
August 5th

The big question in life is what is love? I mean, yeah I’ve always seen it in movies, I’ve read it in books, but what is love? I’ve never experienced myself so far, and considering what I’ve gone through in life, I don’t think I’ll ever find love. I mean, if you knew me, you would think, “How does that girl even live?” My name is Taylor Carter. The story of my life, my parents got divorced when I was two, I had always been the geeky girl that know wanted to be friends with at school, and my sister always felt like my mom. I really don’t think I’ll ever find love.

August 7th

Well, I finally got to visit my sister Jenny. When I got to her house, it changed a lot. Jenny got married with Phillip two years ago. They have been in love ever since. I love coming to their house to visit my nieces and nephews. So far I have a niece named Alana, another niece name, Grace, and a nephew named, Jacob. My sister had Alana first; she is a very smart one year old. Apparently yesterday, she climbed to the top of the counter (with a chair) and ate half of a chocolate cake! Grace and Jacob are twins, and they are the cutest little babies ever! As I was playing with Grace, my phone rang it was my mom.

Mom: Tay, it’s time to come back home, you need to finish your homework.
Taylor: Ok, mom. I’ll be there in a few minutes.
Mom: Thank you sweetie.

Well, I guess it was time for me to go, I would come back another day. Basically that was all I did today, nothing exciting. Oh well, my life is so boring. Sometimes I wish something exciting could happen to me.

August 10th

So, yesterday, my best friend Sara came over. We did our homework and listened to Taylor Swift. Since it was Friday, she got to sleepover. We watched Mean Girls, and ate a lot of popcorn. Sara insisted on prank calling my crush, Edward Cullen. No it’s not the actor, and he wasn’t named after The Twilight Saga. Anyways, she ended up calling him, and she pretended to be the lady who announces the lottery, saying that he won 6 million dollars. We heard him scream with glee (I love that show!), we were laughing SOOO hard! Friday was a lot of fun!

August 11th

When I woke up, I went straight to my guitar to write a song.

Chorus: So why can’t I just tell you, that I love you, baby I think there’s something wrong with me, maybe I just need to believe.

Of course, Edward inspired it. I just couldn’t get him out of my mind, ever since he was a new student at school. And like every story, he had a girl friend. Her name was Sienna Samuels, and she used to be my best friend since we were in kindergarden. Before I got my braces, and my glasses, I was actually kinda pretty. I was kinda the popular girl in my school, along with Sienna. In eighth grade, I finally wore my glasses in school. Sienna saw me, and at first she was cool with it. But I could tell that she was pulling apart. In the summer when I got my braces, I was plain ugly. That day I invited Sienna over was when I wore my glasses, braces, and wore a ponytail. She pretended like she was sick and went home. From that day on, we never talked to each other. Soon, she began to make fun of me, and then she started to ruin my life. From that day on to embarrass her, I wore the same look everyday. Even though I look ugly, I have to admit I really don’t care. As long as I don’t sing in front of anyone I’m fine! I love singing, but I can only sing in front of my sister and mom. I wanna be a famous singer when I grow up. Phsss yeah right!

August 14th



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.10.2010

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This book is dedicated to my family, who always believed in me...

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