



My dad forcefully sat me down in a chair. " don't move, okay Sophie?" He screamed out as he dashed for the double doors. He didn't even stick around for my answer.


" pssh," I mumbled to myself. " doctors."


It was a Saturday night just like many others. I was newly eighteen and still my parents had decided I was too old for a baby sitter but too young to be in their precious 2.5 million dollar house. So once again, like many other Saturdays before, and many to come, I was in the ER waiting room, preparing for my adventure.


On Saturday night's, anybody could come in. It was always crazy, bustling, people screaming, families crying. I couldn't imagine being part of the staff here at Mercy John's Hospital. I would be screaming and crying and over worked- Lord!


I stood up, smoothing out my dress and stabilizing myself in my 6 inch heels. See, I had planned to go to a party. I wasn't sure why I thought this time I could get away from my father's sweaty little Indian palms but I did. Right when I was sneaking out the back door, he popped up and whisked me away to a world of fun.


Oh, the sarcasm.


" code red-" was said over the intercom.


Oh, sounds dangerous, I thought to myself, I wonder what room.


I went over to the elevator and pressed the up arrow, waiting impatiently. There was a creep standing next to me who could barely stand on a leg that looked like it had been dragged from a bear's mouth. Somehow, though, he found the strength to reach out his nasty little paws and try to get a hold of me. I scuffed and smacked his hands away and I rushed into the occupied elevator.


" creep!" I screamed as the doors closed. And then it was complete silence in the cramped elevator. There was something in the air though, like the smell of- death! muhahahaha!I laughed at that thought a little bit causing the people around me to stare. Of course it smelled like death, I was in a hospital!


When I was younger I used to absolutely hate going to the hospital. My father worked long shifts, anywhere from 5 hours to 14 hours. But as the years passed I found ways to entertain myself.


I was on my way to see if my favorite pass time was back. His name was Daniel. This particular patient puzzled me, really! He came in at least twice a month with broken fingers, a broken nose, busted head, gun shot wounds! And every Saturday I would look for him and if he was in then we would talk until my father found me and dragged me away, scolding me.


My father scolded me about anything really, about my hair, the way I dressed, the way I spoke. Who cares.


I found who I was looking for in the same room he was always in, 3045. When he came in, if that particular room wasn't open then he would wait minutes, hours, and in some cases days, until it was. He said something about OCD. I just called it plain weird.


I peaked my head into the room and he was laid on the bed, head down staring into his phone. The room was empty besides another man who sat in the corner looking out of the window with a hard face.


" well, hello!" I startled them both as I skipped over to the bed. " come here often?"


He cracked up. " I was wonderin when yo goofy ass would find me. yo ass always at the hospital."


" You can blame that on the man downstairs."


Daniel's face scrunched up. " the devil?"


" no! My father, idiot." I smacked him on his arm, not even paying attention to the fact that it was the bandaged one until he winced. " Oh my God, sorry!"


The man in the corner stood up abruptly. I've got to admit he scared the crap out of me. His face was hard, his body was strong, and his he was tall. My God, he was really tall.


His tattooed face mean mugged me. " You talk too much. Leave!"


I was startled into silence, looking between Daniel and the unknown man.


Daniel smirked. " that's my brother, Spa-"


" Leave!" his brother spat again. I wasted no time gettin out of there.


I heard Daniel laughing behind me, telling the man that he had scared me. But the man just grunted, before I heard him chuckle a bit as well.

A New Message



My covers were snatched from my body, letting the cold air rush into my bones. I squeaked and curled into a small ball, peaking to see my best friends.


Front and center was Casey. She was a stunning 5"1, with blond hair and blue eyes. She was a skinny little thing but her attitude was fierce. She was nineteen.


" You bitch!" Casey screamed. " we waited for you at the party!"


To Casey's left was Raven. She was was the tallest of the group 5"9, a brunette with light brown eyes. Her body too, was very skinny. She was eighteen.


" Yeah," Raven rolled her eyes, pulling a pair of Sun glasses from her eyes. " and then you didn't answer your damn phone. What the hell is your problem?"


Last but not least was Marie. She was Hispanic, 5"3 and thick in her hips. She worked everything she had too, Wasn't a bit afraid to stand next to skin and bones. She was nineteen, like Casey.


Marie clicked her tongue. " I told them they were over reacting and that you were fine but no, ice queen over there," she nodded her head toward Casey. " said that there was something wrong. There isn't, is there?"


And I was the black one, fairly tall and skinny and pretty all the same.


I groaned and reached blindly for my covers. " who let you guys in?"


" Janie, of course. She loves a cute Hispanic." Marie laughed.Janie was one of our housekeepers, as sweet as could be, and I had a suspicion that she had a thing for Marie.


" leave Janie alone!" I gave up my search for my covers and sat up, staring over my best friends. They were dressed head to toe, looking absolutely fabulous. " Oh, where are we going today?"


Casey kicked off her heals and dropped her bag on the ground to plop on my bed. " Vinnie said that there's a new shoe store downtown, I figured we could could check it out."


" shoe store?" I asked. " I am itching for a new bathing suit."


Raven gasped. " the purple one is so cute."


" Yeah, but my boobs are getting huge."


" well I say," She smiled evily. " let the world see. Anybody else?"


" I." Marie agreed. " they are beautiful."


" I, too agree. The girls are truly a gift. I wish I could get mines to grow."


I cut my eyes at Casey. " wasn't it you who said they were happy they didn't have big boobs weighing them down all the time?"


" Yeah, but, that was before my mom got her boobs done again-"


" She did not!"


" She did and they are perfect."Marie shook her head. " they look completely in sync, you can't even tell about the accident."


We all looked at each other quietly before laughing.


Casey's mom had went out of the country to get her boobs done the first time because she wanted to save money. Unfortunately for her, so did the hospital she went to. Her left boob popped a week later and it looked horrible!


I wiped a tear from my face and jumped up. " I'm going to get ready, stay put."


I took a shower, brushed my teeth and curled my hair. The curls would fall, but for an hour or two it would hold. I opened my bathroom door and walked into my bedroom to find everybody staring at me.


Finally Marie screamed. " they are perfect!"


I covered up. " God, I thought you guys would be downstairs. I rushed into my walk in closet and closed the wooden doors behind me. " next time say something!"


The closet was really big. I had all my bottoms on the left side ; jeans, slacks, tights, and skirts all arranged from light to dark, my Shirts and jackets on the left side and on the ball wall there were shelves housing all of my shoes. In the middle of the room was a small table for all my jewelry. On the floor beneath my bottoms were my purses and hand bags, book bags- any bag you could name was there.My under clothes were in a bin next to the door.


If someone called me spoiled I would deny it until my tongue fell out, but the fact of the matter was that I was very spoiled. Anything I could dream up was only a finger tips length away. I didn't have to work for it, it was just there. As long as I can remember, since I was adopted at Five years old, that's how it has always been.My birth name wasn't even Sophia, or Sophie as people often called me. But I didn't mind. New lives, New identities.


After ten minutes I finally settled on a pair light blue tights, a grey sweat shirt, and matching grey 5 inch heels. I picked out a diamond necklace and a black tote bag." okay, come-" I started as I walked out of my closet only to be stopped by the girls crowded around my desk at my laptop. " what are you guys up to?"


They all turned around looking at me innocently.


" well," Casey took a step toward me. " who is Daniel."


I raised my left eyebrow. " how do you know about Daniel?"


Casey nudged Raven so she would speak. " He sent you a message on Facebook, your laptop was open."


I rolled my eyes and marched to the computer, pushing them out of my way.Daniel did not send me a message on Facebook, did he? I had told him my name once in the eight months he had been coming to the hospital. Who hears something once and its stuck with them?


Sure enough, he had messaged me. There was a picture of him with a few other guys- what we're they doing? Were they posing?I looked past his picture to his message. It started off ' gotcha!' which mad me laugh and made the girls scramble to my sides to read.


He went on to tell me about some party of his, all the way in Detroit!Marie was completely against it. Detroit was a far cry from the beautiful beaches and luxuries of our California.Raven, however, said that it would be a new experience and she was down to try anything. Casey didn't speak on the subject.In the end, they all looked at me. So I was the deciding factor, huh?Well, I had never been to Detroit, and I had also never seen Daniel outside of a hospital bed either. Why the hell not?


" so, " I smiled wickedly. " does this mean a road trip?"


We were notorious for our road trips. Once, we had gone to Germany for a whole week, told our parents we were on a school trip and there were no more questions. Another time we went to New York City and Casey had gotten so drunk at a party we had to hold her hair as she puked behind the club. Oh, it was funny as hell!

I Swear On Baby Jesus



" please, mother?" I jumped up and down and watched her sift through her closet. " there will be adults."


She sighed and turned to face me. " where did you say you wanted to go again?"


" a spa. It's just for girl time. Me, Casey, Marie, and Raven. Look," I pulled out my cell phone and waved it around. " You can even call me whenever you want."


Her brows creased. Her small foot tapped relentlessly on the marble floors. " if you get into any trouble-"


" ah!" I screamed happily. I ran to her and hugged her spinning us around in circles. " thank you, thank you, thank you! "


I hadn't even hit the stairs before my girls rushed me." what did she say?"


" Oh God, did she say no? Your mom is so strict, you should have asked your dad."


" Damnit," Marie nudged the other two. " will you let her talk? She hasn't even said anything yet." Her head snapped to me. " what did she say?"


" She said yes!"We all huddled up in a screaming, giggling mess in the middle of the large hallway.Their mothers had also said yes, which meant, there was no stopping us.




We sat down at a small eating table outside of Starbucks, each discarding our bags next to our chair. Before we even spoke about the party they made me explain in depth who Daniel was and how I knew him.I had explained it the best way I could. " He comes into the hospital all the time, and we talk." I had said hearing oohs and aahs before we got back on subject.


" so, when is the party?" Marie asked.


I pulled out my phone and went to my Facebook account, pulling up Daniel's message. " it's this Friday at 10 pm."


" so, we have five days to plan everything. I say," Raven paused to take a sip from her Frappe. " we take a tour bus. They're so big and spacious, besides, we've never taken one on our trips."


I agreed. " I second that. There will be room for our bags, and places for us to a sleep."


" do those things have a shower? You guys know how I am." Casey complained." it'll probably cost more to get one but I'm down. Let's figure out who's paying for what. "


" I'll pay for the bus." Casey stepped up.


" I'll pay for the hotel once we get there." Said Raven.


" I guess I'll pay for any restaurants we stop at on the way?" Marie more like asked than told.


" no, no, no." I told her. " You pay for a tourist tour on the way there. We can stop a few times, tour a little, and of course shop. And I'll pay for our spa treatments."


" what spa treatments?"


" for us , tomorrow. I told my mother we were going to the spa so we are- just not for the full week. We stop at the spa, then we head off from there. Sound good?" Everybody agreed. " okay, everybody work on your parts tonight, and be sure to pack light. We'll do a lot of shopping on the way."


We split up and I went to the Christian Dior store. There were these yellow pumps with a transparent heel that I had been eyeing for a week or so. I wasn't sure what to wear them with which is why I hadn't picked them up but they were just screaming my name. I had to have them.


" it'll be nine hundred and twenty-three dollars and forty-two cents. will that be cash or credit?" The woman behind the desk asked, skeptically.


Oh, it was such fun screwing with these people. I looked young, younger than eighteen. I looked young enough that they didn't think I had two hundred thousand on a bank card and more credit card than i could count. Oh, the beauty of having wealthy parents. I realized not everyone did so I was grateful for them. who knew where i had came from or where I would have ended up if they hadn't adopted me? I hated to even think about it.


" credit." I pulled a card from my wallet, it was bright pink with my name etched across the front. " this'll do, I guess."I swiped it and after the receipt printed out i signed it. " You have a nice day." I said, smiling at the woman.


" You too, please do come again." The sickly sweet tone in her voice allowed for me to know the she was hoping I wouldn't, but I definitely would be.


I found my silver Toyota right where I left her in front of Starbucks, sped my bags in the trunk, and started back for my home. It was only a Thirty minute drive but traffic tacked on another fifteen minutes to that.


As soon as I stepped through the large oak double doors of our house my father began his interrogation. I knew it was coming!" where is it that you want to go for a week, Sophia?"


" just the spa dad. It's a girl's week. You know, we'll be in college in a few months and-"


He shrugged. " aren't you all going to college at the same school?"


" yes, but-"


" so why do you need a spa week?"


" it's five days! But for relaxation and fun!"


My dad raised a dark eyebrow as he looked down at the shopping bags in my hand. " You already have plenty of fun. I think you should say."


" but, daddy! please? I'll stay out of trouble, I'll call everyday, and I'll send pictures!" I widened my big Brown eyes and poked out my lip. " please? The other families already said yes."Please let this work, please let this work.


" if I find out your anywhere but the spa-"


" ah!" I jumped on him. " thank you, so much daddy."He wouldn't find out that I was anywhere but the spa. His work kept him so busy that even if he heard something he wouldn't have time to check.Just as I thought that, his beeper went off, and he was off to the Mercy John's Hospital.

Late Night Fantasies



Dinner was over by eight o'clock.


Janie cooked for me and I ate alone which I wasn't too worried about on this night because I was able to make the spa reservations. Two thousand dollars, gone.


My father was at the hospital still, and my mother was at the office. She was a plastic surgeon with her own private practice. But when she wasn't lifting, pulling, and tucking, she was writing magazine articles and best sellers.


Work came first in my family, clearly.


By ten o'clock I was showered and in my very large, and very pink, canopy bed. My television was playing re-runs of Spongebob and my cell phone was glued to my hand and I found Daniel's Facebook profile. We weren't friends, so of course what i could see was limited but I was able to access him pictures.


I flipped through picture after picture, watching as different faces passed, girls and boys alike. There were so many. There was one face in particular that I was fascinated by; the face of Daniel's brother. Every time I saw him in a picture I would stop and stare at that one picture a few minutes. I learned from the comments of one picture that had Daniel's brother in it that his name was Spade.


" Spade." I whispered. That lined up with what Daniel was trying to tell me at the hospital before his brother began to scream at me.Spade was a nice name, but It couldn't be his real one. Did his real name start with and 'S'? Maybe it was Steven, or Shawn, maybe Stefan. I liked Steven.Steven, Spade, it's all the same!


I didn't want to admit it but i was intrigued.


Daniel and Spade were so different. While Daniel seemed soft in some ways, Spade seemed like there wasn't a soft bone in his body.I wondered if his penis was soft.At that thought, I flipped over. I had encountered my fair share of people, but never someone who looked so rough around the edges but still so sexually appealing.


Would he be at the party? I hoped so, then I could meet him and finally take my foot out of my mouth and tell him how much of an ass he was for yelling me at the hospital. He was intimidating, and I had let that run me off. But if he thought he could pull the same shit twice then he would be sadly mistaken.


I had stared death right in the face plenty of times. On one of my trips with the girls there was a pimp in Vegas and that's all I'm going to say about that.


He looked so dangerous though. A lot more dangerous than that pimp did.I wondered how he looked during sex. There was absolutely no way he looked like my ex boyfriend Chase did, snarling and curling his lip , coming in his condom before he hadn't actually even broken through my hymen.


The beloved Chase, in his polo shirts and beige slacks was almost impossible to hate. He was sweet alright, too sweet. That's why we had broken up. He was a completely pushover.


If I said something he went above and beyond the call of duty which sounds lovely, but 24-7? No. It was annoying.Spade couldn't be a pushover, not being so big, I mean. He looked like he pushed back.


So back to the million dollar question: was he good in bed? It would be a shame if he wasn't- not that I was trying to find out! I was just curious. By no means would I throw myself into the bed of a man I didn't know. I definitely was not like so many girls I had met.

Scrambled Eggs


I woke up on Monday morning scrambling to get ready. I had spent so much time last night thinking of 'him' that I forgot to pack anything. And my phone was hummingbird the hook.

I answered and placed it on speaker once I saw it was Casey.

I rushed into my closet. " what, bitch?"

She screamed. " I'm so excited! okay, so the bus will be at your house in an hour. We're picking you up last because I know you're not ready."

" shut up! I am ready."

" so, should we get you first?" She asked teasingly.

" shut up!" I pulled a pair of ripped jeans and a purple tank top from their desperate hangers and grabbed a pair of purple and grey Nike running shoes. I discarded the things on my bed and listened as Casey rambled on and on.I rushed back into the closet, picking out a zebra print bra and panty set and white footies." I have to go." I hung up the phone.

" Shower, brush your teeth, comb your hair." Thirty minutes later I was checking things off of my mental list. " You have to pack a bag!"

I rushed back into my closet and grabbed a hot pink suit case, only putting in two outfits and two pair of shoes not including my pj's accessories and toiletries.I dragged the bag down stairs and left it by the front door.

" would you like breakfast?" asked another housekeeper. Her name was Laina and she was so pretty. Sometimes I found myself wondering why she was a housekeeper. " I made scrambled eggs."

Scrambled eggs, that's kinda how my brain felt as I tried to remember everything i needed to grab.I made a disgusted face. " thanks but no thanks. For future reference, nobody in this house eats eggs."

I rushes back upstairs and picked out a bright yellow tote bag for today. Inside I put ny cell phone, my charger, my wallet, and anything else I thought I might need.I checked myself out in my full length mirror. I looked pretty nice, if I'd could say so myself.

Right when I was stepping outside the tour bus was pulling up.

I was glad my parents had already gone into work or else they would probably flip.The door of the bus opened and Marie sticker head out. " You coming or what Sophia?"

" yes!"The inside of the bus news so spacious and delicious. There was this brown color scheme going on.I placed my back in the back where there were two sets of bunk beds. Since i was the last one on the bus i got a bottom bunk, and it was right next to the bathroom. Great, I would get any sleep.

" so," Casey made googly eyes at me once I came back to sit up front on one of the two cushioned benches. " are you excited?"

I shook my head. " Yeah, I've never been to Detroit, I mean, neither have you. I think our parents would kill us if they knew."

" not about that, idiot."

" then about what?"

" to see your boyfriend." Raven chimed in.

I laughed. " You hoes! I don't even like Daniel like you think. We're friends, at the most."

" Yeah right, we saw how you were looking at his picture when he sent you that Facebook message yesterday."

Little did they know, I wasn't looking at Daniel, I was looking at his brother. But I didn't say that, actually I didn't say anything.We got to the spa ten minutes before our treatments were to start. We made sure to take lots and lots of pictures, some by myself, some with the girls, I changed robes once or twice so that when I sent pictures to my family they would think it was three completely different days. The girls entangling with it too, doing the same thing with their own phones for their parents.I sure hoped that was all it would take.

Hitch Hikers In Five Inch Heels


Friday 9pm - Detroit

" wait, can you pull over?" I asked the bus driver and he complied. He had to be so pissed after five days and four nights on a bus with four teenagers. I know improbably would be.I pulled up Daniel's face book message and dialed the number that was at the end of it.

" who is this?" It was his number alright, and he sounded pissed.

" Daniel? It's Sophia, from the hospital. I-"

His voice was softer when he spoke next. " aww, shit, what's up? You Comin to the party or what?"

" Yeah, were actually pretty lost so-"

" we? Who is we?"Was he going to cut me off every time I tried to speak? If so, this whole conversation wasn't going to work.

" My best friends. It's okay that they come, right ?"

" ay!" He said speaking to someone in the background." She got friends!"There was a lot of noise. So, I change my first assumption, he wasn't talking to just one person but a group of people.He came back to the phone, laughing,maybe at something that someone had said. " are they cute?"

I rolled my eyes and turned around to my girls who I found were hanging on to my every word. " you'll see if you us how to get to you. we're on the side of the express way lost, and so is the bus driver."

He was asking questions about signs and surroundings and after a few minutes said that he would come pick us up. He didn't even give me a chance to respond before he hung up.I asked the bus driver if he knew how to get to the hotel. Our hotel actually wasn't in Detroit but just outside of it. It was a nice four star hotel, not bad.

" sure do." He answered.

" okay, there are five rooms for us. Just take one. The name is Donovan." That was Raven' s last name since she did book and pay for the rooms.On out way we had stopped at the hotel and showered and changed. This trip was adding up. We had beds on the bus but no body really felt like sleeping on them every night. Because during the day we wanted to shop and at night sleep so we only drove like an hour a day in between until we found a decent hotel. It was horrible.I found it a bit out of the ordinary that we had to pay for the bus driver's room. But the company said it was an extra but very necessary expense if we wanted the "best". Plus, we called as a last minute thing.

I went to sit back in my seat.

" so," Casey prompted. " is he coming?"

" yes. I'll ask him to give us a ride back to the hotel after the party. I don't think it's fair to make the bus driver wait."

" who cares? he's getting paid six hundred dollars for this trip. God, he could be your next door neighbor."

" getting six hundred dollars?" Raven asked. " I highly doubt It, honey."

I rolled my eyes. " You bitches are money obsessed. You want to get money to spend it."

" what? And you aren't?"

" no!" I lifted my heels up so they could see. I hadn't put them on yet because I was about to walk around the bus in five inch pumps. Are you crazy. " I got these on sale, Half off!"

" how much were they originally?" Marie asked.

" fifteen hundred. See, I saved seven hundred and fifty dollars."

Casey rolled her eyes. " You saves it and a few untranslated you probably spent it on a dress."

I faked shock. " I did not!" I lied. Damnit, what are best friends for if not to call your bluffs?It took twenty minutes for Daniel to find us and we filed off the bus, in our designer dresses with matching bags and high heels. Yes honey!It was a bit colder than we were used to, no cold exactly but there was a draft. Oh, I was going told miss my California, at least until we arrived back home in the morning.We had to squeeze ourselves in the backseat of the Suv because Spade was sitting up front.

" Oh," Daniel said looking in his rearview mirror to check out my friends. " they are very very pretty."

Casey blushed but didn't say anything." Shouldn't you leave my friends alone and drive?"

" what? You brought them. And trust me. I'm not about to be the only one looking at them like this."

I rolled my eyes. " don't be a pervert." I learned into the front seat after he pulled off. " how is the shoulder?"

" fine, you know we, ain't nothin."

I looked at Spade and then back at Daniel. " I guess he doesn't talk much unless he's yelling, huh?"

" I talk." Spades' s voice boomed making me sit back. " just not to stuck up brats from California."

Maria raised her eyebrow. " Oh hell no! I'll have you know that the only one stuck up is you. You gave us attitude, not the other way around."

Casey shook her head. " the nerve of people these days."l think you can just talk to people abounding way."

Raven rolled her eyes. " I dare you to try it again."

It was quiet for a few moments before I fell out into a full on laugh. " I have body guards now?" 

Spade turned to stare us down. " please, you hoes wouldn't last two minutes against these females up here, let alone me."

" man, why don't you leave them alone?" Daniel asked.

" that bitch started it." nodding his head my way. "

" fuck you, asshole!" I said finally getting pissed. He turned to smile at me and that's when I realized that that's exactly what he wanted, for me to get upset and play into his hand. Shit! My temper! 

Your Fridge Has A Guest


" Oh." I said once the car was parked on a side street in front of a brown house that looked like it was falling completely apart. " this neighborhood is- different."

" it's a piece of shit." Daniel said boldly.

" well, that putting it lightly, don't you think. " Casey asked.

" like I said," Spade stepped outside the car. " stuck up."continuously during the ride I had to remind myself not to say anything to his smart remarks. And trust me, he had a lot of them. It was ridiculous how bad he has it out for us and he doesn't even know us.I was going to need a prayer to get through this party without killing him. No killing Sophia, I chanted to myself over and over again. It was humorous a bit because he looked like he could kill me on accident where I couldn't even if I tried. But I could try.

" don't touch anything." Daniel told us on our way to the door.By the look of the outside I almost laughed. As if he could pay me to touch anything. The inside looked a lot better though. It didn't have anything expensive, and nothing electronic besides lamps and a stereo but the paint was a fresh white coat, and the floors were un-scuffed. They bottom floor consisted off a small bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room. The other furniture they had was a couch and a fridge. Nothing else.It was disturbing. " have a seat ladies." Daniel smiled at Casey. " is there anything you need?"

I snapped my finger making him look at me. " we'll take waters."Casey agreed with me. Daniel rolled his eyes, probably seeing that he wasn't about to get anything from Casey while i was there and told us that there were bottle in the kitchen. Okay.Once we were in the kitchen the girls we teasing Casey about Daniel.

" i told you guys he wasn't my boyfriend. " I declared as I pulled the handle on the door.

Casey stomped her foot. " well he isn't mine either."

" He will be if he can help it." I turned around to look inside the fridge only to see a mouse as it crawled around on a sandwich." Oh my God!" I screamed, slamming it. " God, oh God, oh God."

" what?" Marie asked.

" there's a mouse in the fridge!"

The boys came in, Daniel looking concerned and Spade humorous." what?" Daniel asked.

Spade clicks his tongue. " She saw the rat in the fridge. Nobody told you to go in there."

" He said there was water in the fridge."

" no, he said in the kitchen. Well, we know who don't listen."

I looked over at the counter to see bottles of water and alcohol along with canned pops sitting side by side and a few packs of plastic cups.Okay, so maybe I had a hard time listening. Whatever. I didn't even want anything to drink anymore. Seeing a Mouse In someone's refrigerator can do that to a person.People started o arrive to the party a few minutes later and they were coming in boat loads until the house was full and I was clutching my bag to me. We were in the kitchen, standing by the counter , no drinks in our hands or anything. This party was just so different from anything we had ever experienced.

The surroundings were different, the people were different. I had been all around the world but had never been to anything quite like this party.

" loosen up," Spade said as he handed me a drink. The music was so loud but his voice was smooth, like he wasn't even trying to carry his voice. " have a drink."

I sat the drink on the counter like the smart girl I was. We had been arguing all day and I hadn't seen him pour that drink. I wasn't stupid.

He chuckled. " yo whatever." He picked the cup up and downed the drink, grunting as it went down. " tastes alright to me." He winked and walked away.

God, I don't like for people to play games with me. First he wanted to argue and call me names. He called me stuck up, not to mention a bitch! But then he goes and tries to be nice, offering me drink and things. Yeah, definite asshole and I was ready to go back to the hotel. By the looks of it, I wasn't the only one. We took a vote and decided that it was time to leave.

We walked outside and i pulled out my cell phone to call the bus driver because Daniel was nowhere in sight.The bus driver wasn't too thrilled about picking us up because he didn't want to get lost again but I told him the way Daniel went and if he got confused to call me back. He still didn't want to bit after I promised him another two hundred dollars he was onboardWe huddled together to keep warm and watch each others backs.

" I swear," Raven ground out. " This week was perfect until we got here. I hate Detroit."

" excuse me?" A female voice floated from over my shoulder. We turned around to see a woman taking slow steps toward us. " mind repeating that?"

" She said that she hates Detroit." I said like it was a no brainer.

" Bitch I should-"

" leave them alone, Tweetie. They ain't done shit to you." A voice came from the shadows. This was so creepy. I just wanted to be home, in my bed, in my safe haven. And as if I had wished it up, the bus pulled up and honked twice and we waisted no time getting on.

" I think I speak for everybody when I say go straight to California. Do you have all of your belongings?" I asked the bus driver once the bus started down the street. " yes ma'am, straight to California it is."

Saturday Night Live


" wake up honey, get up!" My father was standing over me shaking my body. " I have to be at work in thirty minutes so get ready.

I groaned. " daddy." I whined.

" no, up!" He left.

" shit!" I screamed, kicking the covers from my body. I hated Saturday nights! I got home at 4 o'clock this morning from Detroit and had been sleep ever since. And now, it was 6 pm. Slowly but surely I dragged my tired body from the bed from the bed and sat on the edge for a few moments. God, it might as well have been early morning for the way I felt.

Why was I so exhausted? I guess five days away from home could do that to you. I tried to think back to my other trips to see if they left me so tired but I was just too sleepy to do so much heavy thinking.

I was able to shower and brush my teeth before my phone started to ring uncontrollably. Time and time again I tried to ignore it just long enough to brush my hair into a pony tail but someone was persistent. somehow, I was able to tune out the ringing until my curly hair was up and out of the way.

" hello?" I answered my phone, snatching it from its charging place on my my night stand.

" we're going to Cheeno' s. Want to come with?" It was Marie.

" I can't. Did you forget that it's a Saturday night?"

" no, but I was hoping your father had." She huffed. " you're eighteen, why don't you just come with us anyway?"

" I'm not going to blatantly disrespect my parents. Incase you forgot, they do pay the bills and load my bank account, hoe."

I could practically hear the rolling of her eyes. " fine, have fun watching people die."



I put my phone back on its charger and went to dress. As I was looking through my closet my stomach rumbled, reminding me of how bad I wanted to go to Cheeno's. It was a small Mexican restaurant on a side of town where we really had no business being. The food was amazing! In a world where looking good and dieting was key, our trips to Cheeno's were a relief.

Marie hadn't grown up on the ins of California, so she really had no idea what it was like. She had only just recently run unto money a few years ago and that's when she moved to my community- gated community. She didn't live by our rules but she wouldn't tell anyone exactly what rules she lived By or where she came from.

I shook thoughts of her off and put on a pair of black jeans, gold gladiator sandals and a shimmery gold top. I grabbed a pair off dark glasses, skipped on the purse but I did grab a few dollars and my phone and I was on my way to find my father.

" daddy!" I screamed, going down a long corridor, room after room on each side. The hardwood made a small slapping noise when it connected with the soles of my sandals." dad?" Left turn down another long hallway that looked almost identical to the last.

I followed that until i came to a flight of steps that led downstairs to the kitchen. That's where I found my father in all his glory." I'll be in, I'm in traffic now. can-" He looked up and saw me, hanging up his cell phone without a second thought and snatching me by my upper arm to drag me through the house. " there you are. I have a man on his way to the hospital with a pole through his--"

Well, I definitely do not want to know where there's a pole. That sentence could only be leading to one place.

" - and if they die, I'll lose my job. " Yupp, that's where it was going. At the hospital, this time my father didn't even make sure I got inside. He parked the car inside the garage and dashed for the open elevator doors, leaving me. Don't get me wrong, I was glad that my father could do something that not many could by saying lives but couldn't he, just once, really notice me. 

Mystery Meet



Well, I couldn't go to Cheeno's so the very least I could do was treat myself to an order of cafeteria chilli cheese fries and a blueberry slushy. Oh, my secret obsession.

Would I ever tell me mother though? Definitely not. She was 5 feet, one hundred and ten pounds, and a plastic surgeon for crying out loud! No, screw that.

" chilli cheese fries and a large blueberry slushy. " I pulled a twenty dollar bill and handed it to the woman behind the counter.

She rang me up and handed me back a ten and two ones. Eight dollars, can you believe that.

I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone, sifting through my new text messages. My girls had texted me, doing nothing but complaining about the fact that i couldn't go to Cheeno's and beside them Daniel and Chase had texted me.

Daniel was wondering why I left the party so early in very few words.

' Def. wasn't my scene' I replied.

Chase wanted to know if I would go out with him. He promised me a new pair of red bottoms out of the deal. Did he think I was that materialistic that I would go out with him for a pair of new shoes? Please! I would crash my car into a river before willingly going on another date with that asshole.

If you want to talk about someone being an asshole, it's none other than Chase Webber. He was born to be the ultimate perfect son, with his perfect blond hair and attire. He was more privileged than I would ever want to be. Last summer he applied to Harvard and was not too subtly denied! He was crushed and so was his father who made a call - if you know what I mean- and Chase was magically accepted, and a donation was accepted at Harvard for two million dollars.

Coincidence? I don't think so.

A shadow was casted down over me making me stomp my foot and glare up. " not you!" I rolled my eyes, not that he could tell because I still had my Sun glasses on.

" You know," Spade spoke with much in a humorous manner. " I wouldn't take you for the type to eat gold star."

I looked around nervously before looking back at him. " I eat what I want."

" Yeah, right. I think you only eat this shit when ain't nobody lookin."

" language, please!" I grabbed my tray that held my food once the woman sat it out. I began looking for a table, him following closely behind me. " is Daniel upstairs, or are you just here to see lovely ol' me?"

He clicked his tongue. " neither. I'm here on a - vacation."

" vacation? Yeah, right. How ironically you should come here on a vacation after we meet, right?"

" right." We sat down at a two person table by a huge window over looking the hospital garden. He pointed out the window to a small Hispanic nurse, walking briskly across a walkway. " now, you see her? That's somebody I would come to California for, not you."

What the hell was wrong with me?

I was sure my cheeks were bright red in embarrassment. I shrugged. " She would never go for a guy like you."

" what's wrong with me?"

" you're from Detroit, that's what's wrong with you." I said it like it was a no brainer, maybe with venom laced in my words. Shit, he hurt my feelings. Honestly, I didn't think a thing about him being from Detroit, you couldn't help your background. I just had to play dirty. " she's probably from Beverly hills."

" so, because she's from Beverly hills she would never date me?"

" exactly!"

" well," He smiled, like nothing I said bothered him. " would you date me, ms. Rich, and Stuck up?"

Rich and Stuck up? I was rich, well, my parents were rich but I wasn't stuck up. What was the point of explaining anything to him though? He didn't care. He wanted to make me feel as uncomfortable as possible and it was working.

" My food is getting cold." I said, picking up my fork and digging into the gooey goodness and ate a whole forkfull.

" so, you wouldn't date me?"

Completely irritated I stabbed my fork into a fry. " I would never date you! You're a complete jackass! Why are you here?" After I got that out I realized my mouth was still full of food. I slapped both of my hands over my mouth.

Please, make him go away! All I want to do is scream at him and cuss him out, so much so that I'm a damn mess. His smart remarks and his games- he's confusing.

Spade laughed, slamming his hand on the table. " don't be embarrassed."

After I finished chewing and swallowing I decided that I was done eating. I had lost my appetite now that he was around. Why, why why?

I pushed away the tray. " what do you want from me?"

" okay." He leaned close to table, resting his arms. " I want a date."

" a date." I choked the words out. " so, you call me a bitch, stuck up and rich and you ask me for a date. Is that usually how you ask girls out?"

" usually I don't even have to do all that." He gave me a serious look. " I've never had to work so hard in my life."

" you're serious, aren't you?"

" Yeah. Bitches usually- I mean girls, women, usually approach me. When I first saw you, shit, you aint pay a nigga no attention. You was laughing with my brother like I wasn't even there."

" I didn't know you! And you looked so scary."

" that usually attracts most women, at least the ones who want excitement."

" did it ever occur to you that I don't want any excitement?"

" You do ." He smirked. " I can tell, you just don't want to admit it but I know that I intrigue you in some way." I tapped a manicured nail against the cheap table. "You nervous?"

Yes !

" no."

" liar."

" excuse me?" I stood up and grabbed my tray. " when you show me some respect, then maybe I'll think about talking to you."

Would I ?

No, you will not, I screamed at myself!

I glanced back at him, covered in all those tattoos. I had never been on a date with anybody like him. What was so bad about wanting to try something different. I was tired of the boys who had there ties tied so tight around their neck that they could barely get a sentence out and a silver spoon stuck so far down their throats they would never dream of saying some of the things that Spade had.

I snapped my head back forward. No, we wouldn't date but I could dream, couldn't I?




At midnight I decided that I was done waiting around for my father and that I wanted to go home. Five hours we had been at the hospital and I had been alone while watching him run back and forth. Without Daniel here, what entertainment did I really have? I mean, I did the usual; spoke to people, made fun of people, and made some people's nights who wouldn't make it, but now I was tired and bored.

I was sitting in the waiting room on the phone with Raven. She was telling me about their trip to Cheeno's and I was just listening, wishing that I could have gone or at least been able to finish my chilli cheese fries.

" - and when we were leaving, our waiter tried to hit on Marie. Can you believe that?" She asked, very animated. " He was tall, lanky, and dull. "

I grunted." well, did she tell him off?"

" She sure did. And then-"

Her voice drowned out as Spade walked into the waiting room. Seriously? I had a damn stalker! Oh God, I was convinced.

I turned away from him so hopefully he wouldn't see me. " Raven, shut up." I snapped quietly. " Spade just walked into the hospital."

" who?"

" You know, the boy from the party?"

" Oh, the one that was hitting on Casey?"

" no, the other one! The asshole."

She paused for a while and it sounded like she was giggling and then she came back to the phone. " He definitely likes you, fat ass!"

" He does not!" I lip out. " besides I'm not fat."

Raven sucked her teeth. " gotta go, go talk to him! Bye."

" wait wait-" She had already hung up. I shoveled my phone into my bra and turned slowly around.

There he was , just sitting in a chair across from mines staring at me. I tried to act like it didn't bother me but it did, it so did.

He pulled his phone out sliding his finger and tapping at the screen and after a few moments he looked back up at me.

My phone vibrated making me look at him in suspicion. I pulled my phone out and opened up a new text message.

'wassup ms. Rich & Stuck up' It read.

My head snapped up to look at him. How did he get my number? I thought about that for a few moments and then I remembered that he and Daniel were brothers. Daniel had no doubt given him my number, probably as payback for blocking him while he had tried to speak to Casey.

' what do you want?' I replied.

'Yu, ma.'

Putting his message together so that it would make since to me was like trying to make since of Ancient Egyptian.

" speak english!" I more like yelled than whispered to him.

He chuckled a little before looking back at his phone. His hands worked fast for a few seconds before my phone vibrated.

'you, Sophia.'

Was that his first time saying my name or was it just the first time i was really hearing it? Well, i wasn't hearing it, technically, but in my mind i heard his voice spilling the short nickname from his mouth. Would he call me Sophia, or Sophie?

" Sophia."

See, i could hear it. I stared off at a white wall blankly as i tried to imagine him saying it again. His voice was so deep and so- seductive?

" Sophia!"

My head snapped up to find Raven, Marie, and Casey crowded around me staring into my face with a worried expression.

" Sophia!" Marie grabbed my arms and shook me two time before she backed up. " snap out of it girl!"

So, it wasn't Spade who was calling my name in my head, it was just Marie being her usual self. God, how did i distort her voice to sound so, so, good.

" what are you guys doing here?" I squeaked out. Hopefullly, and as inconspicuous aspossible, i glanced around the girls to see if Spade was still there. He wasn't. Maybe i was so sleepy i just imagined the whole encounter. Was it possible? Oh man, i was hallucinating. Good thing my father was a doctor. 


Cleaning Service


I hadn't gotten home until five in the morning, when my father was finally allowed to leave. The girls had stayed with me during those last five hours. In the waiting room we had joked and drank cafeteria coffee toward the end.

When I finally got home I was running on E. My father's day had ended but my mothers had just begun. She dragged me from the house- only allowing me time to brush my teeth and change my clothes- and we went to get Starbucks coffee. After that, she took me to her office.

I kept telling her that I was too tired to help in anything she needed but she wouldn't listen. She insisted that I was fine and that her needing help was more important than me sleeping. How inconsiderate, but I clamped my mouth shut and pretended to be the good little girl that my mother thought she had raised.

" sweep the hardwood," She commanded as she flipped on the lights in the waiting room of her office. Her office sat right on the beach, attracting all the insecurities like salt that floated in with the sea. " vacuum the carpet, and when you're done mop the floors in the operation room."

What ever happened to a cleaning crew?

I didn't huff or puff, just cleaned my butt off. All through the day there were women coming and going and a scattered few men too. Not only did I have to play little miss made but I also had to play receptionist and door woman and possible even the door matt with the way people stepped all over me. There were a few nice people but mostly everyone treated me like I was worthless. I didn't even treat my own maids like that, let alone someone who was just trying to help.

Around lunch hour things slowed down significantly and that's when I was finally able to curl up into a ball on one of the black leather sofas and take a short nap.

What felt like not even five minutes later I was being shaken awake by my mother, standing over me with a furious face.

" Sophia," She scolded, he accent shinning in through her all American façade. " you know better! Up!"

I swung my legs off the side of the couch and got back to work. I had actually been asleep a whole twenty minutes and you wouldn't believe how much damage was done. The floors were scuffed from some woman's high heel shoes and there were gum and mint wrappers littered around the floor.

I scoffed.

You would think that the rich and famous would also be clean and sanitary.


Ditch Date


On Tuesday i had a yoga class and a running lesson. I signed uo for neither but i didn't have to, my mother had forced it onto me, taking it upon herself to sign me up and telling me that i needed to lose weight. Countless times i had looked over myself in the mirror wondering if i really needed to. I must have, right?

So early in the morning i got up and i put on a pair of purple track shorts and a matching tank top with plain white running shoes that i had yet to break in. I tied my hair up into a ponytail, making a note to get it done and then i left. Halfway to the destination where my running lesson would begin i got a phone call.

'who run the world (girls), who run the world (girls), who run the world (girls)-'

I picked the phone up off of my passenger seat long after it had finished ringing because i was now stuck in traffic. It was a number that i didn't know that had called me so i tapped in the number and called it back, gripping my stearing wheel in anticipation, hoping to move sometime soon.

" you called back."

" hello?" I asked trying to place the voice. They were talking so low i could barely even make out anything beside the fact that it was a guy. " who is this?"

There was noise in the background and then the voice came through a lot clearer. " You don't know who i am now, ma'? You knew at the hospital the other night."

I sighed. So i wasn't hallucinating? God, i had so hoped that i was that that i would never have to see his face again. He made me so nervous that i didn't want to be around him again, let alone hear his voice. And he infuriated me, which i was sure he did on pupose.

" What would you like, Spade?"

He chuckled. " not happy to hear from me, i take it?"

" definately not and besides, i'm busy. So, please, what would you like?"

" i would like to take you on a date. What? You thought i was playin' or some shit? Nah, i don't play like that."

" no thanks, right now i'm late for my running lesson."

" running lesson? You workin' on a marathon or something."

" no!" I exclaimed. I wouldn't do a marathon if the world depended on it. I sucked at hings like that, so did my stamina. " just exercise."

He grunted. " your idea?"

" yes."

No, it definately wasn't my idea. If it was up to me i would never even do it. They had treadmills at the gym and as far as i was concered they would do just a good a job as running through the california hills. Hell, we had a gym in our basement at home? Why wasn't that good enough?

I wasn't about to argue with my mother though, and i definately wasn't about to admit to Spade that i was doing something i didn't like because my mother forced it onto me. It wasn't any of his business.

" you're lying again."

" not i'm not!"

" you are."

" not!"

" are."

" not!" I screamed, poking my tngue out as if he could see.

He full on laughed now, not a chuckle or one of those nice smirks he had sported sometimes while i was around him. " you are but i'll let it go.So, what about that date?"

I sighed. I didn't want to take the running or yoga class and i wanted to get spade off of my back so i agreed to a -

" it's not a date!" I told him. " we're going out for coffee and then you're leaving me alone. Okay?"

" yeah, okay. I'll leave you alone as long as you don't like me. But if you like me-"

I cut him off, telling him the adress to the closest starbucks and hanging up the phone.

I honked my horn angrily as my lane opened up but a car swerved in front of me. " stupid!"


I opened the door to Starbucks and allowed the beautiful aroma to fill my senses. Oh, how i loved coffe and sugar and coffee. Did say i loved coffee, because if i didn't it deserved a special mention. I saw Spade sitting in a corner off to the left and he saw, signaling me over with a nod of his had but i made a motion letting him know i needed to order first.

" may i please have the Willy Wonka Frappuccino, venti."

The man behind the counter raised a perfectly arched eyebrow into a heep of blond hair that swung over his forehead. " no such thing."

I chuckled. " have long have you worked here?"

" today is my first day."

" and that's why there's not such thing. Just look, right there." i pointed to a piece of laminated paper sitting under one of the counters that i was sure had everything on it that he was looking for. " secret menu."

He looked at me skeptically, grabbing the sheet before sliding it back and going to make my drink. I paid and then i went to sit across from Spade at a table that he picked.

" what's is that, yo?" That shit look disgustin'."

I rolled my eyes and took a sip. " it's too advance fore you so let's just move it along."

He shrugged. " okay, can i start by knowing your full name?"

My eye twitched at the mention of my full name. " Sophia," i told him with no hesitation. " your's?"

He looked like he suspected i was lying but he didn't question me about it. " Spade."

" that is so not your real name!"

" it's not, but i'll tell you mines when you tell me yours."

A trade off was definately not happening. My name was none of his business as well as other things, Sophia was as close to my name as he was going to get at this point in time.

I took another nervous drink from my straw and changed the subject. " so, really, why are you in California?"

" you could say i've decided to make a move. I'm tired of Detroit, i've been tired, and i thought California would be just the place."

"why here?"

" because the weather is nice, and i enjoy the beautiful women." He said seriously, glancing out of the window as a woman strutted by." My little brother likes it here."

There had to be more to that story. Nobody just up and moves just because they don't like the weather. I didn't push it though. This was our first - thing, but not date.

Tapping a finger on the small table to get his attentin back on me i sighed. " ladies man?"

" somethin' like that. She is beautiful, but not my type."

" what is your type?"

" short, definately short." He said like he was thinking. " i wouldn't mind slim or thick really i've had it all."

" all? You shouldn't be too proud of having it all".

He laughed. " i'm very experimental, i like to try new things and because of that i'm very experienced.

I laughed, and probably very much infected too.

" no, i'm clean." Spade replied in a very amused voice.

I looked up at him in embarrasment. " that was supposed to be a thought."

" i'm sure it was but it's cool. don't mind somebody who speaks their opinion."

We fell into a small silence, he was staring out of the window again, this time at anything that passed by and i was staring at him.

I found myself asking him why he had tattoos on his face and if they hurted.He just said that they were all choices he had made in his youth and things he could never take back but that they hurt only a little.

" how old are you?" I crossed my legs, feeling the material of my yoga pants rub against itself.

" twenty- six." He looked at me for a reaction but i gave none. What was i supposed to say? He was eight years older than me. Besides the fact that he was from Detroit and that he had tatoos allover, his age was just another reason why there couldn't be a second "thing". But i said that about this one, i was so adament about there never being a "thing" and yet there were were having a "thing".

Half of that sit- down was spent talking about ourselves and the other half spent laughing and we shared weird experiences with eachother.

I found out that he wasn't big into music, that he had never been out of the United States, and that he had hospitals. I asked him why he had recently been in the hospital with Daniel when i met them if he hated them so much and then he said that he just happened to be with his brother on business. I asked about when i had just recently seen him in the hospital and he made me blush saying he had seen something worth going in there for. The last question i asked him, before i decided it was time to leave was what business he and his brother were in California for that always left him hurt. Spade just shrugged and said the word " business" and again, this time with more emphasis on it.

" so," Spade said once we were outside standing next to my car that was gleaming in the mid-day sun." We had been in the Starbucks for three whole hours. " do i have to leave you alone, or what?"

I thought about it but remembered to stick to my guns. He was twenty- six and he couldn't be any good. My parents would definately not approve. " i think it's bed if you leave me alone."

" do you think it's best or do you want me to?"

I couldn't answer that. It was eaither lie to him again or just walk away. I chose to walk away.


I've Got The Blues Whatever That Is



I was down. Spade didn't call me anymore after our time at Starbucks and somehow, I was upset about that. It had been three weeks and I hadn't seen him, or heard from him. When I talked to Daniel he always brushed the subject off, telling me that If I wanted to know something I needed to talk to Spade myself. Me, being who I was, I just let it go after a while.

I chose to walk away, i chose to walk away, i chose to walk awy!

It didn't make any since to me why he wouldn't call, he seemed interested and just because i told him it was best for him to leave me alone he gave up.

Chase had never given up, no matter what i had said, until i had finally broken up with him for good. He had followed behind me, chased after me-

Yes, Chase chased after me. I didn't want that from Spade exactly. I just wanted him to- i don't know. Maybe i was confused. I didn't want someone to be at my beck and call, i knew that, btu i didn't want someone to just give up as easiy as me saying that i think we should move on.


I was over thinking the situation and it was giving me a headache when i was supposed to be relaxing.

" relax." I mumbled to myself, re-placing the cucumbers that were over my eyes with fresh ones. The spa was so nice in my time of need. I just needed to let it work it's magic and i would be alright.

There was a hissing noise as more steam was pumped into my private room. It wasn't a sauna, just a nice warm massage room where i had to pay three hundred dollars an hour. Already i had been there four hours.

" breath," a woman whispered in my ear as she worked her fingers into the soles of my feet. " breath out." I followed her directions. " breath in, " She said right after switching to my next foot. " and breath out."

The breath in breath out bullshit was doing nothing but serving to annoy me to no end. I could breath in and breath out at home in the privacy of my bedroom but instead i had en-trusted this complete stranger with all my nakedness and all she could tell me to do was breath.

It was all Casey's fault. When she had asked what was wrong - like all the girls had- for three weeks straight and i wouldn't tell her anything she finally decided on a spa day thinking that that would help. She had dragged me, Raven, and Marie to the spa and boy, did it suck.

" that's enough." I told the woman as i pulled my foot toward my body to make her stop. " a manicure, please?"

" would you like that added to your bill?"

" yes."

Of course! What else would it be added to?

During the manicure all of my fake nails were replaced with new ones and i picked a light purple color to coat them. Nobody understood why i was so obsessed with acrilic nails and bright colors but neither did i. They were just so original in my neighborhood, nobody would dare.

The first time i ever got my nails done was when i was ten years old. My aunt Anushri - my mother's sister- decided that it was lady like. I got a simple manicure, and a plain white coat of polish and i'm sure nobody knew it would grow into this.

Toward the end of my manicure i heard the door to the room slowly creek open.

" should we go in?" Raven whispered

I'm guessing Casey elbowed Raven because she gasped and then Casey spoke. " she's naked! I mean, look at her-"

I could imagine Marie rolling her eyes and barging into the room when i heard the click of heels. " oh, shut up. She's awake."

The cucumbers were slowly removed from my eyes and i glared at Marie.

" what happened to peace and quiet? We're supposed to be relaxing."

" i know but- We're worried about you. We couldn't relax."

I saw each of them wrapped in a robe and i instantly felt naked. Well, i was naked but i felt a bit uncomfortable. They had seen me in my panties and bra before, even a flash of me naked, but i was already feeling vulnerable and ontop of that i was naked.

" pass me a towel." Casey laid a towel over my head and the woman continued on with finishing up my nails in the next few seconds before she left.

Sitting up, Raven helped wrap the towel around me, securing it above my right breast with a tight knot so that my nails wouldn't smear.All the girls took seats on the bed in front of me. " you know," I told them quietly. " You guys shouldn't be worried about me. I'm fine."

" you're not!" Raven whinned. " come on, i told you when i lost my virginity."

I rolled my eyes. " this has nothing to do with my virginity. Besides, i told you that i had sex with Chase so technically i'm not a virgin."

" technically you are a virgin and Chase has no stamina." Casey blurted out angrily making me giggle. " so, what's wrong if it's not that ? Is it your mom?"

" she's an ass, whatever she did." Marie complained.

I made a signal to make them be quiet." I think i like Spade." Everybody looked around confusedly making me explain. " you know,Daniel's brother! The guy who called us stuck up bitches."

A look of understanding came over their faces.

" he moved to California a few weeks ago and he was stalking me and so i finally went to Starbucks with him. We-"

" you went out with a stalker?" Marie asked making me feel pretty low.

" he isn't really a stalker! He just showed up at the hospital a few times to talk to me. Daniel must have given him my number because three weeks ago he called me and we went to get Starbucks and- I really, really like him." I whinned the last part. " but i was scared so i told him it would be best if we not talk and he hasn't called me."

I looked over at my phone sitting on a table across the room just looking at it longingly, wishing it would ring with that beautiful number of Spade's that I remembered by heart oddly enough. Turns out, I was probably the stalker.

" okay," Casey clapped her hands together happily. " I know what'll make you feel better!"

" what?"

" a photo shoot."

I raised my right eyebrow. " a real photo shoot?"

" yes! My mother got me a photo shoot with xxl for tomorrow, and they still need four models. You guys could totally do it! I'll just talk to my mom. And, I promise you'll feel better with so much attention."

I had done a photo shoot before, teen vogue. But that was like child splay. I was sixteen. Secretly I had always wanted to of another one. Why the hell not?

" will there be drinks?" Marie asked. " free alcohol and I'm in."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.05.2015

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