumb ass back and forth. I was on my way to let Pip back in the house - we put him outside after he decided to shit on my fathers bed, as usual- when the doorbell rang. I got a sick feeling in my stomach, not really wanting to know who else my father had invited to what I thought would be our bonding time. Don't get me wrong, I love Alexus, but my father had barely spoken to me in three years and we could use some alone time.
Sighing a second time, I let Pip back in the house before going to answer the door.

" what are you doing here?" I asked, trying to figure out if I was seeing correctly or not. It was Leon, Omar, and Roderick- Dryan's bestfriends.

" we were invited." Roderick said, holding up two bottles of Jack Daniels. " and when Tyrone invites you somewhere, you show up."

" out of all of the liquor you could have brought, you brought whiskey? Since when did we become old white men?"

Omar chuckled. " that's what I told the nigga but he don't listen to shit."

" that's your friend." I mumbled, grabbing the bottles from Roderick and stepping to the side so that they could enter the house. Each man hugged me in passing with Leon giving me an extra squeeze. At that moment, I was just wondering if I should make a run for it, because whatever my father was planning, was already making me antsy as hell. Already, what was supposed to be a two person bonding experience between my father and I had turned into a six person orgy. Maybe orgy isn't the right word to describe it but, hell, it was good enough.

My pasta had been kicked to the side for pizza and wings and what would have probably been water was kicked to the side for whiskey.

There couldn't be anything good about any of this.

Just when I was about to close the door, a familiar car pulled up in front and turned off. I could already feel my blood boiling as I debated whether or not to throw one of the bottles of whiskey at it. My mind was telling me that I should, but just when I cocked my arm back and was ready to launch one of the bottles, it was ripped from my hands.

" I knew you were going to try some shit." My father mumbled, grabbing the other bottle of liquor from me for good measure.

I rolled my eyes, watching as Whitney exited her car. " listen, I've been going with the flow these past couple of hours, simply because im happy that you're talking to me again, but if Whitney comes in here, I will stop this before it even begins."

" whether you like it or not she's family."

" whose family? Not my damn-"

" watch your mouth."

I breathed deeply. " She's not my family, and I refuse to be in the same room with her. So, either you go tell your 'family' that she needs to leave, or I'll leave."

Needless to say, my father stepped off of the porch and quickly dismissed Whitney, and once she was gone, my father and I went back inside of the house.

" I'm just trying to mend fences."

I sucked my teeth. " She almost killed your grandchild, remember that the next time you want to mend fences."

By that time, Drayal was asleep on the couch so I took her up to her bedroom and put her in bed. I spent ten minutes standing over her, watching her sleep and wondering what I was going to do. I guess this breakup made me a single mother. Although I probably could have been considered a single mother before, this was a whole different level. I wondered for a moment if it was even the right decision to stay with my father.

But then I realized that this was the decision that I had made, and that I wasn't going to let a few bumps in the road make me turn tail and run back to mommy. I had to stick it out, for better or worse. Even when we weren't talking I enjoyed living with my father because there was alot less pressure for me to turn out perfect, and that alone took a huge weight off of my shoulders that I wasn't ready to put back on.


Chapter Ten


" Symonee, can you come down here for a minute?" My father's booming voice shouted up the stairs.

I stopped breathing for a moment as Drayal wiggled at the intrusive noise before she settled back to sleep. " loud mouth." I mumbled, exiting my daughters room and closing the door behind me.

" you know, dad," I started to rant as I decended the stairs. " the next time you decide to scream up the stairs when my daughter is asleep, I'm going to-"

" surprise!"

I was stopped mid sentence. Upon entering the kitchen I'd been bombarded with that startling noise. I wasn't sure what the hell was going on. People had on party hats- ones you'd wear for a child's birthday- and that wasn't even the most confusing thing. There was a giant cake on the island with my name on it and a banner hanging from the ceiling that just read 'surprise'.

" is it my birthday?" I wondered quietly. It was possible that I could've forgotten my birthday with the breakup and everything. I had been very preoccupied.

When I hadn't said anything for a few seconds, I guess everyone figured that maybe I hadn't heard their declaration the first time and decided to try again.

" surprise !" They yelled again, after Omar gave a quick count to three.

"yeah, yeah, I heard you the first time." I said slowly before taking a couple of steps further into the room. " is it my birthday?"

Alexus rolled her eyes. " bitch, it's October."

" yeah, well, what else would explain a birthday cake and-" My eyes bulged when I saw six large boxes - gift wrapped and all - sitting next to the island on the floor. " and presents?"

" we each got you a gift, you know, to cheer you up after the breakup. Well, I did most of the shopping because niggas are clueless, but still."

" but there are six gifts and only five of you."

" no, there are six of us."

I narrowed my eyes, counting each person again before looking at Alexus sideways. " there are five of you, stupid."

My father interjected, coming over and grabbing me by my shoulders to pull me over until I was standing over the cake and everyone huddled around me. " Let's not get  hung up on technicalities, okay. Cut the cake."

" that's not a technicality, that's a fact."

" blah, blah, blah," Leon mumbled from beside me. " we want cake."

" shouldn't we be eating actual food first?"

" no."

I chuckled, grabbing the knife and starting to cut the cake. I was unsure why they'd gotten me a full sheet cake. 95% of it would probably end up sitting in the refrigerator, unnoticed for months. I wasn't much into sweets, not in my condition. " when did you guys even plan this?"

" we put it together yesterday, via text. Don't you see the bags under my eyes? I barely got any sleep last night, and it's all for you. You're welcome !" Alexus exclaimed, well, more like exaggerated. Her chocolate skin was as perfect as ever.

" plate." I ordered as the first piece of cake was cut, only for the doorbell to ring.

" I got it. It's probably the delivery man. " Roderick said. " you just keep cutting."

" don't tell me what to do." I retorted, only he was halfway out of the room by then. " and don't drop the food! We all know you like to drop precious things!"

" hey!" He screamed from the hallway. " I dropped Drayal one time and she liked it!"

Everybody laughed at that comment. It was true though. Roderick had dropped Drayal- because she wouldn't stop wiggling- when she was six months old and she screeched in laughter. I was scared she'd have a head injury or something so I rushed her to the emergency room, just like a new mother, but ofcourse she was fine.

I continued to cut the cake, putting large pieces on each plate that was placed infront of me.

" look who I found."

I turned around. Apparently Roderick had found the pizza and wings, and he'd also "found" Dryan. Glancing around the room, I could tell that everyone already knew that Dryan was going to show up, and I guess I should have known as well. I had just hoped that since this was a party to make me feel better, they wouldn't invite the very person who had broken my heart. Clearly I was wrong.

Omar took the knife from me like he thought I was going charge Dryan and stab him. Although the thought had actually crossed my mind, I wouldn't do it. I loved Dryan, being hurt didn't change that, and it certainly didn't make me think that Drayal would grow up better without her father around.

So, for the time being he could rest easy. I wasn't going to kill him.
In silence, I went to the drawer by the sink and grabbed another knife, going back to cutting the cake where I left off. Everybody was silent.

" so, who wants the 'S' ?" When nobody responded I could feel my frustration mounting. " I said," I slapped my free hand on the counter. " who wants the 'S' ?"

With a bit of hesitation, my father raised his hand. " I'll take it."

" good." I smiled.

The room was tense as hell, but everyone did their best to ignore it. I finished cutting the cake and everyone dug in, including Dryan, while I stood off to the side, eating a slice of pizza and watching them in disgust.

They were talking and laughing like there was absolutely no tension in the room. I wondered if I left right at that moment, if anybody would notice. I bet not.

After taking another slice of pizza I took my leave. Sure enough, nobody noticed me walking out of the room. I didn't have to tip-toe or hold my breath to leave the room, I just walked right out.

I went to the living room and sat on the couch to finish my pizza.

It was atleast ten minutes before everyone filed in. Everyone was holding a gift in their hands, and each face was holding a smile, except Dryan's.

" what is it?" I mumbled as they stopped infront of me. " you finally noticed that your guest of honor was missing?"

My father rolled his eyes. " Before we give you our gifts, I want to say something." He cleared his throat. " I love you, Symonee, like I've never loved anyone in my entire life. Yeah, I call Dryan my son but you're my only daughter, and because you're my daughter I've always felt that I needed to protect you from everything, niggas included. When you came to live with me I never imagined that you and Dryan would- I mean-"

He swallowed deeply and paused.

" dad you don't have to-"

" no, I do. I need to get this out. I wanted to protect you when you came here, and I fucked up. I know you love Dryan, and I know he loves you, but I couldn't see it before. It took me breaking you up, to see it and I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I took advantage of his love and loyalty for me, and used it to hurt you." He leaned down and kissed my forehead before shoving his box into my lap. "now, open my gift first."

I didn't even get to savour the moment of my father apologizing because he was so excited about his gift.

It was a medium sized box, wrapped in sparkly pink paper. Clearly, he thought I was still his little princess.

" what is it?" I asked, shaking the box softly, wide eyed in anticipation.

" woah, woah, don't shake it. Just open it."

Immediately my brain thought it was a dog. But then I looked at the box again and decided that the only way he could fit a dog into a slim rectangular box was if it was dead and balled up.

So, it wasn't a dog.

Deciding that it'd be much quicker to just open the box instead of guessing, I peeled back the paper quickly. Right there, in big bold letters under the wrapping paper, written sloppily with a black marker, the box read 'baby clothes'.

I gasped, cradling the box to my chest so that no one else could read it. My father was standing there, front and center, staring at me smugly.

" I wrapped it myself, like it?"

I gritted my teeth. " no." Clearly he knew, just like he knew every fucking thing else that I didn't want anybody to know. I'd been hiding my pregnancy since I'd found out. I'd known for a while, but I hadn't told anybody, not even Dryan or Alexus. It wasn't something I even wanted to think about, let alone talk about.

" what is it?" Alexus asked, trying to peep around to see. " He insisted on buying and wrapping it his self so I assumed that it was super special."

" it is." Was all I said to her at first. Everyone was looking at me suspiciously, so to try and get things back on track, I smiled and requested another gift.


Chapter Eleven


While opening everyone's gifts, I kept my father's face down on the couch next to me so that nobody could get their hands on it.

Leon got me a custom hoodie. It was grey, and on the front it had a picture of us - one where I looked most unpleasant - taking up the entire breast area. On the back of the hoodie or names where written in cursive. mine above his.

It was the cutest thing. Leon didn't talk very much, but since I met him, he'd looked out for me like an older brother, and since I was an only child, that meant a lot.

Roderick got me a charm bracelet and a pair of silver earrings to match. The only charm hanging off of the bracelet had my initials carved into it.
The next gift was from Omar. Omar got me a box full of gift cards, atleast four hundred dollars worth. Each had 'twenty dollars' scribbled on the front, and each one was for a fast food place that I enjoyed. Already my mouth was salivating, trying to figure out which gift card I was going to use first, despite the fact that I had just eaten.

Before I could even put Omar's gift down, Alexus was shoving hers in my lap. " mine next !" She screamed, even though nobody else was holding out a gift. Dryan's gift for me was still held tightly in his arms like he had no intention to let it go.

" okay, don't lose your shit." I unwrapped her's with a little more haste. The faster I opened her's, the faster I could get to Dryan's. Although I didn't want to admit it, I was excited to see what he had gotten me.

Alexus's present was a photo album of all the pictures we had taken in the past three years. Flipping quickly through the album, I saw alot of pictures that we'd taken at 2 am leaving the club, and early in the morning after she'd spent the night. They all made me smile, some even made me chuckle. There were well over one hundred pictures of us in the large albun, and I couldn't wait to really get a chance to flip through the entire thing.

" they're in order too. All the way from the first to the last."

My eyes teared up as I leaped up off of the couch and flung myself at Alexus. She toppled over and we both landed on the floor, laughing. " Thank you so much everybody, I love you all."

" but she loves me more." Alexus declared.

" bullshit." Both Leon and Roderick mumbled, making me smile even bigger if that were at all possible. I was smiling so hard my jaws were hurting.

I raised my arms for someone to help me up but instead, my hands were smacked down." you can open my gift from there." Dryan said, sitting his large box next to me. He had the biggest box of them all. It had to be atleast two feet tall and I couldn't possibly imagine what could be inside.

Alexus and I both sat up, sitting cross legged infront of it.

" Did you buy this one?" I asked her.

" no. I have no idea what this is. I can help you shake it if you want."

" no shaking. Just open." Dryan demanded.

Jesus, you'd think he and my father were the same person with the way that they act. Then again, my father had raised Dryan so it was understandable that he had some of my father's tendencies.

" you can help me open it." I told Alexus.

We both reached up, her snatching off the bow before starting to help me rip the silver wrapping paper away.
It was a large brown box, no name or label on it just cardboard. I started to rip at the tape on top in order to get the box open. The entire thing toppled over, spilling a bunch of Styrofoam peanuts into my lap.

" is this a joke?" I asked Dryan, glancing up at him I'm wonder. " an entire box of Styrofoam peanuts?"

" no." Is all he said.

I rolled my eyes and went digging through the large box, Alexus helped me. I was convinced that it was a joke. Why would he even come to a party that was supposed to cheer me up if he was going to give me an empty gift box? He could have stayed home for all that.

I wasn't really searching for a gift anymore when my hand touched something cold. I grabbed onto the object, pulling it out of the mess. Dangling it in front of my face, it was clear what it was. It was a key ring, attached to it were two silver keys.

I looked back up at Dryan, questioning him silently.

" they're keys to my house. I had them made two weeks ago. I was waiting for the right time to ask you to move in with me so that we could spend more time together."

My stomach dropped, and I felt almost sick as I stared at the keys. " your were gonna- gonna-"

" okay, let's give them some privacy." My father said as he started to herd everybody from the room. Alexus wanted to stay so my father had to pick her up and put her over his shoulder, carrying her out. And then Dryan and I were alone.

I was just rubbing the keys, trying to figure out what to say when Dryan picked me up and sat me on my feet. Little pieces of Styrofoam fell just about everywhere and I couldn't help but think that that was going to be a hellish cleanup.

" why'd you give me these?" I asked.

" because I don't want 'em. I'm tired of looking at 'em."

" but I shouldn't have them. We're not together anymore. You should save them for your next girlfriend." Although I said that, the keys were still gripped tightly in my hands.

" I dont want a next girlfriend. I want a wife."

" well then save then for your-"

" I dont need to." He said, cutting me off. " I know you gone be my wife one day soon. The keys are yours."

My head snapped up so that could look at him clearly. " but you said that there was no coming back."

" I was hurt and angry when I said that. You had every right to break up with me, but I couldn't believe you ever would. I love you so much and I know I fucked up. I work too much and see my family too little. Whitney is always down my throat about the same shit. I just needed a little bit more time to get everything in order. Guess that doesn't matter now, huh?"

" it does." I grabbed his arm when he tried to turn away. " all I wanted was for you to spend more time with us. That's it. I understand that you have to work and make money but I want your children and I to be a priority in your life."

" you will be."

I took a deep breath, deciding that it was finally time to be honest with him about my pregnancy. I'd never planned exactly when I'd tell him, but this was as good a time as any.

" I lied to you."

" about?" He asked, taking a step back so that my hold on him dropped. I could tell he was getting prepared for the worst already.

" don't do that, Dryan."

" just tell me what you lied about."

" when we were laying in bed and I asked you if you wanted more children. " I blurted. " and then you asked me if I was pregnant ..."

" and you told me no, Symonee." His head turned slightly so that he was looking at me out of the corner of his eye. " Symonee-"

" I lied. I'm pregnant, four months pregnant. I've known for a few weeks and I'm sorry that i didn't tell you. That day when we had that argument and I went to the club and danced on that other guy, that was the day I found out. I was just so-" My sentence was cut off and Dryan picked me up, twirling us around and around in a circle. I laughed, and I could hear his own deep chuckle next to me.

" that's the best news I've heard all week. You gone make me a father again." I laughed again as he slowed the spinning, slowly sitting back on the couch. I straddled him, leaning back slightly so that we could see eachother. In his eyes I saw that sincerity behind his words. His brown eyes were gleaming. " but why'd you lie about it?"

I shrugged my shoulders. " I guess because this is the reaction I wanted from you, and I was scared that I wouldn't get that before."

" you'll always get this reaction from me anytime you're pregnant. I definately wasn't expecting it, especially since you're on the shot but I don't mind at all. I love you, and I want to have as many children with you as you want to have with me-" I smiled. " -as long as this one is a boy."

I rolled my eyes. " I should have known."

" I already have two girls, now I need a boy to protect them."

" girls can protect themselves, if you teach them how."

He sucked his teeth. " yeah, but that doesn't mean that they should have to. Like you, you can defend yourself but that doesn't mean you need to. That's what I'm here for."

" so you're just here to protect me, that's it?"

" among other things." The way he said it, I knew what he meant.

I couldn't help myself as I helplessly stared at his lips. Had they been that plump before? Nevermind that though because they seemed to be calling my name.

" you gone kiss me or just stare?"

That was invitation enough for me. I leaned in quickly, not wasting my time on teasing him when I knew that teasing would feel more like torture for the both of us. Our lips touched and immediately I felt my entire body relax.

Damn, I missed him.

As we kissed his hands found their way up around my waist, squeezing gently, making me gasp.

" no, wait-"

" aint no wait." He mumbled against my neck as his teeth grazed softly across my skin. " you missed me, Sy?"

" you know I missed you." I whispered. I was trying to avoid that moan that was pushing it's way forward but it was no use. As his dick hardened beneath me and pressed more and more snuggly against my clit, my panting was becoming harsher, and it was getting harder to hold my moans in.

" dont." I tried to stop him as he trailed his lips across my neck, making hickeys everywhere that would make my pussy leak.

" you mine right?"

" yes."

" then I'm going to mark your fucking body." The gruffness in his voice, finally made the moan that I had been holding back, release itself. It wasn't loud, but it was louder than I expected.

" not on my fucking couch!" I turned my head to see my father entering the room. Instantly I groaned in irritation. Dryan leaned back against the couch, abandoning his place at my neck. " not on my watch. Come on, let's go."

" dad, can you leave? We're just talking."

" come to the kitchen where we can all 'just talk' then."

I stared at my father for a minute, trying to see if he was actually being serious, because there was no way he was. I obviously wasn't a virgin, seeing as how I had one child and was pregnant with another. He had alot of nerve staring back at me with a face that told me that he was dead ass serious.

I sighed and turned to Dryan. " later?" I asked quietly.

" all night long." He replied, shifting his hips subtly so that his dick pressed against me again.

We left our spot on the couch and followed my father back into kitchen where everyone was gathered around the island, eating again. I stood in an empty spot between Leon and Roderick and Dryan decided that it would be best to stand behind me. Not only was he standing behind me, but he was pressed against me. There was no doubt that I was going to have a long and horny night.

" so," Alexus said, across the island from me and Dryan. " does this mean that the dream team is back together?"

I was going to say that I didn't know. I mean, Dryan and I hadn't really officially said that we were back together. But before I could say anything, he spoke up, telling Alexus that we were and that he loved me too much to let me go. That made a smile come over my face and I felt like Dryan and I were staring anew.

We had another baby on the way, we were moving in together, and we were going to be spending more time as a family.


Chapter Twelve


I never expected this, not in a million years, and I was ready to lose mind. It was the Sunday after my surprise party. Dryan had spent the night with me both nights- my father made us keep the door open like we were fucking children, not that that stopped us from fucking though. He'd been asking me when I wanted to move in but I hadn't given him a clear date yet. I wanted to get back into the groove of things before deciding exactly when.

On this particular Sunday morning, Dryan rolled over and asked me if I wanted to go get breakfast with him. I didn't really want to eat, I felt sick to my stomach, but I wanted to spend time outside of the house with Dryan so I agreed. I thought we were going to as a family, but after we got out the shower, he suggested I leave Drayal with my father so that it could be just us.

I felt iffy about it but I agreed anyway.

Drayal had spent the weekend trying to figure out how she could stay up under Dryan. She'd wake up early crying her head off and when it was time to go to bed she'd start crying again. And if anybody tried to pick her up except Dryan, she'd wiggle away. She was quickly becoming a spoiled brat and it was getting on my nerves.

After getting dressed, Dryan and I were on our way to breakfast. He pulled up outside of the resaurant, came around to open my door, and we started on our way inside. Nothing about the way that Dryan was acting was odd, but I knew that as soon as I saw Whitney through the window, it was a fucking set up, and that's when I turned to Dryan and shoved him away from me. I couldn't believe he would do this, not when he knew how much I hated Whitney for what she had done to me.

" what did I do to deserve this bullshit?" I asked, trying to hold back my tears at the amount of hatred that I felt just knowing that Whitney and I were in the same area as eachother. " take me home, now!"

" chill, Symonee. I'm trying to squash this bullshit between y'all so we can move forward."

" we are already moving the fuck forward, talking to her isn't going to do anything- wait, why the fuck am I explaining myself. Just take me home before I kill you and her!"

Dryan's eyebrows furrowed, but other than that, he didn't seem to care about my empty threats. " we're going inside, Symonee, and y'all gone let this shit go. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. And if you try to fight her with my baby in your fucking stomach- which you already tried to do a few weeks ago- we gone have serious issues."

He left no room for discussion at all, but I still found myself cursing him out as he led me toward the front door of the restaurant.

" if I didn't love your ass, I swear-"
Dryan kissed me to try and make me shut up, but it didnt work. " and when we get home, you're rubbing my fucking feet."

"Gladly, baby."

Inside we didn't waste any time, walking right toward the booth Whitney was sitting in. As soon as she saw us she stood up, flinging herself at Dryan. He held his hand out to stop her.

" sit back down."

She glanced at me, rolling her eyes before going back to sit on her side of the booth.

We sat across from her, Dryan making me get on the inside just incase I did actually get angry enough to want to hit Whitney, I had to get through him first.

" you didn't tell me you were bringing her." Whitney said bitterly.

" and bitch he didn't tell me he was bringing you, either."

" I still can't figure out how i'm the bitch when you stole my husband, homewrecker."

" stole your husband? Bitch you didn't want your husband when you had him, or so I hear. You slept with half the fucking men in this town behind his back before he divorced you. So, yeah, you're a bitch, bitch."

Whitney went back to looking at Dryan. " please, take your little play toy and put her back in whatever suburb she came from before I beat her fucking face in."

Before I could say anything else, Dryan put his hand up to stop us going back and forth. " Shut up, man. We ain't come here for this bullshit. So if y'all two can't talk like adults then I'll fucking talk." Just then, the waitress came by and asked if we wanted something, Dryan told her to come back in ten. Once she was gone he looked between Whitney and I. " Now, Whitney, Symonee is right. Me and you ain't been married in almost seven years, that shit is dead."

" but we were still fucking after we got divorced which says something."

" that was a mistake on my part. I'm done with you on that level. I'm not feeling you like that. If we didn't have a child together I wouldn't fuck with you at all, but we do so I try my best to be civil and you need to do the same. Symonee and I are together and as far as I'm concerned we're going to be together for the rest of our lives. That's it. So when you see Symonee on the street or at my house or wherever, don't say anything slick to her and don't put your fucking hands on her either."

Whitney had this dumbfounded look on her face, one that made me chuckle.

" this goes for you too, Symonee, when you see Whitney on the street, walk the other fucking way. She's still the mother of my child and I will not have her be disrespected either."

" but-" I tried to protest softly.

" no buts. Keep y'all hands and dumb ass comments to yourselves, because I'm not listening to y'all bicker back and forth for the rest of my damn life. No, im not having it. I should've had this discussion with y'all three years ago but now this how it's gone be from here on out. Aight?"

I agreed softly by shaking my head. It took Whitney a little longer to agree, but ultimately she did.

" and Whitney, if you ever stomp Symonee's fucking stomach while she's pregnant again, I will beat your ass myself. Got it?"

Whitney nodded her head once, and that was it.
In early march- a month ahead of schedule- I gave birth. Dryan and I didn't want to know the sex of the baby until it was born. Throughout my entire pregnancy, he wouldn't let me forget that he wanted a boy, but when I gave birth to another beautiful baby girl, he wouldn't stop smiling looking into her face. Dryan wanted to name her something starting with a 'D', ofcourse, and I let him. He named her Deanna Symonee Harris.

I gave birth at 4:26 A.M., Dryan didn't put her into the hospital bassinet until noon. He was that much in love with her. I thought it was cute.

After that, I decided that I would move in with Dryan. Throughout my entire pregnancy, he'd shown me time and time again how much I meant to him, and finally after three years of dating, our relationship was exactly where it was supposed to be.

And I made sure to stress to Dryan that I wasn't having anymore children for atleast another ten years- that was if I could finally a form of birth control that actually worked for me. I had things to do that didn't include me being barefoot and pregnant for the rest of my life.

He understood.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.06.2017

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