
Becoming a vampire has three phases: Moonlighting phase, > The beginning, skin color looses it's rich healthiness, eye color changes, and hair and nails chage as well as fangs come in the last day of moon lighting-

Second phase is the Succubus phase> Generally it's when hormones for both the tuning and its changer become so strong that the art of seduction is really strong. The succubus is trying to birth itself in this face so that it may mate with the human male. The hardest part is trying to keep both the male and female apart from one another so that they don't mate, so that the changer doesn't loose his or her life, because the succubus ultimate goal is to destroy the creator.

The third phase> Lilith's demon > a succubus demon comes forth so that it may inhabit the body of the turned so that it prohibits her from becoming a vampire and instead a succubus. The only way to be rid of the demon is for the turned to use a weapon of choice that has been coated in blood and then dried with an enchanted prayer .

Lilith's Shadow

Chapter One


I wasn't looking for a mate. I was just looking to go hang out and have a little fun, since my brothers and sister insisted that they needed a day off. The problem with Reina, Van and Lance was that they always seemed to need a day off. They were the last ones to arrive and the first to leave when the time came. I know I was supposed to be having a good time and just enjoying the time I spent here in The Rave, but the truth was, my mind was on the kids that were scheduled to arrive at my intense training camp on Monday.

See, I started a company called Open Blades five years ago because the thought occurred to me that there are a lot of kids out there who don't know anything about hockey but do have the guts to try out or form a team because it seem like fun. I love going to hockey games and in particular, high school hockey games. Although you'd think there aren't many schools who do have hockey teams, there are many of them and there are quite a few schools reside in Wisconsin. I usually take players, both individual and teams, from all over the state. Currently I have ten hockey schools who attend my training sessions and then I have at-least one hundred and fifty individuals who want to learn to play hockey just for the experience.

Unfortunately, the only people that I can trust enough to even let them run the sessions with me is my brothers and sister. However, hockey wasn't as important to them as it was to me and so they show up late and leave early, leaving me stuck with all the kids who aren't able to bus home or have to wait for their parents to come and pick them up. Believe me, I am not one who enjoys these times so, I usually charge 25 dollars for a half an hour late fee and then anything after that is a dollar per minute. I am usually done no later than forty five minutes after closing time.

Anyhow, I didn't come here just to think about my business and the issues associated with it. I came here to have a good time and be a designated driver. Back to my earlier thought about not wanting a mate. I had long since given up the idea of a mate. I guess the more accurate belief is that I really didn't want a mate due to the fact that I am fine being single and I love women in general. It doesn't matter what size, height, weight or nationality. I find them all beautiful. What makes them beautiful depends on the woman.

For instance, there are many women in this club that are beautiful for one reason or another. One woman to my right is beautiful because she has the most beautiful shade of chocolate skin I have ever seen. And its a bonus that she has a beautifully shaped ass. I saw it when were waiting to get into the club and only because she was standing in front of me. I considered approaching her, but she is clearly not interested in guys, as I just saw her kissing a girl in the corner where she's sitting.


There was another woman I ran into on my way over to the bar who had an intoxicating scent that was more natural than the perfume she wore to disguise it. The problem with this is that I felt my fangs began to contract and I started to drool over what her blood would taste like. Considering I was in a public place, I didn't think it would be appropriate to follow my nose. As I sit at the bar and ask the bartender to hand me a drink, I notice that even she is beautifully made with her slim waist and huge breasts that seem to tease as they pop out of her shirt. I look down at them, raise a brow and then turn my attention back out onto the dance floor trying to locate my brothers and sister, when I notice this girl, she's about five ten, petite in stature and was laughing flirtatiously with some guy she was dancing with.


I smile at the sound of her laugh because it sounded sweet and cute at the same time. My eyes take in nice strong teeth amidst a beautifully heart shaped mouth and a swan like neck. She had the kind of neck you'd definitely enjoy sinking your teeth into, as well as placing delicate kisses along the gentle curve of it. As my eyes traveled down ward, I could see that her bust size was no bigger than a thirty six A, but flattered by a halter top. Her stomach and waist line was covered with the shirt, which lead to a pair of shorts that enhanced strong thighs. As my gaze traveled further, I felt the deep stirrings of arousal awaken. I shook my head, knowing that this was the woman I wanted. There was no doubt she was the one.


The way my heart pounded with excitement and the way saliva seemed to gather inside my mouth and the way my manhood immediately begin to throb as I thought of her laying underneath me. The bartender chose that time to bring my drink and take the money I'd placed on the counter. Taking a quick sip of my drink, I sat it down and then turned my gaze back to the woman, enjoying the erotic dance her body was doing against the man, who in a sense gave me the vague impression that he was not all that in to her. That was good because it would make my job easier to get to her. As if sensing me watching her, the woman turned and faced me. Her eyes widened in surprise and then went back to their original state. She greeted me with a luscious and inviting smile. I smiled back at her, making sure my eyes spoke my interest.


When I first arrived here at the club, I had my own intentions of being on the prowl. I use the word prowl because a girl like me knows how to use my assets to get what I want, when I wanted it and how I wanted it. You see, I'm not a shy girl at-least not when it comes to desire. I am the type of woman who knows how to use her body as well as her mind to get what she wants. Do I go around manipulating people? Hell no. I don't need too. I got the brains to back up the assets. So, as usual, when ever I went out on the hunt, I put on something that would accentuate the beauty that know I have. I'm not only tall, but I am also skinny, or petite, with a 34A rack, slender hips, smooth stomach and thighs that I have known to make many men lost in. I know, most girls aren't supposed to boast, but what else can I do? I am comfortable in my own skin, I am comfortable being me and part of me is my sexuality and if I didn't have that, my life would lead a meager existence. I work a nine to five, go to school and I have kids, who sometimes drive me hell of a crazy. I have a boy who is three and a girl who is five. My best friend, who understands my sudden urges to get away from my responsibilities agreed to keep them over night, while I did what I wanted for the weekend and she would bring them back on Monday.


So, I was planning to find an unsuspecting victim and make him mine for one night only. As I said before, I got kids and don't have time to worry about the frivolities of a relationship, so I needed a man who understood that this was a one night deal. The guy I'm dancing with, I can't remember his name, but he seems like he is not looking for anything serious. He wasn't too bad of a dancer which meant that he wasn't going to be too bad in bed. However, I keep wagering back and forth between do it and not do it, because he didn't look like he was working with anything down there, so I didn't want to get him home and find out he just plain wasn't worth a damn. I hate it when a man can spit good game and make a woman all excited, only to be a disappointment in bed.


So, I'm trying to decide if I should or shouldn't when I think that the only way to be sure of that, would be to have him grind up against me, so I turn around, intending to do just that, when I look up and feel my heart skip a beat. Sitting at the bar, looking as if he just may tower above me, dressed in a dark gray polo shirt, his dark gray eyes filled with a desire that promise to deliver, is a man with dark curly hair, that looked as if it had been neatly trimmed and an equally trimmed mustache that covered beautiful full lips, which in that instant made my nipples harden and my kitty cat burn with a very intense need, and his demeanor looking as if I was on his menu for tonight. I all but forgot about the guy I was dancing with and strutted my way over to the guy. As I got closer to the bar, I noticed that he was dressed in dark slacks, that fit him just as nicely as the shirt he wore. I took a seat next to him, and turned toward the bar tender, “Give me a gin and cranberry, Marla.”


“Put it on my tab, Marla.”


A voice stated, sending sweet chills down my spine. I had no doubt that it was my admirer or maybe I should be considered the admirer, because damn if this man wasn't the sexiest guy I'd ever seen. I smiled to myself thinking, yeah, he's definitely going to be on my menu. I waited for the bartender to bring me my drink. As I waited, the guy chose this moment to introduce himself, “Hi, I'm Stefan.”
I turned in my seat and looked over at him, making sure my demeanor was open. “I'm Odilia, but some call me DiDi for short.”
The guy held out his hand. “Nice to meet you, Odilia. That's a beautiful name by the way.”
Although I was sure this was probably another pick up line, I ignored its corniness and grasped his hand in mine. Immediately, I felt the static in the air. There was no way I was going to go anywhere without this man tonight.


Again, my fangs wanted to come through, because there was something exquisite about this woman. I had no doubt I wouldn't be the only one to receive pleasure tonight and depending on how good she delivered I may just come back a second time. When the bartender turned her back to prepare the drink for the young woman, I chose this moment to introduce myself. She introduced herself as Odilia, and I thought, what a unique name, quickly that thought was swallowed as her hand grasped mine. As soon as it did, I felt a confirmation in my spirit that this girl was indeed mine. We both seemed to hold on to each other hand for a bit longer than necessary and I found myself caressing her fingers while they were in mine. As the bartender returned to the counter and sat her drink down, the woman pulled her hand out of mine and downed her drink as if she was a pro. I laughed at this and thought this was going to be interesting as she turned back to me and said, “We can sit here all night with the formalities or you can come back with me to my place, you choose.”
Her voice was smooth, rich and very assured. I swallowed my own drink and flickered my tongue over my lips, anticipating what was going to happen when we arrived at her place.
As she stood up and moved away from the bar, I followed her, relishing in the way her hips moved as she walked.


Ok, I said I was forward, but not necessarily that forward. I don't normally go up to guys and say take me home or go back to yours alone, but there was something about this guy that just said the bolder the better.

When we got to the parking lot, we decided that I would go in my car and he would follow me. Again, normally, I don't do this, but hey, I really wanted the man and any other consequences would be just that, a consequence. My kids thought to creep up in my head at this moment and just as we were pulling out, I stopped and backed back next to his car. He rolled his window down and again, greeted me with a debonair smile. “You want to go to a motel instead?”
I smiled, “It looks like we are thinking along the same lines.”
“Maybe,” He stated in a teasing tone.
I rolled my window up and made a left instead of the right that lead toward my place and happened upon the first hotel some three miles from the club. He went in to get the room while I waited.


As soon as the door opened, Odilia pushed me into the room and closed the door and locked it. I felt my body hit the bed and again a laugh came up out of me I knew without a doubt I was coming back to this woman. She grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it up and over her head. I drooled as she threw it on the floor and then pulled her shorts down her beautiful legs. It was nice to see that her underwear and bra matched. I sat up on the edge of the bed and reached for her. All too willingly, she came to me. I ran a hand down her long arm, seeing the goose bumps that developed on her toffee colored skin. I continued my inspection and outlined the underside of her arms and went to her body. She leaned in and welcomed my hand as they went over her breasts. I ran my hands around her soft skin to the back of her bra to unclasp the hooks. She eagerly pushed the bra down her shoulders and I watched as her chest bare and naked seemed to harden their nipples even more. I could already taste them in my mouth as my throat began to moisten. Much to my surprise, she wiggled out of the bra and took a step forward, grasped my head and pulled it toward her chest. Again, a delightful little shiver ran through me as I took her nipple in my mouth.


You know the time you spend anticipating how good it could feel to have that one thing you desperately want but then you get it and it's even more intense than you imagined it would be? This is one of those moments, where I felt every area in my body stand at attention and the electrons do their work. I never knew having a man suck on your breast could feel this good. You'd think that if a woman had two kids then the man must know how to do something so simple as suck on a breast, but every man is not the same and as this man sucked, it felt as though he already knew that I wanted him to do it exactly the way he was doing it. Instead of me getting nervous about this, it only served to heighten my senses and make me gasp out loud. He played with my left breast until it too was tingling just like the rest of my body. When he took in its twin, the previously mentioned one felt its own neglect and I let out a little whimper. He showed that one love and then he worked his way over every inch of my body, kissing, stroking and touching until there was an inferno raging. A half an hour later, clearly satisfied that he'd pleasured every area of the front of my body, he turned me over and pushed my hair to the side of my neck. When I felt his tongue slide in a sensual dance along my neck, I let out a loud moan and my eyes fluttered closed as he began to nip at that area. He made his way around to the back of my neck and placed a sweet gentle kiss there. I felt myself shudder as an orgasm ripped through my body, making me even more wet than I already was. I couldn't believe the self control he had. I was going crazy with my sex being as wet and hot as it was with wanting him to be inside of me. He finally worked his way along the backside of my body and continued lower until I was trembling so bad I was going to force him inside of me if he didn't hurry up and comply. I was very happy when he told me to get up on my knees so that he could access me.


When my hand touched her, I knew she could feel the tremble in them, because I wanted her so bad. Every place that I'd touched and kissed had yielded me inspector to her erogenous zones that were unique to her. Her lips, her neck, her nipples, her stomach, her vagina, which seemed to make my need even stronger and headier. By the time I was done accessing those areas, she was begging me to take her. I grabbed my penis and stroked her wetness with it. She pushed back into me more. This caused me to smirk, she was definitely ready. However, what I saw as humor only sufficed to irritate her and she swung her head back and I was offered a full view of her neck as she sank down on top of me, surprising me. I swore and ran my hands over her hips, to her stomach and around her breasts. She moaned and gasped as she took what she wanted. As I thought about her eagerness to have me, I felt my fangs bear themselves as I felt a need so strong to make her mine. She didn't notice as I lowered my face down to her neck. I could feel her walls clenching around my hardness as she moved. If only she knew how good this felt to me. I worked my hands up to her neck and grabbed it gently. She never even noticed as I ever so slightly turned her neck so that I could access it better and placed my lips over it. She gasped and I felt her climax for a third time that night. As she did, I bit softly, gently and felt her jerk as I tasted the pulsating warmth of liquid that poured out of her neck.

Chapter Two



There was a knock on the door. I murmured, “go away, Tavis and Olivia, let me sleep, ya'll.”

“House keeping.” A voice yelled.

I quickly pulled my head up from the bed. Glancing over at the clock, I realized that it was two o'clock the next day. I sat up and glanced around. There was an outfit hanging in the closet, alongside a gray silk robe. I wrinkled my brow in confusion. There was another knock on the door, “House keeping?”

I grabbed the robe from the closet and wrapped it around my body. Going to the door, I pulled it open, my eyes hurting after being in a dark room all night and the early morning. “Yes?” I put my hand above my eyes.

“I'm sorry, I'll come back later,” the lady stated, glancing up at me.

“Just give me forty five minutes and I will be out ok?”

“I'll come back in an hour.”

I gave her a half smile, “Thank you.”

“No problem,” She stated.


The lady moved her cleaning supplies and made her way to the next room. As she was about to knock, I closed the door. I turned around as my eyes adjusted to the room and noticed that my clothes were in the trash can. Feeling a bit of irritation at that, I growled frustrated.


How could I enjoy myself so much that I forgot all about leaving? I was really angry at the fact that he'd gotten out of bed before I did and left without even waking me. What kind of man does that? I let out a squeal and walked over to the closet where new clothes hung. I can't believe that everything I'd had on was ripped. The button had been popped off my pants, my silk halter top had been ripped in half and don't get me started on my underwear. I blushed at that thought.


I don't think I ever had a guy who refused to allow me to leave before and me allow it to happen. When he'd done away with my clothes, with me in them! I didn't do anything but open my legs to him. Most girls would get angry but no, instead I open my legs wide and say have a field day. I grabbed the clothing off the hangers and am surprised that he chose my size. Even the bra and underwear were right. I flickered my hand over the bra and seen that it was one of those silk ones without the under wire.


The underwear were a nylon type, with no seams, bikini. I felt my nipples harden at that. I wondered how did he guess what type of undergarments I liked? Anything that was comfortable had my name written all over it. I looked at the blue jean shorts and a draped short sleeve yellow top. I went into the bathroom and discovered everything I needed to shower already in there and not hotel stuff either. This brought a smile to my face. Maybe I could forgive him just for leaving like that.





I must have been sitting there drooling over the previous night for at-least twenty minutes before my sister Reina called me out of my reverie. “Stefan?” She inquired in her British accent.


I looked at her, confused for a minute, “What?”


“You didn't hear what I asked you?”

I shook my head, “No, what did you ask?”


Reina walked up to me, inhaled sharply and said, “This one must be special to you.”




“The girl you stayed out all night for. She must be special, because even after you showered I can still smell her on you.”


I smiled at Reina. “Yeah, what's it to you?”


Reina laughed, “I'm your sister jerk, I should know these things.”


My tone full of banter, I teased her, “Should you really?”




“Alright then, you should know that she's my mate.”

Reina clapped her hands joyfully and gave me a kiss on the cheek, “I'm happy for you.”


“Are you really?”


“Yes, at- least now I won't be by my lonesome all the time, eh.”


“Well, just because we were together doesn't mean that we are in the clear just yet.”


“Why not?”


I looked down at the floor.


“Stefan Opheilus Grigore.” She demanded in that mothering tone she got when either of us was holding something back from her. I sighed and said, “Technically she doesn't know we mated.”


“What do you mean?” Now, Reina had her hand on her hip, her neck jutted out.


“Well, I kind of didn't tell her.”


“Why not?”


“Well, because we never got around to that.”


“You never got around to that? Stefan, you were out until the bloody sun came up, how can it be that you did not get around to it?”


“Reina, it's a lot more complicated than just that.”


“So, what? You were so stricken by lust that you couldn't tell the girl that you mated with her?”



“No.” I stated quietly.


Reina put a hand up to her face, “You didn't draw any blood from her right?”


“Just great Reina, rub it in for me.” I stated and for some reason hating myself for my

actions, now that it was dawning on me just how much Odilia had given up with out her knowing it.


“So, what do you think is going to happen when within a weak the girl is going to have trouble adjusting to the sun and she realize that she won't be able to go out during the day time any more? Oh yes and how are you going to explain her craving for blood? And most of all, how are you going to explain to her that she has given up her life just to accommodate you?”


“Well, she said yes.” My tone was feeble.


“Let me guess, you broke her down to say what you wanted and needed to hear for things to be as they are?”


“Now that you put it like that...” I started.


Reina interrupted me. “You better hope to hell that girl doesn't end up hating you for all the damn changes she's about to go through. I hate when vampires do that shit. I never suspected that you would do that.”


I licked my lips, “You don't understand Reina, I wasn't going to do it, but the way she moved was incredible.”


Reina frowned, “I don't want to hear your sexual experience Stefan, I just want to know why you didn't give her the opportunity to decide for herself if she wanted this life.”


“I wanted her for myself, that's why. She wanted me as well.”


“Stefan, you better pray that that girl doesn't come for blood when she completely turns because if she does, you are going to be in a hell of a lot of trouble. You better hope that girl doesn't end up hating your guts.


I felt my heart drop into my stomach. Although it hadn't even been twenty four hours, I didn't want to think about loosing her. What we had shared had been so sweet.


Chapter Three

 Chapter Three


Chapter Three:



I couldn't explain the forlornness that I felt over the weekend when I didn't get a chance to be with Stefan again. Yes, contrary to one night stands, I remembered his name and contrary to what I said before, I missed him. This is why On Sunday night, I found myself at Club fusion. This was the last day of the weekend, so I thought what better way to get over a man than to find another one.


So, I was trying to scope out one, thinking surely the sex couldn't have been good enough to make me change what I originally sought. No strings attached was what I was looking for. I wanted a man that couldn't get me as rowdy as he could. I still found it unsettling that he'd gotten me out of everything not once but four times before I fell asleep. I ran my hands through my hair, 1feeling the effects of another straightener that had pulled my natural curly hair straight and down to my back. The outfit I had chosen to wear was a white and blue plaited skirt, with white ankle boots that had a buckle on each side of them, and a white short sleeve shirt that had a slashed effect across the breasts.


It was what I called a teaser shirt because if worn without a bra it teased the viewer because you could only see the top of the cleavage, while the bottom half rested snugly inside the shirt. I sat down at the bar and asked for a drink. The bartender handed me a cosmopolitan and I nearly gagged on it's taste. Normally cosmopolitans were my favorite. I just left it sitting there. I glanced around and spotted a guy starring at me from across the room. He was what most people would consider eye candy, and he wasn't that bad looking either. He was a little shorter than I was, a dark skinned brother with deep waves in his hair.


He had a beautifully shaped mouth that was known to most of our descendants. Getting up from the bar, I felt a rush come over me at having found someone else so quick. I walked over to him and smiled. I was going to enjoy this night if it was the last thing I did. I went up to him and batting my eye lashes, I introduced myself, “Hi, I'm Odilia. What's your name?”


“Marcus.” He answered with a smile. Perfect and straight, just like I like them. One point for Marcus. He lifted my hand up to his mouth and kissed it, “Why are you here tonight?”


“Looking for some fun, how about you?” I cooed.


He smiled even wider, “The same type of fun you are baby, how about be go somewhere, just the two of us?” I liked his directness. “Where would you like to go?”


“To my place.”


“And where is that?” I inquired, my tone sounding coy.


“Just a little ways away from here.”

Not really caring about the bad possibilities of this situation, as long as I could get past Stefan, I was good.


“Alright then, sugar, let's go.” I smiled.


He moved up off the wall and together we walked out of the club.





I felt my fangs divulge as I thought of how I just wanted to seriously tear into this guy's throat. I didn't want him anywhere near her. I show as hell didn't want him to touch her. She was mine and it sickened me at the thought of him touching her. Not only that, but I had a feeling something wasn't right. This man was no ordinary man; this I am sure of. I had a foreboding sense of doom where he was concerned and I didn't understand why she couldn't feel it. She should be able to see that he isn't who he appear to be. If anything happened to her I would definitely kill this man.


I followed them as they made their way outside. She had agreed to follow him in his car. It made me wonder, if this was the tactic she used with every man and suddenly I felt angry at this thought. Swallowing my saliva, I closed my eyes and imagined myself in her car in spirit form, so that she couldn't see me. It was then I felt her heart beat and I felt the longing in her heart. My eyes shot open and I put my hand over my chest. There was so much emotion there it was unbelievable. It was like she was the female equivalent of me. When she stopped at a red light, it was then that I realized I was in her back seat. I looked up and saw her look in her review mirror. She gasped and then quickly I visualized myself invisible.




I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw Stefan in the back seat, but just as I noticed, the light turned green and I turned my head back to the road for a split second. It was then I realized it was just my imagination. No one was back there. Besides, how could he get back there anyway? There was no such thing as magic. I stopped as the guy in front of me slowed down and turned on his left blinker. I did the exact same thing and turned left with him. We had been driving for a good ten minutes when the guy stopped his car and turned off his lights. I did the same thing. I got out of the car to meet him.


“I'm glad I didn't loose you,” He stated, glancing at me.


“No, it was quite easy to follow you.” I stated, a sweet smile on my face.


“I'm glad to hear that, now shall we?” He inquired, grasping my hand in his. I felt a little giddy knowing that within a few moments I would be able to prove that nothing life changing had happened with Stefan and that my desire for him was nothing more than a desire. I smiled at him as we reached the door and I waited for him to unlock it. “What's your name again, sugar?” I asked.


“Marcus, sweet thang.”


“Oh. Well, thank you Marcus.”


Once the door was open, I walked in behind Marcus as he turned the light on in the foyer. I looked around as he shut the door. The place was so opulent and beautiful, with antiques everywhere. I walked into the sitting room and didn't notice as he locked the door behind himself. The entire place was shrouded in darkness. The light switch was hit and I gasped so loud it made him laugh. The entire sitting room looked like something out of the fifties, there was a juke box in a corner of the room . There was also was a living room set and a television with a few upgrades to it, to make it look more modern.


The room itself was done in black, gray and white checker. I said, “This is cool.”

He put his hand on my back, “Glad you like it, shall we?” He nodded toward the upstairs where I presumed the bedroom was.


“Sure, lets go.” I said, remembering why I was here. I allowed him to lead me up the stairs and to his room. When the light came on it was to give the appearance of a soft glow. I was impressed with how modern his room look. “Wow. How nice is this.”


He smiled, “You like it?”


“Yes.” I stated. Glancing over at him, I said, “You have to be loaded to have all of this .” I gestured around the room.


He smiled, “I have a little bit.”


“This is more than a little bit.” I stated, falling onto the bed, enjoying the feel of its softness. With a bed like this, I temporarily forgot about my issue, until he leaned in to kiss me. I kissed him back, thinking about what it felt like when I kissed Stefan for the first time. It was unbelievable. I compared his kiss to Stefan's, it felt kind of rushed and it made me feel a tiny bit queasy. I stopped him and said, “How about we do no kissing on the mouth for now?” He shrugged, “ok beautiful. Just allow me to undress you.”


I closed my eyes and felt a voice say no. My eyes flew open and I paused yet again to look around the room. He was no where near. I sighed and closed my eyes again. Marcus went back to undoing my shirt. Immediately I was bombarded with images of Stefan's mouth on my neck, kissing down my chest and I imagined him there making love to me.


I imagined him kissing down my body as he had done Friday night. The way his mouth had devoured my body so tenderly, yet so strong, had me close to an orgasm already. I thought of his hands being inside of me, probing me, bringing forth all of my juices to claim as his own. I whispered, “Oh, Stefan.” It was then I smelled his scent in my nostrils. Opening my eyes, I was shocked to see that he was there instead of Marcus. Pulling back, I wiped my hands over my eyes. Looking, I saw that it wasn't him, but it was Marcus. Licking my lips, I looked down and saw that my shirt was up and my underwear had been taken off. I pulled my shirt down and scooted myself to the edge of the bed.


“Are you alright?” Marcus inquired.


I felt a deep sinking feeling in my heart. I wiped my eyes, not sure why tears were falling. “I can't stay here Marcus, I need to go home . I'm sorry.” I felt as though I would rather pine over someone I couldn't have than to do this. I didn't know why but it felt wrong. Marcus looked at me and licked his lips, “So quickly? You just got here; and I thought you liked me. I thought we were bonding.”


Raising a brow, I thought the bonding part sounded a little bit weird, but chose to ignore it. “I'm sorry Marcus, I just can't stay here right now. Maybe another night. Tonight is just not the right night.” I felt in my heart that I would never see him again. Marcus's eyes took on a dark glow, the same kind that Stefan's eyes had held the other night, but his was more of a rage type.


“What do you mean? I thought you were up for a good time?”


I backed away from him, “I thought I was too, but apparently I am not, so I think I'm just going to go home now.”


Marcus's eyes stormed even darker and I felt sheer terror like never before. Was he going to rape me? This is what I get for coming to a strange man's house. I didn't even know this guy and had willingly put myself in this situation. I figured, I may as well just go ahead and get it over with than allow him to rape me. At-least I would be able to pretend it was someone else. Inhaling sharply, It occurred in my thoughts that suggestion just wasn't good enough.


Apparently he didn't like my response because he came closer to me and said, “You have such a beautiful neck you know. I was looking forward to kissing it.” I thought that was a strange comment, but didn't say anything.


“Can I just get one kiss, and then you can go?”


I looked up at the ceiling and thought, oh Lord, please, help me out of this one. I glanced back at him, “One kiss and then I can go?”


He nodded, his eyes somehow darker. I said, “ Fine, but make it quick.”


He was upon me in a second. He grasped my neck and tilted it up. I closed my eyes, hoping the kiss would be over soon. I felt him turn my neck over to the other side. It occurred to me that this was strange, but I still thought it was better than having sex with him. I realize now that he isn't the man I want, Stefan is. Feeling my heart call to him, I thought in my head, “I'm sorry, Stefan.” I couldn't understand why I was sorry and why I felt guilty when he and I weren't married. I noticed that Marcus hadn’t touched my neck. I opened my eyes and he was starring at me, fangs bared. My eyes opened wide and I pushed him away from me. He just looked at me and said, “You belong to another?”


I wrinkled my brow confused? “What?”


He smiled dangerously and his fangs seemed to get longer, “Intriguing.” With that, Marcus pounced and out of instinct I landed a high kick to his groin. He stopped and grabbed himself. I looked down at my right leg, unsure of what I had just witnessed. It filled me with a new adrenaline. I got up to walk out of the room and as I did, he grabbed me by my ankle. “You bitch,” he snarled as he grabbed me by my waist and hauled me over to the bed. My body fell to the bed like a rag doll.


“Look, I just want to go home.” I stated. He sat down on my legs prohibiting them from moving and pulled my hands over my head with one hand. This amazed me because he was so damn skinny. I twisted, trying to wriggle free but he commanded, “Shut up and stay still. He growled, showing his fangs. I screamed until I was awarded with a smack over the mouth. I laid there shaking, praying that miraculously someone would show up. I didn't want this brute of a man with large fangs to bite me. Then it struck me, this guy was a vampire. He had to be.


Only vampires had canines sharper than a dog's right? I didn't know much about vampires but they did have sharp canines and and...they couldn't go out in the day light. This filled me with dread. I knew I didn't want to become this man's food. I must have imagined every type of horrible dish that included me on the platter when I saw something wooden from the corner of my right eye. I watched as it went through the guy and came out the other end.


He looked down at me, a surprised look on his face and then let go of me. He turned around. I turned my head in the same direction, saw Stefan, his eyes glowing hard and ruthless. His fangs bearing. “You saw that she was taken and you still tried to kill her. Hmm.” Eyes wide with horror, I watched as his hand came up with a sword and he swung it to connect with the other man's head. The man's head rolled off his body and onto the floor. Thirty seconds later, his body became ashes.

Chapter Four


Chapter four:




When I saw him lead her upstairs and then proceed to kiss her, I really wanted to take his head off, but the worse part was that she let him. I've never felt betrayed by anyone in my life but in that moment I felt like she'd ripped my heart out and handed it back to me. Feeling the tears in my own heart, I disappeared from the house and began to walk away from where I knew they were. I didn't have the heart to watch him paw all over her and she let him do it. I thought about just letting her go. It would hurt but I would be better off finding someone who had more of an inclination to stay faithful. I figured this woman would just rip my heart out and not think twice about it. I was trying to convince myself to do that when I heard her say my name. I was immediately hit with a longing that went deep to the depths of my soul. Turning around, I imagined myself back at the house. It was then I heard her telling him she didn't want to go through with it. My heart did a little happy dance. “She can't be faithful, so don't get your hopes up,” my brain spat out in cynicism. I walked around downstairs until I heard, “Just one kiss and then I can go?”


For some reason my brows shot up in alarm at this statement. There was silence and then I heard her say, “Fine, but make it quick.” Again, I thought it was strange for him to ask for a kiss and her to agree to it was even stranger. It was then I heard her scream. My first thought was that I was going to kill him, and then my second thought was that I needed something with metal and a piece of wood. I heard a sound and it scared me even more to think of what could be going on. I heard him growl at her and then call her a bitch. This infuriated me. Grabbing one of the legs from off the bottom of a chair and then running toward the kitchen, I stopped when I saw an Agincourt sword hanging above the juke box and grabbed it.


Once I had it, I went up the stairs and just as I reached the landing, I heard her yell, “I want to go home!” I heard him slap her and I froze, feeling every bone in my body freeze. This lasted only a second before I ran over to where he held her down on the bed and with all of my anger, pushed the wooden steak through his heart. I watched as blood squirted everywhere and then he got up. When he turned to face me, I yelled, so angry that he would even do that to someone I loved. Taking the hilt of the sword, I swung and watched as his head rolled off his body and onto the floor. Not long after, his body turned to ashes.


I looked over at Odilia and saw the confusion, fright and irritation on her face. “What in the hell are you?” She asked. Looking at me, big brown eyes wide. My eyes resumed their natural color and my fangs slowly receded.


I'm your mate.” I told her.


For some reason, this struck her as funny. “What?”


We are married.”


This struck her as funny again. I found it agitating that she would find this amusing.


What do you mean we are married? We don't even know each other.”


In my world you know each other by spirit.”


She narrowed her eye brows and got up off the bed. “You sound crazy you know that? And to think I almost wanted to see you again.”


I'm not crazy, it's the truth. There is something else you should know.”


She glanced over at me, “What; That you're a vampire? I think we got that covered already, I mean it's not everyday that you see human beings sporting long canine like fangs, and sharp ones at that.”

Well, at-least you're not in complete denial about that.” I stated, following her to the door. For some reason, her energy began to make me sexually frustrated and I wanted to grab her right there.


She turned around to face me, shoving her feet into her boots, “How can I be when you just freaking ran a steak through this guy's heart and decapitated him? Not only that, but the bastard turned to ashes. That would be stupid to deny, wouldn't you think?”


I smiled at her and said, “I imagine so.”


Her gaze lingered on my mouth and I was once again filled with the desire to kiss her. She chose that moment to turn around and begin her decent down the stairs. I watched as her waist length hair moved along with the rest of her body as she continued talking, “So, what else do you have to tell me? Now that you and I are married, that should mean that I am a vampire too right?” Her tone was full of sarcasm. I cleared my throat, not sure how she was going to take the next bit of information. “Well, actually, we are married because our spirits have joined. However, you are in what we would call the Moonlighting phase.”


She stopped at the stairs and turned around to face me. It was then, with me being two stairs down from her, I noticed that she wasn't wearing a bra. Again, this ignited my desire for her and I really wanted to take that shirt off. I looked down at the rest of her outfit and was reminded that this is how she'd dressed when she was on the prowl, so therefore, it wasn't done for me, it was done because she'd wanted something. I felt the anger rekindle. Turning my eyes to her, I listened as she said, “You know, you are starting to sound like you are crazy. Vampire or not, it was just sex, that's all. I'm not married to you and I am not in any moon lighting phase.”


Her chest heaved up and down as she spoke. I leaned close to her face and said, “Odilia, I thought you were rational. You seemed like you had a good head on your shoulder. After all, you are going to school for medical science, right?”As soon as I said that, I regretted it.


How did you know that?” She stepped back away from me. My tone was extremely quiet, as I said, “I can read your thoughts.” She shook her head no, “Get away from me. Get away from me, now.”


It's the truth.” I stated. She started yelling then, “You are fucking crazy! Get the hell away from me.” She turned to run away from me and opened the door.


I yelled, “Damn it Odilia, you can't be out there by yourself, it isn't safe.” She didn't hear me, she just got in her car, started it up and took off.





I was so damn angry!


Furious is more like it. Either this guy was so damn crazy that he'd entered into another world, or...I wouldn't even allow myself to think down that road. I believed he was a vampire, but all that crap about me being his mate and about moonlighting and the mind reading thing? That was stupid. No other being could read someone else’s mind, so how could he? I grabbed one of many lingerie sets out of the closet an

d trekked off to the bathroom.


I willed myself to stop thinking of Stefan and vampires and moonlighting. what the hell was moon lighting anyway? Going to the shower, I twisted the knob to the center and pulled out. I stripped down and hopped in the shower. When the cool water hit my skin and hair, immediately I felt better. My hair drew up into curls all around my head. Taking my hands and running them through my hair, I divided the hair into three pieces and braided them in plaits around my hair. As I was doing this, it occurred to me that if Stefan couldn't read minds then how did he know that I was in that house, after all, only Marcus and I had been at his house.


At-least I think we were the only ones. I felt goose bumps go down my spine at the thought of Stefan being there through the whole ordeal. This saddened me but quickly I got over it as I grabbed the shampoo and squeezed a lot out over my hands. I grabbed the hair sectioned off and began squeezing it through my hair. What if what he said was true? I soaped up the rest of my hair and then rinsed it out. I put some conditioner on it and then just let the hair sit as I stepped away from the water to wash my body down.





As soon as I returned home, I called my sister and brothers in for a meeting. The only one who was my brother by birth was Lance. Van and Reina were brother and sister by blood swapping. This ensured us that we were able to keep in contact with one another. Seeing as how they were up as usual, they all came to the library without any real problem. I was rummaging through different books as they came in. Van was the first to arrive. Van was a little taller than I was at six five with shoulder length blonde hair and iced over hazel eyes. His eyes looked as if they were shrouded in a forever cold glare, when in reality, he was the more serious of us all.


He watched as I got several different books off the shelf. As I did this, he picked up a book. “ Krav Maga, self defense Techniques.”


Glancing up at me, he inquired, “What are you planning to do with all of this? I'm sure you can protect yourself just fine.”


I continued to look for one more book I had on Krav Maga. “It's the most practical way to defend yourself when you are being attacked. Israel have been using it for decades.” I stated, continuing my search.


“Israel has been using what for decades?” Reina inquired.


“Krav Maga.” Van replied.


“What are you doing? And what's the meeting for?” She wanted to know.


“She needs to learn self defense, and where is Lance? It shouldn't take him this long to get down here.


“I'm right here, little brother, what's going on?” Lance wanted to know as he strolled into the library, his curly hair wet and hanging in ringlets over his face from the shower he'd taken.


Reina groaned, “So, it's starting already? I thought it took three days before she would begin to start shadowing?”


Lance took the glasses he'd brought with him and placed them on the bridge of his nose, “What do you mean? She? Who's shadowing?”


Reina turned with a spark in her eye, “Our dear brother has found his mate, and from the looks of things, she's beginning to shadow.”


“What the hell?” Van stated, his tone ever serious. “Stefan I thought you were happy being single, what happened to that?”


“I was until I saw her. I felt a strong urge to have her.”


Lance saw this as comical, “Looks like your urges were too strong.”


I turned after finding the book for myself, I glared up at him, “Ha, ha, ha. At-least I won't be alone anymore.”


“Yeah, the only thing you have to worry about is keeping her alive.” Van replied sarcastically. He liked things the way they were. They didn't need mates. When ever they took a mate, it meant that should the mate die unexpectedly, so would the vampire. This, he didn't like. Not for him, not for Lance, not for Reina and sure as hell not for Stefan. He was the only one Van felt he could go to when he needed someone to talk to. Running his hands through his hair, Van asked, his tone tight, “So, now you want to break out all the self help books, right?”


I glanced over at him from the table, “She will need to read to understand the techniques of what I'm going to teach her. She needs to understand the art of self defense.”


Lance rolled his eyes at me, “Dear brother, it's nice that you plan ahead, but she only has one week to complete her transformation. There is no way she can learn what she needs from a book. She will need contact.” He stated.


“He's right, Stefan, you can't teach her anything from a book. Desperate times call for desperate measures.”


I felt Van's frustration over this. He glared at me, “Are you guys serious? Does anyone not see the big issue here? We went out for dancing, drinks and to have fun and our brother comes back telling us he's freaking mated. It makes me wonder if the poor girl was desperate herself or something, because that is a very serious commitment.”


Reina laughed, “Yeah, right, that girl didn't even know what he was doing. All she saw was a quick fix and what did he do. He obliged a little too eagerly.”


I was angry that they were talking like this but more so at myself for the decision I made. It was bad enough that my actions were done purely out of lust, but to make matters worse, she wasn't the right kind of girl for me, this I knew now that she wasn't in front of me, making me drool over her. Clenching my jaw tightly, I said, “Ok, yes, I may have messed up some, but I told her the truth, ok?”


They all turned to look at me. “When?”


“Last night,”


“And, her response?” This came from Lance.


“She called me crazy, although she did believe the part about me being a vampire.” I stated.


“Humans and their idiocy. How can she believe the vampire part but not the other?” Van questioned, his voice hard.


I sighed and placed my hands over my face, “She went out last night and I followed her to a club.”




“Well, I sort of ended up shoving a stake through some guy's heart and beheading him.”

Lance's eyes went wide, “Ouch. What did he do to deserve that?”


“He attacked her.”


Van was listening and found holes in his stories, “Wait a minute, I thought you said you followed her to a club?”


“I did.”


“So then what happened at the club?”


“She picked up some guy and they headed back to his place.”


Lance's loud laugh echoed through out the library.


“So, she's an club hopper, Oh, my god Stefan, did you link yourself to a street walker?”


I licked my lips feeling sickened at that thought.


“She's not a whore, Reina, just a little open with her sexuality.” I defended, but even as I said it, it sounded kind of dumb. As if knowing that, Lance broke out in another fit of laughter.


“Shut up Lance,” Van growled.


“Nicely done brother. First you screw her brains out and then you turn her, and now your life depends on whether she lives or not, how poetic. You take hers and now she has yours in the balance.”


I inhaled sharply and said, “I just wanted to let you guys know that she'd be coming here.”

Van and Reina glared at me, because they knew it meant that they would have to fight too.


“One week, that's all.” I stated.


Van threw the book in his hand down on the table and walked out of the room without so much as a look in my direction.


Lance stood up, stretched and said, “Well, let the games begin. Maybe I'll get to use that machete I bought five years ago.” He looked at me with a grin and said, “You sure know how to pick em Stefan, maybe I will let you pick my mate.” After saying this, he laughed again and shook his head, walking out. I was left alone with Reina. She didn't say anything, just exhaled sharply, grabbed me in her arms and ran her fingers over my hair. “You try too hard sometimes Stefan.”


“I don't know why I didn't see the realization that she did this on a regular basis. I don't know what came over me. Everything just felt so intense, so right. The way she responded and everything was enough to make me know that she was who I wanted.” I stated, still confused over my choice.


I heard Reina sigh behind me as she continued to stroke my forehead in a motherly fashion. “Dear brother, I'm sure there is more to her than meets the eye. Maybe you saw what she could be.”


I groaned and pulled away from her, “No. I saw what I wanted, not what I needed.” I took this time to take my leave.









Texte: Brandy Mundy
Lektorat: Brandy Mundy
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.07.2012

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Dedicated to my family and friends who gave me the idea to do something I've never done.

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